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"Excel Chart (Excel for Data Visualization)" |
"Microsoft Excel 2013 Dashboard"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Learn Python Programming: Step-by-Step Tutorial" |
"Upgrade your Career with the Masterclass in Python by Pramod Pal, designed at the Silicon-Valley of India - Bangalore. The course that has been taking the IT district of Bangalore by storm is now online for you.Be an experienced coder or just a newbie to Computer Science, this masterclass can zoom you to an effective level, step-by-step in matter of weeks.After successfully completing the course you will be able to:Automate the monotonous actionsScrape the web to find what there on pagesCreate and handle databases applicationsUse it for your Data-Science projectsGet initiated into AI & Machine LearningUpgrade from your current computer skills to launch your Python based career, conveniently, through this Master-Class. We want to help you crack the code of the fastest growing computer science language - Python - with fun.What students have told us about this course.""Nice course, Very well explained for beginners""""Well explained. I am getting interest by learning this way.""""Great teacher""""This course is one of the top 5 Udemy courses and your teaching style makes you one of the top 5 Udemy instructors"""
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Google Search Console: Step-by-Step Tutorial" |
"This is a complete course on Google search console. You will learn each option in detail. This course will help you to analyze problems in the website and you will learn how to fix it. You will learn how to improve the visibility of the website in the search engine, just by doing few things. Students will learn about sitemap, web crawler, HTTP status codes and many more topics.This course is designed for the people who wants their website on the top of Google search result."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Google My Business: Step-by-Step Tutorial" |
"This is a complete course on Google my business tool. In this course you you will learn how to add a business to Google, how to share your latest news, events, or offers so that customers know whats happening and when.You will learn how customers are interacting with your business profile. How did people find you? Where are they coming from? Start a conversation with your customers by responding directly to reviews. How to deal with fake and negative reviews.You will also learn how to create a free business website (Subdomain) in minutes.This course also cover about Google Adwords Express. You will learn how to create an ad to get more customers who are looking for the services you provide."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
samsebetelohranitel |
", , , - ., , , , , . , . , ? ? ? "" "" - , Krav Maga Ukraine Krav Group International. : "" "", "" "", "" "", "" , "" "", "" "", "" "" ""."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How To Trade Forex Like The Pros" |
"Beginner to independent trader, in this course you will learn the following:- Forex Basics- Types of traders- Currency Pairs- Pips- Lot Sizes- Types of charts- Candle sticks- Candle stick examples- Support & resistance- Zones- Trend lines- Top down analysis- 7 Deadly sins as a trader- Risk management - 3 trading stratagies (Scalping,Intraday,EndOfDay)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Autocad Esencial 2D: Profesional" |
"Caractersticas fundamentales y tcnicas precisas de AutoCAD para crear, editar e imprimir dibujos en 2D. Presentar los planos visualmente detallados. Se ensea desde cero.Impartido por Instructores certificados por Autodesk con mas de 18 aos de experiencia. La metodologa aplicada facilita la comprensin del 100% de los conceptos. Cada curso est formado por diferentes mdulos temticos que a travs de videos, paso a paso, cubren de forma visual y prctica todo el contenido. A travs de este curso se pretende lograr la superacin y mejoramiento continuo para que incremente su rentabilidad y competitividad."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Autocad Intermedio 3D: Profesional" |
"Caractersticas y comandos en 3D para llegar a ser ms fructfero creando, anotando e imprimiendo dibujos en 2D y 3D.Impartido por Instructores certificados por Autodesk con mas de 18 aos de experiencia. La metodologa aplicada facilita la comprensin del 100% de los conceptos. Cada curso est formado por diferentes mdulos temticos que a travs de videos, paso a paso, cubren de forma visual y prctica todo el contenido. A travs de este curso se pretende lograr la superacin y mejoramiento continuo para que incremente su rentabilidad y competitividad."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Autocad Productivo Render: Profesional" |
"Caractersticas y comandos avanzados en 3D y tcnicas para generar renderizados, animaciones (efectos y videos virtuales) y fotorealismo usando materiales, texturas, escenas, luces, cmaras.Impartido por Instructores certificados por Autodesk con mas de 18 aos de experiencia. La metodologa aplicada facilita la comprensin del 100% de los conceptos. Cada curso est formado por diferentes mdulos temticos que a travs de videos, paso a paso, cubren de forma visual y prctica todo el contenido. A travs de este curso se pretende lograr la superacin y mejoramiento continuo para que incremente su rentabilidad y competitividad."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Corel Draw desde Cero a Experto" |
"Dibujo vectorial. Creacin desde simples logotipos hasta complejas ilustraciones profesionales, rtulos, folletos, tarjetera, vallas publicitarias y ms. Herramientas y efectos para crear y editar grficos de alta calidad y visualmente impresionantes.La metodologa aplicada facilita la comprensin del 100% de los conceptos. Cada curso est formado por diferentes mdulos temticos que a travs de videos, paso a paso, cubren de forma visual y prctica todo el contenido. A travs de este curso se pretende lograr la superacin y mejoramiento continuo para que incremente su rentabilidad y competitividad."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop desde Cero a Experto" |
"Editar fotos o imgenes para tratar, manipular, realizar diferentes efectos impactantes. Podr transformarlas y retocarlas a nivel de pxel con un sin fn de posibilidades.La metodologa aplicada facilita la comprensin del 100% de los conceptos. Cada curso est formado por diferentes mdulos temticos que a travs de videos, paso a paso, cubren de forma visual y prctica todo el contenido. A travs de este curso se pretende lograr la superacin y mejoramiento continuo para que incremente su rentabilidad y competitividad."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Illustrator desde Cero a Experto" |
"Dibujo vectorial para creacin artstica profesional orientada a todo lo relacionado con Ilustracin, composicin grfica, editorial, publicidad, videos, mucho ms.La metodologa aplicada facilita la comprensin del 100% de los conceptos. Cada curso est formado por diferentes mdulos temticos que a travs de videos, paso a paso, cubren de forma visual y prctica todo el contenido. A travs de este curso se pretende lograr la superacin y mejoramiento continuo para que incremente su rentabilidad y competitividad."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Project: Gerencia Planificacin de Proyectos" |
"Diseo de un proyecto base, introduccin de data y mantenimiento. Implementacin, desarrollo y seguimiento. Anlisis de variables que se producen durante la ejecucin real del proyecto con respecto a la programacin inicial.La metodologa aplicada facilita la comprensin del 100% de los conceptos. Cada curso est formado por diferentes mdulos temticos que a travs de videos, paso a paso, cubren de forma visual y prctica todo el contenido. A travs de este curso se pretende lograr la superacin y mejoramiento continuo para que incremente su rentabilidad y competitividad."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk INVENTOR Esencial: Profesional" |
"Diseo conceptual y mecnico en 3D ms utilizado. Generador de slidos, ensambles, planos isomtricos, despieces, impresin. Sheet Metal. Design Acelerator (engranajes, levas, poleas, ejes, etc). Inventor Fusin. Organizacin del proyecto. Libreras normalizadas.La metodologa aplicada facilita la comprensin del 100% de los conceptos. Cada curso est formado por diferentes mdulos temticos que a travs de videos, paso a paso, cubren de forma visual y prctica todo el contenido. A travs de este curso se pretende lograr la superacin y mejoramiento continuo para que incremente su rentabilidad y competitividad."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk INVENTOR Avanzado: Profesional" |
"Diseo conceptual y mecnico en 3D. Resistencia materiales, esfuerzos, anlisis estructuras. Simulacin dinmica. Tuberas, Soldaduras. Inventor Studio. Migracin de data desde AutoCAD o Mechanical Desktop hasta INVENTOR y viceversa.La metodologa aplicada facilita la comprensin del 100% de los conceptos. Cada curso est formado por diferentes mdulos temticos que a travs de videos, paso a paso, cubren de forma visual y prctica todo el contenido. A travs de este curso se pretende lograr la superacin y mejoramiento continuo para que incremente su rentabilidad y competitividad."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Solidworks: Profesional" |
"Diseo mecnico en 3D fcil de manejar. Creacin de slidos, ensamblajes, vistas explosionadas, toolbox (librera de piezas). Capacidad de ser asociativo y paramtrico de forma bidireccional. Simulacin, gestin de proyectos, presentacin y de anlisis.La metodologa aplicada facilita la comprensin del 100% de los conceptos. Cada curso est formado por diferentes mdulos temticos que a travs de videos, paso a paso, cubren de forma visual y prctica todo el contenido. A travs de este curso se pretende lograr la superacin y mejoramiento continuo para que incremente su rentabilidad y competitividad."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"After Effects desde Cero a Experto" |
"Principalmente utilizado para la creacin de grficos en movimiento y efectos visuales en cinematografa y produccin televisiva. Permite a los usuarios animar, alterar y componer medios 2D y 3D. Adobe After Effects es una herramienta que nos permite trabajar usando composiciones es uno de los programas ms avanzados y usados por profesionales como animadores publicistas diseadores entre otros as como tambin en la etapa de postproduccin para cine y televisin con l podemos hacer uso de diferentes tipos de recurso integrar vdeos imgenes o grficos en 3D.Permitindonos aprovechar las propiedades de los diferentes formatos como lo es el uso de capas canales que en conjunto con las herramientas de Adobe After Effects no va a permitir realizar cualquier tipo de trabajo audiovisual en este curso.Aprendern a trabajar con las herramientas esenciales que le permitan llevar a cabo cualquier tipo de proyecto tanto personal como profesional.La metodologa aplicada facilita la comprensin del 100% de los conceptos. Cada curso est formado por diferentes mdulos temticos que a travs de videos, paso a paso, cubren de forma visual y prctica todo el contenido. A travs de este curso se pretende lograr la superacin y mejoramiento continuo para que incremente su rentabilidad y competitividad."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk MAYA: Profesional" |
"El curso Maya de animacin, modelado, simulacin y renderizacin en 3D ofrece a los realizadores un completo conjunto de herramientas creativas. Estas herramientas suponen un punto de partida para hacer realidad su visin en el modelado, la animacin, la iluminacin y los efectos visuales.Si te apasiona el 3D y quieres iniciarte en el modelado de objetos y personajes, es fundamental que domines Autodesk Maya. Aqu aprenders desde cero, viendo tcnicas para modelar personajes, crear materiales y luces y renderizar la escena. Te familiarizars con el entorno de trabajo. Te empezars a mover por el software aprendiendo dnde se organizan los mens y herramientas. Crears tu primera cmara y primer objeto en 3D. Aprenders a usar la lnea del tiempo.Modelado orgnico de personajesCreacin de controlesCreacin de helicpteroAnimacinRenderizando VideoOrganizars una escena y aprenders a limpiar la geometra en Maya. Vers y entenders las formas de suavizados en 3D y aprenders a usar los pinceles para esculpir tu primer personaje, de forma sencilla.La metodologa aplicada facilita la comprensin del 100% de los conceptos. Cada curso est formado por diferentes mdulos temticos que a travs de videos, paso a paso, cubren de forma visual y prctica todo el contenido. A travs de este curso se pretende lograr la superacin y mejoramiento continuo para que incremente su rentabilidad y competitividad."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Facebook zakelijk voor ondernemers + GRATIS livetraining" |
"GAAT DEZE TRAINING VOOR MIJ WERKEN?Je krijgt direct een inzicht wat er allemaal mogelijk is met Facebook voor jouw bedrijf. Naast de training in Huissen* heb je ook toegang tot+/- 20 instructie-films, die je online kunt bekijken middels je smartphone, tablet, computer of laptop. Om deze reden is deze training geschikt voor zowel beginners als gevorderden.WELKE ONDERWERPEN KOMEN TIJDENS DEZE TRAINING VOORBIJ? Het maken van een content-planning Adverteren voor een winnende doelgroep De berucht Facebook-pixel Inspiratie voor het schrijven van posts Wanneer moet je jouw posts publiceren? Winnende posts uit de praktijk!Tips voor: het maken van Facebook-wedstrijden (inclusief bespreken software) het maken van een Facebook-quiz voor jouw fans het gebruik van gratis ontwerpsoftware voor je FB-afbeeldingenEn veel meer!WAT KOST DEZEGOLD-TRAINING?Slechts 149,- per persoon. Voor dit bedrag heb je tevens een jaar lang toegang tot ALLE Facebook-trainingen van Jacarrino in Huissen.Stel, jij hebt deze Facebook-training aangeschaft.In dat geval mag je binnen het jaar alle Facebook trainingen in Huissen bezoeken, zonder bijkomende kosten!GEEN TIJD OF ZIN OM NAAR HUISSEN TE KOMEN?Geen probleem: na een training in Huissen verzorg ik een dagje later een webinar. Deze is gratis en live te volgen op je smartphone, tablet, computer of laptop.als je een Gold-training hebt aangeschaft.AANMELDEN VOOR TRAINING IN HUISSEN (vlakbij Arnhem) WEBINAR Maandag 14 januari staat de eerste Facebook-training gepland van 2019 (van 18:30 uur - 21:30 uur). Wil je hierbij aanwezig zijn, stuur me dan een berichtje!Over JacarrinoVoor zijn bedrijf 'Advertising Heroes' maakt Jacarrino ongeveer 1500 Facebook-berichten per jaar, inclusief campagnes en adverteertrajecten. Dus een trainer met nog steeds zijn beide voeten in de digitale modder"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Como viajar por el mundo en bicicleta o sin con 300/mes" |
"Recuerdo hace un tiempo antes de emprender mi aventura por el mundo como miraba un mapa pensando que ocurra en cada lugar y que tipo de paisajes, cultura, comida, costumbres... podan tener en aquel o en aquel otro pas. Escribiendo esta descripcin del curso de Udemy puedo alzar la mirada y responder esas preguntas. Este curso esta hecho con mucha ilusin de compartir algo ms que herramientas de viaje que uno va a necesitar para emprender un corto o largo viaje. El mayor beneficio que puedo sacar es ayudar a aquellas personas que quieran acompaarme en este camino y que entiendan el verdadero sentimiento de la libertad. Quiero hacer mencin a que no se necesita tener un entrenamiento de ciclismo para realizarlo, aunque si que es recomendable. Personalmente en las conferencias que me hicieron a travs de los medios de televisin, radio, peridico... justifiqu que no tuve ningn entrenamiento previo, aunque si que saba montar en bicicleta sin caerme.En este curso aprenders a cambiar tu zona de confort por un estilo de vida lowcost, para ello el curso te brinda las herramientas necesarias para viajar de esta manera. Estos mdulos se dividen en:Introduccin del curso y qu vamos a ver.Planning de tu ruta por el mundo, corta o larga?Equipamiento necesario(este tema es completo por lo que contiene muchas cosas).Organizar tus alforjas.Alimentos y bebida durante el viaje.Visados, vacunas y seguro de viaje.Reparacin de bicicletas. Qu necesitamos?Crea un vlog, o no.Edicin de vdeo para tus vlogs.Evaluacin de gastos por mes de un viaje.Recomendaciones/Consejos/Extras.Ahora te voy a dejar un REGALO porque si has ledo la descripcin es que estas interesado/a en viajar barato por todo el mundo y quieres saber como hacerlo y a mi eso me hace especial ilusin. No quiero devaluar el producto porque realmente me ha costado muchos libros y consultorias de pago con cicloturistas para saber todo lo que necesitaba y que adems he puesto en prctica en mi viaje. No me voy a enrollar ms, ah va ese CUPON DE DESCUENTO:""DESCUENTOPEDAL""Precio del curso con el cupon a: 9,99"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Evde ngilizce renme Teknikleri" |
"Kurslara binlerce lira vermek yerine evde renseniz olmaz m? Hem de %100 baarya ulam tekniklerle... Burhan EREN farklyla kaliteli, gerek ngilizce'ye adm atn!12 Dersten oluan bu eitim seti ile evinizde nasl ngilizce reneceinizi, hangi taktiklerin uygulanmas gerektiini reneceksiniz. Hem de skc ve monotonluktan uzak bir anlatmla. Yksek fiyatl eitimler yerine evde renmeyi deneyin, dnn, ne kaybedersiniz?Hadi eitimimize balayalm!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Curso introdutrio ao Photoshop com base na verso CC 2018" |
"Este curso voltado para a integrao e associao do aluno ao software Photoshop tendo como base a verso CC2018.Este curso tem o intuito de introduzir os novos usurios do Photoshop, guiando-os em uma viso geral sobre as ferramentas, definies, funes e parmetros onde, no final do curso, o aluno estar familiarizado com a interface e algumas funcionalidades onde poder comear a elaborar os seus primeiros trabalhos.O curso ministrado no sistema operacional do Windows e ter sua interface traduzida para o idioma portugus do Brasil, tudo para facilitar a integrao dos novos usurios, porm, o contedo pode ser cursado tranquilamente pelo sistema operacional do Mac ou mesmo com o software instalado em ingls.Periodicamente nas aulas so citados atalhos em ambos sistemas operacionais e tambm dito com frequncia termos em ingls para que os alunos com o software instalado neste idioma no fiquem desorientados. Isto tambm ajuda os novos usurios a identificarem e se familiarizarem com as funcionalidades em ambos idiomas. Se a verso que voc tem instalada uma verso mais antiga que a CC 2018, no se preocupe, muito possvel fazer este curso com outra verso, desde que voc no se assuste com as mudanas visuais e algumas ferramentas/funes adicionais. De qualquer modo eu estarei sempre disponvel para sanar suas dvidas referentes a verses mais antigas.Se voc est comeando agora, do zero e no conhece nada deste software este curso para voc! Afinal ele foi especialmente desenvolvido para iniciantes, mas tambm pode ser adquirido por pessoas que j obtm alguma experincia, afinal, conhecimento nunca demais!ATENO:Este curso no ensinar como instalar o programa ento certifique de t-lo instalado corretamente antes de comear o curso.O curso ser ministrado no sistema operacional do Windows e os atalhos das ferramentas sero exemplificados com base neste sistema.O Photoshopapresentadono curso estar em portugus, justamente para facilitar ao mximo o aprendizado ao aluno.O aluno poder fazer o curso com uma verso anterior ao Photoshop CC 2018, instalado em ingls ou mesmo em outro sistema operacional sem muitas dificuldades, desde que esteja ciente das possveis mudanas de interface, atalhos e do prprio idioma."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Million Dollar Product" |
"Learn the 10 Step Process to take your idea and create a physical product you can online, to anyone in the world. Through this course you'll learn how to leverage the power of the internet and create your products in months. Here is a breakdown of what you will learn in each lecture:Lecture 1: Course Introduction & OverviewLecture 2: Productivity PlannerLecture 3: ""71 Point"" Product Development ChecklistLecture 4: Sales ScriptsLecture 5: Vince Baiera ""My Story""Step 1: Find Your IdeaStep 2: The Market ResearchStep 3: Making a PrototypeStep 4: Focus GroupsStep 5: Sourcing ManufacturersStep 6: Filing Your Patent & TrademarksStep 7: Create a Sell SheetStep 8: Licensing or Selling Your ProductStep 9: Packaging and FulfillmentStep 10: Launching Your ProductWhat are they saying about Vince's Products on Amazon:5.0 out of 5 stars Safety and stability to get in and out of bed.October 5, 2018Verified Purchase""I had to use a hospital bed for three months. When I got ready to go back to my own bed, I knew had to get my room ready. I had help rearranging the furniture. Then I looked for a step to get into my own bed. The Step2bed allows me to step up 4 inches and carefully balance with the metal arms. It has a soft led light that turns on automatically when I swing my legs out of the bed. I can safely step off and get to my light switch. It was expensive but worth it. Safety for my forever after! The photo shows the step next to my full size bed. What a difference. I feel safe and secure! Depending on your height, you can adjust the legs from a 4 inch step to taller.It takes work and will challenge you but the process is pretty straight forward. Most of the time you'll be outsourcing the work to a professional and then working the process.""5.0 out of 5 stars Because I care about my grand parentsOctober 14, 2018Verified Purchase""I purchased the step2bed for my grandma who's been having a hard time getting in-and-out of bed and I couldn't be happier. It fits perfectly right next to her bed and she feels much safer when using it. She said that the light is a big help so she can see at night and in the mornings when she gets up.It's very stable for her and because it adjusts in heights, we were able to make it fit her bed height perfectly. It would be nice if the product came in other colors but at the end of the day, not a deal breaker. I highly recommend this product to anyone if their bed sits too high or they have issues with mobility.""5.0 out of 5 stars well worth the moneyAugust 13, 2018Verified Purchase""I bought this step because I could not lift my leg high enough to get into my new hospital bed and was very pleased with it.It is easy to use and very strong does not move when I step on it and the light that come on when there is motion stays on just long enough to get you back into bad without keeping you awake. I highly recommend this step to anyone who might need it.""Remember, each step is designed to be simple and easy to follow. I give you lots of resources to budget your time, simplify & demystify the process and contact the right people to help along the way. Jump in, consume the content, work the process and in months, you'll be able to offer your product for sale online!Let me help you get there."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Mercado de Trabalho: Do Currculo a Contratao" |
"O que as empresas esto buscando? O que o mercado est precisando atualmente? Quais as vagas oferecidas? H espao para todos no mercado? Como montar um currculo? Como me portar em uma entrevista de emprego? O que fazer aps a contratao? Essas e outras perguntas so respondidas nesse curso desenvolvido pelo empresrio e palestrante Andr Maria."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Learn Quadratic Equations in Easy Way" |
"This course is designed for High School students willing to learn Quadratic Equations.Topics covered in this course are:Solving Quadratic Equations using different methods.Solve for x in a Quadratic Equation.Nature of roots in Quadratic Equation.Solving different word problems in Quadratic Equations.About Your Instructor:Since 1991 we are helping student in learning various subjects such as Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and many more in an easy and quick manner. With our excellent track record, we are here to help you excel in your school.After taking our specialized coaching, many students secured top rankings in their school. Many of them are school topper/class topper/subjects topper. Most of our students joined top universities in US/UK/CANADA/AUSTRALIA/SINGAPORE/INDIA through good academic records/marks/grades."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"First Grade: Learn English Literature Beginners" |
"We understand the core competencies that must be developed in students so that they can be successful in their education and future endeavors. These competencies include reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar and mathematics abilities that are the essential building for our videos. This course will teach students the Common Core curriculum for first grade English literature. It provides lessons in the form of educational and entertaining videos for the student to study and review at their own pace."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Calorie Counting Made Easy" |
"Are you sick of hearing the same annoying diet advice over and over?You should try a detox diet to lose weight faster.Eat breakfast! It will boost your metabolism!Carbs make you fat.Let me tell you the TRUTH about weight loss.It comes down to calories. If you take in more calories than you burn, youll gain weight. If you burn more calories than you take in, youll lose weight.Now, I know youve probably heard this too.But its a scientific fact.The only reason anyone ever loses weight on a diet, fad or otherwise, is that it results in a calorie deficit.Lets just pretend, for a minute, that the science is actually true.That calories are king when it comes to weight loss.Doesnt it then make sense to have a good system in place to track said calories?Inside Calorie Counting Made Easy, youll learn everything you need to know about how to count calories for weight loss.The Tool: Step-by-step screen recording video instructions that will show you how to get the most out of the best calorie counter on the internetThe Shortcuts: How to accurately count calories in less than five minutes a day so that you build a habit that will last a lifetime and prevent the rebound weight gain seen in fad dietsThe Strategies: How to design a flexible eating plan that will help you lose weight while getting healthier and do it without feeling like you are ""dieting""And Ill even address the big white elephant everyone is thinking about:""Can you ACTUALLY eat whatever you want?""Heres the thing. Even though this is a course on calorie counting, the program goes BEYOND calories.This is a lifestyle shift.A new way to look at food.Once you learn this stuff (which we never learned in school by the way), you will have your weight under total control and you will have the freedom to decide whether to continue tracking or not.But you need to learn the fundamentals and practice in the beginning. Thats just how it is for everything in life.Before you can do math in your head, you have to write out the problems on paper for a while.Here's my story:By the time I was 25, I was the heaviest Id ever been.It was around this time that I decided to get my act together. I educated myself on health and fitness and, combining this with my love for numbers, I began tracking my nutrition.At the time, my method was pretty rudimentary. I wasnt even counting calories. I assigned a score for each of my meals based on how much I thought I ate.But it worked.Within a few months, I had lost 25 pounds of fat.After that, I learned more precise and reliable ways to measure my food intake and I started counting calories. This is how Ive been able to keep the weight off for over five years.Heres my secret:For the last three years, Ive been counting calories using a free app called MyFitnessPal, which is the tool that I recommend and walk you through in this course.Maybe youve heard of MyFitnessPal. Maybe youve even signed up for it but have no idea how to make the best use of it.Since Ive started using MyFitnessPal, Ive learned a lot. Ive helped many people learn how to count calories effectively and efficiently.I will show you how to do the same in this course, even if you dont think you have the time.Over the years, I have refined my calorie tracking system and streamlined it into a process that allows me to manage my weight on autopilot and requires less than five minutes a day of my time.I shared this system in my book, Calorie Counting Made Easy, and this course takes it a step further with interactive lessons and tools to help you take action and get results.What you'll get in Calorie Counting Made Easy:Section 1: Calorie Counting 101 (FREE Preview)This section is an introduction to calorie counting.Youll learn how weight loss actually works and why calorie counting is the best way to lose weight. Youll learn why many people dismiss calorie counting and why you shouldnt. Finally, you'll learn how to get started with MyFitnessPal.Note:To help you decide if this course is right for you, all the videos in Section 1 are available for you to preview for FREE!Section 2: How to Count Calories for Weight LossIn this section, youll learn the basics of MyFitnessPal.The videos will walk you step-by-step through how to track your food in MyFitnessPal and how to adjust for calories burned from exercise so that you get credit for your hard-earned activity.Section 3: The MACRO Economics of Calorie CountingIn this section, youll learn the importance of macronutrients in calorie counting.First, well understand what macronutrients are. Then, well show you how to set macro targets that will provide a framework for a truly enjoyable weight loss plan. Finally, well take a look at some common calorie counting mistakes and how to avoid them.Section 4: Calorie Counting ShortcutsIn this section, youll learn how to save time counting calories in MyFitnessPal.In order to stick with your tracking long enough to see results, you need a way to do it quickly every day. In this section, well walk through several shortcuts that will cut your time spent counting calories to less than five minutes a day.Section 5: Weight Loss Strategies for Optimal Health and SatietyIn this section, Ill discuss some specific diet strategies you can use alongside counting calories.Weight loss is no good if youre going about it in an unhealthy way or making yourself totally miserable (which is also unhealthy). So lets go over some tactics that will help you lose fat without even feeling like youre on a diet.You'll also get some special bonuses:Bonus 1: Impostor Food DetectorThis is a quick and easy tool you can use to make sure the foods you enter in MyFitnessPal are accurate. The last thing you want is to track diligently, put in the time and work, and still have your progress derailed by impostor foods,"" which unfortunately, are common in MyFitnessPal.This tool will prevent that from happening. Just keep it open when you do your tracking and youll be good to go.Bonus 2: Intermittent Fasting Cheat SheetFor those of you interested in experimenting with intermittent fasting, Ive created a 4-page report for you that outlines the different stages of expertise with daily fasting and the steps you can take to go from newbie to ninja.I currently fast daily for 6-8 hours after waking and Ive never felt better. Plus, this makes it even easier for me to hit my calorie targets and still enjoy enormous meals.Testimonials:""51 days building my habit. Learning more about macros and nutrients. Enjoying feeling honest with myself and the progress I am making. 11 loss so far. I can deal with that and don't feel cheated by not dropping weight faster. My goal is to do this for a year. It's something I think will benefit me and keep me conscious of my health. Thanks for the inspiration.""-Susan B. (Cape Coral, FL)""Thank you helping me to use a tool to help me lose weight. I especially liked your encouragement to not give up, even if I missed a day! I also liked the suggestion of the 'barbecue meal' or the 'party meal'. Every time I go out that happens and I would just not log in because I was overwhelmed and couldn't possibly log everything I ate! The modules are bite sized! Just enough information at one time! Perfect!""-Allison D. (Hollywood, FL)If youve read this far, you may be thinkingHmm this sounds a whole lot better than that 10-day juice cleanse or 90-day boot camp my coworker is suffering through right now.That is correct.If weight loss is your goal, you can do it the easy way or the hard way.Theres a learning curve, just like any other skill. But its not a steep one.I designed this course to be to be consumed quickly.You can get through all the videos in each section in 15 minutes or less. Set aside this time and within an hour or two, youll understand weight loss better than everyone you know.This alone is worth the price of the course, but I dont just want to be your bro-fessor, regurgitate theory, and philosophize.The bulk of the course is comprised of STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIALS that you can put into ACTION immediately to start getting weight loss results.If you follow this system, you can be down a few pounds, easy, within the first month.Within a few months, you can be at your goal weight and managing your weight on autopilot without having the slightest concern about rebound fat gain.The choice is yours.I cant guarantee success, of course. You have to put in the work. But I will be there to help you every step of the way.The lessons are interactive, each with an accountability survey to guide you to put in the work necessary to see results.Im not gonna leave you hanging!FAQs:Why MyFitnessPal?MyFitnessPal gets right to the core of weight loss by targeting a calorie deficit and tracking against it. In addition, it has the most comprehensive food database on the web, allows you to track your activity, and syncs with other apps such as Fitbit.Finally, there is great social support that helps keep you motivated by interacting with friends and other community members. I go into detail on reasons why MyFitnessPal is the best calorie counter in Section 1.Which areas of MyFitnessPal will the course cover?The course will cover the MyFitnessPal website, not the mobile apps. However, once you learn how to use the website, you can easily apply what you learn to the mobile apps.In Section 2, we cover how to set a weight loss goal, track food, and log exercise.In Section 3, we cover how to adjust macros.In Section 4, we cover shortcuts to help you save time counting calories.The course will not cover the social components of MyFitnessPal, such as adding friends, interacting on the forum, or starting a blog.How much time should I spend on the course?Like I said, I designed this course to be consumed quickly. I tried to only include the most relevant information to help you hit your goal and maintain your ideal weight. Nothing more.Youll be able to get through all the video lessons in just over an hour total or 15 minutes a day for five days. I suggest setting aside 15 minutes a day to watch the videos and another 15 minutes to complete the accountability surveys and practice using MyFitnessPal.The more you practice, the more quickly you will master it.Can I follow an exercise program while I do this?Absolutely. Just dont overdo it by coupling rigorous exercise with too severe of a calorie deficit. Make sure you account for your exercise calories by logging them in MyFitnessPal so that you can adjust your daily calorie intake accordingly.Please use your best judgement when starting either a new diet or exercise regimen and consult your doctor before doing so if you have any questions or concerns.Thanks for taking the time to read this! I hope to see you inside the course!Feel free to shoot me an email at if you have any questions.-ALYGP.S. Still not sure if this is for you?Go through Section 1, Calorie Counting 101 on me! All the videos in Section 1 are available for you to preview for FREE!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
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"The Art of Manifesting" |
"Each of us is being called called toward a path that is uniquely ours, to live and express upon the canvas of our lives. When we say YES to coming home to ourselves, we are saying YES to moving more powerfully toward that which is OUR work to do in the world. Our path toward our own life purpose, staying true to our identity.See you on the Path! Lou"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mtricas e Relatrios de Marketing Digital" |
"Bem-vindo ao curso de um dos instrutores melhor avaliados da Udemy Brasil na categoria marketing digital!Essas e outras avaliaes de alunos podem te ajudar a entender porque o curso to bem avaliado: ""Foi o melhor curso online que fiz at agora na minha vida! Agora colocar em prtica! Parabns Junior, que contedo bom e que didtica! Incrvel! Adorei e recomendo muito!"" ""Curso bastante didtico. Abrange as principais ferramentas usadas no mercado e possibilita aplicao no cotidiano profissional. O criador do curso ainda deixa o curso muito mais interativo ao disponibilizar contedos extras para serem utilizados para estudo. Recomendo bastante.""A palavra ""didtica"" foi destacada nas avaliaes acima porque ela recorrente nas opinies de quem faz o curso. E isso que voc encontrar aqui, uma didtica capaz de tornar simples o entendimento de algo que muitos acham complexo.Com 33 aulas e 6 materiais para download - incluindo modelos de relatrio -, voc aprender a como utilizar mtricas para melhorar as suas estratgias de marketing digital.Por que o conhecimento deste curso importante:Se voc no souber qual pblico-alvo pode te dar mais retorno, h grandes chances de perder dinheiro nas suas campanhas; Se voc no souber quais mtricas analisar, provavelmente acabar perdendo tempo e dando importncia para as que vo te levar para caminhos errados; Se voc no identificar quais estratgias funcionam melhor, perder oportunidades de conseguir mais clientes.O instrutor reuniu aqui muito do que aprendeu atendendo clientes como Disney, Samsung, Vivo, Boticrio e Schin.Bnus do curso: 6 aulas focadas nas principais ferramentas gratuitas do mercado, incluindo Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, Gerenciador de Anncios, Youtube Analytics e outras; 3 relatrios na ntegra para voc usar como modelo, sendo um de Facebook Ads + Youtube Ads, um de Instagram Ads + Links Patrocinados (Google Search) + Hotsite e um de Email Marketing; 1 planilha que te ajudar a calcular mais facilmente suas mtricas; 1 modelo de plano de mdia digital que ajudar a definir suas metas e distribuir de forma inteligente seu oramento; Suporte personalizado e rpido quando surgir dvidas; Possibilidade de fazer download das aulas para assistir de onde e quando quiser sem consumir a sua internet.Se o curso no atender suas expectativas, voc tem a garantia de devoluo do seu dinheiro num prazo de 30 dias a partir da data da compra. Assista agora mesmo a 18 minutos de videoaulas gratuitas! Elas vo te dar uma prvia do que vai aprender. Se gostar do contedo, aproveite a oferta e se inscreva!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Prends la premire classe!" |
"Bonjour,et MERCI INFINIMENT d'avoir achet cette formation.Si tu es l, en face de moi me regarder et m'couter avec attention, j'espre, c'est parce que tu as rat ton BAC, une fois, 2 fois, 3 fois ... Et tu es dsespr. Parce que tu sais que tu es brillant. Tu veux prendre ta revanche sur le destin ou la malchance qui s'acharnent sur toi. Tu veux que tes parents, ta famille, tes collgues de terminale, regrettent de t'avoir mpris, humili, tu veux qu'ils regrettent de n'avoir pas cru en toi.Tu veux trouver un emploi, gagner ta vie confortablement, te rvler mais tu ne sais pas comment t'y prendre.Si je te parle du BAC, c'est parce que moi aussi j'ai rat mon BAC !Mais a ne m'a pas empche d'tre QUI JE SUIS aujourdhui: une journaliste respecte, reconnue et qui est un modle de russite pour des milliers de personnes.J'ai donn l'exemple de l'chec au BAC parce que pour des millions de jeunes dans le monde, chouer au BACCALAURAT est vcu comme le TITANIC. Tu as le sentiment de sombrer au fonds de la mer, tu n'as pas de perspectives;tu n'as aucun moyen et trs peu de soutien pour te permettre de remonter la surface.Et mme quand tu russis remonter la surface, mme quand la vie t' offre de belles perspectives, mme quand tu as trouv un travail, tu vas vivre avec le syndrome du passager de seconde classe.Rappelles toi du TITANIC, il y a les riches, qui ont droit aux meilleurs places, aux meilleurs services, aux meilleurs attentions; et puis en bas, il y a les pauvres, les pouilleux, ceux qui on n'accorde aucune attention, aucun privilge, tout simplement parce qu' ils sont pauvres et qu' EUX-MME, se voient pauvres.Donc, tu l'as compris, ce cours s'adresse aux personnes qui ont rat leur BAC et aussi toi:- qui cherches du boulot et que tu ne remplis pas les conditions pour travailler...- qui n'est pas fait pour les tudes- qui n'as aucun diplme et qui as le sentiment d'tre un looser- qui as un talent mais qui ne sais pas comment le mettre en lumire- qui veux lancer ton entreprise mais qui n'as pas d'argent- qui es au chmage et ne sais pas comment transformer ton savoir, un savoir qui te permettrait de vivre confortablement- qui es la retraite et qui souhaites avoir une source de revenus supplmentaires- qui veux arrter de remettre tes projets au lendemain- qui veut acqurir l'tat d'esprit des personnes qui russissent- qui tre libr de tes blocages argentJe sais , tu te dis surement comment cela est-il possible?En te prenant par la main. En prenant ma main. En commenant maintenant."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |