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"Introduction to Global Leadership" |
"The Introduction to Global Leadership Course is sponsored by The Global Citizens Initiative (TGCI). It is intended to build the global c leadership skills of students, young professionals, NGO staff members, and researchers.. The course consists of y modules helping individuals understand and address a specific global issue. The issues this course covers include: human rights, gender equity, sustainable development and environmental stewardship, poverty reduction, good governance, and global peace and justice. Individuals will learn what global citizens can do to address these issues within and across their countries, and how to analyze the strengths and weaknesses in the policies and programs of their country in these domains.Instructions for Navigating the Course:In each module please:Watch the module lecture videosReview the module self-reflection questions that will help prepare you for your work in this module. These questions are uploaded to the module resources folder Read the module instructional guides that will provide you further details on the same topic. These guides are uploaded to the module resources folder Take the module quizzes as a self-assessment for important facts and concepts discussed in the lectures and the instructional guidesThe Resources FolderThere is a resource folder within each module. This folder contains each module instructional guide and videos and other relevant documents. Earning Your Course Certificate On this course site, you must complete the following 4 tasks for each module:Listen to each module lectureReview each module's self-reflection questionsRead each modules instructional guideTake the module quizAfter successfully completing each of these steps for modules 1-7, course participants will receive a certificate of completion for The Global Citizens Initiative Introduction to Global Citizen Leadership course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn C#, Unity Engine, By Making 4 Cool Games From Scratch!" |
"This is Game Development course in which we have 5 sections. First section is C# Tutorial where students will learn a complete C# programming language and use it later on in real projects and Game Development in general. Other 4 sections are our 4 games. These are 2D games created using Unity Engine, and i think it will be very interesting and fun to learn to create this kind of games, because i cover and explain every single thing in this games, that means, you will learn to create this cool games from scratch explained in high depth! Therefore, i will be very glad to see you in the tutorials, best wishes! :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python Weekend Course" |
"Step by step video tutorials, examples, exercises and mini projects make up this short course. Start at the very beginning. Learn what programming is and why it is useful. Setup your Python programming environment and write your first program. Tackle the basic data types of String, Integers, Floats and Booleans Learn about Operators to compare data (Arithmetic, Logic, Comparison) Read data into your program from the user or from files and output data from your program Understand how to use conditions to make decisions in your code Use loops to deal with repetitive tasks Build more complex data structures like lists and dictionariesUse functions to break up your code Put it all together and work on some mini problems"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Le changement - ton opportunit" |
"Le cours - Le changement - ton opportunit - vise aider les professionnels ou quiconque ayant des difficults avec le changement, identifier les belles opportunits que ce le changement apporte et la meilleure manire dadopter et daborder les changements au niveau individuel ainsi quau sein de lorganisation, de faon a la transformer en opportunit en or.Aprs le cours, l'tudiant sera capable de:1. didentifier les avantages offerts par le changement2. dapprendre et appliquer les astuces pour faire face aux dfis associs au changement3. didentifier les tapes et outils pour russir le changement4. dlaborer des stratgies pour faire face aux difficults inhrentes au changement5. dInspirer et inciter les autres sengager avec lui dans le changement"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server - Easy Install & Configure a Developer Instance" |
"There are plenty of SQLServer development and management courses here at Udemy and throughout the Internet. But almost all have one thing in common. They assume that you already have an instance of SQL Server installed and configured with data loaded to practice on. But where do you start if you aren't exactly sure how to get this environment set up? Why right here. This short course takes you through a step-by-step download, install and setup of a developer's version of SQLServer 2017. And best of all, you'll see how to get the software for free!And that's not all! Once we have SQLServer set up, we'll install the most useful SQLServer tool, SQLServer Management Studio. Once we have complete access to SQLServer, we'll find and install a full sample database complete with thousands of rows of sample data for you to practice on.This is a beginner course that helps you prepare an environment for many other great courses!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Drone Business Course - 7 Courses In 1" |
"In this course you'll discover the potential drone industries and will be taught proven processes & tricks in order to get your foot in the door.You will:Learn how to buy a drone at 50-60% of its valueLearn which industries to targetLearn how to shoot & edit footageLearn how to approach potential customersLearn how to build up an amazing portfolio free of chargeLearn how to use your portfolio as leverage when approaching new customersLearn how and what to charge your customersLearn about the basic training needed in order to qualify for your Remote Pilot Licence (RPL)"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Profitable Restaurant Management: 4 Tasks to Spend Less" |
"What you will learn:How to manage a commercial kitchenWhat financial performance metrics to trackHow to reach and retain customers in the competitive marketHands on approaches to overcome challenges in Restaurant BusinessExamples of successful restaurants around the worldPractical Exercises to enter the restaurant business Project to gather skills to fulfill your entrepreneurial dream."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Python +" |
"631PythonPythonPythonPythonGoogle ColaboratoryGooglePythonPython"
Price: 7200.00 ![]() |
"Nail art - Christmas Designs on nails" |
"This course is about the essence of Christmas transposed on nails with different models such as light candles, ribbons, snow man, Christmas trees, snowflakes and much more. You'll be able to reproduce the art of decorating nails and Ipromise you'll evolve in this career more than you can imagine, you'll improve your perspective in decorating nails and your creativity."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Archangels for Beginners-Daily Communication and Guidance" |
"Hi everyone in this course I will help you to learn how to connect, communicate and be guided by Archangels around us.After this course you will be able to feel and hear Angels around us but you will be able to control your life, and you will learn how to meditate to get in touch with them in your meditation."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Selim Ik ile Gitar Dersleri" |
"-Doalama gitar alma, beste yapma ve mzik teorisi konusunda yetkinlik kazanacaksnz.-Selim Ik Gitar Metodu 1. ve 2. kitapta anlatlan tm konular bu kursta bulacaksnz.-Bu kursta, Selim Ik'n 25 yllk gitar eitimini aktard 1. Ve 2. Gitar Metodu kitaplarnda anlatlan tm konular bulacaksnz.-1. Metod 10 blmden olumaktadr; balang seviyesinden ileri seviyelere kadar ilerleyebileceksiniz.-Her ders iin rnek arklar ve egzersizlerle gitar renmeniz daha keyifli bir hale gelecek.-2. Metod ile gitar eitiminizi daha keyifli bir hale getirmek iin sevilen arklarn ayrntl anlatmlar, notalar ve alt yaplarna ulaabileceksiniz.Selim Ik Gitar Metodu 1. ve 2. KitapBu derste Selim Ik'n 25 yllk gitar eitimini aktard 2 metoda, notalara ve alt yaplarna ulaabileceksiniz.1.Metot 10 blmden olumakta ve rencileri balang seviyesinden alarak ileri seviyelere kadar ilerletmeyi amalamaktadr. Her ders iin rnek arklar ve egzersizlerle gitar renmenizi daha keyifli bir hale getiriyor.2.Metot Gitar eitiminizi daha keyifli bir hale getirmek iin sevilen arklarn anlatld bu metotta, paralarn ayrntl anlatmlarna, notalarna ve alt yaplarna ulaabilirsiniz.Kitaplarn ierikleri:Bu Metodu dierlerinden ayran en byk farklarndan birisi; sizleri sadece aldrmaya deil, retmeye de kanalize etmesi olacaktr. Balang seviyesinde dahi renciyi ezbercilie deil; kendi melodilerini yazmaya, kendi sololarn ve ritimlerini tasarlamaya ynlendirmeye alacam. Bunlarla ilgili oka dokman salayacak interaktif bir ortam yaratacam. Kitabn iindeki ark almalar konunun ilerleyiine gre hazrlanmtr. Konuyu ya da teknikleri kavrayp kavramadnz gsterecek ve ilerletecek almalar olacaktr. Bilindik arklar kitapta bulamayacaksnz, bilindik arklarda renci mzikal bilgisini kullanmak yerine ezbere almaya alacaktr. Bu sebeple, rendiklerini uygulamayacaktr. Konuyla ilgili rnek birka paray Guitar pro dosyalarnn iinde bulup alabileceksiniz ama bu konuda en byk kaynak internet olacaktr. Bu kitabn ilevi renciye birka para retmek deil; yeterli seviyelere karp, ne istersek alacak hale getirmektir. Hatta, dzenleme ve doalama yapmay salayacak seviyelere kadar karmaktr. Kitabn kendi iinde de seviye farklar olacak, blmler halinde ilerlenecektir. Haftalk, aylk hedeflerimiz olacak; blm bittiinde o blmle ilgili bolca soru sorulacak ve kendinizi test edebilme imkn salanacaktr.Ek kaynaklar:Videolar: Kitaplarla birlikte videolar olacan belirtmitik, her altmz blm videosuyla takip edebileceksini. Takldnz yerde durup tekrar izleyebilecek, btn teknikleri yakndan ve farkl kamera alarndan grebileceksiniz.Nota programlar ve notalar: Ayn zamanda Guitar pro programn kullanarak egzersizleri yavalatp hzlandrabilecek, kendi partisyonlarnz yazmay renebileceksiniz.Alt yaplar: alma paralar ve doalama almalar iin her arknn alt yapsna (backing track) da sahip olacak ve zerine kendi doalamanz alabileceksiniz.Selim Ik Trk Rock gitaristi ve Elektro gitar retmeni. Vox Amfi, ESP Gitar, Daddario gitar teli, Nux efx ve KNC Picks Trkiye sanats.Birok rock grubunun solo gitaristliini yapmann yan sra 2008-2010 yllar arasnda yeni projesi olan gitar dersi videolarn ekmeye balad. Amac, Trke kaynakl gitar dersi videolar hazrlayp, yurdun her kesinde gitar almay renmek isteyip de imkan olmayan kiilere destek olmakt. 100 adet gitar dersi videosu hazrlayp yaymlayarak, yzbinlerce gitaristle bilgilerini paylat. 2014 ylnda 1. gitar dersi metodunu, 2017 ylnda 2.gitar dersi metodunu hazrlad ve Bemol mzik etiketiyle yaymlad. 2015 ylnda beste ve coverlardan oluan Desperado ve Eski Yeni Adam albmlerini internet zerinden yaymlad. 2016 ve 2017 ylllarnda Tutunamayan ve Yazg adl 10 arklk beste albmleri Arpej Mzik etiketiyle dijital platformlarda yerini ald . Albmlerle birlikte, her arknn notalarn ve backingtrack'lerini paylap, yeni gitar rencilerine kaynak salayarak, Trkiye'de bir ilke imza att.Selim Ik halen yeni gitaristler yetitirmekte ve eitli organizasyonlar dzenleyerek onlar sahneye hazrlamaktadr.Selim Ik Trk Rock gitaristi ve Elektro gitar retmeni. Vox Amfi, ESP Gitar, Daddario gitar teli, Nux efx ve KNC Picks Trkiye sanats.Bir ok rock grubunun solo gitaristliini yapmann yan sra2008-2010 yllar arasnda yeni projesi olan gitar dersi videolarn ekmeye balad. Amac Trke kaynakl gitar dersi videolar hazrlayp yurdun her kesinde gitar almay renmek isteyipte imkan olmayan kiilere destek olmakt. 100 adet gitar dersi videosu hazrlayp yaynlayarak yzbinlerce gitaristle bilgilerini paylat. 2014 1. gitar dersi metodunu, 2017 ylnda 2.gitar dersi metodunu hazrlad ve Bemol mzik etiketiyle yaynlad.2015 ylnda beste ve coverlardan oluan 'Desperado' ve 'Eski Yeni Adam' albmlerini internet zerinden yaynlad.2016 ve 2017 ylllarnda 'Tutunamayan've 'Yazg'adl 10 arklk beste albmleri Arpej Mzik etiketiyle dijital platformlarda yerini ald . Albmlerle birlikte her arknn notalarn ve backingtrack'lerini paylaarak yeni gitar rencilerine kaynak salayarak Trkiye'de bir ilke imza att.Selim Ik halen yeni gitaristler yetitirmekte ve eitli organizasyonlar dzenleyerek onlar sahneye hazrlamaktadr"
Price: 259.99 ![]() |
"Spring Framework: tape par tape pour devenir professionnel" |
"Dans le monde de Java/J2EE, Spring est devenu indispensable dans tout projet Java. En effet, grce aux fonctionnalits qu'il offre, Spring garantit une productivit meilleure et des solutions volutives et robustes. Par consquent, les employeurs du secteur IT sont de plus en plus la recherche de candidats ayant une exprience solide en Spring.Ce cours vous est destin si vous tes dveloppeur Java avec ou sans exprience en Spring. Le but est de vous aider vous approprier les bases de Spring qui vous permettront de rsoudre les problmes techniques et proposer des solutions pertinentes et efficaces en utilisant toute la force de Spring.Dans un premier temps, ce cours vous aidera, tape par tape, comprendre les fonctionnalits de base. Dans un second temps, le cours traite des notions un peu plus avances de Spring. Convaincu que l'apprentissage passe par la pratique et la pratique rend parfait, nous allons dvelopper ensemble, et ligne par ligne, chaque cas d'utilisation prsent dans ce cours. En outre, chaque section contient une activit pratique, un exercice qui prsente une problmatique rsoudre en utilisant Spring. Chaque exercice a un objectif bien prcis celui de pratiquer ce que vous avez appris.Ce cours vous assurera que vous vous en sortez trs bien. Pour cela, la fin de chaque partie, j'ai cr un quiz avec de multiples questions qui vous aideront vous assurer de la bonne comprhension des aspects discuts.A la fin de cette formation, vous serez capable de configurer une application avec le framework Spring. En outre, vous allez pouvoir dclarer vos beans et les injecter en utilisant deux faons : en XML et en annotations Java. Vous allez tre capable de configurer un accs la base de donnes et d'implmenter vos DAO en utilisant Spring-JDBC et ou Spring avec JPA/ suis impatient de vous accompagner dans votre apprentissage :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
consultancy |
", , , , . . . . . . . ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Social Selling! Passo-a-Passo para Vendas B2B no LinkedIn!" |
"De Vendedor para Vendedor, este curso focado em gerao de demanda pelo LinkedIn. No necessrio nenhum conhecimento prvio, apenas disciplina. O curso inicia com passo-a-passo mesmo, de verdade! Desde a criao do seu perfil at a construo de estratgias de Vendas avanadas com Social Selling. Na prtica de Vendas Sociais B2B (B2B Social Selling) ou seja, gerao de Leads Qualificados. Adaptando seu processo de vendas b2b2 tradicional a nova jornada de digital compras b2b de seus clientes. O mtodo aplica as principais metodologias de vendas tradicionais, tais como solution selling, challenger selling, predictable revenue... ao uso digital pela principal Rede Social Corporativa do Mundo, o LinkedIn.1. Vamos aprender a adaptar nosso processo de vendas para praticar Vendas Sociais (Social Selling);2. Construir um Posicionamento pessoal e profissional3. Transformar Conexes em Audincias, Audincias em Leads e Leads em Vendas Sociais;4. Definir nosso Processo de Vendas B2B (Pblico-Alvo, Personas, Cliente Ideal...)5. Construir Fluxos de Cadncia para prospeco de Novos Clientes, Conexes e Fortalecimento dos Relacionamentos atuais;6. Construir Micro-Campanhas: conceito de Campanhas geradas pelo prprio vendedor de forma simples sem necessidade do apoio da rea de marketing, dando mais dinmica e independncia ao processo de prospeco;7. Escalar uma Micro-campanha em uma operao de vendas atravs de tecnologia e muito mais....Tambm apresenta as principais tcnicas e ferramentas de vendas para aumentar sua produtividade e escalar sua operao de vendas B2B pela plataforma LinkedIn.Tem ateno especial para a plataforma LinkedIn Sales Navigator, que a plataforma de vendas do LinkedIn, entre outras tecnologias."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Crer son site web sur mesure avec WordPress - Dbutants" |
"Si vous avez toujours souhait crer votre site web sur mesure, adapt votre activit, alors vous tes au bon endroit.Nous verrons ensemblecomment crer rapidement et facilement votre site web, sans crire une seule ligne de code. Ce cours tant destin aux dbutants en la matire, je vous expliquerai donc tout, pas pas !Nous nous servirons du meilleur logiciel gratuitde cration de site Internet, WordPress, coupl au constructeur de page numro 1 au monde, Elementor, pour la cration de notre site web. Vous saurez ainsi mettre en ligne, grer et dvelopper votre site internet de faon compltement autonome.Au terme de cette formation, vousserez dsormais en mesurede crer et dvelopper un site internet facilementsans connaissances techniques et vous aurez une base de connaissance sur WordPress afin dadministrer votre site web.Rejoignez-nous dans ce cours! tout de suite ! Patrick"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Preparatrio para Certificao 1V0-701 VCA-DBT - 2019" |
"Este o nico curso na Udemy que oferece testes prticos com um total de80+perguntas selecionadas mo, o atual exame de certificao principale tempo limitado, que o ajudar a se preparar para o ambiente do exame.Voc obter umaboa pontuao, no mnimo, em 80% noVMware Certified Associate - VCA-DBT"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Resume Masterclass: 80% of the Results for 20% of the Effort" |
"The Resume Masterclass boosts your confidence and puts you in the driver's seat of your job search!Today's job market is a candidate's market, and the more you control in your job search, the more confident you'll be. The keys to succeeding in your job search is to BEHUMAN and ADDVALUE. This Masterclass is a systematic and predictable approach to job search. We don't boast our personal opinions, but rather give you the facts as they are from working with hundreds of companies, recruiters, and job seekers to deliver you the core principles that will make you successful in finding the job you want. Don't settle!After you complete this Masterclass, you'll walk away with:Knowing how to build a VALUE-DRIVEN RESUME from scratch for any job and in any field, and we'll dispel anymysteries and bust any myths around creating a resumeKnowing how to create a PERSONABLE COVERLETTER that brings out the best in you and gets recruiters interested in you personallyUnderstanding the hiring process and what you can do to TURNYOURCHANCES of moving from one stage to the next into something you have more influence overAs the title of this course suggests, you'll learn how to get 80% of the results in your job search with 20% of the effort. We cut the fluff and get straight to the point to focus on the core 20% of what you need to do that will help you job hunt smarter, not just harder. This Masterclass was created to get you ready for action as quickly as possible, and is designed to be completed in less than 1.5 hours. If you start this at breakfast, you'll be ready to roll by lunch!The Resume Masterclass is not just a course, it's an investment, and you're not just a job seeker, you're an investor. We're committed to making sure you get your return on investment not just in your next job, but for every job to come in your career. Now, let's go job hunting :)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a las consultas SQL Server" |
"En este curso se explicar de manera prctica los principios de los queries y consultas para recuperar datos relacionales a fin de proveer informacin empresarial a los directivos de negocio. Este es un curso con un enfoque eminentemente prctico a fin de introducir al estudiante en los principios de los queries T-SQL. Este curso es indicado para futuros administradores de SQL Server, profesionales que se dedicarn al desarrollo de reportes empresariales, Data Science, Data-mining, Cubos, y Business Intelligence en general."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical Business Analysis-Part1 2019: Real stuff, no faff!" |
"The Practical Business Analysis - Part 1 2019! Real stuff, no faff! course is created for the analysts, by the analysts. I created this to cater to experienced and seasoned professionals, as much as to entry-level and mid-level analysts and managers. More importantly I did not lose sight of the young graduates fresh out of colleges and universities mulling over the idea of business analysis as a career option. This course aims to fill the much felt gap in the market for an insightful course that is developed for the analysts, by the analysts!The Practical Business Analysis -Part 1 course has six modules and each module has 4-7 lectures. So, its a comprehensive course with a great lineup of 18 lectures. These are put together to offer you the best insights, packaged from my practical experience of working in the industry as a business analyst for over 18 years! From the Practical Business Analysis - Part1 course, you are sure to get High quality content created and well-presented by well-qualified, experienced and competent professionals. The course is created with top-notch production and technical values and is filled with visually appealing animations and infographics for better engagement. You will get practical and actionable insights and top tips straight from the experience of practising analysts. Though this is largely based on the insights gathered from my experience working as a business analyst, I also covered some important points from the global thought-leaders. These include the IIBA (International Institute of Business Analysis) and BCS (The Chartered Institute for IT, previously known as British Computer Society). By the end of the course, you will be able to answer the following questions confidently and convincingly:What is business analysis?What are the various flavours and aspects of business analysis?Why is a business analyst required in software projects?Who is a business analyst?Whatdoes a business analyst do?When in the product life cycle does a BA get involved? Where do we need a business analyst?What areas in the organisation do the BAs operate in?Whatare the guiding principles and facets for businessanalysts? What are the facets and coverage areas for the business analysts?What are the references, resources and sources of knowledge and tools for BAs?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Preschool Music Singing Games and Activities" |
"This course has been designed to serve as a resource for parents, caregivers and preschool teachers to aide in providing young children with enriching musical experiences. The course introduces over 20 musical games and singing activities using traditional and folk songs that are simple and engaging for children. The activities in the videos focus on three areas: how to help children feel the beat in music, how to sing simple melodies and learning about music through movement. The course includes additional activities and resources to help children explore music independently or with an aide of a teacher or parent. Resources for music listening, learning about music instruments and creating music centers are included. The course also provides instruction on how to teach music successfully to young children. Lessons include how to teach music by rote, what to expect developmentally from preschool children and how to encourage participation and successfully teach young children. If you have a young child at home or professionally care for young children, this course is for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Area 52: Guitar Secrets e Rock-Licks Essenciais" |
"O curso ""Area 52: Guitar Secrets e Rock-Licks Essenciais"" foi criado pensando no guitarrista que quer encontrar a SUA VOZ NA GUITARRA e percebe a importncia de ter nas mos, de forma definitiva, os segredos da linguagem da guitarra no rock. O que tocar? Por que tocar? Onde tocar? Como tocar?... tudo ser desvendado.________________Siga os passos dos vdeos para:Encontrar a sua voz na guitarraConquistar, de forma prtica e criativa, o que consideramos ser o Mnimo que Todo Guitarrista Precisa Saber sobre Licks de Rock !Desvendar os segredos por trs dos solos dos grandes guitarristasAmpliar seu repertrio meldico e tcnica na guitarraAmpliar sua capacidade auditiva para ""tirar solos""Conectar a mente, a audio e o corao aos seus dedosConectar os seus dedos com a alma da guitarraDesenvolver completa autonomia na visualizao das notas no brao do instrumentoObter as bases necessrias para se tornar um Guitar-Hero e impressionar quem te ouvir! ________________O que vou aprender?Todos os segredos e recursos expressivos para desenvolver uma voz na guitarraComo encontrar as notas no brao da guitarraEscalas mais usadas no RockSries de Patterns/Padres sobre as escalasTeoria bsica para Improvisao52 Rock Licks essenciais da AREA 52________________Sobre a AREA 52 e a importncia dos Licks !Como um Jimi Hendrix, ou Jimmy Page, ou Slash, um Angus Young, um Steve Vai ou um Joe Satriani chegaram aonde chegaram?So infinitos os nomes de artistas que poderamos citar aqui... mas, enfim, o que aconteceu com cada um deles para se tornar um grande guitarrista? Vieram com dons do ""alm""? Obviamente, todos possuem habilidades muito especiais, mas, em essncia, voc sabia que todos eles tm uma coisa em comum, que foi aprendida por eles mesmos, em algum momento de seus estudos, e que pode ser aprendida por todos que desejam entender como pensar e tocar no estilo destes gnios da guitarra? A gente vai provar isso!A busca do domnio de uma linguagem musical a nica forma de reconhecer os sons e segredos tocados pelos grandes guitarristas e, tambm, de conseguir tocar tudo aquilo que voc ouve e deseja passar para o instrumento. Quem nunca sonhou em tocar um lick matador e ouvir o comentrio: como voc fez isso? Assim, este um curso, sobretudo, para ampliar de forma surpreendente a sua TCNICA, a sua CRIATIVIDADE e a sua CAPACIDADE DE OUVIR, TIRAR SOLOS e SE EXPRESSAR MUSICALMENTE NA GUITARRA!Por que AREA 52? Em essncia, acreditamos que o desenvolvimento do ""0 a 100"", para qualquer pessoa que quer estuda guitarra, um processo gradual, exige disciplina e requer tempo disponvel. Na contramo disso tudo, temos um volume de informaes caticas na internet que, se no esto erradas (muitas vezes...), esto fora de ordem, prejudicando o aprendizado e, por fim, tirando qualquer estmulo para avanar.No se engane em ""cursos relmpagos"" que iro fazer voc aprender ""tudo"" mais rpido, porm errado. Uma jornada para garantir que os seus dedos falem de fato a voz do seu corao, esse caminho precisa ser feito corretamente, mesmo que tome um tempo a mais. E a diferena no resultado, na expressividade do guitarrista e sua capacidade auditiva de traduzir suas ideias, seus emoes, para as pontas dos dedos, isso tudo acontece, desde que com o mtodo certo e uma atitude criativa e disciplinada em cada etapa.Assim, 52 Licks um ""nmero mgico"" de metas organizadas e tangveis ao longo de 52 semanas de estudos, ou seja: em um espao de at 01 ano, disciplinadamente, cada semana - das 52 semanas do ano - pode ser recheada de pequenas conquistas: 01 lick por semana e nada mais! E se tiver mais apetite, 02, 03, 04 licks ou quantos voc conseguir memorizar e incorporar no seu ""playing""! A AREA 52 trata-se de uma srie de cursos sobre ""segredos dos guitarristas"" e faz referncia AREA 51, que ficou notria por ser uma base restrita da Fora Area dos EUA cujas pesquisas e informaes que circulam nela so confidenciais. Assim, outros cursos (ou episdios...) da AREA 52 viro tratar de outras questes essenciais, e ""confidenciais"", dentro dos segredos na guitarra! Acompanhe-nos! Ser uma jornada divertida e gratificante.O importante garantir a qualidade do aprendizado, pois aprender 01 lick por semana o mesmo que aprender uma frase ou uma expresso em uma nova lngua: voc precisa aplicar em diversos contextos, ouvir, assimilar e incorporar em sua forma de se comunicar, at que se torne algo inconsciente, pronto pra sair a qualquer momento, sem que seja preciso ""pensar no que est falando... ou tocando"". E ento, com muitos licks ""na manga"" e um arsenal inspirador de aulas sobre ""como ser expressivo em cada nota musical"", voc capaz de discorrer ""pargrafos"" e, por fim, ""dissertaes"" inteiras, com introduo-desenvolvimento-concluso, de forma a ser compreendido e os demais guitarristas reconhecerem a sua voz, e que voc, indiscutivelmente, fala a ""linguagem secreta"" do rock.Todas as aulas vm com os diagramas de escalas e tablaturas no prprios vdeos, para que voc se concentre e absorva todo contedo cada vez que assistir a um vdeo. E se quiser levar seus licks para uma viagem na qual no poder assistir aos vdeos, tudo bem: tablaturas e diagramas em PDF, com as backing tracks, de cada aula, estaro disponveis para voc se organizar da melhor forma.Acima de tudo, a palavra de ordem : divirta-se e encontre sua VOZ NA GUITARRA!________________""Todo bom estudante compreende que, acima de todo processo de aprendizado, existe uma troca: o professor contribui com o seu mtodo e o aluno contribui com a sua autodisciplina"".""Toda lio nova que aprender, aplique-a no mesmo dia nos mais diversos contextos musicais, estilos, andamentos, compassos e tons: tal qual misso dada misso cumprida, toda lio dada lio aprendida!""""O papel que cumpre ao mestre se d no ato de organizar um universo de assuntos, refletindo assim, por meio do mtodo, o melhor atalho possvel para que a alma do aluno seja tocada pelo entusiasmo libertador do Conhecimento"".""O conhecimento musical precisa ser transmitido para libertar o ser humano das armadilhas mentais, esquemticas, e fazer com que os seus dedos e ouvidos estejam a servio, exclusivamente, da vontade do seu corao e da sua alma"".""Aprenda um pouco por vez, mas aprenda todo dia"".________________Consideraes finaisEncare o desafio da Area 52 e junte-se a este time de guitarristas de elite! Coragem! Nos vemos na AREA 52! At l e um grande abrao!Flavio Mateus equipe Guitarras de Elite."
Price: 384.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Hands-On Introduction to Apache Airflow" |
"Apache Airflow is an open-source platform to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows. If you have many ETL(s) to manage, Airflow is a must-have.In this course you are going to learn everything you need to start using Apache Airflow through theory and pratical videos. Starting from very basic notions such as, what is Airflow and how it works, we will dive into advanced concepts such as, how to create plugins and make real dynamic pipelines."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Tranas - Nalva Giorgiutt" |
"Descubra neste curso o segredinho que ningum quer falar, mas est disponvel aqui neste curso a frmula infalvel para que voc faa todos os modelos em 4 super mdulos bsico, intermedirio, avanado e profissional. So 12 vdeo aulas no passo a passo, das tranas mais pedidas em sales de beleza."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
yandex-direct |
"95 !, , 2 , . 90% . 9 , . , .- 5 ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"30 Derste Hzl ve Kolay Gitar Kursu" |
"Bu kursta neler reneceiz Zahmete gerek yok bu 30 derste hzl ve kolay gitar kursumuzda en hzl ve kolay yntemle gitar reneceksiniz ve hemen balar balamaz kolay akorlar ile birlikte gitar alacaksnz.Kurs sonunda Tebrikler sahnelerin aranan gitaristi olmay baardnz..Sizden ricamz renin ve retin.Mzik her ruhun ihtiya duyduu candr ve unutmayn Mustafa Kemal Atatrk ""Sanatsz kalan bir milletin, hayat damarlarndan biri kopmu demektir"" diyor."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Montando site incrvel usando Wordpress" |
"Curso para voc aprender como fazer sites com wordpress sem saber nada de programao ou cdigos. Voc poder ter sites usando temas e plugins que adicionaro recursos extras ao seu site, possibilitando mais interao com seus usurios e consequentemente maior qualidade. Em menos de 1 semana voc poder fazer sites incrveis usando templates e entregando para seus clientes ou para seu prprio negcio sites realmente profissionais."
Price: 324.99 ![]() |
"Excel: Tabela e Grfico Dinmico (como nunca visto antes)" |
"Este curso utiliza uma inovadora metodologia de ensino chamada ""Express Voiceless Trainings"".So aulas de 3 minutos, sem voz e no estilo direto ao ponto (sem bla-bla-bl).Voc ir aprender e se tornar uma referncia no uso do Excel para anlise de Dados atravs de Tabelas e Grficos Dinmicos.A sua produtividade e tomadas de deciso sero mais assertivas com o conhecimento adquirido neste curso."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Cover Letter Secrets: Get the Job Interview Every Time" |
"This course will teach you how to write cover letters that get you more interviews.You'll get inside knowledge into how hiring really works inside of companies. You'll learn the MEGAhiring framework and build your cover letters following the step by step process. You'll see examples of cover letters that work and get a clear understanding of why they are so much more effective.You'll also be able to post your own cover letters in the course so you can get direct feedback on what needs to be changed."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Clarifying Depression" |
"This course will be helpful for individuals who would like to better understand depression. This will be helpful for caregivers as well. Course Outline:Session one is an introduction to the course. Session two will focus on defining depression and types of treatment. Not everyone is clear about depression,and causes. Individuals sometime find ways to blame just one thing that cause depression, but in this course we will focus on clarifying the latter. There is so many treatment options, so each treatment options it all depends on the individual and your personal doctor. Session three will focus on clearly defining the different diagnosis related to depression. Some individuals diagnosed with depression might not understand their diagnosis. Usually, when you obtain an evaluation some doctors might not have time to explain what a diagnosis mean for each individuals. This session will help individuals understand what certain professional might not have time to explain. NOTE: One of the types of depression is Atypical depression. This type of depression is a sub type under Persistent depression disorder, therefore, I will not go over it in the power point. I have attached a resource related to the latter. Session four will focus on coping skills and self-care tips for individuals experiencing depression. This course will also be helpful towards caregivers. Session five will focus on the difference between adult and children dealing with depression. Disclaimer: This does not replace seeing a professionaland the suggested information is all recommendation. This does not replace an emergency room as well."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"(55+ SAAT) Unity 2020,C# Sfrdan Unity ile 10 Oyun Projesi" |
"Unity ile imdilik 10 oyunu detayl bir ekilde anlattm. Ve her geen gn kursumuza yeni oyunlar eklenmeye devam edecektir. Unity eitim setini bitirdikten sonra;C# programlama dilindeki Unity Ktphanesini tanyacaksanz ve etkili bir biimde kullanabileceksiniz.Unity ile kendi 2D ve 3D oyunlarnz yapabiliyor hale geleceksiniz.C# Programlama dilinin ilkelerini sfrdan renip bu dile hakimiyetinizi arttracaksnz.Unity Aralarn reneceksiniz ve Unity'i artk tanyor hale geleceksiniz.Oyun ierisinde var olan karakterlerin, nesnelerin nasl oluturulduunu reneceksiniz..Oyun gelitirmeyi sfrdan ileri seviyeye kadar renmi olacaksnz.Nesneye ynelik programlama mantn reneceksiniz.3D Multiplayer oyun yapmn reneceksiniz.Ve sayamadm bir sr bilgiye bu Unity eitim setim sayesinde sahip olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Antennas for Wireless Communications" |
"This course provides an in-depth analysis of different types of antennas ranging from simple dipoles and monopoles mounted on conducting ground to more complex wire antennas such as loops, Yagi-Uda and helical antennas, to aperture antennas, horns, and microstrip patches. The course starts with the definition and thorough explanation of important performance parameters of antennas (power radiated, directivity, gain, efficiency, etc.) which form the basis for the analysis and performance evaluation of an antenna design. Other topics such as antenna arrays (uniform and nonuniform excitation), software simulation, and measurements are also covered. Most concepts and design procedures are explained through exercises and numerical examples."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |