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"Iniciao ao Photoshop - Fotografia" |
"Iniciao ao Photoshop, para fotgrafos. Com este curso vais ficar a saber editar e resolver vrios problemas nas tuas fotografias.Vais ficar a saber como tudo funciona no Photoshop na vertente de fotografia.Cada rea do programa separada por aulas individuais.Acesso s fotografias usadas nas aulas, para que possas praticar e acompanhar passo a passo cada aula.Preparei este curso para todos aqueles que pretendem comear a utilizar o photoshop na edio das suas fotografias.O curso est preparado para fotgrafos, ou seja vamos explorar todas as potencialidades do photoshop para a edio e manipulao de fotografias.Irei comear o curso por te Mostar os cantos casa como costumo dizer, pois no te vou mostrar nada que no esteja relacionado com edio de fotografia. Vais aprender a instalar o photoshop conhecer os menus e ferramentas e aprender os fundamentos bsicos do photoshop, layers blend modes etc.Depois numa 2 parte vamos passar a aco onde com casos prticos e com imagens fornecidas por mim, vais aprender como resolver grande parte dos problemas das tuas fotos, como limpar uma foto, apagar e deslocar objectos, editar retratos, substituir um cu entre muitas outras.O aluno ideal para este curso, aquele fotografo amador ou entusiasta, que j sabe editar as fotos no Lightroom por exemplo, mas nunca se aventurou no photoshop ou por achar que era muito complicado ou por falta de tempo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain Technology & Bitcoin - Quick & Easy Learning" |
"Have you ever wondered that something called Blockchain will become a hotly discussed topic among your colleagues and friends? You may know a bit and have heard a bit about this. But still, can you talk confidently about Blockchain Technology?This course is specially prepared for anyone with an interest to learn Blockchain fundamentals in a simplified manner.At the end of this course you will have strong knowledge in everything you must know about the fundamentals to Blockchain Technology such as key concepts, all about Cryptocurrencies & Bitcoins, key terminology, hashing and mining etc. with animated and graphically presented lectures, accompanied PDF notes, published resources, use cases and live visits to online platforms.Today we see a new digitalized era and we are almost reaching the Blockchain era that everything in this world will be a part of Blockhain Technology. So learning and exploring this world will make you an outstanding person whenever you speak to your business partners, whenever you talk to your collegues or when you speak during an interview.Are you aware that this is going to be a disruptive change with high potential to change our lifestyles in a near future? This revolution will definitely change the world and you will become the first to know it. So, Get Enroll Now and enjoy the World of Blockchain!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Manuteno de Celulares - Software e reparo em Placas" |
"CURSO MANUTENO EM CELULARESVoc est esperando o que?Curso Revolucionrio que j mudou a vida de milhares de pessoas no Brasil e agora vai mudar a sua tambm. Crie seu prprio negcio 100% lucrativo com conserto e manuteno de celulares.MANUTENO E CONSERTO DE SMARTPHONE, IPHONES, IPAD, TABLET, SOFTWARE E DESBLOQUEIO.Nossa empresa com mais de 10 anos na rea de assistncia tcnica e especializada em smartphones, iphones, ipad, tablets, software e desbloqueio.Com mais de 7 filias pelo estado de So Paulo, trs para todos o curso do modo presencial para o modo online tambm.nosso curso possui certificado e nossas apostilas de material didtico so materiais de tima qualidade.Sendo formulada em duas apostilas, primeira no modo IPHONE e a segunda no modo ANDROID.Contedo do curso e das apostilas:MERCADO DE TRABALHO NA REAFERRAMENTAS, EQUIPAMENTOS E PRODUTOSLABORATRIO IDEALHISTRIA DO IPHONE, ANDROID, IPAD E TABLETSLINHA DE DESMONTAGEM DE IPHONESSOFTWARECOMO USAR O ODIM ATUALIZAR OU RESTAURAR O IPHONE, IPAD ou IPHODE TOUCHESD CONTROLE DE ENERGIA ESTTICAPREVENES COM ATERRAMENTOVESTURIOMATERIAIS PRODUTORES DE ESTTICA E MUITO MAIS.Trazemos nosso curso do presencial para o modo online.SORTEIO DE BRINDES TODO MSAprenda a Fazer Manuteno,Software e Reparos em placas de Celulares do bsico ao avanado."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Ancient Christian texts for modern healing" |
"Seeking health and wholeness is being human, and the wisdom from antiquity regarding health offers immeasurable value and a firm basis. This course opens the pages of mostly forgotten books written by the earliest followers of Jesus. Although we discuss why these ancient texts were not included in the Bible and how they were re-discovered, our main interest for this course lies in the healing messages they contain. The more we ponder their meaning, the more we find resonance in Biblical teachings as well. Students of this course do not need to know the Bible to understand and appreciate the healing messages we will explore in the extra-biblical books. But those who do know the Bible or have faith in it will discover how these more recently discovered texts add dimension to the whole picture of the early years of Jesus followers. Since this is an introductory course, I presume you know little or nothing about the lost and forgotten books, gospels, letters, and texts written about a hundred years after Jesus. Some of them are controversial, some inspiring, and some quite confusing to modern readers. But I will introduce you to the ones well use in the course how to find them, how to read them, and how to understand their basic messages.Who should or shouldnt take this course?If youre interested in expanding your ideas about healingIf youre a scholar of religion without specific training in extra-canonical textsIf you want to alleviate suffering in the world or deal with tragedies and human sorrowsIf youre curious about what was going on during and after the New Testament timeIf you like challenging yourself with big philosophical and religious ideasIf you are seeking deep answers to religious questionsIf you have had some kind of uplifting, inspiring experience with a sacred textThen you definitely want to get going with this course! On the other hand, if you have already studied the Coptic language and read Nag Hammadi literatureIf you are seeking the full interpretation of Nag Hammadi texts If you want to know all the ancient texts that touch on the subject of healingIts better to skip this course and wait for my next courses.Do I need to purchase any study materials?Nothing is required for taking the course. It is possible to complete the course using only free online references, but you may find it helpful to purchase a hard copy book (roughly $35). Further explanation about the resources you may wish to obtain will be in lecture 5. Whats in the course?After an introductory video, the course consists of four sections:1. Getting familiar with some ancient texts and learning to use them2. Identifying key healing principles from these early Christian texts3. Finding a common message of healing from the diverse followers of Jesus4. Exercising your authority to adapt ancient healing ideas to your 21st-century lifeWhat to expect in each section: 1. Well approach the search for healing in these texts by first identifying your own pain points or the places you would like to see healing, or resolution, or transformation. Then Ill explain a little about what happened to these texts written around the same time as the New Testament and how we can find and use them today. Ill give you the resources you need, including links to free online courses, and references to a couple of books you may want to purchase. No purchase is necessary, but you might appreciate buying one or two of the books to enhance your study. Youll also find four exercise sheets that will help you know how to find and use the texts. 2. In the next section, I'll introduce you to three specific texts: * The Secret Revelation of John* The Tripartite Tractate* The Dialogue with the SaviorEach of them includes special teachings from the Savior (portraying Jesus, or Christ) that teach something about God (or the divine Being), evil, and how the Savior saves us from evil. They were all written around the same time, perhaps a little more than a hundred years after Jesus. But each text is consistent with the main message, and yet they say it differently and for different reasons. The main activity in this section consists of writing a couple of reflections on the texts, followed by a quiz at the end. The quiz will help you feel confident in your knowledge of the basic healing concepts. 3. Next, well make a comparison between these new-to-us (but ancient) texts and more familiar passages in the Bible. Again, I want to emphasize that prior knowledge of the Bible is not necessary for this course. But those of you who do know the Bible will recognize familiar passages, and youll see why the comparison sheds further light on both the familiar and unfamiliar works. Well also take a closer look at some possible reasons for why these newer works (to us) were not included in the canon of the Bible, even when we find valuable ideas in them. This section includes a couple of PDF essays that will be helpful references in your later research and thinking about these texts. The topics are When and why the Bible became a canon and No such thing as Gnosticism. A couple of written assignments will help you analyze some of the healing themes 4. Finally, in the last section, Ill give you a couple of examples of healing from my own experience, demonstrating how to put these ideas to use in our 21st century world. I think youll also enjoy a couple of prayers from the Odes of Solomon that may have been composed around the time these other texts were written. And then Ill turn it over to you. It will be your turn to take what you selected at the beginning of the course, and put into practice the ideas from the Savior that you identified and pondered. You will want to take the time here to reflect, allow the grace of the divine idea to move you, confront the fear or resistance you may encounter, and then yield to the transforming ideas that heal. Healing is always an individual experience, and I will be happy to support you through this final portion. Although I do have a healing tradition of my own, I will use only the texts we study for this course. When you experience the change or transformation you are seeking, it may feel more natural than miraculous. because you will see how naturally the goodness of God/Infinite Spirit is made manifest in your life. But you will discover the vital practicality of these teachings, whether the change/healing appears quickly or slowly. The bonus lecture at the end will provide more resources to support your ongoing journey with these ancient healing texts. About the instructor Shirley Paulson, PhD.I care about my students the same way I care about the subject matter in this course passionately. The reason is that I have always wanted to alleviate suffering in the world and have spent my life searching for a better understanding of the love that heals, saves, and uplifts. Im eager to support and encourage others who want to bring light and healing to the world as well. My own journey began in my pre-teen years when I started asking the big questions about God, life, meaning, and spiritual existence. But my path has not been all intellectual. My heart guided me first. I worked as a volunteer in an inner-city school, because I wanted to understand the lives and needs of those who lived there. I have devoted myself to a healing career over twenty-five years, because I have compassion for those who are suffering. And all during this ministry of love, my questions have never ceased. In my early adult years, I studied the Bible deeply and began to discover real healing messages in it. I began my healing career when my children were in school, and my questions persisted. I went to a Protestant seminary to learn how others thought about the Bible, and finally my questions led me on to further studies at the University of Birmingham, UK, where I completed my PhD in religion and theology. My research topic was what this course is all about: healing theologies in the ancient text, the Secret Revelation of John, and how those healing ideas can be made practical today.Now that I have completed all this research, I am convinced that you dont need a PhD to grapple with these ideas. In fact, I am confident that anyone with spiritual curiosity, a sincere desire to help others, and humility will succeed. I want to offer you a strong foundation for your success. I plan to build more courses beyond the introductory level, so I would appreciate your input as to what direction you would like to go after you complete this course."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Ingls Completo" |
"Esse um curso completo de Ingls, voltado para estudantes de todos os nveis, em especial os iniciantes e intermedirios. um mtodo criado atravs de de muitos anos de aprendizado pessoal e profissional, na qual aprenderemos:- como o idioma funciona- quais so as formas que podemos aprend-lo- como podemos usar ferramentas teis do nosso dia-a-dia - os principais pontos da gramtica- como utilizar um Ingls bsico em viagens- como seguir aprendendo sozinho- como aumentar o nosso vocabulrio- como desenvolver a escrita, leitura, fala e escuta- como criar uma rotina de estudos Espero que voc tenha uma agradvel experincia atravs desse processo de descoberta e crescimento, da mesma maneira que eu tive aprendendo, ensinando e criando esse curso!Meu compromisso como o SEU aprendizado.Um abrao e vejo vocs do outro lado!Conrado Menezes"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Uncovering Your Life Lessons Numerology Immersion" |
"Do you understand your life and the nature of the path you are walking? Do you understand why certain things happen the way they do for you? Do you understand why you face certain obstacles in your life?And can you understand why you attract certain people/situations into your life over and over again?I can help you with that. Believe it or not, there is a BLUEPRINT to your life and it is based in ancient MATHEMATICS. Through the study of ancient NUMEROLOGY, we can begin to identify a soul's specific life lessons and their life purpose.Join Donnalynn Civello, Intuitive Life Coach, Numerologist and Author of Life Lessons, Everything You Ever Wished You Had Learned in Kindergarten, and explore the meaning behind the life you are living.Through this workshop, you will specifically learn:- How to calculate your personal life lessons and those of others- Your personal core issues/struggles/challenges in this lifetime- Your personal gifts/talents & special needs- The nature of your romantic relationships- Your personal relationship to money & careerThrough this process we will also explore where these life lessons come from and begin a dialogue on the nature of soul mates, the different types of romantic soul mates (primary and transitional), soul contracts, the pre-birth planning process, end of life review, fate vs. free will, deja vu, the law of attraction and other spiritual laws of the universe.Your life is purposeful. There are no coincidences. If something is happening to you again and again, it is the universe's way of giving you another opportunity to work through the same pattern differently. You want to know your life lessons because they are meant to be worked through never repeated. After this workshop, you will never look at your life the same way again. I promise."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Guitar Repair - Module 1, Maintaining Your Guitar" |
"Learn how to repair guitars, today.Module 1, Maintaining Your Guitar, is the first in the Learn Guitar Repair series and, together with the other modules, will teach you how to repair electric and acoustic guitars and basses. This module teaches you how to professionally carry out full maintenance on your own and customer guitars. Follow step by step with videos, downloads, quizzes and tasks. Ask questions. Once youve completed this module, youll be ready to confidently and effectively tackle many of the common maintenance issues customers have with their guitars, and youll also save a fortune being able to work on your own instrument. Please do check for discounts and coupons before purchasing this course.Learner reviews:""Great course!""""The instructor's explanations are detailed, demonstrating knowledge and excellence in the art of 'Luthieria'.""""Yes! Thanks Kevin!""""It's good for beginner, he explains well everything""""A most enjoyable course. I learned something new in each module. In those where I had no experience with the topic at all, things were explained clearly and made simple. Very easy to follow along.""""An informative and enjoyable course filled with valuable hands-on examples of proper guitar maintenance practices. Great for both beginners and more advanced guitar enthusiasts willing to learn how to take care of their instrument without spending a fortune on taking it to the luthier.""""Very detailed instructions, the instructor is very knowledgable and concise. I would highly recommend this course, can't wait for the next course.""""It was a very solid back grounding and I will be looking for a more advanced course now and an opportunity to work on some instruments.""""This course was exactly what I wanted. I was looking into guitar building but over time realised it wasn't what I wanted. I was more interested in how guitars work and how to repair and maintain them. This was perfect and easy to follow.""""The course is very informative, entertaining and the guy is pretty funny. Watching on mobile and so far its pretty easy to use. No hacks required.""The award-winning Guitar Repair Technician training program has been a preferred choice within the Wales Employability Sector for guitar repair training (electric, bass, acoustic, classical), and was entered onto the Careers Wales database of approved courses in 2013. The problem for many, however, was access to the guitar repair workshops i.e. many people simply were unable to attend workshops to learn how to repair electric guitars and other types due to time constraints, geographic location and transportation. The solution: The Guitar Repair Technician training program is now available here through Udemys online learning platform for you to learn how to fix your own guitar and customer guitars in your own time, and without needing to leave home. This module focuses on specific maintenance jobs that a Guitar Repair Technician might experience, whether youre working in the Guitar and Music industry, following a hobby or simply maintaining your own guitar to keep it in great shape.Other Guitar Repair training courses are expensive, long and often not easily accessible. This module of the UK government approved training course would cost in excess of 250 per day - here, you can often save over 90% of the cost; it's very worth it. With a 30-day money back guarantee, unlimited access time, and a certificate of completion to show future employers or to add credibility to your technical know-how and services, there's no better time to sign up to the course. So click on the button and I'll see you there!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to invest like Warren Buffet with stock options" |
"This is a course about how to invest like a Warren Buffet and How you could multiple his outstanding returns even more with Stock OptionsLast 6 years my average results on stocks by Buffet strategy was about 18% percent,but after I added stock options 4 years ago it became average about 50% per year Last trades: a. 10% growth on KSU stock and 90% on optionsb. 17% growth on EXEL in November and 150% growth on optionsAfter finishing this course you will learn:a. Who is a Warren Buffet and why he can earn so much money just picking the right stocksb. Deep understanding of fundamental analysis (what is a Margin, Debt, P/E and other financial ratios) and how you can use it to beat almost every hedge fund and indexes c. Completely detailed working strategy, how to make it and what services can help you do it very easilyd. What is the Stock options and how it works with a simple explanatione. Most efficient options strategies and real examples how to execute them on my real trading accountAnd moreover, after finishing this course I will provide lifetime support if you have any questions."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Managing Innovative Projects" |
"FREE - 42 Page 'Guide to managing innovative' projects available for download with this course.Why innovation project management?Innovation has become a buzzword in recent years, however, now more than ever it is essential for companies to stay ahead of competitors, new entrants and changing market trends. Change is accelerating. As technology continues to progress at faster and faster rates we are seeing more and more new applications making old business models obsolete. Consider the rise of Uber, Tesla, Air BnB, Spotify, Netflix and Amazon and how they are revolutionising our lives. Traditional businesses know that they must innovate, but many are not doing so effectively. It's one thing having great ideas, quite another to deliver on them. That's where innovation project management comes in. Skilled Innovation PM's can take an idea and help to turn it into a reality. It's a skill that will be in demand more and more in the future.What you will get from this courseAs an innovation project manager you will learn what makes innovation projects different from conventional projects and why it's necessary to change your mindset and skills to be able to deliver innovation effectively. This course will provide you with the know how to manage innovative projects and deliver them successfully.David Richmond is an innovation consultant with many years of innovation experience, working with both large blue chip organisations and their clients and small start up businesses. He is the founder and managing director of Richmond Innovation that specialises in transforming businesses through culture development, process integration, idea management and agile project delivery. David is also a highly qualified project manager and innovator and he is a PRINCE2 Agile practitioner, certified Scrum Master, a post graduate in project management and he is a certified coach and experienced trainer.The course covers a range of subjects including:What makes innovation projects different.Innovation Business case development.Innovation Risk management.Agile project approaches in an innovation context.Project planning.Reducing bureaucracy.Business as usual handover.Learning and continuous improvement.You will learn how to deliver innovative projects effectively in the organisation. This will set you apart from conventional project managers and provide you with knowledge and skills that are likely to be in high demand in the future. While there are no prerequisites for the course, the course is aimed at existing project or innovation professionals, or those with an active interest in innovation project delivery. The course does not intend to cover conventional project methodologies in detail but it will refer to them so those coming to the course with no knowledge of project management may like to do some additional reading. Now with fully edited captions throuhgout.Intro music courtesy of Bensound"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Basic Chinese for Beginners: Pin Yin" |
"Pinyin is the Chinese phonetic instruction in mainland China. It is widely used in teaching materials designed for people who wish to learn Mandarin. Master proper Mandarin pronunciation and will will lay a good foundation for further mandarin study. In this course, you will learn Pinyin with clear and detailed way which shows you the English phonics, and the tone position pictures in order to make you fully understand the right way for the pronunciation. This course is composed by 16 vidieos, besides that, the distinction and spelling exercise will help you further enforce what youve learned for each course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"GMAT Verbal- All you need to know to become a high scorer" |
"GMAT is not about endless practice of English language; GMAT is rather about the practice to win the GMAT game with GMAT rules. The practice in right direction is the key to success. In this course you will be taught all three sections - SC, CR, RC - that you will have on your test. The rules are explained along with how is the rule applied on a particular question. The course is divided into 3 - Approach to question, Concepts / rules for the question, Elimination of options as per the learnt rules.Be smart, Play smart!!!Here's when hard work meets smart work :)"
Price: 5120.00 ![]() |
"English Course for Level 1" |
"Start speaking immediately and go at your own pace to learn to speak like a native English speaker with a good education. Learn the correct pronunciation of all 44 sounds in English by speaking in real conversations that include an affirmative, a negative and a question, just like native English speakers learn English. All the vocabulary in the conversations has been chosen to help students practice listening and repeating only perfect pronunciation and intonation, while identifying the 44 sounds in English.This course includes everything students need to master correct pronunciation and intonation when speaking English.Whether you want to learn English, or just improve your pronunciation, this course will help you speak English like a native English speaker with a good education."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Spanish on the Go! Learn Spanish being an English Speaker" |
"This course is perfect for everyone who is looking for a simplified course to learn Spanish and communicate in the language. Here, we focus on the basic grammar, a large range of vocabulary used in your daily routine and exercises to practice the Spoken, Listening, Reading and Writing abilities.It is divided into 36 videos comprising a mix of grammar and vocabulary. We have also added a variety of exercises for your practice. you can also contact us anytime for any queries. This course will help you to understand the basics of the Language and its fundamentals just as we had learned in our first language in our schools. You should follow as many good sources as possible to gain new words improving the reading skills."
Price: 10880.00 ![]() |
"Easy strategies for slow learners" |
"I will provide you with the series of learning tools. If you find it harder to learn a subject then others I will try to help. What I am going to teach here is a variety of learning methods which I encourage you to try. By the use of different methods you can make your learning process more fun.Getting yourself out of the comfort zone and into the passion for learning is the goal of this course. The course is particularly tailored for the young and old, kids and parents who are struggling to keep their attention on the content, when subject is long and dry orwhere simply your memory is not taking any more in."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pruebas funcionales a API REST: SoapUI" |
"Con este curso sers capaz de incursionar en el mundo de las pruebas funcionales a API sin tener conocimiento previo, se ofrecen un conjunto de conceptos bsicos para que tengas un mejor entendimiento de este mundo de las API y pruebas funcionales a las mismas y adems te ensea como trabajar con SoapUI Pro como parte del paquete de herramientas poderosas que ofrece ReadyAPI!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cosa comunichiamoquando arricciamo il naso osgraniamo gli occhi? Quali sono i movimenti del corpo e del viso che esprimono che chi ti sta di fronte sta mentendo?Attraverso il corpo e il volto esprimiamo le nostre emozioni, ma non sempre faciledecodificarle.Conoscerecon certezza gli intenti, i desideri ee motivazioni delle persone una capacit rarache puessere allenata grazie alla conoscenza del Linguaggio del corpo.Conoscerlo ticonsente un risparmio di tempo e dirisorse. Potraimigliorare i rapporti interpersonali, da quello tra moglie e marito a quello con colleghi e amici.PROGRAMMADELCORSO:1. INTRODUZIONE: Come si usa e come non si usa un corso sul linguaggio del corpo. I classici errori da evitare.2. PROSSEMICA:Come gestiamo la nostra relazione con gli spazi e ambienti e le 4 aree spaziali che condizionano la nostra comunicazione. 3. CAMMINATA:Come interpretare la camminata di una persona in base alla falcata, l'appoggio dei piedi e altre caratteristiche che rivelano particolari predisposizioni del nostra carattere.4. STAR SEDUTI:Il modo di sedersi quando siamo in relazione con una persona rivela spesso la gerarchia e qualit della relazione. Le diverse tipologie di sedute e i segnali che inviano a chi li riceve.5. LATESTA:Muoviamo di continuo la testa senza essere consapevoli di quali messaggi stiamo inconsciamente inviando. Tipici segnali di imbarazzo, rifiuto o menzogna che inviamo con la testa.6. LABOCCA:Mordersi le labbra solo uno dei tanti segnali del corpo che esprimono precise sensazioni. Alla bocca sono collegate tantissimi significati che troverai utilissimo conoscere.7. RIDERE:Hai mai fatto caso che le persone ridono in maniera diversa enfatizzando una precisa vocale? ""Ah ah"" diverso da ""Eh eh"" che diverso da ""Hi hi"" che diverso da ""Uh uh"". In base la tipo di vocale che esprimi mentre ridi stai rivelando ci che provi.8. LEBRACCIA:Noi italiani usiamo moltissimo le braccia. Tra le tante parti del corpo sono quelle che rivelano ci che proviamo nel profondo in quel momento o situazione. Conoscerle ti aiuter a capire meglio te stesso e gli altri.9. LEMANI:Mani chiuse o aperte, dita incrociate o dritte. Usiamo le mani per fare quasi tutto nella vita ma non sappiamo che sono anche un preciso strumento di comunicazione. 10. MANI & BUGIE:Se una persona nasconde le sue mani (in tasca, dietro la schiena o sotto un tavolo) potrebbe essere un segnale da tenere sott'occhio. Vediamo come usiamo le mani quando stiamo nascondendo qualcosa.11. COMEDORMI:Dormiamo in tantissimi modi diversi e le posizioni che tieni nel sonno rivelano il tuo stato d'animo.12. FUMARE:Non ci crederai ma puoi capire tantissime cose da come un fumatore tiene la sigaretta o butta fuori il fumo dalla bocca. 13. SCOPRI CHITISTAMENTENDO:Con le parole possiamo mentire ma il nostro linguaggio del corpo non ne capace. Riconoscere quali sono i tipici segnali di menzogna ti eviter spiacevoli sorprese, delusioni e problemi."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Como se aposentar sem o INSS" |
"Aqui no curso vou ensinar e mostrar como se aposentar pelo nosso mercado financeiro.Atravs da Renda Fixa.Porque escolhi a renda fixa? - Diferente da renda varivel, voc esta livre de riscos. - voc quem escolhe a data e o quanto quer ganhar na sua aposentadoria.- Voc no depende do governo, depende unica e exclusivamente de voc mesmo.Me acompanha que vou mostrar sem ""blablabla"" como se chega l. Tudo na pratica, sem apresentaes de Slides."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Grant Writing" |
"When most grant writers think of the grant life cycle they think of three stages - pre-award, award, and post-award. However, the grant life cycle is a much more complex process through which grant seekers must develop the project idea, develop the proposal, implement the project, close out the award, disseminate the knowledge gathered, while building long-lasting relationships with partners and funders. In this course, ""Grant Life Cycle"", we are going to explore the major steps you need to take to go from idea to dissemination. We will address the value of having a solid, fundable idea, but more important, the significance of building strong relationships with internal and external collaborators and potential funders . We will teach you how to efficiently and effectively search for prospects and explore the components of a compelling proposal. We will walk you through the steps of award negotiation, implementation and dissemination while providing valuable lessons on how to establish relationships which will last far beyond your current grant proposal. We hope you enjoy this course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Get Over An EX" |
"When we go through a break up, it can seem that we will never love again. ... whether we come out of it asking ""whats love got to do with it?""like Tina Turner .... or we ""Start looking for our soul mate"".... or we simply live on, and move on. ... Those of us that get through it, come out better for it. Wiser, more experienced, and knowing what to avoid, and what we are really looking for in a partner. Imyself have gone through three break ups; all three being longer than three year relationships each. Its not easy. And I'm grateful to write that its not been easy, and while thats true, I'm also grateful to report, there is hope, and you can rebuild. A friend once asked me, ""Whats the easiest way to get over a break up?""Itold him, ""Let go of the idea that its going to be easy."" Real healing will take work. Until we star the exploration of exactly what led you here, you're not going to be able to stop the patters that are holding you back. This is not going to be the end all be all solution to your break up. What it will be is a start to real coaching and mentorship in this process. As I type this, I promise you, things get better, and you will be ok. ... Lets walk towards healing together. Sincerely, Jacob Adams P.S. Yes friend, Iknow its really hard sometimes and it can feel terrible. I knowthats why I made this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Umfragen mit LimeSurvey erstellen" |
"Der Kurs ist fr dich hilfreich, wenn du eine wissenschaftliche oder auch nicht-wissenschaftliche online Umfrage erstellen mchtest. Ich begleite dich beiallen wichtigen Entscheidungen und zeige dir die konkrete Implementierung im LimeSurvey, einem Open-Source Umfrage-Tool, das sehr flexibel auch fr deine Umfrage anpassbar ist. Das inkludiert alles von den theoretischen bzw.methodologischen Grundberlegungen darber, was gute Daten ausmacht, bis zum erfolgreichen Export der Daten der Umfrage aus LimeSurvey.Neben den Inhalten bekommst du mit deiner Teilnahme - persnlichen Kontakt zu mir, falls du spezifische Fragen hast, - lebenslangen Zugriff auf alle Materialien im Kurs, - ein 30-Tage Rckgaberecht,- bungsaufgaben zur Vertiefung deines Wissens und - meine persnliche Zusicherung, dass ich den Kurs in regelmigen Abstnden aktualisiere."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Strukturgleichungsmodelle in R lavaan: Der einfache Einstieg" |
"In diesem Kurs teile ich meine Erfahrung als Methodologe und Statistiker und zeige dir, wie du Pfadanalysen, konfirmatorische Faktorenanalysen (CFA) und Strukturgleichungsmodelle (SEM) in Rdurchfhrst. Dafr fhre ich dich durch alle Schritte durch:vom technischen Setup ber die Basics in R, bis hin zu der Modellierung in R. Dabei kommt natrlich die Interpretation der Ergebnisse nicht zu kurz.Neben den Inhalten bekommst du mit deiner Teilnahme-persnlichen Kontaktzu mir, falls du spezifische Fragen hast,-lebenslangen Zugriffauf alle Materialien im Kurs,- ein30-Tage Rckgaberecht,- RCodes zum kopieren (auch fr deine eigenen Modelle!)- meine persnliche Zusicherung, dass ich den Kursin regelmigen Abstnden aktualisiere."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Statistik mit IBM SPSS Statistics" |
"Der Kurs ist fr dich hilfreich, wenn du Daten statistisch analysieren mchtest. Ichbegleite dich dabei, die wichtigsten Prozeduren auszufhrenund zeige dir diekonkreten Schritte in IBMSPSSStatistics(kurz: ""SPSS"").Ich diesem Kurs zeige ich dir...- die Grundlagen von SPSS.- alles wichtige ber Variablen: welche Typen und Skalenniveaus es gibt und wie man sie subert und manipuliert.- wie du Kennwerte der deskriptiven Statistik in SPSS berechnen und anzeigen kannst.- wie und mit welchem Test du Unterschiedshypothesen testen kannst.- wie und mit welchem Test du Zusammenhangshypothesen testen kannst. Neben den Inhalten bekommst du mit deiner Teilnahme-persnlichen Kontaktzu mir, falls du spezifische Fragen hast,-lebenslangen Zugriffauf alle Materialien im Kurs,- ein30-Tage Rckgaberecht,-bungsaufgabenzur Vertiefung deines Wissens,- Bonusmaterial zur Erstellung von Umfragenund- meine persnliche Zusicherung, dass ich den Kursin regelmigen Abstnden aktualisiere.Der Kurs ist insbesonder fr dich sehr gut geeignet, wenn du noch wenig Erfahrung in der Statistik allgemein hast. Wenn du bereits theoretisches Wissen hast, aber einen schnellen berblick ber SPSS bekommen mchtest, bist du hier ebenfalls richtig!Klingt das gut?Na dann bis gleich im Kurs!- DominikPS: Du brauchst noch mehr Details?Gerne: In diesem Kurs...- lernst du die grafische Benutzeroberflche von SPSS und ihren Aufbau kennen.- zeige ich dir, welche Einstellungen produktives Arbeiten in SPSS erleichtern.- erklre ich dir, wie du SPSS-Dateien (.sav) in SPSS ffnest bzw. andere Formate (z.B. .csv) in SPSS importieren kannst.- erklre ich dir die verschiedenen Variablentypen in SPSS. - lernst du die verschiedenen Skalentypen in SPSS kennen.- zeige ich dir, was fehlende Werte sind, warum sie wichtig sind und wie du sie in SPSS definierst.- erklre ich dir, warum es manchmal wichtig ist, Variablen umzukodieren und natrlich, wie du das in SPSS machst.- lernst du, wie du neue Variablen in SPSS berechnest.- zeige ich dir, wie du Lagemae in SPSS berechnen kannst.- zeige ich dir, wie du Streumae in SPSS berechnen kannst.- zeige ich dir, wie du Daten auf ihre Normalverteilung prfen kannst.- bekommst du Untersttzung dabei, den richtigen statistischen Test zu whlen.- lernst du, wie du einen t-test bei einer Stichprobe durchfhrst.- lernst du, wie du einen t-Test bei unabhngigen Stichproben durchfhrst.- zeige ich dir, wie du eine Varianzanalyse (ANOVA) durchfhrst.- lernst du ber das Testen von Zusammenhngen zwischen ordinalskalierten Variablen(Rangkorrelation).- lernst du ber das Testen von Zusammenhngen zwischen intervallskalierten Variablen(Korrelation).- zeige ich dir, wie du eine einfache lineare Regression (Regression mit einer unabhngigen Variable) durchfhrst.- zeige ich dir, wie du eine multiple lineare Regression (Regression mit mehreren unabhngigen Variablen) durchfhrst.... und vieles, vieles mehr!Gerne kannst du auch die Vorschau nutzenund vergiss auch nicht, dass du sowieso einRckgaberecht hast!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Gesto de Canais de Vendas Industriais" |
"Neste curso ensinaremos ferramentas e conceitos de gesto B2B de forma simples e pratica para serem aplicados no dia a dia. Utilizaremos conceitos de entidades renomadas, como Harvard Business School, FGV e FDC e apresentaremos de forma simplificada para nossos alunos.Temas como o Customer Experience, 4 Cs, Channel stewardship e muitos outros. Ao final do curso, esperamos que o aluno tenha uma noo bsica dos conceitos abordados e esteja apto a usar o material disponvel para download para us-los em seu trabalho dirio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Reading Financial Statements for Beginners" |
"This Reading FinancialStatements course lays the foundations for reading the three main financial statements to include the Income Statement, the Balance Sheet, and the Statement of Cash Flows. The course provides basic competencies in accounting and financial statement analysis which is used to make informed decisions. This course is for all students of every level whether in an academic setting, business, and or/ investing. Accounting is the language of business and is the building block for which students can learn what moves business/industries and how results are communicating. Having financial accounting reporting knowledge will set students apart from the pack."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ace the ACT English test" |
"Strategy, Organization and Style. Rhetorical Skills. Grammar and Mechanics. All of the previous phrases are used when talking about the ACTEnglish exam. What do they mean? How is the exam built? What are the questions like? Just what exactly are they testing you on? What have they told the colleges regarding what the exam does and what the score level means? Here we will not only answer those questions, we will prepare and study using exams and resources that work."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Monte seu servidor bsico com Linux OpenSUSE 15" |
"Curso de configurao de um servidor Linux utilizando uma das mais estveis distribuies que existe. O OpenSUSE!Sero abordados detalhes da instalao do sistema operacional onde o tcnico poder adequar a hardwares mais robustos assim como em servidores com menos recursos computacionais. Sero detalhados e comentados cada servio trabalhado no curso. Paralelamente teremos uma estao Windows como cliente para o acessar o servidor. O servios que sero estudados so comumente utilizados em empresas. So eles:Introduo ao sistema operacional OpenSUSE 15 (Curiosidades, um pouco da histria, detalhes de uma instalao do zero, apresentao da interface grfica e a interface de linha de comando, personalizando para otimizar o trabalho. Conhecendo o YaST e Zypper que so ferramentas de instalao e configurao de pacotes.Servidor DNS (Conhecendo o servio, criao de zonas, tipos de registros, gerao de domnio, etc.)Servidor Apache (Definindo o bsico de um servio WEB, facilidade de configurao com Yast, hospedagem simples de sites, vhosts, ativao de mdulos, etc.Servidor FTP (Disponibilizando arquivos com segurana, motivo de se usar o FTP, usando uma ferramenta de cliente para uso mais amigvel)Servidor DHCP (Organizando sua rede local com DHCP do OpenSUSE, criando escopos, reservas, etc)Servidor de arquivos com SAMBA (Compartilhe arquivos e diretrios com sistemas Windows, compreenda as permisses de acesso. Entenda o protocolo SMB e caractersticas particulares do servio)Servidor SSH (Acessando remotamente seu servidor com SSH, como o OpenSUSE trabalha com ele, importncia de um acesso seguro, etc)Todos os servios sero abordados de forma separada, no entanto o projeto de aprendizado ser uma integrao de todos em um nico ambiente, para uma compreenso completa e mais objetiva. Nada de muito aprofundamento, pois um aprendizado bsico com solidez fundamental para um desenvolvimento avanado mais tranquilo. Os conhecimentos adquiridos serviro como base para aprendizados mais complexos."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"BEM CSS + ITCSS = Metodologa BEMIT - Diseo web avanzado" |
"Tratas con selectores de CSS de este tipo en tus proyectos?#main .post div:first-child > a.buttonEntonces, este curso es para ti.An as, para demostrrtelo, te voy a hacer una serie de preguntas y si no puedes contestarlas todas, definitivamente es para ti.Sabras decirme dnde est ese selector definido?En qu archivo?En qu carpeta?Si no utilizas un preprocesador de CSS y lo tienes todo en el mismo archivo, an podras contestar rpido a esas preguntas. Eso s, sin las ventajas que te ofrece el preprocesador.Pero an hay ms:Sabras decirme a qu secciones de tu web afecta ese selector?Quizs en un formulario de la pgina de contacto?En un bloque de la pgina home?Tal vez en ambos sitios?Est siendo usado ese selector en tu JavaScript?Lo ms seguro es que no lo sepas.Y podra seguir.Has podido responder todas las preguntas? No? Entonces, no esperes ms, este curso es para ti.Con la metodologa que vers aqu, tendras respuesta a todas esas preguntas y muchas ms.Y si te dijera, que podras, slo viendo el cdigo HTML en el inspector del navegador, saber la carpeta y el archivo donde est el estilo definido de cada clase?Adems podras saber que relacin tiene cada clase con las dems y cmo afecta cada clase de manera global en toda tu web. Pero sin documentacin extensa, simplemente leyendo tu cdigo, un ao despus, en menos de 5 segundos.Qu te parece la idea?Soy Ricardo y esta es la razn que me trae a contarte esto, te voy a hablar de nomenclatura, de metodologa, de buenas prcticas.Porque escribir CSS es fcil, pero cuidarlo y mantenerlo es otra historia.Cuando haces un proyecto, a nivel front end, pasas mucho tiempo maquetando y manteniendo el cdigo CSS. Es una tarea difcil cuando hay selectores anidados que influyen en varios sitios de la web y pueden romper estilos de otras secciones.No sabes qu puedes editar o borrar.Adems, como no est bien estructurado el cdigo, acabas aadiendo !important por todos lados, un caos vaya.Quieres mejorar tu metodologa de trabajo en el desarrollo web Front End?Quieres optimizar el tiempo y ahorrarte problemas cuando un cliente te pida modificaciones no previstas? Ya no tendrs que sufrir ms con ese tipo de problemas. Este sistema es robusto, escalable, mantenible en el tiempo y con una serie de reglas fciles de seguir.Adems, el curso est sper concentrado, no hay paja por eso slo dura 3h. Esto quiere decir que puedes verlo ahora mismo y maana ya puedes estar aplicndolo.He hecho este curso porque me hubiese gustado encontrarlo a mi.Con este mtodo, la maquetacin se hace muchsimo ms cmoda.Qu aprenders en este curso?Pues:La nomenclatura BEM.El sistema ITCSS.Y la unin de ambos, la metodologa BEMIT.Si utilizas por ejemplo react o cualquier otra tecnologa, tambin pueden servirte los conceptos vistos aqu.Lo que quieres al final es poder escribir cdigo que sea lo ms transparente y auto documentado posible.La transparencia significa que es clara y obvia en su intencin y la auto documentacin significa que no tenemos que perder tiempo para escribir y leer documentacin extensa y complementaria.De manera muy resumida:Este sistema son pautas a seguir a la hora de nombrar las clases de HTML y cmo atacarlas desde tu CSS.Adems te da una organizacin de carpetas y archivos especial que te ofrece ciertas caractersticas en tu cdigo.Puedes implementarlo a lo que ests utilizando, todo o alguna parte solamente. Lo que tu prefieras.Puede que slo te interese la seccin BEM, o quizs ests interesado en ITCSS para organizar mejor tu proyecto. O quizs te guste todo y lo implementes a lo que ya ests usando.Pero estoy seguro que este curso te dar otro punto de enfoque, otra perspectiva.Yo lo uso todos los das en todos los proyectos, de hecho llevo casi 2 aos utilizndolo y an a da de hoy cuando tengo que modificar un proyecto que hice con el sistema BEMIT y veo el cdigo, me doy las gracias por haberlo aplicado.Bueno, no digo ms, nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Botox introduction for healthcare professionals" |
"This course will take you through the history of Botulinum toxin, the rules and regulations in the UK, pharmacology and pharmacodynamics, available products, reconstitution, product placement and side effects and common problems.It is ideal for doctors looking to keep up to date with appraisals for cosmetic medicine as part of revalidation. The course is a lecture style but is also designed to be listened to on the move. this course is the perfect update for anyone who offers cosmetic medicine ."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
Excel |
"Excel Medida Certa. Um curso para iniciantes prtico e rpido que explora as potencialidades da planilha eletrnica mais usada no mundo. Aulas com exemplos prticos e uma coleo de Planilhas Prontas para usar no aprendizado.Esse curso faz a introduo s Planilhas Eletrnicas passando pela insero de funes, operadores aritmticos, formatao, formatao condicional, manipulao de dados e grficos. Ser demostrado alguns truques prticos fceis de aplicar e de lembrar. Muitas das atividades so inspiradas em situaes reais, tiradas de provas de concursos pblicos e testes de emprego. Um curso na Medida Certa para voc. Acompanhem as aulas Extras com dicas e truques."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Rvlez le chef de projet qui sommeille en vous !" |
"Le but de ce cours est, avant tout, de dmystifier la gestion de projet. Car chacun est capable de mener bien un projet. Nous allons voir comment on organise un projet formellement tout en gardant suffisamment de souplesse et douverture desprit pour le grer notre manire.Connaitre la formalisation permet alors dinscrire notre projet dans des ensembles de projet ou de le faire correspondre aux organisations dentreprise.Grer un projet ncessite den apprhender toutes les composantes, quil sagisse par exemple dtablir un budget, de se fixer des objectifs, de motiver les participants ou de calibrer des risques. De nombreux aspects annexes seront ainsi abords tout au long des chapitres.Les parties principales de la formation sont: Le cycle du projet: les diffrentes phases, lorganisation,la structure.Les outilsde projet : la dfinition dobjectifs, l'analyse de risque, la planification et le suivi,les outils de gestion.Les soft skills: les techniques de communication, l'animation de runionsfaire des prsentations efficaces.Ce cours est illustr de nombreux exemples pris dans diffrents domaines, y compris de la vie prive, afin que chacun, quel que soit son niveau d'exprience, puisse comprendre et appliquer les notions vues."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"VRay NEXT for 3Ds Max - Complete Video Guide" |
"WELCOME TO V-RAY NEXT VIDEO MANUALThe First Of Its Kind!All functions and features of VRay NEXT in step-by-step video examples. VRay got so many features and you dont want to miss any of them! NEW VRAY got completely new architecture and is the first HYBRID RENDERING engine that uses both CPU and GPU to process your renders as fast as possible!You can check my tests where VRay NEXT can render up to x7 faster than 3.6 version.In this class we will go through entire VRay functionalityUI and shortcutsVRay Frame Buffer for color correctionGPU and CPU for production rendering and animationSampling and Rendering OptimizationVRay Lights; Sun, Sky, Dome, PortalsExterior Fly-through AnimationGlobal Illumination optimization for interior and exteriorsVRay Physical Camera Auto White Balance and Auto Exposure controlsMotion Blur and Depth of Field effectsVRay Materials, all kinds!Volumetric fog effects and Arial PerspectiveDynamic objects; Fur, Grass, Proxy, Displacement, InstancerRender Elements VRay Passes WorkflowSPECIAL BONUS: 7.8GB of V-Ray Training Materials: 3Ds Max Scenes, HDRI Maps, Rendering Presets and more!You can log in and download all demo scenes and training materials in order to get the same results as you can see in this demo reel produce by ChaosGroup12 V-Ray Scenes Compatible with 3Ds Max 2016-201910 HOURS OF VRAY TRAINING 45 demonstrations are easy to follow videos are well organized and contain up to 20 minutes of lecture, so you will not overload yourself with information. You can take a break anytime to comeback fresh and ready to learn more!Training materials also include PDF handouts so you will see exactly the steps that Im taking to achieve Photorealistic results with VRay NEXT.OVER 7 HOURS of TRAININGWhy it is so Exclusive?This class is the first of its kind that includes the latest VRay next A-Z functions and features demonstrations based of ChaosGroup learning materials. The scenes are professionally made so we could concentrate on whats the most important is the demonstration of the tool! and BEST WAYS to use it.Q&AYou will get access to the UDEMY FORUM where you can ask questions, upload images with errors and let me help you to figure out bugs and failures. Im here to provide you full support and give you visual feedback so you could see what exactly needs to be fixed and how to fix it!All my comments and critique are constructive you could learn so much from other students struggle and accomplishment here we solve problems and deal with challenges!CERTIFICATIONAll that submit this course and pass the quick quiz, will be granted a COA certificate. Certificate of Attendance Directly from ChaosGroup. This Certificate comes in form of PDF and has a serial number.Click the BUTTON and JOIN US TodayBe The 1st To Master VRay NEXTLEARN TO BE A PRO!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |