Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Python Network ProgrammingBuild Network automation tools" |
"The Python network programming course for network and IT engineers teaches how to perform network scripting and code your own network scripts and tools using Python and Scapy for different areas like network engineering, network scanning, penetration testing , Protocol testing and packet crafting. Starting from the fundamentals of packet crafting , the course explains how to craft packets with Scapy and how to integrate and automate it with Python to write your own network programs and tools. The course uses examples and projects where the actual working of the scripts along with detailed explanation of the code is provided."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Shoot A Perfect Self-Tape & Win That Audition" |
"This course is given to you by your instructors Bradley Watt & Joseph Mclaughlin, who have trained at one of Australia's most esteemed acting schools, full time for 3 years. They are going to give you the tips and tools you need to shoot the perfect self-tape & win that audition. It's broken down into 4 major modules:Getting StartedPreparationActing ExercisesPost-ProducitonWith more lessons being added constantly !"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Solidity Fundamentals: Learn Ethereum Blockchain Development" |
"In this course, you will learn how to build a smart contract with Solidity, the programming language for Ethereum. Solidity is a programming language for writing Smart Contracts. With Solidity, we can write applications that simulate a crowd funding campaign, a lottery, a loan, or any other type of financial instrument. This course teaches you how to build a simple contract-based application with Solidity.This course is meant for beginners with one specific goal. Students who are interested in how to program an Ethereum smart contract in solidity will get the chance to learn the fundamentals required to do that. Together we will learn and apply the Solidity syntax. Students will learn the basics of blockchain and smart contracts. You will then learn all about the Solidity ecosystem, including syntax and advanced concepts such as source mappings, then apply them to build your very first contract."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Sprint the Data Science Interview" |
"Data Science is a multidisciplinary which involves Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics and Domain Knowledge. Preparation for an interview in data science would require knowledge and expertise in a subset of the above disciplines. To summarize one would require skills on Algorithms, SQL, Probability, Statistics, Econometrics, Problem Solving, Machine Learning, Optimization, storytelling and presentation skills. In this course, I would cover few questions on Probability, Statistics and different aspects of Machine Learning. This course can act as a quick preparatory guide to kick start your preparation for a data science interview."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Deep Learning : Plunge into Deep Learning" |
"Interested in the field of Machine Learning and Deep Learning?Then this course is for you!This course is designed in a very simple and easily understandable content.You might have seen lots of buzz on deep learning and you want to figure out where to start and explore.This course is designed exactly for people like you!If basics are strong, we can do bigger things with ease.My focus in this course is to build complicated things starting from very basicsIn this course, I will cover the following thingsSession 1 Introductory material on Deep learning, its applications and significance.Session 2 - Introduces the fundamental building block of deep learningSession 3 Logistic Regression, Activation Functions, Perceptron, One Hot Encoding, XOR problem and Multi-Layer Perceptron modelsSession 4 Training of Neural Networks: Cross Entropy, Loss Function, Gradient descent Algorithm, Non-Linear Models, Feed Forward, Backward propagation, Overfitting problem, Early stopping, Regularization, drop out and Vanishing Gradient problem.Session 5 Convolution Neural Networks: Feature Extraction, Convolution Layer, Pooling Layer, Relu, Flattening and Deep Convolution Neural Networks.Session 6 Sequence Models: Recurrent Neural Networks, LSTMsAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Just some high school mathematics level.Who this course is for:Anyone interested in Machine Learning and Deep LearningStudents who have high school knowledge in mathematics and who want to start learning Deep LearningAny intermediate level people who know the basics of machine learning, who want to learn more advanced topics like deep learningAny students in college who want to start a career in Data ScienceAny data analysts who want to level up in Machine Learning and Deep LearningAny people who are not satisfied with their job and who want to become a Data ScientistAny people who want to create added value to their business by using powerful Learning toolsBuild a foundation on the principles of Deep Learning to understand the latest trends"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Golang: Learn Go Programming Language" |
"Welcome to this course on learning Go, the programming language from Google. In this course we will learn all about Go. We'll cover most of the language and learn many of the concepts that underlie this programming language.Go also known as Golang is an open source programming language developed by Google in 2007. Go makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.Go is a programming language with modern features, clean syntax and a robust well-documented common library, making it an ideal programming language to learn. Go can be used for anything, meaning developers who learn Go can use it wherever they want. Quite a few large companies are starting to make the switch over to Go and there are many that already use it for parts of their backend software. Some companies that use Go are: Facebook, Google, Github, 99designs and many more.This is a great course to jumpstart your learning journey with Go, whether you want to learn it for personal or professional reasons. This course touches on all of the basics so that you will have good understanding of the Go programming language."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mavic PRO DJI Segredos da Manuteno completa" |
"Saiba como executar qualquer manuteno no seu MavicPRO. Ferramentas, montagem, desmontagem, problemas mais comuns, segurana no vo, preservao do seu patrimnio e muito mais informaes para deix-lo capaz de realizar qualquer manuteno do seu drone, sem segredos.Mentoria, servio exclusivo para retirada de dvidas, acompanhamento profissional de empresa PIONEIRA no setor de drones no Brasil.No perca a oportunidade de conhecer melhor o seu drone e ser capaz de executar qualquer manuteno."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing 2019 - 10Xing Your Brand" |
"-- IN AUGUST 2019, WE ADDED SOME RESOURCES TO THIS COURSE. IT'S COMPLETELY UP TO DATE! --Instagram is a social tool boasting over 1 billion users - it's a fantastic way to market your business, and learning simple strategies to gain targeted followers can significantly increase your company's revenue.Through this course, you can learn how to easily:Connect with thousands of niche users, and convince them to become loyal, paying customers.Create an attractive business profile that converts users!Build long-term relationships with your community by producing consistent content.Use proven marketing skills to laser-focus on a niche of users.Instagram is a small time investment for a huge return in revenue and profits!Whether you're a beginner, a small business, or an influential Instagram profile with thousands of followers, our tricks and methods will allow you to significantly grow your Instagram following and increase your conversion rates!For the first time, we're publicly sharing some of our internal tips and tricks that we've used for our clients. We'll share our internal tools like the ""Like --> Hierarchy"", ""The Brandon Effect"", and more -- all instrumental to getting you the best possible following on Instagram.At $19.99, we're the cheapest Instagram marketing course on Udemy, and we can guarantee that we will have the most impact on your business. In fact, if you don't see a noticeable result in the following month of using our system to get more organic Instagram followers, we'll GIVE YOU YOUR MONEY BACK."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Soft Skills For A Better Tomorrow" |
"Soft Skillsare in high demand in the workplace. Companies want to hire employees who know how to work well with others in a team. They want employees who have strong communication skills, who are willing to be flexible with regard to tasks and who are able to provide leadership. Even if you have your own business, are an entrepreneur, coach, consultant, or freelancer, having well-developedSoft Skillsisessentialfor successful dealings with clients, customers and partners. This class is for everyone - no prior knowledge or experience is required. In this class, you will gain an understanding of whatSoft Skillsare (People Skills) and the surprising place where the term originated. You will also learn how you can apply these vital skillsin your interactions at work and in your personal relationships.What to expect: A one-stop shop for all of your Soft Skills development needs!In just 50 minutes, this course overviews 58 of the main Soft Skills sought after by Human Resources Departments and employers. That's just over 1 Soft Skill per minute! Each Soft Skill is clearly defined and distinguished from the others - complete with examples, so that you are able to discuss them in an informed fashion with others.The lists of individual Soft Skills are grouped together under larger headings such as: Communications, Leadership, Creativity, etc., making the information manageable.A PDF activity sheet is included to help you to keep track of the Soft Skills you already possess and would like to develop while watching the videos.By the end of this class, you will be able to say with absolute certainty what Soft Skills you possess and how they can benefit others. Identifying the Soft Skills that you would like to develop going forward gives you a leg up on future training goals!This is an ideal training film for both individuals and corporations.Soft Skills are the glue that holds networks together. Soft Skills really are for a Better Tomorrow!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data Science - Les Applications Dans le Domaine des Affaires" |
"Voulez-vous apprendre ce que rend la science des donnes plus prcieuse que jamais? De meilleures informations permettent la prise de meilleures dcisions, un meilleur ciblage et une meilleure recherche. Cest quelque chose dessentiel que les entreprises acquirent une meilleure comprhension concernant leurs clients actuels et les clients potentiels. La science des donnesest llment essentiel de cette ide, puisquelle offre une vue tendue sur les clients de la compagnie, savoir qui est cette clientle et comment elle pourrait se transformer au cours du temps.Lexpansion de la perspective de pense grande chelle cest une caractristique essentielle pour nimporte qui veut sassurer que sa compagnie prospre. La science des donnesest devenue un outil indispensable pour les spcialistes du marketing les plus expriments dans le monde des affaires. Lobtention dun avantage concurrentiel sur le march exige la comprhension complte et lapplication de la science des donnes.Je vais vous donner des tapes et des stratgies dmontres concernant la faon dutilisation de la science des donnes pour que la rentabilit et la satisfaction des clients augmentent. On va passer en revue les aspects principaux de lanalyse correcte des donnes, tout en employant des stratgies diverses que vous devez mettre en uvre dans le but dobtenir des rsultats prcis et bnfiques. Je vais vous offrir une comprhension claire, une approche pas pas afin de crer votre stratgie personnalise sur lemploi de la science des donnes. De mme, je vais vous guider pour apprendre comment vous pouvez assurer la scurit des donnes et respecter les droits la vie prive des clients. Ce cours est un guide complet et accessible vous offrant la meilleure faon de gagner des clients, de dpasser les concurrents et daugmenter vos profits en utilisant la science des donnes.Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours: Apprenez ce que cest la science des donnes et comment son utilisation peut dvelopper votre affaire Comprenez pourquoi la science des donnes est votre seul outil le plus efficace Limportance des dcisions daffaires bases sur les donnes Comment appliquer la science des donnes votre affaire Apprenez les algorithmes diffrents utiliss dans la science des donnes Comprenez comment les entreprises appliquent des types diffrents danalyses de donnes et comment vous pouvez choisir un type qui convient vos besoins et vos buts Comment vous pouvez crer une stratgie adquate base sur la science des donnes et vous suivez un plan simple daction Apprenez comment utiliser la science des donnes pour gagner lavantage concurrentiel Traitez les donnes comme un actif commercial Abordez les problmes daffaires dune perspective analytique axe sur les donnes Utilisez les techniques dexploration de donnes pour recueillir de bonnes donnes dans la faon la plus pertinente Les recommandations des logiciels et les applicationsInscrivez-vous maintenant et faites linvestissement le plus intelligent possible. Il sagit dun investissement en vous-mme, pour vos connaissances et pour le dveloppement de votre affaire."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Design para redes sociais. 07 Erros que voc precisa evitar." |
"Este treinamento voltado para todos que criam imagens para as redes sociais com o intuito de divulgar seus negcios, vender mais e criar uma marca de sucesso.A ideia central do curso trazer alguns insights para ajudar voc a evitar alguns erros bsicos cometidos na criao de postagens, que depreciam a imagem da sua empresa e dificultam as vendas.Vale lembrar, que postar sem qualidade tempo e perdido. Para voc ter sucesso na internet essencial que voc saiba criar imagens atraentes. E como voc tem muitas outras coisas para fazer no seu negcio, voc no pode perder muito tempo com isso. No mesmo?Inscreva-se agora, e entenda atravs destes 07 conceitos como otimizar o seu tempo e melhorar de forma significativa o design das suas postagens para que voc tenha muito mais resultados no seu negcio."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Curso de peluquera canina" |
"En este curso aprenders secretos de la peluquera canina de la mano de Hugo Pesquera, con una experiencia de mas de 20 aos en el mundo de la peluquera canina y la formacion de peluqueros.Veras lo sencillo y el gran provecho de una manera facil, que sacaras al curso, pudiendo adentrarte en este apasionante mundo, que el primero que estar feliz, ser tu propio perro"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"VMware vSAN Deploy and Manage 6.7 - Exam Questions : 2VB-601" |
"In this course, you will focus on deploying and managing a software-defined storage solution with VMware vSAN 6.7. You will learn how vSAN functions as an important component in the VMware software-defined data center. You will gain practical experience with vSAN concepts through the completion of hands-on lab exercises. With real question and answersCourse ObjectivesBy the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives: Describe the vSAN architecture Identify vSAN features and use cases Configure vSAN networking components Configure a vSAN cluster Deploy virtual machines on a vSAN datastore Configure virtual machine storage policies Perform ongoing vSAN management tasks Outline the tasks for upgrading to vSAN 6.6 Configure vSAN encryption Control vSAN resynchronization tasks Create and manage nested fault domains Use the vSAN health service to monitor health and performance Configure a stretched cluster and observe failover scenarios Describe vSAN interoperability with VMware vSphere features and other products Plan and design a vSAN cluster"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Power of Paradigms: Learn to Create Massive Paradigm Shifts" |
"Learn how to shift your paradigms in 5 simple steps without the frustration of uncertainty!Have you ever wondered why people with superior knowledge and skillsconsistent get inferior results? Allow me to explain why!The Power of Paradigms ~ Early in life, we form paradigms as we are fed information through various channels. While an adult has both, a conscious and subconsciousmind, we are not born that way. Infants are born with what is often referred to as the reptilian brain which houses the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is developed over time as the subconscious is fed a variety of information.The information that the subconscious mind receives will set up certain beliefs and assumptions about how the world works, and it is these beliefs and assumptions that will dictate how a person responds to every situation in life. It will determine if they face life as a victim believing that life is happening to them, rather than believing that life is actually responding to them. These paradigms are so powerful that they govern all of human activity literally programming how we live our lives.Some operate from a paradigm that life will pay whatever price they ask of it, when they ask intelligently, with specificity and purpose. Because they believe this, they go after the things in life they want without being bound to mental limitations that tell them they cannot have it."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"C Programming In-Depth For Beginners - Interview Perspective" |
"Did you anytime Programmed a Computer ? If NO than C is basic fundamental Programming Language to start with.Learning C will lead you to be good Programmer for other languages too as all other languages are based on core fundamental C Language.Its great Language to Add Plus Point to Your Resume.Learning C will pay you more in today's IT Industry both value and money wise.Why learn C ?C is basic fundamental language to all other languages.Beside other languages that are C++, C Sharp, Java, Javascript, Ruby, Python etc. have come in the market, still C is shinning, running and most important on-demand language being continued till Now.Though C is simple it is one of the most Powerful Language ever created. It was created many years ago, it is still used heavily and is in topmost list of Programming Language.Learning C will lead you to learn other Programming Languages like C++, C sharp, Java etc. very fast as C is basic fundamental language to all other languages.With learning all the C Concepts in addition to learning CPU architecture, memory space and various algorithms, you will be able to create efficient programs and will be in competitor list of good programmer in this IT Industry.You will be able to crack any interview and will shine in this IT Industry as C is on-demand language.Why enrolling this Course is best decision you can makeBy the end of this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge of C from scratch.Will get rid to write C Programs from simple to complex one.Will be able to develop skill power logical and verbal wise too.Will develop you as Core Programming Developer to other languages i.e. C++, C sharp, Java etc. and hence will lead to your growth and shine in career.Will be able to crack any interview in today's IT Industry.Please Note:This Course will cover all basic concepts of C with not only covering ""how to code in C language"" but also putting light on details ""Why it is required and How important it is"" so that your all concepts will be cleared from scratch and you can crack any interview giving technical answers covering all the points."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Learn C# professionally from zero" |
"When I started to program, I was always looking for a way to become a programmer not just a coder. Fortunately I succeeded up to where I could. In my videos you learn what you write, how to write, what are the rules and how to be professional from beginning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Arduino desde cero Modulo 1" |
"En este curso Aprenders a manejar el lenguaje de programacin en Arduino con ejemplos sencillos y fciles de entender, desde los Bsico hasta un poco Avanzado, ademas de uno que otro proyecto hecho con Arduino para ayudarte con algunos temas complejos que te puedan ayudar a resolver ciertos factores en programas que realices."
Price: 2970.00 ![]() |
"The Triathlon Swimming Blueprint" |
"Welcome to The TriathlonSwimming Blueprint!The Triathlon Swimming Blueprint is an ALL-INCLUSIVE system for learning how to swim properly, improve swimming technique, and train your fitness in the pool so that you can dominate any triathlon you want from a Sprint to an Ironman.The program includes over an hour and a half of 1080p video instruction as well as over twenty of the most advanced and effective swimming drills that the experts are using to improve their front crawl. Inside, we dive into:- The reason why most swimmers try to learn to swim for triathlons and fail miserably- The real reason youre so sluggish in the water- Why the top 10% of swimmers arent grinding out a thousand laps every time they hit the pool deck- The scientifically proven ""Swimming Fearless"" method of learning to swim that has worked for hundreds of swimmers before you- Advanced technique ANYONE can use to master front crawl- Over two dozen professionally designed workouts for training, no matter the skill level- Access to our private Facebook Group where you can harness the power of a community of athletes learning to improve their stroke- And much, much more...The program is composed of four parts.The Basics: The A-ZMethod for any non-swimmer to learn how to swim and for beginners to review swimming basics.The Technique:Over 20+advanced drills and techniques for front crawl mastery.The Fitness: The most efficient method to gaining triathlon level endurance in the water.The Workouts:Over two dozen professionally designed swimming workouts for and triathlon training level.If you have any questions... message us using the Udemy Direct Messaging utility and we will see if we can answer any questions you have about the program!Hope to see you inside the group!Disclaimer of results:Results require hard work and dedication to the program. Should you struggle to achieve results or are not happy with the product, Udemy does offer a 30 day money back guarantee. I encourage you to contact me within the Udemy messaging platform first however, so that I may provide you with additional guidance if you are having any difficulties with the course material."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Excel VBA (Makro) Eitimi" |
"Bu kurs iki blmden olumaktadr. 1. blmde Visual Basic dili, bu dilde kullanlan deyim ve komutlar , user form eleri anlatlmtr. kinci blmde ise Visual basic ierisinde excel'in kendi deyim ve komutlar anlatlm; daha sonra VBA ve Excel kullanlarak esnek ve faydal programlar yaplmtr.bu kurs ierii ve konular itibariyle geni bir kurs olup Excel VBA ile ilgili farkl farkl eitim paketleri almaya gerek yoktur.Kurs ierii rnek asndan srekli genileyecektir.retmem olmamdan dolay rencilerime daha kolay ulatm dnyorum. Aklnza kkte olsa bir soru geldii zaman ekinmeden sorup ksa zamanda cevap alabilirsiniz.Excelde iinizle ilgili gereinden fazla zaman harcyorsanz, Fazla mesai yapmak zorunda kalyorsanz, altnz halde mdrlerinize tatmin edici sonular retemiyorsanz bu kurs size zm olabilir.ANCAKUNUTMAYINIZ! PROGRAMLAMA RENMEK PROGRAMLAMAYI SEVMEKLE BALAR. BALANGI AAMASINDA HARCADIINIZ ZAMANIN OK DAHA FAZLASI SZE HIZLI VE DORU RAPORLAMA OLARAK GER DNECEKTR.MDDEN Y ALIMALAR."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso Prtico Oxigenoterapia" |
"Primeiro e nico Curso Bsico de Oxigenioterapia na Prtica destinado a Profissionais de Sade, principalmente Fisioterapeutas, Mdicos, Fonoaudilogos e Enfermeiros que precisam diferenciar as formas de utilizao em Oxigenioterapia e seus componentes. O Profissional saber eleger o melhor mtodo para oxigenar seu pacientes e as nomenclaturas adequadas dos componentes utilizados na rotina Hospitalar e Home Care. Saber como montar os componentes mais utilizados na rotina Hospitalar, como um Catter Nasal ou uma mscara de Nebulizao. Alm disso, saber a montagem correta de um inalador e suas indicaes."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Eliminating Writer's Block #1 - Judgment" |
"Judgments - negative opinions about ourselves and our writing - are one of the Three Key Elements that create Writer's Block. Even if our writing is great and people love it, we may still be hampered by judgments, which can stop our writing from flowing easily. Created by psychologist Luke La Vie, this course assists anyone writing in any field - academic, legal, research or creative. The training examines the seven major problems that judgment causes for our writing, as well as providing specific proven solutions.Specifically, you will learn: What Writer's Block isWhy anyone can be affected by it at any timeHow it switches our brain into a different gear and why this impairs our ability to writeSeven significant problems that judgment and negative thinking cause for our writing:Struggling with the wrong wordsTrouble getting startedFear of taking risksLack of inspiration and ideasFeeling stuckFinding the right way to say somethingDissatisfaction with our work and lack of motivationSix vital solutions that eliminate writer's blockEvery lecture in the course has practical exercises that ensure you learn powerful solutions. The result? You will be able to write freely and easily again. Your instructor, Luke La Vie, has over a decade's experience working as a psychologist and assisting people. You will be able to ask questions and will be well-supported with any concerns."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Eliminating Writer's Block #2 - Negative Emotions" |
"Negative emotions and life stresses are one of the Three Key Elements that create Writer's Block. While we may want to write, often if our system is processing or dealing with emotions then this is difficult. Created by psychologist Luke La Vie, this course assists anyone writing in any field - academic, legal, research or creative. The training examines the seven major problems that negative emotions cause for our writing. We also implement and fine-tune specific proven solutions to eliminate the writer's block that can result from these problems.Specifically, you will learn:What Writer's Block is, how it is related to changes in brain processing and why it can affect anyone at any timeSeven problems that are related to negative emotions that create writer's blockToo upset to writeCant properly focusRegular, daily life stresses i.e. a rough day at workBig, critical stressors i.e. relationship break-up, job loss, deathDistractionLack of ideasFeelings of stressEvery lecture in the course has practical exercises that ensure you learn powerful solutions. The result? You will be able to write freely and easily again. Your instructor, Luke La Vie, has over a decade's experience working as a psychologist and assisting people. You will be able to ask questions and will be well-supported with any concerns."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Eliminating Writer's Block #3 - Expectations" |
"Expectations are one of the Three Key Elements that create Writer's Block. Even if our writing is great and people love it, we may still be hampered by expectations of progress, time pressures, deadlines and other expectations, which can stop our writing from flowing easily. Created by psychologist Luke La Vie, this course assists anyone writing in any field - academic, legal, research or creative. The training examines the six major problems that Expectations causes for our writing, as well as providing specific proven solutions.Specifically, you will learn: What Writer's Block isWhy anyone can be affected by it at any timeHow it switches our brain into a different gear and why this impairs our ability to writeSeven significant problems that expectations cause for our writing:Time PressuresDeadlinesLack of motivationLack of inspiration and ideasDistractions and procrastinationDissatisfaction with our workMore than eight vital solutions that eliminate writer's blockEvery lecture in the course has practical exercises that ensure you learn powerful solutions. The result? You will be able to write freely and easily again. Your instructor, Luke La Vie, has over a decade's experience working as a psychologist and assisting people. You will be able to ask questions and will be well-supported with any concerns."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 Amazingly Simple Ways to Lose Weight & Be Healthier" |
"Are you struggling to lose weight? Want to reshape your body and improve your quality of life?This course is designed to provide you with a simple plan to reach your weight loss and fitness goals. The steps outlined in this course are basic, yet incredibly effective.Youll know what foods you need to avoid and why. Youll learn about healthy habits that will improve your quality of life. Youll learn how to overcome the obstacles you encounter along the way. The time to act is now. You deserve to live a healthier, more fulfilling life. Start improving your health and losing weight by joining the course today."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Airbnb - get more bookings of 30+ days [full guide]" |
"Get more bookings, have fewer guests - the Airbnb monthly rentals modelAirbnb is a hospitality business. But vacation rentals and short term guests are not the only way for a host to run an airbnb business. Did you know Airbnb has a platform for month long rentals? Google airbnb sublets and youll see. The signs are here. Airbnb in changing. Most hosts have seen more and more listings going up in their area, and a different kind of guest coming in (or simply fewer guest altogether). This has created a new set of challenges for all hosts, new and experienced.Some hosts are finding that the number of reservations has really dropped off.New hosts who are thinking about Airbnb for the future or just finding their feet are looking for guidance in a difficult marketplaceExperienced hosts are looking for a more passive model (that has been buried under the increasing professionalisation of the business) so they can choose how involved they are in the day-to-dayAt the same time, Airbnb as a platform is adapting to a different kind of guest. These guests are freelancers, remote workers, people in between permanent homes. They are people looking to book for a month or more. This type of guest can be really attractive for airbnb hosts.Fewer guests means less work and more passive income for hostsLong-term guests are more careful with your property, and in their relationship with you They book for the off-seasonIts win-win; you can offer them a steep discount and still make a great profit But long-term airbnb guests are risk averse. Put yourself in their position. They are booking for a month or more. They wont just look and book. Where they stay will determine a lot of their life experience for the months that they are there.They have different needs to short term rentals or vacation rentals. They want to see that their needs are met. And that the price is fair. If youre going to attract them, the fundamental challenge for you as a host is this:Developing an inside-out knowledge of how long-term rentals work, in your particular case, with the property you have and the guests you can attract. It takes work to do this. There are some important changes to implement in your airbnb business. With this course you can break the challenge down into 5 parts. Each part relates to an already familiar part of your work as a host. Youll learn more about:Guests - Who long-term guests are and what they wantHospitality - How to make them feel at home in your property (true hospitality!)Pricing - How to set a win-win priceListing - how to optimise your listing for increased conversionsMarketing - how to get the word out about the great offer youre makingI was ready to be among the first to make these changes in my native Italy. I think this was for 2 reasons:Ive travelled the world working remotely - Ive experienced long-term rentals as a guestIve worked in apartment rentals for the last 17 years and Ive had an airbnb business for the past 3Over the years, Ive collected this mix of experience as both guest and host. This is something that lead Wired to write about me and my work, and the TTG International Hotel Exhibition to invite me to speak on the topic of hacking Airbnb. Ive been teaching hosts in Italy how to adapt for month-long bookings and now, with this English language version of the course, hosts everywhere can learn what Ive found to work. Heres what youll do in this course so you see more 30+ day bookings come in:Youll perform a quick check to see if the opportunity is right for you. Its free in the videos below. Itll take max. 10 minutes and will give you an idea if its worth spending more time doing a proper assessment of your pricing (which is also free to you). Youll understand why long-term rentals are a good deal for you, for your guests and for the future of your businessYoull follow a step-by-step process for setting a win-win price thatll provide you a decent passive income and offer a great deal to your guest. (Also free, for a limited period of time.)Youll discover everything you need to know about how to make long-term guests feel truly at home in your property (which is so important for those 5* reviews)Youll find out the most cost-effective ways to get your property ready for long-term guestsYoull optimise your listing so potential guests can see everything they need to know and actually click BookYoull decide if you want to try one of our suggested optional strategies for actively marketing your property.You can see what the hosts Ive worked with in Italy have to say:Luisa - I followed Lucas courses despite having worked in the sector for 10 years and I find them useful - some parts are illuminating even! Luca explains so clearlyAnnalisa - I took several of Lucas courses and honestly, right now, Im doing pretty well [...] Theres so much information that I would have had trouble finding myself, and here its all together which is a huge advantage! [...] For me his courses have been extremely useful!So if youre curious about what this course can do for you then try the quick check. Its worth 10 minutes of your time to see if this idea can really change your business.If that works out, then skip the module on why long-term rentals are a good deal for you. Its important to understand, but you can do it later. First check that you have a good chance of making more money with long-term rentals. Do the module on Setting a Win-Win price.If that works out, then I know Ill be seeing you in the course soon enough. Good luck with the work!Luca"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"IBM Infosphere Datastage v11.3 Certification - Practice Test" |
"This course covers the topics fromIBMDatastage11.3 Certification point of view. ConfigurationData TransformationDatabasesJob ComponentsJob Control and Runtime ManagementJob DesignJob Management and DeploymentMetadataMonitor and TroubleshootParallel ArchitecturePersistent StorageIf you are not clear on any of the topics, please gather needed information and prepare on the topic. Please do not skip any topics mentioned above. Gain good confidence and be a Certified professional. Happy learning and all the best for your certification."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
C++ |
"C++ . , C++, . , , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCIE Security Bootcamp-Cisco ASA,Firepower,Cisco ISE,ESA,WSA" |
"Amazing Course that will take you from Zero to hero in Cisco Security and it is in a short time. In this course I will cover the explanation of all CCIESecurity Parts in an easy and simple way. I will make it very prolific as well as very focused to the main deep understanding of the technologies ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Machine Learning 2020Python, MathDummy To Pro" |
"Humans learn from past experience, so why not machine learn as well?Hello there,If the word 'Machine Learning' baffles your mind and you want to master it, then this Machine Learning course is for you.If you want to start your career in Machine Learning and make money from it, then this Machine Learning course is for you.If you want to learn how to manipulate things by learning the Math beforehand and then write a code with python, then this Machine Learning course is for you.If you get bored of the word 'this Machine Learning course is for you', then this Machine Learning course is for you.Well, machine learning is becoming a widely-used word on everybody's tongue, and this is reasonable as data is everywhere, and it needs something to get use of it and unleash its hidden secrets, and since humans' mental skills cannot withstand that amount of data, it comes the need to learn machines to do that for us.So we introduce to you the complete ML course that you need in order to get your hand on Machine Learning and Data Science, and you'll not have to go to other resources, as this ML course collects most of the knowledge that you'll need in your journey.We believe that the brain loves to keep the information that it finds funny and applicable, and that's what we're doing here in SkyHub Academy, we give you years of experience from our instructors that have been gathered in just one an interesting dose.Our course is structured as follows:An intuition of the algorithm and its applications.The mathematics that lies under the hood.Coding with python from scratch.Assignments to get your hand dirty with machine learning.Learn more about different Python Data science libraries like Pandas, NumPy & Matplotlib. Learn more about different Python Machine learning libraries like SK-Learn & Gym.The topics in this course come from an analysis of real requirements in data scientist job listings from the biggest tech employers. We'll cover the following: Simple Linear RegressionMultiple Linear RegressionPolynomial RegressionLasso RegressionRidge RegressionLogistic RegressionK-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN)Support Vector Machines (SVM)Kernel SVMNaive BayesDecision Tree ClassificationRandom Forest ClassificationEvaluating Models' PerformanceHierarchical ClusteringK-Means ClusteringPrinciple Component Analysis (PCA)Pandas (Python Library for Handling Data)Matplotlib (Python Library for Visualizing Data)Note: this course is continuously updated ! So new algorithms and assignments are added in order to cope with the different problems from the outside world and to give you a huge arsenal of algorithms to deal with. Without any other expenses.And as a bonus, this course includesPython code templates which you can download and use on your own projects."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"C# le Temel Seviyeden- leri Seviye Programlama" |
"Merhaba, ncelikle senin gibi deerli rencilerim iin zenle hazrlam olduum C# kursuna hogeldin! Bu kurs ile rencilerimi C# dilini temel seviyeden, ileri seviyeye karmak iin alacam. C# Kursunda reneceklerin;1)Giri Blm(Visual Studio genel bak)2)Form zellikleri3)Sabitler-Deikenler4)MessageBox kullanm5)Tr Dnmleri6)Visual Studio temel aralar7)Operatrler8)Hata Ayklama(try-Catch)9)Karar Yaplar10)Dngler11)Extra aralar12)Diziler13)Koleksiyonlar14)Dialogs Pencereleri15)Extra yaplar16)SQL Server lemleri17)C# le SQL Server lemleri18)Personel uygulamasSevgiyle, Ali Rza YALINKAYA:))"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Communicate Like a Millionaire" |
"Over 14 years helping leaders, executives and entrepreneurs communicate their ideas effectivelyOver 14 years helping Organizations double and triple their sales by mastering the communication messages to customers. Over 14 years helping Organizations transform their culture through mastering communication messages to their leaders and employees. Worked in Customer Service and Sales Transformation with the biggest international brands such as KFC, Pizza Hut, Hardee's, Costa Coffee, On The Run, and much more. Author of the best-Seller book ""The Secret Compass""Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Trainer - who have the best NLP programs for sales people and entrepreneurs. Speaker at international stages Organization Development and Sales Mastery expert and thought leader. Before you read any further, lets thank technology for making it easier for us to connect now. And let me ask you a question, whatever device you are using to read this course intro now, what do you think the #1 reason behind the success of the brand or the device you are using right now? Is it the innovation of the product only, or something else was there to support the innovation? The #1 reason behind success in life is communication. It is what makes you successful, what makes you happy and even what makes you a great leader, partner, father, mother or whatever you want in life.The How to Communicate like a Millionaire course helps you solve the problem of not being able to communicate your ideas, dreams and thoughts to others. If you are feeling stuck in your life and your career as a result of not being a great communicator and you want to feel free, successful and wealthy, then this course is for you!The How to Communicate like a Millionaire course will walk you through a step-by-step process to communicate your ideas and thoughts in a successful way and achieve success and wealth through communicating them, including key insights and actionable steps on:Have very high level of self awareness.Understand and engineer your belief system.Destroy all your limiting beliefs and install new empowering beliefs.Understand and master the 7Fs in communication.Know and master the 3 Door-stairs toward breakthrough.Know the Ultimate answer for the most important universal question in life and have a way to breakthrough in life. Being able to communicate effectively in all areas of your life. Having and crafting your own ""Ultimate Success Blueprint"" (USB) - This can transform your life in less than 24 hours. Have a clear Life Purpose and be able to communicate it with others. Understand the difference between Laws and Rules.Understand the Six Basic Psychological Needs and how to use them in communication for breakthrough.Understand the 3Cs of communicating ideas, thoughts and dreams. Having ready-made scripts for introducing yourself to others. Having ready-made scripts for introducing your ideas, thoughts and dreams to others. Understand the law of Supply and how to use it to breakthrough in life. Master the Idea Generating Method (IGM) - You can be an ideas generating machine. Master A.I.D.A technique in communication and selling ideas and dreams. In short, you will be a communication mastery who can achieve profit and prosperity through communication. When weve finished this journey together, you will experience great ability and freedom in communicating your ideas and dreams with others."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |