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"The Judo Manifesto" |
"If You Want To Win More Judo Matches And Become A COMPLETE Judo Player and/or Coach, then You Have Come To The Right Place. WELCOME to the Judo Manifesto. Just the understanding of the blueprint of a judo match alone will drastically change your game and the understanding of the sport."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ganzheitliches Life Coaching" |
"Hast du auch schon mal daran gedacht, im Leben einen anderen Weg zu nehmen?Oder hattest du das Gefhl deine Talente und Fhigkeiten nicht voll auszuschpfen?Dein Potential nicht so genutzt zu haben, wie du es httest nutzen knnen?So geht es heute vielen Menschen.Oftmals fehlt jedoch nur eine ganz bestimmte Erfahrung, ein ganz spezielles Erlebnis, verbunden mit einem vllig neuen Gefhl, damit wir den Mut finden, einen neuen Weg einschlagen zu knnen.Diese Erfahrungsrume werden durch ein Life-Coaching erffnet.Durch die Empathie und die Intuition eines Coaches, knnen die richtigen Fragen, kombiniert mit spannenden Erfahrungsbungen, die Richtung von Menschen auf eine positive Weise verndern.Bist du emphatisch und konntest du schon immer gut zuhren?Weit du oft intuitiv, was in anderen Menschen vor sich geht?Mchtest du inspirierende Gesprche fhren und ergrnden welche Motivation hinter der Handlung einzelner Menschen steht?Wenn du eine dieser Fragen mit ja beantwortet hast, dann bist du hier genau richtig!Ich teile mit dir hier all mein Wissen und die Erfahrung, die ich in meiner mittlerweile 20 jhrigen Praxisttigkeit sammeln konnte.Dabei handelt es sich nicht um Daten und Fakten, sondern um meine persnlich erprobten Tools und Werkzeuge.Dieser Kurs zeigt dir die Grundlagen des Coaching Prozesses.Was ist eigentlich Life Coaching? Und welche Mglichkeiten gibt es hier fr dich?Wie du ein Coaching Gesprch aufbaust und geeignete Manahmen fr deine Klienten aufbereitestWie du Probleme, falsche Glaubensstze oder Blockaden bei deinen Klienten auflst.Ich stelle dir meinen Coachingkoffer vor und zeige dir wie du dir mit einfachen Tools selbst solch einen Koffer zusammenstellen kannst.Was du von dem Kurs erwarten kannst.Der Life-Coaching Kompaktkurs ist ein Online Training und du erhltst hierdurch eine gute Mglichkeit in diesem Bereich einzusteigen. Die aufeinander aufbauenden Videos, fhren dich Schritt fr Schritt zu deinem gewnschten Ziel.Du kannst dich beispielsweise auf Bildercoaching mit Karten spezialisieren oder Beziehungscoaching anbieten. Du kannst anderen dabei helfen schwierige Herausforderungen zu meistern oder einfach glcklicher zu werden.Vielleicht arbeitest du bereits in einem beratenden Beruf. Dann kannst du dieses Wissen als zustzliche Methodik hinzuziehen.Das erhlst du alles in diesem Kurs:10 Abschnitte mit ber 14 Std. VideomaterialQuickfinder zum schnellen Auffinden passender bungen fr effiziente CoachinggesprcheSketchnotes zur eigenen VerwendungBonus 1: 6 Fantasiereisen als MP3 und CoachinggeschichtenBonus 2: Das Kartencoaching-Set mit 75 Bildkarten zum AusdruckenBonus 3: 6-teiliger Selbstcoaching LehrgangAbschlussbescheinigung die Teilnahme an dem Kurs"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Textos Cientficos" |
"O que voc vai aprender neste curso lhe ser muito importante para elaborar os seus artigos, mas tambm, ajudar para a delimitao de pesquisas e na escrita de projetos, monografias, dissertaes ou teses.Apresentarei para voc ideias mais gerais, como forma de que elas sirvam de exemplo para aplicao em vrios campos cientficos, como Humanas, Sociais Aplicadas, Engenharias e Biolgicas.Voc ver exemplos imbricados com a construo da pesquisa. Pois, todo texto cientfico fruto de uma pesquisa, seja de qual tipo venha a ser ou tenha sido esta.Os vdeos pretendem complementar as leituras que voc far do material didtico deste curso e para isto vou utilizar uma apresentao terico ilustrativa."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Gesto Escolar Mdulo 1" |
"Na parte do curso destinada ao tema GESTO ESCOLAR DEMOCRTICA, eu o organizei de forma a lhe fornecer variados conceitos que permeiam uma Gesto Escolar Democrtica. Ainda, trago orientaes para implementar novas posturas de gesto que atendam aos anseios da coletividade. Na segunda parte deste mdulo 01, destinada ao tema PROJETO POLTICO PEDAGGICO (PPP), farei a sua conceituao e oferecerei dicas e orientaes para a sua elaborao. Para formular este contedo, eu me baseei em pesquisadores brasileiros e estrangeiros, alm da legislao vigente. Ser fundamental que voc entenda que a organizao escolar se confunde com a construo do Projeto Poltico Pedaggico."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Gesto Escolar Mdulo 2" |
"A parte do curso destinada ao tema TECNOLOGIAS INOVADORAS NO MBITO DA GESTO ESCOLAR, eu a organizei de forma a lhe fornecer variados conceitos que permeiam uma Gesto Escolar apoiada em Tecnologias Inovadoras. Vou apresentar reflexes, dicas e orientaes do emprego das Tecnologias da Informao e Comunicao, conhecidas tambm como TICs, na administrao, mas tambm no ensino. Entendo que este curso importante, pois as mudanas sociais, polticas, econmicas e culturais, no nvel global, ditam as tendncias e os desafios no campo da educao. Na segunda parte do curso de Gesto Escolar, deste mdulo 02, trabalharei o tema: GESTO DOS RECURSOS FINANCEIROS ESCOLARES. Quero trabalhar com voc oportunidades de refletir sobre o tema, alm de fornecer dicas e orientaes que ajudam a realizar uma gesto financeira escolar, eficiente. Este contedo est baseado em reflexes advindas da legislao vigente e de estratgias de gerenciamento, com o intuito de chamar a sua ateno para o entendimento de que a funo de gestor escolar envolve variadas responsabilidades legais."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Sing Like You've Always Imagined Level 2" |
"Rapidly transform your vocal tone quality and agility with Sing Like Youve Always Imagined.In Level 2, you will amp up your technique training 1 hour every day for 2 months using various vocal workouts designed for you to:Master your breath managementLock in tall, lengthened postureRelease your voiceSing with ease and attitude of a strong resonant humContinue building your ears as you condition your voiceMore ease, more range, more expression5 Trigger phrases designed to help you find consistent vocal placement 7 Downloadable MP3's to practice with every dayI take out the material you dont need which slows your transformation down. Get in shape fast while protecting your voice, then keep building and discovering new ways to use less effort. Sing freely with emotion and style as you Tap Into Your Artistry!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mejora tu vida: Cambiando tus hbitos" |
"Elvdeocurso ms completo en espaol sobre Hbitos que te ensear de la manera msfcil yrpidaacrear hbitos para lograr ser una persona altamente efectiva y experto en productividad personal.Te ayudar a aumentar drsticamentelas posibilidades de xito en tu negocio y en tu vida diaria.Transformatu vida aprendiendocmo funcionan los hbitos para que puedasfcilmente hacercambios en tu vida que te lleven a conseguirxito personal y profesional.Aprende a superar los malos hbitos con los ejercicios, guas,trucos y consejos que encontrars en el curso.Te has preguntado alguna vez por qu ciertas personas son ms exitosas que otras? yPor qu algunas personas ganan mucho ms dinero que otras?Ladiferencia fundamentalentre las personas ms ricas y las ms pobres son sus hbitos cotidianos.Sabemos que se necesita mucha fuerza de voluntad y energa para las tareas que no se hacen automticamente solas, pero te garantizamos quesi completas las 8 secciones del cursoy pones en prctica todo lo que te indicamos conseguirs mantener buenoshbitos, eliminarmalos hbitos,hacer cambios que duren y transformarte en un experto en productividad personal.Lo que logras en tu vida depende de los hbitos que construyes. Tus hbitos definen quin eres en realidady en quin te convertirs. Las personas ms exitosas en el mundo tienen establecidos unoshbitos correctos.El mayor error sobre los hbitos es que nacemos con unoshbitos predeterminados. La forma en laque somos es la forma en laque siempre seremos. Sin embargo, los hbitos se pueden cambiar y modificar en cualquier momento, solamente sisabes cmo trabajar los buenoshbitos y abandonar losmalos hbitosqueinterrumpen en tu vida y te impiden lograr tus objetivos.Imagnateexperimentar ms libertad en tu vida, viviendo el daa dams relajado,preocupndotemenos por las cosas, disfrutando ms de tu familia y amigos, haciendo en cada momento lo que quieras hacer. Suena bien verdad?Y si te decimos que puedes lograr todo lo que te propongas simplemente llevando a cabo unos buenos hbitos y eliminando malos hbitos de tu vida.Esto es exactamente cmo Roxana Falascoy Tania Giraldezviven sus vidas todos los das. En este apasionante vdeocurso de ms de dos horas de duracin compartirn contigo todos sus trucos y consejos sobre la creacin de hbitos que le han llevado a tener la vida sabtica de la que hoy disfrutan.""Hemos estado aos trabajando en nuestros hbitos y atravs de muchas pruebas y errores hemos conseguido el conocimiento necesario que compartiremos contigo.""Ahora todo depende de ti. Puedespasartelavida buscando y trabajando para dar con la frmula o bien puedes ir por el camino ms corto, aprovecharte de aos deconocimiento yaprender de dos personas que han dominado el poder de los hbitos.No esperes ms, inviertehoy mismo en ti e inscrbete al ms completo ynico vdeocurso en espaol sobre hbitos que encontrars en Udemy."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cmo crear un plan de Social Media Marketing" |
"Es importantsimo conocer cul es el punto de partida de la empresa o proyecto en el que que vas a trabajar. Primero, aprenders cmo hacer un buen anlisis sobre el que apoyar el punto de partida del plan.Una vez tengas claro todos esos aspectos bsicos, empezars a desarrollar la parte operativa del plan: identificars a tu audiencia, determinars los objetivos, seleccionars las redes sociales con las que trabajar etc.Tanto en esta etapa como en la siguiente, debers de elaborar una serie de documentos que te servirn de gua tanto en la ejecucin como en el control del mismo. Y esto nos lleva al siguiente punto. Aprenders que monitorizar y medir es algo muy necesario en un plan de social media marketing (SMM), pues esos indicadores son los que te darn la pista sobre qu funciona y qu no. Obtendrs unas plantillas para analizar, desarrollar y evaluar todo el plan. Te las ofrecemos como ejemplos para que te sirvan como gua, t debers adaptarlas a tu propio proyecto. No obstante, recuerda que las reglas de Internet cambian a la velocidad de la luz. Con este curso obtendrs una visin amplia y estratgica sobre el papel de las redes sociales en una empresa y aprenders a preparar un plan de social media acorde a las necesidades del proyecto. La parte ms tcnica y especfica es voltil, lo que hoy funciona, maana puede cambiar as que no se te olvide ser proactivo y estar pendiente de las ltimas novedades del sector. Al final del curso encontrars algunas pginas de referencia para aadir a tus favoritos.Este curso, realizado por las reconocidas BloguerasRoxana Falasco de VideocursosOnliney Beatriz Lizana de xperimentando, te servir de gua para crearun plan de Social MediaMarketingtotalmenteintegrado en la filosofa de tu empresa. Centrndose en cuatro grandes reas:la parte deobservacin, la etapa operativa, la etapa deejecucin y por ltimola evaluacin.Es muy importante completar el curso al 100% y poner en prctica los conocimientos adquiridos para poder beneficiarse al mximo de lo aprendido en el curso."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Stop procrastination and achieve your dreams today" |
"Do you want to transfer yourself from a procrastinator to a productive person to achieve your dreams and reach your full potential?I used to be a procrastinator a few years back and this is really was about to affect my career and personal life. I was frustrated and upset with myself but I decided to fight it back and gain my freedom and the success that I thought I deserve. In this course, I will share with you the system that I used to transfer myself from a procrastinator to a productivity coach where I managed to successfully execute a good number of projects as a senior engineer and help more than 4000 Students from 120 countries to improve their lives. I developed my I-5 system from my experienced mentors and refined from bets fighting procrastination techniques by the world productivity books authors and top executive couches. Then I added my lesson learned from about 20 years of an engineering career in managing teams and executing large-scale projects. In this course I will provide you with a step by step system that will make you learn the following: 1. Why we need to fight procrastination. 2. The cost of procrastination in the short and long-term in our lives. 3. Why we procrastinate and how we can notice and deal with those reasons. 4. How to fight our fears of judgment or control and how it is related to procrastination. 5. How we can break the procrastination process and analyze the sources of distractions. 6. Effective tips to be more productive and manage our daily tasks. 7. Learn how we can keep improving our ability to fight procrastination and apply this to other habits that we need to change. 8. Understand the relation between dopamine levels and procrastination and how to deal with this issue. 9. The best techniques to stop procrastination habits and replace it with productivity habits. 10. A daily Productivity system (I-5 daily sheet) that will help you to be productive and get your maximum focus on daily basis to improve your productivity mindset. Part of my mission is to help people to reach their full potential and you cannot do this without taking actions. Procrastination is really hindering you from doing this and I made a commitment to fight this habit and spread the knowledge to others through this course to help them also to fight this habit to start taking the required actions and do the needed work to actualize your potential and reach your dreams. So, if you decided to fight this habit to get your freedom and actualize your full potential I will be waiting for you on the other side to start this journey together. I'm really excited to have you here and hope you'll enjoy this course as much as I did create it. See you inside, Magdy"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
llutiwdl |
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Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Create & Build Custom Website Without Coding WordPress 2020" |
"Do you want to learn the worlds most powerful and efficient Website designing, Which is easy to learn.If so, youre in the right place - and I'm happy to have you here!This is complete Web developement course. Where you will learn from simple to complex website design step by step.Maybe you have an interest, you have done a little bit of web designing, or maybe you have quite a bit of website developement experience. Either way, we've made this course to help you to understand web design and development with deep concept and understanding.Why you have to learn Website Designing without codingBecause you dont need to indulge in complex statements and logic to solve and build your best website. Further, if you are going to make your website or your client website with short time terval you will create professional website with custom design. Moreover, I will design the website in WordPress which is most popular CMS out there. We've included Complete full functional website in this course. Where you follow along with realtime designing your website. At the end of this course you will make and understand about complete procedure how to design your website. Therefore, you will also get your website done of your business at the same time.Who is this course for?Whether you are designer, and want to extend your knowledge about web development and design then this course will teach you how to use WordPress to its fullest potential. This course is created for everyone you want to design and develop his/her own website quickly.Our Promise to You!We'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message. With our 30-day 100% money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and we'll see you in lesson 1!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
penetration-testing-for-white-hat-hacker |
"' '! . , , , , , , , . .' 8 ' ' ' . . , . ( ) ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Strategic Management - Basic" |
"Strategic Management is all about identification and description of the strategies that managers can carry so as to achieve better performance and a competitive advantage for their organization. Strategic Management gives a broader perspective to the employees of an organization and they can better understand how their job fits into the entire organizational plan and how it is co-related to other organizational members."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build a simple chat system in JavaScript" |
"In this course you will learn how to build a chat application using JavaScript.JavaScript is one of the most important and widely-used programming languageAlso by using NodeJS, ExpressJS, Socket-IO and jQuery technologies we will make this application powerful.=================================================================================You will be able to write your own chat applications.You will learn new tricks in programming.You will know how to merge between all of these technologies together.You will get a good understanding of NodeJS and its technologies."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD 2019 course (2D drawing from A to Z)" |
"AutoCAD 2019 course (2D drawing from A to Z) is going to be a full course which contains all of the subjects needed to work with 2D drawing using this software. The course is designed for beginners as well as experienced users.A beginner can start learning the software right from scratch by following the course along just from lecture one. A experienced AutoCAD user will also find this course very comprehensive.this course also containspractical examples and projects to work on ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de AutoCAD Como Fazer Uma Planta Baixa Passo a Passo" |
"O que irei aprender?- Voc ir aprender a criar e documentar projetos no AutoCAD 2019- Aplicar o conhecimento em exerccios prticos- Ao final do curso voc ter um modelo documentado, servindo de base para outrosprojetos.Requisitos- Instalar preferencialmente a verso 2019 do AutoCAD , sendo possvel acompanhar emoutras verses, 2014,15,16,17 e 18.- Desenho Tcnico Arquitetnico, Fundamentos de Informtica, noes de CAD (noobrigatrio).Descrio Nesse curso de AutoCAD 2019 voc ir aprender a criar uma planta baixa e umafachada, alm de documentar tudo isso no AutoCAD 2019.Importante! - Voc ter aulas com Instrutor melhor ranqueado entre os 10 melhores da Autodeskno Brasil;- O curso atualmente conta com 68 aulas, em mais de 9 horas de vdeo. Para voc teruma ideia, 10 horas de vdeo o equivalente a pelo menos 100 horas presenciais.- Acesso a informaes atualizadas com profissional certificado Autodesk;- Suporte para eventuais dvidas e aulas de atualizao, sempre que necessrio;Como bnus ter: Reviso de comandos de criao e edio; Diversos exerccios prticos; Exemplos prticos gravados dos exerccios sugeridos; Para quem esse curso:- Estudantes relacionados a arquitetura: tcnico em edificaes, graduandos egraduados em Engenharia e Arquitetura, Desenhistas e Projetistas em CAD;- Entusiastas do universo de arquitetura;"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"13 Techniques pour crer des slections sur Photoshop CC" |
"Est-ce que vous pensez toujours que le fait de faire des slections sur Photoshop est une tche trs difficile et trs complique tre ralis ? O est-ce que vous utilisez toujours la mme technique pour faire des slections ( parfois a marche et parfois a marche pas) et bien cest votre jour de chance puisque ce cours que je vous propose contient 13 techniques diffrents pour raliser des slections trs complexes dans 1 ou 2 minutes max. Et en plus de a ce cours est adapt tous les niveaux puisque tout au cours de cette srie de vidos jai essay dexpliquer chaque outil que jutilisais en dtail en allant des outils les plus basiques aux outils les plus avancs et donc vous naurez plus affaire des tutoriels o on vous dit cliquez ici et cliquez par l mais vous allez comprendre la raison dutilisation de chaque option et de chaque outil en dtail et donc si vous tes entrain de vous demander est ce que vos tes entre des bonnes et bien je peux vous le confirmer parce que dans ce cours vous allez connaitre des options et des techniques que jutilise personnellement pendant mes 5 ans dexprience sur Adobe Photoshop et pour vous assurer a me fait gagner vraiment beaucoup de temps et bien quattendez-vous rgoignez moi et je vous promets que vous nallez en aucun cas tre du."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Development - Complete Fast Track Course" |
"Hello! Do you want to create websites? Do you have a great idea for an application that could help thousands of people but don't yet know how to turn it into a real thing? Do you want to get employed as a full-stack web developer at a top tech company?If yes then you're in the right place and I am excited to be sharing this wonderful world with you! So welcome to the last course you'll ever need to master web development, specifically aimed at creative people who are looking to translate their skills into useful practical applications.Given the number of resources to learn web development online I have always been disappointed by the lack of a complete and comprehensive guide to web development for bright learners like yourself to get started with.With this course I want to offer a curricular balance which I truly would have loved to have when I was learning. I will do this by teaching you both:The full foundation of web development, understanding how websites and the web work and getting to know the elements that go into making a full stack application.The ins and outs of all the foundation technologies of web development: HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, PHP, MySQL. Going in-depth and giving you great amount of detail to assure complete mastery of each by the end. You see, other courses I have seen are either:Too complex and full of details of one-off scenarios without having established a solid understanding of the basics. Too simple and not providing sufficient information to get you started building websites.Under my instruction, by the end of this course you will be a fully fledged web developer who will be both: Apt with the process of creating a full stack website from start to finish.Making the contentStylingMaking it interactiveMaking it dynamic Equipped with extensive knowledge about each specific technology, allowing you to build complex sites from scratch.Basically, just by taking this fast track course you will immediately be able to:Make your own sites from scratch.Become a tech entrepreneur by making your own apps.Have a position to impact the internet.Get employed as a professional web developer (salary ranging from $50000 pa for a junior developer to more than $120000 for senior dev).Work as a freelance web developer (typical rate ranging from $30 per hour for a beginner to upwards of $150 per hour for a more experienced developer ).Call yourself a professional web developer!So enroll now and let's start making things happen!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"MicroStrategy Architect" |
"MicroStrategy Architects can be hard to find and play a critical role in any organization. In addition to being experts on MicroStrategy, Architects understand data warehousing concepts as well as business concepts. As a result, they are usually highly compensated for their unique combination of skills.Whether you are a Report Developer or BI Analyst aspiring to be an Architect or have some experience as an Architect but want to take things to the next level, this course has something for you."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Metodologias Ativas para Professores Inovadores" |
"Voc est sendo convidado a participar em um grupo exclusivo de professores inovadores. Neste curso vamos encontrar juntos solues para os desafios da carreira de professor utilizando Metodologias Ativas de Aprendizagem e as mais avanadas Tecnologias Digitais.Atravs de vdeo aulas, textos, exerccios e fruns, vamos transformar nossa viso sobre o que ensinar, ampliar possibilidades com o uso da tecnologia, desenvolver a criatividade e potencializar nosso papel de professor.Voc ser incentivado a compartilhar suas experincias, participar de discusses e buscar solues para os mais diversos problemas enfrentados por voc e colegas de turma. Esperamos assim crescer juntos para tornarmos a nossa profisso ainda mais impactante.Atravs do Ensino Hbrido voc promover a autonomia e a personalizao da aprendizagem de seus alunos. Ganhar tempo de qualidade em sala de aula para dedicar-se aos alunos com mais dificuldades e desenvolver em seus alunos a responsabilidade pela construo do prprio conhecimento.Com a Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas os alunos desenvolvero o poder de anlise atravs da construo de cenrios e a elaborao de hipteses. Ampliaro sua viso de mundo e poder de comunicao atravs da pesquisa, explicao e aplicao de seus novos conhecimentos para a resoluo de problemas reais.A empatia, a criatividade e a inovao sero impulsionadas atravs das ferramentas de organizao do pensamento oferecidas pelo Design Thinking.A teoria encontrar sua prtica e promover sentido atravs da Aprendizagem Mo na Massa. As habilidades manuais, sociais, analticas e comunicativas sero desenvolvidas atravs das etapas de elaborao, construo e divulgao dos projetos em grupo.A criatividade no mundo digital ser abordada no mdulo de Pensamento Computacional e Criao de Histrias Interativas onde mostramos as tcnicas para se ensinar a programar, mesmo no sabendo nada de programao, mas sendo aprendizes junto com os alunos.Com a Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos voc vai elaborar atividades alinhadas ao seu prprio currculo que solucionam problemas reais. Seu planejamento ser baseado em princpios de excelncia j testados e comprovados que ajudaro seus alunos a organizarem seus trabalhos gerenciando tempo e recursos, promovendo a perseverana, anlise e empatia atravs de sees de crticas construtivas. Elevar o conceito de qualidade organizando exibies voltadas a pblicos externos, promovendo assim a responsabilidade de mudar o mundo.Voc como professor (a) assumir com eficcia seu papel de Tutor e Designer Instrucional, viabilizar o empoderamento de seus alunos e utilizar com inteligncia os recursos disponveis atravs dos mtodos em sua escola.As quatro primeiras aulas do curso so gratuitas, compartilhe com seus colegas e em grupos de professores, assim voc poder ajudar a impactar positivamente a educao no Brasil.*** BNUS 1 - Durante o curso voc ser motivado a elaborar planos de aula, aplicaes reais e anlises. Em cada etapa voc receber feedbacks do tutor.*** BNUS 2 - Entrevistas exclusivas com professores inovadores; *** BNUS 3 - Acesso a e-Books nos temas do curso."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"A-Z Bitcoin - Kripto Para - Blockchain ve Trading Eitimi" |
"Herkese Merhaba Arkadalar!Ben Reat Gafarov, ncelikle belirtmek isterdimki mesleimi ok severek icra ediyorum.Ekonomi mezunuyum ve alanmda Hacettepe de yksek lisansm tamamladm. Finansal piyasalarda BITCOIN KRIPTO ve FOREX yatrm ilemlerinde uzun yllar tecrbeli yatrm uzmanym. Forex piyasasn da ve Bitcoin borsasn da Teknik analiz ,Temel analiz ve Elliot dalgalar dersleri vermekteyim. Udemideki konumuz Bitcoin - Kripto Para - BlockchainKripto piyasasna ilgi duyuyorsanz ve Acaba benim anlayacam ekilde kim anlatabilir? diyorsanz. te o sorunun cevab bu kursdadr. Bu kursu satn aldnzda bitcoin ve kripto paralar hakknda hi bir bilginiz olmasa bile, Hereyi Adan Zye renecek ve hi kimseye ihtiyac olmayan bilinli bir kripto para yatrmcs haline geleceksiniz.Bitcoin'i srekli gnlk hayatnda duyanlar, yatrm yapmak isteyenler, belki yatrm yapanlar ama bir trl Blockchain nedir dzgn bir aklama bulamayanlar iin ideal!Bitcoinin ok iyi bir gelecek vaadeden salam bir yatrm olduunu duydunuz ve bunu kullanmak istiyorsunuz yleyse neye yatrm yaptn bilmeyen kaybedenlerden olmayn veya ufack bir kar elde edebilmek iin srekli bakalarnn tavsiyelerine muhta bir yatrmc olmayn. Bu kursu tamamlayn ve bilinli bir kripto para yatrmcs olmann keyfini yaayn.Balang olarak bitcoin ve blockchain gibi teknolojilerin neler olduunu anlayarak konsepti anlamaya balayacaksnz. Kurs zellikle yeterli ve net olmas size en kolay yoldan bu kavramlar retebilmek iin tasarland. Bu kursta rendiiniz bilgileri pratik edebileceiniz birok snav ile de karlaacaksnz. 30+ ders video zamanla yklenecektir.Aklnza taklan sorular soru & cevap blmne koyabilir, hem kurs rencileriyle bilgi paylamnda bulunabilir hem de eitmenden yardm isteyebilirsiniz.Eitimimiz yeni trend ve teknolojilere gre belirli periodlarla gncellenecekdir. Sorularnz olursa sormaktan ekinmeyin en ksa srede cevaplandraam.-Dersleri snrsz eriim ile hi bir zaman snr olmakszn takip etmek mmkndr.-Kurslar rahata nerede olursanz olun bilgisayarnz veya mobil cihaznzla takip edin.-Kurs derslerini mobil cihazlarnza indirebilir ve internet olmadan izleyebilirsiniz.Bu kursu tamamladnzda kendinizi Kripto dnyasnn iinde bulacanz iddia ediyoruz. Bize katln!Eer hazrsanz hemen balyalm."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Service From the Heart" |
"- - : 9"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Powerful Social Media Marketing For Beginners (2020)" |
"Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life youre proud to live. - Anne Sweeney With this quote in mind, I created this course to provide you with the tools and techniques you need to become an awesome social media manager, and help you design your own freedom lifestyle, whatever that may look like to you. Whether you want to travel the world while working from your laptop as a digital nomad like myself, or just want to work from home so you can spend more time with your loved ones - either way, you're in the right place. What can you expect? Unlike a lot of other courses out there, I'm not promising you a multi-million dollar income with minimal effort. What I can promise you is that if you follow the steps I teach you and you keep a hard-working, positive attitude throughout the course - you will have the best chance at guaranteeing your own success. I landed my very first client the day I set up my online profile and replaced my full-time income within 4 months of working online - all the while working less and travelling more.All of the content you will find here, therefore, is based on the exact tips and techniques I wish I knew about when I first began working online - combined with the latest knowledge of the rapid-moving social media world.Why is this course special?I know you probably already know how to post a status on Facebook, and how to like a comment on in the hopes of cutting all the fluff and filler out, I've only included the most in-depth tutorials, featuring skills that every business out there with an online presence desperately needs.Most importantly, I've found that too many courses out there take the classic textbook approach. As in, they provide you with a whole lot of information and often leave you feeling completely directionless at the end. Instead, this course is designed in a way that provides you with an exact blueprint, or checklist, to follow when you finish. By the end of the course you'll have the skills you need to get started in your career as a social media manager or grow your business online if you're a business owner looking to learn social media to improve your own presence.Remember - Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.Some course highlights: Finding your purpose - Narrow down your purpose, discover your ""why"" and find the care factor which will make you an irreplaceable asset to any businessGuarantee your success - Take charge of your own success and learn all the best tips on how to achieve itSocial media platforms - Get a behind-the-scenes look into Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and YouTubeContent creation - Learn the techniques that have made me stand out from my competition by thinking outside of the box. Discover how to create graphics, gifs, and videos - all using free resources, no prior design skills necessaryCreating a social media strategy - Learn the tricks I have used to land my dream clients from the very beginning. Tricks that you can copy and use in your own online workThe only question that remains is - are you ready to invest in yourself and create the lifestyle youve always wanted?I hope to see you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SQL server: Amliorez la performance des procdures stockes" |
">>>Ce cours vous intresse ? Et vous souhaitez y bnficier d'une rduction ? Alors envoyez moi un email (une surprise vous attend :) <<<Questions que l'on va normment sur les forums SQL : Quand je rejoue la procdure stocke, pourquoi prend elle 3 minutes a lieu de 5 secondes ? Pourquoi quand je joue ma procdure stocke avec une variable diffrente, cela explose les temps ? Quand je change le mode de compatibilit de ma base de donne, pourquoi mon serveur rame t il ?Les Mise a jour des statistiques plombent elles les performances sur mes procdures stockes ?Etc...Autant de questions, auquel ce cours va rpondre.Dcouvrez dans ce cours, les subtilits et les piges a viter lors de la cration de votre procdure stocke sur SQL.Nous aborderons les options, ou plutt les HINT, pour pouvoir se sortir d'une situation complexe, lorsque les temps explosent en production.J'ai tenu ce que les vidos nexcdent pas les 10 minutes, pour que cela ne soit pas trop soporifique.Regardez la moyenne de mes autres cours (4,4/5), et vous verrez que mes cours sont des cours de qualit :)Bon cours a vous :)>>>Rejoignez le groupe FaceBook de bons plans, entre-aide, tutos de mes formations<<<>>>Tapez dans FaceBook: Formation SQL by Olivier Thuillier<<<"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Python From Basic to Advanced with GUI Projects" |
"This Course exposes you to better tricks on how to be a professional programmer, you will learn from the basic level to building advanced applications with beautiful GUI. This is one of the most requested skill of 2020.This course is well thought with all topics covered in detail with projects implemented in every section. This course will teach you python programming in a practical manner with quizzes, tests and assignment.We will start by teaching you how to download python and getting it installed in your computer system.In this course we will cover all the major topics required to be better than anyone out there, including:Installing PythonVariables and datatypeListsTuplesDictionaryList comprehensionMethodsBuilt-in-FunctionsDebugging Errorargs/Kwargsmap, reduce and filter File ManipulationsClasses and OOPConstructorInheritancePolymorphismGenerating Executable ScriptTkinter GUIand much moreWho this Course is for:Beginners who really want to be good in programming.Programmers who want to learn python to enable them become qualified for their dream Job.Technology Enthusiast who want to be part of the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Revolution"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python dilini Uygulama projeleri (Ethereum) ile renmek" |
"Bir programlama dilini grenmenin en etkili yolu uygulama ve projeler yapmaktr. Bu kursta Say tahmin program yazarak mod konusunu ileyeceiz, iskambil kart uygulamas ile liste ve set konularn ileyeceiz, Blackjack (21) oyununu yazarak eleneceiz, morse kodu uygulamas ie szlk konusunu ileyeceiz, wordlist oluturma program ile belli aralktaki tm olaslklar greceiz. Bunlarn yannda Ethereum Private key ve adresi oluturan program yazacaz, Ethereum Private key ve adreslerini dosyalama ve sralama ilemlerini yapacaz, Hacker larn aldklar etherleri tuttuklar adreslerin nasl sorgulanabileceini greceiz, Belli prefixlerde adresleri oluturduumuz, ve her eyi dosyalayp, sralama ilemlerini yaptmz programlar yazacaz. Vizyon:""Python ile Gelecee yn vermek""Hedef :""En iyi Python programlama dili programclar arasnda olmak ve Programc kafas ile dnmeyi renmek.""Gereksinimler : ""inanmak, odaklanmak, emek ve zaman ayrmak ve abalamak""Moddo : ""Gelecee yn verecek olanlar bu gnlerini en iyi ekilde hazrlanarak geirenler olacaktr.""Kimler in = ""Python programlamay projelerle renmek isteyenler iin""Gelistirme Araci Minumum : CPU : i3, RAM:4 GB, HDD : 30 GB Ortam : (Linux Xubuntu, Windows VMware(Xubuntu,Ubuntu,Manjaro,Arch...), Machintosh (apple(mac)))Python Versiyon ; (python3.6, python2.7)Gelitirme Ortami (IDE) : (pycharm ,metin dzenleyici, gedit, terminal)"
Price: 269.99 ![]() |
"Learn Farsi (Persian) Common Phrases to Speak Quickly!" |
"This course divided into 30+ videos which are grouped into useful conversational Farsi context topics. You'll learn:- Basics of Conversation: How to ask questions (yes/no or WH questions) for different conversational context- Gain confidence: Respond to the questions using simple words and phrases in Farsi- Speak Like a Native: Observe and Model how native speaker pronounce the words and watch the mouth movements- Video and Audio Contents: Get lifetime access to the full media (Learn Farsi in during commute or sleep)- Different Learning style: Get introduced to the basics Speaking in Farsi (Learn like a child)- Easily fit busy schedules: Short lessons designed to customize to your lifestyle (10 minutes a day is recommended)Passion, persistence and the right methodology are the main ingredients of learning any new skillset efficiently, Learning to Speak Farsi is not an exception. This course aims to provide the right methodology and resources to kickstart your conversation in Farsi and if you have passions and commitment to learning Farsi, then this course is for you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Carnatic Music for Beginners - Fundamental Singing Course" |
"Carnatic music, is an art form that originated in South India. The objective of this course is to give you an insight into what a beginner would learn as they start their journey into Carnatic music. The viewer of this course would:get to explore basic terms associated with Carnatic musicfind out about the benefits of the sitting posture practiced by many Carnatic musiciansget to learn simple exercises to train your singing voice for better voice productionget do a lot of singing. For this course we explore the 14 fundamental vocal sequences and learn how make interesting patterns using the notes. For each vocal sequence we take a look at the breakdown of the sequence, followed by the demonstration and audio for additional practice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
how-to-create-step-mail |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Entrepreneur Success Essentials" |
"Although management education has become important, we know legends who have built empires without much education. Succeeding as an entrepreneur is more about clear business fundamentals rather than technical knowledge. To help entrepreneurs manage and grow business effectively while shooting for the moon; based on our experience as well as that shared by our clients and colleagues, we have developed this course for entrepreneurs and professionals embarking on their entrepreneurship journey. This course is specially curated for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners Freelancers, Professionals and Service ProvidersStudents who seek to bootstrap their own venture 10,000+ hours of experience summed up in 4 hour power packed course, will get you the most form your learning investment. After 10,000+ hours of consulting business strategy we developed this powerful course and specially curated course with 3 KEY AREAS that you need to succeed as an Entrepreneur. This course explains the following:Evolve in different types of roles as an entrepreneurBalance between present and future rolesDevelop your guidance systemBusiness Landscape and your positionCore Value Proposition - Mission, Vision and Values StatementBusiness Model Canvas to model your Business CanvasUnderstand the concept of CostingKnow the difference between Margins and Mark-upsLearn to derive Costing for your Product and ServiceUnderstand the Cost Structure and MarginsRetail and Showroom Trading and Distribution Manufacturing Service Build an effective and sustainable organization Identify and develop KPIs for your team Develop Team review structure & agenda Recruit properly and effectivelyUtility Consumption - spend your money wisely Growth vs Scaling - what sets unicorns apart! Projects vs Operations - activities that drive business growth Growth Budget - money required on different fronts to grow Organized and Unorganized - contrasting market arrangements Since this course is focused on providing conceptual clarity, we have not added any practice tests.Start your growth journey now! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Job Interview" |
"I have seen numerous people go to job interviews unprepared. Moreover, Ive seen people apply to jobs that have so much competition that they never really stood a chance in the first place. This needs to stop.Some people nail it at every job interview, or at least most of them. Naturally, some factors in the decision-making process are out of our control, but have you ever stopped and thought about which factors are within your control?Have you ever wondered how they do it? How do some people get every job they want? That's because they know what to do and say before, during and after a job interview, regardless of their qualifications. They stand a better chance because they are job interview savvy. Become familiar with the most commonly asked questions in a job interview, what you should answer, how to answer the dreaded ""tell me about a weakness"" question, or how to negotiate about salary.Gain more confidence and figure out what you want, who you are, where your strengths lie, and communicate all those to the interviewer with a smile on your face he/she will never forget. Know how to dress, follow up, or say the right things that make a lasting impression on your interviewer, so that you create options, freedom, and wealth in your life. Learn from an experienced instructor who nailed it multiple times when he applied for various jobs before becoming an entrepreneur himself."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |