Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Online Speeches and Presentation Preparation Skills" |
"The goal of this course is to let presentation or speeches down in a professional manner to bring understanding and meaning to the audience. It is important to understand that prior planning prevent poor performance so it is vital that when doing presentation you need to plan very well, the best can only come through effective planning.There are key considerations that need to be taken when doing presentation on that basic factors is the size of the audience because without audience there can never be any meaning presentation.whether sales presentation or any form of presentation it is important the purpose of the presentation need to be stated it broad terms, because that will be measured at the end of the presentation. Physical preparation is key enhancer to any preparation in presentation either online or offline. The goal of every work to give satisfaction and detail understanding to the clients. the vivid use of visual aids are important ways of doing the presentation to meaningful level, the delivery of the presentation is a very important because if the content is good and the delivery is not standard it will have so many implication to the recipients of the message."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"CSS reniyorum" |
"Sfrdan balayarak tm zellikleri ile CSS Cascading Style Sheet kullanmn rnekleri ile reniyoruz. Eitimden balca konular. CSS Nedir, Neden CSS CSS Bildirimleri HTML CSS likisi Seici nedir ve eitleri CSS Metin zellikleri CSSherkesin bilmesi gereken bir eydir, u anda 3.x srmndedir ancak bu kurs ierii iyi bir temel almanz salayacaktr."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Davud Hoca ile PHP ile Nesne Ynelimli Programlama" |
"Bu yeni eitim setimizdede PHP'de OOP'nin ne olduu ve temel OOP Kavramlar rneklerle anlatlmaktadr. Nesne ynelimli programlama iin hazrlanm en yeni eitim setidir. rnekler ile kavramlar aklanmaya allmtr. Umarz PHP renen arkadalara faydal olur. Temel PHP Eitimi isteyen arkadalar bizimle irtibata geebilir veya Bu yeni eitim setimizdede PHP'de OOP'nin ne olduu ve temel OOP Kavramlar rneklerle anlatlmaktadr.Nesne ynelimli programlama iin hazrlanm en yeni eitim setidir. rnekler ile kavramlar aklanmaya allmtr.Umarz PHP renen arkadalara faydal olur.Temel PHP Eitimi isteyen arkadalar bizimle irtibata geebilir veya"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ASP.Net Web Pages ve C# Eitim Seti" |
"ASP .NETsrekli gelien ve takip etmesi ve renmesi olduka zor olan bir teknolojidir, bu sebeple bir ok kii renmesi kolay olan PHP'ye ynelmi ve web sayfalarn PHP'de yapmaktadr.ASP.NET Web pages ise PHP'ye yok benzeyen Razor syntaxi ile rahatlkla web sayfalar yapmay salamaktadr. Bu kursun devam olan ASP .NET Web pages ile blog yapma kursunda sfrdan bir kurs yaplarak, ASP . NET web pages uygulmas gsterilmitir.Bu kursta ASP.NET ile ilgili temel bilgilere sahip olup, gelecek hayatnzda hangi dili seeceinize karar verebilirsiniz.Kursta temel konular yannda MVC modeli gibi baz gelimi konularda anlatlmtr.ASP .NET i deerlendirmek isteyenlerin bu kursu izlemesini tavsiye ediyoruz. Yaklak 5 saat sonunda ASP.NET size gremi deil mi karar vermekte bir adm atabilirsinizHerkese yi renmeler"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ASP.Net Web Pages ile Blog Yapma" |
"ASP.NET web pages ile PHP'de kod yazar gibi alabilirsiniz. Razor syntaxinin gc ile rahatlkla kod retebilirsiniz. Bu eitimde sfrdan temel bir blog sistemi yazld, veritaban oluturuldu, kategoriler, blog postlar ve bir ok dier ilem eitimin iine sdrld.Layout oluturuldu ve template gibi kullanld, bylece sayfalarda kod tekrar engellendiDaha nce ASP.NET renmek isteyip renemediyseniz, bu kurs sonras kendinizi ASP.NET'e daha yakn hissedebilirsinizKurs dosyalarn almak iin bize yazmanz yeterlidir.yi renmeler"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Davud Hoca ile Angular JS" |
"AngularJS, google'nin destekledii, javascript MVC ktphanesidir. MVC (Modal View Controller) verinin, grnmn ve kontrollerin ayr tutulmasna dayanr. Modal: Verilerin tutulduu nesnelerdirBu angularJS kursunda, temel elementleri, directiveleri, stringleri, objeleri, arraylar, controllers, filters, gibi kavramlar, SQL verisini PHP veya ASP.NET ile JSON olarak almay DOM, Event, Modules, Validayion gibi kavramlar reneceiz.Bu kurs Davud Hoca Sfrdan leri Dzey Web Tasarm ve Programlama Serisinin Temel Eitimlerindendir.Kursu anlayabilmek iin temel JavaScript Eitimine ihtiyacnz vardr."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Davud Hoca ile Java ve Android" |
"Android; Google ve Open Handset Alliance tarafndan, mobil cihazlar iin gelitirilmekte olan, Linux tabanl zgr ve cretsiz bir iletim sistemidir. Sistem ak kaynak kodlu olsa da, kodlarnn ufak ama ok nemli bir ksm Google tarafndan kapal tutulmaktadr. Google tarafndan cretsiz olmasnn sebebi, sistemin daha hzl ve abuk gelimesi, birok popler marka tarafndan kullanlmas ve bu sayede reklamlarn daha fazla kiiye ulamasn salamaktr. Google, Android sistemi zerinde alan Google Play marketteki oyun ve uygulamalar zerinde ald reklamlar yaynlayarak para kazanmaktadr. Android'in desteklenen uygulama uzants "".apk""dr.Android, aygtlarn fonksiyonelliini genileten uygulamalar yazan geni bir gelitirici grubuna sahiptir. Android iin halihazrda 1 milyondan fazla uygulama bulunmaktadr. Google Play Store ise, Android iletim sistemi uygulamalarnn eitli sitelerden indirilebilmesinin yan sra, Google tarafndan iletilen kurumsal uygulama maazasdr. Gelitiriciler, ilk olarak aygt, Google'n Java ktphanesi araclyla kontrol ederek Java dilinde yazmlardr.Open Handset Alliance, 5 Kasm 2007'de Android'i kurduunu duyurmutur ve ardndan 34 adet donanm, yazlm ve telekom irketi, mobil cihazlar iin telif hakk olmayan bir iletim sisteminin teknolojinin geliimi iin yararl olduu konusunda hemfikir olmulardr.Android, Linux ekirdei zerine ina edilmi bir mobil iletim sistemidir. Bu sistem ara katman yazlm, ktphaneler ve API C diliyle yazlmtr. Uygulama yazlmlar ise, Apache harmony zerine kurulu Java-uyumlu ktphaneleri iine alan uygulama iskeleti zerinden almaktadr. Android, derlenmi Java kodunu altrmak iin dinamik evirmeli Android Runtime (ART) kullanr ve cihazlarn fonksiyonelliini artran uygulamalarn gelitirilmesi iin alan geni bir programc-gelitirici evresine sahiptir. Google ayn zamanda iletim sistemindeki hatalar bulan kullanclar para dl ile dllendirmektedir.Bu kurs Davud Hoca Sfrdan leri Dzey Web Tasarm ve Programlama Serisinin Temel Eitimlerindendir.Kursu anlayabilmek iin temel Java programlama bilgisine ihtiyacnz vardr."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Davud Hoca ile Bootstrap" |
"Bootstrap Nedir?Bootstrap Front-End Developerlar iin gelitirilmi ak kaynak kodlu ve cretsiz bir CSS framework'tr. Bootstrap sayesinde masast, tablet, mobil cihaz ve tm tarayclara uyumlu web siteleri gelitirebiliriz. Bunun yannda bir web sitesi iin gerekli olan tm bileenleri yapsnda barndrr. (Form eleri, tablolar, butonlar, uyarlar, navigasyon bar, sayfalandrma, etiketler, alan menler vb. tasarm eleri.) Bu hazr bileenleri kullanarak hem gelimi bir grnm hem de her cihaza uygun bir tasarm gerekletirmi oluruz.Bu kurs Davud Hoca Sfrdan leri Dzey Web Tasarm ve Programlama Serisinin Temel Eitimlerindendir.Kursu anlayabilmek iin CSS reniyorum Eitimine ihtiyacnz vardr."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Davud Hoca ile SQL" |
"SQL, (ngilizce ""Structured Query Language"", Trke: Yaplandrlm Sorgu Dili, telaffuz: s kju l/) verileri ynetmek ve tasarlamak iin kullanlan bir veritaban ynetim sistemidir. SQL, kendisi bir programlama dili olmamasna ramen birok kii tarafndan programlama dili olarak bilinir. SQL herhangi bir veri taban ortamnda kullanlan bir alt dildir. SQL ile yalnzca veri taban zerinde ilem yaplabilir. SQL'e zg cmleler kullanarak veri tabanna kayt eklenebilir, olan kaytlar deitirilebilir, silinebilir ve bu kaytlardan listeler oluturulabilir.Bu kurs Davud Hoca Sfrdan leri Dzey Web Tasarm ve Programlama Serisinin Temel Eitimlerindendir.Kursu anlayabilmek iin temel Web programlama bilgisine ihtiyacnz vard"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Davud Hoca ile Laravel" |
"PHPile web tasarm yapmak olduka kolaydr, Bunun iin yapmanz gereken bir XAMP program indirmek ve Sizin iin sunucular kurmasn salamaktr. Daha sonra htdocs dizininde oluturacanz .php uzants ieren bir dosya ile PHP kodlar yazabilir ve bu dosyas altrarak PHPile alabilirsiniz.PHP'ye balamak byle kolay olunca, klasik renme ve kodlama metodlar herkesin ilk heyecanla yapt tarz oluyor ve bundan kurtulmas kolay olmuyor. Bir ok projeyi kii klasik programlama metodlar ile yapm oluyor.Laravel'de ise bizler iin daha nceden hazrlanan Symphony gibi bir ok ktphane bir araya getiriliyor ve bizlere farkl bir programlama tarz sunuluyor. Bu tarzn ad ""MVC - Model View Controller"" dr. MVC tarznda web sitesinin grnen ksm view dosyalarnda, veritaban ile ilgili kodlar model dosyalarnda, kullanc etkileimi ve view-model arasndaki etkileim ise Controller tarafndan yaplmaktadr.MVCyaps olduka kolay ve konforlu olmasna ramen, MCVanlatan kiiler iin zn tam anlamatamadklar iin bir ok kii MVC'yi tam renemeyip, eski bildii klasik programlamaya dnmektedir.Biz bu Laravel Framework kursunda size MVCyi tam olarak retmeyi ve bir daha eski metodlarla kodlama yapmanz salamay hedefliyoruz.Bugne kadar tm eitim hedeflerimizi baardmz gibi bunuda birlikte baaracaz.O zaman ""Davud Hoca ile Laravel"" kursunda bulualm."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama for Beginners" |
"This course has two goals. 1. To supply you with a ""toolbox"" of resources so that you can practice yoga when you are waiting somewhere and use your time wisely! 2. To cultivate patience and improve your state of mind. The first section has eight videos will teach you seated and standing poses and exercises that you can do anywhere you go! The videos are instructional and you can do them as often as you like, stringing them together or picking and choosing the videos. A savanna practice is included to do at any time.The second section has two videos that will teach you breathing exercises (pranayama). Breath training helps to focus the mind and directly affects our emotions. When you're upset you breathe differently then when you're relaxed. These two help promote relaxation and are very beneficial to do when you're flustered, nervous or angry.The third section has three videos that are intended only for practice in order to help you gain patience. This could mean patience with yourself and situations that you find yourself in. This is done by building up to challenging poses like locust and goddess and also holding poses for longer than average and moving slowly. By doing this you're training your brain to rest and observe to find comfort in challenging poses. Once you develop this attitude on the mat, when you are experiencing life off the mat you'll be able to respond in a healthy manner and cope better. There are some resources in the course for you to view and help supplement what is taught in the videos. This course can be completed in a day, or you can take your time to get through it. It is a resource that you can keep coming back to and I encourage you to do that to get the most out of it!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vinyasa Yoga for Energy!" |
"What you'll get: This course includes a yoga class to help you develop flexibility, core strength, and stress relief. Learn to focus and breathe in classical yoga poses that help you look at yoga in a new way. This class teaches you the key alignment techniques to be aware of for a safe practice, without distracting from the flow of the class. You also get access to 4 short how-to videos focusing on the alignment of each pose to do back to back or when you have only a few minutes in your day. Those poses are: Dancer Tree Warrior 1 Crocodile Some of the poses the30 minute video will cover are: chair boat pigeon cat-cow twists downward facing dog plank bridge The 30 minute class starts with warm up poses, goes through sun salutations, a cool down and ends with shavasana (relaxation). It focuses on core strengthening, and exercising key muscles that are the source of discomfort. Ending with relaxation allows the body a few minutes to absorb the practice and let the mind settle to continue daily activities with ease and focus. It incorporates muscle strengthening poses for your core, back and legs. Bonus Video: This course also includes a short how-to video for a kids' yoga pose so you can do this with your kids, or just to add some fun play into your life. Who is your teacher? Jessica Walsh is a certified 200 hour yoga teacher through the Himalayan Institute. She has been studying yoga since she was 16. She holds yoga classes for kids and adults locally, private sessions, and recently started producing videos to share her teaching with the world. Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor before starting this practice to learn any limitations you might have."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yoga for Kids: A Proven System for Teaching your First Class" |
"In the ""old days"" kids practicing yoga was unheard of -Not anymore! Today, over 1.7 millionAmerican childrenaloneare doing yoga!There are countless benefits and a hugemarket for kids yoga teachers. You can be one of them!If you've ever wondered ""How do I get started with teaching kids yoga?"" well, this is thecourse for you!You will discover the YogiDance system complete with activities and practices perfect for kids. Founder, Jessica Walsh covers the poses and exercisesthat you'll use to teach a 30 minute class for children.On top of that you'll even seehow you can incorporate hula hooping into the class. Kids love hula hooping and it's great exercise. It'll alsohelp your class stand out from the rest.Also included in this course is a bonus PDF listing the benefits of yoga for kids that you can use to help you market your classes. AND two PDFclass plans so that you can easily stay on course while teaching.Take a look at the course curriculum below and be sure to sample some of the free lectures, too.This course is backed by Udemy's 30-day. money-back guarantee, so there is no risk in enrolling today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
AI |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Zimbra Messaging Server Complete Course" |
"Welcome to our Linux community of over 60000 successful students who enrolled in our courses !This course is presented for you to increase you Linux administration skills by learning all what you need to be a Zimbra Mail Server Administrator. Learn Zimbra and you could save $$$ for your organization and you can work as a freelance Zimbra administrator.What arewegoing to present in this course ?The course is aimed to teach Zimbra mail server administration for Linux admins who wish to develop their skills with a new wanted skill. this course take you from the basic mailing concept to the advanced topics in Zimbra. So we are going to start with:Messaging ConceptZimbra installation & configurationMonitoring Zimbra ServersConfiguring useraccountsZimbra command line interfaceAnd then i'll move on to:Security Best PracticeImplementing High Availability ClusterBackup and RestoreTroubleshootingWith that there will be24 hour support for any questions or suggestionsin the discussion forumAnd now after this description you must be concerned on what are you going to get out of this course by the end !By the end of this course you will have the skills needed to be Zimbra administrator. :)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"FL Studio 201 Masterclass - Music Production in FL Studio 20" |
"In This FL Studio 20 - Music Production Masterclass Course, I will show you how to create two full music productions from scratch to the full product - arranged, mixed, and mastered in FL Studio 20 for Mac & PC. This Course will learn you how to make these tracks with FL Studio plugins as well as free third-party plugins. You can use the same principles you will learn music for both EDM, Hip Hop, or Even New Music Genres - it will work for all genres!This course is created for the absolute beginner as well as advanced users who want to expand their knowledge in music production. We are covering all of the techniques that the biggest music producers are currently are using as well as limiting ourselves to create music with FL Studio's stock plugins and free third-party plugins. Everything that is done in this course is made in the box only - so all you need is a laptop with or a PC with Windows or Mac as well as a copy of FL Studio - even the free trial of FL Studio will work with this course.This Course Includes All You Need To Create a Full Music Production. Everything that you need to use is included in this course and inside the included project file.We are also including 10+ Sample Packs that will improve your productions as you can use them for free in your own tracks - all royalty-free.This course is designed for every skill level from Beginners to Advanced. If you never used FL Studio before, that's totally fine as well. This course includes an introduction section where we will download FL Studio and show you how to manage the most basic functions of FL Studio 20 to get you started.Just a few of the things you'll learn in this FL Studio 20 Music Production course:How To Make A Full Music Production Including Arrangement, Mixdown, And MasteringLearn Creating Chord Progressions easily without knowing music theory.You Will Learn How To Start Out With Music Production Instead Of Getting Into Writers BlockStart Finishing Music Instead Of Going To An Idea And Just Leave It Like ThatImprove Your Music Production Techniques and Start Making Professional Music With Quality in No Time!Regardless of what your level of experience is or what type of music you are creating, this course will take your knowledge to a whole another level. I will show you step-by-step how to create a full Music Production with FL Studio with Mixdown and Mastering.Unlike other Music Production courses, this course will cover everything from scratch and improve your overall music production level as well as getting you motivated to finish your music instead of letting your music ideas die within your project file.About the instructor:Martin Svensson started producing music since 2005 and teaching since 2016 and now has over 30,000 happy students on Udemy learning music production and other related topics viewed from a Music Producers perspective. Martin has been working with different producers around the world as well as co-created a few very well known tracks with other musicians. Martin is based in Stockholm, Sweden"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"La 4ta revolucin industrial y Organizaciones Exponenciales" |
"Es un curso para todas aquellas personas que estn interesadas en conocer nuevas formas de desarrollar sus negocios a travs de las nuevas tecnologas, siguiendo los principios de las Organizaciones Exponenciales. Los temas que se desarrollan son:Qu es la 4ta revolucin industrial?Cmo fueron las 3 revoluciones anteriores?Cules son las siguientes revoluciones que vienen?Cmo adaptarse al cambio vertiginoso de la tecnologa?Cmo esta transformando al mundo la 4ta revolucin industrial?Cules son los riesgos de la 4ta revolucin industrial?Casos de xito que utilizaron la 4ta revolucin industrialCmo aprovechar la 4ta revolucin industrial?Qu es una ExO?Cules son los principios de una Organizacin Exponencial?Herramientas para aprovechar la 4ta revolucin industrial"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PgMP exam Preparation 4th edition explaination in Arabic" |
"2018 - - - - - - This course will present an overview as to the importance of programs and how they differ from the management of multiple projects. This overview also focuses on the relationship of program management to project management and portfolio management. This course also will focuses on preparing people to take and PASS this difficult exam. It contains study tips, a discussion of the various key concepts in each of the domains as well as in the Examination Content Outline, and practice test questions.It is followed by the key activities to be performed in the five program management domains Strategic Program Management, Program Life cycle, Benefit management, Stakeholder Management, Governance Management. Through a combination of mini lectures and group exercises, participants will learn the importance of each of these five domains and what is necessary for success in each one. Additionally, the program management life cycle and the benefits management will cycle will be stressed during this session.Key Concepts In Program ManagementModule1 Strategic Program ManagementModule 2 - Program Life Cycle Module 3 - Benefits ManagementModule 4 Stakeholder ManagementModule 5 Governance"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cubase para principiantes, gua de iniciacin" |
"Si eres msico, cantante o intrprete sin demasiada experiencia en la produccin y/o en la informtica musical y quieres ser ms autosuficiente para grabar y mezclar t mismo tus canciones, entonces este curso es para ti. En l aprenders a organizar el trabajo para ser ms eficaz y trabajar de un modo ordenado, conocers las tcnicas ms fundamentales de grabacin y edicin de audio y MIDI y los fundamentos de la mezcla y produccin. Al finalizar el curso sers capaz de grabar, editar y mezclar tus propios temas y exportarlos a un archivo de audio."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"After Effects Essentials: Complete VFX and Motion GFX Guide" |
"AdobeAfter Effects Essentials: Complete VFX and Motion Graphics GuideAre you interested in creating your own amazing Visual Effects and Motion Graphics?Look no further!In this 100% FREE course you will learn all the basics (and some more) of Adobe After Effects CC 2017. You will learn how to do VFX and Motion Graphics using many of the tools in Adobe After Effects. Over 2.5 hours of video content in this course - and yes - it's 100% FREE and will always be free! I have also included 3 bonus tutorials on Mocha Pro! Yup all this for free! :)Please remember to rate this course as it really helps me a lot.Over 2 hours and 30 minutes of 100% FREE AdobeAfter Effects Tutorial Videos!This course consists of30 After Effects Tutorials!==What you will learn==Adobe After Effects CC 2017How To Create ACardboard Cutout AnimationHow ToAdjust Exposure On AFaceCreating Realistic Camera ShakeHow To Create A3D Grid EffectCreatingCool Title RevealsDoing ACrash Zoom EffectCreating TheCaptain America Intro AnimationHow To DoProfessional End CreditsHow To Use Mattes In After EffectsHow To Create Your Own2D South Park Style AnimationHow To Create An Easy Lip Syncing RigLUTS and CGTracking Outside The FrameCreateAudio Waveforms OnTextHow ToChange TheColor Of Something In Your SceneCompositing Tips And TricksCreate A CoolText Stroke AnimationHowTo Create APixelated Background EffectHow To Remove Anything From Your ShotHow To Use TheRotobrushHow To Do ASelective Color EffectCreating APhone Text Message Popup EffectTracking Masks In After EffectsHowTo Create AVideo From A 360 DegreePhotoDoing AVideo To Newspaper EffectHow To Do AWhip Pan EffectHowToCreate Awesome Light Sabers Using The FreeSaber PluginBonus Content- Rotoscoping With MochaBonus Content -Remove Tattoo Using Mocha ProBonus Content -Remove Tracking Markers Using Mocha Pro***Please remember to rate this course once you have completed it.***Thanks for watching!Kind regards,Ruan Lotter"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP ASE 16 / Sybase ASE - Installation and Configuration" |
"SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (formerly known as Sybase ASE) is arelational database management system used by companies where high performance and stability counts.There is not many good educational materials available teaching how to administer this database type, specially on Linux environment. That is why this course has been created. Specially difficult is the installation part, as a lot of manual pre-installtion and post-installation steps need to be done to have the environment ready to use. All those steps are covered in this course.If you want to be a SAPASEprofessional database administrator join the course and learn step by step:How to prepare virtual machine for the courseHow to install Linux on itHow to configure Linux for SAPASEinstallationHow to install SAPASEHow to validate the installationHow the start-up procedure worksHow to start/stop ASE, how to configure it to automatic start/stopWhat environmental variables are used by ASEWhich files are the most important,what kind of information they contain and how and when it is usedHow to configure ASE to listen on external networkinterfacesHow to troubleshoot some common problems with installation or configurationHow to install Interactive SQLon WindowsHow to work with sp_configure and how to work with configuration filesAfter completing the course you will be able to installand configure SAPAdaptiveServer Enterprise and troubleshoot the installation and configuration issues by yourself.For active participation in the course you will need:Windows computer with virtual machine, where Linux will be installed, or just Linux machine - Fedora 23 is used in the course. Fedora can be downloaded from Internet repositories.SAPAdaptive Server installation package for Linux and Windows - it can be downloaded from vendor site after registration.Course helps in preparation towards certification exam C_SASEAA157 SAP Certified Technology Associate - Database Administrator for SAP Sybase ASE 15.7Join our course and become the professional SAPAdaptive Server Enterprise administrator!ISBN 978-83-945846-6-5"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How to live stream Weddings" |
"The oppurtunity for live streaming weddings is always growing. With the technology required to live stream a wedding becoming easier to use and more affordable... Wedding photographers around the world will be adding live streaming to their services.This course will help wedding photographers add video to their services and understand how weddings can be live streamed with discreetly placed cameras and remotely operated hardware.This course includes a bunch of technical guide to help you get started including:The Ultimate Guide to Live StreamingTips from 7 top live streaming professioanlsHow to Live Stream a WeddingCamera Settings GuideWith the included guides and video tutorials students will gather a vast wealth of knowledge about live streaming and particularly detailed information about wedding streaming."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Create Your Own Money Making Affiliate Marketing Site" |
"Blogging is a fantastic way to earn an income ...If you are not technically minded, or you feel intimidated by computers, this may have put you off from creating your own blog.So, TODAY I wanted to make the whole process as EASY as possible for you.This course is geared towards the absolute beginner, who wants to learn how to set up their own blog and then use that blog to generate an income.With my EASY 4 STEP SYSTEM to setting up your very first blog, I take you by the hand and walk you through what a Blog is, How it makes money for its owner and how to set everything up, with my 'Take Action Now' approach to learning, so that by the end of the course, you'll have your very first own blog up and running, with the important Plugins you need, to make your site a success!It's super easy to do and if I can do it, then SO CAN YOU.Have your blog SET UP TODAY and anyone can do it !Procrastination is no longer an excuse ... I want you to succeed, so I'm making this course available for FREE to all students, so you can check out my material and get a WIN, from having your own blog up and running as soon as TODAY!Click The Green 'Take This Course' Button Now To Enroll and I'll see you inside the Members Area ..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Finally Fight The Flab And Banish Your Belly Fat Forever" |
"None of us like carrying around excess weight ... Having to haul around more FATthan we need to, is simply not doing you any good, so what can be done ?Having a better understanding of how our body processes the food we eat and the way our body burns this source, is what is KEYto helping you lose the weight and maintain a healthy weightIt ISpossible to go from Obese or Overweight to Healthy and you can do it too!A safe and gradual weight loss which helps shape new habits, is the way forward and one which will help you maintain a healthy weight long-term.Imagine not having to carry around extra unwanted fat ...Imagine been able to do the things you love to do, but have been unable to, due to the excess weight ...Imagine feeling sexier and increasing your libido ...Imagine earning a higher salary, because you've got into better shape (Studies have proven this to be TRUE) ...Imagine taking control of your life and making sure you live your life, rather than been ruled by the burden of excess weight ...All these things and more are possible and this will work for Women,Men, Kids - in fact anyone, of any age, who is carrying more weight than they should beHere's what we cover in this course ....How Belly Fat Makes Everything WorseHow Did It Get Like This?The Problem Is ENERGY ... Not TimeThe Simplest Diet For Fighting Belly FatHow To Measure And Maintain A Calorie DeficitIs It Possible To Target Certain Areas For Weight LossThe Role of Hormones In Weight LossThe Cycle of The BodyThe Role of Carbs and FatsFitting A Diet Into YOUR LifestyleOther Factors Often Overlooked By DietsMost Important of All: NutrientsWhy Modern Diets Are The WorstLose Your Belly DietCalorie Tracking Made EasyRide The TideIt's Not Just About The FoodMore Ways To Get Your Body On Your SideTraining For Six Pack Abs and An Amazing BodyWork And Show Off Those AbsWeight Loss For Ab DefinitionIt's an easy and fun courseto follow, learn and take action on ...I want you to succeed, so I'm offering this course at an extremely low Introductory offer to ALLStudents, so that you can take advantage of this informationand take back control ...Remember: You are also fully backed by Udemy's 30 day Money Back Guarantee, so if it's not right for you, simply request a refund and I'll get that issued immediately - No questions asked !If you are ready to make a change to your life and take back control, then click the Green 'Take This Course' button Right Now to get started and I'll see you inside the members area!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Ways To Naturally Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes" |
"In 2016, My wife was diagnosed with Pre Diabetes .... This was a big deal, as her Mum had Type 1 diabetes and she saw the suffering that she went through on a daily basis.At that point, she KNEW SHEHADTODOSOMETHINGABOUTIT ...In this informative course, we cover ...What Does Being PreDiabetic MeanIs Type 2 Diabetes ALifestyle Disease ?Is Type 2 Diabetes Dangerous ?Do You Need Insulin If You Have Type 2 Diabetes ?What Are Normal Blood Sugar Levels ?Does Being Overweight Increase The Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes ?What Types of Foods Are Considered Healthy For Diabetics ?Can Magnesium Help Prevent Diabetes ?Can You Reverse Diabetes Through Diet ?Are There Natural Treatments For Type 2 Diabetes ?We outline what my wife did to reverse her prediabetes diagnosis, but the same techniques work for Type 2 diabetes diagnosis too and show you how to NATURALLYReverse either diagnosis ...It works and my wife is PROOF of that !Take this course now and we look forward to seeing you on the inside !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"International Finance" |
"This course covers various topics in international finance. This includes concepts such as real exchange rates, purchasing power parity, hedging, foreign exchange risk, and capital budgeting. The course covers specific hedging activities, such as forwards and futures, and money market hedges. The course further covers multinational corporations, including international transfers within those corporations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Soluo de problemas - parte prtica" |
"Este curso ajuda os participantes a resolver um cubo mgico e faz um paralelo de cada camada do cubo com situaes similares da vida real.Desenvolver auto conhecimento , auto estima , testar conceitos de aprendizagem EAD e resolver um cubo magico .aprenda a resolver o cubo magico e teste suas habilidades e disciplina para completar um curso EAD"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Financial Manifesto" |
"FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE MANIFESTO Programis the quickest, easiest way to developing your ""wealth sense"".Are you unconsciously sabotaging your chances of having more money?How do the rich create their own ""luck"" and success?FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE MANIFESTO program revealstechniques that will transform you into an unstoppable success machine and wealth magnettoachieve unlimited financial abundance, eliminate all debt, manifest your dream life and create miracles in your life.Those strategieshave helped thousands of my clients all over the world to move to the next level in life because they learned how to attract unlimited flow of money and attracted good luck and happiness.The strategies will help you to unlock the floodgates to unlimited WEALTHso that you will be able to access your own financial potential.Become MONEY MAGNET and keep the money pouring in from every direction.Begin designing your destiny, achieving the financial status and freedom you deserve!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"FinTech - Digital Payments (Card & POS)." |
"#Bestselling Course in Payment Processing..Please go through the curriculum thoroughly before purchasing the course""This course is about understanding everything of Card and POS business in FinTech, Financial Technology, digital payment.This course explains the Card and POS machines, factors of authentication, PCI DSS, MDR, MCC, Card Schemes, processing, clearing and settlement etc. Payment ProcessingFinTech Digital Banking, Digital Finance, Financial Technology.The course will give students a deep understanding of card and PoS machine business, and detail on how does payment company and card schemes earn money.Cashlite economy, Cashless economy."
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"Coaching de Vida para Mulheres" |
"Este curso, ou melhor, este processo de Coaching foi elaborado especialmente para as mulheres que esto em busca de orientao, de riqueza, sucesso, poder mental, plenitude, paz de esprito e felicidade. Ou seja, para as mulheres que esto em busca de desenvolvimento pessoal, financeiro e espiritual. Pois, acredite, mesmo que os ventos estejam soprando ao contrrio, mediante o autoconhecimento, voc pode se tornar feliz e bem-sucedida em cada rea da sua vida. Quer saber como? Abra o Corao e Veja. "
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Estrategias psicolgicas para entrenadores deportivos" |
"En este curso aprenders estrategias para comunicarte mejor y sacar mayor rendimiento a tus deportistas. Tambin aprenders herramientas para organizarte mejor los entrenamiento y las reuniones. Y a quin no se le ha atravesado el trato con los padres ms de una vez? Tambin te dar estrategias y habilidades comunicativas para gestionar la comunicacin y las dificultades con los padres. Aprenders gestin del clima motivacional, consideraciones segn la edad de los deportistas, asignacin de roles, aspectos organizativos de las reuniones, comunicacin e informacin con los padres, organizacin del entrenamiento deportivo, estrategias psicolgicas para el entrenamiento y la competicin y fomento de la creatividad como habilidad psicolgica."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |