Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso para comear a sua transformao na vida amorosa e pessoal. So 21 vdeos com tcnicas e ferramentas de Coaching para que voc possa comear uma nova histria de sucesso e despertar essa MULHER PODEROSA que existe em voc! Este curso parte do DESAFIO 21 DIAS MAIS PODEROSA que foi realizado no grupo secreto do Facebook onde muitas mulheres comearam a sua transformao definitiva. Voc no pode voltar atrs e fazer um novo comeo, mas voc pode comear agora e fazer um novo fim."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Mercados Financeiros e Investimentos" |
"O curso Mercados Financeiros e Investimentos foi feito para quem tem dvidas sobre onde investir e para quem estuda ou trabalha na rea de finanas. uma tima opo para quem estiniciando ou quer evoluir na carreira financeira, pois o aluno sair ao fim do curso com uma viso sistmica sobre finanas e investimentos, que com certeza ser um grande diferencial.O curso contmaspectos que vo almdos temas que so ensinados nas salas de aulas das universidades, pois contmassuntos prticos, do dia a dia do mercado financeiro."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"German Aptitude Test" |
"Test your German competence with extensive practice test exercises in grammar, vocabulary, word order, and translation (Test II is all translation)! Various formats are used to test your knowledge (e.g., fill-in-the blank, conjugation with correct tenses, noun inflection, rewriting sentences, recall of various parts of speech, and German to English and English to German translating). A key is provided for immediate feedback when completed."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Visual Presentations that bring the WOW!" |
"Making a point. Getting people together. Untangling complexity. All basic skills of the modern professional. Being able to draw, design and visualise your strategy, project, situation or idea could be your next super power?! We have given this training all over the world and based on that experience we dare to promise you that after this course you can draw a plan, design a project or visualise a proces. Th key ingredients to make things happen and create an impact!That's why we are so keen to share our tips &tricks with you today. Let's get started right away. Grab a pen & paper and we're on.After almost two decades of being a professional designer I have come to a powerful, yet easy-by-step method, to create visual presentations. Helping meetings and teams by making stuff visual is impactful and above all fun! In this course Iwill share practical tools, tips &tricks and the method that allows you to start right now!Really you don't need to be an artist or a visual talent since this will nt be about making pretty pictures but more about getting your message across... or about finding what your idea or message is really about! I will provide you with a whole set of power icons so you can find your with any topic. I will help you to boost your visual skills and helpt to at least double your performance. How does that sound!?High Five!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python programming for absolute beginners - part 1" |
"Want to work as a data scientist, data analyst, web developer, or a machine learning engineer, but don't know how to start? Then read on...You must start with Python - it's not only the easiest programming language to learn, it's a very powerful language.Google, Dropbox, NASA, Instagram, Pinterest, and many fortune 500 companies use Python extensively to build their applications.If you are an absolute beginner who has never programmed, or coming from other fields, want to understand ins and outs of Python, this course is for you! It will help you master the basic concepts of Python. We start from zero and cover every important building block of this language in detail. At the end of the course, you are confident enough to write amazing Python programs, on your own!Lots of practice question, coding exercises, mini projects, and assignments are provided in the course so you practice what you learn!We cover the following topics in detail:Installing PythonRunning PythonWorking with variablesPrimitive data types (numbers, string)Complex data types (list, tuple, dictionaries)If/Elif - conditional statementsLooping (for loop, while loop)FunctionsFile HandlingModulesPackagesKnow some cool Python tips and tricks used by professional developers.Get notes on each and every important topic in Python fundamentals.The course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. So if you don't find the course helpful, return this course within 30 days and get a full refund of the course price - no questions asked!"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Teaching English & Online" |
"Join the hundreds of teachers who have benefitted from this engaging and interactive course! We have taught 1000s of hours to students from all over the globe and will help you launch your teaching career. Overcome your shyness and get the training you need to be an effective teacher and help your students achieve the results they deserve. Make a difference in people's lives. You're responsible for other people's learning and ultimately, their futures. Teaching is a serious field but also extremely fun and rewarding. Unlike many roles, it depends on you. You can make your lessons as fascinating as you wish and this course combines your enthusiasm with the technical abilities to make your classes organised and efficient. Designed for native and non-native speakers, with little to zero teaching experience. This course formalises your classroom presentations and execution and will greatly enhance your student's learning. Topics include:Teaching techniques & methodology First lessonsLesson planningTeaching receptive & productive skillsTeaching PronunciationClassroom and technical resources Activity demonstrationsAll backed up with quizzes, assignments, forum support and lifetime access to keep you on track, we'll interact with you in the forums and clear up any doubts you may have or provide answers to common problems, innovating or actually practising teaching with real students. Teaching English online is quickly becoming a popular career choice for many native and non-native English speakers and it isn't difficult to see why. As an online teacher, you are free to travel, as and when you desire, managing your schedule as you go and if that wasn't exciting enough, the possibilities to meet so many students from different nations and backgrounds are limitless. Take advantage of this concise yet detailed training, packed with our years of learning and reflecting on mistakes so you can easily side-step the pitfalls."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Designing a Selling Brand: Style Guide and Logo Design" |
"In this course I will begin by explaining the difference between a logo and a brand. We then will dive deep into how to determine the right logo for the brand, as well as how to design it. I also will touch on how to speak to your client and what to ask before starting a brand redesign. Near the end of the course I will show you how we put it all into a style guide."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Agile Scrum Training: Everything you need to know + Test" |
"During this course I will discuss how Agile came out to be present in more and more companies through out the world, in different domains and using different technologies. What are the basics of the most important and used Agile flavors including Kanban, XP, Lean, Scrum. Then I will focus on the Scrum Framework in discussing the mindset, principles, roles, artifacts and events that build up this framework. I will end with a discussion on Agile-based certifications as well as full practice exam for a Scrum Certification (80 questions very similar to an actual Certification Test). There are also almost 50 questions in the Quizzes ending the chapters."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Start Your Music Career As An Artist" |
"""Learn How To Start Your Music Career As An Artist"" is a key tool for any artist, songwriter, new manager or parent who is looking to help themselves or their child realize their dreams in the music business.The music industry can seem daunting and mysterious when you are first starting out and there is a lot of outdated or false information to be found. This course will help you make sense of the modern music industry from an instructor who currently makes a living creating and playing music.By the end of the course you will know have a clear roadmap of actionable steps to take to start making money from your talent and jumpstart your music career. Learn about finding a producer, registering with Performing Rights Organizations, managing your rehearsals, recording your music, increasing your streaming numbers and more!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Power Up Your Potential" |
"Power Up Your Potential Course Your Legacy MattersIntention: The purpose of this course is to develop your resourcefulness and develop your ability to solve the problems of life, yourself, so that you can have more success, more joy and more satisfaction not just for now but for the long term. When people come alive using their unique talents and gifts in the world, it not only raises them up, it raises us all up. When you consistently know what it feels like to live from your best-self, you start to think about making a greater impact and you start thinking about how to leave the world a better place. Helping you to leave a meaningful legacy is the ultimate aim of this course, and to do that, you and I need to power up your potential.The Goals of this Course are:1. For you to leave this course with the belief that you have the ability to handle whatever life throws at you.2. For you to have more faith in your ability to discover the answers whenever you feel challenged. 3. For you to have the confidence to manage yourself and manage your interactions with others well. 4. For you to feel good about yourself and about the goals you choose for yourself.5. For you to become more resourceful to make your goals happen faster.6. For you to become more skillful in mental modeling, problem solving and goal mapping and planning. 7. For your relationships to improve, because your communication skills will have improved as well. You will also have developed better habits to support this new life you are creating. 8. For you to increase your income making ability, because of the skills and techniques youve learned. 9. For you to have more energy and more clarity of who you are and how you want to show up in the world. 10. With this increase in skill, mindsets, and habits, I want for you to experience more satisfaction with yourself and your life, and experience that feeling of certainty as you connect to your higher purpose. 11. For you to have a plan on how you will leave your legacy, and not just leave a legacy, but live your legacy, as well.Here is the Picture of You That I Envision:I see someone who is relaxed, smiling, energized, and is able to do what needs to be done to meet his/her expectations. You feel warm and connected. You like who you are and how you look. You feel good and want to share that goodness with others. You feel accomplished and strong. You are a success in your eyes and in the eyes of the world. You are even tempered and generate solutions when obstacles are thrown your way. You dont get caught up in the disappointment/doubt/delay/division trap, because you know that obstacles are just part of life, especially when there are so many other competing people and priorities. What you love is navigating your own path and making your own choices that mean the world to you. You are satisfied, strong, confident and in control of yourself and your life. I want this life for you!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Cosmos db Gremlin API by building a .Net Core REST API" |
"Let's build a very basic REST Web API that builds and manages a simple graph database using the Azure Cosmos db Gremlin API.You'll learn how to create a cosmos db in azure using the gremlin (graph) api. You'll also get an understanding of how to use the free open source Gremlin.Net library and build gremlin queries to create, read, update, delete, and build relationships between your data vectors. Finally, I'd love to show you some tips & tricks and clearly explain some of the basic gremlin syntax."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD es el estndar universal de diseo asistido por ordenador (CAD). AutoCAD es el software de diseo tcnico ms utilizado por los profesionales de todo el mundo. Con AutoCAD puede crear eficazmente planos tcnicos de todas las reas: arquitectura, construccin, restauracin, decoracin, ingenieras, civil, cartografa, urbanismo, mecnica, electricidad, electrnica. Mis videos son claros y consisos, tienen una duracion entre 2 a 5 minutos cada comando de Autocad , voy a ensear los comandos para Dibujar en 2D, el nivel del curso es principiante e intermedio."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Higiene y seguridad alimentaria: disea tu sistema APPCC" |
"Este curso est diseado para todas aquellas personas interesadas en ampliar sus conocimientos en los campos de la higiene, salud, calidad y seguridad alimentaria. Permite comprender el enfoque cientfico, sistemtico y preventivo que tiene el sistema APPCC/HACCP, un estndar reconocido y utilizado internacionalmente en las empresas alimentarias, cuyo objetivo es la produccin de alimentos seguros. El alumno ganar habilidades como coach de personal trabajador en el mbito alimentario, ya que el curso tiene un carcter muy pedaggico. Adems, encontrar exmenes y ejercicios prcticos con los que podr trasladarse a situaciones reales y plantear medidas preventivas frente a crisis alimentarias, auditoras, reclamaciones de clientes, as como acciones correctoras. El curso incluye elementos grficos, esquemas, diagramas, con los que se pretende que sea ameno, prctico y divertido."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Czech language for beginners" |
"Czech language suitable for complete beginners taught by a native speaker and an experienced language tutor.You will learn grammar, reading, pronunciation and a plenty of vocabulary.Every session has a multiple choice quiz to test your vocabulary knowledge. Your spelling will be tested through dictation exercises. You will learn how to read by following written text while listening to a native speaker's pronunciation.You will be given homework to test your speaking skills.While learning the language, you will also learn some facts about the Czech Republic, it's customs, traditions and food.Iput humorous jokes into some exercises, so you feel like you entertain yourself rather than do the homework."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"International Chicken Recipes" |
"Delicious, yet easy to prepare recipes using chicken as a main ingredient. You will learn different ways to prepare chicken. The meals include Chicken pieces with honey marinade, Chicken thighs in paprika sauce, Baked chicken, Chicken with mushrooms, Chicken and grated potato and more. You will have choice of quick and easy to prepare meals to more elaborate ones."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda excel em poucos dias!" |
"Esta pensando em aperfeioar suas tcnicas profissionais e dar um upgrade em seu currculo? APRENDA EXCEL. Desenvolva planilhas, grficos, formulas de maneira bem fcil e descomplicada. Suporte para voc seguir em frente em sua carreira. Trabalhamos com uma linguagem bem clara e objetiva, independente da idade, escolaridade ou formao, ficara fcil aprender. E o melhor, certificado garantido no final do curso valido para todo o territrio nacional, seja para complementar horas ou para apresentar em uma entrevista de emprego. Nvel bsico e intermedirio, ideal para quem trabalha ou pretende trabalhar em escritrio de contabilidade, advocacia, clinica etc... Forte para auxiliar administrativo, Dep. Pessoal, Aux. contabilidade, estudantes."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Logistics for Beginners" |
"This course is build for young enthusiasts people at the beginning of they're career in Logistics.Inside you find step by step explanation for each of the stage of the Supply Chain Management department in a medium size production factory. Most of the examples given in this course are from automotive industry.All this info are given from our personal experience and researches."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Acrylic ABSTRACT with a Painting Knife. Part 1" |
"This Acrylic Abstract Painting course will have you painting this dynamic Abstract right from the start. You will mix clean colours and apply them to your canvas using pieces of Cotton Rag and the Painting Knife. You will start by doing a simple Colour Mixing Exercise using the Painting Knife to mix and apply the colours. The purpose of this is to introduce you to the colours and tints that you will be mixing for the featured Abstract in this course!The composition for this Abstract is simple and you will learn how to mix colours effectively with just 2 Primary Colours and White. You will also mix a variety of a Secondary Colour and a range of Tints with the addition of White. You will also create a Focal Point with colour accents that pop off the canvas so that the eye is drawn to it.The colour theme for this Abstract is based on rich dark Crimsons, Burnt Oranges and bright Lemons. Understanding how to create a colour theme and focal point and mix clean colours and tints is vital to the success of any Abstract Painting. If you have no previous knowledge or experience of painting Abstracts, by following this easy step by step course you will quickly learn the fundamentals of how to mix colours and tints. You will enjoy using your Painting Knife and pieces of Cotton Rag to apply the paint to your canvas and also blend the edges of your colours together.You will start painting immediately using pieces of Rag to block in the main areas of colour. Applying the paint this way is a fun and enjoyable way to get you started and it will help you to keep a loose approach. You will then use your Painting Knife to develop the Abstract applying thick colours and use the tip of the Knife to scratch marks into the wet paint to create shapes of visual interest and texture!I will demonstrate each step so that you can watch and paint along with me as you progress through the course. You will see plenty of close ups of colour mixing on the palette and applying the paint to the canvas with rags and knife.I know that you will really enjoy the freedom of painting using the techniques in this course and at the same time you will gain a good understanding of how to mix colours successfully. Also youll have a great amount of fun in the process! Heres to your enjoyment! Let's paint Abstract!Who is the ABSTRACTS in ACRYLICS instructor?My name is Gerald Ashcroft Artist and Teacher and I have run many Abstract and Landscape workshops over the years.I have created this course for beginners who want to discover the freedom and fun of Abstract Painting with pieces of Cotton Rag and a Painting Knife. I want to show you just what you can achieve by using a very limited palette of colours to create an Abstract with a Colour Theme that works! Workshop Testimonials Western Australia:Prior to joining Geralds Abstract Workshop I had no experience painting since I left school several decades ago. With great patience, Gerald guided our group through colours, mixing shades & different techniques with painting knife, brush to good old gravity. From being very apprehensive at the beginning, I gained much needed confidence with Geralds step by step approach.My opinion of my own ability has grown in a positive way since these workshops & I now look forward to putting brush to canvas on a regular basis.Liz Perth WA This is just a note to thank you for your excellent recent workshop.As usual you displayed a high degree of professionalism and knowledge coupled with a friendly, encouraging manner.Your classes are always enjoyable and importantly your style of teaching, which is focused and structured, enables real learning to take place. I particularly appreciated your emphasis on tone and the 'blocking in' method you taught and found it to be very helpful.Thank you and I look forward to the next workshop!Chris Perth WAI think what I enjoyed most about my course in Painting Landscapes with Gerald Ashcroft was his gentle way of putting everyone at ease, regardless of our experience or level of skill. Genuinely interested in each student, he encouraged us to explore techniques and research other opportunities to develop our practice.Jo Perth WA"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"History of American Football" |
"This course will dive deep into the history of American football. Before it even resembled football! Instead of an instant success (imagine a world without the Super Bowl!), football had a long and winding road to reach the level of fame that it has now. Lets begin the journey in examining how a melting pot sport (a game that took a little bit of from many different games) became something distinctly American!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Midias Sociais Para Marketing de Relacionamento" |
"Contedo ProgramticoA Soluo o Mtodo Que Eu Criei e Que Funciona pra Qualquer Empresa de Multinivel. Ele se resume em 10 Mdulos Fundamentaisdo Recrutamento Online.1Mdulo: - Boas Vindas2Mdulo: A Importncia de Construir Sua Marca Pessoal- Porque Midias Sociais para Marketing de Relacionamento?- O Que Fazemos Dentro do Marketing de Rede e Como Fazemos?- A Importncia de Construir Sua Marca Pessoal3Mdulo: Criao da Sua Marca (a Base de Tudo) Nas Mdias Sociais- Como Construir Sua Marca de Midia Social- Como Se Tornar a Prpria Marca e Fazer os Prospectos Virem at Voc4Mdulo: Como Crescer Sua Rede de Amigos Seguidores e Fans Como Atrair Novos Amigos, Fs e Seguidores nas Redes Sociais Como Expandir Seu Alcance nas Redes Sociais Como Cultivar Relacionamentos Significativos com Seguidores5Mdulo: Atrao de Pessoas em Massa Aprenda a Atrair Pessoas com Suas Redes Sociais Sem Gastar Nem Um Centavo Sequer Tendo Seus Primeiros Resultados nas Primeiras Semanas! Aprenda os Segredos do Marketing de Atrao e Torne-se Um m de Pessoas, Mesmo que Voc Tenha Comeado no Multinivel h menos de um ms!6Mdulo: Como Converter Seus Clientes Potenciais em Clientes Distribuidores Como Transformar os seguidores em Prospectos Sem Expuls-los Como Criar Postagens que Realmente Atraiam Pessoas Interessadas Como Ter Clientes Potenciais Constantemente e Interminveis para Conversar Sobre Seus Produtos e a Sua Oportunidade de Marketing de Rede Tipos de Contedos Que Fazem Com Que As Pessoas Se Interessem Pelo seu Negcio (algo diferente de tudo que voc provavelmente v no mercado).7Mdulo: Como Apresentar Sua Oportunidade Para Essas Pessoas Interessadas. Conte Sua Histria e Mostre o Plano Como Evitar Grandes Erros que a Grande Maioria das Pessoas Cometem Como Gerar Interesse Para Que as Pessoas Queiram Conhecer Sua Oportunidade8Mdulo: Como Treinar e Se Comunicar Com Sua Equipe Como Treinar e Se Comunicar Com Sua Equipe09Mdulo: A Importncia de Ouvir Audios Todos os Dias A Importncia de Ouvir Audios Todos os Dias10Mdulo: Vendas Os Roteiros Mais Poderosos para voc Prospectar e Fazer Vendas"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to create hot SEO-friendly content - tips for bloggers" |
"This course will teach you how to: Identify your target audience, topics and keywordsUse online tools to create attractive, SEO-friendly headlines Use SEO strategies and skills to apply to your web content and blog writingUse SEO tools to do research/data analysis Structure an article or story pieceCreate and use images enhancing your content and relevant online platformsOptimize every image for search enginesReuse or update older content for efficiency and relevancy"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chair Yoga: yoga for everyone!" |
"Chair Yoga at home, work or while traveling uses the support of a chair (seated or standing). This course offers short and longer Chair Yoga classes, guided relaxation (short and long) and more tools to enjoy the benefits of yoga at all ages and stages of life. Yoga is for everyone!This course includes over 5.5 hours of videos and content, including three 30 min Chair Yoga practice (two featured on Cable TV!), shorter Chair Yoga at work and Chair Yoga practices, guided relaxations, meditation and more!What is a Chair Yoga class like? Classes with Stacie include: centering, warm-ups, yoga postures, concentration & breathing exercises, guided relaxation & meditationWhat are the benefits?Flexibility and strength Energy & clarityOverall well-beingInner peaceWho can participate? Everyone! Those with chronic illness. pre and post surgery or with injuriesFor those in wheelchairs and disabilities What do you wear?Anything you want! Comfortable clothes are preferable.Practice with shoes, socks, or bare-feet.Taught by Stacie Dooreck:Author of SunLight Chair Yoga and Yoga for everyone! booksCertified Sivananda Yoga instructor since 1995Certified Kundalini Yoga and Gentle Integral Yoga instructorStress Management Specialist for Ornish Heart Disease Reversal ProgramBay Area Office Yoga InstructorFor more info. go the website: sunlightyoga .com"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
prednaznachenie |
"- . , ! , :?... ;?... ;? ... - ;? ... , ;? ... ;? ... ;? ... . : ; ; ; . , , .."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Start Trading Stocks and Crypto With A Trading Simulator!" |
"This course is geared towards those who have little to no experience with trading stocks, and want to gain knowledge before risking money in the market. In this course I walk you through the basics of stock and cyrptocurrency trading. I show you how to get set up with a simulator risk-free until your ready to get started with real money. I share my strategy I've been developing for over a year with you and walk you through 6 lessons that cover everything from getting set up, to learning how to read stock charts. This course concludes with a strategy for entering the market to make a profit."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Synthetic Intelligence : Learning GIT with Github and Gitlab" |
"THE PHILOSOPHY IS SIMPLE LEARN LESS PRACTICE MORE AND REPEAT 100 TIMES. This is kept in mind to hold your interest and motivate you to finish this course and try it as much as possible. It is small but with resources and study material to keep you engaged with the course.This course will help the peoples who are curious about GIT and want to know more about version control. This is the foundation of the continuous development environment. The course is made with focus on practical knowledge in real environment, which will keep the interest of the student alive and make them work on the interesting topics with more enthusiasm.The study material will be available in form of downloadable PDF for a better learning experience.The outline of the course will be like this:-1. 1 we will begin with the basic knowledge of what is a version control system. 2. 2 After that we will get theory behindit.3. 3 Then we will perform installation and basic operations with GIT and GitHub.4. 4After that we will practice the Repository operations and branching.5. 5 Then we will move to the advance topics.6. 6 After that we will learn about GitHub and GitLab.7. 7 In the end, for a real time project we will setup our own private GIT repository server. This will be the outline for the course, the thing will be mostly a practical and easily understandable approach and is thought that you practice along with it for a better learning experience."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A developer guide for Amazon Redshift" |
"This course covers the Architecture of Redshift, Columnar vs Row oriented databases, Introduce you to the AWS VPC, IAM role, and S3 bucket creation. You can master the SQL with best practices and learn a few admin activities which help to build an effective data warehouse. This course introduces compression/encoding techniques. You can learn to implement Workload management and monitor and tune long-running queries. I always noticed most of the data engineers are clueless about how data is retrieved from the database. Writing an optimized query is a must when dealing with big data, understanding the architecture and the movement of the data is very important to write the best query. Without prior knowledge on SQL, you can master the SQL and become a pro with this short 2 Hour tutorial."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Persoonlijke Financin: Beheren, Besparen en Sparen" |
"Persoonlijke Financin curses is een curses waarbij je gaat leren hoe je je eigen Financin goed kunt beheren en onderhouden, wat je allemaal kunt doen om te besparen en je vaste lasten optimaal te houden en hoe je kunt sparen voor leuke doelen en je vrijheidsbuffer. Heb je dus moeite met het omgaan met geld, rondkomen, besparen en sparen? volg dan deze cursus en geef je portemonnee een boost!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lumion 8: Beginner to Pro" |
"A step by step tutorial on how to use Lumion 3D as a beginner, going through each of the categories, familiarizing yourself with the stage and how to use each effect to your advantage and finally going through to the more advanced tutorials helping you become a more proficient 3D artist. And lastly, an introduction to Lumion 9's new features. Although this course was designed around Lumion 8, the techniques used here will help you streamline your workflow for any version of Lumion."
Price: 1200.00 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro . ." |
"Premiere Adobe. , , . , , 30-50%. . , . , , , ."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Atteindre 1500m de natation pour votre premier triathlon" |
"-Par le biais de ce programme, vous atteindrez 1500 m en nageant le crawl,-Progression des distances de natation l'entranement sur la dure du programme-Utilisation de matriel pdagogique pour axer le travail sur certaines parties du corps.-Exercices cibls par des ducatifs pour progresser principalement sur les appuis, l'amplitude, la respiration, l'endurance.-3 entranements par semaine.-Dans le but de se faire plaisir, s'aligner sur une course : comptition triathlon ou nage en eau libre ou autres."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Insights and Details into Canine Raw Feeding and Nutrition" |
"The best thing we can do for our pets is to be one step ahead of their physical and mental needs. Dogs are just like us, nutrition and exercise are the biggest factors in their physical and mental well being. Extracting from my 10 years of professional and personal experiences, as well as thorough research across the scientific spectrum, and consulting with canine veterinary professionals, I am really excited to have put this course together. My mission was to create a course that provides you with as much useful information as possible without an excessive number of slides and third party website references. My goal was to keep this course as meaty as I can (pun intended), maintaining an easy to follow instructional as well as informative structure for any pet parent to understand.This course is also informative for any pet industry professionals to obtain a deeper understanding of the world of canine nutrition, and how to formulate raw recipes that are compliant with canine nutritional recommendations. This course will give you a clear understanding on how to calculate and formulate your own awesome recipes. You will be able to care for your dog on a whole different level! This course covers the dog's physiology (how it works and what it needs), pet food industry (how to decode the labels, how they're formulated), and how to create a wholesome diet (step by step guide on how to create your own recipes). By the end of this course, you will know more about your own dog's nutritional needs than your vet!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |