Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"A Practical Approach to Building a Learning Culture" |
"Learning at the speed of business means we have to rethink our approach to learning. Traditional training methods won't cut it. This course provides the answer: Practical ways to leverage the power of your organization's learning culture. It provides the underlying philosophy and practical methods to implement six effective programs that are guaranteed to enhance your organization's ability to get business results in the long run. Varying in complexity, you'll be able to prioritize with your organization and begin implementing right away. As a free bonus along the way, you'll learn a straightforward training design method that will ensure your next training project is your best one yet."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX): Top Down Risk Assessment Part 2" |
"Concepts for an accounting top down risk assessment can be well defined, but execution of a true top-down risk accounting risk assessment is still a challenge. The requirement of Auditing Standard 5 (AS5) to consider multiple risk factors complicates the process. Organizations will often struggle with the best method to properly evaluate their accounts to determine those which present the potential for a material misstatement.This course focuses on the methodology steps reviewed in Segment One of developing a top-down risk assessment. We delve further into understanding how to examine entity-level controls and their importance on determining account significance. We review the steps outlined in Segment One and apply those steps towards two separate scenarios. This allows the participant to think through the process and application and to examine how a scoring methodology may be beneficial within their individual process."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Real-World Excel Cases from Work - Part 2" |
"This course serves as a refresher for all professionals who need to sharpen their Excel skills for professional use. It presents 10 cases which have been collected directly from real working environments. These cases will teach you how to leverage Excel in the real world.For these cases to be relevant and organized, the course first provides a unique view of the Body of Knowledge (BOK) of Excel created by the instructor, which is a first in Excel training and publications. The BOK illustrates the usual learning path of an Excel learner, naturally from basic to intermediate, and then on to advanced to expert levels. The BOK documents the essential components of Excel, such as cells, sheets, files, tables, formulas, commands, macros, pivot tables, and power suite, and is open ended with the top level embracing more esoteric skills and future developments in Excel.Under the guidance of the BOK, all cases are tailored to the corresponding knowledge level so that the learner may ascertain which areas they are good at and which require a bit more work. For each case, the course illustrates what the issues are, why the issues exist, and how to solve them. The course also encourages contributions from the audience who believe there may be better ways of resolving these issues. Those suggestions from the audience will be shared and acknowledged in future parts of the series.This course covers the following:Identify key components in the EXCEL body of knowledge (BOK) created by the instructorExplore features of TEXT functions in EXCELExplore the means of getting file names and sheet namesExplore how to make simple Visual Basic for Applications (VBAs) by using the Macro RecorderDiscover examples to deploy batch processing when working in EXCELExplore ways to synchronize charts in dashboard reporting.If you would like Continuing Education Credit (e.g. CPE, CE, CPD, etc.) for this course, it is available if you take this course on the Illumeo dot com platform under course title: EXCEL Challenges (Part II): Real Cases from Work. Illumeo is certified to provide CPE in over two dozen different professional certifications covering finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, HR, and more. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an approved-by-the-governing-body CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform. Go to Illumeo dot com to learn more."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Cryptography" |
"This course is a beginners guide to cryptography and imparts to the beginner a basic understanding of the science. We cover the terminology, process and mechanics of cryptography and as well as how to put the understanding together with a view to protecting data, an important understanding for those who deal with sensitive corporate/customer information.This course covers the use of cryptographic systems with knowledge of the basic concepts involved, but without needing deep technical knowledge of the subject."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Speaking Skills for life" |
"Personal branding, career progression and success can all be helped by having the ability to speak in public! This programme is a combination of video, self reflective learning and notes - speaking confidently in public is a life skill that we all can and should pay more attention to and learn to develop further."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Get Certified Solidworks Expert-Part-1" |
"This is the level-1 of course which will coverage the following topics:Belts and chainsSketch blocksMulti-bodiesSplit tool3D SketchAdvanced WeldmentsSheet Metal Import and ModificationAll above points discuses in example videosYou can perfectly follow this course if you have SOLIDWORKS versions 2017, 2018,2019 and 2020.. However, this course is delivered using SOLIDWORKS 2017."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Teclado para iniciantes" |
"Neste curso voce ir aprender de forma simplificada e sem complicaes os princpios musicais importantes e colocar a mo na massa para comear a tocar suas primeiras msicas. Mtodo bem prtico com um passo a passo bem detalhado. Voc ir aprender sobre teoria musical, acordes, escalas, cifras. No final do curso o aluno j conseguir entender bem o teclado e tocar algumas canes com cifras."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Kotlin. ." |
" ""Kotlin. "". , Kotlin Android . , , , ! . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certificao em TI: Como se qualificar profissionalmente" |
"A rea de Tecnologia da Informao ou TI para ficar mais fcil de falar suficientemente grande para dedicar vrios cursos a esse tema, cada curso voltado para as suas prprias prticas, que so especficas para seus respectivos domnios, abordando os conceitos e recomendaes de um setor da indstria. Nesse curso iremos abordar as diversas possibilidades de carreiras dentro do ambiente de Tecnologia da Informao. Iremos explorar os preos do exames, mecanismos para preparao oficial e extraoficial para o exame, assim como explorar as verticais de datacenter, virtualizao, cloud computing, mensageria, segurana da informao, sistemas operacionais, redes de dados convergentes, desenvolvimento de software, banco de dados, governana de TI, gerenciamento de projetos, gerenciamento de servios de TI, normas ABNT, ISO, ISO/IEC.A proposta desse treinamento apresentar apenas o contedo necessrio para voc planejar sua carreira, sabendo exatamente onde deseja chegar, para que voc possa se preparar mais adequadamente para o mercado de trabalho. Esse um curso nico e focado em trazer uma viso geral e aprofundada de como voc deve se preparar para o mercado de trabalho. Ao longo do cronograma das liberaes desse curso, previsto para acontecerem at o ms de dezembro de 2019, iremos entregar um contedo estruturado para preparar voc para realizar a certificao oficial.O QUE ESPERAR DESSE TREINAMENTO?Canal de vdeos extras, com hangouts peridicos;Templates, documentos auxiliares, e-books, mapas mentais;Uma estrutura de vdeos com qualidade HD e tratamento de udio para o seu conforto;ANTES DE VOC SEGUIR: Esse curso para voc se voc responder SIM para pelo menos uma das opes abaixo:No dispe de muito tempo para pesquisar as diversas fontes;Deseja planejar sua carreira e seguir seu plano;Foi convocado para na rea de TI no sabe por onde comear;Quer se aprofundar no tema de certificaes, uma vez que j conhecedor de TI e deseja ir alm dos fundamentos; analista, coordenador, gestor ou consultor de TI e precisa se certificar em uma das reas da TI."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"EXIN ISO 27001: Fundamentos de segurana da informao" |
"Seja bem-vindo ao curso preparatrio para o exame EXIN ISO/IEC 27001, contedo oficial e acreditado pela EXIN.Se voc busca se especializar em segurana da informao, esse treinamento ajudar voc alcanar tanto a sua qualificao profissional quanto a sua certificao oficial, aps o exame oficial (no incluso nesse curso), voc receber o ttulo de EXIN Information Security Foundation Baseado na ISO/IEC 27001. Essa certificao sem dvida a porta de entrada para esse universo de segurana da informao. Voc aprender como lidar com controles de segurana da informao, criando poltica de segurana da informao, tratando da proteo dos dados diante de uma grande variedade de ameaas, assegurando a continuidade do negcio, e reduzindo o risco para o negcio e para a TI. Esse curso cobre diversas normas da famlia ISO/IEC 27000, incluindo as normas ISO/IEC 27002 e ISO/IEC 27005 entre outras. Se certificar nessa norma internacional de gerenciamento de segurana da informao ISO/IEC 27001:2013, ajudar voc alavancar sua carreira em TI dentro desse vasto territrio, tambm fornecer uma estrutura para beneficiar a sua organizao com o gerenciamento de um programa, incluindo as polticas de segurana da informao (PSI) com base na norma ISO/IEC 27000, ISO/IEC 27001:2013, ISO/IEC 27002:2013, ISO/IEC 27005 e outras.Sobre o curso:O curso destinado para prover conhecimentos em nvel de fundamentos nos normas ISO/IEC 27001 e ISO/IEC 27002, dando orientaes aos participantes de como se aprofundar nas estruturas dessas normas e como seguir uma carreira de sucesso na rea de segurana da informao, assim como avaliar o conhecimento prvio e final do aluno ao longo desse treinamento. O curso abrange aulas online gravadas, exerccios com perguntas e respostas, canais para discusses abertas entre alunos e facilitador, alm de contar com dois simulados que iro atestar suas capacidades antes de voc realizar o seu exame oficial.O que esperar desse treinamento?02 simulados, seguindo o estilo do exame oficial; Suporte online do professor com prazo de resposta em at 48 horas teis; Atividades prticas inseridas ao longo das aulas com demonstraes reais; Blog com artigos e leituras complementares; Canal de vdeos extras, com hangouts peridicos; Templates, documentos auxiliares, e-books, mapas mentais; Contedo interativo para voc se aprofundar no tema ao final de cada aula; Atividades prticas inseridas ao longo das aulas com demonstraes reais; Antes de voc seguir adiante:Esse curso para voc se voc responder SIM para pelo menos uma das opes abaixo: No dispe de muito tempo para se preparar para o exame oficial; Deseja iniciar carreira em segurana da informao ou mesmo rever conceitos; Foi convocado para realizar aes voltadas para a esfera de controles de TI; Faz parte de uma equipe de segurana da informao;Se tornou supervisor, coordenador ou gestor de TI; gerente de TI e deve arquitetar a implementao de boas prticas de SGI e polticas de segurana; analista, coordenador, gestor ou consultor de TI busca se aperfeioar na rea de gesto de TI.A proposta desse treinamento apresentar apenas o contedo necessrio para voc se certificar em EXIN Information Security Based on ISO/IEC 27001 (ISF), caso voc no tenha conhecimento prvio basta seguir os vdeos e realizar os exerccios. Se voc j tem mais de dois anos de experincia em qualquer funo dentro da rea de TI, certamente voc no encontrar muita dificuldade para acompanhar o curso de nvel fundamentos justamente porque as terminologias declaradas pelo nvel desse exame j estaro inseridos nas suas rotinas. Mas no subestime o curso e nem a certificao EXIN Information Security Based on ISO/IEC 27001 (ISF) pois j vi muitos profissionais com mais de dez anos de profisso tcnica e at em nvel gerencial ficarem totalmente perdidos quando se trata de boas prticas, processos, terminologias e aplicabilidade desses conceitos.Se voc no tem nenhuma experincia com TI, ainda assim ser capaz de se preparar para a certificao EXIN Information Security Based on ISO/IEC 27001 (ISF), porm haver uma curva maior de aprendizado. Esse curso para quem j lida diariamente com TI e precisa se certificar em um prazo curto de tempo, sendo assim iremos abordar exclusivamente os tpicos que o SYLLABUS cobra do candidato durante o exame.Os nossos nossos objetivos ao lanar esse curso: Ter uma misso social de transferir conhecimentos a um valor acessvel; Entregar um contedo de qualidade e unificado em um s treinamento; Preparar novos profissionais para o mercado de trabalho; Reciclar especialistas no assunto de GSTI abrindo novos horizontes; Descentralizar o poder da informao concentrada em uma minoria de profissionais; Elevar o nvel da competio entre profissionais com baixo poder financeiro para cursos caros; Fortalecimento de um grupo de debate para estudantes e profissionais interessados em ITIL; O curso passar a ser parte de um guia de bolso para o aluno, sendo sua base de consulta online. "
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"GovStorming: Implantando Governana de TI" |
"Seja bem-vindo(a) ao acervo digital do projetoGovStorming.Esse contedo faz parte de um projeto que une dois termos importantes na atualidade, Governana de TI e Brainstorming. Nossa misso por meio desse projeto disseminar conhecimentos de nvel ttico e estratgico a quem desejar. Estamos empenhados em proporcionar todos os meses, a disseminao de novos conhecimentos nos mais diversos campos da governana de TI, olhando para todas as boas prticas de mercado, como ITIL, MOF, COBIT, PRINCE2, PMBOK, DevOPS, CMMi, Risk-IT, Val-IT, VeriSM, SIAM, BiSL, Scrum e Famlias de normas tcnicas como por exemplo: ISO 20000, ISO 27001, ISO 21500, ISO 38500, ISO 22301. No se limitando apenas as boas prticas e normas, mas indo no contexto da aplicabilidade em cenrios de TI, focados em Datacenter, Computao em nuvem (cloud computing), virtualizao (servidor, redes e armazenamento) assim como algumas verticais de segurana e projetos de TI.ANTESDECOMPRAR:O que far voc decidir por comprar esse acervo digital?Voc tem acesso a todo contedo e ainda emite um certificado pela Udemy;Nos encontros online, todos tero interao por vdeo e voz em grupo para de fato gerar o Brainstorming de idias;Voc ter flexibilidade para assistir aos encontros que voc no poder participar ou que j aconteceram;Todo o contedo produzido, s pode ser consultado aps o evento por meio desse acervo digital;Esse acervo contm guias, fontes, apresentaes, vdeos na ntegra e outros recursos usados durante a produo dos encontros;Poder contribuir e aprender novos temas, por meio da propagao do conhecimento disponibilizado pelos membros do projeto;Voc poder aps o evento, realizar exerccios pertinentes ao encontro, por meio de contedo inserido inseridos aqui;De tempos em tempos, iremos promover testes de nivelamentos nos diversos temas promovidos, para testar seus conhecimentos.APRESENTAO:O projeto GovStormingsurgiu de um desejo individual e voluntrio, com o intuito de fazer novos relacionamentos, compartilhar conhecimentos com um grupo de pessoas interessadas pelo assunto de Boas Prticas de Governana de TI. Aps conversar com vrios apoiadores dessa causa, percebemos que esse trabalho merecia mais ateno, desde ento, iniciamos um novo planejamento visando um evento dinmico e inovador, com viso de se tornar um encontro anual, divulgando, discutindo e interagindo exclusivamente no mbito da Governana de TI, enquanto esse projeto no se torna presencial, estamos realizando esses encontros de forma online.PERCEPO:No dia a dia se relacionando com clientes e parceiros, tanto pblico quanto privado, encontramos vrias empresas com srias dificuldades organizacionais, com o sentimento de que o departamento de Tecnologia da Informao no estratgico para o negcio. Essa percepo refletida pelo nvel de maturidade com que o setor de Tecnologia da Informao suporta o negcio da empresa. Algumas das deficincias encontradas so decorrentes da ausncia de processos estruturados de governana de TI, conceitos simples que vo desde o catlogo de servios at processos crticos que garantem a capacidade, disponibilidade e continuidade do negcio, no se resumindo apenas a esses processos de garantia e outras boas prticas de mercado.OBJETIVO:O projeto GovStormingfoi estruturado para fomentar conhecimentos de Governana de TI, com viso abrangente de projetos, normas ISO, guias e frameworks como ITIL e COBIT, VAL-IT, RISK-IT, PRINCE2, PMBOK, CMMI, SCRUM, DevOPS, alm de outros padres com reconhecimento internacional.Criado especialmente para um grupo seleto de profissionais que desejam aprender e compartilhar conhecimentos nessas reas. O projeto foi construdo com base no ciclo de vida dos servios de TI, conforme as boas prticas da ITIL, que contm cinco fases, sendo elas: estratgia do servio, desenho do servio, transio do servio, operao do servio e melhoria contnua. Nosso objetivo trazer um debate de ideias que giram em torno da ITIL e que por pequenas aes, pode-se avanar rumo a Governana Corporativa de TI para disseminar conhecimentos, permitindo que todos os participantes possam interagir, opinar e tirar suas dvidas de forma on-line.ESTRUTURA DO EVENTO:Faremos encontros online, durante 1 semana por ms, com durao de 1 hora aproximadamente por encontro, com agenda estruturada para proporcionar a interao entre todos os participantes, usando uma plataforma digital para transmisso online do contedo e interao com os participantes. Todos os meses disponibilizamos publicamente a agenda de encontros online, onde os alunos matriculados nesse curso podero acompanhar os encontros, basta acessar a plataforma no dia e horrio apropriado. Esses encontros so disponibilizados para consulta posterior apenas pelos participantes que adquiriram esse projeto."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Managing in a Multi-Generational Workplace: Defining the Gen" |
"In this first course managers learn about Generational Cohort Theory, the theory which multi-generational workplace management is built upon. Unlike stereotyping, generational cohort theory allows us to talk about generational differences from a place of academic understanding, a critical differentiator in this field.In Managing in a Multi-Generational Workplace: Defining the Generational Cohorts, we introduce Generational Cohort Theory and describe how it is used to differentiate members of todays workforce. The four generational cohorts currently in todays workforce will be defined, the influencing events of each will be discussed, and the core values and distinguishing characteristics of each will be introduced."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Preparacin del examen PMP del PMI con el PMBOK 6ta edicin" |
"La certificacin PMP es una de las ms importantes dentro del mundo de Proyectos. Este curso te permitir medir tus conocimientos mediante los 6 exmenes que contiene: Examen de Diagnstico: Con 30 preguntas desarrolladas para que de una manera rpida puedas medir tu conocimiento y diferenciar las reas que necesitas mejorar. Examen de Marco Conceptual, Alcance, Interesados : El segundo examen te permitir medir tus conocimientos sobre El Marco Conceptual, el Alcance y los Interesados mediante 40 preguntas en el cual tendrs 45 mn para resolver. Examen de Cronograma y Costo : En 40 preguntas que engloba los temas ms importantes de estas dos reas del conocimiento. Aqu tendrs 45 mn para resolver el examen. Examen de Calidad y Recursos: Este examen consta de 40 preguntas con los temas ms importantes de estas dos reas del conocimiento. Aqu tendrs 45 mn para resolver el examen. Examen de Riesgo , Adquisiciones y Comunicacin: En este examen demuestra tus conocimiento sobre estas tres reas del conocimiento. Tendrs que responder 40 preguntas tipo examen PMP en 45 minutos y obtener 70% para aprobar. Esto te servir para que sigas acostumbrndote al examen real. Es recomendable usar 1 minuto por pregunta para que tengas tiempo al final para revisar tu examen. Examen Final: En este examen demuestra tus conocimiento sobre el todas las reas. Tendrs que responder 200 preguntas tipo examen PMP en 4 horas y obtener 75% para aprobar. Esto te servir para que sigas acostumbrndote al examen real.Los 5 primeros exmenes contiene la explicacin de cada las preguntas para que sirva de referencia, adems existen preguntas en las cuales adems de la explicacin te indica la pgina del PMBOK 6ta edicin en la cual encontrars ms informacin.El 6to examen te indica la respuesta correcta pero no se ha colocado la explicacin. Esto se debe a que lo mejor para aprobar el examen es formar un criterio que te permita justificar si una respuesta es correcta o no. "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Apps Manufacturing Training Oracle EBS Manufacturing" |
"Oracle Apps Manufacturing Training with Live Meeting Support to clear your queries on every Sunday. You will receive the meeting link for the support session on every Friday to your Udemy registered mail id through Udemy educational announcement mails. From this course, you will get a clear idea ofIntroduction to Oracle Apps R12 Manufacturing, Introduction to Oracle Applications, Versions, Multi Org Structure, Introduction to P2P and O2C Cycles, Inventory Overview, Inventory Capabilities, Oracle Inventory Applications Integration, Integration of Oracle Inventory to Financials Applications, Understanding the Receipt to Issue Life cycle, Understanding Receiving Inventory, Defining Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Inventory Organizations, Units of Measure Overview, Units of Measure Class Overview, Defining Unit of Measure Class, Defining Unit of Measure, Defining Unit of Measure Conversions, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Attributes and Statuses, Assigning Items to Organizations, Subinventory Overview, Defining Subinventory, Inventory Controls, Explaining Lot Control(Item Level), Lot Control (Org Level), Explaining Serial Control (Item Level), Explaining Serial Control (Org Level), Explaining Revision Control, Explaining Locator Control, Subinventory Transfers, Explaining Move Order, Creating Manual Move Order, Creating Requisition Move Order, Requisition Move Order Approval Process, Transact Move Orders with two Methods, Miscellaneous Transactions, Restrict Subinventories, Inter-Org Transfer, Shipping Methods, Shipping Network, Transit times for Shipping Methods, Entering inter-org transfer Charges, Entering Freight Charges, Direct Inter-Organisation Transfer, Performing Reorder-point Planning, Performing Min-max Planning, Explaining Cycle Counting, Explaining Physical Inventory, Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count, Defining Cycle Count Scheduling and Requests, Introduction about BOM, BOM parameters, Resource Groups, Department Class, Creation of items and assign cost to item, Overheads and Routings, Define Discrete jobs, Define Bills, Types of Bills, Option Class Bill and Where we use item in BOM, Bill Comparison, Where we use resource in bill, Setup of Alternative bills, Introduction to WIP, WIP Parameters, WIP Accounting Class, Schedule groups, Supply Types, Supply Type Push, Supply Type Operation Pull, Supply Type Assemble Pull, Supply Type Bulk, Supply Type Panthom, OSP."
Price: 11840.00 ![]() |
"Accent reduction & Voice Articulation" |
"A Course to help people who have struggled with having a clear and concise accent when speaking English. This course is perfect for someone who has to speak English for work, online, over the phone and for travelling or just wants to improve the way they speak and have more confidence when speaking English."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Awesome Command Line" |
"The Awesome Command Line Course - Teaches you how to navigate the command line, run simple commands and understand under the hood concepts of the terminal. This is a must have for any developer. Make the best decision of your programming education and empower yourself with learning the command line. There is no prior knowledge or experience needed. All you need is a Mac or Linux computer and your enthusiasm.The reason I created this course was because throughout my teaching courses in IOS and Python, beginner programmers kept stumbling on the command line. I couldn't help but notice with a little prep your learning other languages can become so much more interesting and fun by just getting a good solid understanding of the command line.So I have strived to create this basic course with the hope that it helps you on your journey as a programmer and equips you with the beginner tools needed to make you an Awesome Programmer !This is the best course to take prior to Python and Web development. It will give you a great handle on understanding how things work under the hood while coding other things too.The best way to learn this course is watch the video and then circle back and pause and ""do"" the commands we went over in each chapter. Doing is the best way to learn and I hope you all have a lot of fun learning in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corporate Cash Management Overview" |
"In this course we talk about the corporate cash management process. We start with a review of the daily cash positioning and will examine the activities which shape the total company cash position. A natural extension of the cash positioning process is the cash forecast and we introduce this process as well.We review the options for funding, if your forecast indicates you need it, and the options for investing any excess cash to optimize the return from it while minimizing the risk and preserving liquidity.The goal of the course is to present suggestions with their pros and cons and offer practical tips to help you customize the cash management process for your own organization. This course is designed to interest a wide range of finance professionals. Those with limited experience in cash management will find the topics covered helpful to establish their own cash management function. And those with experience may hear ideas for improvement of the existing process.If you would like Continuing Education Credit (e.g. CPE, CE, CPD, etc.) for this course, it is available if you take this course on the Illumeo dot com platform under course title: Corporate Cash Management Overview. Illumeo is certified to provide CPE in over two dozen different professional certifications covering finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, HR, and more. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an approved-by-the-governing-body CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform. Go to Illumeo dot com to learn more."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduo ao Caf 2.0" |
"Nesse curso online, voc vai construir a base necessria para sair da etapa de um mero apreciador de cafs para dar seu primeiro passo para entender de caf. O objetivo que voc conecte informaes importantes sobre as etapas de produo dessa bebida complexa e adorada no mundo inteiro.Estamos sempre atentos a metodologia de ensino e nosso foco produzir contedo didtico, objetivo e interessante.Fique a vontade!Liberamos algumas aulas gratuitamente pra voc!Nos vemos l dentro,Daniel TeixeiraCEO - Barista Wave"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"O Guia Completo e Descomplicado da Lei da Atrao" |
"O que pedimos para o mundo exatamente o que ele nos traz. Cada fragmento da sua realidade por mais dolorosa que seja veio com um PROPSITO e voc a atraiu.Nosso pedido no vem daquilo que dizemos conscientemente, e sim daquilo que est cravado em nosso subconsciente (nosso crebro emocional)Numa linguagem simples e objetiva, a palestra ensinar voc a se conscientizar sobre sua programao antiga, e saber exatamente quais aspectos estavam limitando o seu progresso.Depois feito uma reprogramao fortalecedora e consciente; e fechamos com o processo de manifestao dos seus pedidos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como Mudar TODOS os Seus Hbitos" |
"Toda a nossa vida formada por hbitos, emocionais e comportamentais. Estes hbitos moldam os resultados que temos em nossas vidas. Mudando os nossos hbitos, mudamos os resultados. Portanto, de EXTREMA importncia compreender profundamente como funciona um hbito, e o que preciso fazer para mudar hbitos limitantes e inserir novos hbitos positivos em sua vida.O Curso tem como foco promover para o aluno a ESSNCIA do que ele precisa saber para promover mudanas grandiosas em sua vida, tudo sempre aliada a PRTICA.O curso bem dinmico, unindo sempre a teoria com exerccios prticos ao final de cada aula."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Os 4 Pilares para Desenvolver Inteligncia Emocional" |
"O curso dividido em 4 Pilares/Mdulos:1 - Deteco: No primeiro mdulo do curso ns nos aprofundaremos na compreenso de como voc foi programado na infncia, e como isso continua moldando de forma inconsciente os seus comportamentos e autoimagem enquanto adulto.2 - Libertao: No segundo mdulo do curso voc aprender como se libertar do seu condicionamento limitante do passado.3 - Conexo a sua Essncia: Nesse mdulo voc compreender profundamente quais so as razes subconscientes que te movem tanto em nvel de prazer como de dor. E aprender a enxergar a sua face autntica.4 - Condicionamento de uma Nova Identidade: No ltimo mdulo eu te apresentarei todas as ferramentas necessrias para vocconstruir a sua melhor verso, baseada em sua essncia."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Desperte a Sua Vida dos Sonhos (e viva sem arrependimentos)" |
"Descubra como pessoas comuns esto fazendo para acabar com a Falta de Motivao na vida delas. Deixando de serem Paralisadas pelos Seus Medos na hora de seguir os seus Sonhos e ainda podendo transformar Conhecimento em Ao em 24 horas ou menos! Voc aprender no curso:1 - Acabar com a Falta de Motivao: Romper com a falta de motivao e assim reunir foras para colocar em prtica todo o conhecimento que voc tem na mente;2 - Medo: Romper com qualquer medo que possa estar te limitando de seguir seus sonhos;+CURSO BNUS: MODO FAZEDORVoc aprender como Converter Rapidamente todo o Conhecimento que tem em Resultados e Prtica, modelando a mentalidade dos fazedores."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to paint a Night Moon Reflection in Water." |
"How to paint a Night Moon Reflection in Water with acrylic Paint for Beginners, FULL lesson .Learn how to make the reflection of the moon in the water with a night sky and stars,, and long grass with high light's from the moon..Easy Techniques, step by step in real time.."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Business Emails - how to write business and informal emails" |
"It can be difficult to know how to reply to your colleagues emails. Sometimes you don't have the best words and it is difficult to explain what you want clearly. You are not sure if the person who is reading your email can understand you properly so it takes you a long time to write a short email. I will help you to make writing emails easier and faster.You will learn how to write the sentences you need for different emails - requests for information, replying to emails clearly, confirming meetings and appointments, and so much more.Take control of your email communication today and learn how to write formal and informal emails that are clear, professional and understandable. Increase your productivity with email templates that you will use at work everyday."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Past Lives Diploma - Exploring The Past To Heal The Present" |
"Study In Confidence with Dr Karen E Wells : Bestselling Instructor with over 71,000 Udemy students (over 43,000 students buying additional courses) in 177 countries!Past Lives Diploma - Exploring The Past To Heal The PresentAccredited Course enabling yourself or your clients to let go & heal the energy of Past Lives with Past Life RegressionFully Accredited Course. Accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.Explore all elements of Past Lives! This course is aimed at those who want to expand or start a business and become a Past Life Regression therapist or for those who are just curious about Past Lives. Either way, this is a fantastic course with incredible content to help others or yourselves!Our easy to learn modules include: 3 Modules of Hypnosis so you have a full understanding of what this is and what it isn't and how to use it.The Full Consultation process to establish what needs to be looked at in a Past Life6 Modules on Past Life Regression that cover: A safe placeHow to move someone into the Past Life memories Exploring the Past Life scenesDealing with the death sceneRecognising Souls, Contracts & Promises in the Past Life that may be in the client's or your life todayConnecting With Thoughts & Feelings from the Past Life & How That Affects Your Clients Life TodayResidual energy and how to clear itHealing blockagesChoice of Hypnotic Past Life Regression scriptsA video module to take you into exploring a Past Life Regression yourselfA video module of an actual Past Life Regression session that I did with a student on one of my training courses And much more!Going back into Past Lives and healing them can allow you to become free from the blockages that hold you back in life. Give that gift to yourself or others with this course today! Karen has worked in the field of Past Lives for over 12 years. As well as having a successful Past Life practice in the UK, she has also worked around the world (UK, Europe, USA, Australia, Far East) teaching the subjects of Past Lives & Between Lives. Karen was a member of the Newton Institute (TNI) training team in 2009 & 2011. She has also worked with renowned Spiritual teachers Mike Robinson & Jo Le-Rose. Combining Regression with healing techniques, this course material & techniques are not found anywhere else. Karen is the author of 2 bestselling books: Past Life Regression; Exploring The Past to Heal The Present and Hypnotherapy; A Simple Solution in a Complex World. Fully Accredited Course. Accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association. "
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Future Life Hypnosis Diploma - Moving Beyond Past Lives" |
"Study In Confidence with Dr Karen E Wells : Bestselling Instructor with over 71,000 Udemy students (over 43,000 students buying additional courses) in 177 countries!Future Life Hypnosis Diploma - Moving Beyond Past LivesFully Accredited Course - Identifying & Removing Your Blocks To Create Inner & Outer Happiness!This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.What are Future Lives? Is it this lifetime or a different incarnation in the future? Every moment of our life is governed by the decisions that we make, or the decisions we do not make. To create the life you want, that you deserve, you have to identify the limiting beliefs and blocks that hold you back NOW and stop you from creating your future as you want it. This course covers creating what you want in THIS LIFE & Future Lives. This in depth course covers: Introduction to your Future Life Hypnosis Diploma CourseWhat Are Future Lives Looking forward in this Lifetime & Future IncarnationsWhat is HypnosisIdentifying Your Limiting Beliefs and BlockagesKarmaYour 2 Paths In This LifetimeFuture 2 Path Hypnosis sessionFuture LivesFuture Life Hypnosis sessionFocussing on your StepsMoving Forward to Create Your New LifeAnd Much More....! This course is a gift to yourself on your own inner journey! Karen has worked in the field of Hypnotherapy, Past Lives & Future Lives for over 12 years. As well as having a successful private practice in the UK, she has also worked around the world (UK, Europe, USA, Australia, Far East) teaching the subjects of Hypnosis, Past Lives, Between Lives & Future Lives to hundreds of students. Karen was a member of the Newton Institute (TNI) training team in 2009 & 2011. She has also worked with renowned Spiritual teachers Mike Robinson & Jo Le-Rose. Combining Regression with healing techniques, this course material & techniques are not found anywhere else. Karen is the author of 2 bestselling books: Past Life Regression; Exploring The Past to Heal The Present and Hypnotherapy; A Simple Solution in a Complex World. This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Interactive Programming in Python" |
"The goal of the course is to introduce students to Python Version 3.x programming using hands on instruction. It will show how to install Python and use the Spyder IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for writing and debugging programs. It doesnt matter if youve had no programming experience whatsoever. This course starts with the bare bones of python, showing you everything from scratch. If you are looking to Learn the Python programming language with a hands on approach, then have come to the right place.Spyder is the Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment:a powerful interactive development environment for the Python language with advanced editing, interactive testing, debugging and introspection featuresand a numerical computing environment thanks to the support ofIPython(enhanced interactive Python interpreter) and popular Python libraries such asNumPy(linear algebra),SciPy(signal and image processing) ormatplotlib(interactive 2D/3D plotting).We'll teach you basics of python, how to program with Python Scripts andhow to work with files!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap 4 Theme Development Masterclass" |
"Do you want to create professional and great looking HTML5 themes?Then this course is for you.You will learn how to create amodern responsivetheme using the Bootstrap framework. We will proceed from scratch and by means of an intuitive iterative process.This means that we first create a basic structure for our theme which we will further refine to achieve an awesome result.The features of the theme created with this course include:* Fully responsive on any device.* High resolution with Retina support.* Clearly defined color scheme.* Typography used the smart way.* Parallax and animation effects to enhance user experience.* Portfolio gallery by means of the Isotope plugin.* Flickable testimonials section using the Flickity plugin.* and more...There are lots of facets of web development which we will cover. So let's start today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Develop Competitive Plugins for WordPress and WooCommerce" |
"Do you want to create succesfull WordPress and WooCommerce plugins?Then this course is for you.You will learn how to create WordPress plugins and WooCommerce extensions the easy way.We will start with a ""Hello World"" example and build our way up to real world plugins.In fact, I'm a plugin author on CodeCanyon and have many years of experience with WordPress and WooCommerce.I'll share lots of useful insights and tricks which I have learned through my career.We will discuss all the facets of plugin development. We will:install WordPress and WooCommerce on localhost in a standard and recommended way for plugin development, start with basic and simple subjects first and then build our way up,build a Scroll To Top Button plugin with admin settings as well,build a lite version of the successful and competitive plugin WooCommerce Free Gift,show how to upload our plugins to the official WordPress listing and to CodeCanyon.discuss the plugin localization process."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python on the Backend" |
"Do you know Python and want to take it to the next level? How about writing a website in Python, or an API so your fellow developers can consume in JSON over simple HTTP. With the boom of microservices and API, developers who are used to working with Python writing scripts can now take their knowledge to the backend. This course will teach you the basic of web servers, how to setup the Python Web server and write interesting cool applications on the backend. By the end of the course you will be read to take on the world and write your own services and APIs, read and write from databases, do sophisticated load balancing on your Python services, work with Jupyter notebooks and much much more!"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Windows 10 - Instalacin y configuracin (desde cero)" |
"Windows 10es uno de los sistemas operativos mas utilizados del mundo, y tu puedes aprender en este curso como instalar Windows 10 de manera efectiva en cualquier equipo, todo esto de manera sencilla y en poco tiempo. Qu vas a aprender? En este curso aprenders todo lo necesario para realizar una correcta instalacin de Windows 10 ya sea en un contexto personal o empresarial.Conoceremos los requisitos mnimos para instalar Windows 10 en tu equipo y ademas te dir como y cuando es necesaria la instalacin del sistema operativo en tu equipo, al final del curso sabrs de manera bsica como diferenciar fallas en cualquier equipo tanto en el hardware (partes fsicas de tu equipo) como en el software (sistema y aplicaciones) para que as por tu propia cuenta puedas determinar si al reinstalar el sistema se solucionara el problema del equipo.Veremos como reinstalar el sistema por completo sin perder nuestros datos, realizaremos copias de seguridad de todos los datos y controladores controladores del equipo an cuando no sea posible iniciar el sistema operativo, es decir, no importa si el Windows instalado en tu equipo esta completamente daado o tiene contrasea, tu seras capaz de recuperar todos tus datos.A quin est dirigido? Cualquier persona con conocimientos bsicos sobre el uso de un computador puede aplicar este curso.Estudiantes que dependen del buen funcionamiento de sus computadores para realizar sus labores.Usuario domestico que necesita reinstalar el sistema operativo de su equipo sin perder sus datos personales.Empresario o trabajador que requiere instalar el sistema operativo de su equipo sin perder su valiosa informacin.Estudiantes de sistemas que estn iniciando la carrera y que quieren aprender de manera efectiva como instalar WIndows de manera profesional."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |