Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How to Draw in Perspective" |
"Have you ever looked at drawings of buildings in 3D and wondered how they do it? What are the laws of drawing in perspective? Why did people get it all wrong in medieval times? And what is the role of vanishing points and horizons in this context?This course will touch on all those things and more. Learn to master the laws of perspective drawing and never be confused again about three-dimensional drawings.Once you see the logic in these highly technical drawings, you can apply them to computer drawings, animation, architecture, comic book drawings, concept art, backgrounds, and much more. There are so many uses for it, and yet, so many people dont know how to do this. It can look complicated at first, but the course takes you by the hand and shows you step by step how to draw buildings in a 1-point perspective, 2-point perspective, and 3-point perspective, all in two different versions, namely, with a high horizon and a low horizon.I contemplated drawing it all by hand, but because it was so much clearer in Photoshop, Ive taken the liberty to do it that way. However, these techniques dont require a computer or a software. You can do them on paper, with a pencil or pen, with or without a ruler."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Feel Your Body" |
"During this course you will learn how to live a healthy life, love yourself and find your individuality. If you feel like nothing works for you, if you feel depressed, if you need some extra kick to a new start, here it is. You will grow your confidence and self acceptance. There are a lot of practical exercises that will show you how much you can do for yourself. This course is about you! I will help you to realize how great you are, I will give you lots of structured information and you will decide what is important for you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Axure RP Pro 7 for Total Beginners" |
"Welcome to the Beginners course! If you want to go further with Axure training, contact me for personalised, private training. You can also visit my Ptype website for a link to my newest 9+hour video course on learning Axure (not available on Udemy). This course has nearly 60 minutes of video content. If you want to pause the videos and try what I'm saying, then it will take you more than 60 minutes to go through. Through my consulting company, Ptype (formerly known as Brass Flowers), I am one of just a handful of companies (worldwide) approved by Axure as a trainer. Want to be among the first to get updates on my live and video Axure training? Join my website's mailing list. What Is Axure? Axure is software available for Windows and Macs that allows people who work in UX (user experience), interaction design, development, design, or product management to create flow charts, wireframes, and interactive clickable prototypes. Axure's main competitors are Omnigraffle and Visio for wireframing and JustInMind for prototyping. Axure easily handles low, medium, and high fidelity wireframes and prototypes. It can also handle data sets, variables, listeners, mobile interactions, and a seemingly endless heap of great features. Clickable interactive prototypes that work on desktop and/or mobile are great for socialising, user testing, and documentation. Axure can publish HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Jquery (not for production servers, please!) and can also generate a variety of spec documents. Published Axure files can be uploaded to your own hosting or straight through the software to the Axure Share site. Axure now lets you host up to 1000 prototypes for free (password protection on each is optional). Whether you need to show a quick mockup or reproduce a polished product, Axure is a great tool to know well. Many UX employers are starting to look for Axure on resumes! With a great coach (that's me!) and some Axure training, you can expand your skill set."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Axure RP Pro 7 For Wireframes" |
"This course assumes you have taken or are already familiar with the content presented in my Beginners course. If you want to go further with Axure training, contact me for personalised, private training.You can also visit my Ptype website for a link to my newest 9+hour video course on learning Axure (not available on Udemy). This course has around 75 minutes of video content. If you want to pause the videos and try what I'm saying, then it will take you more than 75 minutes to go through. Through my consulting company, Ptype (formerly known as Brass Flowers), I am one of just a handful of companies (worldwide) approved by Axure as a trainer. Want to be among the first to get updates on my live and video Axure training? Join my website's mailing list. What Is Axure? Axure is software available for Windows and Macs that allows people who work in UX (user experience), interaction design, development, design, or product management to create flow charts, wireframes, and interactive clickable prototypes. Axure's main competitors are Omnigraffle and Visio for wireframing and JustInMind for prototyping. Axure easily handles low, medium, and high fidelity wireframes and prototypes. It can also handle data sets, variables, listeners, mobile interactions, and a seemingly endless heap of great features. Clickable interactive prototypes that work on desktop and/or mobile are great for socialising, user testing, and documentation. Axure can publish HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Jquery (not for production servers, please!) and can also generate a variety of spec documents. Published Axure files can be uploaded to your own hosting or straight through the software to the Axure Share site. Axure now lets you host up to 1000 prototypes for free (password protection on each is optional). Whether you need to show a quick mockup or reproduce a polished product, Axure is a great tool to know well. Many UX employers are starting to look for Axure on resumes! With a great coach (that's me!) and some Axure training, you can expand your skill set."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Interactive Prototyping With Axure RP 8: Core Skills" |
"This video course will take you through all of the lessons you would learn if you took our Two-Day Core SkillsPrototypingWorkshop.You will learn topics including the Axure environment, Masters, global styling, forms, dynamic panels, pinning panels, and adaptive views.Over 70 lessons... around 7hours of content. The most complete Axure 8 course out there!Please watch from a desktop or laptop computer (or other larger screen)It's great that Udemy can play on mobile devices but all of these videos show my Axure screen as I'm working. Axure is a large interface and watching it on a phone or tablet will probably make it difficult to see the wording, detail, menus, choices, etc...Work along with your trainer!Have two screens or one giant screen that you can split?Work along with me. Don't just watch the videos... learn by doing! Let's build each lesson together. Pause and replay where you need to.Through my consulting company, Ptype (formerly known as Brass Flowers), we are one of just a handful of companies (worldwide) recommendedby Axure as a trainer. Need more training?We train individuals and teams remotely and in person.Want to be among the first to get updates on my live and video Axure training? Join my website'smailing list.What Is Axure?Axure is software available for Windows and Macs that allows people who work in UX (user experience), interaction design, development, design, or product management to create flow charts, wireframes, and interactive clickable prototypes. Axure's main competitors are Omnigraffle and Visio for wireframing and JustInMind for prototyping.Axure easily handles low, medium, and high fidelity wireframes and prototypes. It can also handle data sets, variables, listeners, mobile interactions, and a seemingly endless heap of great features. Clickable interactive prototypes that work on desktop and/or mobile are great for socialising, user testing, and documentation.Axure can publish HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Jquery (not for production servers, please!) and can also generate a variety of spec documents. Published Axure files can be uploaded to your own hosting or straight through the software to the Axure Share site. Axure now lets you host up to 1000 prototypes for free (password protection on each is optional).Whether you need to show a quick mockup or reproduce a polished product, Axure is a great tool to know well. Many UX employers are starting to look for Axure on resumes! With a great coach (that's me!) and some Axure training, you can expand your skill set."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Getting interview ready - data structures" |
"Will you be attending interviews shortly? This course has all the basics necessary for you to ace the data structure section of your interviews. For those of you who are interested in learning data structures for the sole purpose of participating in hackathons, even you will not be disappointed. There is a separate video which addresses how to attempt the questions in an interview, your dressing sense, how to say you don't know for a particular question and so on."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Chino Escribiendo" |
"Un curso chino didctico siguiendo los mtodos ms tradicionales con una eleboracin exhaustiva para adaptar a las necesidades de los principiantes. Aprenders en este curso:1. Los distintos trminos de mandarn, porque si aprendemos algo, tenemos que saber lo que realmente estamos aprendiendo;2. La pronunciacin correcta de pinyin, ya que lo hacemos, hacemos lo mejor.3. La evolucin de los caracteres, porque si vamos a escribir en esta lengua, qu mnimo que conocer un poquito de su historia, no?4. Los componentes de caracteres chinos , sus trazos y sus radicales, tener una base slida es esencial a la hora de escribir.Estos son piezas sencillas pero importantes que vamos uniendo para desenmascarar esa impresin de chino como un idioma difcil o casi imposible de aprender. A partir de all, no hay ms misterios ni secretos, solo nos queda a aprender a gusto."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Windows 10: The Complete No-Nonsense Video Guide" |
"Get the most out of Windows 10 in the least amount of time!Are you fed up with training videos that take forever to get to the point? That sound like they were recorded on a cellphone in the bathroom? That send you to sleep instead of engage your brain?SO ARE WE! That's why we created the complete no-nonsense video guide to Windows 10. It does exactly what it says on the tin! Our videos are short, sweet and get right to the point. No fluff, no time-wasting and definitely no geek-speak ;)Here's why we think our course is the best Windows 10 guide on Udemy:1. All our videos are fully scripted. So they're concise, simple to follow and contain zero waffle. We don't take 10 minutes to explain stuff that takes 30 seconds!2. All our videos are narrated by a professional voice actor. So they're far more interesting and engaging, which means you're more likely to remember what you've learned!Check out our sample videos and see for yourself. So if you want to get the most out of Windows 10 in the least amount of time, check out our no-nonsense guide and go from apprentice to master in no time!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learning to fly the Vintage Classic RAF Tornado." |
"The Tornado was finally retired from RAF service in 2019. Now it flies again in VR and you can fly it!You really can learn so much about becoming a pilot without all the expense on a home computer with a flight sim . I am a real pilot and I love to fly on the sim at home because I can fly all types of aircraft that appeal to me without all the money and grief that goes with it. This is an advanced course after having learned to fly the Tornado (trident) sim and having flown it around the world in about 300 hours and 263 stops. I am passing on to you what I have learned."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Meditation and Mindfulness Exercises for Busy People" |
"MEDITATION AND MINDFULNESS FOR BUSY PEOPLE (And People Who Claim They Can't Meditate)This course contains 10 powerful meditation and mindfulness exercises that you can do in less than 5 minutes while at your office, in your car (when youre not driving, of course!), or even sitting on a park bench. Just a few minutes of daily meditation and mindfulness can make your life, in general, seem richer, more colorful, and even more meaningful. Itll make you feel alive!This course can be a life-changer for mental, emotional, and physical well-being, and self-empowerment. II'll help you: Manage stress and reduce anxiety. Keep your balance and stay grounded when life is crazy. Feel more at peace - with yourself, others, and the world around you. Increase your energy so you have more of it to go through the day. Improve your health. Stay calm when you face challenges and difficulties. This course is really a toolbox. I wanted to give you something that would be incredibly useful; something that would make you feel good, in control of your life, and empowered. There are also seven guided meditations that you can download to help you practice. Approach the exercises in this series with an open mind, have fun, and treat them as a game. Meditation and mindfulness exercises dont have to be so serious! ."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Introduo a Microservio REST com Spring Boot e MongoDB" |
"Neste curso ser apresentado ao aluno um desafio para criarmos juntos um microservio REST com Spring Boot 2.X com MongoDB utilizando o Java 11. Este um curso direcionado iniciantes onde abordarei os tpicos abaixo:Introduo RESTConsumo do microservio com Clients REST (CURL e POSTMAN)Configurao do IntelliJ (Maven/SDK)Criao do archetype (Projeto Spring Boot)Configurao do application.ymlConfigurao da camada REST - RestControllerConfigurao da camada de Bando de Dados - RepositoryConfigurao da camada de Negcio - Service"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"English Conversation Launch: Upgrade Your English" |
"English Conversation Launch is an English conversation course taught by me, Anthony, a native British English speaker. You will learn the target English words and expressions at a deep level, so that you can sound more native-like when you speak English in everyday conversations.Start to speak with more creativity and variety by upgrading your English conversation ability!This course includes: lectures explaining all the conversations we listen to speaking practice for every single word/expression listening practice for every single word/expression future updates - this course will continue to grow and grow PDF transcripts and MP3 downloads so that you can learn anywhere, any time.Each section focuses on one conversation and 15 target words and phrases so that you can master each one and produce them accurately in your spoken English.This course is extremely detailed, so you can fully master the target English.If you want to speak English more clearly, if you want to sound more native-like, or if you simply want to take your English to a higher level, this course can help you achieve your goal of taking your English to the next level.This course is also perfect for anyone taking an IELTS test, TOEFL test or TOEIC test.I'm really excited to be able to help you improve your English today."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Lgica de programao em Portugus" |
"Bem vindo ao curso de lgica de programao!Neste curso, voc ver em uma contedo totalmente em portugus o necessrio para comear a programar em qualquer linguagem.A final do curso voc ser capaz de:Desenvolver raciocnio lgico voltado a programaoUtilizar tcnicas de programaoEntender como uma linguagem de programao funciona de forma bsicaPensar de forma mais dinmica como resolver 'problemas'Obrigado pela ateno e bom curso!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"The ink pen is decorated" |
", . . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Produce and Host a Successful Webinar" |
"An effective and successful webinar requires much more than a great presentation. You also need to know how to organize and execute webinars through the entire webinar production timelinefrom promotion and registration...right through execution and engagement...and ending up with reporting and follow-up. Whether you're producing a webinar all by yourself, or it's a team effort, this course will provide you with the fundamentals you need to ensure your webinars are professional and primed for success. By taking this course, you'll learn how to:--Schedule your webinar to maximize attendance--Promote your webinar to drive the right people to your registration page--Design your registration page to encourage high registration--Prepare your presenters for success before your webinar--Set up your webinar to prevent audio issues and technical problems--Interact with your attendees to provide insight for you and value for them--Use webinar video correctly and effectively--Analyze your webinar data to evaluate success and identify leads--Follow up with your audience effectively and meaningfully--Repurpose your webinars so they continue working for you after they're overAlso included in this course is a comprehensive mock Q&A session that provides answers for some of the most frequently asked questions about webinar production. Youll benefit from hearing the answers to these questions as if you were attending this course as part of a live audience!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Spark Basics" |
"Hello friends,Welcome to spark basics course where you get to learn the basic of spark and take it forward on your own.We will be uploading more videos as we create more.We would focus later on udemy kind of short videos.Right now I have uploaded how I teach in detail as it is."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 Courses - Master AWS, Analytics, Machine Learning, Bigdata" |
"5 courses pack including below topics. #CourseLecturesDuration (hh:mm:ss)1AWS - Cloud Services2705:38:02 Elastic Beanstalk, ELB, ECS, EKS, Dynamo DB, Migration Hub 2AWS - Data Analytics1002:38:08AWS Analytics and Data Lakes, Amazon Athena - Interactive query service, Amazon CloudSearch - Managed search service, Amazon Elasticsearch Service, Amazon Kinesis - Data Streams, Amazon Redshift - Data warehousingAmazon QuickSight - Business Analytics Intelligence Service, Amazon Data Pipeline - Automate data movement, AWS Glue Managed ETL Service 3BigData and Hadoop framework1401:20:13Big data introduction, history, technologies, characteristics and ApplicationsData Lake, Data science and Data scientistHadoop introduction, HDFS-Overview, Hadoop Architecture, assumptions and goalsDemo-Hadoop install - sw download verify integrity, Java ssh configure, Hadoop access by browser 4Machine Learning00:32:19Introduction, Algorithms, Softwares 5AWS Machine Learning1402:06:00Bigdata and AWS, Hadoop on Amazon Elastic Map Reduce - EMR, Amazon EMR, Amazon EMR Architecutre, TensorFlow - Open source Machine Learning framework, Amazon SageMaker - TensorFlow Part 1 & 2, AWS Deep Learning AMIs, AWS Translate - Natual language translation, Amazon Polly - turn text to speech, Apache MXNet - Deep learning frameworkTOTAL < 68 Lectures >12hours 15min"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Digital Nomad Bootcamp: Work From Anywhere On Your Terms" |
"Over the last few years, I've really enjoyed the fruits of my labor in the past.I've been creating online businesses and systems for a few years, as well as having experience in a digital marketing agency. I've tried pretty much every 'make money online' scheme that there is out there. Really.I've come to realize a few things, not the least of which is that the BEST and most enjoyable long term money maker, is actually the one that's the best for the WORLD too. It comes down to this:Find a topic that you know a lot about or are PASSIONATE about, and then share that information with as many people as you can. Set up systems that let you get PAID to do it, and this enables you to travel the world, work for yourself and live the life of your dreams. Sounds almost too simple, right? This is not a strange system that involves risking money or investing or anything like that. This is based on pure and simple MARKETING and evergreen (always working) concepts of market demand and the internet. This method allows you to take ANY topic (within reason, provided enough people are interested in that topic) and turn it into a moneymaker. This is not a get rich quick scheme, and the information in this course is very valuable. This is the condensed version of everything I've learned over the last 8 years of being in business online, and if I watched this course right at the start before I knew anything, I'd be able to MASSIVELY fast forward my results and live my ideal life years ago. What I'm saying is that this is different from most courses on Udemy, which teach mainly theory and ideas. This is practical, real-world stuff that you can implement TODAY that will actually work for you if you put in the work. It doesn't take a genius, just someone willing to put in the work now and reap the benefits later (for life). I'm often asked how I afford to travel so much seemingly at will, wherever I want without ever worrying about the cost and it's because I've developed several websites and social media channels that provide a PASSIVE income. What's more secure, one job in a fixed office that could fire you at any time, OR30+ different sources of passive income, and if you decided to you could INCREASE any one of them at any point, just by putting in more work and building more of the information marketing funnel? I know what I'd rather. This is NOT for the masses of teenagers looking for instant online money makers, this is for people who understand that there's no get rich quick scheme that doesn't involve a balaclava and a gun.This course is worth the price, and more, as you'll find out when you start putting it into ACTION.The way I see it?You have THREE options. Option 1: You close this tab, and go back to your job you hate, and essentially bury your head in the sand, hoping 'one day' you'll fix this problem. Option 2: You struggle over YEARS, learning how to do everything, trying to compete with other sites, clawing your way to having even a part-time income. There's no guarantee you'll even succeed here. Option 3: You take this course. Learn from my experience over the last 8 years, and INSTANTLY start putting the stuff that WORKS into action. Start taking action every day from now on, following my plan, and see results in just 3 months time. In 6 months? You could be traveling the world, with a passive income of more than $5000 a month. See you on the other side my friend."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"De nummer n Beleggingsacademy!" |
"Ben jij er ook klaar mee dat: Je spaargeld verdampt? Je niks achter de hand hebt waardoor je wel moet werken? Je niet in staat bent om financile vrijheid te ervaren? Je geen vermogen opbouwt voor later?Ik ben Robin Meijer, belegger, internetondernemer en ook ik was daar helemaal klaar mee!Ik heb de afgelopen jaren flink in mezelf genvesteerd door te leren van winstgevende beleggers, boeken te lezen en cursussen te volgen. Ook heb ik veel gexperimenteerd met verschillende beleggingsinstrumenten en methoden.Na veel tijd en geld te hebben genvesteerd heb ik de code gekraakt! In heel korte tijd ben ik van verlieslijdend amateurbelegger naar extreem winstgevend belegger gegaan. Het resultaat? Ruim 8% rendement in nog geen vier maanden!Hierdoor ben ik in staat om een vermogen op te bouwen en financile vrijheid te behalen, wat een heerlijk gevoel! Het allermooiste is dat jij precies hetzelfde kunt met mijn bewezen effectieve formule! De voordelen van de BeleggingsAcademy voor jou: Je hebt een vast stappenplan waarmee je een winstgevend aandeel kunt selecteren Je bent in staat om je eerste transactie uit te voeren Je bent minder afhankelijk van je baas Je bent in staat om vermogen op te bouwen Je weet precies hoe je een aandeel beoordeelt met de Graham Number Of je nu een groot of een klein vermogen hebt, jij kunt beginnen met beleggen Deze methodes profiteren van de zwakte van andere beleggers. Het is dus 100% Future-proof Je weet hoe je trends en patronen ontdekt in een grafiek, je beheerst de technische analyse! Na het volgen van deze cursus heb je een lijstje aandelen samengesteld die je direct kan kopen De tijd dat grote banken jou overspoelen met valse informatie is voorbij. Deze cursus is volledig objectief! Het is n grote funnel waar je in gaat als leek, en wordt getransformeerd tot winstgevend belegger!Zie hier de reactie van een dolenthousiaste cursist: De cursus van Robin heeft me ontzettend goed op weg geholpen om affiniteit te krijgen met de begrippen van beleggen. Ik had in het begin totaal geen kennis en nu kan ik makkelijker bedrijven analyseren en beoordelen. Verder is Robin je altijd bereid te helpen buiten de cursus om. Inmiddels al 2x met m afgesproken en het helpt me enorm. Inmiddels heb ik mijn eerste winstgevende beleggingen lopen!-David Dit is wat je krijgt als lid van de BeleggingsAcademy! De basis van het beleggenJe weet hoe de aandelenmarkt werkt en met welke mindset jij moet gaan handelen op de beurs. BeleggingsinstrumentenJe weet waarin je kunt beleggen en hoe je hierin belegt. Je weet precies hoe, onder meer, opties en turbos werken en hoe je hierin investeert. Jouw stappenplanJe beschikt over een stappenplan die je alleen maar hoeft te doorlopen om een winstgevend aandeel te selecteren. Je weet hoe je op een gestructureerde manier rendement maakt. Trends & PatronenJij weet welke trends en patronen er zijn en deze kun je direct opsporen en tekenen in een grafiek. Met deze informatie bepaal jij of een koers gaat dalen of stijgen. Jouw investeringJe hebt je beleggingsportefeuille samengesteld en je weet precies waarin je gaat beleggen. Je hoeft alleen nog maar op de koopknop te drukken. Succesvolste Beleggingsstrategien (BONUS t.w.v. 500,-!)Je weet hoe je de succesvolste beleggingsstrategien toepast en winst mee maakt. Hierna denk en handel jij als een top belegger met een ijzeren discipline. Onderdeel 7: De eerste transactieJe hebt je eerste transactie geplaatst en hebt jezelf ontwikkelt tot een beleggingsexpert!Informatie waarvan zij liever niet hebben dat jij die beheerstObjectieve informatie is in de beleggingsmarkt zeer schaars, en geloof me, je kunt geen enkel medium vertrouwenDe BeleggingsAcademy brengt hier verandering in! Alle methodes die ik behandel zijn genspireerd door de grootste beleggers en bewezen effectief!De meeste banken en brokers doen hun best om deze informatie geheim te houden Krijg direct toegang tot de BeleggingsAcademyAls je investeert in de BeleggingsAcademy investeer je niet alleen in een cursus. Je investeert in een jonge belegger en ondernemer die het onderwijs wilt innoveren. Het is niet slechts een cursus, het is een movement! Zie het dus ook als een investering op de lange termijn.Geef mij slechts 1% van je vertrouwen, en de overige 99% krijg je in de BeleggingsAcademy!Denk is aan je toekomst als je deze deal niet aanpakt, ga je dan financiele vrijheid behalen? Ik denk dat als je nu niet voor verandering kiest, jij moet blijven werken tot je 70ste, en vervolgens nog maar een paar jaar kunt genieten van je vrijheid. (en ik denk dat jij dat ook heel goed weet)Schrijf je in!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Passive Income Powerhouse: Learn to Set Yourself Up For Life" |
"Are you the kind of person that could stand to make an extra $1,000, $2,000, or even $10,000 a month - but dont have the time or attention to take on a second job or work more hours?Trust us, you're not alone.Fortunately, we live in a unique and exciting time. Only recently, the advancement of technology and the democratization of creativity have made it possible for literally anyone to start earning passive income - in other words, to earn money while they sleep, travel, or work on their passion projects. Once reserved for the extremely wealthy and land-owning classes, passive income is now a reality for anyone willing to think creatively and invest the time and effort to set themselves up. But Where Do You Even Start? In this course, you're going to learnexactly how to create passive income.You'll be taken on a step-by-step learning journey, lead bytop Udemy Instructor Jonathan Levi, to learn exactly how he has made over $1 Million in passive income, using simple strategies and frameworks that anyone can apply.In This Course,You'll Learn:The economic theoriesand frameworks that Jonathan has learned both through personalexperience and through attending one of the worlds top business schools, so you cansave10 years of expensive trial and errorThe secrets ofhow passive income actually works, so that you can harness the profit-making potential previously reserved for the ultra-richAbout the ins and outs ofeach and every possible avenue for making passive income, so that you can choose the right ones for you andget started fastPlus, you'll learn how toleverage the passive income you maketo create the most satisfaction and happiness in your own life!But Listen..This isnt some scammy Get rich quick course designed to pump you full of hope and generative passive income for nobody but the author.If anything, it's more like a ""get rich slow (and steady)"" course!Its going to require a lot of hard work, including worksheets, exercises, and of course, you'll need to get outthere and actually launch your own passive income projects.Some of them will succeed - some will fail. But armed with this powerful and to-the-point crash course, youll be joining the fast lane, accelerating your journey towards becoming a Passive Income Powerhouse.So what are you waiting for?Enroll today to start learning how you, too, can become a Passive Income Powerhouse."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"5 Day Memory Mastery: Learn to Memorize Anything With Ease" |
"If youre like the vast majority of people, you probably think you have an ""average"" or ""below average"" memory.Sure, you can remember some things - sometimes, but youre far from being able to memorize all the information you wish you could learn and remember. Information like Names and facesBirthdaysMathematical formulasPhone numbersCredit cardsHistorical factsTo-do listsForeign language wordsSpeechesBible versesLegal frameworksand moreBut what if I told you that...You Are Just 5 Days Away From Having An Absolutely Superhuman MemoryIn this course, you'll meet Jonathan Levi.He's a published author, TEDx speaker, award-winning podcaster, and online course creator.Over the last 5 years, Jonathan has touched the lives of over 150,000 people in 203 countries and territories with his 10-week programs in accelerated learning, speed reading, and memory enhancement. In fact, you may be familiar with some of them - they are among the bestselling courses on the web today! But heres the thing:Though just about everybody out there would love to improve their memory, learn faster, and maybe even pick up some speed reading skills......very few people can devote 10 weeks of their lives to doing so. Introducing:5 Day Memory MasteryIn this all-new, fast-paced, and to-the-point crash course, weve condensed our bestselling teaching methodology down to the absolute essentials. Weve cut all the fluff and the in-depth background. All that remains are the absolute best memory techniques - techniques that are neuroscientifically proven and guaranteed to work for everyone, no matter how lousy they think their memory is. In just 20 minutes a day for 5 days, youll learn and practice the exact techniques that are being used to set world records, win championships, and perform superhuman feats of memory every single day. Youll apply what youre learning in a fun and easy way, and begin to understand how these techniques can and will transform your entire life. Best of all, youll join our members-only community, where you can share your results, ask questions, and learn from others. Plus, if you arent completely blown away by the results you achieve in this course, we stand behind it with a full, 30-day, 100% money back guarantee. You have absolutely nothing to lose - but everything to gain.So Stop Settling For An Average Memory. Enroll today and see how you, too, can master your memory."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to rank videos on YouTube" |
"YouTube is the world's 3rd most popular website, and video marketing is the hottest opportunity of the moment. Video producers are generating traffic on YouTube and monetizing it through YouTube partnerships, product promotions or by transferring the traffic to their products and domains. But SEO on YouTube is very different from traditional SEO. The parameters are different and that's why those who try to apply traditional SEO to videos haven't seen great success rates. This course will teach you everything about video SEO that you need to know to get organic traffic on YouTube effectively. "
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Design & Create Your Ideal Life: A Real Self-Coaching Course" |
"This course will take you to a whole new way of thinking and living.I put it together so that more people like you, can access the wisdom and strategies that the most successful people and leaders naturally have.This is what most people dont know about great achievers and leaders:They all have around 200 bones, just like you.They all have around 600 muscles, just like you.And they all have around the same amount of neurons as you do.So what makes them different than you? Why is it that they achieve more, faster and easier?Its because of the mental programs they have and the strategies they use when it comes to what they want.And what we do in Coaching and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is to study and decode these mental strategies so that anyone else can use them as well, and get the same kind of results.By the end of this course, you will be able to use your mind in a more efficient and effective way, saving precious time, energy and resources, as you create a life you love and feel inspired by.Each section has an explanatory lesson and an lesson where I guide you through the application of each part of the coaching process as you apply it to yourself.I look forward to seeing you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Online Fashion Marketing by Fashionablyin" |
"Welcome to the Online Fashion Marketing Course by Fashionablyin. With this course you can start or develop your career as a fashion agent and entrepreneur learning the business of fashion. You will also get certified in Online Fashion Marketing. Whether youre a fashion influencer or stylist, student, merchandiser, sales rep, agent, fashion entrepreneur or brand, this course is for you! As a fashion brand owner or designer, you will learn how to grow your business globally and connect with our global fashion network.You will get access to our workplace community and a chance to connect with and learn from fashion professionals like yourself from all over the world. This 6-module course will teach you the fundamentals of the fashion business and give you first-hand experience dealing with actual buyers, suppliers and agents in the Fashionablyin marketplace. Learn how to connect manufacturers and suppliers with brands and retailers for private label business. As well as connecting designers with boutiques and stockists interested in buying their collections. Your mentor will be responsible for guiding you and assigning your clients to you. This simple method of learning and earning is a proven success and will give you all the confidence, experience and contacts you need. Now you have the limitless possibility to make money representing fashion companies from anywhere in the world. All you need is the connectivity and the love for fashion."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Projektmanagement Methoden: Vorbereitung IPMA Level D" |
"Als Seminarleiter und Trainer fr Projektmanagement hre ich in oft: ""Ich habe da ein neues Projekt bertragen bekommen... . Kannst Du mir dazu ein paar Tipps geben...?"" Fragen, die sich zu Beginn eines Projekts stellen:Was ist eigentlich ein Projekt - und was nicht?Was sollte man zu Beginn beachten, damit es zu einem erfolgreichen Projekt werden kann ?Muss man eine Projektplanung machen und was ist dabei alles zu bercksichtigen?Wie plane und steuere ich ein Projekt einfach und effizient? Wozu brauche ich einen Projektabschluss?Diese und weitere methodische Fragen werden im Kurs beantwortet, verbunden mit einfachen Tools aus 20 Jahren Projektttigkeit und Seminarleitung, die die Projektplanung und -steuerung erleichtern. Hierdurch werden gleichzeitig die Grundlagen fr die Vorbereitung zur IPMA Level D Prfung (methodischer Teil) gelegt."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kindle Publishing Masterclass" |
"NOTE:Be sure to visit our blog before purchasing if you want a discount on the course price.This course is best suited for three types of people:A person looking to publish their first book, or scale their publishing operations, profitably.A person looking to make money online or someone who desires""passive income"".Anyone looking to start a business, especially someone who wants to work from home.There is much that the course will teach you. If you are someone who likes to fully understand the details of things then you will enjoy this course. We will be upfront and honest this course is REALISTIC and PRACTICAL. The point of the course is to teach you how to successfully build a kindle publishing business that will generate predicable income through royalties each month. This course is ABSOLUTELY not a get-rich quick scheme, and we are NOT trying to sell you dreams. Making full-time money online will require hard work and patience. We discuss at length, the amount of money you can expect to earn per book and per month with our recommended publishing style and also in today's somewhat crowded marketplace. But don't let the idea of hard work discourage you. Self-Publishing is still in it's infancy stages so there is much room for growth and there is definitely room for you. This is why the 2nd module in the course deals only with mindset. To be successful in Kindle Publishing or to successfully start a business your mindset is very important. So we deal with this topic in the beginning by studying the thoughts and advice of two successful business men (Felix Dennis and Gary Vaynerchuck). Quick note: Felix Dennis made his fortunes in publishing so his advice is very pertinent to us as digital publishers.You will learn the history of self-publishing and you will learn the best strategies for today's crowded marketplace. It is impossible to list everything you will learn in this course as it is over 8 hours in length. But no stone is left not turned. You will understand how to research topics for books without spending hours brainstorming, you will understand how to make robust outlines for valuable books and the book formatting process will be explained in detail. And you will follow along with the instructor to submit your work to KDP. Please read the following two sections to get a general overview of the different sections of the course and also to understand some other things you will learn:7 Sections of the Kindle Publishing Masterclass: Section 1: Introduction to Self-PublishingGet a full introduction to the course and self-publishing. Learn all about your instructor, and his background. Understand exactly what self-publishing is and the best way to do it in 2017. In depth topics like: when you can expect success, and the best 4-step process for publishing a book will be discussed in this module as well. Section 2: MindsetSuccess is all mental. Your life, your business, and your world, are all a result of how you think. Learn how to think about self-publishing and how to think about business in this module. Module 1 discusses mindset, realistic goal setting, and how to accurately predict the number of books and the amount of money you will need to reach a particular income goal with self-publishing. Section 3: Niche SelectionSelecting a niche is very important. In this module you will learn everything about the role of niches in your publishing operation. Finish this module to learn: A unique publishing strategy that will future-proof your business; The 3 best methods for finding niches without brainstorming; And learn how to find 100's of topics to publish books on.Section 4: OutliningQuality control is HUGE in self-publishing. And making proper outlines for your books will make a big difference in the readability of your works and the amount of value you will provide your readers. Outlines should contain information from multiple sources. Many of these resources are overlooked and in this module we learn how to make a proper outline that will make the task of writing a book much simpler. Section 5: Outsourcing and Building Your TeamA good team will make achieving your goals much simpler. This module is all about hiring your first team members. You will learn the exact amounts of money you should be paying for every task when outsourcing. You will learn exactly which tasks should be outsourced when you are getting started and you will even learn the best countries to hire freelancers from to get the best skills without overpaying. The goal of module 4 is to help you build a solid team of trustworthy workers at a profitable price. Section 6:Getting Your Books Written and Covers DesignedIn this module you will learn how to properly assign work and create effective workflows for getting your books written and your covers designed. Module 5 is about managing your team and creating a good relationship. Module 5 also deals extensively with book cover design, and how to work with your cover designer to get book covers created that look professional and stand out over other self-published books. Section 7:The Publishing Process Explained: Proofread, Publish, Promote (PPP)In this module you will learn the 3 phases that every book must go though to have the highest quality and the best chance for generating long term predictable income. The goal of this module is to get your book formatted, uploaded, and published with the highest quality to generate a predictable monthly income from consistent sales. Course Resources:Every video contains worksheets which outline the important facts from the video, so you can quickly revisit any topic at a later date and remember what you were taught, without having to watch an entire video.Worksheets for every video: These worksheets outline the important facts, lessons, and websites, so you can revisit and remember everything you are taught without having to watch the entire video multiple times.Niche List: This worksheet contains over 100 unique niches. These niches will be used in the course to help you build a brand.Goal Setting Worksheet: An outline and explanation of the exact math you should be performing to estimate all aspects of your future income and achieving it.Job descriptions: Exact scripts for job descriptions that should be copy and pasted online to get the highest quality applicants at the most profitable prices.Help from the instructor: Any person who purchases the course will get the course instructor's contact information (email address). Anyone who takes the class becomes a client and you can email the instructor and have your questions answered personally. The instructor will try to help you as best as possible and all responses are usually sent within 24 hours. Here are some things you will learn from the course:A straight forward, detailed guide to build a real online business that generates predictable monthly income.How a normal college educated corporate worker replaced his full-time income by self-publishing books online.The importance of the holiday season (Q4) in a self-publishing business and how much you can expect your income to surge in these months.A method for earning anywhere from $500.00 to $3,000.00(+) per month in fairly passive income from royalties earned through book sales.Why a self-publishing business is the same as investing in real estate and how a self-publishing business is actually a better investment.The best mindset for starting a business and how to properly think about self-publishing.The exact amounts of money that are needed to start a self-publishing business and which amounts of money will provide the best chances at success.A method for getting started with no money. And sincere honest advice for anyone starting this way.Which platforms are the best for building a successful self-publishing business in 2017.How to properly price your books, to get the best feedback from readers and the most sales.An experience based method for getting book covers that grab attention, look professional, and make your books stand out from the competition.4 simple things needed to get started successfully.A general timeline of when you can expect to be earning consistent predictable income from self-publishing, the things that will increase your chances at success, and the things that will diminish your chances at success.How to properly set goals when getting started.How to accurately and realistically estimate the amount of time, books, and money you will need to achieve any reasonable level of income with self-publishing.The best way to maximize any investment in self-publishing to generate the most income.An age-old method for saving money to invest in this business and 4 additional methods for quickly making money to get your business started.An honest evaluation of debt and how it should be used in your business.A 4-Step publishing process. That is and repeatable.The 1 characteristic of all high earning self-publishers and a strategy for achieving similarly high levels of success over time.Exactly what your biggest struggle will be when just getting started with self-publishing and ways to deal with it.A simple hack for interacting with outsourced workers on Upwork that will leave you with a perfect client profile and make freelancers WANT to work for you.What mindset you should have when self-publishing that will make progress and scaling easy and provide you the best opportunity to succeed in the long-term.The two different self-publishing strategies that you can employ when getting started, which is the best, and why.The best publishing method that is future-proof and will GROW over time even as the self-publishing marketplace becomes more crowded.2 simple methods for finding book topics that will require little to no brainstorming.How other self-publishers are competing against you and their exact publishing strategy will be explained.An effective method for building a powerful and recognizable brand.How to make effective book outlines that will make the job of writing and outsourcing books much easier.5 different sources of information that should be used when creating an outline.The best way to think about your writers so they create books that are extremely high quality.A powerful method to write your own books from beginning to end within almost any deadline.How to create an easy list that all your books should end with that will provide more value to the reader, and increase the chances of readers enjoying the book more.A simple resource that should be added to all your books that will increase the number of pages in the book, keep readers engaged, and take almost no effort to create.How to effectively outsource work in your self-publishing business.The 3 best countries for outsource writing. These countries will provide amazing quality with very low costs.The 2 best countries for outsourcing your book covers. Illustrators from these countries will be very talented, make beautiful designs, and have low cost.Where to purchase high resolution stock photography for your books and book covers at very low cost and have a huge selection.A clear method and set of instructions for building your first team of workers to reach your income goals.The exact amounts of money you should pay outsourced workers for completing different types of tasks.An experience based and theory based method for getting value from bad outsourced work.How long a self-published book should be, how to deal with book length over the long-term, and the exact number of pages a book should be to get the best feedback from readers.How to format books and apply styles for the best digital viewing experiencing.How to format books and apply styles for print publication.The theory of typefaces and fonts, their role in viewing media, and which fonts are the best for digital and print viewing.An easy method for turning a basic 20 page outsourced eBook book to 84 pages digitally and 68 pages in print while following all of the Kindle Publishing Formatting Guidelines.All the principles of proper book cover design and how to make the cover design process easier for your illustrator to get more output.The exact workflow that should be used with your book cover designer to produce the most content, in the shortest amount of time, with the highest quality.How to write an effective Book Blurb / Product Description and a method for easily outsourcing most of this task effectively.How to select an effective title and subtitle for your books that will give your books more visibility and more sales over the long-term.NOTE:Be sure to visit our blog before purchasing if you want a discount on the course price.Course Lasted Updated: October 2018"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Fondamenti di C++ per principianti" |
"Questo corso stato creato per chi non ha mai programmato, per tale motivo dedico 2 sezioni per parlare dell'ABC di questo grandissimo linguaggio.L'obiettivo di questo corso non quello di spararvi 500 argomenti in 20 lezioni, l'obiettivo quello di crearvi delle basi solide di tutto il mondo della programmazione in C++, cos che non abbiate alcuna difficolt nell'imparare anche altri linguaggi di programmazione.Le sezioni del corso parleranno di:I TipiStrutture dati e approfondimentiI SottoprogrammiPuntatori e allocazione dinamicaProgrammazione modulare e compilazione separataIntroduzione della programmazione ad oggettiProgrammazione ad oggettiE tante, tante esercitazioni (che sono fondamentali per conoscere il funzionamento di un linguaggio di programmazione)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
presentation-design-for-beginners |
"133818942020/4/1109 20003000PowerPoint10050100PowerPoint"
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"Excel Complete Basic to Advance Course in Hindi" |
"This course covers everything you need to crack Excel in the professional work place.Below are the Excel course contents of this complete and concise course on Microsoft Excel:Introduction - In this video, the structure and contents of the course are discussed.Mathematical Functions - This lecture covers Mathematical formulas such as SUM, AVERAGE,RAND, MIN & MAX, SUMPRODUCT.Textual Formulas - This Excel lecture covers Textual formulas such as TRIM, CONCATENATE, SUBSTITUTE, UPPER & LOWER, LENGTH, LEFT, RIGHT & MIDLogical Formulas - This lecture covers Logical formulas such as AND & OR, IF, COUNTIF, SUMIFDate-time (Temporal) Formulas - This lecture covers Date-time related functions such as TODAY & NOW, DAY, MONTH & YEAR, DATEDIF & DAYSLookup Formulas - This Excel lecture covers Lookup formulas such as VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCHData Tools - This lecture covers Data operating tools such as Data Sorting and Filtering, Data validation, Removing duplicates, Importing Data (Text-to-columns)Formatting data and tables - This Excel lecture covers data formatting options such as coloring, changing font, alignments and table formatting options such as adding borders, having highlighted table headers, banded rows etc.Pivot Tables - This Excel lecture covers Pivot tables end-to-end.Charts - This Excel lecture covers charts such as, Bar/ Column chart, Line Chart, Scatter Plot, Pie & Doughnut charts, Statistical Chart - Histogram, Waterfall, SparklinesExcel Shortcuts - This lecture will introduce you to some important shortcuts and teach you how to find out the shortcut for any particular excel operation.Analytics in Excel - This Excel lecture covers the data analytics options available in Excel such as Regression, Solving linear programming problem (Minimization or Maximization problems), What-if (Goal Seek and Scenario Manager)Macros - This lecture covers the process of recording a Macro, running a Macro and creating a button to run a Macro.Bonus Lectures - Waterfall chart in Excel 2016 and previous versions of Excel, Infographics 1: Cool charts, Infographics 2: Cool chartsAnd so much more!By the end of this course, your confidence in using Excel will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of how to use Microsoft Excel for study or as a career opportunity."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Natural & Deep-Rooted Self-Esteem: A Transformational Course" |
"If you want to be more confident in a natural and sustainable way,you haveto address your self esteem first. That'swhy it can be so hard to change this part of your life: We try to fix what's not broken...Unlike other courses, where they teach you how youcan can build yourself esteem, in this course I will personally guide you through a real transformation as you progress.By the end of the course, youll find that your perception of yourself and your possibilities will drastically change and you will never again see yourself in the same way, clearingthe way to an free andauthentic life... a life you feel proud of and inspired by.Not ready to invest in yourself yet?Thats all right. You can take my free introductory course: The Truth & Foundations of Natural Confidence& Self-Esteem.It will give you the clarity and hope you are looking forand explain why you still struggle with your confidence and self esteem. This is what peopleare sayingabout it:""I love this course. I finally understand what I have been doing wrong, I would advise everyone to try it."" -Mary""Great intro to the topic of personal transformation.The instructor is very knowledgeable.Highly recommended!"" - Stefano""You are one of the few that emphasizes the importance of re-programming one's SUBCONSCIOUS mind in order to get self-confidence... Your courses are above the vast majority."" - Silviu M.I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Comunicare i etichet n afaceri: Brand Personal Magnetic" |
"Salutare i bine ai venit pe pagina primului curs online despre cum s devii un brand personal magnetic, influent i de succes. De ce brand personal magnetic?n carier nu e niciodat suficient s ai expertiz i s fii foarte bun n ceea ce faci. i mai trebuie i acel ceva- noi i zicem brand personal magnetic.De ce etichet?Este cunoscut faptul c eticheta i bunele maniere deschid ui pe care chiar i cea mai bun educaie nu le poate deschide.Despre cursAcest curs este conceput pentru ca profesionitii din Romnia s dobndeasc abilitile necesare astfel nct s se pun mai bine n valoare. nva secretele mai puin cunoscute, pe care chiar i networkerii cu experien nu le tiu despre cum s atragi i s te conectezi ntr-un mod autentic cu oamenii, astfel nct acetia s i devin clieni, parteneri, angajai, colaboratori sau prieteni i s te ajute s construieti cariera/ afacerea de succes pe care i-o doreti.Acest curs este pentru tine dac:Eti antreprenor i vrei clieni mai muli i mai buni, vnzri i profituri mai mari n afacerea ta;Eti team leader sau manager i i doreti s ajungi s ocupi o poziie de top management;Eti angajat ntr-o multinaional i vrei s fructifici fiecare oportunitate de networking astfel nct s avansezi rapid n carier;Eti network marketer i vrei s avansezi rapid n planul de carier, s fii recunoscut pe scen, s dezvoli echipe de profesioniti n vnzri, motivate, care tiu la rndul lor cum s atrag i s recruteze simplu i rapid oamenii potrivii, astfel nct s creezi o afacere multi level marketing de sute de mii, milioane de euro.Acord-i timpul necesar parcurgerii acestui curs i vei nva tot ce trebuie s tii ca TU s devii un magnet de oameni astfel nct s:i creti vizibilitatea, credibilitatea, influena i devii o autoritate n domeniul tu de activitate;i extinzi cercul social, creezi noi relaii, aprofundezi legturile deja create i devii un sftuitor de ncredere i un conector de oameni;te vei simi confortabil i ncreztor n orice context te-ai afla, indiferent dac vorbim despre o ieire n ora cu prietenii sau despre gala de decernare a premiilor Forbesi multe altele...Ce vei nva n acest curs?Mindsetul unui brand personal magnetic;Importana etichetei pentru brandul tu personal;Cum s faci o prim impresie memorabil;Carism i tipurile de carism;Comunicare verbal i non-verbal;Eticheta i comunicare i n afaceri;Cum s fii magnetic n viaa de zi cu zi;Cum s fii magnetic la evenimente formale i informale, conferine, petreceri, etc.;Eticheta la restaurant.Ce resurse suplimentare primeti dac vei parcurge acest curs?Studii de caz;Ghid: Cum s fii magnetic la petreceri;Ghid: Codurile de mbrcminte n mediul de afaceri i social;Principiile de comunicare ale lui Dale Carnegie;Liste care te vor ajuta s nu uii ce trebuie s faci naintea anumitor evenimente importante;Scheme ale aranjamentelor formale i informale la restaurant;Lecie bonus: Cum s faci networking strategic.Acest curs nu e pentru tine dac:Vrei s manipulezi oameni pentru scopuri egoiste;Vrei o soluie pentru a face bani repede pe spatele altora.Acest curs te va ajuta s descoperi ce poi face la nivel interpersonal, pentru a-i aduce mai aproape de tine pe cei cu care interacionezi, indiferent de contextul n care te afli. Practic, vei obine informaii i ponturi practice de la instructori cu experien internaional. "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |