Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Flutter - Firebase Datenbank CRUD - Einfach!" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du schnell und einfach wie du Firebase mit Flutter verbinden kannst. Wir erstellen gemeinsam 2 Apps. Eine der Apps wird alle wichtigen CRUD -> create, read, update, delete Funktionalitten beinhalten die fr das Arbeiten mit einer Datenbank wichtig sind und kann als Referenz fr deine eingeen Projekte dienen. Die zweite App wir eine voll funktionsfhige ToDo Liste sein die man theoretisch so zum Download im Playstore/Appstore anbieten knnte.Viel Spass mit dem Kurs!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Flutter Beginner Tutorial - Build own App" |
"First part of the series talks about the basics of dart so beginners can get up to speed for the flutter tutorials. After that we will install android studio and start with the basics of flutter. At the end of the course we will create a simple ToDo App with basic functionallity. - learn dart basics- learn flutter basics- create own appGood luck and have fun!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Flutter intermediate course learn new widgets" |
"We will be learning how to use some more advanced widgets and concepts for the flutter framework. If you are new to Flutter you should first work trough my beginner Flutter course here on udemy. Topics we will be covering in this course are:- Expanded & Flex- GridView widget- How to use IOS widgets- Notification widgets- PageView widget- Sliver widget- Stack widget- Json request widgets- How to save data with shared preferencesIf you have any questions feel free to ask.Enjoy the course :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Success Secret - Greatness Unlimited - Level1" |
"You may be in any profession, you are always hunting for success and wanting for making your life better and better full of positive aspiration, knowledge, learning experience which will make your life journey transformed from Ordinary to Extra Ordinary and you will become a great human being will fulfillment of your life. This course will provide you the tools and technique and secret to achieve greatness and excellence in Life. You should follow the skills in daily life to uplift your quality of life for better tomorrow."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Success Mantra - Greatness and Excellence Unlimited - Level2" |
"Welcome to the Level 2 Online Course of Success Mantra - Unlimited Excellence and Greatness. This course will provide NLP tools and technique using which you will become high performer and success hunter to scale up your life full of learning and achievement. As long as you are internally boosted you are ready to manage difficult time efficiently to convert the challenges into opportunity."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Engineering Mechanics" |
"I have designed this course for undergraduate students in Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering. The course has been divided into eight sections - (i) Introduction to Engineering Mechanics (Statics), (ii) Statics of Particles, (iii) Statics of Rigid Bodies, (iv) Centroid and Centre of Gravity, (v) Moment of Inertia, (vi) Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams, (vii) Trusses and (viii) Friction.The study of Engineering Mechanics is fundamental to the study of Mechanical Engineering and serves as a foundation for the study of (i) Vibrations, (ii) Kinetics, (iii) Robotics, (iv) Spacecraft, (v) Electrical Machines, (vi) Machine Design, etc.There are two approaches used in the study of Engineering Mechanics : (i) Classical approach and (ii) Vector approach. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. I have chosen the Classical approach as it gives a physical feel of the problem and thus helps to visualize the problem. I have gone step by step explaining the principles, the laws, etc., taking care to to put in relevant content, also based on difficulties faced by students in understanding the subject. The topics have been covered in a proper sequence.By the end of the course the student will have a good grasp of the subject. He will be in a position to solve a variety of problems, do well in his exams and his career. "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"CPD Accredited Photography Diploma: Beginners Photo Course" |
"This level 1accredited photography course will give you the key knowledgeneeded to become the master of your camera, covering the variousfunctions of your camera, whilst giving you insights into shooting on location.If you are a beginner, then this course was made for you as itbreaks down key complex topics, which include:Shooting modesRuleOfThirdsApertureShutter SpeedISOWhite BalanceMeteringStarting right from the beginning to help with any ofthe frustrations of understanding your camera.The Accredited Photography Diploma presents the curriculum via the use of animated presentations, as it has been proven to increase learning, as the information is taken in via sight as well as verbally.This course uses a fun approach to learning with animationsand a variety ofquizzesto make sure you are retaining the information taughtand are ready for the finalassignment-which you will have 6 weeks to complete the module, as well as aonehour exam in order to gain your CDP Level 1 PhotographyDiploma*, should you choose to do so.*Processing fee appliesWhat is a CPD DiplomaCPD is an abbreviation for Continued Professional Development and it is an internationally recognised qualification that makes a statement to present and future employers, as well as to yourself that you have a commitment in your growthand can be added to your LinkedIn profile and CV.This course is work 200 CPD points."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Orientao a Objetos com PHP - Crie 5 Projetos Prticos" |
"O Curso: O PHP tm evoludo bastante ao longo dos anos! E o paradigma Orientado a Objetos se tornou cada vez mais necessrio nesse cenrio mais Enterprise de aplicaes robustas e que servem para milhares de usurios! A grande pedida da Orientao a Objetos se d pelo fato de sua organizao e separao; E se bem aplicada, poupar horas e horas do programador por conta de um bom planejamento e da boa relao criada entre os objetos do sistema ! Atualize-se j e venha conhecer esse mundo novo! Venha aprender a trabalhar de forma profissional com PHP criando aplicaes fceis de manter e com boa separao de camadas e responsabilidades! Neste curso vou te levar do absoluto zero com a Orientao a Objetos ao conhecimento mais pleno, onde voc poder ter todo o know-how sobre este paradigma aplicado na linguagem PHP! E conhecimento suficiente para criar qualquer aplicao com um mnimo de organizao e profissionalismo!Projeto: Ao fim do curso iremos trabalhar em cinco projetos! A ideia em cada projeto ir adicionando conceitos e criar componentes, a medida que formos andando em cada projeto. Os projetos propostos sero:Site Institucional com MVC;Catlogo de produtos com consumo do Banco de Dados;Um pequeno painel para registro de despesas/gastos com autenticao e acesso ao banco de dados;Um pequeno sistema para blogs;E por fim, uma loja virtual.Em cada projeto ns abordaremos pontos para te auxiliar em suas futuras aplicaes utilizando a orientao a objetos com PHP."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Eliminating Anxiety: Live Your True Life" |
"Anxiety is something that most people are aware of and indeed have experienced in some form or another. Indeed, it is thought that 1 in 4 people have or will have experienced a mental health disorder at some time in their lives. This course is a unique in-depth course designed to eliminate your anxiety for good. There are six full modules packed with loads of practical techniques and downloadable resources. There is truly something for everyone here. If you follow the course and engage with the exercises, techniques and coping strategies, you will be able to reduce or even eliminate your anxiety. This is a true life-changing opportunity."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Analog Circuit Modeling & Simulation with Simetrix SPICE" |
"In this training class, students will have an opportunity to study the basic of electronic circuits. Along with learning the fundamental of electronic circuits, students will also learn how to model and simulate electronic circuit using Simetrix SPICE program. Students will learn how to build basic electronic circuits using Schematic editor, set up simulation, run simulation for DC Analysis , Transient Analysis , AC Analysis, and Monte Carlo Analysis"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Skillshare in 2020 - Publish Video Classes and Get Paid" |
"**This course is fully updated for 2020**Over 83,000 have already taken our course and we are rated flawlessly. This is all the proof we need that our stuff WORKS!Welcome, and thanks for joining us in this class. Today we will show you behind the scenes how you can run a Skillshare business, and make a living doing what you love. Here is what you will learn:How much I earn on Skillshare, while working less than you might thinkHow to easily find ideas for your coursesHow to create crisp 1080p videos using only FREE softwaresHow to acquire students FAST and get them to come backEnroll now and let's get started already!-QualiWave team"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Youtube Means Business - Promote Affiliate Offers w/ Youtube" |
"Marketers!Listen up. Youtube is the way to go in 2017 if you area) a Product Owner orb) an Affiliate MarketerThe engagement driven from video views merged with the incredible large audience from Youtube (1billion+) makes for an explosive cocktail of cat videos and better.. COMMISSIONS!This course will dive into the creation of video ads (mainly in a review format). Using only free tolls, we are going to crank out compelling video ads that we will then upload to Youtube, rank and promote.Here is what you are going to learn:Create compelling video ads using free ""screencast"" softwares available online.Optimize these videos to make sure you acquire views, clicks and conversionsFind popular offers that are going to convert wellCreate an engaging channel, ensuring long-term successOur course is focused on beginners that haveyet to make a commission and are looking to start making money as affiliates in 2017.In this class, I will reveal how you can create simple Youtube videos using only free softwares and generate commissions. Follow the guide30,000+ students have given us their trust! You can too"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"List Building Supercharge Class (build your list & monetize)" |
"Have you ever wondered what business model is THE perfect business model?I mean obviously this depends on what you like doing, how much free time you're looking for, and much much more..But whatever your goals as a marketer, email marketing can get you there.Hello, my name is Howard Lynch and in the last two years, I have built a list of over 10,000 loyal subscribers, each of them generating me on average $1.22 per month**(see proof of these numbers in the promo video!)**My goal with this course is s-i-m-p-l-e, I want to teach you how to achieve the same results as I have regardless of your niche or the type of products you are looking to sell.Whatever your niche, finding success with your email marketing boils down to a few steps:Selecting a niche and HOT offers in that niche (or creating your own offers)Finding an incentive to optin (optin bait), and creating a POWERFUL squeeze pageCreating a funnel that will monetize your subscribers effortlesslyDriving the right kind of traffic, at the right price, then scalingThis course covers all of this in great detail and in a pleasant over-the-shoulder style.This course is ALSO covered by a 30 days money back guarantee!In 30 days, you could either be in the exact same spot, or in possession of an automated business that generates money.. your choiceEnroll now and let's get started!-QualiWave Team"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Youtube for Affiliate Marketers -Grow an Audience & Monetize" |
"Hi,My name is Howard Lynch and I have been working for the last 4 years on my online business.And let me tell you -I've tried everything!Yet there is one traffic source that stuck with me -YoutubeThat's what I'm spending my time doing for one good reason:Youtube consistently generates commissions for me, with little or no work.**(Watch proof of this in the promotional video)**So I've put together this course to teach you how to quickly do the following:Generate commissions with little efforts (without having to create your own videos!)Create and manage a powerful Youtube channelGrow an audience of loyals fans the same way I built mineTurn Youtube into a kickass long-term businessAnd of course, I offer an unconditional 30 days money-back guarantee.Enroll now and let's get started!-Howard"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Industriemeister (IHK) Information Kommunikation, Planung" |
"Mit einer erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Prfung zum Industriemeister erhltst du nicht nur einen Abschluss auf Bachelor-Niveau, sondern auch einen echten Schub in deiner Karriere.Die meisten erledigen diesen Abschluss berufsbegleitend. Oft ist das aber schwer zu managen. Durch einen Videokurs bleibst du frei bei der Einteilung deiner Zeit. Da Udemy auch mobil verfgbar ist, kannst du immer dann, wenn du die Mglichkeit hast, einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung Erfolg gehen.Die Inhalte sind so aufbereitet, dass du selbst ohne Vorkenntnisse alles einfach aufnehmen kannst. Zusammenfassungen und bungsaufgaben erleichtern dir die Festigung zustzlich."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SAP Finanzwesen - Allgemeines und Hauptbuch Folge 123-127" |
"In diesem Kurs erhalten Sie allgemeine Informationen ber das externen Rechnungswesen (Finanzbuchhaltung) und seine Zielstellung im ERP-System. Sie lernen die Organisationselemente im ERP-System und den Zweck von Buchungskreisen sowie die Mglichkeiten fr das Zuordnen von Buchungskreisen zu Kostenrechnungskreisen kennen.Es sind folgende Lernvideos in dem KursSAP FI / Finanzwesen- Allgemeines und Hauptbuch enthalten. SAPmv0102010105.23 - Folge 123: Buchungshilfen - berblick (5:07)SAPmv0102010105.24 - Folge 124: Buchungshilfen verwenden (46:20)SAPmv0102010106.25 - Folge 125: Abschlussarbeiten - Tagesabschluss (19:58)SAPmv0102010106.26 - Folge 126: Abschlussarbeiten - Monatsabschluss (21:15)SAPmv0102010106.27 - Folge 127: Abschlussarbeiten - Jahresabschluss (14:08)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Fusion Technical-Business Intelligence & OTBI Reports" |
"Course Content :Class1- Introductionclass2 - Oracle Fusion application (SAAS) User Creation with base tablesclass3 - Oracle Fusion BI publisher - First Reportclass4 - Running The report From Catalogclass5 - Running The report From Fusion Application by creating ESS JOBclass6 - Report Layout Creation using Manual Method - 1class7 - Report Layout Creation using Manual Method - 2class8 - Report Layout Properties Explained - Generalclass9 - Report Layout Properties Explained - Cachingclass10 - Report Layout Properties Explained - Formattingclass11- Report Layout Properties Explained - Currency Formatclass12- Style Sheet Templateclass13- Master Detail Report using Element Level linkclass14- Master Detail Report using Group Level linkclass15- Master Detail Report using subgroupsclass16- Aggregate functions Class17- Expression - Arithmetic Operation on columnsClass18- Expressions - IF (exp) With Exampleclass19- Expressions - NOT with xdo_user_report_localeclass20- Expressions - AND Functionclass21- Expressions - OR Functionclass22- Expressions - MIN AND MAX Functionclass23- Expressions - ROUND , SUM Functionclass24- working with bind parametersclass25- Bind Parameters with Independent and translated independent LOVclass26- Bind Parameters with Table valueset and $FLEX$ concept in FusionClass27- sub templates in bi publisherClass28-Multi Lingual Report with BI Publisher or transalations Class29- Multi Lingual Report with BI Publisher or transalations -TestingClass30- Oracle BI Publisher Bursting - Delivery Channel (EMAIL ,FAX ,SFTP , FTP ,PRINT )Class31- Oracle BI Publisher Bursting - Delivery Channel (EMAIL ) -TestingClass32-AR invoice report development from Scratch - SQL query development part1Class33-AR invoice report development from Scratch - SQL query development part2Class34-AR Invoice Report -for-each and master Details ReportClass35-AR Invoice Report -for-each@section and split-by-page-breakClass36- AR Invoice Report - Repeating HeaderClass37-Sub template with parameter or dynamic logo based on business unit nameClass38-Limiting Lines per page in RTF Logic Class39-Limiting Lines per page in Bi Publisher with executionClass40-Display Barcodes in Bi publisher with executionBased On response to This course I will add bellow Topics in Near Future1. Ap Check Printing Customisation2. ACH Payment File Customisation3. AR Invoice CustomisationProcure To pay cycle in oracle Fusion Cloud ERP 1. Create Requisition2. Create Purchase Order 3. Create Receipt 4. Create AP Invoice 5. Create Payment 6. Post To GL 7. Bases tables For requisition8. Base tables For Purchasing 9. Base tables for Receiving transactions 10. Base tables for AP invoice and AP Invoice payments 11. Base Tables For XLA and GL 12 .Roles required to perform P2P Cycle 13 .Basics for Payment Format (Manage Formats)14.Payment Documents for bank accounts (Manage Bank Accounts )15 . Payment Process Request / profile 16. How to create item / item class 17.base tables for item and item class"
Price: 6080.00 ![]() |
"Learn Apache Spark in Python" |
"In this course you'll learn the physical components of a Spark cluster, and the Spark computing framework. Youll build your own local standalone install of Pyspark. Youll write Spark code. Youll learn how to run Spark jobs in a variety of ways. Youll create Spark tables and query them using SQL. You will learn details of Spark internals. You will learn a process for creating successful Spark applications.What am I going to get from this course?Build Spark applications.Tune Spark applications.Profile Spark applications.Tackle 3 coding projects.Learn 30+ Spark commands.Master Spark SQL window functions.Step through 900 lines of Spark code.Apply pro tips and best practices tested in production.Why should you take this course?Because your time is valuable and you are data driven. Lost opportunity is a major contributor to future regret. Apply these core underlying principles to your own life and build your own dreams.Technology moves fast. Keeping up using only free materials from scattered sources is penny wise and pound foolish. Using only your own judgment to sift through the abundance of materials before you have learned what is relevant, and what is not, is backwards. You will be better able to judge the relevance of new content to your mission once you have a good foundation. You will be able to more rapidly consume -- and more importantly : synthesize -- new materials. Learning in a way that allows you to synthesize what you have learned is more effective than simply devouring all material indiscriminately.Have you ever learned a new spoken language? Language instructors will tell you : it is better to learn an aspect of the language deeply and be able to apply it immediately. This will get your conversational skills up to speed the most rapidly. Then, your ability to utilize what you have learned, and with confidence, starts to have a compounding effect. Learning a programming language is analogous. There is a lot to learn and too little time to exhaustively cover the abundance of material that is available.There are core principles that when leveraged effectively accelerate you rapidly through the ramp up phase.The best learning regimen provides new skills and insights, but also solidifies what your present knowledge base. Your ability to leverage your current level of knowledge to build on it by learning is akin to a building your principal capital, namely, your knowledge base and skill set.With the proper approach, learning has a compounding effect on knowledge. Once you have mastery of what you have learned in both breadth and depth you are positioned to put your knowledge to work for your mission, and convert it into a currency you can spend to improve your life and the lives of those around you.New learners are entering this field every day. Learners that make effective use of their time quickly surpass learners who do not.Be mindful of the most important resource you wield : your attention. Spend it wisely. Learners who know the same things as the all the others don't stand out from the crowd. They may do well enough in a rising tide that lifts all boats. The doers who have an edge will win a slot on the fastest ship in the finest fleet and do more than just ride the tide. They will accomplish what was previously unimagined. Investing in yourself is wise; being overly frugal about how you spend your precious time is foolish. Your attention is limited. Most importantly, it is not free. With every day that you put off your future you miss out on the compounding effect that future growth has on present capability. Meanwhile the gap between you and other learners that understand these lessons widens.A small edge today blossoms into a bigger one next week, and a gaping lead by next month.Use your time and attention wisely.Don't scrimp on your biggest investment :Yourself.Cut through the clutterIf you want to ramp up quickly on Apache Spark, then these courses are for you.There is an abundance of training material available for learning Spark.Then why should you use this course?Because your time is valuable. Wading through the tens of thousands of resources that are appropriate to your level of analysis while ensuring that you filter out ones that are outdated takes time and judgment. Time spent ramping up on the fundamentals has an opportunity cost that is far higher than the price of this course.I've collected a comprehensive yet succinct lesson plan containing material gleaned from hundreds of sources, including pro tips from Spark contributors, insights from Spark consultants, many conference presentations, and first-hand experience applying this powerful tool to big data applications in production serving millions of users. If you want to cut through the clutter and ramp up quickly, then this course will help you accomplish that.What you will learn in this courseWe cover a range of topics, ranging from concepts, to architecture, to managing your development environment, as well as several use cases.This course is not only for developers, but for managers and technical leads who dont necessarily write code, but want to be able to perform code reviews or analyze the performance of a running application.PrerequisitesAll you will need is a standard development-grade laptop and an internet connection.You should be comfortable at the unix command line.Although this course is taught using the Python programming language, it is also suitable for users who plan to primarily utilize R and SQL.What you will do in this courseStep through over 900 lines of code in 9 original exercises utilizing over 30 Spark commandsLearn best practices that are tested in production applicationUtilize over 30 Spark commands, including :read, select, count, join, where, groupBy, show, drop_duplicates, distinct, limit, subtract, withColumn, sort, split, explode, join, lower, length, withColumn, alias, UDFs, explain, sql, cache, persist, unpersist, catalog, listTables, isCached, createOrReplaceTempView, monotonically_increasing_id, cacheTable, clearCache, and others.Applications you can tackle with SparkDiscover statistically improbable phrases in textPerform anomaly detection on log dataApply topic modeling to textBuild a recommenderDo trend analysisWhat you can do with SparkDevelop on your laptop and migrate to a cluster later without changing your code.Spin up a cluster to use for a short period of time and spin it down when finished.Run applications in a shared long-running cluster environment that autoscales up and down in size as workloads demand.Develop applications intended to run on a single machine that can later be migrated to a cluster without modifying the code.Work within a dynamically typed or a statically typed language, including Python, Scala, Java, R, and SQL.Access data stores including AWS S3, HDFS, Hive, HBase, Cassandra, or any Hadoop data source, as well as Kafka, Redshift, among others.Develop and deploy using the same language and framework.Develop and test directly on a cluster.Deploy applications programmatically.Manage clusters programmatically.What you'll be able to do upon completing this courseTackle nontrivial applications, includingApproximate K Nearest NeighborsAlternating Least SquaresK-means clusteringStreamingYou'll also have a solid foundation for data engineering applications.Given the flexibility of Spark you are only limited by the data available to you and your imagination."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Improvisacin en la guitarra elctrica Vol.1" |
"Despus de nuestro exitoso curso de guitarra elctrica te presentamos una segunda serie que te abrir las puertas a nuevas posibilidades de interpretacin con tu guitarra. El curso de improvisacin y efectos especiales en la guitarra elctrica te llevar a nuevos niveles de tcnica y ejecucin. El curso est dividido en tres volmenes: en los primeros dos aprenders las mejores tcnicas para improvisar, te explicaremos los diferentes estilos de improvisacin y cmo utilizarlos segn el contexto en el que te encuentres. Adems, conocers los modos gregorianos, te ensearemos a armonizar las escalas y a generar melodas a partir de ellas, lo que te permitir mejorar significativamente tu ejecucin de la guitarra. El tercer volumen se enfoca en la produccin de efectos especiales. Conocers los secretos de los pedales de efectos y diversas tcnicas para hacer brillar tu guitarra. Tambin aprenders sobre los tipos de pastillas de las guitarras elctricas y te daremos los mejores consejos para manejar adecuadamente tu amplificador. Con el curso de improvisacin y efectos especiales en la guitarra elctrica tambin aprenders a crear y tocar tus propios "solos", a realizar figuras meldicas a partir de fragmentos de las escalas pentatnicas y de los modos gregorianos. Adems, conocers la escala de blues y descubrirs cmo puedes ampliar considerablemente tu nivel de ejecucin. Los ejercicios incluidos en el curso fueron creados por expertos en la enseanza de la msica con el objetivo mejorar tu nivel de ejecucin del instrumento y de ayudarte a forjar tu identidad como guitarrista."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Aprende a tocar el piano desde cero" |
"Si alguna vez has querido aprender a tocar el piano, este es el curso que estabas esperando. Tocar el piano requiere desarrollar diversas habilidades y el curso de piano de Virtuosso te ayudar a mejor considerablemente tu tcnica pianstica, ya que incluye una gran cantidad de ejercicios y tcnicas diseadas especialmente para lograr la coordinacin entre la vista y las manos. Tocar el piano por nota es uno de los grandes retos a los que se enfrentan todos los pianistas o tecladistas y por fin tienes a tu alcance un curso de piano que te permitir hacer tus sueos realidad. La mayora de los mtodos de piano tradicionales son obsoletos, aburridos y no llevan una secuencia gradual. El curso de piano de Virtuosso es totalmente diferente ya que es un sistema audiovisual, contiene varias tomas y las explicaciones estn muy detalladas, adems se incluyen ejercicios para que practiques todo lo demostrado por el instructor. Los ejercicios que se incluyen en el curso de piano son totalmente prcticos y fueron diseados por los mejores maestros de piano de Amrica Latina. En el curso de piano de Virtuosso Producciones te explicamos cada leccin paso a paso, de manera gradual, con acercamientos de cmara, partituras y material adicional para que desarrolles tus habilidades hasta un nivel profesional. Decdete a aprender a tocar el piano con los mejores! El curso de piano de Virtuosso incluye lecciones en video y pistas en mp3 para que practiques."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Healthy Money: Master Your Personal Finances with Heart" |
"A COMPREHENSIVE ETHICAL GUIDE TO PERSONAL FINANCE FORCOACHES, CONSULTANTS, MARKETERS, & ENTREPRENEURS.My names George Kao. Im an Authentic Marketing Coach to manypeople around the world.I have 8 years of experience and Ive coached people one to one, as well asvia online courses. Most people that I've had the privilege to work with find my advice, ideas, and approach to money to beunique, benevolent, and revolutionary.This course, in a nutshell, is an ethical & spiritual guide in which I'll share with you proven steps that will help you achieve more peace and fulfillment in your financial life. THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU IF...You want an ethical perspective about money.You want to value your time and services properly.You want to eliminate your debt.You want to help other peopleand trulymake a difference.You have a home based business and looking to sell more of your products & services.GET ACCESS TO TOOLS & STRATEGIES THAT WILLHELP YOU MASTER YOUR FINANCES!In this course, I share with you the tools and strategies that I've been using myself and helping clientsto boost their finances. Well cover:Secrets on how to win the money game.How to change your mindset on earning money.How to set your income goals and meet them.How to manage your money the right way and how to invest it.And I'll share with you a few healthy ways you can make money quickly! COMPLETE SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK!Let me remind you that we have a 30 day money back guarantee in place. So, if you join my course today, you have exactly 30 days to decide whether its right for you..Stop surviving, start thriving! Join the course now."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Quit Smoking Now!" |
"***** 5 STAR REVIEWS:I enjoyed this course very much, the lessons are very good structured, the teacher is describing clearly all the steps needed to be taken on the way of quiting to smoke. I deeply appreciate the resources, especially the workbook. Thank you very much!Denise has created a really in-depth course for those looking to quit smoking. She lays out some great points and plan of action and her teaching style is easy to follow. A+____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Have you tried to quit smoking before? Want to quit smoking but aren't sure exactly what to do?Know you need to stop smoking but are afraid of the cravings?You can stop smoking forever! You can break your nicotine addiction from home!You WILL feel healthier, look better, be richer and live longer when you quit smoking!With ""Quit Smoking Now!"" this course will walk you through the entire process I've used to personally help over 2,000 students with addiction and recovery. I walk you through:Getting startedYour healthYour financials (yes, you'll be richer after taking this course!)Second hand smokeAddiction conceptsUnderstanding yourself (so you can make the required changes in your life)Your lifestyleKnowing if you are ready to quit smokingSetting a quit date for smokingHow to take actionAnd more!The course is designed to provide you with the tools they need over the next 30 days in order to stay free from smoking. You should take this course if you need the expertise of professionals but prefer to quit on your own. Taking a course online is truly the best of both worlds as it's flexible and you can learn on your own time, in your own home. You will get a downloadable quit smoking workbook which is a very important part of the course.Know that you're not alone! You will be able to communicate with others who are going through the same thing. Your instructor will be by your side every step of the way. This course is action based so be ready to start implementing the techniques right away. It's recommended that you watch the entire course from start to finish and then go back through the course as you are working through your journey. If you are ready to change your life, have better relationships, mental and physical health and save a ton of money, then you're in the right place. It's time to get empowered.You will get monthly emails, access to our private Facebook group and instructor support through the Q&A. Don't wait any longer! Start now. Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Is this course only for people who struggle with a smoking addiction?A: While this course was primarily written for people who struggle with a smoking addiction other people can benefit from taking this course such as family members who are worried about a love one or substance abuse counselors who want more knowledge and insight on addiction and recoveryQ: How is it possible to recover from an addiction online? Don't I need a doctor or a 12-step program?A: 12 step programs are outdated and their success rates are shockingly low. Not everyone needs medical support but if you feel you do, you can combine this course with the support from your doctor. The material in this course will give you the tools you need to be successful in fighting a smoking addiction, however, you will need to find the motivation within so you can apply the concepts you will learn. On top of everything else, you find additional resources at the end of each lecture that contain links to video tips and podcasts. You will get the most from this course if you incorporate all of the techniques that you learn about. To have long term success you will need to make sure you are taking care of your not just your physical body but your mental health and social circles too. Upon completing the final lecture, you will receive a certificate of completion. I am confident that if you implement the strategies and techniques laid out in this course you will be able to kick your addiction for good. Imagine how much time and money you will save by not smoking. Don't wait and spiral further down the hole.I will be with you every step of the way. Take charge of your health now! You got this! Start today! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Stop Drinking Alcohol - Get Sober from Home" |
"------------------------------------------------------------------5 Star Reviews: Having several members in my family that issues with alcohol so it has been a great class to understand how and why this happens. Great tools to work with and implementI have been through the whole course, but without taking any steps, possibly through fear. The course looks comprehensive and encouraging, so I will go back to the beginning and start the course properly.Very informative, thank you!!A great course. I have learned that integrating back into society is good and only at a short time frame at first. Then increasing my time at grocery stores, where I normally work, over time. Of course, I don't just mean grocery stores but also parks or other social gatherings like driving on the highway.------------------------------------------------------------------Are you struggling with drinking too much? Is alcohol ruining your life? Have you tried other ways to fight your addiction to alcohol but failed? Alcohol addiction is common and it's not easy to just stop...Stop Drinking Alcohol - Get Sober from Home is a course that can help anyone who has a drinking problem or anyone who is considering quitting drinking. Traditional rehab may not be for everyone and we strongly believe that you dont have to give up everything to get sober. Weve helped hundreds of people get sober from the comfort of their own home.Alcoholism can affect anyone and does not discriminate based on age, gender or socio-economic status. If you are fighting or want to fight back against alcohol addiction but from home, this course is for you. The course includes a workbook for you to help you on your journey to sobriety. Alcohol addiction doesn't have to ruin your life anymore.When you purchase this course you will ongoing instructor support through the Q&A and access to the private Facebook group. Lectures are short and comprehensive so you don't have to waste hours in pointless meetings and discussions that don't pertain to you. You get the benefit of professional help while maintaining privacy and confidentiality. You can take this course from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. If you have questions about the course or need more information please reach out to Denise. Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Is this course only for people who struggle with alcohol addiction?A: While this course was primarily written for people who struggle with alcohol addiction other people can benefit from taking this course such as family members who are worried about a love one or substance abuse counselors who want more knowledge and insight on addiction and recoveryQ: How is it possible to recover from an addiction online? Don't I need a 12-step program or in-patient rehab?A: 12 step programs are outdated and their success rates are shockingly low. Not everyone is cut out for rehab and can just leave their family, friends, kids, pets, work, school, etc. The material in this course will give you the tools you need to be successful in fighting an addiction, however, you will need to find the motivation within so you can apply the concepts you will learn. No only will you get video lectures but also additional resources such as podcasts, recovery tips, and extra readings to support the course. You will benefit most if you take the time to watch all of the lectures and additional resources that are provides. After enrollment, you will be giving the link to Live Rehab's closed Facebook group so that you can connect with others who may be in similar situations. Each month you will receive additional tips and tricks to help your journey.It is my passion to help as many people as possible kick their addiction without having to leave their home. I am confident that you can achieve great success as long as you are motivated and willing to put in the effort to kick your alcohol addiction forever. If you are unsure on whether or not this course is for you, I recommend you check out the course outline as well as other courses that I have and if you still have questions please reach out to me directly and I'll be happy to chat with you about any concerns or questions you have. The feedback that I get from my students has been positive and encouraging. Long term sobriety isn't easy but I am honored to be on this journey with you. If you can't afford expensive rehab or you aren't willing to give up your family, friends, pets, etc. for 30+ days then this online course, Stop Drinking Alcohol; Get Sober from Home, might be the solution you've been waiting for. Alcohol addiction is very real and looks different for everyone. Whether you are at your own rock bottom or you are just thinking about how you want to eliminate alcohol from your life, you are in the right place."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Break Free from your Opioid Addiction" |
"***** 5 STAR REVIEWS:The subject of breaking free from opioid addiction is presented in a very compact and good structured way. I am glad for the attached resources especially the workbook is very helpful. Thank You for putting together the lessons in this course!Very relatable to my own personal experience with opiate addiction, withdrawal, and recovery.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Welcome to Break Free from your Opioid Addiction. You or someone you love is struggling with opioids and thats why you are here. You are not alone. The opiate epidemic is a public health crisis and does not discriminate. It is estimated that about 26 million people abuse opioids worldwide. The shame and stigma of admitting an addiction can be crippling and embarrassing. This course will show you that you dont have to give up everything to go to a traditional rehab facility. You can get sober from the comfort of home. There are 7 sections in this course. Each section builds on the previous. It's recommended that you watch the entire course once through and then go back and watch the lectures as you are experiencing them. By the end of this course, you will have all of the tools you need to be able to kick your addiction. I will walk you through each step, youll get a downloadable workbook with additional resources in many lectures. Its time for you to get back to the person you once were. The person who was happy, healthy, and not addicted to opiates. You will get instructor support throughout via monthly emails and you can reach out anytime through the Q&A.Once you enroll in this course you will also be invited to join our closed Facebook group where you will gain even more knowledge and insight via peer to peer support. Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Is this course only for people who struggle with addiction?A: While this course was primarily written for people who struggle with opioid addiction other people can benefit from taking this course such as family members who are worried about a love one or substance abuse counselors who want more knowledge and insight on addiction and recoveryQ: How is it possible to recover from an addiction online? Don't I need a 12-step program or in-patient rehab?A: 12 step programs are outdated and their success rates are shockingly low. Not everyone is cut out for rehab and can just leave their family, friends, kids, pets, work, school, etc. The material in this course will give you the tools you need to be successful in fighting an addiction, however, you will need to find the motivation within so you can apply the concepts you will learn. This course includes a series of assignments, quizzes, downloadable resources, external links to certain topics related to addiction and recovery and also links to 12 podcasts. Upon completing the final lecture, you will receive a certificate of completion. It takes a lot of courage and strength to reach out for help. Finding the right program is crucial to your success. Not everyone is cut out for traditional rehab which requires you to give up a lot; family, friends, work, school, pets. etc. If you are self motivated and take the time to really implement the techniques presented in this course you will be able to kick your addiction for good. The podcasts will touch on subjects that have to do with your physical health, psychological health, social circles and very specific addiction and recovery topics so in addition to having lifetime access to this course you will also get the extra resources. If you are sick of giving all of your time and money to your opioid/opiate addiction then this course is for you. Once free from this addiction you will get your life back physically, emotionally and socially. It's not an easy overnight quick fix. This course is designed to make you look at all different areas of your life and not only do the things required to stop using but do things that will help you long term so that you don't relapse and you can kick those opioids to the curb, forever. Remember, you get instructor support throughout so if you have any questions you can message me and I'll be happy to set up a chat. My goal is to help as many people as possible obtain addiction from the comfort of their own home."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Quit your Porn Addiction for Good" |
"5 STARS *****This course gives you all the information that you need to quit porn addiction for good. It is made in a proffesional way. Thank you Denise for your course it really helped me a lot. <3This course is effective and helpful provided one follows the instructions seriously and does the assignments. I'm close to a year free from the addiction and that shows this course works. My heartfelt thanks to the instructors Denise and Nick, and the Udemy platform for providing this course and helping me on the way to recovery.Phenomenal instructor. I learned so much about dealing with porn. I am free of PMO now.Muy buena informacin y muy bien explicado.Its an amazing course so far, just waiting for feedback.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you think you have a pornography addiction, you are probably right. Porn addiction is common and it's not easy to just stop. This course on quitting porn is not just about quitting porn, it's about changing your entire life. Cure your Porn Addiction for Good has over 100 video lectures. This course is self-paced and serious students will find time each day to watch lectures, read articles and additional resources and do the assigned homework (journal writing) every day. This course is not a quick fix. You must follow the plan entirely, through to the end, if you want the maximum success. There is no shaming in this course. Watching pornography changes the chemical structure in your brain so by taking this course and engaging in the lectures and activities, you can return to your baseline self. The goal is to rewire your brain by creating negative associations and by doing action focused activities. If you are serious about getting rid of porn then this course is for you. You will get ongoing instructor support throughout via the Q&A and monthly email updates that should be helpful to you throughout your journey. Once you enroll in this course, you will also be asked to join our closed Facebook Group which is beneficial for peer to peer support. Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Is this course only for people who struggle with porn addiction?A: While this course was primarily written for people who struggle with porn addiction other people can benefit from taking this course such as family members who are worried about a love one or addiction counselors who want more knowledge and insight on addiction and recoveryQ: How is it possible to recover from an addiction online? Don't I need a 12-step program or in-patient rehab?A: 12 step programs are outdated and their success rates are shockingly low. Not everyone is cut out for rehab and can just leave their family, friends, kids, pets, work, school, etc. The material in this course will give you the tools you need to be successful in fighting an addiction, however, you will need to find the motivation within so you can apply the concepts you will learn. This course touches many different topics and is designed to help change the way you think about porn. On top of that, there are specific areas of focus so that you can maximize your chances of kicking your addiction forever. Be prepared to focus on your physical health which includes nutrition, fitness and sleep. Your psychological health, and also your social circles. The fact that you are here now and reading through the course description shows so much courage and strength. There is a lot of stigma that comes with porn addiction and not often the easiest addiction to get help for. This is why I created the course because I know that taking an online addiction course has less barriers. If you want to start to healing and be able to never watch porn again, this is the course for you. Once you complete the course you will have all the tools you need to change your life forever; physically, psychologically, socially and you will learn specific techniques and tricks to combat triggers. You will be able to re-evaluate your relationships and your perceptions will be altered (in a good way!)This course includes a series of assignments, quizzes, downloadable resources, external links to certain topics related to addiction and recovery and also links to 12 podcasts. Upon completing the final lecture, you will receive a certificate of completion. So, what are you waiting for? Enroll today and start changing your life in a holistic way."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Tackling Cocaine Usage" |
"***** 5 Star Review *****I enjoyed the course, it was refreshing to know that the things I had felt and will help others with feeling are alike., with a few new things I didn't know.***With more than an hour of video lectures and extra resources, this is the most complete course on kicking Cocaine use***Are you or someone you know struggling with cocaine addiction? Are you secretly taking cocaine at work without other people knowing? Is cocaine impacting your personal, work and financial life?If you answered ""YES"" to any of those questions you've found the right resource. Live Rehab is proud to present this comprehensive course on cocaine addiction.This comprehensive Cocaine addiction course provides you with the tools, skills and resources that you need to tackle your addiction. These powerful lessons will help you rebuild your life, relationships, physical health, mental health and spiritual health.""THE NUMBERS OF people seeking help for drug issues who also have alcohol and other substance abuse problems is rising, as is addiction to recreational drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines."" - The Rutland CentreThe course is designed around our proprietary Sobriety Success method that targets the physical, mental and social/spiritual aspects of recovery that you need in order to truly break free of cocaine addiction.Split into 7 sections, the course guides you through the basics of Cocaine addiction before moving you swiftly on to setting a quit date, getting rid of triggers, detox, and getting you off cocaine. Once you're moving through the course, you need to build healthy physical habits, rebuild your psychological health and finally setup the right social structures for long term success.This holistic approach works. The idea isn't just to quit cocaine but to tackle all things in your life; physically, psychologically, and socially. When you work through all areas of your life at the same time your chances for success in quitting cocaine is much greater than it would be if you were just out to quit cocaine ignoring the deeper issues that might have either caused your addiction or issues that might cause you to relapse. ***The best part? You can tackle cocaine addiction from home - you just need to enroll TODAY!***This value-packed Cocaine addiction course contains everything you need to quit your addiction!You will also receiving ongoing instructor support, access to our closed Facebook group and monthly email tips!Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Is this course only for people who struggle with addiction?A: While this course was primarily written for people who struggle with addiction other people can benefit from taking this course such as family members who are worried about a love one or substance abuse counselors who want more knowledge and insight on addiction and recoveryQ: How is it possible to recover from an addiction online? Don't I need a 12-step program or in-patient rehab?A: 12 step programs are outdated and their success rates are shockingly low. Not everyone is cut out for rehab and can just leave their family, friends, kids, pets, work, school, etc. The material in this course will give you the tools you need to be successful in fighting an addiction, however, you will need to find the motivation within so you can apply the concepts you will learn. People who are successful in this course will not just watch the lectures but they will be the ones who engage with the other resources and tools given and implement them into their lives. There are additional resources (videos, podcasts, article links, etc.) in almost every lecture. You can take this course on your time as it is self paced but I encourage my students to watch the entire course in one go so that they can understand the effort they will need as they work through the course in real time. I am a very involved instructor. I send out monthly educational announcements and check in on my students periodically throughout the course to offer additional support. Students are welcome to participate in the Q&A forums as well as in the closed Facebook group. Check out my bio for my credential. I have helped hundreds of people kick their addiction from home, for good. If you are struggling with cocaine and want to kick your addiction for good, you are in the right place! Upon completing the final lecture, you will receive a certificate of completion."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Raising Drug and Alcohol Free Kids - 2020 Edition" |
"5 Star Review: Good course with useful information and some good advice.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prevent addiction, substance abuse, and chemical dependency. Do you want to ensure your kids stay drug and alcohol free? If so, this course is for you!This course has been designed by a substance abuse, chemical dependency and addiction expert; me! More importantly...I am also a mom to three kids, so I get it, really. I will walk you through step-by-step on how to achieve raising drug and alcohol free kids. With every lecture you will gain a deeper understanding of the bio-psycho-social model and how you can implement this model into your every day life as a parent. Not only will you learn evidence-based parenting techniques but you'll be able to find comfort in knowing that what you've learned will benefit you and your kids throughout their entire lives. This course is fun and exciting, but at the same time we dive deep into heavy topics;You As a Parent and What You Can Do TodayYour Kid's Physical HealthYour Child's Psychological HealthYour Child's Social CircleEven More to Think About (Money, Self-Care and more...)This course is as much about you as it is about them. This model works best when fully integrated in its entirety but at the same time, I do understand that not every parent and child fits into the same box, therefore, it's understandable that not every lecture will be applicable. I will talk a lot about how each lecture is only a small piece of the pie. We'll dive into some real life tips and tricks as well as debunking some common myths around teenage drug and alcohol use. Moreover, the course is packed with practical solutions which are based on real-life examples. So not only will you learn the theory behind drug and alcohol use among teens, but you will also gain real life knowledge and activities you can start implementing today. You will ongoing instructor support throughout and monthly emails related to addiction topics. You will also be invited to join our closed Facebook group for further support. Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: Is this course only for people who have children?A: While this course was primarily written for parents, other people might find this course helpful as well. Teachers, family members, and counseling professionals could also benefit. Q: My child isn't addicted to drugs or alcohol. Will this course still be helpful?A: Yes! This course is written for anyone who has children whether or not they have used or abused drugs and/or alcohol. This is a harm reduction approach and topics range from infant hood all the way through older teens. Additionally, each section will have extra resources that focus on the topic of addiction; articles, blogs, podcasts, and videos. This course will walk you through step-by-step on how you can ensure your children will be and remain drug and alcohol free until they are adults. The work isn't easy but if you are able to implement the strategies outlined here you will have great success. This holistic approach really focuses on the child's physical health (nutrition, fitness, and sleep), their psychological health (mental health, spiritual health and intentional living) as well as their social health (family, friends and classmates.) On top of that there are some very focused topics that are critical in preventing drugs and alcohol use such as controlling the money, how to take care of your own self, how to spot drug and alcohol use shall it occur (and what to do about it) and understanding if your child may or may not need rehab. Hint: not all children who use drugs or alcohol would benefit from rehab. Find out more about this in section 6.Because you get lifetime access you will be able to access this course throughout different periods of your child's life. The work never stops so it's important to have these useful tools by your side throughout the remainder of your parenting career. The simple fact that you are here reading this description shows how much you care about your child and their well-being. As a parent or caregiver, it's important to keep on learning and growing just as your child will keep on learning and growing watching you! So why wait? Enroll today and start your journey of making sure your kids are drug and alcohol free. YOU GOT THIS! "
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing: Send Unlimited Emails via Own Mail Server" |
"Learn to set up your own mail server like Gmail, Outlook and sendemails/newsletters without any limit.Subtitles have been added to all the lectures.Sending emails to your customers was never been cheap & unlimited. Email service provider charges insanely huge amount to deliver emails to your customers. In addition to that, they also charges you for storing contacts.Create your own mail server on cloud just like Gmail.Host mail for multiple users and multiple domain names.Synchronize contacts & calendar usingExchange/ActiveSyncYou server will be automatically configured to followmodern mail protocols (DMARC,DKIM, andSPF) and the bestsecuritypracticeswhichincludes HSTS, strong ciphers, opportunistic TLS, DNSSEC(withDANE TLSA). Theseconfiguration will ensure your newsletters neverget flagged.You will also be able to create website on main domain as mail server will be installed on subdomain.Take control of your privacy.Do you accept that all your data (includingbusinesscontract & confidential information) getcollected, processed, and analyzed? Email service provider like Gmail, Outlook etc have their terms & conditions. Become your own mail service provider in few easy steps from top to bottom."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing with PowerMTA, IP Rotation and Mailwizz" |
"Update: All lectures are equipped with subtitles.Welcome to world's first comprehensive video guide to install and configure PowerMTA with Mailwizz. You will learn also learn to install and configure PowerMTA Management Console offered by Port25 for management of multiple PowerMTA servers. PowerMTA is well known name among email marketers. It's the MTA (mail transfer agent) that intelligently and efficiently delivers large volume of emails, allowing for maximum delivery and response. It's practically not feasible for email marketers to use ESP (email service provider), owing to their high charges which reduces ROI to null. Also the documentation offered by Port25 is intimidating for beginners who want to get started with PowerMTA. Therefore, I created this course for anyone willing to learn PowerMTA. You will also learn to configure modern mail protocols (DMARC, DKIM, and SPF) and the best security practices.PowerMTA Management Console is one stop tool to monitor your multiple PowerMTA servers from one place."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Professional Accredited Angelic Healing Practitioner Course" |
"This is an Extensive Professionally Recognised Training Course that will enable you to become an Angelic Healing Practitioner. The course is very thorough and covers the roles of the Angelic Realm in our lives as well as showing you how to connect with them and work with them. They are here now at this time to support humanity to shift their frequency as we have now entered the Age of Aquarius. More and more lightworkers are waking up and the angelic realm want to show us ways to work with them.This healing modality was shown as a way of making that unique and powerful connection back to the light, it is our divine right to walk in the light as fully empowered, compassionate beings. Once you make the step to becoming a lightworker the angelic realm take note, its like a light bulb lights in the heavenly realms and you are then supported in your journey for as long as you choose to be part of it. The Angelic Realm cannot intervene unless they are asked so they have been waiting patiently for people like you to decide to make a difference in peoples lives. For that they honour you.Enjoy the journey Namastexx"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Professional Accredited Earth Angel Course" |
"In this comprehensive angelic course, we will focus and learn about the Earth Angels who were born onto the Earth with a special soul mission. Do you often look up to the stars and wonder where home is?Do you feel somehow that you don't belong here?Have you always felt different to everyone else?Have you always had a strong sense of right and wrong, even as a child and got upset when people mistreated others, animals and nature?The chances are that YOU could be an Earth Angel!The course contains a 37 question comprehensive questionnaire for you to take to see if you may be an Earth Angel.We will look at the characteristics of Earth Angels to help you identify with them and give you guides to show you how you can cope with life in relationships, friendships, the workplace and spirituality by understanding yourself better.You will have practical acitivities to develp yourself spiritually and you will be taken through some beautiful meditations to connect you with your higher angelic self. Above all you will get a sense of peace and feel the love and connection from the angelic realm as you work through it. blessings and loveTania x"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |