Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Coding for Beginners: Learn to Build Logic and Write Code" |
"Coding for BeginnersThis beginner course is developed for the absolute beginner programmers and coders. Most of the students, in the beginning, get stuck while writing code and leave to write code and think that coding and programming are not for them and they cannot write code. Actually the problem lies with the method students are learning to build logic and writing code. Most of the beginner programmers directly jump into the programming and coding part of the software development which is the wrong approach, there exist some steps in order to get started with the writing code. This course is trying to get beginners to learn those steps. Beginner coders should learn to build logic before diving into the coding part. If you have the design of you than you can develop it, similarly if you have a solution of software then you can code it. What is included?In this course of Coding for Beginners: Learn to Build Logic and Write Code we will learn about:How to crack the solution of the problem, how to build logic before doing codeWe will learn critical thinking (Analysis of the problem) which will help us in building logic.We will design the solution, which we can say the logic of the problem. We will learn how we can use pseudocode and flowchart to present our designed logic or solution in a technical way?We will learn the basic construct of the programming languages (basic features of coding), which I have named as ABC of programming/coding.What do you need?You will require a computer, internet, and visual studio in order to get started with this course. If you do not have visual studio installed, don`t worry we will do that in this beginner programming course. This course is for the absolute beginners, who want to learn code and build logic. Who should take this course?This course is for absolute beginners. All those who want to be a software developer and do not know where to start doing coding and have no programming/coding experience then this course is for you. In this course of Coding for Beginners: Learn to Build Logic and Write Code you guys will be able to kick start with the basic features of coding, you will be able to writing code. If you know how to design logic and solution than you can use programming languages as a tool to write code and bring your idea into reality."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Course Creation Manual : Step by step" |
"So you are a UDEMY student, and you've always wondered what's that'TEACHING'button...and thought...CAN I POSSIBLY TEACH AS WELL?If yes, then WHAT CAN I TEACH?And most importantly HOW DO I CREATE MY COURSE? I don't have any video making skills... even i don't know tech behind the video creation.Did you ever come across with these thoughts?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was a UDEMY student for 3 months before I started thinking about my expertise and how can I share it with other UDEMY students. In my case getting started with Udemy was VERY EASY because I was working in Marketing and specialized in the eLearning sector for about 2years.Believe me...YOU CAN STILL TEACH on UDEMY!!!Udemy and myself we believe that everyone knowsONE THING better then others! We all have one particular talent, don't you? So...why not utilize it and start earning your SECOND INCOME? Who doesn't need extra few hundreds or even thousands coming in to your budget each month?Besides, this profession as an ONLINE INSTRUCTOR is so rewarding, when you get 5 start reviews and people love what you offer, you are over the moon!ARE YOU READY FOR IT???-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Remember, in this course, there is:No filming skills requiredNo acting skills requiredNo experience in teaching requiredWith my method, you can create all your Udemy course ideas in aFAST AND EASYway. Your budget can be between $0 to $150. That's all.With my method you can create high quality courses almost every week!!!I use tools thatSIMPLIFIES the whole PROCESSand I will show you on my desktop what buttons to push and what software to use.Most of the software I use is free or very inexpensive and available on cloud. Only few would require investment but you could do well without them.This Udemy course is not just a selection of boring slides, or a podcast that only talks the theory, this is aSTEP BY STEP GUIDANCEon screen recorder that shows you exactly how I publish my courses.You will see my backstage where I literally walk your hand onthe-whole-course-publishing-processwithout missing one single element.You will see everything with your own eyes and can replicate my method in no time. So then you too can become a publishing machine. If I've wasted my time coming up with this method, why would you...Does it sound appealing? Does it sound like a goal for 2017?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Then...LET'S GET STARTED with UDEMY!Hit the START NOW button and I will see you on the other side!Who is the target audience?Anyone Who Wants to TeachAnyone Who Wants to Earn Second IncomeFuture Udemy Course Owners"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Web Tasarm in Sfrdan HTML5 renin" |
"Bu kurs sonunda sfrdan HTML5 renmi olacaksnz. Bu kursun dier kurslardan fark sade ve anlalabilir olmasdr. Eer sizde kendinize ait bir web sitesi tasarlamak istiyorsanz doru yerdesiniz. Eer uzman bir web tasarmcs olmak istiyor ve nereden balayacanz bilmiyorsanz hemen kursumuza kayt yaptrarak imdi balayabilirsiniz. Unutmayn ki balamak baarmann yarsdr. yi zaman geirmeniz dileiyle..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design Theory Adapted for Canva: Create 3 Amazing Designs" |
"Do you want to learn about Design Theory and become more advanced with your skills? If so Design Theory Adapted for Canva is just for you! You can expect an easy to learn course where you will be able to identify and apply design theories to create a dynamic design all in the FREE software Canva.I've been a graphic designer for 4 years and Just like you I started at the beginning. I went through college and learned graphic design, but I found one problem. A lot of the information that is taught is based on a style of teaching that is dated. In order to give you the best learning experience I have created a course that is updated to date and one that answers all of the question and problems that I ran into. In Design Theory Adapted for Canva You Will Learn How To Understand Canva's InterfaceApply and Understand Design TheoriesCreate a Facebook Cover,Flyer and Youtube Channel Art all in Canva Be able identify design theories that you have implementedI am here to easily explain,demonstrateand implement design theory for a fast and easy learning experience. In this course I am going to explain graphic design theories and show you how you can implement them using Canva. Whether you are new to design or more advance this course is design so that everyone can follow along and learn something new."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como gravar,editar,mixar um play-back em casa com o reaper." |
"Para empreendedores ,cantores ,compositores ,artistas iniciantes ,que querem comear uma carreira ou gravar suas prprias msicas em casa ,criei a Qrecord, depois de ter uma msica vencedora do mete a cara ,na garagem do fausto ,globo em 2009 ,percebi que mais importante ter conhecimento sobre o negcio da msica ,do que ter oportunidade na hora errada. preciso estar preparado pras oportunidades quando elas surgirem.aqui vou ser seu diretor ,em passo a passo pra construir sua base,com tcnicas e planejamento a longo prazo, aqui vai aprender sobre: direito autoral,filiao,lanamento,marketing digital, isrc ,cadastro de fonograma,etc.comear do jeito certo sua carreira ou negcio digital ,de forma simples organizada e de baixo custo,ao contrrio do que se ver por ai ,muita informao isolada e preos fora da realidade da maioria,aqui vai ser paixo, simplicidade,e p no cho desde a composio at o lanamento nas plataformas digitais,BORA SHOW.Aqui vai encontrar um passo a passo pra gravar editar e mixar ,um play-back,com voz ou qualquer trabalho de udio de forma simples e descomplicada, preste ateno e execute o passo a passo,que ter exito em seus trabalhos.vou estar sempre atualizando e melhorando o contedo,boa aula,estamos juntos,"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Grow organically your instagram and build your business" |
"Join videographer and online marketer Evangelos Anagnostou (@vagelarios)as he analyses the processof growingorganicallyyourinstagram, building yourbrand andmonetizing your content for success in this 30 - minute course.Key Lessons Include:How to find your niche and your styleOptimizing your BioProducing quality contentGet discovered using specific HashtagsLeverage the power of your photos AND your videosHow to make money on the platformHowInstagrammersand brands actually implementing our strategiesThis class is perfect for entrepreneurs, photographers, videographers,freelancers andanyone who wants to build a business with their personal brand on Instagram.By the end of the class, you'll have the necessary skills to improve your content and theappearenceof your account, increase organically your followers, and monetize your account."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Growth Marketing Strategy" |
"This is the definitive guide to growing your business -- whether it's large or small. You will learn the following, from a strategic MBA-level:When is growth good and when is it bad?The 3 ways a company can growThe sources of growthWhere to look for growthGrowth hackingMarketing implementationOptimizing your marketing budgetCustomer analysis for growth"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"PPC Advertising Strategy for all Platforms" |
"This course will introduce you to PPC advertising from the tactical perspective of a digital marketer and the high-level perspective of an MBA.Learn how to:Plan and execute a PPC advertising campaign as an MBA wouldExecutive PPC advertising acrossnumerous channels including Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.Optimize a cost-effective PPC advertising campaignIntegrate PPC advertising into the overall marketing plan, marketing budget, and marketing calendarEvaluate advertising asan MBA wouldOutsource certain aspects of PPC advertisingDevelop a campaign that gets resultsYou'll also learn some essential tactics, such a keywords, negative keywords, and A/B testing."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Strategic Business Development - How to Grow a Business" |
"Learn how to grow a business from someone with a top-5 MBA.You'll learn the following fundamental skills of business development:How to identify various avenues of growth through building new businesses/products and forming partnerships/contractsHow to negotiateHow to find high-growth product opportunitiesIncrease pricesDevelop a strategyLand contractsInfluence and persuade peopleIdentify demand and size marketsBecome a trusted advisorFind prospective partners and customers through digital avenues"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"MBA-level Advertising Strategy from a former F500 Manager" |
"Learn how to develop holistic advertising strategies across various media. Learn the creative and quantitative approaches to effective advertising plans.You will learn how to:Develop a rock-solid advertising planDevelop a creative advertising strategyMeasure advertising effectivenessAllocate advertising budgets efficientlySchedule advertising effectivelyDevelop andevaluate advertisementsAdvertise based on the customer journeyDistinguish when mass advertising and targeted, direct-responseadvertising is appropriateTarget different segments with advertising"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Intro to Trifacta: Clean Your Data Quickly and Easily" |
"In this course, you'll walk through Trifacta *basics step by step. We'lltakeyou through not only how to use **Trifacta and itstransforms and functions, but also what common pitfalls you might encounter along the waywhile cleaning data. You'll seethe real experience of data cleaning. Data cleaning isn't always clearcut, and this is why we'll show you what it looks like to iterate changes on your dataset as new information presents itself during the data preparation/data munging process.*This is a very basic course geared toward people who have little experience with data cleaning.**Please note that in this course, we use an older version of Trifacta Wrangler.Note: Data analysts and scientists spend up to 80 percent of their time preparing andcleaning their data. This is a lot of time that could be used in more important phases of the data life cycle, sosaving time at the data preparationstagegives you a competitive edge in the data space because you canuse saved time toward more important things, like analyzing yourdata.Forrester research identifies data preparation tools as must haves."" Trifacta Wrangler is one of those tools and the product is guided by a board of advisors that has the likes of DJ Patil and Jeff Hammerbacher, among other notables. The company has designed the product to guide you through the data prep, requiring less coding skills."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Options Trading: How I trade using Greeks (live trading)" |
"You should enroll in this course if you:1. ... bought an Udemy stock options course, but you feel it is theoretical or does not teach you a proper and proven strategy2. ... have basic options knowledge and need a proper strategy to apply it in the market3. ... lack consistency trading stocks, forex or even stock options (derivatives)4. ... are not profitable scalping stocks (or using stock swing trading approach)5. ... use technical analysis or indicators that do not produce positive results6. ... shorted volatility and it produced huge drawdowns in a Volatility spike7. ... are willing to start trading with a proper trading plan (clear entry and exit instructions)**** This course target students that want to have a real live trading experience from an experienced options trader! Full transparency (no paper trading!) ****This is not a course as you may encounter in Udemy! This is a full options trading experience from an experienced options trader to Traders! I will describe and discuss volatility trading and how I am managing my options positions! And best of all, I will post a live trade and follow it up until its close (about 2 months) - saving a video explaining the fundamentals of any adjustment! After the success of the other options courses, some students requested me how I am combining my VXX trading arsenal, how is my full trading approach or, better saying, how I am trading the VXX limiting my overall risk! So, here you have it!To take full potential of these options trading lessons, it is better to understand the concepts of volatility trading, how VXX works and how I trade my developed strategies. For that, I encourage you to have at least one of my other courses.In these practical lessons, you will learn how I am putting it all together! I think this learning experience is the best way to understand how to trade options the right way, as pro traders do! Instead of a more conceptual course, these practical lessons will transfer my knowledge on options trading to you in a very pragmatic way! I will start with a live trade and will manage along the trade develops. But before I will start with a brief discussion on option greeks and risk profiles of generic trades, giving you a brief background on them (as they are fundamental to understand how to manage full trading arsenal).Also, it is essential to understand how the greeks affect the position and are relevant to overall positions risk. Trading stock options without looking to them and how they impact your risk is like gambling and hence, I have also included a brief lesson on them (Delta, Gamma, Theta and Vega). Stock options are derivatives. Stock options are options that have stock as their base asset. In this case, we trade a derivative, which is volatility! We are trading derivatives of a derivative! Not normal stock options. We use an ETN (VXX), similar to a stock that tracks volatility.This is a practical showcase on options trading where I will publish live trades (when they are open) and show how to manage overall risk as time passes until close! You should expect that the ""Croc trade"", a based options trade strategy on VXX that I developed, will be the basis of my options trading. Additionally, I will manage options overall risk with other VXX strategies, mainly the Short-Term strategy. The options strategies involved (and trading style) can be used in IRA accounts. No unlimited risk is taken on any position.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------First VXX trade for May 19 options cycle and Dec Cycle trade with VXX available for studying. Both already closed!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Content:My Background / ExperienceWhy these lessonsConsistency vs expected profitability The greeks (Delta, Theta, Vega, and Gamma)Analysis of risk profile of some VXX trades VXX Options Trade Management using Greeks Volatility levels that can influence trade managementUsing SPY, VIX and/or UVXY as a hedgeLive trade follow-up (and risk management)All future course updates will be for free as well as email support for any questions that may arise. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This course is for you if:a) you are trading stocks, forex, stock options (derivatives) or even volatility products and not achieving desired results;b) you already enrolled in any other Udemy basic stock options course and want a real trading experiencec) you are fed up with technical analysis, stock price patterns, indicators that do not deliver resultsd) you subscribed to one of my courses and are willing to learn in a practical way!ENROLL NOW and start to earn money today! This options management style can be implemented with a minimum suggested account value of USD2.000 that will be almost fully invested.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just message me if you are interested in one-2-one stock options trading coaching. Mentorship will be designed specifically for you, according to your options trading knowledge and taken via Skype. Enroll and let's trade together! Trading stocks, forex or even stock options (derivatives) involves risk. Be aware that not all of the trades will be winners; the goal is to be profitable in the long term!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Masterclass ""How to Profitably Trade Crypto Alt-Seasons""" |
"This Masterclass teaches you all you need to know about recognizing, preparing for, and succesfully trading Alt-Seasons. Forget stocks and bonds, cryptocurrency is where you make life-changing money to achieve your freedom and wealth. We go in-depth on the famous ""Alt-Seasons"", which will give you a period to make serious profits."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mediao de Conflitos: Curso Bsico Foco na Prtica" |
"Do que trata este curso? Este curso tem enforque na prtica da Mediao. Como assim? Por meio da demonstrao de um conflito simulado voc acompanha a experincia da Mediadora nos desafios de cada fase, desde a pr-mediao at o encerramento. Para qu? Para que voc entenda a razo por trs dos conceitos bsicos, o como e para qu das principais ferramentas ensinadas e o que fundamental saber ao sentar-se mesa com as partes em conflito.O que mais? Exerccios elaborados para testar, gerar reflexo e maior segurana para a prtica.Como sero as aulas? Video com alta qualidade de imagem e som. As aulas seguem a sequencia lgica das fases em uma Mediao. Contedo claro e objetivo.Qual a durao do curso? O curso foi elaborado com uma boa dose de humor para que voc finalize de forma gil e plena. perfeito para quem quer irdireto ao ponto.Por que fazer este curso? Faa se est em busca de aprimorar a sua tcnica e desenvolver segurana para praticar a Mediao. No faa caso esteja em busca de capacitao formal ou certificao judicial.Como funciona a certificao feita pela Udemy?Os cursos da Udemy so cursos livres de educao continuada vlidos para fins curriculares, crditos de carga horria ou extenso em universidades, concursos pblicos e outras possibilidades nas modalidades de atualizao, aperfeioamento e capacitao. Regulamentados por Lei Federal de n 9.394/96, normatizaes legais, e oDecreto Presidencial n 5.154 de 23 de julho de 2004, bem como as normas da Resoluo CNE n 04/99 MEC (art. 7, 3) de 7 de outubro de 1999, so vlidos em todo o territrio nacional. Os certificados no podem ser utilizados para tcnico profissionalizante, graduao, ps-graduao, como tambm no do direito de assumir responsabilidades tcnicas. Consulte previamente o edital ou instituio em que pretende apresentar o certificado para verificar as especificaes e as regras que se aplicam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Administrao de Empresas" |
"Nesse curso voc ir aprender conceitos de Administrao, Gesto de Pessoas, Empreendedorismo, Telemarketing, dentre outros, que iro te permitir uma viso global para que voc seja capaz de melhorar a gesto da sua empresa ou para que consiga se inserir no mercado de trabalho. O curso vai do bsico ao intermedirio e, alm de videoaulas, tem material para download, que vai complementar as aulas. O interesse criar um relacionamento com o aluno, em que o conhecimento ultrapasse as aulas. Dessa forma, caso o aluno queira se aprofunda no assunto, eu poderei disponibilizar apostilas. Ademais, um canal de comunicao, alm da plataforma, foi criado para que o aluno possa sanar as dvidas de maneira mais eficaz. O maior objetivo o aprendizado do aluno! Vamos nessa?"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"LA IMPORTANCIA DE GUARDAR SILENCIO Aprende sus beneficios!" |
"La magia y la capacidad de alcanzar todas tus metas, son intrnsecas en el ser humano, somos poderosos seres que controlan su propio destino, en este curso conocers como alcanzar el xito a travs de un poder secreto. Uno de los mayores errores que cometen las personas que conocen esa magia y capacidad de alcanzar sus metas y que deciden aplicar este poder secreto, es el error de compartir sus objetivos con la gente, eso hace que la magia se diluya y que los dems influyan sobre sus metas, destruyendo y alterando su xito. La premisa del poder secreto es: No compartir tu magia! El poder secreto no se debe romper, y el poder secreto se llama as porque debe ser SECRETO. Muchas personas comentan que tenan grandes planes, grandes esperanzas en el futuro, todo iba bien, y en un momento cuando empiezan a compartir todas esas ideas con gente de su entorno, todo se viene abajo.Pasa muy seguido que cuando se tiene un plan muy bueno en las manos, se tiene una idea estupenda, un proyecto fantstico en marcha y cuando se comparte con los dems de pronto se viene abajo, es porque el secreto debe ser SECRETO. Ahora tienes en tus manos la clave para entrenar tu mente y lograr el xito con esta serie de libros, aplicando las sencillas instrucciones que son el resultado de hbitos de personas extremadamente exitosas como Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Anthony Robbins, T. Harv Eker., Steve Jobs, Ray Kroc, John C. Maxwell, George S. Clason, entre otras personas de triunfo comprobado que demuestran que no hay sueos grandes, slo mentes muy pequeas, y que ahora t puedes programar de forma natural y automtica, a cualquier edad, sin dinero y sin contactos. Nada es teora en este libro, si se pone en prctica, funciona! Este curso te ayudar a comprender porque no se debe compartir el secreto, cuando se tenga un objetivo se debe mantener de manera secreta, que nadie sepa que deseas, porque en el momento que lo compartas la mente de los dems influir sobre la tuya, y sobre tu objetivo.Mientras ms callado hagas tus cosas mejor te saldrn, y quienes aplican los hbitos que aqu se detallan, son menos engaados, menos explotados y menos conformes. Este curso es la distancia que tiene tu sueo a la realidad que tanto deseas: EL XITO!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Intune: [Aprenda do Zero a Gerenciar Dispositivos]" |
"Ol, tudo bom?Se voc no entende nada de gerenciamento de dispositivos mveis organizacionais, e gostaria de aprender, perfeito! Esse curso para voc.Com o cenrio atual de praticamente todas as empresas, por ter a necessidade de adotar o modelo de trabalho de home office, outra necessidade e no caso muito importante precisa ser trabalhado, que o Gerenciamento do Dispositivo Mvel Empresarial.Muitas necessidades como proteger os dados empresarias, dispositivos corporativos e os acessos corporativos precisam acontecer para que o sucesso do Home Office perante a segurana acontea tambm, e esse curso focado para que a produtividade, mesmo em tempo difceis e garantir a segurana da informao.Recentemente, tem havido muitos debates sobre como os dispositivos mveis podem ser inseridos no ambiente de trabalho sem colocar a segurana dos dados, sistemas e rede corporativa em risco. Existem 3 modelos principais para uma implementao e controle eficiente. So eles: BYOD, CYOD e COPE.Lderes, diretores e gestores do segmento de TI em todo o mundo discutem sobre qual mtodo melhor se adapta aos negcios, considerando os obstculos que devem ser superados durante a implementao.As organizaes querem garantir que o investimento em mobilidade traga retorno e atenda as necessidades operacionais mais crticas. Isso faz da implementao de estratgias de controle e segurana mvel algo fundamental para o sucesso.Iremos ento juntos e de uma forma bem prtica criar ambientes de gerenciamento de dispositivos mveis que englobam Android, iOS e Windows 10 em cenrios de BYOD, CYOD e COPE.Bor l!Thiago Guirotto"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Crash Course" |
"This course is a one-stop shop to gain a solid understanding of Azure Cognitive Services.Know all services under Azure Cognitive Services. You will list them all.Decide if any of these APIs can help with your business scenario. If not, know where to look next.Understand what each of these APIs do. Microsoft documentation is referenced for further research. Gain hands-on experience following the demos.Taking this course will help with the Microsoft Exam AI-100: Designing and Implementing an Azure AI Solution."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Leadership: Be successful as a leader in leading others" |
"This course is about how to become a successful leader. You will learn how you get easier things done through others The focus is on people skills related to social and emotional intelligence. We will use lectures, self-reflection questionnaires, observation exercises and a lot of very practical examples. It is about leading and leadership in a quickly changing world. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn English Fast Part 1" |
"A course to help you take awaythe 20 second gap between hearing, understanding and speaking English60 plusvideo's and timed practice sessionsto start youthinking, visually, in English rather than translating from your native language.The course, which contains no grammar instructionand which does not assume a prior knowledge of English vocabularyis also for total beginnerswho have hadno contact with the English language.It is divided into two sections.The lessons refresh the intermediate students memory and introducea basic noun vocabulary of 500 words before introducing aseries of practice sessions which train the user to recall the vocabulary at over 100 words a minute.Following on from Part 1 which deals with basic nouns are Part 2 which deals with prepositions and Part 3 which will introduce verbs and verb conjugation"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"MS Access for Absolute Beginners" |
"This course introduces studentsto MS AccessLearn how to start using MS Access from scratchLearn how to create tablesLearn how to import and export data using MSAccessLearn how to use queries to select data, perform calculations, modify tables, delete data, update databases,as well as other functionsThe course is suitable for beginners, as well as anyone who would like to learn a new skill.***Course Instructor Revenuewill be donated to charity"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Rpido de Ruby on Rails" |
"Este es el curso perfecto para comenzar a programar si no tienes experiencia, todos los conceptos son explicados de manera sencilla, puntual y sin tecnicismos.Crearemos un blog con el lenguaje Ruby on Rails y en el proceso de desarrollo te ensear como se estructuran las aplicaciones web, como crear objetos (artculos), como crear cosas dentro de esos objetos (imgenes), como manejar administradores y como lanzar tu aplicacin a produccin.Al final de este curso, adems de tener un blog que le puedas presumir al mundo, contars con las bases para que puedas desarrollar aplicaciones ms complejas."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
"How to Create the Perfect Digital Marketing Strategy" |
"This course is designed to help you craft the perfect digital marketing strategy for your business. You will learn how to capitalise on various digital marketing channels using different tactics that help your business grow and evolve.Well guide you through all the steps of creating a marketing strategy from conducting market research and competitor analysis, to identifying key digital marketing channels and implementing campaigns.You will be guided through the basics of building a marketing strategy geared towards business growth. Using research tools and frameworks including, The 9p's of the Marketing Mix, SOSTAC, PESTLE Analysis, Porters Five Forces and SWOT Analysis. analytic tools and practical methods you will be able to effectively plan and execute a strategy to give your business a competitive edge within your industry.Well also teach you how to achieve specific business goals through digital marketing and discover ways to monitor and improve campaigns. You will learn about marketing best practice and be able to apply the skills youve learnt to current and new digital marketing strategies.Ultimately, you will leave this course with a clear framework for developing a coherent plan for your digital marketing and know how to effectively integrate digital activity into your wider comms plans."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to RPA - Robotic Process Automation essentials" |
"Signup to Leania .co as a member and join 100s of RPA analysts and RPA managers like you. (see instructor profile for website)In this course I answer the top questions I'm frequently asked about RPA by other analysts and business leaders. I'm sure you've asked these questions yourself but maybe couldn't get a clear answer1. What is RPA in a sentence?2. What's the first step when implementing RPA?3. What are the biggest RPA myths?4. What are the top benefits for you and your team?5. What are the top RPA challenges to look out for?6. How do you spot an RPA-suitable process?7. How do you identify opportunities (and solutions) in your organisation?8. What steps should i put in my implementation plan?9. What is Lean Six Sigma?My answers will cover the most popular topics to do with automating processes, and I've talked about some tools and methods to use in your 'Lean RPA' plan.This course is to give you a good overview and gives you have a platform to discuss your situations, thoughts and questions so I can response in the discussion board or create a in depth video to guide you through any issues you're dealing willPlease feel free to leave a comment and give this course a nice rating thanks :) "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Warrior Womyn Defense" |
"Being able to support people, aiding in transitioning them from a place of fear to a place of power is my purpose! Seeing the faces of my students and the confidence they have at the end of each class fuels my passion for this work!Throughout the 18 years of doing this work, I dissected all of the styles I have studied including: 7 styles of Japanese Martial Arts, Tai Chi, and boxing, along with doing Warrior Spirit Training with Sylvester Stallones Trainer, Jeff Alexander and most recently Empowerment Self-Defense with ESD Global.Looking at common attacks women have to face, I pulled the best moves to create workshops and courses which I know to be effective and can save lives. This course has one attack per video to which you will learn multiple counter attacks. Here are the different attacks listed below:Wrist Grabs1 Handed Wrist Grab2 Handed Wrist Grab Double Wrist GrabLapel GrabStrangle-hold = ChokeholdAttacks from BehindFloor AttacksAgainst a WallHair GrabBy investing in this course you are also investing in yourself, as well as in others. For every 50 courses sold, I am donating a 2-hour intensive safety/self-defense workshop to a women's shelter or nonprofit focused on supporting women and girls. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Autoestima - Como anda a sua?" |
"Vamos cuidar um pouquinho de voc! Que tal deixar para trs os conceitos errados que tem sobre voc mesmo? O que acha de sentir uma vida mais leve e conectada com seu estilo de vida? Permita-se aumentar seu poder pessoal nesse curso de 10 aulas incrveis com a Dbora Loureiro. No final voc ter diversas ferramentas prticas para revolucionar sua vida. Permita-se ;-)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Controles financeiros bsicos para micro e pequenas empresas" |
"Neste treinamento vamos apresentar os principais controles financeiros utilizados nas empresas atravs da ferramenta de fluxo de caixa. Vamos demonstrar como os controles de vendas, recebimentos e pagamentos integram o fluxo de caixa, possibilitando que se tenha um controle bsico da vida financeira do negcio e, ainda, utiliz-lo como ferramenta de planejamento financeiro de caixa."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Basic Git and Github - essentials" |
"Student feedback:*****""For someone who is new to Git and Github, this is a great start!"" - Lance*****""For now it has been quite interesting, and the subtitles are in line with what is spoken, so to follow each video has been very easy, I hope to finish it in two days"" - MiguelThis course will teach youWhat Git and GitHub areHow to use them to manage a projectHow to use git in a professional environmentYou will be able to confidently add Git and GitHub as skills to your CVWe will go step by step and learn git commands that we can use on our everyday projects. We will also learn to navigate the GitHub website and create a central repository that we can share for collaborative software development projects.Sign up today and learn how to manage software code with Git and GitHub.30 day money back guarantee provided by UdemyHighly rated instructor with over 10.000 active students and growing monthly."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yoga for Stress: How to Relax the Mind" |
"Hello!This gentle, healing Yoga Sequence and Pranayama Practice will bring the mind to a more relaxed state. No prior yoga experience is needed to perform these beginner yoga poses.I recommend using the breathing practice and poses when you start feeling stressed, or before a stressful day.Options to enhance your practice:BlanketPillowGlass of waterSee you on your mat!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - O curso completo do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"O curso Microsoft Excel - O curso completo do Bsico ao Avanado ideal para voc que deseja tirar o mximo proveito das planilhas eletrnicas para criar relatrios e grficos incrveis e de grande utilidade pessoal ou profissional.No Curso voc aprender a criar frmulas, utilizar funes bsicas e formatar sua planilha, efetuando clculos diversos com porcentagens, valores acumulados e aproveitando dados de outras planilhas. Ver ainda os conceitos e operaes bsicas com bancos de dados, como classificao e filtragem, e o trabalho com grficos, imagens e mini grficos. O curso foi ministrado com o Microsoft Excel 2016, porm usurios do Office 365 tambm podero se beneficiar deste contedo, uma vez que os recursos e ferramentas apresentados durante as aulas esto disponveis tambm nessa verso por assinatura.O curso Microsoft Excel - O curso completo do Bsico ao Avanado ministrado por Lucas Incio, consultor e instrutor em TI especializado no pacote Microsoft Office, e profissional certificado Microsoft Office Specialist Expert. Tambm autor de material didtico e publicaes sobre aplicativos Microsoft Office."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |