Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn English( English)" |
". . . This course intends to teach spoken English within a week. Many important grammar topics have been included like: Verbs, Tenses, modals, prepositions etc. Overall focus of the session is to empower you to speak fluent and correct English.If the instructions given during the training are followed religiously, one can see tremendous improvement within a week."
Price: 12480.00 ![]() |
"Negotiation Skills" |
"Although people often think of boardrooms, suits, and business deals when they hear the wordnegotiation, the truth is that we negotiate all the time. Through this workshop you will be able to understand the basic types of negotiations, the phases of negotiations, and the skills needed for successful negotiating.The Negotiation Skills workshop will give you a sense of understanding your opponent and have the confidence to not settle for less than they feel is fair. You will learn that an atmosphere of respect is essential, as uneven negations could lead to problems in the future."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Fundamentals" |
"Search Engine Optimization (SEO) FundamentalsGain an understanding of to use search engine optimization to grow your site's search engine traffic.Do you want to discover how to optimize every aspect of your website to maximise your chances of earning a high ranking in search results?Are you interested in learning Local SEO to help your brick and mortar business earn more traffic?My name is Anthony from BlackBrick training, and I have built this SEO course to help you to dominate the search engine rankings!In this SEO course, there are over 60 videos, 3+ hours of content, 6+ sections and even more.Course Benefits (What You Will Learn):Build high-quality backlinks to your site.Find the best keywords to use in your content.Optimize your content with on-page SEO.Generate more localised website traffic with local SEO.Purchase the course today, and learn how to rank your website in Google search results.Secret keyword research methods & tools.Local SEO strategies that increase localised traffic.Advanced backlink building methods that will boost your site's authority.Exclusive access to our Digital Marketing Facebook group.Written email outreach templates for earning backlinks.Best for: Creators & business owners that want to learn how to earn more organic search engine traffic."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Direccin y Gestin de Seguridad Privada Safety & Security" |
"En este curso os ensear los conceptos bsicos de seguridad, adems de aportar mi experiencia intentando hacer el curso aprovechable y entendible para personas de todas las edades. Hablaremos de la parte profesional de la seguridad, pero tambin de cmo de forma econmica, aumentar tu propia seguridad. Una vez completado el curso tendrs una visin distinta y diferente, que seguro te ser til en tu da a da.Estar a vuestra disposicin para consultas o cualquier tipo de duda relacionada con la seguridad.Preprate para una profesin de futuro. Es tu momento."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Wealthy Cryptocurrency Guide" |
"This course will teach you everything you need to know to get started with cryptocurrencies. The course will begin with an history of the development of cryptocurrencies and the key people involved. Then we will move into Bitcoin and how to use it. We will discuss some of the scams surrounding cryptocurrencies and how to research cryptocurrencies. Successful trading strategies will be discussed and how to monitor the market for both bullish and bearish trends. This course is for all levels of traders, the more you know the better your results.Thank you for choosing me as your instructor."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Classical Portrait Drawing" |
"In this course students will learn how to draw the human head theoretically, as well as directly from a model using a classical naturalistic style. The course curriculum includes four chapters on the individual constructions of the eye, nose, lips and ear to help students master the representation of each form individually. The course teaches the student how to achieve accurate head proportions and symmetry, in three different views. The final project includes a full portrait demonstration that features the use of chiaroscuro modeling to achieve a strong sense of form and atmosphere.Course features:Improve your sense of proportion and symmetry when drawing the human head.Learn how to draw accurate details when drawing specific facial features.Discover how to use light and shade convincingly to achieve three dimensional forms.Capture the likeness of your sitter when drawing portraits by learning to use the proportion system of the old masters"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Empreendedorismo & Neurocincias" |
"Neste curso ser abordado tpicos que relacionam os estudos neurocientficos com o empreendedorismo. Nosso foco ser nos seguintes temas: hbitos, criatividade e crebro social.Oempreendedorprecisater certos hbitos, muitos que ele j possui precisam ser mudados. Em nvel cerebral como funciona o hbito? Falaremos da questo da averso ao risco que comum ao psicolgico humano, mas que o empreendedor deve enfrentar.Como surge um insight? Como favorecer a criatividade em nvel cerebral? Estresse x Criatividade.Voc j ouviu falar em neurnio-espelho? Entenda melhor a conexo entre humanos e como isso pode influenciar no seu comportamento como empreendedor."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"CONECTANDO... Empreendedorismo & Neurocincias" |
"Neste curso ser abordado tpicos que relacionam os estudos neurocientficos com o empreendedorismo. Nosso foco ser nos seguintes temas: hbitos, criatividade e crebro social.Oempreendedorprecisater certos hbitos, muitos que ele j possui precisam ser mudados. Em nvel cerebral como funciona o hbito? Falaremos da questo da averso ao risco que comum ao psicolgico humano, mas que o empreendedor deve enfrentar.Como surge um insight? Como favorecer a criatividade em nvel cerebral? Estresse x Criatividade.Voc j ouviu falar em neurnio-espelho? Entenda melhor a conexo entre humanos e como isso pode influenciar no seu comportamento como empreendedor."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mindful Mediation and Conflict Management" |
"This training intends to develop your conflict resolving competencies for an intercultural and non-armed environment. We believe that Mediation is a social core skill that lies veiled within each of us. By using the term of Mindful Mediation, we want you to understand that mediation is not a single method but more likely a conglomerate of diverse competencies and skills. By promoting a constructive dialogue within an area of mutual respect and non-escalated armed conflict (previously named: culture of peace), it is intended to make the individual reflect in order to identify a personals point of view, to raise awareness towards social and political conceptions and responsibilities, and to communicate knowledge that may assist in creating enduring solutions to conflicts and tensions created by human interactions, states and organizations.To be a mediator has often been associated with being a trained and listed member of a national association. But this is definitely not the case for people who measure their skills by the fruits of their work. Mindful Mediation has far more to offer than a membership card of good standing. Mindful Mediation, as far as I understand and believe, is more likely a social competence that is to be found within every persons being. It is a basic emotional and logical necessity of a human being to live within a community or social construct. And it is also a basic necessity to communicate with each other and to enable communication within a specific group. Creating such dialogue can fix or optimize circumstances that got out of balance. I am targeting with this training to unveil this social competence to the upmost quantity of persons worldwide, which you now form a part of.Due to our proper uniqueness of each individual, all our conflicts show a similar quantity of diversity and very few similarities. Acting mindful, we will see that these conflicts need individual solutions and no stereotype proposals for conciliation. Making use of one potential solution for several conflicts may backfire. Too many variables have a direct impact on it, such as cultural and social differences, and different ways of communication to only name a few. Having understood the ordinary difficulties that result from superficial conflict resolution concepts, I investigated on apossible solution to this problem, by deep listening to my proper inner voice. What I found, was the true core and a deep understanding of mediation, namely that it lies within each of us, being totally diverse and different from all other conceptions to be found outside of oneself. Your proper conception of mediation is build on your life experiences, your educational level, your dreams and visions. So, it sounds only natural to not cut off these highly important pillars of your life that form your personality, but to include them into your educational setting. Here, Mindful Mediation turned out being something bigger, broader and deeper rather than a simple definition of mediation. That is how I stumbled upon the proper interdisciplinary character of Mindful Mediation. Due to its nature, it does not rely on techniques and methods at all, but on the historical and cultural background, on an anthropological and a sociological point of view, and on the capability of the mediator to adopt her / his social skills to the conflict and its parties. In the perplexity of this rich system of values, lies the inner core of Mindful Mediation somehow, my secret and the secret of what WMO stands for. In order to follow up on the above mentioned quote, I try to equip individuals as well as future generations with tools of Critical Thinking and Conflict Resolution skills by making you a future facilitator.This cross-border and cross-cultural training does not intend to impose a western style of Mindful Mediation on another culture. The content of this training emulsifies with the cultural background and language of the student and allows him or her to become a unique professional. In this way, I am able to offer you the only worldwide achievable training that truly respects and works with global diversity.If you feel that all this is true and highly valuable, than you may understand that to become a successful and effective mediator requires you to explore Mindful Mediations inner logic. A certain level of self-awareness and awareness regarding the environment you are living in or you are getting in touch with professionally ought be created. I believe that each of us should open her- / himself in order learn a very important lesson, namely that Mindful Mediation is also a process of healing others and of healing the society. We should try to raise the awareness of this potential skill that lies within each of us.I do not want you to study thousands of pages and endless concepts and models to be kept in mind. I want you to properly understand what the core of Mindful Mediation is, and to be able to truly work with the few topics that I will introduce to you. It will be more about self-reflection instead of enlarging the quantity of topics to be studied. The clue is the proper personal understanding of what mediation may be on a very individual basis and how it can be developed while including all the diversity that life offers. This is the true secret of my mediation, what I later on called, Mindful Mediation.This training concept grants all necessary space for you to create your own conceptual understanding of mediation. What means that my mediation turns into your mediation without injecting any sort of dogma to your mind. Therefore, this course will introduce you to self-reflection, deep listening, critical thinking, and wise speaking. Personally, I wish that this content will serve you and your environment at its best.Daniel Erdmann"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Prepare for Food Science Exam" |
"In order to prepare for the Food Science exam, we prepared 2 practice sample tests each of 20 questions. Those questions covers all areas needed to prepare for the test. This will help you refresh your information and be ready for the actual test. Within these subject areas, various knowledge and skills are tested. Heres a specific list of those concepts:I. Product Development II. Quality Assurance & Control III. Food Chemistry and Food AnalysisIV. Regulatory V. Food Microbiology VI. Food Safety VII. Food Engineering VIII. Sensory Evaluation & Consumer Testing"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Angular and TypeScript" |
"Angular now becomes a nice framework for creating Single Page Application (SPA).Understand and full-control are necessary knowledge that all developers need to know for implementing your application using Angular2 rather than just follow the sample code on the internet. This sample code was not for building the app.My mind-set in the video is clear ""let technologies serve your business purpose"". this mind-set requires new approach for transferring knowledge to you. Let discover how is it?New content will be updated soon."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Einfhrung in Datenbanken und SQL" |
"Das Videoseminar hat das Ziel, der umfassendste Kurs in deutscher Sprache fr Anfnger in der Datenbankbranche zu sein, der nicht nur Praxiswissen vermittelt, sondern auch soweit im Projekt ntig und hilfreich theoretische Grundlagen, die zum korrekten Erstellen von Datenbanken ntig sind. Er holt, ohne Vorwissen vorauszusetzen, die Teilnehmer bei null ab und fhrt sie auf ein durchaus gehobenes, industry-Standard Level: Dieser Kurs wird an 2 sterreichischen FHs eingesetzt.Auswahl und Prsentation der Themen profitieren von der 30-jhrigen Branchenerfahrung des Autors, der nicht nur Lehrbuchwissen vermittelt, sondern auch reichlich Praxistipps aus der eigenen Projekterfahrung einflieen lsst. Inhalte werden vorgestellt und anhand von konkreten Fallbeispielen mit Leben erfllt. Ein Mix aus Videos, Screencasts, einigen Textlektionen und vielen hands-on bungen gewhrleistet eine abwechslungsreiche Prsentation. Eine kleinere und eine etwas grere durchaus praxisnahe! Beispieldatenbank schlieen die prsentierten Inhalte auf, festigen das erworbene Wissen und ermglichen sicheren Umgang.Wichtiger Hinweis: Der Kurs ist aktuell im Entstehen begriffen und wird aus diesem Grund mit mehr als 45% des Preises angeboten! (Mit fortschreitendem Entwicklungsstand wird sich der Preis bis ca. Ende Oktober 2020 auf 199,99 erhhen. Wenn Sie jetzt kaufen, haben Sie dauerhaft Zugang zum Kurs und seiner gesamten Weiterentwicklung! Anm.: Durch Udemy Promotions knnen Sie eventuell sogar einen noch gnstigeren Preis erhalten.) Die Inhalte in Stichwrtern:Datenbankmodelle & -konzepte (Hierarchisch, Netzwerk, ODB, NOSQL)Das Relationale und das objektrelationale ModellRelationentheoriePraxiswissen SQLDML (select, insert, update, delete, merge)DDL (create, alter, drop)DCL (grant, revoke, deny)ProgrammierungProzedurenTriggerFunktionenSichtenAdministrationBackup & RestoreIndizes"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Lerne ein TYPO3 V9 Template zu programmieren" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du in TYPO3 ein Template erstellen kannst. Dabei lernst du den Unterschied und sinnvollen Einsatz von Partials und Sections kennen. Das Template beinhaltet eigene Inhaltselemente und Shortcodes um FontAwesome Icons berall platzieren zu knnen. Du lernst ebenfalls, wie du deine Redakteure die Mglichkeit geben kannst, direkten Einfluss auf das Template zu nehmen."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR) -" |
". . .:- - - ( ) - - - ( / ) - - - - CAR CMMI- - - Explanation of the various methods used in root cause analysis and problem resolution in the format of a powerpoint presentation. Slides are in English with speaker commentary in Arabic.Along with the video lesson, registrants will receive a collection of free templates to apply the discussed methods.Outline:Purpose of Root Cause AnalysisRecommended Methods and ToolsAppreciation (so what?)Why-Why AnalysisFishbone (Ishikawa / Cause and Effect) DiagramPareto AnalysisScatter DiagramsCausal TreeCMMI CAR Process AreaError Elimination TechniquesFailure Mode and Effects AnalysisKaizen"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR) -" |
". . .:- - - - - - - - - AHP - - - - - DAR CMMIExplanation of decision making and alternative analysis methods in the format of a powerpoint presentation. Slides are in English with speaker commentary in Arabic.Along with the video lesson, registrants will receive a collection of free templates to apply the discussed methods.Outline:Setting the stage for decision makingMindset, neuroscience, and psychologyBarriers to good decision makingRecommended Methods and ToolsConjoint AnalysisForce Field AnalysisThe Kepner-Tregoe MatrixAHP AnalysisDecision TreeGroup Decision MakingDelphi MethodStepladder TechniqueCMMI DAR Process Area"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Organizao Financeira para Pequenas e Mdias Empresas" |
"Este curso ensina a estruturar as informaes necessrias do seu negcio para acabar de vez com os ""achometros"" na tomada de decises.Porm, o foco do curso vai alm, busca oferecer uma slida base financeira para que analistas e gestores possam ter uma administrao simples e completa. E para isso, adicionei as lies aprendidas em mais de 10 anos de consultoria financeira na Dinheiro em Foco, mostrando onde as empresas erram e como evitar problemas atravs de uma estrutura robusta.Alm disso, mostraremos exemplos no sistema PowerBI (Gratuito) para automatizar os relatrios, melhorar as anlises das informaes e deixar as empresas mais competitivas e lucrativas.Este curso ter novos contedos alinhados com as dvidas dos alunos e ao longo do tempo e contar com canais de Telegram para interao com outros alunos, e acesso a contedos exclusivos !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing Grow Your Audience With Instagram" |
"Instagram Marketing Grow Your Audience With InstagramThe Ultimate Instagram Marketing Course - Start Growing Your Instagram Page Today With This Easy Guide.Build a strong Instagram account and use it to grow your business / brand and become more confident with new technology.You Will Learn All Of The Following: Learn What Instagram Is Learn Why You Should Use Instagram For Marketing Create & Optimize Your Instagram Account To Gain Followers Basic & Advanced Instagram Features Instagram Marketing Tools Grow Your Account From 0 Followers Building Your Fan Base Measure Your Instagram Success With Statistics & Insights Learn How To Earn Money From Instagram Integrate Instagram With Your Website & Social Media How To Save Your Instagram Stories FOREVERLearn How To Go Live On InstagramMake Instagram Ads To Promote Your Page, Products & Services& MUCH MUCH MORE!!!A Powerful Skill To Have Learning the skills to grow an Instagram account and use it to grow your brand / business is a FANTASTIC skill to have in this modern age, so lets start learning now.You will be able to grow a fanbase / following of people who are the next generation, ask them questions, offer promotions, discounts and grow your business / brand by making the next generation follow your posts. Content and Overview This course is suitable for beginners or professionals, there are over 60 lectures and hours of content, youll learn all of the Instagram features and you will learn how to grow your Instagram account and use your Instagram account to grow your brand / business.Starting with the basics of Instagram we will then move up into the more advanced features, we will also go over Instagram marketing & by using Instagram you will help grow your brand by reaching a new audience."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Design High Quality YouTube Thumbnails Get More Views!" |
"Design High Quality YouTube Thumbnails Get More Views!In This Course You Will Learn How To Design High Quality YouTube Thumbnails, Understand How To Use Canva To Design Professional Graphics & Make Thumbnails That Stand Out.You Will Design All Of The Following:YouTube Thumbnail DesignYouTube Banner DesignAND BONUS PROJECTS!Being able to design high quality thumbnails is an amazing skill to have in this modern age as most social media is moving to focus on video format, being able to design the thumbnails for them will be a fantastic skill to have.In this course we will focus on YouTube video thumbnail designs for every type of video that you can think of, we have covered everything - even how to use the program/website that we will be using in this course.Content and Overview This course is suitable for beginners or professionals, there are over 15 lectures and hours of content, youll learn all of the features of Canva and you will learn how to design high quality thumbnails that people WILL want to click on.Starting with a complete overview of canva we will then move on to designing our thumbnails, you can use what you make in this course on your YouTube channel or as a freelancer - I give you permission to use everything that we make in this course, you don't need to ask for permission."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Graphic Design Course Creative Projects In Canva!" |
"Graphic Design Course Creative Projects In Canva!Learn How To Design By Doing Many Projects, Including: Social Media Posts, Logos, YouTube Thumbnails And Many More!YouTube Projects Including:YouTube Channel Art DesignsYouTube Thumbnail DesignsAnd MANY More!Social Media Post/s Projects Including:Twitter Post DesignsFacebook Posts DesignsInstagram Post DesignsAnd MANY More!Social Media Banner Projects Including:Facebook Banner DesignsTwitter Banner DesignsLinkedIn Banner DesignsTwitch TV Banner DesignsGoogle + Banner DesignsAnd MANY More!Extra Projects Including:Logo DesignsKindle Cover DesignsPhoto Collage DesignsBusiness Card DesignsAlbum Cover DesignsAnd Many More!Learning the basics and advanced skills of Canva puts a powerful and very useful tool at your Reach. Canva is free and easy to learn so why don't you start now.Jobs in Graphics Design are consistent and in high-demand, the average graphics designer salary is $50,000/40,000 OR you can choose to be a freelancer and work for yourself at home.Content and Overview This course is suitable for beginners or professionals, there are over 25 lectures and 2.5 hours of content, youll learn all of the Graphics Design basics/fundamentals and you will build a strong portfolio with the designs that you make in this course. Each chapter has many new projects for you to follow along to and at the end we put your skills to the test.Starting with a basic overview of the Canva Dashboard, this course will take you through how to become a professional Graphics Designer as we work through all of the real world projects.Students completing the course will have the skills to be able to design anything they may need to design in life including : Logos, Banners, Business Cards And Many More!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Instagram Marketing Course Grow Your Page!" |
"The Ultimate Instagram Marketing Course Grow Your Page!Learn How To Market Your Instagram Account. Go From Beginner To Expert. Complete Guide To Grow Your Page!Build a strong Instagram account and use it to grow your business / brand and become more confident with new technology.You Will Learn All Of The Following: Learn What Instagram Is Learn Why You Should Use Instagram For Marketing Create & Optimize Your Instagram Account To Gain Followers Basic & Advanced Instagram Features Instagram Marketing Tools Building Your Fan Base Grow Your Account From 0 Followers Measure Your Instagram Success With Statistics & Insights Learn How To Earn Money From Instagram Integrate Instagram With Your Website & Social MediaLearn How To Go Live On InstagramBecome An Expert In Instagram Advertising How To Save Your Instagram Stories FOREVER& Much More!A Powerful Skill To Have Learning the skills to grow an Instagram account and use it to grow your brand / business is a FANTASTIC skill to have in this modern age, so let's start learning now.You will be able to grow a fanbase / following of people who are the next generation, ask them questions, offer promotions, discounts and grow your business / brand by making the next generation follow your posts. Content and Overview This course is suitable for beginners or professionals, there are over 60 lectures and hours of content, youll learn all of the Instagram features and you will learn how to grow your Instagram account and use your Instagram account to grow your brand / business.Starting with the basics of Instagram we will then move up into the more advanced features, we will also go over Instagram marketing & by using Instagram you will help grow your brand by reaching a new audience."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mditation , comment grer l'anxit ?" |
"MditationVous avez la phobies sociales ? peur de l'avenir ? Peur de manquer d'argent et d'amour ? Peur de l' inscurit ?Le regard et les jugements des autres ? Peur de lchec? Problmes pour faire des choix?Pourquoi participer mes formations ? Vous dsirez librer rellement votre potentiel ? Vous souhaitez vivre une vie que vous dsirez ? Donnez-vous l'opportunit de vous raliser, de librer le potentiel que vous avez en vous ! Peut-tre que vous avez parfois des doutes , peut-tre que vous grez vos motions de la mauvaise manire.Un manque d'estime pour vous-mme ?Alors je vous le garantis, cette formation est faite pour vous !Au bout des 90 jours vous aurez des rsultats pour mieux grer votre anxit, oui si vous tes motiver.Imaginez vous changer , vous devenez une meilleur version de vous mme .Vous allez canaliser ces problmes avec srnitsVous tes-vous dj demand Que dois-je faire de ma vie?, Quel est mon rle? ou encore Qui ai-je envie de devenir? La cl, ce nest pas dessayer dimiter les talents de quelquun dautre mais de trouver ses propres talents, dtre authentique et vrai.La premire tape est de dcouvrir quelle est cette chose pour laquelle VOUS avez du talent! Vos objectifs ne doivent pas rester des rves, vous vous devez de les atteindre pour vous panouir !Que se passerait-il si vous tiez Heureux(se) vritablement, authentiquement, heureux(se) jusquau plus profond de vous-mme ? N'tes-vous pas fatigu de dfinir des objectifs et de dcouvrir que vous devez le faire de nouveau tous les ans ?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Completed your studies and planning to look for a job?? This is a course which will help you get your dream job and assist in cracking those interview questions with tact. Not only this, the course helps you in learning SWOT analysis to begin with, so that you take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Right from making a resume to introducing you to various job portals and helping you crack that interview that you have in mind. Some samples of resume and cover letter are also given for your help to start making your own professional resume. This course also covers the group discussions, how to get discovered in the group discussion and some do's and don'ts of group discussion. You will also learn about the right body language in an interview. All the tips and tricks that you need to know before you go for that interview that you have in mind are mentioned in this course. So you can be outstanding among the competitors and ace the interview skills. Come enroll this course and check out for yourself."
Price: 5760.00 ![]() |
"Ms Project ile Proje Ynetimi ve rnekleri" |
"Bu eitimde Ms Project ile ilgili tm detaylar ileri seviyede reneceksiniz, tm sorularnz yant bulacak.Proje ynetiminde gerekli temel kavramlar, pratik bilgileri renip, MS Project ile balangtan ileri dzey seviyesinde ynetim, planlama, izleme, raporlama konularnda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.Size gerekli olabilecek esiz ve byk bir dkmantasyon. Kurs srecinde farkl kategorilerde uygulama rnekleri verilecektir.Ayn zamanda ileri eitim videolar ile konular hakknda uzmanlaacaksnz. Tm mhendis ve renciler iin eitim fayda salayacak niteliktedir."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ableton Live 10 Electronic Music Production Starter" |
"Getting Started with music production in Ableton Live 10This course is about producing your own music in Ableton Live 10 by learning the essentials, basics and foundational skills required to finish tracks. This starter course offers an overview without navigating into complicated topics that may be offered in an advanced course. It teaches the fundamentals of this music production software and how to use it to create electronic music. The skills are genre agnostic and the material can be applied to producing EDM, dance, house and more.Ableton Live 10 Suite is used in this course and although other versions of Ableton Live 10 can be used, some material may not be applicable to your version however in most cases the lesson can still be followed. For example, if your version of Ableton Live doesnt have a specific effect or instrument you may be able to use a different instrument or plugin or simply learn about the process in general. The hows and whys are paramount to process.Ableton Live 10 is a popular music production workstation used in professional and at home studios by artists at all levels. Learning how to use any DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) correctly will increase your skills and the production quality of your music as well as your workflow and the speed you can finish a song. Many DAWs offer the same or similar features and functionality just with different options and labels therefore many of these foundational skills will be applicable should you switch DAWs in the future.From an Electronic ArtistThis course is for people looking to get started in music production that have a desire for creating, recording and editing their own music in Ableton Live 10 and want to develop essential and foundational music production skills. Being an electronic music artist myself and having released a wide variety of songs across various genres including house, tech house, minimal and deep tech, tropical and EDM I have went through the learning process and have a strong understanding of what it takes from beginner to finishing and releasing songs.The DifferenceIm an established music producer with many releases on popular music platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Beatport and more. Ive released and continue to release on many labels in many genres including EDM, dance, house and more.In this course you will learn the basics and essentials of Ableton Live 10 and the tools, processes and workflows to create, record and edit music. We learn and grow together and my goal for this course is to be more than teaching, a community of learning. This course covers foundational topicsThe knowledge you will gain from this course will increase your music production skills and talent as a music producer and composer. It will increase your ability to finish songs in Ableton Live 10 and other DAWs.Enrol now and lets get started."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) 12c Admin Course" |
"Join the most comprehensive and popular ODI Admin Course on Udemy, because now is the time to get started!From Architecture, Installation, Agents, Topology, Security to Project Execution this course covers it all you need to know to become a successful ODI Admin! You'll learn all about Architecture, ODI Components, Repositories, Domains, Fusion Middleware, WebLogic Server, Topology, - and in the end: You'll have a project to ensure all the components are installed and configured properly!But that's not all! Along with covering all the steps for ODI Admin functions, this course also has quizzes and projects, which allow you to practice the things learned throughout the course!And if you do get stuck, you benefit from extremely fast and friendly support - both via direct messaging or discussion. You have my word!With more than two decades of IT experience I have designed this course for students and professionals who wish to learn (or need support) how to install fully functional Enterprise level Oracle Data Integrator with all its components and support its execution.This course will be kept up-to-date to ensure you don't miss out on any changes once ODI 12c is required in your project!Why ODI?Oracle data integrator is Oracle's flagship, High-performance bulk data movement and transformation tool. Oracle is investing a lot in this tool.ODI is a built-in batch integration tool for Oracle BI Apps 11g onwards. The current Oracle BI Apps customers will have to replace their existing ETL tools with ODI.The ELT approach of ODI with a knowledge module based modular approach makes it the most complete and scalable batch integration tool.If you are looking for a thriving career in data integration and analytics, this is the right time to learn ODI.Get a very deep understanding of ODI Admin activitiesEvery new ODI version is coming with added features. The success of ODI implementation and its performance depends a lot on how ODI Admin has installed and configured it. When installing ODI 12c at the enterprise level, Oracle recommends Enterprise installation with Web logic server, Managed ODI Server, and either Standalone collocated agent or JEE agent as they provide high availability and other benefits of Fusion Middleware. This course covers all that you need to know to successfully install ODI for your project. You will go through instructions in the video as well as a pdf document with each step shown in the video. Pay once, benefit a lifetime!This is an evolving course! Enterprise installation of ODI 12c and later future versions will be covered in this course. You wont lose out on anything!Dont lose any time, gain an edge, and start now!This course will also be updated to Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Enterprise Installation on Linux platform!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"OBIEE 12c Essential Course" |
"Are you looking for an OBIEEcourse which teaches (concepts plus real life projects)you exactly whatyouneed to know to become an OBIEE professional?Join the most comprehensive and popular Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition(OBIEE) 12c EssentialCourseon Udemy, because now is the time to get started!From basicsofBusiness Intelligence,Data Modelling, OBIEE Components (Report, Analysis, Dashboard) Development, Repository(RPD) creation and modification toAdvance concepts i.e. Hierarchies, Measures etc.-this course covers it all you need to know to become a successfulOBIEE 12c Expert!But that's not all! Along with covering all the steps of OBIEEfunctions,this coursehasquizzesand projects, which allowyou to practice the things learned throughout the course!You'llnot only learn about the concepts, but alsopractice each ofthose concepts throughProjects.And if you do get stuck, youbenefit from an extremely fast and friendly support- both via direct messaging or discussion. You have my word!Withmore than two decades of ITexperience, I have designed this course for students and professionals who wish to masterhow to develop and supportindustry standard OBIEE .This course will be kept up-to-date to ensure you don't miss out on any changes once OBIEE 12cis required in your project!Why OBIEE?Oracle Business IntelligenceEnterprise Editionis a leading enterprise Business Intelligence and Analysis software.Oracle is completely focused on keeping its lead and capturing market byinvesting a lot in this tool.Oracle has a lot of customers using it's Oracle ERP application. For these customers OBIEE is first choice for Business Intelligence solution.Oracle Discoverer is end of life now. All Oracle Discoverer customers are moving to OBIEE.Oracle is enhancing its packaged business intelligence application (BIAPPS) which is developed on OBIEE platform.If you are looking for athriving careerinbusiness intelligenceand analytics,this is theright time to learn OBIEE.Get a very deep understanding of OBIEE Data Modeling activitiesEvery new OBIEE version is coming with added features.Successof OBIEE implementation and its performance depends on OBIEE professionals!Pay once, benefit a lifetime!This is an evolving course! OBIEE 12c andlater future versions will be covered in this course. You wont lose out on anything!Dont lose any time, gain an edge and start now!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"OBIEE 12c Developer Course" |
"Join the most comprehensive and popular Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) 12c Developer Course on Udemy, because now is the time to get started!From basic concepts about Business Intelligence, Architecture, Analyses development, Filters, Selection Steps, Graphs, Visualization, Dashboards, Dashboard Links, Prompts, Agents, Add-ons to Data Modelling, Denormalization, Star Schema Modelling, Administration Tool, RPD Download, RPD Upload this course covers it all you need to know to become a successful OBIEE Developer! But that's not all! Along with covering all the steps of OBIEE developer functions, this course has quizzes and projects, which allow you to practice the things learned throughout the course!You'll not only learn about the concepts but also practice each of those concepts through Projects.And if you do get stuck, you benefit from extremely fast and friendly support - both via direct messaging or discussion. You have my word!With more than two decades of IT experience, I have designed this course for students and professionals who wish to master how to develop and support industry-standard business intelligence and data analysis development.This course will be kept up-to-date to ensure you don't miss out on any changes once OBIEE 12c is required in your project!Why OBIEE?Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition is a leading enterprise Business Intelligence and Analysis software. Oracle is completely focused on keeping its lead and capturing the market by investing a lot in this tool.Oracle has a lot of customers using it's Oracle ERP application. For these customers, OBIEE is the first choice for a Business Intelligence solutions. Oracle Discoverer is the end of life now. All Oracle Discoverer customers are moving to OBIEE.Oracle is enhancing its packaged business intelligence application (BIAPPS) which is developed on the OBIEE platform.If you are looking for a thriving career in business intelligence and analytics, this is the right time to learn OBIEE.Get a very deep understanding of OBIEE Developer activitiesEvery new OBIEE version is coming with added features. The success of OBIEE implementation and its performance depends on the OBIEE developer. Pay once, benefit a lifetime! This is an evolving course! OBIEE12c development and later future versions will be covered in this course. You wont lose out on anything! Dont lose any time, gain an edge, and start now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"OBIEE 12c Data Modeling Course" |
"Join the most comprehensive and popular Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) 12c Data Modeling Course on Udemy, because now is the time to get started!From basic concepts about Data Modelling, Denormalization, Star Schema Modelling, Administration Tool, RPD Download, RPD Upload to building each layer -Physical, Business Model and Mapping (BMM), and Presentation Layer- this course covers it all you need to know to become a successful Data Modeler! But that's not all! Along with covering all the steps of Data Modeling functions, this course has quizzes and projects, which allow you to practice the things learned throughout the course!You'll not only learn about the concepts but also practice each of those concepts through Projects.And if you do get stuck, you benefit from extremely fast and friendly support - both via direct messaging or discussion. You have my word!With more than two decades of IT experience, I have designed this course for students and professionals who wish to master how to develop and support industry-standard OBIEE Data Model.This course will be kept up-to-date to ensure you don't miss out on any changes once Data Modelling is required in your project!Why OBIEE?Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition is a leading enterprise Business Intelligence and Analysis software. Oracle is completely focused on keeping its lead and capturing the market by investing a lot in this tool.Oracle has a lot of customers using it's Oracle ERP application. For these customers, OBIEE is the first choice for Business Intelligence solutions. Oracle Discoverer is the end of life now. All Oracle Discoverer customers are moving to OBIEE.Oracle is enhancing its packaged business intelligence application (BIAPPS) which is developed on the OBIEE platform.If you are looking for a thriving career in business intelligence and analytics, this is the right time to learn OBIEE.Get a very deep understanding of OBIEE Data Modeling activitiesEvery new OBIEE version is coming with added features. The success of OBIEE implementation and its performance depends on OBIEE Data Modeler. Pay once, benefit a lifetime! This is an evolving course! OBIEE 12c RPD and later future versions will be covered in this course. You wont lose out on anything! Dont lose any time, gain an edge, and start now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"OBIEE 12c Admin Course" |
"Join the most comprehensive and popular Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) 12c Admin Course on Udemy because now is the time to get started!From basic concepts about Business Intelligence, Architecture, Virtual Machine Creation, Oracle Linux Installation to Linux Update, 12CR1 Preinstall, 12c Database Installation, JDK Installation, FMW Components Installation: WebLogic Server, OBIEE, OBIEE Domain, BI Publisher, Visual Analyzer to OBIEE User creation, this course covers it all you need to know to become a successful OBIEE Administrator. But that's not all! Along with covering all the steps of OBIEE admin functions, this course has quizzes and projects, which allow you to practice the things learned throughout the course!And if you do get stuck, you benefit from extremely fast and friendly support - both via direct messaging or discussion. You have my word!With more than two decades of IT experience, I have designed this course for students and professionals who wish to master how to deploy and support industry-standard business intelligence and data analysis development.This course will be kept up-to-date to ensure you don't miss out on any changes once OBIEE 12c is required in your project!Why OBIEE?Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition is a leading enterprise Business Intelligence and Analysis software. Oracle is completely focused on keeping its lead and capturing the market by investing a lot in this tool.Oracle has a lot of customers using it's Oracle ERP application. For these customers, OBIEE is the first choice for a Business Intelligence solutions. Oracle Discoverer is the end of life now. All Oracle Discoverer customers are moving to OBIEE.Oracle is enhancing its packaged business intelligence application (BIAPPS) which is developed on the OBIEE platform.If you are looking for a thriving career in business intelligence and analytics, this is the right time to learn OBIEE.Get a very deep understanding of OBIEE Admin activitiesEvery new OBIEE version is coming with added features. The success of OBIEE implementation and its performance depends on the expertise of the OBIEE Admin. Pay once, benefit a lifetime! This is an evolving course! OBIEE12c admin and later future versions will be covered in this course. You wont lose out on anything! Dont lose any time, gain an edge, and start now!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
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Price: 2400.00 ![]() |