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"Spire Curso de Produccin Musical y Sntesis de Sonidos" |
"Spire VST es sin duda uno de los sintetizadores ms utilizados en los ltimos aos, con el puedes crear sonidos y texturas de todo tipo, y con mi curso aprenders a sacarle el mximo partido.Para comenzar no tienes ms que descargarte la demo desde la pgina web del fabricante, y una vez instalado y cargado en tu DAW favorito nos pondremos manos a la obra.Primero te ensear que podemos llegar a crear con l, todos y cada uno de sus parmetros comenzarn a tener sentido en tu cabeza, entenders cmo debes utilizar sus distintos tipos de filtro o sus efectos, el uso de sus osciladores para crear todo tipo de leads para tus canciones y mucho ms.Aprenders desde su uso bsico y esencial hasta su uso avanzado, conocers en profundidad sus tipos de sntesis, y todos sus efectos integrados. Desde kicks, bajos, leads, a todo tipo de texturas, usando sus distintas capacidades para el diseo de sonido, Spire VST es un plugin perfecto para todas las necesidades en tu estudio de produccin musical.Ya seas productor musical de estilo Trap o Hip Hop, y si quieres un sintetizador para producir msica electrnica, Spire VST es para t.Si alguna vez te has preguntado cmo hacer que tus canciones suenen mejorSi has probado decenas de instrumentos virtuales y ninguno se adapta a tiSi necesitas aprender ms sobre sntesis de sonido y sntesis sustractiva o fmCon mi Curso de Produccin Musical vas a aprender a disear sonidos con Spire VST.Beneficios al integrar Spire VST en tu estudio de produccin musical:Espectacular calidad de sonido en tus cancionesEntender los tipos de sntesis ms avanzadasAhorrar tiempo al crear cancionesSpire VST ha sido nominado varias veces como uno de los mejores sintetizadores por las revistas y los medios de comunicacin ms prestigiosos a nivel internacional, y si no lo ests usando en tu estudio de produccin te lo estas perdiendo.Se trata posiblemente del sintetizador ms potente que encontrars en el mercado.Echa un ojo al contenido, mira algunas de las clases gratuitas, y te espero dentro del curso, que adems, incluye mi banco de presets Inspiration Vol 1 para Spire VST con 128 sonidos como descarga adicional ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kurs - wasna jednoosobowa agencja rekrutacyjna w 14 dni" |
"W Polsce jest bardzo mao programw gdzie krok po kroku kto poprowadzi Ciaby otworzy wasny biznes w interneciea wikszo wacicieli biznesw w ogle nie zdradzi Tobieszczegw bojc konkurencji,a cena waha si od 6000 do 10.000 z za sam konsultacj Doczajc do naszego kursu nauczysz si oraz otrzymasz:14 Lekcji Videow specjalnej Strefie Kursanta do ktrej bdziesz mie dostp zkomputera, tabletu, laptopa, telefonu.Lekcja 1- Jak pozyska 1ego klienta Jak z nim rozmawia Jakich stawek mog oczekiwaLekcja 2- Kandydaci Skd i Czemu Tak Tanio ?Lekcja 3- Nazwa Agencji - Kanay Dystrybucji Social MediaLekcja 4- Omwienie Umowy o wspprac z KlientemLekcja 5- Droga ktra pokonujesz Czyli proces rekrutacjiLekcja 6- Wystawiania faktury - Gdzie ? co ? i jak ?Lekcja 7- Profit First czyli Najpierw ZyskLekcja 8- Domena, Hosting Twojej strony internetowejLekcja 9- Instalowanie Outlook Email z DomenyLekcja 10 Email Marketing Get ResponseLekcja 11 Oferty PracyLekcja 12 FacebookLekcja 13 Linkedin - Niesamowita Platforma do pozyskiwania klientw oraz kandydatwLekcja 14- Otwarcie dziaalnoci w Polsce na przykadzie Jednoosobowej dziaalnoci gospodarczejNa kursie nauczysz si jak:-Zacz zarabia w cigu przynajmniej 65 dni(14 dni na otwarcie firmy, zdobycie klienta, wysanie kandydata do pracy i 4 tygodnie przepracowane pracownika u danego klienta i 2 tygodnie na zapacenie faktury przez klienta)"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"SQL Bsico - Intermedio Aade valor a tu CV en 2 horas!" |
"Aprenders cmo leer y escribir consultas complejas en una base de datos usando una de las habilidades ms demandadas. Estas habilidades tambin se aplican a cualquier otra base de datos como MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle y mucho ms. Aprender SQL es una de las formas ms rpidas de mejorar tus perspectivas profesionales ya que es una de las habilidades tecnolgicas ms demandadas! En este curso aprenders rpidamente y recibirs desafos y pruebas en el camino para mejorar tu comprensin!No olvides calificar el curso :D Gracias!"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Aprende SQL desde cero: Curso con mas de 50 ejercicios! 1" |
"La metodologa de este curso pretende ofrecer un sistema de aprendizaje dinmico, sin ms teora de la necesaria para empezar a abordar las bases del lenguaje SQL, y usando mas de 50 ejercicios prcticos con el propsito de facilitar el aprendizaje. Aprenders a leer y escribir consultas simples y complejas. El conocimiento que obtendrs tambin es aplicable a cualquier otra base de datos SQL importante, como Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, y mucho ms."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Palestinian cooking ""Makloubah""" |
"Do you have an idea about Palestinian cooking? flavors, ingredients ? do you have the chance to taste one of the most popular recipe in Palestine? have you think how you can prepare it?But what is the recipe ? Ah , its the Palestinian traditionalMakloubahDo you want to learn how to cook a delicious Palestinian recipe by the traditional way ?In each section, you will take step by step cooking the MakloubahHave fun with Palestinian food."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"UI Design: Design de Interfaces com foco em Projetos Web" |
"ATENO: SE VOC NO TEM PACINCIA PARA APRENDER TODA A PARTE TERICA QUE ENVOLVE A CRIAO DE UMA INTERFACE NO COMPRE ESSE CURSO. No curso ""UI Design: Design de Interfaces com foco em projetos Web"" voc vai adquirir todo o conhecimento dos fundamentos bsicos e avanados em Design de Interface (UI Design), visando desenvolver sua capacidade crtica, tcnica e criativa.Este treinamento foi desenvolvido para quem quer se inserir no mercado ou para profissionais de diversas outras reas, como UI/UX Designers, Front-ends, Designers Grficos, Web Designers e Publicitrios que querem adquirir novos conhecimentos e migrar para UI Design."
Price: 429.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Extraordinary Sales (Wo)man Course" |
"I have spent the last decade and a half of my life selling-both knowingly and unknowingly. Like most of you, I HATED it; every single bit of it! UNTIL, I learnt it. Anything you dont know, you try to run away from and hate. The mind loves comfort and safety. But, I didnt have a choice. With $35 in my bank account, and in a country where I didnt know anybody, I had to make money. In the process, I got great. The Extraordinary Sales(wo)man is my masterpiece from researching more than 1000 books on sales, travelling, selling, making more than 100,000 calls, meeting 10,000 customers, training more than 25,000 people, consulting, coaching, and inventing new sales strategies, and I am proud to present to you my hallmark training program in a never before manner! You name it, I have read, listened, watched, and implemented all strategies. But, nobody I know has got this course together like I have. With my personal insights, expertise, research, discoveries, and inventions for a true sales(wo)man of the digital age, this course is THE ULTIMATE SALES WEAPON! DONT MISS THIS because this is an introductory price which is going up in the next few days. I dont bullshit, so lets get to ACTION! LETS ROLL!!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Access: Access Level 1 & 2 (GUI, Macros, VBA)" |
"Welcome to 'Microsoft Access: Access Tutorial, Level 1 & 2 (GUI, Macros, VBA)'.We start with the Graphical User Interface of Access but then build up to Access Macros and Access VBA. We will also look at how to build a database by following all database principles.All this means that you will go beyond learning how to use an existing database. We will give you a hands-on illustration of the key database principles so you can begin building a database on your own.You will begin by exploring the 4 main objects of Access (tables, reports, queries, and forms), and then you build on that by learning about how to properly build a database. We have seen quite a few courses on here who do a great job overall in teaching Access but then make fundamental mistakes when it comes to database design. These kinds of mistakes make it impossible to actually build a database on your own, unless the database is used for a trivial venture. You will learn about normalization, referential integrity, and other principles related to good database design.For those of you spreadsheet experts from Excel, we have two course sections on importing Excel to Access via the GUI and Access VBA code. All of this while following database principles. If you're interested in learning the differences between Excel and Access, and how you may go about using both..this is a good opportunity.This Microsoft Access Tutorial is perfect if you are a small business, or an individual, that needs to do a better job in terms of managing your data. If you want your data organized, and prepared for analysis and reporting. This course is perfect for you.Microsoft Access is one of those programs that is currently highly undervalued, and this in large part because newer programs have come out, yet for 95% of businesses out there, Access has everything you need..and it is quite inexpensive and fairly easy to learn.Microsoft Access is the perfect all-purpose database, and it can help your company store information and manage large amounts of data.There is no risk. If you should not like the course, Udemy offers a 30-day money back guarantee. Get a valuable skill today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate AWS English Course with Practicals (2020)" |
"Q. Are you looking for learning AWS or Cloud Computing?Q. Looking forward for one place where you can get the quality content and can understand the concept in real with similar to live environment?Q. Confused where should I go?Q. Also, can put some effort and like to learn by Watching practical based tutorial?If your answer is Yes to all these questions, you are at right place go through the Course and you will be an AWS Guru after doing this completely.After covering all Modules, you can Go for Global Certification AWS Solution Architect Associate 2020. This course cover all major services for AWS Solution Architect Associate such as Cloud Introduction, EC2, EBS, Load Balancing and Auto Scaling Route 53, S3, VPC, RDS, Application Services and Best practices for AWS which includes Billing, Calculator in details. Important Tip - Here is that watch video completely, do practically by using Free Tier Account. Wish you all the best... Keep Learning and Keep Rocking....."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"App GetMestres - Ionic 5, TypeScript, NodeJS, MySql, Angular" |
"O Curso est sendo desenvolvido em formato de mdulo, com pequenas interaes, em conjunto com todos os interessados. Os cronogramas e grade das aulas, sero atualizados a cada nova disponibilidade dos vdeos. O Curso tambm trar mdulos mais interativos, onde os prprios alunos podero fazer perguntas e interagir com o ministrador do curso nas prximas aulas, de forma gil em tempo real. - - - -Neste curso ir apreender a desenvolver api's usando NodeJS com TypeScript, tambm ir apreender a manipular dados utilizando ORM para Javascript TypeORM com banco de dados MySql, tambm iremos criar uma aplicao PWA com Angular para administrao das informaes e o App GetMestres, um app de servios, bastante semelhante ao que possui no mercado atualmente.Venha conosco nesta jornada...- - - - Ionic um framework para criao de aplicaes hbridas com HTML, CSS (SASS) e JavaScript (TypeScript).Se tornou muito famoso por conta de sua baixa curva de aprendizado e facilidade na criao de belssimos aplicativos hbridos com componentes que se assemelham muito a aplicaes Android, iOS e Windows Phone nativas. Com o framework possvel fazer acesso a recursos nativos do dispositivo tais como Cmera, GPS, Sistema de Arquivos, Armazenamento Local, Notificaes, etc, atravs dos plugins Apache Cordova, tudo de forma muito simples e rpida, pois o Ionic encapsula estes recursos para facilitar ainda mais o desenvolvimento, provendo uma interface para trabalhar com os plugins usando TypeScript, Promises e Observables."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Profesyonel Satran Antrenrnden Satran Eitimi!" |
"20 senedir profesyonel bir satran oyuncusu ve 12 senedir 2.Kademe antrenr olarak kendi oyunculuk/eitmenlik tecrbelerimden herkesin faydalanmasn salayabilecek bir satran eitimi sunmak istedim. Bu eitimden, satranc en temel seviyeden balayarak renmek isteyenler, turnuvalarda oynayp bunu dereceyle sonulandrmak isteyenler ya da satranc hayatnn bir paras yapmak isteyenler faydalanabilirler.En temel derslerden, taktik derslere kadar bir ok ieriin bulunduu derslerimizin yan sra satran kltrn, satran prensiplerini yaantmza nasl yanstabileceimizi ve bunun olumlu etkilerini inceleyeceiz.renirken keyif alabileceimiz ve zel ders tadnda bir iletiimin olaca dersleri sizinle paylaacam.Herkese bu servende baarlar dilerim."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Financial Statement Analysis in 1:30 hr with Live Demo!!" |
"This course is designed for the students who wish to understand how any company's' financial records are analysed by seeing their financial reports. Short to Long term financial position and Efficiency of resources will be understood in the course.Students who are willing to take up the career as Analyst, they must enroll in this course for more clarity of concepts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Serie Wsus 2012 R2 e 2016" |
"Este curso aborda a instalao e configurao do Wsus servio da Microsoft responsvel por manter atualizados todos os sistemas operacionais numa rede Microsoft. O Curso estruturado de acordo com os temas abordados para melhor aprendizado.O Windows Server Update Services tambm conhecido como Wsus um servio disponvel na famlia do Windows Server 2008 e Windows Server 2012 que permite que voc mantenha todo seu ambiente Microsoft Windows sempre atualizado.Benefcios do WsusVoc pode fazer o download de atualizaes de segurana para o Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Microsoft Office 2003, Office 2007, Office 2010 e Office 2013.Com WSUS possvel para garantir que todos os computadores estejam sempre atualizados com as ltimas atualizaes de segurana.WSUS funciona de forma simples e eficaz, ele sincroniza atualizaes e permite que os administradores para distribuir automaticamente os computadores da empresa.Uma grande vantagem do WSUS a quantidade mnima de uso de banda, garantindo que o computador no ir atualizar a partir da Microsoft, mas apenas o servidor que o site de rede local."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"cretsiz SAP 7.52 SP4 Kurulumu (Abap Developer Edition) 2020" |
"CRETSZ SAP SERVER KURULUMU!SAP dnyada en byk pazar payna sahip ERP sistemidir. ERP ekiplerinde alan kiileri temelde ikiye ayrabiliriz 1. Danmanlar 2. Abap yazlm gelitiricileri.Abap yazlm gelitiricisi olmak istiyorsanz veya abap programlama dilini tanmak denemeler yapmak iin bir sap sistemine erimek zorundasnz. renciyseniz veya altnz kurumda SAP sistemi yoksa veya eriiminiz var ama developer key'iniz yoksa bu eitimle kendinize SAP sisteminizi kurabilir ve denemelerinizi yapabilirsiniz.Deneme srm sresi 90 gndr, 90 gn ierisinde sistemin kullanm sresini cretsiz bir ekilde uzatabilirsiniz.90 gn ierisinde kullanm srenizi uzatmazsanz SAP sisteminiz kilitlenir ve tekrar kullanamazsnz.HAZIR KURULUM DOSYASIKurulum admlaryla uramak istemiyorsanz hazr kurulum dosyasn indirip hemen Abap renmeye balayabilirsiniz.SAP Ides ve SAP ABAP Developer Edition arasndaki fark:Bu eitimle kurulumunu anlatlan srm gelitiriciler iin olan srmdr yani FI, MM, SD vs gibi modller bu yklemede bulunmamaktadr. Modller iin Ides kurulum dosyas temin etmeniz gerekir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Emotional Intelligence SIMPLIFIED" |
"Psychologists have been studying human behavior since long.After many years of researches, one results tells that 70% of the times,people having average IQ perform better than those having high IQ. As per one research 90% of the top performers are the one's having high EQ but not high IQ.This means that IQ is not ONLY criteria to gain success.What makes some people more successful than others? How some people develop resilience in comparison to others? What makes them keeprolling? This special sense is declared asEmotional intelligence. Emotional intelligent people are far away better in terms of their behavior, attitude, relationships and motivational skills than ordinary people. They are optimalin behavior management, anger management, conflict management and stress management. They are strong in self-management and relationship handling. Emotional intelligence is more like a profile. How to build our EI profile?How can we learn art of EI, what role our brain plays in all this? How our thoughts, emotions and our actions are connected? We shall be learning these in this course in a very SIMPLIFIED way keeping in mind all types of audience.Lets kick it off."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"B2 Cambridge English:First (FCE) SPEAKING course" |
"This course is designed for students who are taking the ""B2 First"" , formerly known as Cambridge English : First.The B2 First exam is split into 4 parts:1. Reading and Use of English2. Writing3. Listening4. SpeakingThis course will focus on the SPEAKING part of the test. This part tests your ability to communicate effectively in face to face situations. You will take the Speaking test with one or two other candidates.Find out all you need to know about the Speaking part of the test. Learn useful phrases and lots of important tips! Pass the exam with the grade you deserve."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Secret Strategy to Wholesale Real Estate for BIG Profit 2019" |
"In this course you will learn how as a WHOLESALER, you are going to get properties ""under contract"" direct with MOTIVATED SELLERS or OWNERS, do a small mark-up, then wholesale the property to an investor who will eventually sell it on the retail market. You will gain an in depth understanding of what wholesaling REAL ESTATE is. You will see what a WHOLESALE deal looks like up close. You will get STEP-by-STEP instructions on how to close a WHOLESALE deal in 30 days or less. You learn to buy and sell houses without using your own money or credit. Lastly, you will learn my marketing techniques that brings droves of MOTIVATEDSELLERS, and you will do DEAL after DEAL."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Nitrous Oxide Course: Minimal Conscious Sedation (PAN) Guide" |
"Guide to Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Minimal Conscious Sedation or PAN Sedation: Theoretical Basis of Practice. By Dr Mark A. GillmanThis nitrous oxide course (laughing gas) is a comprehensive, clear textbook/ workshop manual giving the theoretical knowledge on how to use PAN also known as minimal sedation with nitrous oxide/oxygen for medical and dental applications It is particularly useful for minor medical and dental procedures which are accompanied by anxiety and/or pain. It has applications in medicine for treatment of acute substance abuse withdrawal states and for diagnostic and therapeutic use in other neuropsychiatric conditions such as depression. The basic slide format with commentary enables practitioners to proceed at their own pace absorbing the essential theory and once they have done so, rapidly learn the practical technique during hands-on training.PAN is also known as inhalation sedation or relative analgesia. This nitrous oxide course (laughing gas) aims to give physicians, dentist and suitably qualified nurses the theoretical basis on which the technique is based. Like any surgical procedure replace hands-on training which takes no more that 2-3 hours to acquire practical skills once the practitioner is thoroughly familiar with the theoretical aspects, which are given in sufficient detail in the presentation to enable trainees to rapidly be taught to administer the gases practically. The training must be done with either a dental practitioner who is experienced with the technique of PAN in their daily practice or some other registered practitioner who is also well-schooled in the use of nitrous oxide/oxygen minimal sedation. Anaesthesiologists are not usually suitable because practitioners to teach PAN sedation, because they normally use much higher concentrations of nitrous oxide for anaesthesia and seldom use PAN in their practices. The crucial difference is that during anaesthesia the subject is unconscious, while during PAN sedation the consciousness of the subject is little obtunded so that they can readily understand and comply with verbal instructions. For those interested, Dr Gillman is available to train practitioners in South Africa or anywhere else in the world. He can be contacted at current 4th edition is largely based on the previous editions, which had a similar title which has been successfully sold in South Africa and the rest of Africa as well as various countries in Europe and elsewhere. In South Africa, it has been allocated 8 continuing professional development. It has 6 sections:1.Introduction and definition gives some back ground2. Physiology & Pharmacology of PANLecture 2 Part 1 Introduction to Pharmacology & Physiology of PANLecture 2. Part 2 Pharmacology & Physiology of PAN Continued3. Advantages of PAN sedation for Patient & Doctor4. Practical Aspects5. Ethical use of PAN6. Financial viability7. BibliographyThese 6 sections cover the following:Other terms commonly used for PAN;Historical Overview;Overview of Clinical Uses of Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation;Concept of Anxiety and Pain;Basic Physiology of Pain and the Endogenous Opioid System and physiological basis of the pain-pleasure continuum;Nitrous oxide interactions with the Endogenous opioid system and this relationship to Pain and Anxiety Control;Methods of Pain & Anxiety Management and Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation;Differences between Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation and General Anaesthesia;Physical & Chemical Properties in relation to Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation;Clinical Respiratory Anatomy Physiology & Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation;Pharmacology of Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation;Practical Aspects of Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation;a. Patient Assessmentb. Importance of Titrationc. Monitoring Patientd. Patient Involvemente. Endpoint/Comfort Zone (Ethics of using correct concentration)f. Terminating Administrationg. Patient Recoveryh. Customised Equipmenti. Using PAN to treat acute substance abuse withdrawal statesj. Ethical responsibilities.k. Ethical prudent practice guidelinesl. Ethical practise building and profit aspectsm. Pollution control as an ethical and legal responsibilityn. Financial aspects and benefits"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Corso base di francese per italofoni" |
"Sei in crisi perch non riesci a imparare il francese? O semplicemente ti incuriosisce? In questo breve percorso ti mostrer le basi di questa lingua partendo dalla grammatica, e cercher di aiutarti a scriverla e pronunciarla nel migliore dei modi attraverso quiz e assegnazioni di compiti che ti invito a svolgere puntualmente. Io mi impegner a fornire feedback puntuali ed esaurienti.Breve panoramica del corso:- Articoli determinativi, indeterminativi, partitivi- Pronomi soggetto e complemento- Aggettivi e pronomi dimostrativi- Aggettivi e pronomi possessivi- Indefiniti- Pronomi relativi- Coniugazione del verbo: indicativo presente, imperfetto, futuro semplice, pass compos- Negazione- Interrogazione"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso OnLine de Vendas, Pesquisa de Mercado e Persuaso" |
"Esse curso desenvolvido em mdulos e a cada um trazemos diferentes aspectos de vendas como: teorias de vendas, gatilhos mentais na persuaso para vendedores, pesquisa de mercado fundamental para que o aluno possa entender melhor o seu cliente e com isso criar melhores argumentos de vendas, assim como analisar melhor as suas aes de vendas.As animaes podem ter seus elementos repetidos em alguns momentos, mas as aulas tem dicas bem objetivas e orientaes que uma vez esclarecidas so acima de tudo uma base diferencial de pesquisa sobre teorias e tcnicas de vendas.O aluno ainda pode assistir vdeo aulas demonstrativas para ter certeza que gosta de nossa didtica.Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SQL Para O Programador/Analista SAS" |
"*There is an English version of this course. No English support available here*Bem-vindos! Se voc est interessado apenas no SAS SQL, este o curso para voc. Caso contrrio, h um curso maior que voc pode comprar com o SAS SQL includo.O objetivo deste curso ensin-lo SQL relacionado linguagem de programao SAS. Ns cobriremos proc sql. Isto quer dizer que voc dever ter um bom conhecimento do SAS data step previamente! SQL utilizado especialmente para extrair/selecionar dados de tabelas de base de dados e tambm para manipular estes dados.Se voc quer adquirir uma habilidade que o complemento PERFEITO para seu conhecimento com o data step do SAS, este o curso para voc. Empregadores geralmente querem que seus funcionrios entendam o SAS data step, e tambm como o SQL incorporado na linguagem da Programao SAS. Se voc est procurando um novo emprego, quer ser promovido em sua empresa atual, ou quer entrar em uma carreira respeitada e com altos salrios aps a faculdade, este curso para voc! O curso possui quatro sees principais. A primeira seo o Conhecimento Base. Voc aprender sobre a sintaxe do SQL, inclusive mais especificamente sobre a clusula Select e Where. Voc tambm aprender sobre Lgica de Caso e Funes de Sumario. A segunda seo ser sobre juntar tabelas. Eu mostrarei a voc como utilizar a juno interna, juntar trs tabelas, juntas esquerda/direita, e juno completa. A terceira seo ser Trabalhando com Tabelas. Eu mostrarei como criar uma tabela, Alterar colunas (adicionar, modificar, deletar) e como inserir Linhas de formas diferentes. A seo final ser sobre Aplicaes prticas/teis do SQL. Por exemplo, voc aprender a comparar tabelas, encontrar observaes duplicadas e se livrar delas, como organizar da forma que voc quiser, e como atualizar uma tabela sob certas condies. Cada seo possui aulas em vdeo, seguidas por um Quis (que testa seu conhecimento geral), e ento uma Tarefa (que exige que voc coloque o que aprendeu em prtica). Finalmente, voc no tem nada a perder. Este curso possui uma garantia de reembolso de at 30 dias. Compre o curso hoje e adicione uma habilidade essencial ao seu currculo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Stop Holiday Weight Gain: 3 Tips for Right Now" |
"The holidays are coming whether you are prepared or not. Along with them are the invites to parties, events, and gatherings of all sorts. You're putting up decorations and buying presents. Often times, self care can get lost in the shuffle. And sometimes, we even pick up an extra pound or two. If you want to learn the key to staying healthy during the holidays, then this is the course for you.In this course, you will learn specific strategies that you can use throughout the holidays. You will be able to tweak these strategies for your own life, and the personal plan is designed to help you take the strategies and make them work for you.The only thing you need to get started is the desire to try.In this course, you will create an action plan (through your class project) that does the following:Helps you determine which holiday events you should and shouldn't attendGives you techniques to use while you are attending eventsProvides you with an accountability process to keep you focused while you're enjoying the holidays"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mantrailing/Koku Takibi Kpei Eitimine Giri" |
"Koku Takibi/ Mantrailing Eitimleri Kpeklerin Av ve Avlanma gdlerini son derece dengeli bir ekilde tatmin eden , yaplan eitimlerin giderek zorlamas ile de mcadele gdsnn tatmin edildii bir eitim brandr.koku Takibi/Mantrailing bran Kpekleriniz ile hem kpeiniz iin hem de -kpeinizin ileri dzeye geebilme potansiyeli olmas durumunda kaybolan insanlar iin olduka faydal bir eitimdir."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Training" |
"Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program designed for everyday tasks such as setting up a budget, maintaining an address list, or keeping track of a list of to-do items. Excel Starter is part of Microsoft Office, and comes pre-loaded on your computer.With our Microsoft Excel training, you can be confident that your skills will be accurate, complete, and up to date. This training will cover following topics in various sessions:Introduction to Microsoft Excel and ToolsPrimary Useful PointsMaking Marksheet with ExcelWorking with Data, Table and Math FunctionInsert TabTable Types and Graphical RepresentationLets Learn About Page SettingsWorking with Data with Different waysUsing View Tab optionsSheet Protection and ReviewDate and Time FunctionsLearning Text FunctionsHow to use Advance Formatting and Advance Working Function?Project:Company Employee Process"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"le basi dell'inglese per italiani" |
"Non hai mai studiato inglese? Vuoi iniziare da tanto tempo ma non sai come? In questo corso ti accompagner a piccoli passi nelle basi della lingua.Impareremo i nomi, i verbi pi comuni, saprai parlare delle azioni nel presente, passato e futuro e conoscerai tantissime parole utili nella vita di tutti i giorni!Tutte le spiegazioni sono in italiano, non ti preoccupare! So che per tanti studenti principianti molto intimidatorio trovarsi davanti una insegnante che parla solo inglese, e il mio obbiettivo che tu ti senta a tuo agio e tu capisca ogni concetto che spiego!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing - Amateur To Professional" |
"This course will help people gain a solid understanding of Email marketing concepts, and build the skills and the knowledge required to create profitable Email marketing campaigns.You will walk in a total newbie and when you finish this course you will know how to build lists, send your emails, various things you need to take care of when you run your campaigns, and also the dangers of wrong practices.This is a practical course for those who are totally new to email marketing and can be a good refresher or reference for those who have had some experience."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Piano Bsico Para Produccin Musical" |
"La base de toda msica radica en tocar un instrumento musical ya sea violn, bajo, guitarra o e este caso piano.Con este curso aprenders lo mas bsico del piano (Con alguno que otro truco de mi parte) para comenzar a desarrollarte en el mundo de la msica e interpretar tus propias canciones y por qu no, las de tus artistas favoritos.En este curso conocers los tonos, los acordes mayores, los acordes menores, las escalas, las progresiones y las improvisaciones.A pesar de ser bsico este curso est diseado para personas que se estn introduciendo en el mundo de la produccin musical ya que este curso te servir como base para el curso ""Creacin de instrumentales"".Si quieres aprender cmo funciona el piano y como hacer melodas con el mismo este curso es para ti.Mi nombre es Jossuell Jimenez y esto es ""Piano Bsico""."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress For Beginners" |
"This course is great for beginners who are looking to build their own basic WordPress website without having to pay a designer thousands of dollars. It's also been great for our Virtual Assistant students who want to be able to provide website updating to their clients. For students who are enrolling in this class to build their own WordPress website, you will need to have a url name and a hosting account. We will go over how to purchase both of those, and set them up, in our first module. You can so Godaddy for pricing, but generally, domains are around $10/year and hosting around $6/month. Both items are needed to have a published website on the internet. Please reach out if you have any questions!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Internet of Things Using Raspberry Pi" |
"This course is about Internet of Things Using Raspberry PI Which will Cover the Concepts of IoT and Paracticle Implementation of IoT Prototypes, follow the below details for more information about course.IoT Section:Introduction to IoTIoT ArchitectureSensors & ModulesIoT Development Boards,Communication Protocols & Connectivity MethodsIoT CloudsReal Time IoT ExamplesReal Demo of IoT PrototypeIoT Related Communities.Raspberry PI Section:Introduction To Raspberry PIDifferent types of Raspberry PI boardsPhysical Overview of Raspberry PI boardsOS Supported By Raspberry PI & Installation of NoobsFinal Setup of Raspberry PI for Parcticle UsageRaspberry PI Desktop OverviewHow to Install Software Via Command Line+ Installing VNC Server+ SSH + ApachLinux Basic Commands related to File SystemRaspberry PI Linux Nano EditorRaspberry PI Introduction to PythonFuture Sections:In Future i will cover the interaction of Raspberry PI with Different types of sensors & Modules and uploading their data to IoT Cloud.Course is Designed For Beginners who don't know what is Internet of Things and want to get started their research or profession in IoT."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Core Java Course : Learn to Code" |
"Hi Friends, this course is specially designed for students who do not have prior coding experience. Course covers all the Core Java Concepts from basic to advanced levels along with practical examples and coding exercises.This course covers Core Java topics in detail from basic to advanced levels. I believe in example-oriented teaching. So, you wont find any PPTs during the sessions. But, you will find dozens of real time scenarios used to elaborate Java basic and advanced concepts.Feel free to post your questions/feedback in the block provided under each session-video. I will make sure that all of your queries are addressed. Course Outline below will give you a good idea about the depth and the overall coverage of this course. If you want to learn any other Core Java concept - which is not already covered in this course - then feel free to let me know via Udemy messenger.Course Outline:Java BasicsJDK 10 and Eclipse InstallationHello World Java ProgramPrimitive Data Types in Java'var' keyword in Java 10Arithmetic Operators in JavaLogical and Bitwise Operators in JavaRelational Operators in JavaIf - Condition in JavaNested If - Condition in JavaFor Loop in JavaHands-On Exercises on 'For Loop'Nested For Loop in JavaHands-On Exercises on 'Nested For Loop''While' & 'Do While' Loop in JavaLoop 'Break' & 'Continue' Statements in JavaString Basics in JavaString Comparison Operations in JavaString Search Operations in JavaString (Cut) Slice Operations in JavaString Replace Operations in JavaString Conversion Operations in JavaObject Oriented Programing (OOPS) in JavaConcept of Classes and Objects in JavaHands on exercises on Class and ObjectMethods in JavaMethod Overloading in JavaAccess Specifiers (Access Modifiers) in JavaConstructor in JavaData Encapsulation in JavaStatic Keyword in JavaConcept of Main Method in JavaClass and Object Advanced ExercisesClass Inheritance in JavaMethod Overriding in JavaPolymorphism in JavaSuper Keyword in JavaSuper Class Constructor in JavaProtected Access in JavaAbstraction in JavaInterfaces in Java (Java Interface)Final Keyword in JavaData Structures in JavaArrays in JavaArray Object in JavaEnhanced (Modified) For Loop for Array Iteration in JavaHands-on Exercises on Array in Java2-Dimensional Arrays in JavaHands-on Exercise on 2D Arrays in JavaArray of Object in JavaArray List in Java (ArrayList)Structure of ArrayList in JavaLinked List in Java (LinkedList)ArrayList vs LinkedList in JavaList Iterator in JavaHash Set in JavaLinked Hash Set in JavaTree Set in JavaIterating on Set in JavaHash Map in JavaTree Map in JavaIterating Over Maps in JavaRegular Expressions in JavaIntroduction to RegEx in JavaQuantifiers in Regular ExpressionsCharacter Classes in Regular ExpressionsBracket ExpressionsOR Operator in RegEXDOT Operator in RegEXGreedy and Lazy MatchingHands-on Exercises on Regular ExpressionsRegularizing Number RangesException Handling in JavaWhat is an Exception in Java?Error vs Exception in JavaChecked and Unchecked Exceptions in JavaThrows Declaration in JavaTry and Catch Block (Exception Handling) in Java'Finally' Block in JavaDate and Time Operations (Revised in Java 8)Local Date and Time Operations in JavaCustom Date and Time Operations in JavaFuture and Past Date Operations in JavaFuture and Past Time Operations in JavaDate Difference Calculation in JavaTime Difference Calculation in JavaDateTime Formatter in JavaSpecial Classes in JavaMath Class in JavaStringBuilder Class in JavaStringBuilder Methods in JavaScanner Class in JavaRandom Class (for creating random numbers) in JavaUUID Class in Java (for creating universally unique string IDs)Working with File System in JavaHow to Read a Text File in Java?Apache Commons IOHow to Edit a Text File in Java?Hands on Exercises with Text Files in JavaCopy and Move (Rename) a Text File in JavaApache POI SetupReading Excel Data in JavaRead Excel Data into a 2 D Array in JavaWrite Data in Excel Sheet in JavaInterview Questions**I will be updating more topics to this outline as per changing trends in technology** To get the maximum benefit from the course, please take a look at following steps explaining 'How to take this course?'Step 1: Schedule 30-45 minutes of your time daily for 5 days a week. 'Continuity' is the key. Step 2: All sessions are divided in small videos of less than 20 minutes. Watch 2-3 videos daily.Step 3: Hands-on exercise is very important. So, immediately try out the programs discussed in the session, on your own. You can download these programs from lecture resources.Step 4: Assignments with answer keys are provided where-ever necessary. Complete the assignments before jumping on to the next sessions.Step 5: If you come across any questions or issues, please feel free to contact me and I will make sure that your queries are resolved.Wish you all a very happy learning.Note: For the best video streaming quality, please adjust the resolution from 'settings' at bottom right-hand corner of video player. Choose 1080p or 720p as per your network speed."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Earned Value Management Bootcamp for PMP & CAPM Exams" |
"This Earned Value Management (EVM) bootcamp will immerse you into the world of project earned value and forecasting as it relates to the knowledge necessary to ace that part of the PMP and CAPM exams from the Project Management Institute (PMI). This course will provide you with the conceptual framework, step by step examples, and free sample questions with answers for you to become very familiar with these types of problems during the PMP and CAPM tests."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |