Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Selenium Tutorial for Beginners using SpecFlow and C#.NET" |
"This course will provide you automation solutions for UI Testing using Selenium, SpecFlow, Nunit and C# .NET and other automation stuff that allow you to create your own automation framework using different language like .NET and Java. This course have step by step tutorial for learn and understand Selenium so that it will be easy to create your automation solution."
Price: 6400.00 ![]() |
"Samba 4 - Active Directory e File Server no Linux" |
"Seja muito bem vindo ao curso de Active Directory e File Server no Linux com Samba!Neste curso voc encontrar todo o conhecimento e prtica necessrios para implementar Controladores de Domnio Active Directory e Servidores de Arquivo com o Samba, de maneira profissional, e sem a necessidade de utilizar o Windows Server! Isso mesmo. O Samba funciona como Controlador de Domnio Windows de modo que as estaes clientes que executam o sistema da Microsoft interagem normalmente com o servidor Samba (Linux), de modo que possvel inclusive administrar o Active Directory completo (usurios, grupos, GPO's, scripts de logon etc.) pela prpria interface grfica do Windows, como se realmente estive trabalhando com o um servidor Windows!Sem dvida, se voc trabalha prestando servios de TI para empresas de todos os portes, o conhecimento adquirido neste curso lhe abrir um leque de opes para oferecer aos seus clientes. Sem falar de todos os benefcios de se utilizar servidores Linux (E no estou falando apenas da economia com licenas e CALs de acesso para Windows Server!)Pense nisso! ;)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Einstieg in den Optionshandel - Cashflow an der Brse" |
"Am Ende dieses Kurses wirst du:verstehen, was eine Aktienoption ist, wofr diese genutzt wird und wie du damit Einkommen generieren kannstFachwrter im Zusammenhang mit Optionen verstehenwissen wie du einen Broker auswhlst und was bei der Kontoerffnung zu beachten istdie TWS Handelsplattform einrichten und bedienen knnenEine Einfhrung in die Charttechnik eine einfache Handelsstrategie kennenlernen und damit Cashflow generieren knnenPraktische Anwendung in der Handelsplattform (TWS)das Wissen besitzen, mit dem an der Brse ein regelmiges Einkommen erzielen kannstFeatures:42 Videolektionen, speziell fr Anfnger ohne VorwissenPraktische Anwendung direkt in der HandelsplattformErhalte beim Banx-Broker vergnstigte Konditionen als Neukunde (Details siehe im entsprechenden Kapitel zur Depoterffnung)"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Organiza eventos de manera profesional" |
"Ser ""organizador de eventos""es cada vez una profesin ms demandada debido a su gran potencial como herramienta de marketing. Quiz hayas pensado organizar un eventono te has atrevido o piensas que es complicado.Aprende a organizar un evento en2 horas de curso.Avanza en los vdeos y aprende de forma divertida y dinmica.Reconoce los trucos que les funcionan a los grandes profesionales.Entrate de qu instrumentos tienes a tu disposicin; el brifing, el programa y el presupuesto.Conoce las necesidades del evento y las tcnicas para necociar con los proveedores.Gana confianza y tranquilidad sintiendo que todo esta bajo control.Sal y experimenta lo aprendido!Es el momento de aprovechar el auge de esta potente herramienta de marketingy ganar un dinero extra haciendo eso que te gusta hacer.Este curso tiene concentradas una serie de tcnicas contrastadas,que una vez aplicadas te harn progresar con xito.Contars con unas plantillas para para poder aplicar directamente a tu evento.Al finalizar este curso estarspreparado para ser un excelente organizador de eventos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Copywriting A-Z write a copy that attract, convince & sells" |
"Learn and master how to write a powerful copy that increase sale, attention, followers with using practical tips and techniques.You will learn how to:What is copywritingWho is your customer6 powerful formulas to write a good headlineCognitive biases in headlineAIDAHow to write a copy (body) that increase call to actionWhat is copywriting?Copywriting is the act of writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. The product, called copy, is written content that aims to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade a person or group to take a particular action.Copywriters help create billboards, brochures, catalogs, magazine and newspaper advertisements, sales letters and other direct mail, scripts for television or radio commercials, tag lines, white papers and other marketing communications. How are we going to do it?We should present an argument strong enough to convince visitors that what we are going to provide them (product, info, free sample, ) worth a lot more than what they give us (email, phone number, money, )Where you can use copywriting?Market researchEmail marketingSearch engine optimization(SEO)YouTubeInstagramFacebookTwitter...If you really want to write a copy that sells, join this course because these are the core of a successful marketing and sales."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to paint Byzantine Icons (Part 2)" |
"This is a beginner to intermediate course (PART 2).Please go through PART 1 before taking this course.If you are interested in painting, if you want to learn how to paint in an historic spiritual style, this is the perfect course. You will have a step by step guidance from a pro and you will learn how to paint an icon from scratch (Jesus Christ). This course has video lessons and a pdf file with useful infos.In this part, you will learn how to paint in egg tempera technique.Let's start our spiritual-artistic journey!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress 2020 - Crie Sites com Design Profissional WordPres" |
"Descubra como criar um site ou blog! A forma mais Simples e Rpida para se ter um site/blog de alta qualidade.Saiba como criar um site ou blog no Wordpress com design profissional - do bsico ao avanado - sites e blogs wordpressCURSO COMPLETO DE WORDPRESS - CRIE SITES, BLOG PROFISSIONAISNeste curso voc no precisa programar ou saber programar, pois tudo muito amigvel no Wordpress!Nada de cdigos!Voc pode ser um iniciante!No h necessidade de experincia.O objetivo deste curso te ajudar a criar um site ou um blog com o WordPress.Este site ou blog, ser configurado para ser ter visitas, clientes, de forma que voc possa divulgar o seu negcio, empresa ou o que desejar.Este curso vai te ajudar a divulgar sua marca, algum produto seu ou sua empresa na internet.Voc no precisa ser programador.At o final deste curso voc estar habilitado para criar um site ou blog profissional (No Curso voc ver a diferena de um site e um blog).Se voc quer aprender algo que vai lhe trazer grandes resultados, o momento agora.Vamos l!Vejo voc l no curso!Para quem este curso?Se voc esta querendo Criar um Site/Blog, este curso para voc.O que voc aprender no curso pode ser utilizado para qualquer finalidade, negcios, promoes, blogs, e muito mais."
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"How to Turn Instagram into a Business & Monetize a Following" |
"We live in an instant gratification culture today. So everyone (especially everyone on Instagram) expects things overnight.But the reality is growth won't come from a ""lucky"" post that goes matter how many people tell you that you just need to hit the explore page & then you too can be ""Instagram famous.""People like that want you to believe they have the ""secret"" to growth so they can sell you on their expertise & products.But anyone who's ACTUALLY grown on Instagram (or anywhere for that matter) understands that it doesn't happen overnight or by some stroke of luck. You won't be able to ""game the algorithm"" to grow your followers.It takes consistency & smart engagement on your part over time.Now, that's not sexy. I know that. That's not what you want to hear.But are you interested in being sold more information that makes you feel good? Or are you interested in actually growing your Instagram Page?If your answer is the latter of those two, then you're in the right place because this Course will show you EXACTLY how to do just that.And the truth is, growing on Instagram is a lot harder than most ""gurus"" make it out to be....but it's also a lot easier than you think after reading that too.So, if you're ready to ACTUALLY grow your Instagram, enroll in Instagram Growth Tips [Start to Scale] today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Generate Passive Income With No Initial Funds" |
"This entire business model is one that I used when I was first starting out in the online world of making money from my computer. This requires no start up money what so ever and is 100% Free. That is not a typo. If you implement the strategies I go over in this course, you can setup a Passive Stream of Income that wont cost you a cent to start, but will pay you massive dividends in the months and years to come!If you've dreamt about escapingthe 9-5 trap or you just want to learn how to start a business you can operate on your computer from anywhere in the world, this course could change your perspective.Enroll today. Start Generating Passive Income tomorrow."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Shopify Dropship Mastery [Build Your Own Dropshipping Store]" |
"The Dropshipping Model has taken off. There's a reason for that. People want a business that can generate an income for them while they sleep, while they spend time with family, and while they're busy doing the things they love. Who wouldn't?If you don't know, essentially what Dropshipping entails is upselling the consumer to make a profit. As the ""dropshipper,"" you help facilitate the sale of certain items from a wholesaler (usually overseas) to a customer in a different market place. The customer usually doesn't know they aren't actually buying from you. From this you can shave money off the top and make a profit on each product you sell.This business model is so popular because there is very minimal risk involved. You don't need much start up at all. In fact, I'll show you how to get start for Free for up to 2 Months. What do you have to lose? ....On top of that, you don't need any warehouses. You don't need any merchandise. You will never actually handle any products you sell.I'll take you through the step by step process of setting up a dropshipping site with Shopify 100% Free of up to two months before you have to pay anything. Then I'll show you how to pic a niche that buyers won't be able to resist,pick products that sell, and optimize your listings and site for conversions. We'll then set up the process to be semi-automated and as hands off as possible with a special plug in.Finally, I'll even show you how to drive traffic to your site and really scale it up.Enroll today. Become the next Shopify Drop Ship Master tomorrow."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat" |
"Looking to build muscle? Do you want to lose some fat? Then this course is perfect for you!In this course I'll go over (in depth) how to do both so that you can understand the principals and then apply them yourself for the rest of your life. It's about consistent progress! This course is all you need to reach your goals and continue progressing on your Fitness and Nutrition journey.What qualifies me to teach this? I'm a certified Personal Trainer with over a decade of experience in the Gym. I've made all the mistakes and believed all the common misconceptions that you might not evenknow exist. That was back when I was was first starting out, but was still an integral part of my journey. Let me share with you my mistakes and what I've learned works best over theyears of successfully implementing the right principalsso you can avoid making the same mistakes yourselfand cut your learning curve (and results) significantly!I also major in Nutritional Sciences. Nutrition is one of my favorite passions. For the last 3 years or so, I have literally ate, slept, breathed, and studied everything nutrition. This course throws out all the boring Nutrition lessons that you might not care about, while still implementing their principals. More importantly, it will educate you (in laymen s terms) on how to eat to achieve your goals. It's a lot simpler than you might think!Aside from the phenomenal walk through videos that explainboth fitness and nutrition, how they relate to your goals, and how you can implement them'll also get much much more 100% FREE. I usually charge hundredsof dollars for these things withmy Online Fitness & Nutrition Consulting Service, but my students will benefit from them for no extra charge.They are as follows:- 3 Workout Planswith everything set up for you (Weekly splits, rep ranges, sets, exercises to perform, etc...)- A FREE personalized Nutrition Plan from me (this is 100% personalized to your goals and will be done by me in real time)- 5Supplemental Resources to grow your knowledge base on Fitness and Nutrition Principals- The corresponding PowerPoint with all the information outlined for you in the course (so you don't have to take notes...I've already done that for you!)- Access to a special Motivation Playlist and Motivational Quotes to power through any workout and keep you inspired- Access to every single exercise I teach (including videos and step by step walkthroughs of the biomechanics of every movement and how to perform it properly)- and much much more!***This is hands down the best value (course wise)in the Fitness Industry that you can purchase online.***Enroll today and start building the body of your dreams..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Start a Booming Freelancing Business on Fiverr" |
"Fiverr, if you don't know, is one of the largest Freelance Online Marketplaces in the world. You can go to Fiverr and purchase pretty much any service you can imagine...for 5 dollars! Hence the name Fiverr.You can also sell on Fiverr. You can post Gigs and sell services that you're already great at, but might not come so easily to other people. The key is identifying what you're good at, identifying the right things that sell on the platform, and then blending that together optimally.This in depth step-by-step Course will show you:How to create a Fiverr Profile that people can trustHow to createattractiveGigs that will sellHow to optimize those Gigs for conversionsHow to create specialized Gigs that you know people are already looking forHow to create leads for your Gigs using FacebookHow to create leads for your Gigs using InstagramHow to create leads for your Gigs using Email MarketingHow to create a Website for Free to essentially be your digital Fiverr business cardHow to create leads for your Gigs by setting up that landing pageThe importance of email capture and remarketing Gigs for future salesHow to make Gigs, drive traffic to them, make sales, and get paid...all from your computer!and much much more...Enroll today. Start building your very own FiverrBusinesstomorrow."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Build Your Own Website Using Wix [Beginner Friendly]" |
"Websites are great way to make a statement about your business. Websites are a great way to funnel traffic and collect leads. Websites are even a great way to keep potential followers and customers engaged with your brand.Whether your a company, an entrepreneur, someone looking to run an e-Commerce site, or any type of business operating in today's day and age, you need a fully optimized professional website!A website says a lot about you as a company and as a brand.It's essentially your digital business card.This is a step-by-step in depth course on how to create a fully optimized professionalwebsite, from start to will learn:How to create a website that looks fantasticTips/Tricks I use to create a site more efficientlyHow to capture emails on that siteHow to product engaging content that will keep your visitors engaged and coming back for moreHow to create new pages that speak volumes about your businessHow to start your Websites SEOHow to get a great domain nameHow to go live and make sure your site is found in search enginesAbout potential apps that you can add on to your siteHow to optimize your site for mobileHow to not only make your site look professional, but make it stand out among the competitionand much much more!!Enroll today. Start building your very own website tomorrow."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Content Creation Masterclass 2.0 [Passive Income with Video]" |
"Knowledge is a Business.Your skills? They can be a Business too.If you can learn to turn your knowledge and skills into income, you can work for yourself on your own schedule, work everyday from the comfort of your own home, and do what you enjoy every day.Content Creators are doing this everyday...and you can be one of them!I'm an example of a Content Creator that has been able to turn my knowledge and skills into a Business and I want to share with you how you can do the same thing.I'm not special. I just know how to create and edit videos, how to upload them and rank them on the right platforms, and how to get traffic and sales on those platforms.MAJOR UPDATE 2.0Version 1 of this Course was a Best Seller on this platform so I wanted to make sure 2.0 blew students away and left them saying ""I can't believe that Course only costs this much and comes with that much valuable content!""Some of the things you'll learn in Content Creation Masterclass 2.0 [Passive Income with Video] are:What is a Content Business and How Can You Make Money from it?Recording Content and Making VideosHow to Make Money Uploading and Selling Courses on UdemyHow to Make Money Uploading and Selling Courses on SkillshareHow to Make Money Uploading and Selling Courses on Stack CommerceHow to Make Money Uploading and Ranking Videos on YouTubeHow to Make a Professional Thumbnail is 4 Quick StepsThere's Many Ways to Monetize Your YouTube VideosHow to Upload a YouTube Video Properly for More ViewsHow to Post Your Videos to Facebook to Make More MoneyCreating Mini Courses with the Same Videos to Make More MoneyHow to Post Your Videos to IGTV to Make Extra MoneyHow to Post Your Videos to a Blog to Make Extra Money and also Boost Your VideosYou Can Also Upload Convert Your Videos to Audio Files to Podcast EpisodesHow to Make More Money with the Same Videos on Amazon Prime VideoRe-Purposing Video and Audio Content and Monetizing in Many PlacesHow to Edit Your Videos with ShotcutHow to Edit Your Videos with Adobe Premiere ProThe Answers to the most common content creation and content marketing questionsA full content creation and content business income case studyand many more things!So, if any of that interests you and you want to Learn How to Build a Content Business that Pays You Passively Every Month by Uploading Videos to Many Different Websites, enroll today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Get Free Products for Life!" |
"2 Things I know:1)Everyone loves Free Stuff2) Everyone loves a delivery.This short and succinct course will show you exactly that...getting Free Items to your door. You can get your first Free item in about 30-45 minutes(roughly the length of the course) after you're done learning. You can also continue to replicate this over and over again with more items. Additionaly, with a little work, you can set up Free reoccurring product offers indefinitely.Sound too good to be true? Enroll and let me prove you wrong!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Drop Shipping 2.0 (More Traffic & Less Competition)" |
"Drop Shipping is a phenomenal business model because you don't need to invest in initial inventory, you don't need a brick and mortar store, all you need is a digital space to push customers to so that you can profit off the products they buy.The problem with Drop Shipping, in the way it's taught today, is that there's so much competition out there. Everyone's drop shipping on the same sites (cough Shopify cough Wordpress cough cough). Everyone's drop shipping the same products on those same sites...and customers can see that. There's no more demand in that space and way too much supply.The Drop Shipping Model isn't dead.It just needs a new agespin on it. What if I told you that you with this method you don't need to pay for expensive Ad Campaigns to generate traffic to your store? What if I also told you that you could post your Drop Shipping products on sites that other Drop Shippers aren't utilizing? And that those sites already have hundreds of thousands of customers searching for the products you're listing!Sound too good to be true?Enroll and find out..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Start an Online Tutoring Business on Wyzant" |
"*United States Only*Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work for yourself?Have you ever wanted to set your own hours?Have you ever wanted chase a passion without that sense of risk?If you answered yes to any of those questions, this Course is exactly what you're looking for.Whether you're justlooking for an extra part-time job to make ends meet or you're searching for that new business opportunity, there's no better time than now.Learn how to get paid to teach people the skills you already possess. There's a market for your talent and your passions. You just need to know how to exploit it!This Course will teach you how to tutor people locally (&online). You literally tutor almost anything, from subjects like Math, Science, & English to niche skills like Poker, Chess, Soccer, & Baseball.This is hands down one of the easiest ways to generate Income AND get to do what you love.Enroll today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Get Out of Debt & Improve Your Credit Score" |
"Being in debt is a scary thing. It's one of the scariest places you can be. Iknow because I've been there myself. Not only have I been in debt, but I've learned how to get out and how to say out. I've also extensively studied what goes into a credit score and how you can improve yours.Don't make the mistake of trying to claw your way out of debt or improve your credit score on your own. It can be like running on a treadmill. You're not going to get anywhere.Let me share my knowledge and my plan of what worked for me. Then we'll focus on building your credit back up.You're one Course away from hope. Enroll today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Building Email Lists with Landing Pages" |
"Email lists are the core of any Business. If you're not capturing emails for your Business, then you're missing out on a lot of potential marketing and relationship building opportunities with your customers.Creating a landing page is a great way to start capturing emails.Then, with that email list you can stay in front of potential customers and build a relationship, keep them updated with your latest offers, and continually re-market them future products and services.This Course will show you how to build a landing page that captures emails. It will also show you how to drive traffic to that landing page to convert more people. Ultimately, that will allow you to grow a larger list.Everything you need to know about setting up an email funnel is in this course.Enroll today and start building your email list!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Run Retargeting Ads for Beginners" |
"Face It. Your Ads Suck.It's not your fault. Mine did too.But, that's a good thing! That means there's SOOO much room for improvement.The reason?You're sending them to the wrong people.Sure, you might be targeting well, picking all the right demographics, and really hitting the right interest groups. many sales are you getting?What if you were only spending money on Ads that were going DIRECTLY to customers you already knew were interested in your products, had been to your website, and were ALREADY FAMILIARwith your Business?Your conversion rates would be much higher.Your ad spend would be much lower.And your sales would be much much higher.If you want to learn how to achieve this result (yes ANYONE can), Enroll today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Landing Page Hacks [Get More Conversions & Leads]" |
"The main goal of every Online Business is to make money.The fastest, cheapest, & easiest way to increase your Online Business's revenue is to make sure your landing page is optimized.Why?Because optimizing your landing page will ultimately bring more customers into your Business.Most Businesses have landing pages (or websites) that are actually driving customers away!The simple solution would be to make sure you're follow these NECESSARYHacks. This Course is a MUST for ANY Business.If you want to convert more potential leads to customers & increase your Revenue, enroll in Landing Page Hacks today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Create a Profitable Automated Email Marketing Funnel" |
"How can you turn Emails into Passive Income?It's A LOT simpler than you might think.The key is to build a list of Emails around a specific niche or subject.This can be done pretty cheap & pretty fast. It's all about leveraging an enticing free offerto collect emails. Then you can use those Emails to generate PASSIVE INCOME through a well scripted & automated Email Sequence.Every Email you collect will be WORTH a certain amount of PASSIVEINCOME once they go through your Email AutoresponseSequence.The more emails you collect, the MOREPASSIVEINCOME you generate.This is how ALLthe top Online Businesses & Online Marketers are building their Brands & scaling their Businesses.So if you want to learn how to turn Emails into Passive Income (YES, AnyoneCan!), Enroll today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Appium Mobile Testing MasterClass" |
"In this course we will cover mobile test automation with Appium.Introduction to mobile automation Various tools for mobile application?What is Appium?What all can be tested with Appium?4 principle that guided the Appium architecture. Hybrid Apps, Native Apps and WebAppsInstall and configuration Configuring appium on real deviceWhy work on real device?Download and Configure Android on local machineUnderstanding difference between Api level and Android versionAPI levels and Android versions supported by Appium supported by androidGetting correct API level for AndroidGetting correct Android version inPhone - Provider dependantDownloading/Configuring Appium, Selenium from Maven/POM dependencieVarious Maven/POM dependencies for AppiumMaven dependenciesRunning first Script on SimulatorInstalling SimulatorConfiguring appium on SimulatorRunning your first Appium ProgramVarious command line arguments for AppiumStarting Appium Server from command promptStarting Appium Server from ConsoleConfiguring Various versioning/API level requirements for AppiumDownload AppiumInstall Node JSConnecting phone and making sure its being detected in DDMS(Pdanet software)Debug level settings in PhoneEnabling developer modeLaunching Hybrid Native APP on Appium Desired Capabilities for Appium and AndroidConcept of Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackageHow to get Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackage for any applicationIs Apk file necessary to test App - Not in all casesJavadocs for AppiumAppiumDriver and RemoteWebDriver classesLaunching System Hybrid AppsAppium reinstalls AppPreventing Appium from deleting and reinstalling AppLaunching other user installed Hybrid AppsChecking wheter App is installed on PhoneLaunching native Apps like calculator, Contacts, SettingsAlways quit appium - MandatoryModule 5 Running iOS test( Wordpress ) Downloading XCode from the Apple StoreOpening IOS & Ipad simulatorsInstalling node.jsInstalling HomeBrewbrew updatebrew doctorAdding HomeBrew to the path locationInstalling Appium through Termialnpm install wdrunning authorize_iosIdentifying UI ElementOpening UIAutomator Viewer through SDK tools kitUnderstanding different locator strategiesTaking the Device screenshotDevice screenshot with Compressed hierarchyUnderstanding the different locator tagsWhat is Appium Inspector?How and when to run it?Record and Play using Appium InspectorLocating elements with the help of Appium InspectorInspector will only run with active sessionLocating Elements on the AppWhat all can be locatableChaing of ElementsFindElementByAndroidUIAutomatorExploring UIAutomator APIFinding Elements by ClassNameFinding Elements by idsFinding Elements by XpathsUsing different functions inside UIAutomator classExercisesModule 7 Gestures ( Swipe, LongPress, DoubleTap, DragNDrop, Slider ) TouchActioFramework DesignPage Object Model (Appium community best practice)Writing and executing suite of tests for your sample application using POMControlling test flows with TestNGs xml capabilities and Maven projectsUnderstanding TestNG and taggingTestNG for capturing results & reportsClient Libraries:Java Exercise (this will be the main example throughout the class)Testing the calculator applicationTesting a simple text messageTest adding a new contactReorganizing POM into a Keyword frameworkAppium Test DistributedDiscuss all that you mention to me for IOS and Android"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Number Theory:Convert Decimal,Binary,Hexa-Decimal,Octal" |
"Number System:Convert Decimal,Binary,HexaDecimal,OctalDescription :In this course you will learn how to convert numbers between different numbering systems.This is a crash course for learning conversion from one number system to another number system.Understand the different numbering systems (Decimal , Binary , Octal , Hexa Decimal ) Learn how to convert :1) Decimal to Binary2) Decimal to Hexa Decimal3) Decimal to Octal4) Binary to Decimal5) Binary to Hexa Decimal6) Binary to Octal7) Octal to Binary8) Octal to Decimal9) Octal to Hexa Decimal10) Hexa Decimal to Binary11) Hexa Decimal to Decimal12) Hexa Decimal to OctalIt is very difficult to imagine number system other than decimal number system. Over the years I am evolving best way to make it understand. I will help you to understand conversion with examples. After you understand the conversions , attempt hand-ons at the end of lecture which will make your concept more clear.Thinking about different numbering systems can be intimidating.At the end of this course you'll know all of the basics of understanding and converting between different numbering systems . This crash course will help you to appear in any certification course or will help you in digital electronics course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Cloud Computing" |
"If cloud computing is a new jargon to you and you have the passion to learn cloud computing, this course is for you. You will learn about evolution of cloud , cloud models , data distribution in cloud data centers etc. This is a one hour introduction to cloud computing.There are other detailed cloud vendor specific courses as well for a deep dive in cloud. Please feel free to message me if you have any questions . I would be glad to jump in to address your questions."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Teespring Pro: Selling T-Shirts Made Easy" |
"Discover how to work from home starting your own Teespring Business in a popular niche! I will reveal the secrets of how to build your Print on Demand t-shirt business by using the incredible power offered by Teespring Marketing!Are you tired from your 9 to 5 job, from your boss screaming to get your act together if you intend on keeping your job? Are you dreaming of setting up your own online business, but you do not have the resources to do it?What if I told you that you can incept your own selling T-shirt Empire from scratch, in the fastest way? There is a magical online place that can help you launch your T-Shirt business and skyrocket you to the heights of unfathomable designer popularity without being an expert..In order to design your awesome T-shirts all you need is a dream to make it big and understand how does Teespring Marketing work. You can be your own boss, work from home, set up your own working hours in your very own virtual Teespring atelier.But...The T-shirt online world is a lethal arena, a dog eat dog world, so unless you have the best weapons, there is a great chance you will fail.So, if you are still struggling to make those promised thousands of dollars on Teespring, then it may be that you just don't know what you are doing wrong and why those systems described in other online courses are not working. I've been there and know things that could have saved me thousands of dollars spent on ads if I had known them before. Today you can learn from my mistakes.This Teespring Course will teach you not only how to devise a T-shirt design that has a high sales appeal, but also how to find your target audience and market the T-shirts to them.Here's a preview of what you'll discover:How create your Teespring account in minutesHow selling T-Shirts online can help you accomplish your dreamsHow to easily use Photoshop to Design T-shirts with High Sales AppealHow to create the RIGHT T Shirt designs for the RIGHT market for maximum profitabilityHow to choose an enticing niche or topic that is most likely to make you merch salesHow to check out your Idea Availability and avoid Copyright infringementsHow to create your own Teespring listing for freeWhat is a Teespring campaign and how to launch it effectively in 15 minutes or less How to market your T-shirts and drive traffic promoting your Teespring Marketing Campaign standing up from your competitors And so much more!You don't need any huge startup capital. You don't have to besupersmartto apply it and make money selling custom t shirts online.You don't need any experience in any kind of business ever.But if you're new to Teespring or even if you've been selling for a while, this Course will save you thousands of dollars in wasted advertising with important tips about T-Shirts design, advertising, coming up with ideas and much more.You'll also get the most value:Lifetime Access to The CourseMy Quick& Helpful24/7 Support via private message30Day ""No Questions Asked"" MoneyBack Guarantee!Look, you can either learn this by yourself, make lots of mistakes, lose money and maybe, eventually succeed.Or you can choose to learn from this Course instead and shortcut your way to internet marketing success.The choice is totally up to you. But if you're smart, I bet you would choose the latter option. You just have to be an action taker. If you can do that, then you can succeed.Scroll Up and ENROLL Today and finally start your own path to a ""Freedom Lifestyle""! #teespringshirts #teespringmarketing #sellingtshirtsonline"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) Java 8" |
"Prepare-se para a prova da certificao de uma forma prtica e didtica.Aqui voc encontrar preciosas dicas e detalhes que te faro obter sucesso no exame 1Z0-808 da Oracle.Elaboramos este curso com cuidado para cobrir todos os requisitos do exame.Contamos com sua participao ativa dando-nos feedbacks positivos e negativos neste percurso."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Arabic course for beginners" |
"Students will learn the basics to communicate in Arabic easily . Arabic is taught through English in a simple fun way. Stusents will also enjoy doing some interesting interactive exercices and quizes. Knowing the Arabic letters is not necessary since the explanation will be in English and the pronunciation of words will be written using English letters as well and as a result students will learn to communicate in Arabic faster because they will not waste time on learning The Arabic letters. Experiencing learning painful grammatical rules will not be necessary as you will learn the basics to communicate in Arabic like an Arab."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Online Course REVOLUTION - Create an Online Course" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Do you want to find out how you can make money teaching what you know and love ONLINE?This course will teach you how to turn your expertise, knowledge, experience, or passion into an ONLINE COURSE.<<<Due to the global Coronavirus quarantine, many coaches, speakers, retreat leaders, corporate trainers and workshop facilitators are finding themselves unable to work with their clients and reach their audience. As you will find out in this course, we (instructors Joeel & Natalie) were in this exact situation almost 6 years ago when we faced a year-long semi-quarantine due to Joeel's chronic illness. During this time, we converted our coaching programs, workshops, and speeches into online courses and completely transformed our lives! THIS IS YOUR CHANCE to create online courses so you can reach those you serve and create passive income that supports you NO MATTER WHAT.>>>Why create online courses?Reach more people in less time (in some cases NO time)Record it once, sell it over and over againTeaching online has the LOWEST START-UP COSTS of any online businessNo previous experience speaking or teaching requiredNo email list or established audience is required (although if you do, theres adifferent strategy)No high-tech skills requiredYou can create passive income, side income, additional revenue streams or become a full time online instructor.Leave a legacy and add value to the world by sharing your passion and wisdomWhy do YOU want to create an online course?TEACH MY PASSION: Monetize your passion or expertise by getting paid to teach what you know and love online! Help others learn what you know, achieve what youve accomplished, or thrive through what youve overcome.FREE MY TIME: Stop trading your time for money (or at least not all of it!) by turning your coaching, consulting, training, or educational program into an automated or leveraged online course.LEAVE A LEGACY: Package your wisdom and share it with the masses for generations to come! Ensure your years of experience and knowledge continue reach those you wish to serve, even after youre gone.TRAIN MY CLIENTS/STAFF: Streamline your training process (and reduce cost) by converting new or existing programs into automated, self-paced courses available anywhere, any time.EXPAND MY IMPACT/REACH: Add value to your clients, customers, or intended audience by sharing educational content through low-cost, accessible, automated online courses.Heres what well be covering in this course:EQUIPMENT: Start with what you already have (such as a computer and a cell phone) or inexpensive equipment, plus easy-to-use free software, and then upgrade over time.RECORDING: Learn everything you need to know to produce quality video, including audio, lighting, videography, and backgrounds.CONFIDENCE: Speak with confidence and feel comfortable being on camera.AUDIENCE: Learn how to get sales even if you dont have an audience to begin with!CONTENT: Develop the curriculum for your course, including defining your market, deciding what to teach, creating your outline, designing your content, and creating video-length segments.TEST YOUR TOPICS: Learn how to test your course idea to make sure its viable and profitable. EDITING: Beginner and advanced video editing tips and demonstrationsshowing how simple the process really is, including how to edit video and audio using free and paid software such as Audacity, Izotope, MovieMaker, PowerPoint, Sony Vega, as well as screen casting and using a green screen.PUBLISHING: Learn about different educational platforms and marketplaces where you can reach millions of students who are already interested in online courses.BUILD YOUR OWN: Build your own website using done-for-you templates that are easy to use (even if youre not a techie).COPYWRITING: Write epic titles and subtitles that sell and effective course outcomes and descriptions for your course landing page. PROMOTIONAL VIDEO: Follow a proven framework to create compelling promotional videos. PRICING: Evaluate your market to know exactly what to set your price at.MARKETING: Tips and tools for marketing your online courses, including YouTube, Facebook, Interviews, Webinars and Sales Funnels.WHAT THIS COURSE IS NOT:This course is not about getting rich quick or do nothing, get paid. Creating profitable online courses is time consuming and takes specific skills, tools, and equipment. This course is designed teach you everything you need to know in order to do-it-yourself and develop a high-quality course that provides valuable content AND makes you money.So, are you ready to transform your life, create true freedom, and create passive income? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. WHO ARE WE?We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera. Creating online courses transformed our business at a time when we needed it. After returning from our honeymoon, I became ill and spent almost a year on bedrest. During this time we were unable to continue conducting our in-person workshops, speeches and coach training programs. However, what felt like a curse turned out to be a blessing because in 2015 we decided we wouldnt let our circumstances hold us back and we converted all of our programs into online courses. Today, we have served almost 300,000+ students from over 195 countries. Were happy and healthy and our business is thriving. We live at the beach, create our own schedules, travel when we want to, and love what we do! And, now we want to teach YOU everything weve learned about creating online courses, so that you can get paid to teach what you know and love while helping people from around the world. "
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Embudos de Venta [Principiantes]" |
"Alguna vez ha tenido uno de esos momentos en que ests desarrollandolo tu negocio en lnea, creando tu lista, creando contenido, comprando cursos y herramientas e intentando hacer ventas online con pocos resultados, o lo que es pero con NADA de resultados?......has hecho nmeros y revisado cunto llevas gastando en tus tareas diarias online? Pero cuando miras hacia atrs en tus ingresos y tus gastos del mes, piensas: A dnde -@x9@- fue mi dinero?Y as siguen los das y an forsosamente continuas con resultados que te frustran y te preocupan, no es verdad?Admtelo! Necesitas un CAMBIO HOY mismo!Y es frustrante como todos lo sabemos.Entonces, qu diablos queda por hacer para llevar tu negocio a otro nivel y ganar dinero al fin?Sencillo...Crea un embudo de ventas!Y es lo que te voy a mostrar en este curso GRATIS:El sistema probado para POTENCIAR conversiones instantneamenteCmo dejar de gastar tiempo y dinero sin ningn resultadoCmo convertir ms clientes con la misma cantidad de trficoEl sistema que ests a punto de aprender, mejorar tus conversiones aplicando unas tcticas increblemente efectivas.Lo mejor de todo es que con este simple sistema:No necesitas invertir ms dineroNo necesitars habilidades especialesNo tendrs que pasar horas interminables sin saber qu hacerAhora, si ests dispuesto a hacer un cambio a tu proceso de venta, puedes hacerlo HOY MISMO.PRESTA ATENCIN!Este mini curso es 100% GRATIS, y es EXACTAMENTE el mismo sistema, que estoy utilizando para obtener conversiones de DOBLE dgito, en cualquier sitio web, y en cualquier nicho de mercado.Para tener ACCESO INMEDIATO, simplemente haz clic en el botn de INSCRIBIRME y estars dentro AHORA MISMO!No lo pienses ms, las plazas GRATUITAS se estn agotando!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Vender Ms Con El Mismo Trfico Web?" |
"Siento Decirte Esto PeroTodo Lo Que Has Aprendido Sobre Marketing Online Es Totalmente IncorrectoPor Qu Me Atrevo A Decirte Esto?Porque si eres de los muchos emprendedores que hace meses e incluso aos que est intentando hacer algo de dinero online, y an sigues sin hacer nada de dinero y todo lo contrario, lo nico que haces es seguir gastando y gastando por ms cursos que dicen que te mostrarn alguna nueva estrategia o nueva frmula para ganar dinero.Si eres t uno de estos emprendedores sabrs lo frustrante que es ilusionarse con esa Gran frmula secreta que segn dicen te har ganar dinero y al final todo es vana ilusin y querer atrapar el viento! S cmo te sientes porque por muchos aos me he encontrado en esa situacin.Pero Hoy te Dir Cmo Salir de ese Maldito Crculo Vicioso que te ha Mantenido Atrapado por Mucho Tiempo Sin Obtener Dinero Te Mostrar Cmo Situarte En El Camino Correcto y Aprenders Todo Sobre el VERDADERO Marketing de Conversiones Te prometo que lo que ests a punto de ver aqu no podrs compararlo con nada de lo que hayas visto hasta ahora!Estrategias comprobadas de CONVERSIN de ventas de nivel experto que pueden transformar un sistema de venta de bajo rendimiento en una mquina llena de pedidos y ventas! Es algo muy poderoso y cualquiera que aplique estos mtodos se beneficiar rpidamente! Es ms, recibirs toda la informacin ms importante para usar inmediatamente y obtener resultados en tus esfuerzos de marketing.Cada video forma parte de simples tcnicas que he utilizado para hacer que las ganancias lleguen utilizando el mismo trfico que puedes tener ahora mismo!...Antes De Leer El Resto De Esta Pgina... Lee Con MUCHA Atencin Lossiguiente...Quin Debera Acceder a Esta Informacin?Personas que no logran ver un centavo de sus esfuerzos de marketingPersonas que actualmente tienen trfico web pero sus resultados son mediocres o nulos Emprendedores que trabajan con el marketing de afiliados y an no ganan dinero Emprendedores que tengan productos y deseen por fn obtener un flujo de ventas constante Personas que desean iniciar un negocio online y no saben por dnde empezarSi te sientes identificado con algn grupo que se indica aqu arriba, entonces lo que hay aqu es para ti y puedes continuar leyendo!Hasta Hoy A Tus Esfuerzos de Marketing Le Faltaba Algo Muy Importante: Estrategias Probadas de Ventas Que Conviertan Hasta un 350% Descubre Lo Que T y La Mayora De Emprendedores Estn Haciendo Mal En Cuanto A Hacer Dinero OnlineTal vez estas frustrado con este ciclo sin fin de perder tiempo, energa, y esfuerzos en trfico web, con los mnimos resultados que tu sitio web est produciendo. Vez, aqu est el problema. Muchos emprendedores se enfocan nicamente en generar trfico. Y todo el tiempo piensan que el trfico, es el fin a su problema de hacer dinero por internet. Pero hay algo muy importante que la mayora de marketers an no tienen en cuenta. El trfico no significa nada sin conversiones. La mayora de personas asumen que pueden enviar ms trfico a un sitio web que no convierte para lograr aumentar las ventas. As no es como se construye un negocio. Lamentablemente gran parte de personas que desean ganar dinero en lnea son muy perezosos, mal informados, y sufren de dficit de atencin de informacin del producto. Lo veo pasar todo el tiempo. Personas que envan trfico de buena calidad a pginas con mala conversin. Luego culpan su falta de ventas en la fuente de trfico.Qu Puedes Hacer Para que De Una Vez Por Todas Tus Esfuerzos de Marketing Aumenten Hasta un 350% y Te Permitan Ganar Ms Dinero Online?Primero que nada, debes dejar de reinventar la rueda y aplicar un sistema probado, un buen sistema de conversin, que ha demostrado aumentar las conversiones en pginas hasta un 350%. Este sistema de conversin consiste de instrucciones paso a paso que te dirn exactamente qu hacer y cmo hacerlo. Recibirs las tcticas de conversin exactas que utilizo para conseguir resultados sorprendentes. Estas tcticas de conversin tendrn un impacto inmediato en tus ventas. Y funcionaran para cualquier mercado o para cualquier nicho que puedas imaginar. Esta es una frmula de conversin probada que resulta en constantes y slidas mejoras. Esto no se trata de generar ms trfico web! Esto se trata de optimizar tu trfico existente. Al aprovechar este sistema podrs conseguir ms ventas con menos trfico. Y esto finalmente te permitir tomar control sobre el negocio. Tienes que dejar de buscar la pldora mgica, porque simplemente no existe.ANALIZA ESTOCONATENCIN:Por cada cien visitantes que vez en el grfico, si tienes una tasa de conversin de 1%, vas a tener una venta de esos cien visitantes. Esto se traslada a $10 en ganancia, si el producto que promocionas cuesta 50U$D. Ahora, si tienes una tasa de conversin de 5%, tienes cuatro ventas de esos cien visitantes y $210 de ganancia. Al 10% vas a tener diez ventas y $460 de ganancia. Pasar del 1% al 10% incrementa la ganancia en un asombroso 4, 500%. De cien visitantes, es la diferencia entre una ganancia de $10 a una ganancia de $460. Ahora de mil visitantes es la diferencia entre una ganancia de $100 y una ganancia de $4,600. As que la siguiente pregunta lgica es; Se puede realmente conseguir una conversin del 10%? Absolutamente S, es posible obtener un 10% de conversin!, Entonces Cul Es La Clave Para Lograr Que Un Visitante Se Convierta en un Comprador? La respuesta a la pregunta anterior es: Testear. Mediante la utilizacin de los datos de los testeos un emprendedor inteligente puede hacer crecer su negocio ms rpido de lo que crey imaginable. Desafortunadamente, hacer testeos es un procedimiento tedioso y cuesta mucho dinero. Y la mayora de personas simplemente no tienen el tiempo y dinero para esto. Por eso es que con este sistema, el 99% de las pruebas ya estn realizadas para ti. Echemos un vistazo de lo que puedes esperar de ste curso en video: Estrategias ultra secretas de conversin. Te mostrar cmo aplicar el poder de la influencia para lograr que tus ventas no tarden en hacerse ver Como optimizar y mejorar el embudo de conversiones Descubrirs exactamente qu hacer para incrementar las conversiones de tu pgina de registro de suscriptores Como optimizar las campaas de afiliado para incrementar las conversiones y comisiones como afiliado Se te entregaran en bandeja de plata los ajustes exactos que puedes hacer a tu pgina de venta y a tu pgina de captura para aumentar las conversiones. Qu Valor Tiene Esto Para Ti? Cunto Vale Ahorrarse Meses Y Meses De Testeos, Sin Mencionar Miles De Dlares Que No Tienes Para Gastar Para Conseguir Estos Datos? Hay algunos marketers que no dudaran y pagaran sin pensarlo $1000 en esta informacin, sabiendo que al aprovechar esto no tendrn que gastar tres veces esa suma en obtener datos de testeos. La buena noticia es que no voy a cobrar ni cerca de $1000. Ni siquiera voy a cobrar $497 por esta informacin. El precio por este probado sistema paso a paso para obtener increbles tasas de conversin, iba a ser un pago de solo $297,00. Pero como estoy lanzando este nuevo producto no voy a cobrar nada de eso.As que por ser un producto nuevo voy a dejarlo en el precio que ves en pantalla, s, as de BAJO! Y una vez que consiga algunos testimonios reales de personas que han utilizado este sistema, los colocar aqu en sta misma pgina y luego el precio lo subir.Qu tanto te costar no tomar ventaja de este sistema? Cuntas ventas vas a dejar que se te salgan de las manos porque tu pgina no obtiene los ndices de conversiones que tanto deseas? Finalmente es tiempo de arrancar tu negocio y ponerlo en marcha. Ahora es el momento. Has Clic en el botn Comprar Ahora, y te llevara a una pgina especial donde podrs acceder a estos videos ahora mismo. No puedes darte el lujo de dejar pasar esto ms tiempo.Adelante, dale Clic al botn de Comprar Ahora y te ver adentro. Pero, escucha, no soy un genio del marketing o un gran gur del marketing. Soy una persona normal que se cans de invertir mucho tiempo y muchsimo dinero generando trfico, simplemente para que luego se fuera todo por el inodoro, a tal punto que en un momento quise abandonar y tirar la toalla, realmente no poda ms con esa situacin. Hasta que al fin encontr sta tctica de conversin que convirti mi sitio de $20 al da a un sitio de $550 al da. He aplicado esta estrategia de ventas a otros sitios que he tenido y desde entonces no he volteado a mirar atrs. He podido convertir sitios perdedores en sitios ganadores con la misma cantidad de trfico. Quiero decir, esos resultados fueron increbles!Ahora, quiero dejar CLARO una cosa, NO, no estoy prometiendo que obtendrs los mismos resultados, pero s, podrs tener informacin para que puedas aplicar a tus tcnicas y estrategias actuales y mejorar las conversiones.BONOSDEREGALO!Quiero asegurarme de que recibas ms por tu dinero, por lo que he aadido los siguientes regalos, todo el mundo est emocionado con todo esto!El Poder de la Persuasin: la negociacin es una situacin en la que dos o ms partes interactan, con al menos una parte que pretende obtener de la interaccin. Dado que la construccin de relaciones es la clave del xito en cualquier empresa de negocios, la gente hace negocios con gente que les gusta. El arte de armar el acuerdo es la habilidad ms importante que se puede aprender. Cmo Hacer Reseas de Productos Extremadamente Efectivas Cmo Escribir Emails Efectivos que te produzcan dinero en cada envo promocionalLa clave de la negociacin exitosa es construir relaciones mediante la bsqueda y la satisfaccin de las necesidades reales de ambos, usted y la otra parte a travs de la formulacin de preguntas, la escucha efectiva, la honestidad, la integridad, cuidado, sincero y crear asociaciones. Aprender a dominar esta habilidad conducir a un mayor xito, la felicidad y la prosperidad. ATENCIN:Estos bonos de regalos SOLAMENTE estarn disponibles por un tiempo limitado, una vez acabe el tiempo, los sacar y no estarn ms disponibles!Si tienes el deseo obtener mejores resultados, aumentar ventas y ests dispuesto a hacer un cambio a tu proceso de ventas, puedes EMPEZAR hoy mismo!!!Adelante! No lo pienses un segundo ms!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |