Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"[2020] DevOps Essentials em Portugus" |
"Este curso ir fornecer informaes gerais e fundamentais do que e o que no DevOps.No um curso de uso de ferramentas de software. No um curso de implementao de entrega contnua. Este curso faz parte da srie que eu criei chamada; ""atinja a certificao."" Nele voc ter a oportunidade de compreender a importncia de DevOps, um pouco de mapeamento com Scrum e outras tcnicas. Este um curso que vai ajudar voc a entender DevOps como cultura, sua histria, seu uso. Neste curso h um captulo que explica como voc pode simular com Legos um ambiente de desenvolvimento e problemas operacionais at a chegada da cultura DevOps onde tudo muda."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript Console Object Ultimate Guide" |
"Debugging is an essential part of frontend development. Most of the developers are using the most famous function""console.log()"" to debug and log everything. But majority of these developers are not aware of the real power of console object.In this course, all of the functionalities of console object is covered with concrete examples. You will discover the new oceans behind the console object.Enhance your JavaScript Skills"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tax Minimization Strategies When Computing Corporate Taxable" |
"This course covers the computation of corporate taxable income, including:The corporate tax formulaAccounting period and methodsWhat is included in incomeTax treatment of capital gains and lossesSec. 1231 and Sec. 291 GainsCost Recovery deductions, including immediate expensing and bonus depreciationAmortization of organization and start-up costsCharitable Contribution deductionDividends Received Deduction"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Tax Minimization Strategies When Computing Corporate Tax Exp" |
"This course covers the computation of corporate taxable expense, including corporate tax compliance issues and the computation of the corporate tax expense.We also look at items that may reduce the effective tax rate including Domestic Production Activities Deduction and various business tax credits.Learning ObjectivesExplore the compliance issues relating to the filing of a corporate tax return, including the requirement to reconcile financial and taxable income on Schedule M-1Explore how to compute corporate estimated tax paymentsRecognize the importance of the Effective Tax Rate versus the Statutory Tax Rate and what strategies can be employed to reduce the effective tax rate below the statutory tax rateRecognize the importance of the Domestic Production Activities DeductionRecognize the importance of the various Business Tax Credits"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Interviewing Techniques for the Insurance Professional" |
"This course explains the methods used by insurance claims and investigative personnel to obtain as much material information available to the insured and witnesses. The course discusses that interviews happen everywhere to everyone. The insurance professional will use techniques first developed by police and military authorities who conduct interrogations, though taking the concept of interrogation and turning it into softer and more informal interviews. The insurance professional uses various techniques for obtaining information.The course covers the following:What is the interview?When is the interview a scientific exercise?When is the interview an art form?What is the purpose of the insurance interview?How does the interviewer prepare?What is important about body language?How does the interviewer obtain control of the interview?Obligations of insurers when insurance fraud is suspected."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Investigation of a First-Party Corporate Property Insurance" |
"This course explains the methods used by insurance claims and investigative personnel to investigate a first-party property claim. The insurance claims professional must obtain as much material information available to the insured and witnesses. The course discusses how the claims professional can -- by means of the conditions of the insurance policy -- compel the insured to produce documents and appear and testify at examination under oath. The claims professional conducts his or her investigation and enters into an agreed scope of loss, statement of loss, and proof of loss.The course covers the following:How a claim is investigated.The obligations of the insured to the insured who presents a claim.The obligation to present to the insurer relevant documents.The obligation of the insurer to review and analyze relevant documents.The need for an agreed scope of loss.The preparation of the statement of loss.The preparation and evaluation of the sworn statement in proof of loss.The facts and investigation results that must be included in the adjusters reporting.The public adjuster and his or her duties to the insured and the insurer.The need to establish that conditions have been met."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Duties of an Insured Presenting a Property Claim" |
"This course explains that the first party property insurance policy places multiple conditions on the person or entity insured to, at the very least, cooperate with the investigation of the insurer and to treat the insurer with good faith and fair dealing. The duties include, but are not limited to, giving prompt notice to the insurer, protecting the property from further damage, permitting the insurer to inspect the property, producing books and records, assisting the insurer in creating a scope of loss, producing documents and submitting a sworn statement as proof of loss. If the insured and the insurer cannot agree on the amount of loss, they must submit to appraisal a form of arbitration limited to establishing the amount of loss.The course covers the following:The duties a policy of first party property insurance imposes on the insured.The duties are basically a requirement that the insured fulfill all policy conditions.The use of an appraisal to resolve disputes over the amount of loss.The Concealment, Misrepresentation, or Fraud condition of the policy and how the insured can avoid its use to defeat its claim.The hazard faced by an insured who fails to fulfill the conditions of the policy.The need of the insured to prove his or her loss.The use of a public insurance adjuster.How the covenant of good faith and fair dealing assists the insured who does not fully comply with policy conditions."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Insurance Examination under Oath (EUO)" |
"This course explains that one of the most important conditions of the first party property insurance policy is the condition that requires the insured to produce documentation and submit to an examination under oath. The examination under oath can assist the insured if their documentary evidence was destroyed in a loss for the purpose of proving their loss by sworn testimony. In addition, the examination under oath allows the insured to testify to the insurer facts that will hopefully eliminate suspicions that the insured is attempting fraud. The course also explains why failure to submit to the examination under oath is sufficient to allow the insurer to declare the policy void and deny the claim presented.The course covers the following:The duties of an insured to submit to an examination under oath.The duties of an insured to submit documents that establish or support the claim.The fact that the examination under oath condition is a condition precedent to indemnity.That the examination under oath condition is hoary with age and has been an honored part of the policy list of condition that must be obeyed.That any false statement at examination under oath is sufficient to allow the insurer to void coverage.That the named insured or any person who is an insured must submit to examinations under oath.That the purpose of a cooperation clause is to enable the insurer to obtain all knowledge and facts concerning the cause of the fire and the loss involved while the information was fresh in order to protect itself from fraudulent and false claims."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Successfully Present a Commercial Property Insurance" |
"No business can operate profitably without insurance to protect it against contingent or unknown catastrophic losses. By spreading the risk among many businesses, insurers can charge reasonable sums to protect against losses to the business or its real and personal property.As you listen to an internationally recognized insurance coverage lawyer, author, consultant and expert witness explain how to gather the information necessary to present a claim to your insurance company and collect the information required to effectively present a claim to gain full indemnity, you will be convinced you can do so with minimal or no assistance."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Marketing: Todo lo que debes saber para conseguir resultados" |
"Te gustara poder cobrar ms por tus servicios? Piensa y ejecuta como Marketinero!Asesora a tu cliente dominando las 4 variables estratgicas de cualquier negocio, convirtete en su consultor de marketing integral, y duplica o triplica el valor de tus honorarios.Quieres profesionalizarte y ofrecer servicios de consultora de negocios? Podrs cobrar desde U$S1000 al mes para ayudar a las empresas y emprendedores a definir y ejecutar su estrategia integral de negocios.Si eres Trafficker o Community Manager, puedes aumentar el valor de tus honorarios, ayudando a tu cliente a tomar las decisiones ms importantes en su negocio. Tus clientes valorarn ms el plus que puedas brindarles entendiendo su negocio y ayudndoles a definir una exitosa estrategia comercial y de marketing. El Marketing online, viene despus, y tambin cobrars por eso! Si tienes que desempearte en el rea de marketing de una empresa o o quieres adquirir nuevos conocimientos, este Curso te prepara con una base slida en Marketing, para desarrollar y ejecutar estrategias (online y/u offline) para los productos y servicios en la nueva economa 4.0Este Programa te otorga el conocimiento y las herramientas necesarias para ejercer las funciones de un profesional del Marketing; ofrecer servicios de consultora y asesora de negocios, mejorar tu posicin laboral dentro de la empresa; concretar el sueo de ejecutar un emprendimiento propio en forma rentable y sostenida en el tiempo.CONOCIMIENTO Y HERRAMIENTAS!... para ejercer las funciones de un profesional del Marketing.Est abordado de forma didctica, sin mucha teora complicada, con los puntos claves abordados con claridad y anclando SIEMPRE! cada concepto con ejemplos prcticos y reales de Empresas de Latinoamrica y del Resto del Mundo. Se abordan ms de 40 casos de empresas (muy exitosas y otras que han fracasado! para aprender de sus errores) y de esta manera ilustrar los conceptos a medida que se van enseando.La gran mayora de estas compaas se encuentran en mi extensa lista de clientes con las que he trabajado como Consultor.Este Programa en Universidades de Argentina tiene un valor de U$S 300 aprox.Ahor tienes la posibilidad de realizarlo en forma online con mi tutora permanente, por mucho menos $$! Aprovech YA!BONUS TRACK 1 ! Adems recibirs material adicional (+30 Ebooks!) de mucha utilidad para tu desempeo profesional en los negocios. Valor Real: U$S 350.- Con esta oferta GRATIS!************************************************************************************************************************************************************DEL MARKETING MASIVO AL MARKETING DE LA CUSTOMIZACIN:Aplicacin, naturaleza y alcance del marketing. Desterrando Mitos acerca del Marketing. Evolucin del concepto de marketing y del mercado. La estimulacin de deseos y la creacin de demanda. Del ""Marketing masivo"" al ""Marketing Personalizado"". Caso CHATITAS EXPRESS y Caso SUZUKI FUN.MICROMARKETING:Qu es el Marketing y qu no es? Qu es un ""Mercado Potencial""? Cmo se delimita y define correctamente un mercado? Caso limpiador CIF. El ambiente del comercializacin donde se desarrolla un negocio: Microentorno y Macroentorno. Fuerzas competitivas y variables incontrolables. Estrategia de ""anticipacin"" y ""adopcin"" empresarial, a las fuerzas competitivas. Caso Desodorantes REXONAESTRATEGIAS DE PRICING:Funcin del precio en las estrategias de marketing: percepcin, importancia y objetivos. Definicin de precios segn costos, demanda y competencia. Adaptacin del precio (Zonas geogrficas, descuentos, etc.). Casos prcticos de fijacin de precios en mercados competitivos. Tcnicas de fijacin de precios (Psicolgicos, Pronto Pago, Precio de Combo, Precio redondeado, Precios financiados, Por familias de producto.) Ventajas y Desventajas. Cundo es recomendable aplicar estas estrategias?SEGMENTACIN:Qu es la segmentacin? Comparacin con las ""TRIBUS URBANAS"".Para qu sirve? Por qu es importante segmentar? Caso FORD. Requisitos para crear Segmentos de Mercado efectivos. Cmo saber si un emprendimiento/negocio tendr xito? La canibalizacin de 2 productos en un mismo segmento: Caso nuevo FORD KA. Criterios y Variables de segmentacin. Caso UNICENTER SHOPPING. Bases para una Segmentacin eficaz. Criterios de Segmentacin: Objetivos, Subjetivos y Especficos. Segmentacin por Intensidad de Uso, Frecuencia de Uso y Beneficio buscado: Caso GIMNASIOS DE FITNESS.ESTRATEGIAS DE SEGMENTACIN:Indiferenciada, Diferenciada y Concentrada. Ventajas y desventajas de cada estrategia. Cul es ms conveniente utilizar? Caso RENAULT. Caso CARREFOUR EXPRESS. Caso DIA %. Caso MOVISTAR. Caso Mc DONALDS.Caso SOLO EMPANADAS. Caso El NOBLE.SEGMENTACIN CONCENTRADA: LA ESTRATEGIA DEL NICHO.Qu sucede cuando un emprendimiento adopta una estrategia de nicho?Caso SUSHI CLUB. Caso BIG & TALL. Caso LA FBRICA DE PIZZAS.Riesgos de la diferenciacin por precio. La corta vida del precio bajo.PROCESO DE DECISIN DE COMPRA:Cmo compran los consumidores? Caso SHOPKINS. Factores que influyen sobre el proceso de decisin de compra: Motivacin y personalidad, Percepcin, Aprendizaje y Experiencia, Actitudes y Preferencias, Caractersticas demogrficas y psicogrficas. Grupos sociales, Familia, Influencias personales, Clase social. Medicin del nivel socioeconmico. Identificacin de roles en un proceso de compra. Caso DENTFRICOSESTRATEGIA DE PRODUCTOS:La adecuada combinacin entre aspectos tangibles e intangibles. Niveles de Concepto de Producto: el commodity vs el producto que genera diferenciacin. Cartera de productos. Definicin de LONGITUD, PROFUNDIDAD y AMPLITUD de una lnea de productos. Mix de Productos. Caso COLGATE. Bienes de Comparacin. Bienes de especialidad. Bienes no buscados: Cules son y cmo es la estrategia de comercializacin? Relacin del ciclo de vida del producto y de la marca con las estrategias de Marketing. Estrategias y tcticas para cada una de las etapas del Ciclo de Vida.ESTRATEGIAS DE CANALES DE DISTRIBUCIN:Qu funciones pueden desarrollar lo intermediarios para generar valor en la cadena de comercializacin? Caso EASY, Caso GARBARINO, Caso FRVEGAPOSICIONAMIENTO:Qu es el Posicionamiento? Para qu sirve? Cmo definir un Posicionamiento exitoso? Estrategias para posicionar un producto/marca/servicio/nombre.El riesgo del Posicionamiento hbrido. Caso FARMACITY. Estrategia de Reposicionamiento. Cundo es necesario reposicionar mi producto/servicio?BRANDING:Qu valor tiene una marca para un emprendimiento? Branding y personalidad de marca. Compramos un conjunto de smbolos que construyen una imagen. La importancia de la marca personal. Ventajas de una marca para la Empresa y para el Consumidor. Estrategias de marcas. Caso COCA-COLA. Marca Unica. Marcas Mtiples. Segundas Marcas. Alianzas de Marcas y Cobrading. Cundo es til realizar un Cobranding o Alianza? Caso Intel. Caso FORD y NIKE. Caso PHILIPS. Caso NIVEA. Marcas del Distribuidor y Marcas Privadas. Marca Vertical: Siguen existiendo? Qu particularidad tienen?MARKETING DE SERVICIOS:Qu sucede cuando no podemos tocar los productos? Producto vs servicios. Cmo disear una experiencia exitosa y gratificante de servicio al cliente? Qu es un ""Momento de la Verdad""? Por qu es tan importante? Qu consecuencias tiene un mal ""Momento de la Verdad""? Cmo revertir un ""Momento de la verdad"" negativo? Caso RESTAURANTES. Cmo manejar adecuadamente la capacidad de oferta y demanda al vender servicios? Tcnicas recomendables. Caso HOTEL. Tcnicas de manejo de espera en Servicios. Cmo reducir el impacto negativo de las filas de espera? Caso parques temticos DISNEY y Caso MC DONALDS. Caso Restaurante KANSAS.ENFOCANDO EN EL CLIENTE 3.0:Qu es el Marketing Relacional? El cliente empoderado. Caso DAVE CARROLL. El impacto de la viralizacin en redes sociales. Cmo es el nuevo consumidor? El ROI (Return on Investment) ""manda"".LA 4 ESTRATEGIAS DEL MARKETING 1to1:Gestin del Marketing Relacional. El mtodo ""Identificar-Diferenciar-Interacturar-Personalizar"". La importancia de ""la Cultura del Dato"". Pilares del Marketing 1to1. El divorcio entre la publicidad y el anunciante.El Marketing 1to1. Caractersticas principales.COMPONENTES DE LA FIDELIDAD:La Matriz de Fidelidad. Tipologa de Clientes:MERCENARIO - TERRORISTA - REHN - APSTOLDESARROLLANDO MARKETING RELACIONAL EN MI EMPRESA:Reglas para la comunicacin 1to1. Cmo nos comunicamos con nuestros clientes? 19 acciones que usted puede empezar a aplicar hoy en su emprendimiento para desarrollar un Marketing Relacional EXITOSO!EL MARKETING EN LA ERA DE INTERNET:Internet: la plataforma del nuevo marketing directo. Comercio electrnico y negocios en internet. Caractersticas principales del e-commerce y el ecosistema digital. Cmo es el nuevo cliente online? Qu provecho le puedo sacar a internet para mi emprendimiento? El marketing mix en el marketing 3.0 Las redes sociales. El concepto de la co-creacin (Crowdsourcing). Caso DORITOS. Los 10 principios del Nuevo Marketing que propone Philip Kotler."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Tax Minimization Strategies When Computing Corporate Alterna" |
"This course covers the corporate Alternative Minimum Tax and includes a description of its computation.In this course you learn:About the various Adjustments and Preferences that are included in Alternative Minimum Taxable Income.About the ACE adjustment which is designed to increase taxable income to an amount that closely resembles financial income.That the AMT is, in fact, a prepayment of future income tax through the computation of the AMT credit."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"The Logical Framework Approach (LFA) has been a key tool for development professionals for decades, but is a source of confusion for many. More than just a box-filling exercise, it's an approach designed to create projects that get the best outcomes possible for target groups and project beneficiaries. Donors like them, too.The Log Frame also makes the project results explicit and demonstrates how we will measure them at each level. It also looks at external factors - our Assumptions - to give us a 'logic' that demonstrates how the project connects with the wider society.In just a few short videos, let me demystify the LFA so you can understand what it is, how it works and the steps to creating more effective projects."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Psychic Protection and Psychic Self-Defence" |
"This is a comprehensive course on the art and science of psychic protection and psychic self-defence.Written and presented by a practising occultist with over 25 years experience, Dr. Andy Cooper is the founder and Director of Studies of the Helios School of Esoteric Science, a Third Degree Initiate of the Western Mystery Tradition and an NLPTrainer. The course is split into three main sections:Different forms of psychic attack and identifying when a psychic attack might be occuringBoosting your own psychic immune system to prevent and protect against psychic attacks and negative energyHow to cleanse and create protected spaces such as your home, office or meditation space.You will learn how to:Perform the famous Lesser Banishing Ritual of the PentagramPerform the Middle Pillar ExerciseCleanse spaces of negative energyPerform Tarot Rituals of protection and empower a personal amulet for protectionCreate a crystal grid of protection"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"C# ile Temel ve Orta Seviye Programlama" |
"C# Programlama dili hakknda balang seviyede bilgi edinin. Programlamay yeni renecekler ile, mevcut durumunu daha iyi hale getirmek isteyenlerin rahatlkla takip edecei ekilde planlanm bir eitim hazrladk. Daha ileri seviye konular anlayabilmeniz iin gerekli altyap uygun bir sra ile hazrland. Bu eitimden sonra ileride yaynlanacak olan ileri seviye konular anlamakta hi zorluk ekmeyeceksiniz."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Viviendo tiempos de Transmutacin. Llama Violeta." |
"En este curso aprenders a transmutar pensamientos, situaciones y emociones, haciendo uso de la Llama Violeta. Este curso te brindar herramientas, que podrs aplicar en tu vida y ayudar a los dems, especialmente en estos momentos de cambio. Realiza las actividades a tu propio paso y tiempo, cada da es una actividad o tarea diferente, al finalizarlo, obtendrs tu certificado."
Price: 2520.00 ![]() |
"Forensic Accounting and Investigation" |
"Forensic accountants or auditors take a unique focus on performing their work.Typically, when a person with forensic experience is called in to examine financial records, it is due to suspicion of fraud, evaluation of assets, or even to track down fundamentally incorrect accounting intentional or not.As fraud continues to raise its head in business processes, forensic accountants are discovering new and unique ways to identify, examine, and support their hypotheses and investigative techniques.The work performed by a forensic specialist can be interesting and full of potential potholes if evidence isnt examined according to proper protocols and standards.In this course, we examine the many processes and roles of the forensic accountant.We discuss rules of evidence and the accountants potential need to testify in a court of law.Learners will come away with an in-depth understanding of the world of forensic accounting and the many ways in which it may differ from the typical accountants role.If you would like Continuing Education Credit (e.g. CPE, CE, CPD, etc.) for this course, it is available if you take this course on the Illumeo dot com platform under course title: Forensic Accounting and Investigation. Illumeo is certified to provide CPE in over two dozen different professional certifications covering finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, HR, and more. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an approved-by-the-governing-body CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform. Go to Illumeo dot com to learn more."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Start-up Equity and Cap Table Essentials" |
"This course provides a basic overview of equity concepts in a start-up company, focusing on corporations, and in particular, technology corporations.We start with a brief overview of equity, including a discussion of ownership vs. control in a corporation. From there, we look at differences between common stock and preferred stock. After that, we explore some of the rights to acquire equity, including stock options, warrants and convertible notes. After that, we look at company rights to re-acquire its outstanding stock, including rights of repurchase and redemption rights. Then we look at rights that track to equity, but are not rights to acquire equity, such as phantom units and stock appreciation rights.The course provides examples of authorizing common and preferred stock in the Charter, and the development of a capitalization table. We work through several examples of capitalization tables, incorporating common stock, stock options, preferred stock series, and warrants, and determine percent holdings by class, by outstanding stock, and by fully-diluted stock.If you would like Continuing Education Credit (e.g. CPE, CE, CPD, etc.) for this course, it is available if you take this course on the Illumeo dot com platform under course title: Start-up Equity and Cap Table Basics. Illumeo is certified to provide CPE in over two dozen different professional certifications covering finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, HR, and more. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an approved-by-the-governing-body CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform. Go to Illumeo dot com to learn more."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Advanced CSS3" |
"Are you looking for the best way to learn how to buildbeautiful websites with CSS3? That evenlook great on your phone?Have you taken other CSS courses, but still wonder how to code a real world website, not just some basic examples?If your answer is a big YES...Then this is exactly the course you are looking for!... Reason #1:Thecourse is completely property basedTogether we will go through the entire CSS3 Property library. Reason #2: You will not just learn how to codeCoding is great, but it's not everything that matters. That's whywe will go throughthe entire process of building and launching ourwebsite project. This includesdesigning, coding, planning, writing clean and organized code, website optimization, best practices,and so much more.Designing is really,reallyimportant.Have you seen all these beautiful and modern websites lately? Great!Because I will show you how it's done. And not just in theory, but also in practice. This is the only course on the market which focuses on both coding and designing, together.Reason #3: You walk away with a ready-to-launch websiteBythe end of the course, you will have a complete, ready-to-launch website that looks great on any computer, tablet and smartphone. Of course you get the entire code and all the images and graphical assets that I designed especially for the courseas a free download.Please check out the promo video to see the final website.Reason #4: I make HTML5and CSS3easy and funWith the right guidance, HTML5, CSS3 and responsive web design are really easy to learn and use in the real world.With a bunch of random tutorials and YouTube videos? Not so much. That's why I structured this training around a cool and completeproject that's fun to code....So here is exactly what we cover in this training: Easy-to-follow and hands-on web development with CSS3. Learn every CSS Property. How to get and useimages, fonts and icons to make your website shine all for free. Responsive web design: learn how to create websites that work beautifully on all screen sizes. How to launch your website for the world to see it....Let's now find out if this course is for you. It's a perfect fitif...Student #1:You are a complete beginner with no idea on how to build a website.Student #2:You already know some CSS3from some tutorials or videos, but struggle to put together a good-looking, completewebsite.Student #3:You are a designerand want to expand your skillsin CSS3, because all your designer colleagues are learning how to code (they are smart). ...Now it's your turn to decide. This is what you get: Lifetime access to my HD qualityvideos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want.Englishcaptions for students withhearing impairment. All lectures are downloadable to make your learning experience even better. Downloadable code and design assets for the entire project. You can keep this code as a starting point for your own projects. Free helpful support in the course Q&A when you have questions or get stuck....Sounds great? Thenjustclickthe Take this course"" button, and let's start this fantastic journey together!Who is the target audience?Complete beginners who want to learn how to build a professional, beautiful and responsive websiteStudents with some knowledge about CSS3, but who struggle to put together a great websiteDesigners who want to expand their skill set in CSS3"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Improve Your English With Free Resources" |
"In this course for intermediate to advanced English language learners, you will create a plan that is custom-made for your English needs and interests. You'll get over 2 hours of tips, including access to my personal list of fun language-learning resources and activities so you don't feel overwhelmed or lost. This course is perfect for you if you feel frustrated because you don't know how to study on your own,you have a hard time being consistent with your studies,you like English, but you think studying English is boring, you struggle to understand native speakers in real life or on television, oryou are an English teacher looking for more resources and techniques to motivate your students.You will learn tips and tools to improve your English on your own:Mindset: Breaking down preconceived notions and exploring new perspectives.Activities: Learning how to use dozens of activities effectively. These activities are designed to provide a well-rounded, real-life approach to efficiently improve the four major skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) in fun, interactive ways.Motivation: Setting up a reward system and creating a positive learning environment.Accountability: Using strategies and worksheets to keep yourself accountable and motivated. MEET YOUR INSTRUCTORI'm Tannia of English Challenges. As a Business English Coach, entrepreneur and digital nomad I get to travel all over the world while building my virtual business and coaching amazing clients, helping them take their English and their career to the next level. Join over 100,000 students across platforms - and lets help you speak English naturally and confidently.Most importantly, our goal is to make learning English fun for life! So let's get started today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chair Yoga for Beginners" |
"Chair yoga is an excellent way to practice yoga for many people who didn't think yoga was possible for them or during periods of recovery. Whether it is because of limited mobility, arthritis, pre or post-surgery, balance issues, or low energy, chair yoga allows people to receive the benefits of yoga while having the chair as a constant companion for support.In this Chair Yoga for Beginners course, we introduce participants to chair yoga with each class gradually building upon the next.This course is divided into five different modules:Introduction: How to get started, safety, and general stuff you'll want to know before getting started.Seated Chair Yoga Classes: In these yoga classes, we practice in the chair the entire time.Standing Chair Yoga Classes: In these classes, we typically start and end in a chair but a bulk of the postures are standing, using the chair for support.Hybrid Chair Yoga Classes: In the chair yoga classes, we start and end in the chair but mix it up doing a good portion of the postures seated and the others standing. These are longer classes.How To's: While we review how to do postures in all classes, this section lets you see the different variations and modifications for common postures and transitions you will see in class so you can see different modifications. These are great to simply watch or practice to.You will get access to our downloadable Chair Yoga Planner and Journal to help schedule and reflect on your practice and a recommended product list."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Beginner to Pro - Excel Tutorial" |
"Why this course is for youYou want to increase your Excel skills to become more efficient at work, school, or any personal project.You want to learn powerful Excel functions that will allow you to automate much of your work and make your life easier. You want to learn how to setup and format different financial setups and use advance functions to deeper analyze your data.The functions and formulas you will learn will not only teach you how to use Excel for finance, but it will teach you tools to become an Excel power user in other areas. I will teach you shortcuts and tips that will impress anyone employer.At the end of each section I have also created quizzes for you to make sure you are understanding the concepts and remember them for life!What you will learn:The basics of excel: how to input numbers, how to input formulas, and the different functions of ExcelHow to create a professional financial analysis setupBuild a common size income statementFunctions that will help you analyze your data at a deeperCreate multiple scenariosVlookup, hlookup, index & match functionsHow to build dynamic queriesFinance functions (NPV, IRR,Payback Period)How to create a macroHow to create integratedfinancial statements (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Cash Flows)How to create debt schedules and pp&e schedulesForecasting revenuesRunning a statistical regressionHow to create pivot tables and dashboardsWhat you will need:A computer, laptop, or tabletMicrosoft ExcelHunger to learn30-day money back guaranteeIn the rare case that you feel the course was not helpful or isn't for you I will refund your money up to 30 days. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Complete Excel Tutorial For Beginners" |
"Why this course is for you?You want to learn the basics of Excel for professional or personal reasons but you have little to no knowledge of how Excel works. You have heard that Excel will allow you to automate work and make your life easier but you don't know where to start. You know that a lot of jobs now require Excel skills and you want to build up your skills for these jobs.What you will learn:The basics of ExcelHow to work with the Excel interfaceHow to open and save an Excel fileHow to enter numbers and text into ExcelHow to enter formulas into ExcelHow to have your formulas automatically updateCommon Excel shortcutsCreating graphs and chartsHow to copy, cut, and paste dataDifferent formatting options and toolsHow to create a budgetCell referencingInserting images and shapesWhat you will need:A computer, laptop, or tabletMicrosoft ExcelNo prior Excel knowledge neededHunger and willingness to learn"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Curso de automaquillaje completo (Mitocadoryyo)" |
"Bienvenida/o a mi curso online donde encontrars un maquillaje de da y noche, paso a paso, junto a sus explicaciones detalladas.Con una duracin de ms de 3 horas repartidas en 17lecciones y explicado con un lenguaje sencillo pero sin dejarnos nada en el tintero.Trataremos temas como tipos de piel, prebases, correcciones, bases, contornos, tipos de rostro, productos para todo tipo de pieles, herramientas, el paso de un look de da a un ahumado de noche, teora bsica del color, las cejas y mucho ms!Destinado no slo a aquellas personas que quieran ampliar sus conocimientos de maquillaje o aprender mis pequeos trucos, si no tambin para aquellas que parten de cero.Si es muy complicado que puedas asistir a uno de mis cursos presenciales este curso online no te dejar indiferente, ya que sigue el mismo temario, apuntes y explicaciones.En el video de INTRODUCCIN tienes ms detallado todo lo que vamos a aprender en el curso.Muchas gracias y espero que lo disfrutes!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de automaquillaje: novias y eventos (Mitocadoryyo)" |
"Bienvenid@ a mi nuevo curso online de automaquillaje de NOVIAS Y EVENTOS ESPECIALES donde encontrars dos maquillajes completos de novia, paso a paso, dos opciones de labial, junto a sus explicaciones detalladas. Adems, dos temas adicionales sobre productos y consejos para novias, invitadas y maquilladores.Con una duracin de casi 4 horas repartidas en 3 partes: Parte 1 look, con 6 temas; Parte 2 look, con 6 temas y Parte 3, con dos temas; explicado con un lenguaje sencillo pero sin dejarnos nada en el tintero.Trataremos muchos temas, por ejemplo, los productos para tipos de piel de normales a secas o de normales a grasas, prebases, correcciones, bases, contornos, herramientas para profesionales y automaquillaje, el paso de un look de novia ms natural a atrevida y mucho ms!Destinado no slo a aquellas personas que quieran ampliar sus conocimientos de maquillaje o aprender mis pequeos trucos, si no tambin para aquellas que parten de cero y maquilladores profesionales que quieran perfeccionar.Si es muy complicado que puedas asistir a uno de mis cursos presenciales o no puedo ir a maquillarte el da de tu boda, este curso online no te dejar indiferente, ya que sigue paso a paso TODO lo que realizo a la hora de tratar ese da tan especial.En el video de INTRODUCCIN tienes ms detallado todo lo que vamos a aprender en el curso.Muchas gracias y espero que lo disfrutes!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teoria Guitarra & Violo" |
"O cursoEsse curso foi planejado com base nas aulas lecionadas em diversas escolas tendo em vista sanar as dificuldades dos alunos em conhecer o brao do instrumento, algo que de extrema importncia para tocar de forma objetiva, ento surgiu a anlise para as ferramentas que mais deram resultado, para ajudar o aluno. O curso tem exatamente essas ferramentas, invs de decorar um monte de acordes voc s ira utiliza-las.O curso foi separado em (Mdulos), para facilitar o estudo.No incio voc poder conhecer de forma gratuita. O mtodo aplicado de fcil compreenso, como funciona?Veja aula faa o exerccio, e depois s corrigir com o gabarito.Mdulo 1: Escala de d maior. A aula dessa escala muito importante, dela retiramos todas as formas de anlise tanto de escala quanto de acordes.Mdulo 2 :Teoria dos intervalosEsta seo para entender como a estrutura da escala maior Mdulo 3 : Escala Cromtica Com essa ferramenta poder compreender o brao do instrumento.Mdulo 4: Circulo das Quartas e das Quintas e TradesEscala Maior e seus Acidentes (b) (#)Trade Maior Mdulo 5 :Formao de acodesMdulo 6 :Acordes Sistema 5 CAGED. Trade MenorTodas as aulas contm exerccios para facilitar o raciocnio com os gabaritos. Quem pode fazer esse curso?Todos que j saibam tocar alguns acordes.Que querem conhecer o brao do Instrumento.E que estejam cansados de decorar um monte de nota."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Thai Massage Original Style from Artit (Thai Spa Manager)" |
"Welcome to leaning Thai Massage by original style from Thai people. Mr.Artit who begins from therapist in Bangkok Thailand. Letter he has developed himself to be the SPAtrainer and Manager in Bangkok and Singapore. In 2016 his working place has awards winer by Amazing Day Spa in Thailand. Then he go to training at Singapore in 2017 that place has awards winner as The best of Thai massage in Singapore 2017. In this course you will learn the sequence, The lines, the points and which parts of your body will be using on the client by safety. Have the pictures to show where is the lines and the points. Make it easy to understand. We will start with Warm up, Front legs, Arms, On the Side, Back, Head & Shoulder, Sitting, Stretching and simple clacking. After this course by your hard practice. You will able to do Thai massage confidently. Look like you come to take the massage by Thai therapist. I hope you enjoy in my course.Thank you.Artit. Roopngam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cincia de Dados na Plataforma Knime" |
"Ttulo: Introduo a Cincia de Dados com nfase em Aprendizado de Mquina utilizando a Plataforma Knime.Objetivos: Apresentamos uma introduo a cincia de dados com nfase em aprendizado de mquina utilizando a plataforma Kinme. Todos os tpicos so abordados de forma terica e prtica.Dvidas durante o curso: voc conta com a ajuda de instrutores altamente qualificados: doutores pela UFMG, pesquisadores e analistas em cincia de dados.Professor (instrutor): Srgio M. Dias Resultados esperados:O que aprenderei?:Aprenda a importncia da cincia de dados e suas principais aplicaesConhea as principais ferramentas para cincia de dadosConhea a plataforma knime, reconhecida pelo Gartner como uma das plataformas lideres em cincia de dados e aprendizado de mquinaAprenda na prtica diferentes tcnicas e etapas do processo de cincia de dados na plataforma knimeConhea os conceitos e faa prticas na plataforma knime para os seguintes assuntos:Aprendizado de MquinaPreparao dos dadosTcnicas de AgrupamentoAnlise PreditivaTarefa de classificao "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Writers Workshop: Start Writing Your First Book" |
"What students are saying: ""I appreciated that so much was covered in a short time so that anyone chomping at the bit could actually get started knowing what to look toward at completion."" ~ Peggy W.Has writing a book been on your TO-DO or Bucket List for a while? Have you been putting off writing your book because you dont quite know how or where to start? Well, wait no more. This Writers Workshop will help you get started on your journey to writing your first book.I am your Instructor, Lilia Fallgatter. I have a law degree, Im the founder of Inspirit Books and Music, I have a passion for writing, and have written books, articles, blog posts, songs, and poetry. I was once in your position and have felt both the excitement and apprehension associated with getting started on thevery first book. Heres what you will discover: Theimportance ofidentifying your purpose The importance of doing your research The process for selecting your topic The process for brainstorming content Techniques that will help get you started & will keep you going (including free-style writing, preconceived writing, meditation & visualization The importance of your writing environment How to find the support you need There is a saying that if there is something you want to do, there is no better time to start, than the present. Congratulations on taking your first step toward beginning your writing journey.Ready to start? See you online!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"How to Close the Gaps Between What You Want Versus Are Getti" |
"Many people work hard, accomplish much, and yet find themselves not getting the promotions they want, the respect they deserve, or the new job that they need. Previous courses covered the overview and the first two steps of the Road Map for Career and Job Search Success. This course focuses on the third step of the Road Map that helps you identify your Red Lights that may be derailing or impeding your career or job search.We begin with reviewing examples of what they can be and suggesting that you personally examine yourself to see what areas may need improving. However, every company and hiring manager has different opinions and priorities for what really matters to them and it may not be what you think. The challenge is to find out what decision makers think which is why we will introduce The Secret Formula, Level Two. This process will help you identify gaps that can be prioritized to help your career.Finally, after understanding what you think are your Red Lights and what others think is important, we introduce an Advisory Program that you can use for either career success or the job search to actually solicit advice that can leapfrog your journey by months and years. By closing your red light gaps, as viewed by key decision makers with their priorities, you begin the process of revolutionizing your competitive edge versus those who choose to go it alone and wonder why success is so hard.If you would like Continuing Education Credit (e.g. CPE, CE, CPD, etc.) for this course, it is available if you take this course on the Illumeo dot com platform under course title: How to Close the Gaps Between What You Want Versus Are Getting. Illumeo is certified to provide CPE in over two dozen different professional certifications covering finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, HR, and more. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an approved-by-the-governing-body CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform. Go to Illumeo dot com to learn more."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How can You Communicate with Others?" |
"Some of the hardest working, highest performing, and biggest impact employeesand job seekers are unknown, passed over, and unrewarded. Why? That's exactly what we are going to find out.Once you create your brand and value proposition, the next step is How do you communicate with others? Marketing communications is about how insiders communicate with others in a way that influencers, trusted advisors, and decision makers understand, remember, and know how to help you.We review how to craft your image (brand) and create your value proposition. Then we explain the use of stories and layered conversation. Finally, we reveal two key tools that can set you apart from your competition. The first is a marketing document and the second is a marketing action plan.With these tools and techniques, you will be ready to talk to anyone. Finally, others will learn who you are and be able to help your career success.If you would like Continuing Education Credit (e.g. CPE, CE, CPD, etc.) for this course, it is available if you take this course on the Illumeo dot com platform under course title: How can You Communicate with Others?. Illumeo is certified to provide CPE in over two dozen different professional certifications covering finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, HR, and more. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an approved-by-the-governing-body CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform. Go to Illumeo dot com to learn more."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How can You Sell Yourself to Decision Makers Part Two" |
"Getting to a Decision Maker through trusted referrals is the secret to most hiring and promotional decisions. However, once you get there, how can you sell yourself to them to close the deal (promote you or hire you)?This course discusses the use of Referral Meetings as the secret of getting into the door. Then we will review the use of how to construct and use a resume (which is really a response to a request for proposal) for employees and job seekers. Next, we discuss the sales call itself (interviewing) and how to negotiate terms. Finally, we wrap up with how to land your next position successfully and begin the process of next steps toward the next opportunity for a lifetime of career success.By applying each of the steps of the Road Map for Career and Job Search Success, you can Revolutionize Your Career Competitive Edge and take control of your future career success."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |