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"Oposiciones: Aumenta tu motivacin y rendimiento de estudio" |
"Sabias que hay ms de un 40% de tu rendimiento que no depende de tu estudio?Depende de otros factores, como la motivacin, estrs, autoconfianzaetc., que sino lo controlas te estan influenciando negativamente. Por lo tanto, rindes menos.En este curso vas a hacer de esos factores tus aliados, aprendiendo tcnicas muy fciles y rpidas. Para que as, aumente tu rendimiento, mientras mantienes tu bienestar y salud.En cada leccin vamos a tratar un tema. Los temas son: estrs, rutina, descanso, deporte, motivacion y autoconfianza, y preparacion al examen. Estos temas se han identificado como factores cruciales que afectan a tu rendimiento.Qu obtendrs?Aprender tcnicas y estrategias fciles y sencillas para:Mejorar tu bienestarAumentar tu rendimientoMicro-hbitos diarios sencillos de aplicarInvertirs poquito tiempo (cada leccin son entre 10-15min)Te animas a desarrollar todo tu potencial?Que tu mente no controle tu rendimiento! Te espero!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Blender- The Properties Editor Objects & Data" |
"The Mastering Blender Series for 2.79 and 2.8 and Beyond series of courses is a total in-depth course in the workings of Blender. Blender is an open source 3D animation software program that enables you to create 3D objects for animation, printing, and more. Blender is cross platform meaning the software works for Windows, OS and Linux. It is free and allows many interested in 3D art and animation to explore and create 3D works of their own. Mastering Blender - The Properties Editor Objects & Data is an excellent course for beginners crossing over from 2.79 to 2.8 with regards to understanding objects and object data and how the properties editor is used for creating your projects in 3D. This is the foundation course for my Mastering Blender Series.The Mastering Blender Course Series covers everything you need to know about the software by educating you on the terminology, giving examples, relating the terms to the software and allowing you to practice on each area as shown in the lessons, allowing you to hone your skills with your 3D art creations with increasingly challenging exercises. This course is covered in a lesson by lesson approach to build your skills as you learn how Blender works. By the end of the course you will have mastered Blender's major editing components with a complete set of skills so that you can truly create a 3D world of your own.In this master training course, you will master the Properties Editor's Object and Object Data features as well as understand Blender's world and scene settings . This is one of the most used editors in Blender allowing the user to modify scenes, objects and materials. The Properties Editor can be seen in many of the preset configurations of Blender for 3d View, Animation, UV mapping and more. Mastering the Properties Editor gives you the ability to make many of the necessary changes to your 3D World and understand the reasons for the changes you made in Blender. With each section of the course you will practice your skills with what you have just learned and become a master at your craft. we will explore Blender's 2.79 editor and then discuss changes in the new Blender 2.8.You will also take this knowledge and follow the instructor as you build an antique radio, using the skills you learned in the course. Then you will export your project to Blender 2.8. 2.79 users will be given a walkthrough of the new Blender 2.8 upgrade in our last section, getting you familiar with the new features of Blender 2.8.You will soon be applying your knowledge to:Objects and Object dataCreating Groups and Organizing Objects in your SceneModifying and Constraining ObjectsCreate your World and organize your sceneChallenging projects to bring your Blender skills to lifeThe master course for the Properties Editor is a first of the series of courses designed to give you a thorough training through lecture and practice in the art of Blender. Once you have mastered the properties editor objects, data and world settings, you can continue your education with the Mastering Series, Materials Textures and Physics and further with courses designed to allow you to truly master the craft.Russell Leavitt is the instructor for this course. Russell has taught media and arts in colleges and universities, sharing his passion for the moving image. Russell explores future media including holographic technologies and is an avid user of Blender for 3D art and animation and Unity. The master courses in Blender combines art technique and technical instruction giving you a complete understanding of how Blender works as it relates to the course so you can use the tools to create your next 3D masterpiece and become a master of Blender.Beginning students will find this course useful to learn and to advance in your knowledge and skills using Blender. The lessons are available for lifetime access so that you can go back to review or explore key concepts to further your skills in Blender. It is assumed the student has a Blender installation ready to go. For this course, Blender 2.79 is used as a foundation as we explore the properties editor and then the updates provided in 2.8 are explored as well that are relevant to the course as well a walkthrough of the new Blender 2.8 to get you up and running.Learn Blender by exploring the Properties Editor. Now you can MASTER Blender today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Tapestry Crochet for Colorful Art" |
"Learn the fundamental principles involved in Tapestry Crochet. With the concepts explained in this course, you will be able to add multiple colors to your crochet project while keeping your horizontal and diagonal lines crisp. I will explain the methods I use to create the Tapestry Crochet art pieces. By the end of the course, you will have a fundamental understanding of Tapestry Crochet and will crochet a small beautiful pillow to put your knowledge to practical use."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"CCNP - k ROUTE" |
"K ROUTE l mt trong ba k ca kha CCNP, cung cp cc kin thc nng cao v nh tuyn. Sau khi hc xong kha hc, hc vin c th:- T tin kin thc cu hnh nh tuyn cho mt h thng mng c quy m ln.- Nn tng vng chc nu mun n tip CCIE."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Excel Power Query, Power Pivot & DAX" |
"Hear why this is one of the TOP-RATED Excel courses on Udemy, and the #1 Excel Power Query + Excel Power Pivot course:""I am a self-taught Excel Power Query user and it took me a while to understand what each tool does and how it interacts with others. Thanks to your introduction I finally nailed it in a very clear, unambiguous way. You helped me build a method that I can confidently apply to my data in Excel. Thank you so much!""-Francesca C.""I'm less of an expert at breathing than Chris is at Excel. This course is thorough and well-planned, and he presents in a manner that simplifies the complicated. Well worth your time if you want to master Excel power query and power pivot!""-Tim B.""I'm geeking out, this is so cool. Where has this been all my life???""-Karen P.__________COURSE DESCRIPTION:This course introduces Microsoft Excel's powerful data modeling and business intelligence tools: Power Query, Power Pivot, and Data Analysis Expressions (DAX). If you're looking to become a power Excel user and absolutely supercharge your Excel analytics game, this course is the A-Z guide that you're looking for.I'll introduce the ""Power Excel"" landscape, and explore what these Excel tools are all about and why they are changing the world of self-service business intelligence. Together, we'll walk through the Excel BI workflow, and build an entire Excel data model from scratch:First we'll get hands-on with Power Query; a tool to extract, transform, and load data into Excel from flat files, folders, databases, API services and more. We'll practice shaping, blending and exploring our project files in Excel's query editor, and create completely automated loading procedures inside of Excel with only a few clicks.From there we'll dive into Data Modeling 101, and cover the fundamentals of database design and normalization (including table relationships, cardinality, hierarchies and more). We'll take a tour through the Excel data model interface, introduce some best practices and pro tips, and then create our own relational database to analyze throughout the course.Finally, we'll use Power Pivot and DAX to explore and analyze our Excel data model. Unlike traditional Excel Pivot Tables, Power Pivot allows you to analyze hundreds of millions of rows across multiple data tables (inside of Excel!), and create supercharged calculated fields using a formula language called Data Analysis Expressions (or ""DAX"" for short). We'll cover basic DAX syntax, then introduce some of the most powerful and commonly-used functions -- CALCULATE, FILTER, SUMX and more.If you're ready to take your Excel game to new heights and join the leading edge of analytics & business intelligence, this course is for you. It's time to stop fighting with tedious, manual tasks and struggling with ""old-school"" Excel; join me on this journey and emerge a certified excel analytics NINJA.See you in there!-Chris (Founder, Excel Maven & Maven Analytics)__________IMPORTANT: Power Query and Power Pivot are currently NOT available in Excel for Mac. You'll need a PC version of Excel that is compatible with Power Pivot (Excel 2010 with plug-in, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, or Excel 2019 Standalone, Office 365 Pro Plus, Enterprise E3/E5, Office Professional 2016, etc.)__________Looking for the full business intelligence stack? Search for ""Maven Analytics"" to browse our full course library, including Excel, Power BI, MySQL, and Tableau courses!*** This course includes Excel project files, quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support, LIFETIME access and a 100% money-back guarantee! ***"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Excel PRO TIPS: 75+ Tips to go from Excel Beginner to Pro" |
"See why this is one of the TOP-RATED Excel courses on Udemy:""At first I just said to myself, ""Wow, Excel is capable of that? It's amazing!"" Then as I continued through the course I told myself ""This guy is doing magic!"", and now I feel like I'm capable of doing the same. I'm definitely buying his other Excel courses!""- Judit Bekker""One of the very best Excel classes I've taken - great instructor, awesome production, very comprehensive and exceptionally useful. Well worth your time if you want to become an Excel pro!""- Ernie Atkins""I've been using Excel for over 20 years and consider myself to be an Excel ""power user"". As with every single course by Chris, I go in with pretty solid knowledge of the material (formulas, VBA, Power Query, etc) and walk out twice as powerful as I walked in. This course is no different -- I PROMISE you, you will find absolute gems in this course. You will never regret an investment in your future with Maven Analytics!""-Ryan Hughes__________COURSE DESCRIPTION:This course is NOT an introduction to Excel.It's not about comprehensive, 101-style deep dives into Excel's core capabilities, or about showing off cheesy, impractical Excel ""hacks"". It's about featuring some of the most powerful and effective tools and techniques used by Excel professionals, and sharing them through crystal clear demos and unique, real-world case studies.Unlike most Excel courses, this one is non-linear and constantly evolving. This means that you can jump to different sections or individual lectures freely, and explore brand new Excel tips added on a regular basis. Each video is designed to be an independent and self-contained Excel demo, to help you learn these tools and techniques in quick, bite-sized lessons.The best part? I'm including a downloadable Excel workbook and solution file containing every single Excel demo and dataset covered in the course -- ranked by difficulty (1-5 stars), organized by category, and hyperlinked for quick and easy access.__________The Excel tips and techniques covered in this course fall into six categories:Excel Productivity Tips (navigation, flash fill, cell protection, advanced sorting & filtering, etc.)Excel Formatting Tips (freeze panes, row/column grouping, advanced custom formats, etc.)Excel Formula Tips (formula auditing tools, fuzzy lookups, detecting duplicates, randomization, etc.)Excel Visualization Tips (sparklines, filled maps, custom templates, Excel form controls, etc.)Excel Pivot Table Tips (slicers & timelines, custom layouts, value calculations, etc.)Excel Analytics Tips (outlier detection, monte carlo simulation, forecasting, CUBE functions, etc.) __________While the level of difficulty varies considerably, the Excel demos generally start simple and become progressively more complex within each section. There are no strict prerequisites for this course, but keep in mind that some demos may be challenging without a strong foundational knowledge of the underlying Excel concepts (like Excel Pivot Tables or formulas, for example).It's time to start working smarter, not harder. If you're looking to maximize your efficiency, supercharge your productivity, and become an absolute Excel POWER USER, this is the course for you.See you in there!-Chris (Founder, Maven Analytics)__________Looking for the full business intelligence stack? Search for ""Maven Analytics"" to browse our full course library, including Excel, Power BI, MySQL, and Tableau courses!NOTE: Most Excel demos are compatible with Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019 or Office 365 (some may be unavailable in Excel for Mac or Excel Online)*** LIFETIME access includes Excel Pro Tip PDF eBook, Excel project files, 1-on-1 expert support, and a 100% guarantee ***"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Frmulas y Funciones Avanzadas en Excel" |
"Lee por qu este es uno de los cursos de Excel MEJOR EVALUADOS de Udemy:""Excelente, didctico y muy explicativo, los ejercicios de tarea son de mucha ayuda. Absolutamente recomendable si quieres reforzar o aumentar tus conocimientos de frmulas y funciones en Excel.""- Nathan O.""El curso es fantstico. Las explicaciones son muy claras y concisas. El instructor se explica muy bien y no se hace nada pesado. Sinceramente, merece mucho la pena este curso si quieres aprender funciones avanzadas y profundizar en Excel. Lo recomiendo al 100%.""- Eduard P.""Termin el curso y lo recomiendo ampliamente para aquellos que buscan una buena y slida introduccin a las frmulas de Excel. El curso me brind una serie de herramientas que me hacen ms productivo y creativo en el trabajo. El instructor domina los temas y sus explicaciones son claras. El material est muy bien organizado y explicado, por lo que es otro punto por lo que recomiendo el curso. Gracias a todos los que hicieron posible la creacin de este curso, as como a los que lo mantienen actualizado y supervisado.""- Luis Enrique T.__________DESCRIPCIN COMPLETA DEL CURSO:__________Es hora de ensearle a Excel quin manda. Ya sea que ests empezando desde cero o aspirando a ser un POWER USER absoluto en Excel, ests en el lugar correcto.Este curso te dar un entendimiento profundo de la frmulas y funciones avanzadas en Excel que transforman a Excel de una hoja bsica de clculo a una herramienta analtica dinmica y poderosa. Mientras que la mayora de los cursos de Excel se enfocan simplemente en qu hace cada funcin, nosotros enseamos a travs de ejemplos contextuales e interactivos diseados para mostrar por qu estas funciones son increbles y cmo pueden ser aplicadas de diversas maneras. No te entrenaremos para que te memorices funciones y sintaxis de frmulas, te ensearemos a PENSAR como Excel.__________Al final del curso estars escribiendo frmulas y funciones robustas y elegantes desde cero, permitindote:Construir herramientas dinmicas y tableros en Excel para filtrar, mostrar y analizar tus datos fcilmenteSalir del esquema y disear tus propias reglas de formato basadas en frmulasUnir bases de datos de mltiples fuentes en segundos con funciones de Excel cmo BUSCARV, INDICE y COINCIDIRObtener datos en tiempo real de APIs directamente en Excel (clima, cotizaciones de bolsa, direcciones, etc.)Manipular fechas, tiempos, texto y matrices en ExcelAutomatizar tareas de anlisis tediosas y tardadas usando frmulas y funciones en Excel (no requieres macros o VBA!)__________Vamos a estudiar una gama amplia de frmulas y funciones en Excel, incluyendo:Funciones de bsqueda y referenciaFunciones estadsticasFormatos basados en frmulasFunciones de fecha y horaOperadores lgicosFrmulas matricialesFunciones de textoHerramientas analticas poderosas y funciones como INDIRECTO, HIPERVINCULO, SERVICIOWEB y XMLFILTRO__________Qu te da el derecho de impartir esta clase? No se puede simplemente buscar esto en Google?Para los interesados en credenciales, soy un experto certificado de Microsoft Excel con 4+ aos de experiencia en anlisis de datos a travs de varias industrias, y he creado herramientas de inteligencia de negocios en Excel para compaas internacionales como Bosch Security Systems, FEMSA Comercio y CH Robinson. Soy una persona que tiene una pasin por Excel que solo es igualada por mi pasin por el ftbol. Adems, aprend Excel por mi cuenta en cursos como este. Entonces pueden confiar en m cuando les digo que he estado en sus zapatos y he pasado por algunos de los mejores y peores cursos de Excel en el mercado.Hablando de los mejores cursos de Excel en el mercado, Chris Dutton, fundador de Excel Maven y Maven Analytics, ha tenido la fortuna de ensearle Excel a 150,000+ alumnos en 180+ pases. Sus cursos de Excel en Udemy destacan entre los ms vendidos y mejor evaluados con una calificacin promedio de 4.7 estrellas.Chris y yo colaboramos para ayudar a que los usuarios nuevos y existentes de Microsoft Excel en espaol gocen de los beneficios de este curso y lleven sus habilidades de Excel al siguiente nivel. El curso lo diseamos para guiarte a travs del proceso de aprendizaje de una manera clara y sistemtica, progresando de temas fundamentales a demostraciones en Excel ms avanzadas y complejas. Mi estilo de enseanza es conversacional, autntico y directo, y siempre comunico conceptos complejos de una manera clara y fcil de entender.Si ests buscando UN SLO CURSO de Excel con todas las frmulas y funciones avanzadas que necesitas para convertirte en un experto absoluto en Excel, lo has encontrado.Nos vemos pronto!- Enrique__________NOTA: El curso completo incluye recursos, archivos de Excel de proyectos y tareas disponibles para descarga, exmenes rpidos, acceso de por vida y 30 das de garanta de devolucin de dinero. La mayora de las clases son compatibles con Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019 u Office 365."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Jazz Guitar Basics" |
"BRAND NEW JAZZ GUITAR COURSE FOR BEGINNERS BY TEACHER WITH YEARS OF EXPERIENCEYears of individual lessons resulted in a curriculum that is easy to follow and a lot of fun to do.WITH THIS METHOD YOU WILL QUICKLY PLAY CHORDS, SOLOS AND LEARN THE THEORY AT THE SAME TIMEAt a very early stage, you can play together with play-along tracks interesting melodies and even jazzy compositions.You will understand music theory and be able to start sight-reading.LEARN IN A MODERN WAY USING ALL THE ADVANTAGES ONLINE LEARNING HAS TO OFFERAnimated videos, PDF-files, pictures and play-along mp3-files that are all downloadable makes learning accessible and enjoyable.After completing this course, you will have a solid basis for further jazz guitar or any other music studies.TRY THIS COURSE WITHOUT ANY RISKIf you are still not sure, you can just give it a go. There is no risk, if you are not satisfied, you can get your money back within the first 30 days after purchase.So make the first step on your journey to master jazz guitar and hit that enroll button to get access to all the course content.COURSE CHARACTERISTICSFirst you will learn how to tune your instrument, how to hold it and how to play with a plectrum.Then you will learn how to play and read notes of the C major scale as well as play the chords that belong to the C major scale.You will be able to play and write down different rhythms and train your sight-reading skills.After the notes and chords that go with the C major scale, you will do the same with the notes and chords in the G major scale.The exercises in this course come with play-along tracks that you can download to practice with.The course consists of the following sections:Introduction (3 lectures)Playing notes and melodies (13 lectures)Playing chords & comping (25 lectures)Playing melodies & chords from the G major scale (8 lectures)The course was created by the two musicians Jan Pospil (guitar teacher) and Martin Cohen (piano teacher).The instructor you will see in the videos of this course is Jan Pospil. Martin Cohen acted as an advisor and helped with the filming and editing, so he is more like the ""guy behind the scenes"".SOME OF THE TOPICS COVERED IN THIS COURSERecognize the different elements of the guitarTuning the guitarHolding the guitarPlaying with a plectrumMusic notation & reading (in the key of C and G)Playing the notes of the C major scalePlaying the notes of the G major scaleImprovisationNote intervalsMajor & minor triadsAll chords derived from the C and G major scales (minor 7th, major 7th, dominant 7th, minor 7th b5)Blues progression2-5-1 progressionComping over ""That Lucky Old Sun""Chords without a 5thPlaying with a swing feelPlaying the C major scale in 2 octavesComping & soloing over ""My Little Suede Shoes""Comping over ""Autumn Leaves"""
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create Electronic tests and surveys from zero to hero" |
"Create Electronic tests and surveys from zero to heroyou will learn step by step creating your tests ,adjusting them and publishing the on all platforms "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Matrices |
"Este curso aborda algunos de los temas ms relevantes en relacin al estudio de matrices, as como se encarga de desarrollarlos de una manera clara y concisa, adaptable a cualquiera que desee explorar un panorama ms amplio referente al tema.A travs de sus temas separados en 3 categoras principales (operaciones bsicas y tipos de matrices, matriz inversa y determinantes), se pretende dar continuidad al los conocimientos previos de cada categora, facilitando as el aprendizaje, y la adquisicin de nuevos conocimientos con el slido dominio de lo ya aprendido.Finalmente se recopila lo aprendido con un ltimo ejemplo en el cual se utilizan tcnicas aprendidas, as como su clara aplicacin en los problemas para hacer an ms slido todo el aprendizaje."
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"Psychic Protection for Beginners" |
"In this course, learn the fundamentals of Psychic Protection. Learn how to clear and strengthen your energy. There are many different reasons why someone would be drawn to a Psychic Protection course. They may feel overwhelmed by energy in their day to day life, they may not know how to maintain their centre around people. They may be a sensitive or a psychic that wants to learn how to psychically protect themselves so that they can stay open. From this course, you will learn:What psychic attack is, and how to heal from itHow to clear your home environments of any negative and lower energiesHow to protect your home environment How to set up and charge your home environment to only attract the most high vibesHow to work with guides, including Archangel Michael for Psychic ProtectionHow to set boundaries for psychic protectionAbout negative entities and how to deal with themAbout your aura, chakras and energy systemHow to strengthen your auraHow to heal your auraHow to open up and close down your energyHow to work with affirmations and the law of attractionPsychic protection for EmpathsPsychic protection for Sensitives or PsychicsYou will also learn the most important psychic protection techniques including: - Grounding- Buffering- Shielding- Cord Cutting- Auric StrengtheningContained in this course are all the things you will need to psychically protect yourself. By the end of this course you will have all the tools and techniques you need to be completely psychically protected."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing 101" |
"Learn an agency approach in creating social media success in 6 steps.Have you everFelt confused on what social media platform you should be on?Felt unsure if the content your sharing is something your audience will like?Pressed the BOOST button on Facebook and wasted money?Social media used to be a way to find new friends, reconnect with old ones, and stay connected with current ones.Along the way some very creative and business-minded individuals have capitalized on the ability to connect with new people worldwide.They have turned regular profiles into business accounts, and in turn most major platforms adapted with features that make it easier to drive traffic to websites or to make sales directly through the platform.Those who did it right were able to create off-the-charts results.Those who didnt are still stuck trying to figure it out.Which is why we, Vision Paradox, created Social Media Marketing 101.Throughout the years weve had the pleasure of working with brands such as Max Amini, developing his social strategy and selling out his shows all over the world to tech companies like Festiie, where we got them 3,000 new Facebook likes, 1.2 million views on their video, and 1200 new email leads in 6 days.Its through that experience and testing weve boiled everything we know to the 6 steps we teach in Social Media Marketing 101.Would you like to learn the 6 steps Vision Paradox uses to create social media results for their clients?Would you feel excited if we showed you simple ways to make your profile stand out, how to make your content better, build your following, and how to make content that will last you for months?Does that sound good to you?You excited yet?? Good.If you look up to influencers on Instagram, Youtube, or anywhere else, they all started at the same place: THE BEGINNING.We designed this course to take you from BEGINNER to ADVANCED in 6 steps.So whether youre a beginner or have been doing this for a while, youll find these steps as a guideline.In this course youll be learning how to:Identify your audiences for each platform, and post the right kind of content that your audiences will respond to.Post meaningful and aesthetically pleasing content that can grab the attention of potential followers.Find ways to efficiently schedule content posting on each platform.Master each platform and effectively leverage each one to drive up sales or promote a product.Keep your finger off that BOOST button. There are better ways to increase the visibility for each post.Formulate copy that is compelling, meaningful and brand-compliant.Find which platform is better for your business or brandCreate months worth of content for all platforms.The focus of this course:To get you focused on the right things that matter to you and your audience so you can start building results.Whether youre a personal brand or a business, these steps will apply to you.By the end of this course, youll know exactly what kind of content your audience will like, which platforms will work best for you, and how to automate your social media in less than 4 hours.Imagine in the near future how youll feel whenYouve created content that both you and your audience loves.Your social media is on autopilot.Youve built a community that loves you and your brand.Can you see that for yourself?That all starts with making a choice.Now that youve gotten a great idea of how Vision Paradoxs Social Media Marketing 101 course works by now. We hope youre feeling excited!Enroll now to get started."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Excel Bsico - Se torne um profissional diferenciado" |
"A planilha Microsoft Excel a mais usada pelas empresas no mundo todo! O Conhecimento e expertise so importantes para todos os tipos de profissionais. Voc ficar surpreso com as funcionalidades e recursos que Excel tem e que at ento, voc desconhecia.O profissional diferenciado vai alm daquele que sabe fazer todas as frmulas e funes no Excel, o diferencial est naquele que conhece a sua ferramenta de trabalho, demonstrando total domnio no que faz no dia a dia.Aps esse curso, estar apto a utilizar o Excel sem medo, entrando para a famlia daqueles que so loucos por Excel."
Price: 504.99 ![]() |
"Therapy Technique for Anxiety, Phobias, & OCD (Certificate)" |
"This course illustrates in depth a therapeutic technique called 'paradoxical intention' which comes from Prof Viktor Frankl's school of logotherapy and existential analysis. It is an evidence-based, scientific technique specifically designed for fears, phobias, anxiety, sexual dysfunctions, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, with a clinical success rate of over 78%. Dr Frankl was a world-famous Viennese psychiatrist and author of Man's Search for Meaning. The material presented here will be of interest to both mental health professionals and sufferers themselves, especially in the current context of the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sucesso no Youtube Para Iniciantes - Youtube Samurai" |
"Pensando em pessoas como voc, que buscam resultados rpidos, que eu criei este curso! Aqui voc vai aprender do zero todo o bsico de como utilizar o Youtube para atrair seus clientes, ou mesmo para criar uma base e futuramente se tornar um grande canal!Independente do seu objetivo, aqui voc aprende a base que vai te levar at o TOPO!Nosso contedo conta com:Mdulo #0 - IntroduoAula 1: Boas Vindas ao Curso Sucesso no Youtube Para Iniciantes - Youtube Samurai;Aula 2: Configurando TAGs, SITES, REDES SOCIAIS e PADRES DE ENVIO.Mdulo #1 - CRIANDO O SEU CANALAula 1: Passo a passo para VOC CRIAR o seu canal no Youtube;Aula 2: Configurando TAGs, SITES, REDES SOCIAIS e PADRES DE ENVIO;Aula 3: Criando a arte do seu canal.Mdulo #2 - OTIMIZANDO O SEU CANALAula 4: Criando uma Headline matadora para os seus vdeos;Aula 5: Preparando o vdeo para subir no seu canal;Aula 6: Criando a Thumbnail com Headline, Tags e Keywords;Aula 7: Subindo o Seu Vdeo Tcnica Samurai."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Acting is not only to go onto the stage and perform what you had in mind. In all genres there are different techniques to apply. For example:Poetry, Prose, Monologues, Mime and Improvisation have all their own do's and don'ts if you want to impress either your adjudicator, audience or succeed in your audition. This course is a must if you have the desire to take part in all genres of the dramatic arts in a professional manner. Teachers will benefit from this course as a subject to improve their students acting skills.Parents can use this course to assist their children when entering for Eisteddfods and competitions."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Grandes Mestres da Pintura I: conhea e entenda suas obras" |
"Neste curso vou te apresentar 5 grandes obras da pintura ocidental:O Casal Arnolfini - Jan van EyckO Nascimento de Vnus - Sandro BotticelliMona Lisa - Leonardo da Vinci A Tempestade - GiorgioneA Escola de Atenas - Rafael SanzioEm cada uma delas veremos:Uma breve biografia do pintor;O contexto histrico social no qual a obra foi executada;O tema da pintura;Caractersticas tcnicas da obra eSmbolos e curiosidade da obra.Tudo isso com uma linguagem clara, simples e acessvel.Este curso para voc que deseja compreender o que existe por trs das grandes obras da Histria da Arte e quer desenvolver seus conhecimentos sobre elas.Conhea as obras de grandes mestres da pintura e saiba como apreci-las!Convido voc a vir comigo nessa jornada!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Twine 2 Basics" |
"Interested in creating a narrative game but don't know how to write code? No problem! Learn to basics of the hypertext authoring tool Twine to create online narrative games, engaging digital projects, or an interactive personal essay!Review how to create passages, use coding to build nonlinear projects, and learn how to debug common issues with using Twine 2."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Overcome Diabetic Neuropathy" |
"In this course you will learn how to successfully reduce your discomfort and return to a more active lifestyle. The course outline a holistic approach to healing; nutrition, exercise, therapies, and other lifestyle modifications that WILL have you feeling better. The course also educates you as to what causes neuropathy and how to set yourself up for longterm success."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Blue Prism - End to end course in single Package" |
"Robotics process Automation (or RPA) is an emerging form of business process automation technology based on software robots (Virtual Work force). RPA robots utilize the user interface to capture data and manipulate applications just like humans do. They interpret, trigger responses and communicate with other systems in order to perform on a vast variety of repetitive tasks. Only substantially better: an RPA software robot never sleeps, makes zero mistakes and costs a lot less than an employee.In this Foundation Course, I will help you to understand features of blue prism, best practice used in development cycle and also help to find the suitable candidates for RPA which in return will help you to save cost and time. So that User are can spend their valuable time in productive task instead of spending in repeated mundane tasks.Each section in this Tutorial will help you to shape your learning curve in better way. As we cover all the best practice & industry standards which will help you build reusable process, objects so that you/your team will not spend time doing the same piece of work repeatedly.What are the major Convincing factors to take - Blue prism Foundation Course?All in One :This Course content covers various blue prism roles Blue prism developerProcess ControllerSystem AdminBasic of supportWell there are many reason to justify that this course will fulfill your requirements. Let me list down the list few major points.Basic Foundation with best practice:Each and every module contains information from scratch and all those information will follow industry standards. As I have seen more than 300 bots in live, can able to explain the scenarios based on live project experience on dos and donts.Hands-on Exercise:Along with the theoretical session will cover all the hands-on parts section wise. But with section wise hands-on sometimes students may face difficulty in applying the concepts in building fully functional bot , so to avoid that at the end of the session will share one complete bot with backup process and object so that the user can use this as reference and create their own process.How to Monitor bot?Monitoring bot and its activity plays a crucial role in support . Once the process is transferred from development to Production phase it is very important to know the bot run status , exploring log & suggesting the fixes on effective manner.This course includes a section for monitoring bot status & exploring log as well which will be easy for support team.Real Time Project Experience:As I am expertise in Blue prism for more than 5 years, along the concepts you will get the real-time project implementation exposure during hands-on session. Basically it will helps the student to know about the consequence in case of missing some basics or execution in various phase of BDLC (Bot development life cycle)Certification Hints:End of Each and every course students should have handful information to clear the certification without any doubts. During the sessions and exercise I will share the probable chance of certification question along with the answer, it might not be specified every time but you have enough content and concepts to clear your certifications with Good grade.Queries during hands- on:Being beginner or new to RPA will get many question when you start your course. Dont worry about that because I will answer your questions on regular basis (max. < 12 hrs)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Apache Wicket Kompakt" |
"Webentwicklung mit Apache Wicket? Wieso sollte ich das lernen magst Du Dich fragen. Gerade in Zeiten in denen Javascript-basierte Frameworks wie Vue.js, Angular oder React scheinbar den Anpruch erheben, die Platzhirsche im Kampf um das ""geeignetste"" Web-Framework zu sein.Nun bei der Entwicklung von Software und insbesondere bei der Auswahl geeigneter Technologien spielen verschiedene und vielseitige Faktoren eine Rolle. Ob ein Framework in der Entwickler-Community gerade hip oder angesagt ist, ist sicherlich ein Faktor, aber lngst nicht der Einzige.In diesem Kurs lehre ich die Kern-Konzepte und Ideen, die hinter Apache Wicket stecken. Du wirst sehen, dass die grundstzliche Natur von Wicket sich nicht wesentlich von Technologien wie Angular, React oder Vue.js unterscheidet. All diesen Technologien ist gemein, dass ihr Programmiermodell komponentenorientiert ist und sich somit selbst komplexe UIs effizient entwickeln lassen. Anhand eines durchgngigen Beispiels wirst Du die Konzepte spielerisch von Grund auf erlernen und nach Abschluss des Kurses in der Lage sein, selbststndig komplexe UIs mit Wicket zu implementieren.Du wirst berrascht sein, wie mchtig Wicket auf der einen Seite ist und wie schnell Du auf der anderen Seite zu ansprechenden Ergebnissen kommst. Um das zu erreichen bietet Dir Wicket u.a.ein umfangreiches Komponentenmodell mit dessen Hilfe Du Webpages aus wiederverwendbaren Komponenten aufbausteine transparente serverseitige Verwaltung des Zustands Deines gesamten User-Interfacesein Two-Way Databinding zwischen Datenmodell (POJOs) und Oberflchen-Komponenteneine extrem entwickler-freundliche Abstraktion von AJAX-Requestsdie Mglichkeit der Integration von Javascript oder ganzen Javascript-Frameworks wie z.B. jQuerydie strikte Trennung von Verhalten und Designout-of-the-box Untersttzung beim Ansatz die UI test-driven zu implementierenAll die genannten Aspekte (noch noch viele Weitere) werde ich in diesem Kurs adressieren. Anhand eines durchgngigen Beispiels mit vielen praktischen bungen wirst Du schnell zu ansprechenden Ergebnissen kommen und Dein Wissen ber Wicket nachhaltig aufbauen. Ich stehe Dir dabei jederzeit mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.Ich freue mich Dich in diesem Kurs begren zu drfen."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cmo hacer una hoja de vida?" |
"Aplicas a cientos de ofertas laborales y nunca te llaman?Has buscando en Google cmo hacer una hoja de vida y a pesar de los millones de resultados que aparecen, an no sabes como hacerla?En este curso aprenders las herramientas que necesitas para tener una hoja de vida que te permita ser llamado a los procesos de seleccin. Vamos a ver:1 - Los principios bsicos para tener una HV ganadora2 - Cmo definir los mensajes claves que buscas transmitir con tu marca personal?3 - Cmo redactar un perfil profesional atractivo?4 - Cules son las otras secciones que debe llevar una hoja de vida y cmo redactarlas?5 - Las respuestas a muchas de las preguntas ms frecuentesMi da a da como profesional es en el mundo del Marketing y cada da me convenzo ms que no se trata solo de lo que llevas dentro, sino cmo logras mostrarlo al mundo. Te invito a que explores las primeras clases del curso y si tienes alguna pregunta, no dudes en escribirme."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como Combater Obesidade Infantil sem Sofrimento" |
"Esse curso tem a inteno de informar pais e responsveis sobre os problemas que o excesso de peso podem causar sade de seus pequenos. Abordaremos sobre as dificuldades de cada fase da infncia e da adolescncia e daremos dicas prticas para que seja dado o pontap inicial na batalha do combate obesidade infantil."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Raw Chocolate Making With Chocomama" |
"Do you love chocolate? Do you love healthy food that is full of vitality? Raw chocolate maker, Sue Frisby, invites you to discover how to make deeply satisfying chocolate. This wonderful food that gives us so much pleasure, has its source in the raw cacao bean. A sensual delight, chocolate is fascinating to work and create with. What could be more tempting?Sue has been making chocolate from unroasted cacao professionally for many years. In this course she will show you how to make handmade, homemade, real chocolate in your own kitchen, using simple equipment and high quality natural and organic ingredients. She will show you how to make chocolate from scratch, giving you a strong and solid foundation from which you can go on to create a myriad of variations."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Make A Website With Wordpress - Overview" |
"A beginnercourse which will lead you step by step through setting up wordpress and how to create your own website.We will cover blogging, design, the basics and structure of wordpress and also how to set up your own local web server and install wordpress.The course is in 5 parts and there will be further advanced courses to follow (if you like this one)Everyone who wants to know about blogging should do this course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Initiation ZAPIER - Automatisation des tches de vos apps" |
"Dcouvrir les solutions d'automatisation et ZAPIER. Comprendre ses principes, son fonctionnement. Raliser en tant guid tape par tape vos premires automatisations en profitant de la version gratuite de Zapier.Toutes les tapes sont expliques et traduites en franais, des quizz intermdiaires vous permettront de progresser rapidement dans cette initiation.La dernire section vous donnera un aperu rapide des fonctions et utilisations avances de Zapier pour vous permettre d'en comprendre la puissance.N'hsitez pas me contacter ou intervenir dans le groupe Facebook ddi pour, soit y poser des questions, changer avec d'autres personnes dans votre cas ou aider ceux qui auraient des difficults de comprhension ou d'excution (c'est un excellent moyen pour progresser)Bon cours et bonne automatisation!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Working with That Pesky Mind - Calm Anxiety" |
"Licensed therapist and anxiety specialist Loreen O'Brien shares 5 effective tools that she uses in her private practice. Calming anxiety and overwhelm is possible when you have mastered some proven calming techniques. In this course:Understand why mind-body and cognitive approaches workLearn 5 effective practices that calm anxiety:EFT TappingBreathing TechniquesGuided MeditationYoga NidraCBT-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy6 Handouts and 7 Downloadable Calming Practices (mp3/mp4)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
Runecasting |
"In this course you will learn detailed meanings, pronunciations and symbolisms behind each rune of the Elder Futhark rune-row for divination purposes. You will also learn how to read and cast them with a few different layouts, as well as a brief history of their origin and mythology.The gods associated with each rune is not included, but can easily be researched online once you know the names, pronunciation and order of the symbols."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sleep Academy" |
"Sleep Academy video course offers a combination of light physical exercises and special movements, self-massage, holistic techniques and active healing meditations to improve sleep and manage stress levels for optimal health. Simple yet effective exercises based on ancient and contemporary approaches help to:improve sleep and memorycleanse your mind and remove emotional blocksbalance/improve your mood and energy levelsimprove your physical healthre-charge with fresh energy every dayde-stress and sleep peacefully"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Color Explorations and Color Theory" |
"Whether you're just starting out or feel like you know color, we can always learn something new (or at least expand our knowledge) of color theory. This course covers the color wheel, mixing CMYK colors, colors that compliment each other, portraits, etc. You will learn about primary vs. secondary vs. tertiary colors.In this course, you will learn & get an understanding of the color wheelprimary and secondary colorsthe color wheel including opposites on color wheel equal greyjuxtaposed colorsdark values/black vs white; greys and how it affects color strengthCMYK colors - you can get any color you can imagine"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Technical Analysis Using Chart Patterns" |
"In this course we will discuss about the basic and effective chart patterns. Throughout this course we will discuss different chart patterns like triangular pattern, rectangular pattern, rounding bottom pattern, cup and handle pattern, flag pattern, head and shoulder pattern and so on. As well we will discuss how to identify those patterns on stock charts. Also we will discuss how to trade using those patterns by identifying right entry levels and exit levels.When we look into the chart then chart always trades by making the patterns. We as a trader we need to interpret the chart in proper manner and need to understand the pattern in which stock is trading. If we are able to identify the chart pattern properly on any chart, then it is always easier to trade with pattern. Because once we identify the proper pattern on chart then we can easily identify its entry levels and exit levels like buying level, stop loss level and target levels.We have covered how to trade using the different chart patterns with proper examples on charts. So it will be easier to understand properly how to exactly trade on charts.So join our course to understand technical analysis and chart patterns and as well understand how to trade using chart patterns successfully."
Price: 3520.00 ![]() |