Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Art of folding napkins" |
". , , . , , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make a Garden Gate from Timber" |
"Working with wood is hugely satisfying and you are rewarded at the end with something both practical and/or decorativeHi my name is Steve. Have you ever had the urge to make things for your home, save money on paying labour charges or just want the joy of working in wood? Well Ive made series of videos on woodworking. Ive had over 50 years experience in carpentry and joinery, Ive made some weird and wonderful things. Ive made craved doors to barn doors to staircases to fitting out a complete church. But you wont need any experience, you just do some basic measuring, the tools I will show you how to buy, use, sharpen and maintain these tools with safety guidelines.In this course we make a garden gate. In my other courses Ive chosen a range of projects, These projects are not fanciful, whimsical novelties but actual additions to your home or someone elses! But the key word is adaptability, a good proportion of the tutorials are made up of learning skills and knowledge that you will pick up like tool skills, advice on timber buying, and learning some tricks of the trade you can then go on to make other projects taking these skills with you. Again dont worry if you have no experience."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCNA Service Provider - PART 1/4" |
"This Course isdesigned to prepare CCNA Service Provider Candidates for the exam topics covered in two exams SPNG1(640-875) and SPNG2 (640-878) .This is First partof 4partsof the Complete CCNAService Provider Exam (2 Papers)Customers then access the network through their ISP's last-mile infrastructureISP connects to the NSP's backbone.An ISP can purchase wholesale bandwidth from an NSP, which provides connectivity for their customers.Cisco offers dedicated Track on understanding service provider TechnologiesIn this course you will get introduced to Cisco Service Provider networks on how they work, configure, implement, Troubleshoot.Trained by expert Triple CCIE certified with 15 + years of training and working experience in production networks.This course start do covers fromhe Basics of Networking.Although I do recommend if you have already done CCNARouting &Switching will help to finish this course in no time as there are more than 50% of the topics overlap with CCNARouting &SwitchingTrack.Service Provider introduces new devices like understanding IOS-XR(used in ASRrouters)and Metro-EthernetSwitches"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCNA Service Provider - PART 2/4" |
"This Course isdesigned to prepare CCNA Service Provider Candidates for the exam topics covered in two exams SPNG1(640-875) and SPNG2 (640-878) .This is Secondpartof 4partsof the Complete CCNAService Provider Exam (2 Papers)Customers then access the network through their ISP's last-mile infrastructureISP connects to the NSP's backbone.An ISP can purchase wholesale bandwidth from an NSP, which provides connectivity for their customers.Cisco offers dedicated Track on understanding service provider TechnologiesIn this course you will get introduced to Cisco Service Provider networks on how they work, configure, implement, Troubleshoot.Trained by expert Triple CCIE certified with 15 + years of training and working experience in production networks.This course start do covers fromhe Basics of Networking.Although I do recommend if you have already done CCNARouting &Switching will help to finish this course in no time as there are more than 50% of the topics overlap with CCNARouting &SwitchingTrack.Service Provider introduces new devices like understanding IOS-XR(used in ASRrouters)and Metro-EthernetSwitches"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCNA Service Provider - PART 3/4" |
"This Course isdesigned to prepare CCNA Service Provider Candidates for the exam topics covered in two exams SPNG1(640-875) and SPNG2 (640-878) .This is Thirdpartof 4partsof the Complete CCNAService Provider Exam (2 Papers)Customers then access the network through their ISP's last-mile infrastructureISP connects to the NSP's backbone.An ISP can purchase wholesale bandwidth from an NSP, which provides connectivity for their customers.Cisco offers dedicated Track on understanding service provider TechnologiesIn this course you will get introduced to Cisco Service Provider networks on how they work, configure, implement, Troubleshoot.Trained by expert Triple CCIE certified with 15 + years of training and working experience in production networks.This course start do covers fromhe Basics of Networking.Although I do recommend if you have already done CCNARouting &Switching will help to finish this course in no time as there are more than 50% of the topics overlap with CCNARouting &SwitchingTrack.Service Provider introduces new devices like understanding IOS-XR(used in ASRrouters)and Metro-EthernetSwitches"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CCNA Service Provider - PART 4/4" |
"This Course isdesigned to prepare CCNA Service Provider Candidates for the exam topics covered in two exams SPNG1(640-875) and SPNG2 (640-878) .This is lastpartof 4partsof the Complete CCNAService Provider Exam (2 Papers)Customers then access the network through their ISP's last-mile infrastructureISP connects to the NSP's backbone.An ISP can purchase wholesale bandwidth from an NSP, which provides connectivity for their customers.Cisco offers dedicated Track on understanding service provider TechnologiesIn this course you will get introduced to Cisco Service Provider networks on how they work, configure, implement, Troubleshoot.Trained by expert Triple CCIE certified with 15 + years of training and working experience in production networks.This course start do covers fromhe Basics of Networking.Although I do recommend if you have already done CCNARouting &Switching will help to finish this course in no time as there are more than 50% of the topics overlap with CCNARouting &SwitchingTrack.Service Provider introduces new devices like understanding IOS-XR(used in ASRrouters)and Metro-EthernetSwitches"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Online de Edio de Vdeo com Sony Vegas Pr 11" |
"O treinamento de sony vegas pr 11 no aborda a verso mais atual, porm o contedo visto tem utilidade nas verses posteriores. Nosso curso da verso 15 do Sony Vegas possui efeitos especiais animados para dar enfase aos pontos didticos do treinamento, de qualquer forma, como temos alunos que pedem de forma objetiva treinamento da verso 11, resumimos as orientaes dos conceitos bsicos que o aluno pode precisar para trabalhar com vdeo no Sony Vegas.Dentre o objetivo primordial de nossos treinamentos est o fato de ajudar os alunos a alcanar o seu potencial mximo por meio da educao a distncia, oferecendo timas oportunidades a nvel de custo benefcio do que entregamos e das aplicaes prticas desses conhecimentos no cotidiano de nossos alunos e em sua vida profissional.O aluno ter acesso a professor especializado no assunto por meio de vdeo aulas no formato de alta definio (HD).Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores.Grande Abrao, puxe uma cadeira, fique a vontade e nos vemos no curso!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Reduce food waste, cook safe food." |
"The course is essentially three courses in one. You will learn ideas for using your left over food and how to find even more ideas on the web. Secondly, by the end of the course you will know how to prepare food safely in your home kitchen; based on the controls and practices followed in professional catering outlets. And finally, if you are new to cooking, or nervous about cooking this course will show you how to prepare delicious meals from scratch, including tips on how to take the stress out of cooking."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Neuroscience, Motivation, SpeakingTips & Productivity Course" |
"This Course covers ***** Course Tutorials Sectional Quizzes Sectional Assignments Sectional Exercises & Final Practice Test (50 Ques) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tips Sectional Audio Nuggets *****in Speaking Tips, Motivation, Productivity & Neuroplasticity Associated topics .I am Harish K Vepuri . I am doing this course in collaboration with Deccan Tutorials .Welcome to Deccan Tutorials . We are doing this course in collaboration with Zeus Studios.Learn Neuroplasticity & About Neuroscience. Take on Challenges .Learn Public Speaking Tips.Productivity Hacks.Motivation Hacks.Goals.Accelerate Your Productivity Skills & Public Speaking SkillsThe course Boosts Learning Strategies. Learn Public Speaking Tips ,Master Confidence & with prime focus on Motivational Development .You will learn crucial tips of public speaking and confidence.PUBLIC SPEAKINGHave you ever imagined yourself on stage but never been there because of fear?Have you ever been on the stage, but just stuck up in the moment?Have you ever delivered a speech which wasnt impressive at all and now you want to know how you can make it better?Do you simply want to know how you can overcome the fright of stage? OrDo you want to master the art of Public Speaking?Whatever be your reasons for trying to know more about the art of Public Speaking, this is the course for YOU! This course will give you: Proven Useful Tips to make you more confident and help you deliver better speeches when you are on stage next..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Guide to Manifesting" |
"This course teaches the mechanics and specific principles that allows you to understand the way that you create your own reality and to perform the changes that will allow you to manifest your desired outcome. The outcome that you desire could be in your career, relationships (romantic, personal, family etc.), finances or any aspect of your life that you may want to change. Much of what is discussed in the course can be broken down into four simple ideas:In your life and in experiencing this life, you are always presented with situations, circumstances or events that have no inherent meaning and no inherent description.You then take these situations/circumstances/events, place an interpretation upon them and assign a meaning to themHaving assigned them a meaning, you then assume a specific attitude based on your particular interpretation.Finally, you perform actions with the premise of that interpretation and attitudeMany people choose to interpret the things that they create within their lives in negative terms. And then, with that negative interpretation, create an upset in attitude and then act out of the interpretation of the negativity and an attitude of upset-ness. Consequently, the actions will then yield, support, reaffirm and allow them to experience life as being a struggle. Contents and Overview This course contains 8 Sections, broken down into 19 Lectures. Section 1 introduces the course and sets the tone of the courseSection 2 deals with knowing yourself and understanding your uniquenessNow that you have an understanding of who you really are, Section 3 takes you through your life chart and will teach you the process of making a decision about how you want to live your life and also clarify your personal visionSection four covers your belief system. Here you will learn why you have your belief system, how did you get it and how to choose the beliefs that are more representative of you in order to create your preferred realityIn Section 5, you will learn why some things move you and some dont. This is all about your excitement and how to use this excitement as leverage to stay motivated and inspired.Section 6 teaches you how to assign positive meanings to situations/circumstances/events and begin to see them differentlySection 7 is all about performing inspired actions and opening up to manifesting the outcome that you desireSection 8 summarizes what you have learnt and concludes the courseBy the end of this course, you will have learnt who you are, made a decision regarding how you want to live your life, clarified your personal vision, dealt with beliefs that hold you down, learnt why some things excite you and some dont, how to perform inspiring actions and allow for the manifestation of your preferred reality."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LabXpress - Laboratrio de Meio Ambiente" |
"Torne-se um expert na bancada do Laboratrio e aprenda a fazer as principais anlises (ensaios) de Laboratrio, com foco em Meio Ambiente.O curso foi pensado para, em 5 mdulos, ensinar voc a fazer as anlises de pH, Alcalinidade, Condutividade Eltrica, Cor e Turbidez em amostras lquidas de interesse ambiental.E cada um desses mdulos vai mostrar como se determina o parmetro no Laboratrio / como se realiza a anlise em bancada.Com 8 anos de experincia em Laboratrio de Anlises Clnicas e mais 11 anos em Laboratrio Ambiental, eu pude conviver e ainda convivo com pessoas brilhantes: alunos, tcnicos e professores que me ensinaram muito do que eu sei sobre metodologias e comportamento dentro do ambiente laboratorial.E esse curso a compilao daquilo que aprendi e que resolvi compartilhar em um treinamento rpido e prtico, de imerso pra quem quer botar a mo na massa no Laboratrio e no sabe por onde comear.A metodologia LabXpress de animao minimalista permite a voc, usurio de Laboratrio, reconhecer prontamente as figuras das vidrarias e dos equipamentos mostrados nos vdeos e saber exatamente como agir no Laboratrio a que voc tem acesso ou pretende trabalhar futuramente.Como aluno do LabXpress, voc vai ter acesso a videoaulas para assistir quando quiser e onde estiver, com durao do contedo na medida para oferecer respostas no menor tempo possvel, pois sabemos que voc um profissional ocupado!Se o seu sonho ter um aliado virtual para as dvidas mais comuns que surgem na bancada, pra voc que fizemos o LabXpress!Veste o seu jaleco virtual e vem comigo :)"
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
"T-shirt Design Course In Urdu & Hindi (2018)" |
"If you want to learn T-shirt designing from the very beginning to expert then you are in the right place. Even if you've never touched Photoshop in your life. Because I teach you How To Design Bestselling T-shirt Using Photoshop With Easy To Follow Step-by-step Videos.A short introduction about myself: I am Essa Makki & I have been selling t-shirts online for 5+ years and still now. In that time I have gathered lots of experience & I know what people are looking for when they want to buy any T-shirt. Also, I am a best seller in Merch by Amazon etc.T-shirt industry is a multi-billion dollar industry and in online it is the fastest growing part of this industry. You can easily sell your designed t-shirts on different platforms. For example Merch by Amazon, Teespring, Teemill, Redbubble etc. And you will able to make money by selling your t-shirts. Here I also share a few you will able to design your t-shirt within a few minutes and I will keep this section constantly updated with new and interesting techniques regularly. This course definitely will blow you away!By Taking This Course You Will Learn And Get:How To Create Amazing Hot-selling T-shirts Within 5 Minutes Or LessHow To Create Eye Catchy T-shirts That will Catch The Buyers Attention By Taking This Course You Will Learn And Get:How To Create Amazing Hot-selling T-shirts Within 5 Minutes Or LessHow To Create Eye Catchy T-shirts That will Catch The Buyers Attention Life-Time Course Access24/7 Support From Me2+ Hours HD ContentAnd Much MoreNow, go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Painting snowy mountains in watercolour" |
"In this lesson I explain everything from the beginning to the end: how to build a composition, how to select and mix colors, how to think about and analyze the picture before the actual drawing (checklist included!), how to do the watercolour washes properly, how to use various watercolor techniques optimally and how to act when something goes wrong. And, of course, how to paint snowy mountains and skiing areas, how to use the critical for good image tone values, how to create contrasts by tone and color.Materials needed:I try to use a limited range and a minimum of materials, so you don't need a mountains of paint and thousands of brushes to draw this painting.Paints: Sepia, Cadmium orange (PO20 pigment), Raw Umber, Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue, Royal BlueBrushes: large soft squirrel/imitation, round or oval goat brush, small synthetic brush with a sharp tipPaper: for this subject paper is not essential, cellulose paper is also suitable, but I recommend 100% cotton, fin texture, density of 300 gr. (I have Saunders Waterford)Masking tape, can for water, paper towels, pencil and eraser"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft PowerApps & Flow: Build Business Apps Without Code" |
"Course Description:Build Business Apps Without Code! That's right - no programming skills required.[Updates - July, 2020] New lectures added on Microsoft PowerApps Artificial Intelligence (AI) Builder[Updated - September, 2020] Added PowerApps formula reference sectionIn the world of the information worker you will handle information that is probably stored across different software suites, like SharePoint, Salesforce, Excel file, Access database. Typically, you would like your end-users to be able to browse and/or modify this data in a general user-friendly, and preferably mobile, way. Microsoft PowerApps allows people, without any development skills, to build applications that are mobile friendly on top of their data. Allowing other people to use the built application to browse the data and maybe even modify it.Well explore the capabilities when building an app using PowerApps online, since studio has been deprecated. PowerApps allows you to create business apps involving data and other resources that might be critical for the enterprise and need to be restricted to specific audiences. Using the PowerApps Admin Center, an organization can establish boundaries and policies around the use of PowerApps on their data.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experienceGet started today and join thousands of our happy students, many of whom have changed careers, created second incomes or added critical new skills to their tool kits. Our students have become successful cloud web app developers managing applications and learning valuable skills. Some are freelancing and earning even more with high scaled projects.Main Topics:What is PowerApps?PowerApps componentsRelated technologiesLicensing and pricing conditionsPowerApp connectionsApp samples and templatesIntroduction to PowerApps StudioCreating apps from templatesCreating apps from scratchScreens and PagesScreen components: Forms, DataCards, Controls, Handling bindingsVersioning, publishing and sharing apps.. and much moreWhy take this course?If youre currently involved in content management, app development or as a power user this course will enable you to build on that experience, and master the most cutting edge tools and practices in developing business apps raising productivity levels within your organization. For students who might be new to the field, this is an excellent course and provides a quick learning curve to get you up to speed with building apps!So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and get your skills to the next level.Syed & Team ClayDesk"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Speak, Inspire & Prosper as a Consultant" |
"Would you like to thrive and change lives? Youre about to enjoy the true story of the Mute Girl who Inspired Millions, and discover her POWERFUL #1 Success Secret. If you like it, youre invited to share this, and click below.Would you like to make great money by inspiring and empowering people? Would you like to do what you love all the time? Would you like to get paid to play from wherever you want in the world, including working online from home? If so, this is for you. Learn how to ace the test and quickly earn certification as a Win with Your Heart Consultant, so you can launch your own business with the help of a supportive team and marketing experts who can save you years.Hi, my name is Sharon Love. You may know me as the former mute girl who inspired millions. Youre invited to take my master class to learn secrets I used to overcome near-mute shyness in my teens, inspire over 2,000,000 people online, and give live talks to thousands of people in French, Spanish, and English, and raise over $6,000,000 with a presentation. In this inspiring and empowering Master class, youll learn the best secrets I discovered from a Masters degree in Psychology from the University of Toronto and over 25 years of research into the psychological secrets of the worlds greatest leaders, from Oprah to Obama, from Ellen to Etheridge.Yes! Our work has inspired millions so far... and youre invited to join the dream to inspire & empower 1,000,000,000 people to thrive, change lives, and create a kinder world for all. If you are kind and empathic, and LGBT-friendly (respectful towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people), this online Master Class is for you. As the course enrollments go up, we plan to hold regular online Q & A sessions by Zoom video conferences. You can sign up for them at our website, Win with Your Heart dot com. Trying to succeed in consulting without help is like trying to get to Hawaii on the Titanic. Its lonely. Its dangerous, and its almost impossible. Trying succeed in consulting with a proven system such as Win with Your Heart is like taking a lightning-speed eco-jet to Hawaii. Its fast, its fun and its easy. Of course, you will need to invest some time and energy to learn and earn, and we cant guarantee everyones results because your results depend mostly on you. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but it can help you succeed much faster. If you want to skip 25 years of research, and a Masters degree in Psychology, this is for you. If you would like to speak, inspire, and prosper, please click below to get started today. Thanks! YOU make a difference. You can thrive & change lives.Now... Youre about to enjoy the true story of the Mute Girl who Inspired Millions, and discover her POWERFUL #1 Success Secret."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Projelerde Finansal Teknikler" |
"Proje Ynetiminin balang noktas olan projelerin fizibilite almas hakknda merak edilen konular bu eitim iinde bir araya getirdik.Bir fikir, hangi admlardan geerek bir proje olarak karmza kyor?Firmalar yatrmlarna nasl karar veriyorlar?Proje fikri ortaya ktktan sonra bu fikrin kazanl olup olmayaca nasl hesaplanyor?te, btn bu sorularn arkasnda Finansal Matematik alyor ve proje iin harcanacak bedel ile o projeden beklenen kazan zaman da gz nne alnarak karlatrlyor.Gelin, bu sorularn cevaplarn eitimimizin iinde birlikte bulalm."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"French Level 3: The Ultimate Guide to Master Reading French" |
"Have you always wanted to read Les Misrables or The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo, Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince) by Antoine de St-Exupry, and L'tranger (The Stranger) by Albert Camus in their original French language? Now is your chance because this course will teach you how to read a complete novel in French.Novels and books are usually written in more formal writing than you may encounter in spoken language. It's important to read in another language to help you build vocabulary and familiarize yourself with more complex and advanced grammar. This course will teach you about many of the advanced grammar concepts in the French language, like the subjunctive.What makes this course unique?PRACTICAL: My approach to improving your reading skills in French is very practical. You will learn grammar, vocabulary, and writing conventions that you will actually encounter in a book, novel, or text written in French. READING TOGETHER: This course is structured around the reading of famous French novels, like Le Petit Prince by Antoine de St-Exupry. In each module, we read through a chapter together. Then, we dissect all of the grammatical components of the chapter and some important vocabulary before we put it all back together again. By the end of the course, you will have read an entire novel on your own.PRONUNCIATION: Not only will you improve your reading skills, but this course includes a pronunciation component so that you can hear all of the words in each chapter read out loud.French is spoken on every continent around the world, and it is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Learning to read in French can help you not only read novels, but to read social media, academic articles, professional or legal documents, and everyday items like labels or signs all in French.What will you be able to do after the course is finished?Read a whole book or novel completely in FrenchPut into practice strategies to remember new vocabulary more easilyUnderstand and recognize grammatical conventions specific to French writing and French novelsForm complex sentences with qui, que, dont, lequel, duquel, auquel, ce que, ce qui, and celuiUse the French subjunctive (subjonctif) in the present and the pastUse the French conditional (conditionnel) in the present and the pastUse the French gerund (grondif)Use the French pluperfect (plus-que-parfait)...and more!Satisfaction GuaranteedMy course will help you take the first steps of learning LANGUAGE completely risk free. If you aren't satisfied with the course within the first 30 days, you will get a full refund, no questions asked. Because I want you to be comfortable purchasing my course, I have made several lessons available for free down below which you watch at any time. All Traveling Linguist Language courses come with this 30-day satisfaction guarantee. Looking forward to seeing you in the course!About the Travelling LinguistMore than 60,000 students from across the world have joined the The Travelling Linguist language learning community to learn languages, like French and Italian. The Travelling Linguist is a travel and language brand which creates courses and videos about how to learn a language, linguistics, travel tips, and culture."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"FPGA Embedded Design, Part 4 - Microprocessor Design" |
"It's time to take on a Challenge! How does designing a CPU sound?In this fourth part of the FPGA Embedded Design series, we'll design a CPU from scratch to finally get it up and running on several platforms.We'll write most of the code in the Vivado Design Suite, but you'll have the chance to see it working as well in Quartus Prime, EDA Playground or LabsLand, so you can follow along with your favorite tools. The FPGA boards we'll use are the BASYS3, by Digilent (with a Xilinx FPGA), and the DE0-CV from Terasic (with an Intel FPGA).This course consists of three main parts:Foundations of Computer Architecture, where we'll cover the essentials of CPU design and jargon.Design of our own CPU, where we'll make several design decisions to come up with a soft processor that meets our needs. Hands-On Development, where we'll write the code, simulate and finally get our CPU into an FPGA board. No purchases are required for this part, but it sure helps to have your own board to follow along, and keep on tinkering in the future with your new soft processor.What are you waiting for? Let's have fun designing a CPU!!! "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Author-preneur |
"Publishing, marketing and selling are major challenges for author`s and I had also this experience. In this online course I`m showing you best practice examples in order to solve these problems. The online course answers following questions:How to get a book advance?How to self-publish your own e-book? How to make marketing more strategically so that your followers grow exponentially? How to start E-Mail Marketing and built your own e-mail list? How to think and act as Author-preneur? How to work together with NGO`s as author?The main aim is to show marketing and selling strategies in order to increase your book sales. That is the main purpose. I`m showing you best practice examples of bestselling author`s like: Paulo Coelho, Jack Canfield, Brendon Burchard, Steven King. You don`t have to invent everything new just learn from the best in the industry and you will increase your success. One of the main features within the course is starting your path as author-preneur - a mixture of entrepreneur and artist. In order to sell more books you have to learn some business skills that are important for you."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Instalacin y configuracin ((OTRS)) Community Edition" |
"En este curso aprenders a instalar y a configurar una mesa de servicios usando ((OTRS)) Community Edition, herramienta la cual podrs utilizar para la gestin de solicitudes, reclamaciones e incidentes de cualquier tipo de negocio.Con ((OTRS)) Community Edition podrs dar el seguimiento adecuado a los requerimientos de tus clientes, adems de tener un sistema con el que podrs mejorar el tiempo de respuesta ante los incidentes.Tendrs una poderosa herramienta de cdigo abierto, altamente adaptable a los requerimientos que surjan en tu negocio y con tus clientes.Al finalizar este curso tendrs los conocimientos bsicos para poner en marcha una mesa de servicios de clase mundial.Temas a tratar.1. Requisitos de instalacin2. Preparando ambiente de instalacin3. Descarga e instalacin de ((OTRS)) Community Edition4. Cambiar la contrasea de acceso ROOT, y creacin de nuevo usuario5. Eliminar advertencia Daemon is not Running6. Crear y cerrar un nuevo Ticket"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personalizando ((OTRS)) Community Edition" |
"Este curso te ayudara a personalizar su instalacin de ((OTRS)) Community Edition, con el objetivo de cumplir con las necesidades de tu empresa o negocio.Con ((OTRS)) Community Edition, tendrs una poderosa mesa de servicios basada en ITIL para la gestin de solicitudes e incidentes dentro de la empresa, que le permitir ahorrar costes disminuyendo los tiempos de respuesta ante los incidentes.En este curso aprenders a:1- Insertar un logo personalizado para el portal de Agente y usuario2- Crear campos dinmicos3- Insertar campos dinmicos en las diferentes ventanas.4- Configurar Email.5- Crear colas de servicio para diferentes departamentos.6- Asociar agentes a una cola determinada.7- Crear Servicios.8- Crear listas de control de acceso.9- Instalar ITSM"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Pump Operation work" |
"The course Pump Station work is for those who want to learn about the Pump ,Types of pump ,Rotodynamic centrifugal Pump, valve and job Responsibility when operation the pumps .In this course I explain Pump and types of pump ,who pump work valve and what to do when operation the pump ,Its a career oriented course .This course is design for All level but specially those who want to build there career in mechanical ,chemical and any industry level.As we know All the industrial having pump and It is the essential part of the operation. Enjoy this course and learn about the pump It very helpful for building your career in any industry ."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Blogging for Beginners 2020 : Blogging Complete Guide" |
"Do you want to start a WordPress blog the right way? I know that starting a blog can be a terrifying thought especially when you are not geeky. Guess what - you are not alone. Having helped over thousands of users to start a blog, in this course, I will give you exact instructions on how to start a blog from the scratch on WordPress.Blogging for Beginners 2019 : Blogging Guide. A to Z Blogging Success Blueprint. Make Beautiful & Responsive Blog.This course is the only guide you need to setup your WordPress Blog website Know how you can pick the right niche for your blog Create a blog you are passionate aboutSetup your blog in just 5 minutes (yes you read it right, only 5 minutes)Choose the best possible WordPress theme for your blog websiteInstall free WordPress plugins for blogging success Optimize your blogging website for better SEODiscover ways to build the traffic and earn from your blog websiteThe first thing we are going to do in this course is we are going to pick the right niche for your blog. Create a blog you are passionate about. Find a passion that will also make you earn in the process. Once you decide on your blogging niche the second thing it that choose a unique but effective domain name for your blog website. I will walk you through the process of choosing a great domain name for your blog website.After choosing a domain name, time is to go live. I will walk you through the process of how to setup your blog in just 5 minutes with WordPress and without any coding. Choose a right WordPress theme for your blog website is also an important. In this course, you will understand the top WordPress plugins for your blogging website success. You will also understand what is SEO and discover the top WordPress SEO tips to help you improve your WordPress blog website SEO and get more organic traffic. At the end, I am going to show you the best methods to get free traffic to your blog. The great ways you can start right away. Also, I will show you the best ways to make money from your blog. Understand the audience to discover the best ways to earn.The course is easy enough for a newbie blogger to follow, yet also the only guide you need to get your blog fully functional and live. Be sure to visit bonus video material for more videos on the specifics of how to complete any of the actions discussed in the course.Thanks for your interest in this course, hope youre as excited to get started.Go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. See you inside the course!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Scraping in Python by BeautifulSoup, Scrapy & Selenium" |
"Web scraping is the practice of gathering data from the internet automatically by a computer program without using API and web browser. There are some other terms including screen scraping, web harvesting, web crawling, data mining all are including in web scraping.Instead of copy-pasting important data by a human from a web browser visiting a website, web scraping can automate the process. Web scraping is now very important for a data scientist. A data scientist analysis data collected from various media. Now, most of the data come from different websites. As Python programming is very popular for harvesting data, many data scientist use Python programming to solve that.If we analyze the business of Google, we will see Google initially started as a search engine. Their search engine was initially built using Python programming. Even in a study, different types of message from twitter, facebook, blogs were scraped to construct a data set which was used to build a predictive model. So knowing how to use Python to scrape web data is an important skill one has to know.Dont waste your precious timeI created this course as short and useful as possible. Within a short period of time, you can learn all the important topics and techniques about web scraping using Python. I taught two different way to scrap websites using Python. So using the same technique you can apply to scrap other similar webpages.ZERO Risk with Money Back Guarantee I am very confident that you will love my Web Scraping course. In case you're not happy, you can claim your FULL money back within 30 days. So sign up today and let's start developing!By the end of this course, you'll understand:Fundamental knowledge of how to scrape web pagesHow to connect web servers and gather dataHow to write logging information if any error occursHow to retrieve webpage data using BeautifulSoup libraryHow to Traverse and Extract web page data for meaningful useHow to set up and ready environment using PIPENVHow to use Scrapy framework to create Web SpiderHow to use Scrapy Shell to Analysis Data of WebpageHow to use Selenium Library and Headless browser to scrap from JavaScript-based websitesSo don't waste your time by overthinking and Let's enroll in my course. I will be more than happy to guide you on this journey!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dbuter spring framework, spring boot, spring mvc et autres" |
"Il ne fait aucun doute que le fait d'avoir des comptences Spring Framework sur votre CV fera de vous un dveloppeur Java plus employable.Les dveloppeurs de Spring sont trs demands et sont gnreusement pays. Cependant, le framework est norme. C'est parce qu'il se compose de nombreux modules et projets. L'apprentissage peut vous prendre des mois. Vous constaterez souvent qu'un didacticiel ou un cours de formation Java Spring se concentrera sur les parties du cadre qui ne sont pas tellement utilises.De nombreux cours de Spring et Java vous enseignent toutes sortes de choses que vous n'avez vraiment pas besoin de savoir lorsque vous commencez.Ce cours s'adresse tous ceux qui souhaitent se lancer dans la programmation du framework Spring. Nous supposons que vous n'avez jamais utilis Spring auparavant.Durant cette formation:- Tu vas dvelopper ta premire application avec le framework Spring MVC.- Tu apprendras les bases pour dvelopper une application avec plusieurs fonctionnalits (CRUD : Create, Read, Update and Delete).- Tu apprendras aussi mettre en place une page de connexion l'application ainsi que la possibilit de se dconnecter pour l'utilisateur. Ce cours est parfait pour les dbutants qui souhaitent dcouvrir ou renforcer leurs acquis sur le dveloppement avec j2ee."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Beginner's Guide to C#" |
"The C# programming language from Microsoft is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. This book is designed for an absolute beginner to get started with this powerful programming language. You do not need any prior programming experience for this class. I will be using .NET Core, which is Microsoft's cross-platform environment for .NET. Because of this, you can run this code on Mac OS, Linux, or Windows. I will show you how to use Visual Studio Code that is a lightweight code editor from Microsoft. It is free to download and install. I will also show you some affordable cloud-based options so you can do your software development in the cloud. In this class, I will start with an elementary sample program. Then we will add elements that illustrate primary language constructs step by step to this program until you have a complete demonstration program. We will review essential language elements such as: Loops If Statements Case statements C# Data Types Methods Object-Oriented Programming and MoreI have attached detailed instructions in pdf files for each lesson that shows you step by step how to build the code for each exercise. By the end of this class, you will have a basic knowledge of the C# programming language and will be able to write your own programs. See you in class!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Como Desvendar Mentiras" |
"Por qu voc deve fazer esse curso? A Mentira faz parte de nossas vidas, quase ningum conhece o dia internacional da verdade, mas todos sabem o dia da mentira.No decorrer desse curso iremos ensinar diversas questes que tem aplicaes amplas no cotidiano de diversas pessoas e nas mais diversas profisses e com certeza a chance de ser enganado ir diminuir muito aps voc realizar esse curso.Alm de material prtico trazemos no decorrer do curso a fonte de nossas pesquisas para que o aluno possa se aprofundar em algum ponto que por ventura goste mais do que o outro.Um grande diferencial como podem ver a nossa preocupao em atualizar de forma constante o material didtico, pela paixo que temos em lecionar e a satisfao e buscar o melhor para nossos alunos.Um dos grandes objetivos desse curso deixar as pessoas mais alertas as mentiras que nos rodeiam e ajudar os alunos a se prevenir e se proteger ao mximo por meio de orientaes com embasamento cientfico.Nossos cursos tm base legal constituda pelo Decreto Presidencial n 5.154 e nossa metodologia segue as normas do MEC atravs da Resoluo CNE n 04/99As aulas sero apresentadas por meio de vdeo em alta resoluo e o aluno pode estudar no seu prprio tempo, fazer seu prprio horrio, o acesso ao curso vitalcio e o aluno pode interagir com os demais alunos no super sistema de frum desenvolvido pelo Udemy no menu de perguntas do seu curso.O aluno conta com a sofisticao da plataforma de ensino a distncia mais respeitada do mundo, ao final do curso o aluno ainda ganha certificado. Uma tima oportunidade para ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou abraar a iniciativa empreendedora na rede mundial de computadores."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PMP - Gerencia de Proyectos : Gestin del Alcance" |
"Presenta las mejores prcticas para manejar el alcance de proyectos. Define y explica que tcnicas se deben aplicar para una gestin exitosa.Este curso esta adaptado a la nueva versin de la gua PMPBOK 6ta edicin e incluye los cambios al exmen para la nueva versin 2021.Este curso presenta los procesos del rea de conocimiento ALCANCE (Captulo 5), no incluye otras reas de la gua. Utilizamos una presentacin con recursos grficos nicos y novedosos."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Spiritual Awakening through the Hidden Teachings of Jesus" |
"Seeking a Deeper Spirituality can be quite an undertaking. Fortunately, most people already have an understanding of the basic concepts of Christianity. Be encouraged that this is half the battle! Through this course you will receive the secret spiritual knowledge that is hidden in plain sight in the Bible. What is so intriguing about this covert information is that pastors and preachers and priests do not teach it (simply because they do not know it.) This course guarantees that you will come away with absolutely unique, transformative, and novel spiritual information, even if you have been a student of Jesus for decades. His wisdom is hidden in code in his new covenant, but once known, this spiritual teaching will bring you to a place of profound revelation where God and student become one. Jesus says the kingdom is within, and the human body is the temple where the Living God resides. Make the connection to your inner God through the concealed and mysterious parables which will be deciphered in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Liberdade Financeira (Palestra)" |
"Aula realizada no dia 22/09/2018 no Instituto Srio-Libans de Ensino e Pesquisa. Aula fez parte da celebrao dos 25 anos da Residncia Mdica em Radiologia do Srio-Libans. Essa aula tem como objetivo colocar a liberdade financeira como um processo de construo atravs do comportamento. Uma abordagem realizada sob tica e de alguns comportamentos que tenho adotado ao longo de 11 anos investindo e que so pautados pelas referncias e mentores que tenho em vida."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Angular 6 e 7 com Node JS, Mongo DB, e Mysql jwt IONIC 4" |
"OBS:CURSO NO MOMENTO INICIAL Vamos ter contedo avanado no curso aguardem No momento temos bsico de Node JSbsico de Nodebsico de Angularbsico de IONIC 4Aplicativo de Projetos e TarefasFuturamente vamos ter o que est no ttulo e contedos avanadosMysql Node JsFirebaseJ vou lanar um pergunta de qual aplicativo vamos construir durante o curso ento vou enviar uma mensagem para todos os alunos e fazer uma enquete. O mesmo ser feito em Angular 6 e tambm em IONIC 4"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |