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"The Bullet Journal Basics" |
"Time Management is hard. I've been on of those people who whip through a day only to get home exhausted and realize that I didn't actually get much done. I've gotten into bed and remembered that things I was supposed to do only to forget them again in the morning. If you've felt like you've been spinning your wheels when it comes to your time and want to find a way to be more productive without boring yourself to dead then this course is for you. Discover the productivity system that's sweeping the world in it's simplicity and flexibility. The Bullet Journal system is THE way to get organized for today, hone your habits and plan for for the future. Get ready to have fun with getting way more done."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn to be a macOS Command Line Ninja" |
"Does the Command Line Intimidate You?Are you one of the millions of Mac users who are afraid of using the Terminal?Are you a professional or student and you know you need to brush up your command line skills?Do you just lack the background knowledge to get started?Did you know that 95% of macOScommand line skills also work on Linux?It's true. So learning the macOS command line can accelerate your studies or career, giving you radically new skills you never imagined.You dont need any previous experience. If youre comfortable using macOS desktop and basic tools such as Finder, or even if youre new to Mac but familiar with other systems such as Linux or Windows, then youre ready to take this course. You'll start with the basics, and by the end you'll be able to perform some advanced tasks that would impress most professionals.What Youll Learn, in DetailYoull start with the very basics of what the Terminal actually is, how it relates to the rest of macOS, and the huge benefits of learning the command line.From there youll see how to launch Terminal, how to understand the user interface, and how to run your first commands such as ls.Then youll be introduced to the file system and youll learn how to navigate around using the command line using cd.You'll be introduced to paths and learn the difference between relative and absolute pathsYoull learn to work with files, creating, copying, moving and deleting files and directories.Youll learn how to view and edit files directly in Terminal using cat and nano. You'll also learn a little about vi and vim, and why they're not the best for a beginner.Youll learn the basics of pattern matching so you can work with wildcards and search tools such as grep, which will make your workflow much more efficient.Finally youll learn about I/O streams and redirection, and very powerful tools such as pipes and command line filters so you can sort and reorganise files and other data."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"In this course, you'll learn how to pronounce the different letters and combination of letters. This will help you when reading information, labels, or signs. You'll then learn the numbers and I'll give you tips to memorise them. Finally, you'll learn about the genders in French. You'll be learning and mastering the fundamentals of French language to be able to practice them in conversation."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Ensine crianas a programar. Jogos de lgica e programao." |
"Dezenas de planos de aula e prticas pedaggicas para criao de jogos e desenvolvimento do pensamento computacional em sala de aula ou em casa.Aprenda as tcnicas bsicas de programao na prtica.Atividades fsicas e digitais para voc aplicar com seus alunos ou filhos.Todas as metologias que voc ver nos vdeos foram aplicadas em sala de aula com centenas de alunos da Escola Pixel e outras escolas particulares de Caxias do Sul - RS. Este curso indicado para ser utilizado com crianas com mais de 8 anos de idade e menores de 15 anos."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Write a Great Statement of Purpose (SOP) & College Essays" |
"The only DIY course developed by MIT and Stanford graduates that allows you to develop a high-quality statement of purpose and other college admission essays in under 4 hours!This course will help you write your Statement of Purpose (SOP) and ensure that you draft a SOP which truly shows who you are.The principles used in this course can be applied to various college and admission essays including (but not limited to)common app essay questions, letters of motivation, MiM essays, essays for college admissions in MBA programs, essays for college admissions in Masters programs, specific college essay questions, and others."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Essential Horsemanship Skills: How to Handle and Ride Horses" |
"Whether you are horse crazy or simply interested in learning a wonderful new sport, this course is the perfect introduction to horseback riding. It focuses on the fundamentals that apply to all riding, although taught mostly in the English style. By the end of the course, you will know how to safely catch and move around a horse; get a horse ready to ride; work at the walk, trot and canter; and take care of your horse once you are done. It includes many useful extras as well, such as how to tie a quick release knot for safely securing a horse on a lead rope."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deutsch lernen mit NLP A2+/B1" |
"Dieser Kurs ist sowohl fr Schler/Innen, Studierende als auch fr Erwachsene geeignet, die Deutsch schnell und effizient mittels Mnemo-Techniken lernen mchten. Deutschvorkenntnisse sind erwnscht. Im 1. Teil gehe ich kurz auf den Begriff NLP ein und erklre ausfhrlich, wie NLP im Deutschunterricht angewendet werden kann. Im Anschluss daran, setzt der Kurs mit einer Aufwrmung fort, eine sogennante Entspannungsbung, in der Kursteilnehmer/Innen eingeladen werden, alle Arten von Blockaden beim Deutschlernen loszulassen. Der 2. Teil konzentriert sich auf die Prpositionen im Akk, Dativ und Genitiv. Die 3 Kategorien werden getrennt dargestellt und durch verschieden Beispiele und Bilder verauschaulicht. Damit Sie die unterrichteten Inhalte festigen knnen, habe ich spezielle Fotos, Grafiken und Buchstabenkombinationen erfunden, die Sie jederzeit von Ihrem Gedchtnis abrufen knnen.Der Unterricht findet ausschlielich auf Deutsch statt. Um Ihnen die Prpositionen leichter zu erklren, werden diese ausnahmsweise aus dem Deutschen ins Englische bersetzt."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2012R2 Administration (MCSA 2012)" |
"Get hands-on instruction and practice configuring advanced Windows Server 2012, including Windows Server 2012 R2, services in this five-day Microsoft Official Course. This course is part three in a series of three courses that provides the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a core Windows Server 2012 infrastructure in an existing enterprise environment.The three courses collectively cover implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment. Although there is some cross-over of skills and tasks across these courses, this course focuses on advanced configuration of services necessary to deploy, manage and maintain a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure, such as advanced networking services, Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS),"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"*NEW* JavaScript Complete Grandmaster 2020. Ongoing updates." |
"What this course covers?JavaScript is the #1 scripting language of the web, where a lot of the dynamic and styled content is handled by JavaScript in the background. But before using this language to create dynamic websites, you need to have a firm grasp of how it works behind the scenes.By the end of this course, you'll be able to speak JavaScript by gaining an understanding of how the browser uses it, what variables, objects and functions are, what different data types there are and how to manipulate content on a website. We dig deeper and create our own dialog methods from scratch. We learn about the arrow syntax, Math.random() function, looping through objects and arrays, working with dates. We look at prototypes, JSEngines, the Execution Stack and a whole bunch more!Through practical examples, this course helps you understand JavaScript piece by piece. And we use the latest and best features of JavaScript along the way so you can stay ahead of the pack.*** The most important JavaScript course on Udemy ***Successful programmers know more than rote learning a few lines of JavaScript code. They also know the fundamentals of how the language works, its strength and weaknesses, and how the machine uses what they write to create amazing and functional websites.Iwant you to become a successful programming Grandmaster.Iwant you to be able to apply JavaScript to your webpage.This course is perfect for you.DescriptionHi there, my name is Clyde and together were going to discover JavaScript and apply it to practical situations. We're going to practice and learn and emerge confident to tackle any challenges modern programs and websites throw at us.After completing a few (unrelated) university degrees, and post grad studies, I developed a fascination for web design and software languages. For several years I have immersed myself in this. I spent a fair bit on top courses and went on to apply the knowledge practically. I recognized gaps in some of the courses Ive taken and hence my course teaches what I wish I was taught. My intention is to share the knowledge with you in an easy to follow manner, so that we can benefit together. You benefit form learning, and I from sharing in your success.This course is for beginners and for intermediates. If you know the basics, you may want to skip the first few sections.Download all course contentIallow you to download all my course content to your computer for offline access.I remember how important this was to me when I was first starting out. Enjoy!We dig deeperYou wont just learn a few pieces of code, you will also learn the fundamentals of programming itself. This is important as all programming languages are built from the same foundation. Learning core concepts of JavaScript will put you on the path of becoming an Grandmaster programmer in any language.You will learn ""why"" things work and not just ""how"". Understanding the fundamentals of JavaScript is important as it will allow you to write more complicated code. And trust me, every programming encounters bugs, and without understanding the fundamentals you will be totally lost.Practice makes perfectTheory is theory but theres nothing like getting behind your computer and typing in code. Thats why we will be coding, laughing and pulling out our hair together as we code real life websites and exercises during this course.Is this course for you?If you fit in any of these categories then this course is perfect for you:Student #1: You want to dabble in the world of programming: learning the fundamentals of JavaScript will allow you to extend this knowledge to any languageStudent #2: You want to gain a deep understanding of JavaScript, the worlds most popular scripting languageStudent #3: You want to start using frameworks like Angular or Node.js, which are heavily dependent on JavaScriptStudent #4: You kinda know what JavaScript is, but have little knowledge about how it works behind the scenes, and how to practically implement it in your codeStudent #5: You have taken other courses in JavaScript but just dont feel like youve grasped itWhat do you get? Lifetime access to all tutorial videos. No fees or monthly subscriptions. *** Watch videos offline by being able to download them. Many courses don't allow this, but I do as I know how useful it can be. Q&A support. Quizzes and challenges to help you learn.Let's get excited about becoming a professional in JavaScript, and to be able to confidently apply it to your website. See you in class."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Test-Driven Development Masterclass with Angular" |
"In this course, you will learn the basics of test-driven development while building a simple Angular web application. It will provide you with the confidence to use TDD for test-heavy environments such as corporate web application development. You will know exactly where to start and will have a working example of building entire features from scratch using TDD.Throughout this course, you will build an app with a few simple features where for each feature you will write a test first, make it pass by adding code and then refactor to meet the standards. This course is perfect for developers who want to start using test-driven development and all of its benefits but struggle to write that very first failing test. Enroll for this course now and write this first test within minutes!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Business Management & Decision Making Based on Learning" |
"This course is about Business Management and Decision Making based on people's learning. If we know the learning speed of our employees, we can make assumptions to predict the future both in production and service industries. This course provides a tool / methodology called Learning Curve for this purpose.You will find pre-programmed excel sheets to make calculations, in that sense, you can use this tool in your daily business easily."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Basic Fire Safety Awareness" |
"Fire Safety Awareness Session. This course is specifically designed for those who are new to the concepts of fire safety and are at the beginner level.This course will help those who: Want to work in the field of fire safety Want to gain basic knowledge of fire safety Are willing to make a career in fire safety To protect people and property"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mejora tu proceso de bsqueda de proveedores en China!" |
"Teniendo en cuenta el crecimiento de China como fbrica del mundo. Hoy en da el mayor desafo para los importadores es seleccionar la feria ms adecuada para comprar y los pasos que debemos seguir para optimizar nuestra visita. Considerando que la feria de Cantn es la ms grande de China con 1,125,000.00 m2 de exhibicin y la ms antigua, en esta capacitacin mostramos las mejores prcticas cmo seleccionar el proveedor dentro de la feria y por medio del buen uso de las plataformas B2B evitando los fraudes ms comunes.Conoceremos el ABC de la importacin desde China.Para nosotros el gran desafo es poder entender el movimiento del consumo de este mercado. Es por esto que dentro de este taller adems podrn conocer las perspectivas de China a 2030, factores que debemos tomar en cuenta, formas de entrada al mercado chino y el manejo de la cultura como principal influyente en las negociaciones."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Make Money Online by Teaching English with PalFish" |
"Have you ever wanted to make money online, but don't think you have a valuable skill? Well, If you can read this there's a good chance you do. Teaching English online to Chinese kids is the fastest and most reliable way that I've found to start making up to $25 an hour online. You don't even need a degree. All you need to get started is a TEFL or TESOL certification and be a native English speaker or a very advanced non-native English speaker.In this course, I'm going to show you everything I wish I had known before I started teaching online. You're going to learn:What online English teaching isWhy right now is such a great time to get startedWhy PalFish is the best online platform for teaching EnglishHow to get a TEFL or TESOL certificate (it doesn't take very long)How to record your demo interview on the PalFish appHow to create your teacher profileHow to get lots of students and fill your scheduleHow to teach a great classHow the pay system worksHow to maximize your pay and morePalFish Link"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Marketing nas Redes Sociais - Curso COMPLETO (8 cursos em 1)" |
"Junte-se a mais de 18 mil alunos inscritos nos cursos de marketing da M2up aqui na Udemy.So mais de 10h de contedo detalhado sobre marketing nas redes sociais. Voc vai aprender o que necessrio para criar, gerenciar e medir resultados de uma estratgia de Marketing nas redes sociais. Social Media Marketing fundamental para qualquer negcio.Hoje em dia o nmero de pessoas presentes em alguma rede social extremamente elevado, quase todo mundo usa ativamente alguma rede social. O que significa que com certeza o seu potencial cliente tambm faz parte deste nmero!O Facebook, o Instagram, o Linkedin e as outras redes sociais fazem parte da rotina e do comportamento do seu consumidor, mas no paramos por a, essas redes influenciam tambm na deciso de compra. E a que a sua marca precisa se destacar para fazer parte deste meio. Mas se voc ainda no est atuando fortemente nas redes sociais, no est vendo resultados ou ainda nem comeou a sua estratgia de social media marketing, no se preocupe, este curso nasceu para lhe ajudar. Ele vai te ajudar a trabalhar a sua marca nesses canais para alavancar o seu negcio!SO 8 CURSOS EM 1:Social Media Marketing;Facebook MarketingInstagram Marketing;Linkedin Marketing;Planejamento estratgico;Produo de contedo;Gesto de crise;Anlise de resultados;E muito mais!D uma olhada em algumas avaliaes que recebemos Gostei muito das aulas, super dinmicas e com muitos exemplos. Show! Andr Massarotti EXCELENTE! Diego Amorim de Paiva Pessoa Curso maravilhoso! Aulas tericas e prticas que ajudam muito no aprendizado. Tm muito curso pela frente e estou super empolgada para continuar assim que sair novas aulas. Super recomendado!! :) - Natalia Maffizzoni Amei! Muito bom mesmo - Caroline Siloto G. Figueiredo Curso com aulas bem explicativa e de fcil entendimento, sem enrolaes. Algumas coisas j sabia outras aprendi com o curso como a importncia de um calendrio editorial, Principio de Pareto, Metricas e Kpis. Achei 10 o curso me ajudou muito! - Elen Elisa A. Santana Excelente curso. Creio que ser um diferencial em meu currculo. - Robson Silva Pereira Filho Contedo excelente explicado de uma forma simples e dinmica. - Jefferson Moreira Adorei o curso, ele atendeu aos meus objetivos e superou as minhas expectativas! - Hanna Karina das Chagas BezerraOverview/resumo do cursoO primeiro captulo mais terico, vamos entender conceitos bsicos de o que uma rede social, saber os tipos de redes sociais existentes, teremos uma introduo de como fazer marketing nesses meios e tambm vamos conhecer os benefcios para as marcas de estarem presentes nas redes sociais.No segundo captulo voc vai ver a evoluo do marketing ao longo do tempo e entender melhor o perfil do novo consumidor (o consumidor 4.0).Em seguida, vamos entender melhor o uso das principais redes sociais (como Facebook e Instagram) nas estratgias de Marketing, voc vai aprender a criar uma pgina e um perfil empresarial; conhecer ferramentas importantes, como Facebook Audience Insights, Facebook Page Insights, Instagram Stories e IGTV; aprender a criar contedos para cada uma dessas redes; compreender a variedade de formatos existentes. Alm de saber boas prticas nessas redes para conquistar seguidores, estratgias de marketing, conhecer cases de empresas que fazem um bom trabalho e erros comuns que devem ser evitados.Tambm abordamos o Linkedin, entendendo que essa ferramenta pode ir muito alm de networking, sendo uma excelente rede social para trabalhar o marketing do seu negcio tanto B2B quanto B2C.Depois vamos entrar na etapa de planejamento, no qual voc vai aprender a definir objetivos para cada rede social, estruturar e compreender a persona do seu negcio, montar um calendrio editorial e fazer uma anlise da concorrncia.Depois de planejar, hora de colocar a mo na massa: vamos aprender sobre produo e publicao de contedo rico e de qualidade. Em seguida, nos aprofundaremos em gerenciamento de crise nas redes sociais, conhecendo algumas empresas que souberam gerir bem a crise e tambm trazemos dicas de gesto de crise e o que fazer quando isso terminar.Para finalizar, aprenderemos a como analisar resultados nas redes sociais. Voc vai aprender sobre mtricas e KPIs que voc pode mensurar e tambm alguns passos que voc pode seguir para analisar seus resultados com mais eficincia!Alm de todo o conhecimento incrvel que voc vai adquirir, voc ainda ganha:Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as suas atualizaesSlides e todos os recursos adicionais usados no cursoCertificado de concluso online do cursoMeu suporte personalizado e respostas as suas dvidasGarantia de reembolso de at 30 diasMuito obrigada por ter dedicado o seu tempo para esse curso completo de Marketing nas Redes Sociais. Tenho certeza que voc est tomando a deciso correta! Mal posso esperar para trocar experincias com voc. Afinal, com uma gesto bem feita de mdias sociais existe uma grande oportunidade de gerar visibilidade para a sua marca, fechar negcios e aproximar o relacionamento com seus clientes e potenciais consumidores.Por que esperar? Comece ainda hoje a sua trajetria de Marketing nas Redes Sociais, s clicar no boto! :)"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Curso Avanzado para Base de Datos Excel" |
"Hola !!! Mi nombre es Cristian Silva, relator con mas de 18 aos de experiencia y te garantizo que este curso te va a gustar, con ejemplos claros precisos y concisos. con mis conocimientos te puedo asegurar que la forma metodolgica de este curso es fcil de adquirir y el programa sera claro y fcil de aprender.Este curso esta especializado en el manejo de muchisimos registros y bases de datos dentro de la plataforma de Microsoft Excel. Aqu aprenders los conceptos bsicos de las bases de datos, utilizar filtros bsicos, avanzados y con parmetros, subtotales, consolidaciones, auto-rellenos, funciones BD de base de datos, Agrupacin de datos entre otras herramientas."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SPSS Data Analysis for Beginning Researchers" |
"Thank you for checking in SPSS Data Analysis for Beginning Researchers.Who is this course for?As the title implies, this course is for people working on their very first research projects (i.e. beginners / newbies), including but not limited to:Students working on their research papers or dissertationsBeginning researchers with a non-technical backgroundAnyone curious about data analysisWhat is so difficult about data analysis?Many people find data analysis difficult, and with good reasons. Data analysis is difficult because it is not a single discipline. It is multi-disciplinary, which means that it requires integrated knowledge from different fields in order to do it right. Specifically, to conduct data analysis for your research you need:Knowledge in the data analysis software (e.g. SPSS, Excel, R, etc.)Knowledge in statistics conceptsKnowledge in research methodsExperience and skills working with dataWhat you need is not only knowledge in separate fields, but also experience and skills integrating these knowledge together to deal with real life data.However, beginning researchers, by definition, have very little of these knowledge, experience, and skills. For example:You may know how to use the data analysis software, but you don't know what method of analysis to use because you are not familiar with the statistics concepts.You may know some statistics, but you may not know how to calculate the statistics on the computer.You may have knowledge in both statistics and data analysis software, but you are not sure what analysis to conduct in order to fulfill the research needs.You may have knowledge in statistics, software, and research, but you may not have the experience in actually handling data, and you are stuck dealing with practical issues here and there (such as missing and invalid data).There are plenty of textbooks in these different disciplines, but few of them could teach you all these knowledge and skills. The problem is not lack of information. Quite the contrary, the problem is an overwhelmingly rich of information, so rich that you may not know where to start and how to select, so rich that you may not know how to put them into practice to fulfill your specific needs.How may this course help?This course is designed to be concise and practical. I am not attempting to tell you everything about statistics, SPSS, data analysis, and research - that would make your learning journey unnecessarily difficult. Instead, I am going to guide you, in an structured and practical way, through the minimal set of knowledge and skills you would need to analyze your own data. This course will not make you an expert in statistics, SPSS, data analysis, and research, but it will help you finish your own data analysis.This is to be achieved by the following:Background knowledge. Each section of the course begins with a brief introduction to the minimal set of necessary statistics concepts you need.Practical demonstrations. All the videos are example-based. In each video, I show you how to conduct a practical data analysis task. These tasks are carefully selected from a list of most common analyses that you are likely to conduct.Experience sharing. In addition to statistics and SPSS, I also share a lot of my own experience doing research and data analysis, including how to deal with the most common issues while working with data, avoid the common mistakes and misunderstandings, and work around some annoying bugs in SPSS.Key points. Key points are highlighted throughout the video and also recapped at the end of the videos.Exercise. There is an exercise at the end of each section. This helps you apply what you have learned in the previous videos. There are also questions that prompt you to think deeper about what you are doing. The exercise problems have been used for a few years in my own offline classes so they are proven to be helpful to students. While appropriate, a separate video is dedicated to demonstrating the answers to these exercise problems.References. For those who would like to dig deeper into the statistics concepts, I have included links to useful references for your pursue.So, how may I learn effectively in this course?You may do the following for each section:Watch the videos. Take notes while necessary.Complete the exercise on your own. Knowing is not enough. We must apply!If you forget some of the details, refer back to the previous videos.After attempting the exercise, watch the next video for answers. Watch my steps carefully and compare with yours. In case of any difference, ask yourself which way is better, and why.Last but not least, apply the techniques to your own data.Finally, if you have any questions about this course, or simply curious in what I do, you are welcome to follow me on Twitter: @phgod. I'll be happy to chat anything related to teaching, research, and data analysis.That's all for the introduction. Happy learning!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn IoT with Arduino basically and easily be professional" |
"after this lessons, you can easily learn I.o.T from basic into the advanced and Make your Own I.o.T DevicesWith these lessons, you can learn the fundamental information to build your devices in I.o.T, including reading sensors and sending information to the server and more.These courses are designed from the base and are without prerequisites, but for episode 6 you should have information about uploading the file on the server."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"C# (.Net Core)" |
"Microsoft .Net Core Cross Platform Mac, Linux license Window C# C# : Auto (1080p)"
Price: 1400.00 ![]() |
"Criando um Controle de Vendas Desktop com Java e MySQL" |
"Ol aluno tudo bem? Espero que sim!Ento que tal aprender a desenvolver do zero um sistema desktop para controle de estoque, vendas com gerenciamento de funcionrios, clientes, produtos, fornecedores, histrico de vendas, baixa em estoque e permisses de acesso e muito mais!Alm de aprender muita coisa legal, esse sistema timo para que voc possa utilizar em seu TCCda faculdade.Neste curso vamos utilizar a linguagem Java para desenvolvimento e o banco de dados MySQL. Todo o desenvolvimento segue os padres da nossa querida e amada Programao Orientada a Objeto. Voc tambm ir aprender a como utilizar na prtica um WebService para consulta e preenchimento de endereo por CEP.Para quem este curso:-> Este curso tem como publico alvo os programadores e entusiastas que j possuem conhecimentos bsicos na linguagem java, sql e orientao a objetos."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"The Practical Guide to React Native" |
"About react-native: React Native is a JavaScript framework for writing real, natively rendering mobile applications for iOS and Android. Its based on React, Facebooks JavaScript library for building user interfaces, but instead of targeting the browser, it targets mobile platforms. In other words: web developers can now write mobile applications that look and feel truly native, all from the comfort of a JavaScript library that we already know and love. Plus, because most of the code you write can be shared between platforms, React Native makes it easy to simultaneously develop for both Android and iOS.Why react-native: There is much hybrid technology like the phone gap, but UI experience is not good for these libraries. But react native is using native iOS and android component and using bridge method to communicate. So react-native UI and performance are similar to the native project."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Kvantna medicina, biorezonanca kurs" |
"Kvantna medicina je pocela da se siri svjetom, ali veliki je problem kako koristiti aparat, mnogi ljudi cak i kupe aparat i ostave ga negdje da kupi prasinu, jer misle da neka prevara ili da neradi. Zato u ovom kursu cu da vam pokazem kako koristiti ovaj aparat. Objasnjenje sta trebate da uzmete u obzir kada upravljate sa masinom koja je napravljena prvo astronate da potpori u putovanu svemira. Vidjecete kako da nadjete tacke gdje se nalazi uzrok."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Manifesting Your Heart's Desires" |
"You Will Learn How To:*Get Crystal Clear with Your Hearts Intention & Align With What You Truly Desire*Become Congruent with Your Earth Element & More Conscious Choices That Supports You On Your Heart Alignment Journey*Allow Your Water Element to Flow so You Can Release What No Longer Serves You & Feel More Joy in Creating Your Life*Clear Your Air Element to Receive Inspired Thoughts, Ideas, Creative Solutions & Peace of Mind so You Can Use the Power of Your Mind to Create What You Want*Keep Your Fire Burning & Step Up to Who You Need To Be so You Can Stay Motivated and Driven on your Heart Alignment Process*Align Your Heart & Soul so You Can Actually Create Your Heart's Wish in Your Outer Reality*Reflective Audios for each element to support you through Your Heart Alignment Process*Guided Meditations for you to consciously align with each element"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Simple&Easy Korean for Starters" |
"To introduce myself briefly:, ?Hello everyone! I am Seunghee from South Korea and I am a tailor-made qualified language teacher. I studied 'Korean Education as a second language' in Yonsei gradate school in South Korea. I have been teaching Korean since 2015 and have successfully taught classes internationally in countries such as South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, and now currently in Australia. Thanks to being a Korean teacher, I met so many amazing students from all over the world. My lovely students are my motivation! It is always hard to start something new from scratch, and it can be challenging. However, I believe we just need Passion and Patience whatever we do. They will help us grow fast and smart. Let's walk this journey together!This course is right for you if:You are interested in learning how to read and write in HangulYou want to read Korean subtitles or lyrics from K-drama or K-popYou are learning Korean from scratchYou have difficulty studying Korean by yourself You don't have time to meet your Korea tutorBy completing this course, You will be able to:Learn how to construct syllables in KoreanRead and write HangulLearn basic and daily life vocabulariesWhy you need to take this course:Easy and simple explanation is providedRecording section will help you your pronunciation accuratelyYou can get personal feedback when you send recording files to instructor's email"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Kod Yazmadan Sfrdan Oyun Gelitirme - Construct 2" |
"Bu Construct 2 eitim serisi, sfrdan ileri seviyeye doru ilerliyor. Daha nce herhangi bir oyun gelitirme tecrbeniz olmasna gerek yok. Construct 2 ile hibir programlama bilgisi olmadan, arzu ettiiniz 2 boyutlu oyunlar en ksa srede hayata geirebilirsiniz. Oyun gelitirmeye balamak iin eitim serisinin tamamn izlemenize gerek bile yok. Birka video ile elde ettiiniz bilgiler, basit oyunlar gelitirmenize olanak salayacak.Ayn zamanda Construct 2'nin herhangi bir programlama bilgisi gerektirmiyor oluu, her yatan insann oyun gelitirebilmesine olanak salyor. Bu oyun motoru ile vakit geirmek, algoritma becerinizi de gelitirecek. Birok oyunun nasl altn anlar seviyeye geleceksiniz. Gelitirdiiniz oyunlar mobil cihazlarda altrabilir hale geleceksiniz. Android cihazlar iin nasl apk dosyas elde edildiini reneceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso Online - EmagreSER" |
"No Curso EmagreSER - Emagrecimento Consciente, vamos tratar do processo de emagrecimento Consciente, onde o objetivo ajudar voc a ter uma maior percepo de si mesmo, se conhecendo melhor, gerenciando melhor sua vida para ento gerenciar melhor o seu peso. Auxiliando voc a transformar sua mentalidade, levando a uma conscincia de fatores que interferem no processo de emagrecimento, e assim voc vai se desenvolvendo e se capacitando, para conseguir no somente emagrecer, mas sustentar o peso desejado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Power BI" |
"Com este curso voc ser capaz de utilizar a poderosa ferramenta da Microsoft conhecida como Power BI. Com vdeos totalmente prticos e direto ao ponto, voc ir se surpreender como fcil dar vida aos seus dados e obter insight, transformando dados em informaes. Este conhecimento ir aumentar a sua empregabilidade, aumentar os seus lucros, ou simplesmente permitir desenvolver painis inteligentes e dinmicos com Business Intelligence."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Finanzas Personales: El Mtodo Escarabajo" |
"En este video- curso encontraras 12 pasos para mejorar y controlar tus finanzas personales, lograr vivir dentro del presupuesto y crear tu capital de inversin para aprovechar futuras oportunidades de negocios. Crearas los hbitos financieros que te servirn el resto de tu vida y harn que las deudas sean cosas del pasado."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Desenho Artistico" |
"Mesmo se voce nunca teve contado com Desenho artstico mas sempre teve vontade voc vai aprender a desenhar totalmente do zero ou caso ja tenha noo poder aprimorar com tcnicas que irao realmente facilitar no seu desenvolvimento na area. voce aprendera como fazer cenrios, pessoas, objetos em fim qualquer coisa com as tcnicas mostradas neste curso. realmente indicado para quem quer aprender totalmente do zero. So mais de 12 horas que abordam desde noes bsicas como de trao, forma, luz e sombra e como projetar a sombra de objetos corretamente e muito mais. Contedo 100% prtico. vou literalmente pegar nas suas mos e guiar voc nesse maravilhoso mundo da arte atravs deste curso."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Mikrotik do Bsico" |
"Curso Completo de Mikrotik Bsico.Aprenda a configurar, criar redes, servidores, hotspot, roteamento, controle de banda, load balance e muito mais.Aps concluir o curso bsico de Mikrotik voc entender como funciona uma rede de computadores e como ela pode ser gerenciada com um dos melhores mais completo e mais famosos sistemas de gerenciamento de redes do mercado mundial. Mikrotik no e s um sistema operacional, mas sim um sistema completo de gerenciamento criao e operao de redes de computadores.Dominando o sistema Mikrotik voc ter em suas mos o conhecimento para alavancar a performance de sua rede seja ela o tamanho que for.Voc ainda entender como funciona os Roteadores Routerboards da Mikrotik um sistema embarcado de altssima qualidade e robustez.Nosso sistema de ensino nunca para sempre teremos novas aulas novos contedos, grupos de discusso para troca de ideias e tira duvidas."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) Test Prep Course" |
"This course prepares you to pass the Securities Industry (SIE) exam that will be required as of October 1, 2018 by FINRA for anyone who is interested in entering the financial services industry.You can view this course as realistic alternative to paying for hours of tutoring and allows you to pause, rewind, and/or repeat concepts as needed. PLUS, you'll have access to realistic practice questions, final exam and step-by-step demonstrations of how to approach and answer those questions accurately and efficiently.As a bonus you''ll be able to download cheat sheets in PDF format, that cover the most important concepts you must know for the exam.Warning: This is an intensive course with 12+ hours of video lecturesSecurities Industry Essentials (SIE) Prep Course Outline:Section 1. Conducting Yourself as a Financial Services ProfessionalSection 2. Equity, Debt and Other Investment ProductsSection 3. Investment Companies, Private Equity and Structured ProductsSection 4. Capital Markets, Issuing Securities and Trading on Customer Accounts4 Practice Quizzes. 20-40 questions eachFinal Exam. Test with 85 questionsBonus: Tips & Tricks before the Exam day***Course includes 4 Sections, 4 Section Quizzes and a Final Exam(85 questions)***"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |