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"CorelDraw Arte para Estampas (Como criar Estampas)" |
"ATENO: Leia a Descrio do Curso Antes de efetuar a compra, compre para ser um profissional de sucesso na rea de Sublimao e estamparia!Detalhe: No seja um colecionador de curso, para ter Resultados tem que implementar conforme for ensinado, seguindo o passo a passo, sem dedicao sem resultados!Curso Corel Draw Arte Para Estampas (ARTES GRFICAS)Tcnicas de Criao da Arte para Estampas usando Ferramenta Corel DrawO Design de Estampas um treinamento on-line ministrado pelo designer Jonathas da Luz Silva. Descubra agora o mtodo nico usado para criar Arte para estampas, Treinamento Completo, 12 Mdulos, mais De 15 Aulas em Vdeos Inditos totalmente passo a passo, com vrios materiais complementares de apoio, onde eu vou desde os passos iniciais at o nvel avanado, voc vai aprender e ver na prtica do incio ao fim como criar Arte para Estampas se tornando um diferencial no mercado. Tudo com passos simples e fceis de aplicar.Indicado para Autnomos e profissionais liberais no ramo de sublimao e estamparia, 7 anos de experincia, mtodo fcil e prtico.CertificaoOs alunos que conseguem esse Certificado tem uma poderosa ferramenta na mo para enriquecer seu curriculum e usar como crditos complementares no Ensino Superior. Inscreva-se e comece hoje mesmo a aprendero Design de Estampas ProfissionalApresentao do CursoMdulo 01: Apresentao do cursoMdulo 02: Pesquisando sobre Pop Art Mdulo 03: Conhecendo as ferramentas Mdulo 04: Criando Arte Mdulo 05: Qual o seu pblico-alvoMdulo 06: Escolher a categoria (Bnus dicas para e-commerce)Mdulo 07: Pesquisar arte em altaMdulo 08: Criao da arte para Estampas de CamisetasMdulo 09: Qual o seu pblico-alvoMdulo 10: Escolher a categoria Mdulo 11: Pesquisar arte em altaMdulo 12: Criao da arte para CanecasSobre o AutorCriador do Curso: Jonathas da Luz Silva rea de Atuao: Empreendedor/ Consultor em Marketing DigitalVantagens do produtoVoc que trabalha com sublimao, investiu dinheiro para aumentar a gama de produtos e expandir os negcios, compreendendo o potencial do processo para ter uma renda extra e crescer no mercado de sublimao, mais ainda no tem criatividade para criar suas prprias artes para estampas, e no sabe como mexer em uma ferramenta de design grfico. Invista em conhecimento. Curso Corel Draw Arte para Estampas, para voc que trabalha com Sublimao, Estamparia. Voc ter o curso 2 em 1, onde te ensino as ferramentas bsicas para se usar no Corel Draw e como Criar arte para estampas seguindo o passo a passo, tudo isso na rea de membros, onde voc ter aulas por mdulo. So aulas em vdeo ensinando o passo a passo para o processo de criao da arte. Transformando suas ideias criativas em estampas. Design de Estampas um curso online com metodologia voltada ao seu resultados."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a lecionar com tecnologia em cincias humanas" |
"Aulas na prtica de cincias humanas utilize tecnologia imagens e sites para preparao de aulas na rea de cincias humanas, aprendendo a lecionar de forma inovadora que estimule o interesse pela rea de cincia humanas por parte dos estudante, isso proporcionar crescimento e reconhecimento profissional bem como novas experincias docentes."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) Practice Exams with Simulations" |
"All questions are based on the Exam Objectives for the SY0-501 exam for all 6 domains of the exam, so you can take and pass the actual CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) certification exam with confidence! In this course, I fully prepare you for what it is like to take the CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) certification exam. These 6 full-length practice exams with 65 questions (including simulation-style questions or PBQs as CompTIA calls them) are timed for 60 minutes to help you pace yourself for the real exam. I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the certification exam with confidence.You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 80% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money.You will receive your total final score, along with feedback on each and every question, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, and which domain you need to study more in order to pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and perform some additional study. Our CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) practice exams provide you with realistic test questions and provide you with interactive, question-level feedback. I have some of the highest-rated CompTIA training courses on the Udemy platform and I invite you to visit my instructor profile to learn more about me, the certifications that I hold, and read the reviews of my courses. This course is consistently updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the CompTIA Security+ exam, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked!What others are saying about my CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501): Practice Exams with Simulations course: The questions were tough and it took me about 3 times for each test to reach 100%. I hope they are like the test... Really hope. Great training resources because the explanations are very useful. (Rick, 5 stars)Great tests that provide something close to the scenario-based questions that the Security+ will show (it's hard as Udemy's platform isn't designed to allow them properly) Diverse questions. Really good explanations. Great learning tool for passing the test as the exams cover a lot off! (Aimee, 5 stars)This course of practice exams has some good concept reinforcing questions and does a good job of rotating/varying the types of questions asked. Highly recommend if preparing for SY0-501. (Matthew, 5 stars)These questions are unique and well-conducted to prepare for security+ with relevant information. I am using multiple resources and this is definitely one to have. (Valdrin, 5 stars)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Central de suporte de TI" |
"Seja bem-vindo ao treinamento essencial de Central de Servios de TI.Qualquer empresa, no importa o tamanho, tem sempre uma equipe para prestar suporte de TI aos usurios dos servios computacionais. Algumas dessas organizaes utilizam centros de suporte de TI internos, outras utilizam provedores de servios externos. Na maioria das vezes esses centros de suporte de TI enfrentam as mesmas dificuldades relacionadas a comunicao com usurios dos servios, seja porque os processos implementados no esto amadurecidos ou porque o conhecimento necessrio da liderana desses centros de suporte de TI no esto alinhados com as necessidades do negcio. Saber quais so as expectativas dos clientes internos e externos faz parte das atividades rotineiras desses centros de suporte de TI. Para ajudar voc na compreenso de como se comunicar com a diretoria (patrocinadores) clientes e usurios, compilei um guia orientador para que voc possa levar o assunto de uma forma lgica e assim consigam a aprovao do projeto e a execuo das melhorias operacionais de TI.Esse curso para voc se voc responder SIM para pelo menos uma das opes abaixo: No sabe como defender os investimentos em um service desk; aspirante a supervisor, coordenador e ou gestor de TI;Deseja rever conceitos voltados para gesto de central de servios de TI;Foi convocado para realizar aes de melhorias em service desk; gerente de TI e deve arquitetar a implementao de boas prticas para os servios de TI"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Extended Range Bass Volume 3 Technique For 6 String Bass" |
"* This volume is created to resolve all problems with the 6 Str. Bass as: * 6 String bass full coverage Step-By-Step Guide * Muting strings technique * Hammer on &Pull-off * Way to expand Your rhythm with eights with accents * Technical examples to work and have good connection with all fingers on the left hand * Association with the fingerboard and the stuff * Side-reading Improvement * Solution how to write and recognize the higher range of the instrument * Playing With playback and simulating a music band * Unlimited option to play every playback example in any key, any style and any BPM Tempo * All examples are with written fingerprints, strings and shifting"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel UserForms" |
"Hast du zu viele Messageboxen in deinem Makro? Oder bentigst du zur Ausfhrung viele Daten von den Anwendern?Du mchtest ein schnes Interface oder eine schne Benutzeroberflche bereitstellen?Dann bist du hier genau richtig!In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen, wie du ganz einfach und schnell eigene UserForms in Microsoft Excel erstellen kannst. Du wirst die grundlegenden Steuerelemente kennen und einzusetzen lernen. Auerdem wirst du dir schon die ersten eigenen Standalone-Userforms programmieren, die du dann in jedem Projekt sofort einsetzen kannst."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Angular - kompletny kurs od podstaw - nowa edycja 2020" |
"Witam Ci na nowej edycji kursu Angular - kompletny kurs od podstaw. Kurs ten jest wci rozwijany. Na dole strony moesz sprawdzi jakie dziay s jeszcze w produkcji. Jednak ju teraz czeka na Ciebie kilka godzin materiau o Angularze.Dla kogo jest kurs?W kursie skupiam si przede wszystkim na Angularze. Nie pokazuj jak dziaa HTML czy CSS. Czsto korzystamy z gotowych starterw, gdzie kod HTML i CSS jest ju przygotowany. Nie ucz te jzyka Type Script, ale jeeli znasz Java Script lub masz podstawy to jest to wystarczajce aby zacz.Kurs jest dla osb, ktre nie maj wiedzy o Angularze lub wiedz szcztkow. Skupiam si przede wszystkim na przekazaniu jak najwicej informacji o samym Angularze.Ogldnij materia promocyjny kursu aby rozwia swoje wtpliwoci :-)Udostpniem wiele czci kursu do pogldu, zobacz i sprawd przed zakupem czy kurs jest dla Cibie :-)Jak si uczy?- jeeli za szybko / wolno - pamitaj e moesz regulowa prdko odtwarzania- nie staraj si zapamita wszystkiego - wana jest te orientacja w danym temacie- podzia zagadnie na osobne rozdziay pomaga szybko wrci do danego zagadnienia lub przykadw- eksperymentuj z przykadami sprawdzaj co by byo gdyby...- zacznij pisa swoj aplikacj lub zacznij ulepsza aplikacje ktre napisalimy w czasie kursu- musisz duo praktykowa, samo ogldanie niewiele wnosi, wykonuj wiczenia, pisz kod, przepisuj, rb cokolwiek aby pracowa z kodemCo w nowej wersji:tworzenie prawdziwych aplikacji - praktyczne podejciemnstwo dodatkowych przykadw (kod udostpniam przez StackBlitz i Github, mona te pobra na komputer )udostpniam wiczenia (StackBlitz i Github)zwracam uwag na niuanse w Angularze, ktre s bardzo istotnepodsumowanie wiedzy w formie maych cigcigy rozwj kursu, nowe materiay tutaj i na moim bloguOpis Kursu:Kurs tworzyem z myl o pocztkujcych w wiecie programowania. Dlatego kade zagadnienie staraem si jasno wytumaczy. W trakcie kursu tworzymy kilka maych aplikacji. Poznajmy Angulara tworzc aplikacje i z kolejn aplikacj utrwalamy t wiedz.Strategia kursu opiera si na przerobieniu caego zawartego tutaj materiau. Kady dzia kursu to stopie wyej, przeskoczenie niektrych dziaw moe doprowadzi do problemw ze zrozumieniem zawartoci kursu. Jeeli chcecie by programistami, musicie powici duo czasu na nauk.W czasie nauki:zapoznasz si z narzdziem Angular CLIpoznasz struktur projektuzapoznasz si z budow komponentwdowiesz si jak wywietli dane w komponenciedowiesz si jak sterowa komponentamizapoznasz si jak komunikowa si midzy komponentamidowiesz si jak dziaaj style w komponentachzapoznasz si z dziaaniem serwiswwykorzystasz serwisy do komunikacji midzy komponentamipoznasz od podstaw modu HTTPzbudujesz swj routing w aplikacjiwykorzystasz json-server do komunikacji HTTPzapoznasz si z implementacj formularzy - w trakciena koniec stworzysz du aplikacj od podstaw - w trakcieDokadaem wszelkich stara, aby kurs by jak najbardziej rzeczowy. Mam nadzieje, e udao mi si to osign. A ty bdziesz z niego w 100% zadowolony. Pamitaj, e zawsze moesz do mnie napisa i podzieli si swoimi wtpliwociami oraz zasign porady.Wicej informacji:na FB moesz znale fanpage strony ZacznijProgramowac znajd na FB grup Zacznij Programowa w Angularzeznajd bloga zacznijprogramowac"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"How to become an Actuary" |
"Actuaries make financial sense of an uncertain future.In this course we look at the following:What is an Actuary?Should you become an Actuary?What subjects at school should you choose?What university course should you enroll in?Which actuarial society should you join?How to get your first actuarial jobWhich actuarial subject should you specialize in?What is Work Based Skills?What is Continued Professional Development?How to start becoming an Actuary today"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Dimagrire senza dieta usando la testa!!" |
"STRUTTURA DEL CORSO 12 video lezioni, ognuna prevede una parte teorica e una parte applicativa con esempi ed esercitazioni. Slide a supporto di ogni lezione Test finale di autovalutazionePROGRAMMA DEL CORSO Lezione 1. Il comportamento alimentare Lezione 2. La dieta Lezione 3. Perch le diete falliscono? Lezione 4. La fame e la saziet Lezione 5. Il diet coaching Lezione 6. Muovere i primi passi verso il peso forma Lezione 7. Definizione degli obiettivi Lezione 8. Dieta e dialogo interno Lezione 9. Il cibo e gli ancoraggi Lezione 10. Lautostima Lezione 11. Cambiare le convinzioni Lezione 12. Strategie per controllare gli eccessi a tavolaOBIETTIVI DEL CORSO1. Metterti in condizione di formulare gli obiettivi che TU decidi di raggiungere e come elaborare e trovare dentro di te le strategie pi funzionali per raggiungerli.2. Raggiungere un pi alto livello di consapevolezza dei tuoi pensieri e comportamenti nei confronti del cibo3. Riuscire a modificare le tue abitudini alimentari4. Riconoscere e utilizzare le risorse che sono gi dentro di te e riuscire ad applicarle alle sfere della tua vita che desideri migliorare"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Lightning Experience: The Basics" |
"This course is perfect for anyone wanting to learn everything they need to know about harnessing the power of Salesforce Lightning Experience!** ACCORDING TO BURNING GLASS TECHNOLOGIES, a labor technologies analysis firm: ""Setting aside the near-universal Microsoft Office suite,Salesforce is now the 7th most in-demand software skill...putting Salesforce demand ahead of IT stalwarts such as Python, .Net, and C++, and in line with commonly used applications such as Adobe Photoshop""****INDEED Ranked Salesforce Admin in their top 10 best jobs of 2017 with salaries ranging between $70,000-$100,000 per annum**THIS COURSE IS BUILT TO HELP YOU MASTER SALESFORCE LIGHTNING EXPERIENCE IN NO TIME!** INCLUDES SPECIAL FREE BONUS SALESFORCE LICENSE, SCENARIO BASED LEARNING AND MUCH MUCH MORE **Learn what you need to know in rapid timeUtilize the practice resources to master each report typeBuild DashboardsMass Input DataHave full access to the instructor to answer any of your questions: This helps ensure everything is even easier to understand & is even more fun and engaging! **I use Salesforce on a daily basis to drive organizational performance. My certification has lead to increased opportunities and advanced my ability to administrate effectively. And now, I want to share my knowledge and expertise with you.Are you ready for a practical course designed to equip you with the skills to:Learn in a practical environment to build reports using the QRS approach: Question, Report, StrategyMaster reports, Dashboards and Listviews in Salesforce ClassicMass Input DataCraft the User and Organization SetupThis course includes important topics such as User Setup an Custom Objects.I will work with you throughout the course to support your journey to mastery!Ready to masterSalesforce Lightning Experience? Click ""Take this course now"" to get started!--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How To Be An Amazon FBA Reseller - The Checklist Method" |
"New to selling and want to make extra monthly income?Learn to sell on Amazon with ""The Checklist Method"". With this step by step guide, you will know exactly what to do in order to begin reselling on Amazon, one of the biggest markets in the world. Included are:How to get startedHow to choose a product to sellWhere to find products to sellCLICK START LEARNING NOWto get started on generating extra income today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Angular for Beginners" |
"I prepared this ""Angular for beginners"" course for people with initial JavaScript knowledge, who want to learn the essentials of creating web projects using the Angular platform. The main goal this course is trying to accomplish is to save you time, because learning the basics of any framework, can take lots of time and at a certain point, most of the people give up. The lectures are structured using Angular version 6. The code is full of explanations on each and every step, leaving you not wandering on how and why things happen.What to expect to learn how to :structure an Angular application using best practicescreate, use and style components, services and work with templatesbuild image upload service with the help of NodeJS and expressuse the Visual Studio code editorWe will develop 2 projects: click button componentprofiles with image upload functionalityThe course is also good to quickly compare if you would like to continue working with the Angular or switch to another framework. After you finish the course, you can browse for other courses, in order to expand your knowledge.The course starts with the installation of the Angular platform using NodeJS, setting up an environment using Visual Studio Code and TypeScript specific plugins. Our first project is just for warm-up to get you comfortable with using Angular with TypeScript. Then with the help of the node package manager (NPM), we will install a JSON server for storing user textual data, and Express server for the image upload data. You will be able to learn how to configure them both. During the course, we will be using the Angular command-line interface (CLI) to easily create components and services. We will also take a look at how to use routing to load up specific components and make server queries based on route parameters. Later we will reveal a way to pass through the cross-origin browser CORS restrictions to be able to run Angular application and servers on the same development machine. Wishing you happy learning!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Learn - Memorize 10X Faster & Boost Your Memory" |
"I keep on forgetting the things that I study and read.Even if I repeat and study again and again, after a while they fly away from my mind like I've not studied.I am struggling with memorizing foreign language vocabulary.My memory is weak and I keep on forgetting things.I can not remember the name of a person that I've just met.When I am ready for a presentation in front of an audience, I always forget the things that I memorized.I am trying hard to memorize the things that I need to know but no matter how hard, I always keep forgetting them.You read the same thing over and over again but it took you a long time. Sometimes you studied from midnight until the daylight and it stressed you a lot. And what is the result? They all fly away from your mind as if you never studied that hard.If you had the even one of those troubles then you are at the right place because no one ever taught you how to learn.With this course, You will learn advanced memory techniques to learn faster and permanent. Using the resource documents, you will be able to study the memory techniques and add them into your daily routines. As you keep on studying, you will see and understand the potential of your memory that will change your life for good!If you are eager to rule your brain, memorize things you want to learn and learn how to learn, enroll today and change your life..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Guide to Local SEO & Keyword Research" |
"Complete Guide to Local SEO & Keyword Research Discover The Best Local SEO & Keyword Research Techniques to Help People Find Your Business OnlineDo you want to learn how to find the best keywords that will help you to rank higher in search results?Are you interested in learning Local SEO to help your brick and mortar business earn more traffic?My name is Anthony from BlackBrick training, and I have built this course to help you to become a pro at keyword research and local SEO.In this course, there are 2+ hours of content that will teach you how to find keywords, and optimize your business for local searches.Course Benefits (What You Will Learn):The basics of search engine optimization.Ultimate keyword research tools and strategies that will help you to find the best keywords.Dominate localised searches & grow your brick and mortar business with Local SEO.Purchase the course today, and learn how to find high-quality keywords and rank a local business in search results & Google maps.Secret keyword research methods & tools.Local SEO strategies that increase localised traffic.Exclusive access to our Digital Marketing Facebook group.Learn how to avoid getting your site penalised.Best for: Business owners & digital marketers that want to learn how to boost local businesses in localised searches."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Start a Successful Home Business for Absolute Beginners" |
"Thespecial ideasof small business in our coursewas suggested by topproprietorsaround the globe. After intensiveresearch wefound the practical and reliable ways tomake a second income online for you. If you work a little harder then you definitely make some millions. Guaranteed!The instructions are straight to the point because we value your time as you do.Onceyou finish the course,You will be able to pick one of the amazing ideas that'ssuggested to start your own platform."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Deep dive into ASP.NET MVC by 23 Yrs Experience Trainer" |
"Mr. Sandeep Soni, Microsoft Certified Trainer and having 23 years of experience has himself participated in architecting and developing a large number of ASP.NET MVC applications and has trained more than 100,000 students. Topics covered are in-depth and not only benefits beginners but also experienced software developers.This course is a full course that covers all the topics (57 modules) of ASP.NET MVC.Covering every topic right from basic to in-depth understanding, our online ASP.NET MVC course provides essential knowledge of MVC design pattern and applying its features to developing lightweight but large sized web applications as in modern applications.The most striking feature of OUR online ASP.NET MVC training is that it includes both theory as well as practical examples for each and every module. In addition to this, the ASP.NET MVC Interview questions provide an effective source for helping our participants to communicate effectively and confidently in any interview.You can very quickly decide about our QUALITY of content after watching our Preview Videos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Deep dive into ASP.NET MVC part 2" |
"Our online ASP.NET MVC Tutorialprovides an understanding of MVC design pattern and applying its features to developing lightweight but large sized web applications.Mr. Sandeep Soni, MCPDhas himself participated in architecting and developing a large number of ASP.NET MVC applications. Each topic benefits not only beginners but also experienced software developers.The most striking feature of our online ASP.NET MVC training is that it includes both theory as well as practical program examples of every module. In addition to this, the ASP.NET MVC Interview questionsprovide an effective source for helping our participants to communicate effectively and confidently in any interview."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
".Net Core Implementation + Standard Libraries" |
"This course is for those who have knowledge of .NET Framework and now wants to understand how the .NET Core Applications can be developed.Microsoft, going forward is investing a lot on enhancing the .NET and making application development completely platform independent. Its the right time for every developer to have good knowledge of the future roadmap of .NET which is very much dependent on .NET Core..NET Core is ideal for developing platform independent applications and because of small footprint they are very efficient and also can be deployed on small devices like RaspberryPI and other IOT devices."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Advanced C# Concepts" |
"This tutorial is targeted for experienced C# programmers who want to program and apply C# in their applications. It provides practices and real-world performance tips. It includes curriculum for preparing Microsoft Certification 70-483.This course covers the following topics-Collections and Generics Assemblies and GAC Exception Handling IO Streams Unsafe Code Reflection AttributesPartial Classes and MethodsExtension MethodsAnonymous TypesApp.ConfigDebugging and Diagnostics"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SharePoint 2013 Foundation for Beginners." |
"SharePoint allows us to centralized the data in the organization, and creating sites and subsites with few clicks and maintaining documents, permissions for editing, reading and deleting documents, can learn more about customization of sites using master pages with the help of HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Manage the permissions for specific users to authenticate the sites and workflow of the SP 2013.This Course is compiled by Mr. Sandeep Soni, Microsoft Certified Trainer and experience over 23 years in IT Industry.Mr.Sandeep Soni has worked closely with many IT companies and helped them with their technology resources training needs. He considers this to be the best part of his profession and he enjoys the most because he gets to meet new people; get involved in the ever-changing technology needs and provide them with optimum solution to the problems they face in application development. This is how he keeps himself updated with the latest technology in the industry."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SharePoint 2013 Administration" |
"Gone are those days when we used to manage all information in a corporate manually. For every type of requirement, we have different solutions but integrating them is a big nuisance. SharePoint integrated intranet, document management, content management is an excellent way to find secure place to store, organize, share, and access information from almost any device. To get started using the extraordinary features of SharePoint all an associate in the organization need is just a browser like IE or Firefox or Chrome. SharePoint is a pre-developed ASP.NET application by Microsoft for managing day to day activities of a corporate portal.In each of the online SharePoint 2013 Admin training modules our trainer Mr. Sandeep Soni has showcased minute details of each and every feature. For every topic, demonstrations are included explaining all the steps to achieve the required output. The course material bundled with the training program can be of excellent use to the users as a quick refresher of the topics before attending the interviews."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sharepoint 2013 Development" |
"Gone are those days when we used to manage all information in a corporate manually. For every type of requirement we have different solutions but integrating them is a big nuisance. SharePoint integrated intranet, document management, content management is an excellent way to find secure place to store, organize, share, and access information from almost any device. To get started using the extraordinary features of SharePoint all an associate in the organization need is just a browser like IE or Firefox or Chrome. SharePoint is a pre-developed ASP.NET application by Microsoft for managing day to day activities of a corporate portal."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ASP.NET MVC by 23 yrs Experience Trainer (Subset course)" |
"Mr. Sandeep Soni, Microsoft Certified Trainer and having 23 years of experience has himself participated in architecting and developing a large number of ASP.NET MVC applications and has trained more than 100,000 students. Topics covered are in-depth and not only benefits beginners but also experienced software developers.This course is a subset of our course ""Deep dive into ASP.NET MVC by 23 yrs Experience Trainer"" and will have 14 hours of video.Covering every topic right from basic to in-depth understanding, our online ASP.NET MVC course provides essential knowledge of MVC design pattern and applying its features to developing lightweight but large sized web applications as in modern applications.The most striking feature of OUR online ASP.NET MVC training is that it includes both theory as well as practical examples for each and every module. In addition to this, the ASP.NET MVC Interview questions provide an effective source for helping our participants to communicate effectively and confidently in any interview.You can very quickly decide about our QUALITY of content after watching our Preview Videos."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Docker Architecture and Containers Hands On" |
"Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. The Docker platform uses the Docker Engine to quickly build and package apps as Docker images created using files written in the Docker file format that then is deployed and run in a layered container. It's the most comprehensive course covering every topic of Docker on Windows and Lynx. Every module of this course is having practical demos of the in-depth concepts covered. The specialty of this course is that all topics are covered from basic to advanced level and in very simple language which anyone can understand.On completion of this course you will be ready to build and deploy your applications in Docker Container.Trust me I will create your love towards Docker which has already become the most important part of Application Development and DevOps Lifecycle.So, why not start now and get ready for something impeccable and unavoidable.Wish You Happy Learning."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Administrao de Salo de Beleza e Barbearia" |
"O curso apresenta de forma Prtica, Simples e Objetiva os principais fundamentos para uma Gesto Eficiente e Lucrativa de Sales de Beleza, Barbearias, Estdios de Esttica e Esmalterias.O curso foi estruturado aps inmeras consultorias em gesto Sales de Beleza e Barbearias, corrigindo as principais falhas na gesto destes negcios que impediam que tivessem lucros.No curso o Aluno assistir aulas em Vdeo, ter material de apoio para leitura (e.books) com exerccios alm de uma planilha que o ajudar a implementar com mais rapidez e eficincia os conhecimentos do curso no seu negcio."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Professional Writing : build a freelance business." |
"The #1 writer in Articles & Blog Posts on Fiverr.100% Top Rated on Upwork for over 18 months.Damien Walter shares essential insights on navigating competitive freelance marketplaces like Upwork and Fiverr for professional writers.Thousands of professional writing gigs are advertised every day online via digital freelance platforms. Top writers can make in excess of $150 per hour with almost unlimited potential for work. But winning at Upwork and Fiverr can have its challenges.Learn the signs of high quality clients and how to filter out low quality time wasters.Progressively raise your rates of pay.Build strong client relationships that win great reviews.Be So Good They Can't Ignore You : leverage creative writing achievements to win professional clients.Identify the key skills you must develop to raise your professional writing game.For new writers, great tips to land your first clients."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Retrospektiven mit der LEGO Serious Play Methode gestalten" |
"Retrospektiven sind ein wichtiges Mittel zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung im agilen Kontext. Das Ergebnis hngt stark von der gewhlten Methode und der Moderation ab.In dem Workshop Erfolgreiche Retrospektiven mit der LEGO Serious Play Methode gestalten lernst Du, wie sich ber die Konstruktion von 3D-Modellen eine neue Ebene der Kommunikation im Team erreichen lsst.Der Workshop ist fr jeden geeignet, dereine neue Art und Weise des Denkens, Kommunizierens und Problemlsens kennenlernen mchte,sich und das Team spielerisch auf eine neue Ebene bringen will,sicherstellen will, dass jeder im Team gleichberechtigt zur Retrospektive beitragen kann und auch das Bauchgefhl zu Wort kommt,eine Methode sucht, mit der sich themenspezifische Retrospektiven selbst gestalten lassen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Alles ist wichtig!? Richtig priorisieren." |
"Ein gut priorisiertes Backlog zu haben, ist sinnvoll besonders auch in einem skalierten Umfeld. Ziel ist es, dem Kunden in jeder Iteration Wert zu liefern. Aber was liefert wirklich Wert? Und ist Wert das einzige Kriterium? Ein Vorgehensmodell bietet die Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF)-Methode. In dem Workshop wird die Methode vorgestellt und praktisch gebt. Wir beleuchten den Begriff des Business Value und - fr ein bisschen Zauber - wenden wir u.a. die Magic Estimation an."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Be Confident in Your New Leadership/Senior Management Role" |
"Have you been promoted to a senior role?Do you sometimes feel like an impostor?Is the excitement of your promotion tinged with doubt?This courseis for you.Discover principles that will guide you to take control, focus on key actions andstand out as a highly competent, credible and confident leader.Once youve taken this course, you will:Create strong alliances with the people who matterBuild your confidence and competence on a daily basisGet organised so your workflow is smooth and stress-freeAlign your personal and professional vision so you lead authenticallyDesign a work-life rhythm toboostyour energyThis courseempowers newly-appointed senior managers to quickly get to grips withtheir responsibilities and ensure inner turmoil is a thing of the past.A companion to the best-selling book LEAD WITH CONFIDENCE this ?? minutecoursewillguide you through the initial days, weeks and months of your promotion to a senior role.Twenty-five in-depth exercises allow you to coach yourself using the same framework thatthe author uses in his one-to-one coaching programmes.Use this courseto take a deep dive into each of the five principles of the A-CODE.It willgive you the tools to take control, focus on key actions, and stand out as a highlycompetent, credible and confident leader.Completing this coursewill give you a personal and professional development plan for:Creating strong alliances with the people who matterBuilding your confidence and competence on a daily basisGetting organised so your workflow is smooth and stress-freeAligning your personal and professional vision so you lead authenticallyDesigning a work-life rhythm that boosts, rather than depletes, your energyThis courseempowers newly-appointed senior managers to quickly get to grips withtheir responsibilities and ensure inner turmoil is a thing of the past.If you have you been promoted to a senior role, you sometimes feel like an impostor orthe excitement of your promotion is tinged with doubt then this courseis for you."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"BPMN 2.0 with Brian: A Beginner's Guide to Process Modelling" |
"The course starts with the basics of BPMN 2.0 and builds upon the learning so that by the end you will be comfortable creating impressive business process models using BPMN 2.0. This course may be of particular interest for process analysts and business analysts. It is led by an active practitioner who was taught BPMN 2.0 to thousands of people across many industries as well as consultants from companies like KPMG, WIPRO, Tech Mahindra and Infosys. Multiple choice questions and assignments with model answers help to make your journey interesting and enjoyable. The mapping tool used is Signavio's Process Manager - a market leading tool in the field of Business Process Management. However, BPMN is tool agnostic so you can follow along with whatever tool you wish to use. If you do not have a tool, guidelines are provided on how to access some for free.All proceeds paid to the lecturer by Udemy go to charity. I figure this is great way for people to help support a charity while gaining a valuable skill. I look forward to seeing you in the course !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Grficas en ensamblador 8086" |
"En este curso aprenders cmo graficar en lenguaje ensamblador para la arquitectura 8086 utilizaremos herramientas de software libres y pblicas para dicho fin adems haremos uso de algunas interrupciones del BIOS y del SO, para poder desarrollar nuestros programas.Partiremos de la concepcin de que si podemos pintar un punto puedo pintar una lnea y si puedo pintar una linea puedo crear una figura bsica geomtrica."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |