Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
steve-jobs |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Business Coaching Masterclass" |
"Welcome To The Business Coaching MasterclassLeadership and strategy expert Nick Harvey has designed this four-week course to teach you tricks of the trade in managing and growing your coaching business. Join now and learn development strategies, how to navigate inevitable challenges, and discover insightful techniques that will help you achieve your goals and create success.Answering Crucial QuestionsThe Business Coaching Masterclass answers a range of questions that are fundamental to the success of coaching businesses.How do I become a business coach?How do I grow and develop my coaching business?How do I attract clients?How do I retain and engage clients?How can I generate maximum results for my efforts?How do I scale my coaching business?Why Join The Journey?When you get started with The Business Coaching Masterclass, you will be learning alongside business owners, entrepreneurs, and future leaders alike. You will learn important skills that target three vital divisions of your work life;Growing and developing your own business.Growing and developing yourself as a leader.Self-growth and development, for relationship strengthening with colleagues, family, and friends.The skills you will learn include; effective development strategies, business execution, client retention, maximising your worth, and leadership expertise. Dont miss this opportunity to make game-changing moves with your business. Signing up to The Coaching Masterclass also gives you access to Nick Harveys Leadership Blueprint.Access the Leadership BlueprintThe blueprint is a carefully constructed development plan, built on years of experience, and refined to ensure successful outcomes. It features Nicks comprehensive expertise on development and leadership, and is encouraged to be implemented in both business and personal life situations.Your Passionate InstructorHis friendly, genuine attitude, and devotion towards helping others achieve success, makes Nick Harvey the ultimate course instructor. Learning alongside Nick is an insightful and effective experience, as much as it is enjoyable. He breaks the formality of course learning, and creates a personal face-to-face feeling. Nick will guide you through the four weeks with informational videos, and is available to contact via his website for any questions you may think of during the course.Course ModulesA breakdown of concepts that will be discussed and advised over the course.IntroductionYour Business's BrandGenerating LeadsClient ConversionCoaching SessionsClient RetentionKey Coaching ContentPaths to Additional RevenueTake A Step Towards SuccessStrap In, Buckle Up, Lets GoThe power is now in your hands to learn invaluable business strategies and change your philosophy on life. Nick Harvey dedicates this masterclass series to give you expert advice on running a coaching business. Gain insightful knowledge and explore the many ways you can maximise your businesss worth, and become a successful leader. Time is money, so what are you waiting for? Sign up to The Business Coaching Masterclass.Bonus: receive access to Nick Harvey's key resources that have been key in scaling his coaching business to where it is today."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Habilidades de Oratoria" |
"Con este curso podrs obtener una perspectiva diferente a la manera tradicional de aprender sobre oratoria, con el fin de manejar una oratoria de modo efectivo frente a cualquier tipo y tamao de audiencias.Cuando de oratoria se trata, muchos creemos que va referido a estrictas maneras de hablar en pblico, a cmo mover la mandbula, las manos, el rostro, a cmo impactar a los dems, a como parecer ms astuto, cuando la realidad es que la oratoria vamucho ms all de eso. La oratoria es un aspecto de la comunicacin y se trata de algo mucho ms complejo todava. La comunicacin no es solo hablar o decir palabras. Comunicacin engloba detalles, elementos y una sustancia que va desde el interior de las personas hasta que se manifiesta de alguna manera."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning Regression Masterclass in Python" |
"Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution is here! The technology is progressing at a massive scale and is being widely adopted in the Healthcare, defense, banking, gaming, transportation and robotics industries.Machine Learning is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence that enables machines to improve at a given task with experience. Machine Learning is an extremely hot topic; the demand for experienced machine learning engineers and data scientists has been steadily growing in the past 5 years. According to a report released by Research and Markets, the global AI and machine learning technology sectors are expected to grow from $1.4B to $8.8B by 2022 and it is predicted that AI tech sector will create around 2.3 million jobs by 2020.The purpose of this course is to provide students with knowledge of key aspects of machine learning regression techniques in a practical, easy and fun way. Regression is an important machine learning technique that works by predicting a continuous (dependant) variable based on multiple other independent variables. Regression strategies are widely used for stock market predictions, real estate trend analysis, and targeted marketing campaigns.The course provides students with practical hands-on experience in training machine learning regression models using real-world dataset. This course covers several technique in a practical manner, including: Simple Linear Regression Multiple Linear Regression Polynomial Regression Logistic Regression Decision trees regression Ridge Regression Lasso Regression Artificial Neural Networks for Regression analysis Regression Key performance indicatorsThe course is targeted towards students wanting to gain a fundamental understanding of machine learning regression models. Basic knowledge of programming is recommended. However, these topics will be extensively covered during early course lectures; therefore, the course has no prerequisites, and is open to any student with basic programming knowledge. Students who enroll in this course will master machine learning regression models and can directly apply these skills to solve real world challenging problems."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
hazimetecs |
" Google PIXTALine PhotoshopSAI Photoshop photoshop Google Google"
Price: 16800.00 ![]() |
"Curso De Tarot Bsico." |
"Basado en ms de 27 aos de experiencia, 90 clases adaptadas para un aprendiz o amateur en la materia el mejor curso de Tarot en su nivel ms bsico donde el alumno al terminar de estudiarlo podr ejercer esta arte de la cartomancia sin dificultad alguna y sin necesidad de realizar ms cosas de las que necesita."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Basi di Business e Marketing per Operatori Olistici e Coach" |
"Questo corso e' per tutti gli Operatori Olistici e Coach che sentono di avere un gran talento da condividere con il mondo, ma che fan fatica a rendersi visibili e ad esser ripagati per il loro sforzo.E' un viaggio attraverso condizionamenti mentali e strategie di comunicazione.Spesso si ha un'idea errata di Business e Marketing, pensando che siano ""trucchi"" o ""maniere sporche"" per fregare il prossimo e arricchirsi alle spalle degli altri.Niente e' pi errato di questo, per lo meno ti insegner con questo corso ad avere delle Solide Basi Commerciali per la tua Attivita' Olistica mantenendo la tua integrit e risaltando i tuoi principi e valori.Una cosa e' certa: Niente sar pi come prima :-)Ti ringrazio per avermi scelto come guida nell'accompagnarti in questo viaggioA presto,Andrea"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aumenta le Tue Tariffe Senza Perder Clienti" |
"Questo corso e' impostato per Operatori del Benessere e delle Discipline Naturali, Coach e Operatori Olistici.Ti illustrer: - Come ho aumentato le mie tariffe del 54% (da 58 a 89,5 per una seduta di agopuntura) da un giorno all'altro, senza perder clienti e quali son state le conseguenze della mia scelta.- La Teoria e la Pratica sui Prezzi: Definizione, come Determinarli e Aumentarli a cadenza Regolare- I 5 Condizionamenti Limitanti che ti Impediscono di Chiedere quello che Vali (E Come Risolverli):1- Desidero aiutare tutti... anche chi non pu permetterselo2- Il mio Lavoro... Non e' un vero Lavoro3- Nella mia Zona... Le Persone non hanno Soldi4- Ho appena Iniziato e Non me la Sento di Chiedere una Fortuna!5- Il mio Maestro Chiede Appena pi di Me- La Tecnica Principale con cui i miei Clienti Aumentano il loro Fatturato: Raddoppiare le proprie Tariffe Senza Perder Clienti"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
knoixdbj |
":- , , ;- ;- ;- , , ;- ;- , ;- , , ."
Price: 2799.00 ![]() |
"Learn to trade Covered Call Options for income SIMPLE &CLEAR" |
"What makes this option trading course different is that we take it step-by-step, will show you explicitly what is done to generate income regularly from covered calls. The focus is on Simplicity and Clarity. We start off with clear explanations and examples each step of the way, and then move on to show you step by step how we would actually do it live on a trading account online.We'll cover: *What covered calls are *How they work in practice and the type of returns that can be generated *The thinking process when one is executing a covered call *Actual cover called trades I have done and a review of the winnings*Step by step execution of a covered call LIVE in an online trading account*Pros and cons of trading covered calls *Investing tips when using this approach to generic regular incomeAs we know, the future stock price for any company we want to invest in can only go five different ways:-more or less flat,-a little bit up -a little bit down, -significantly up or -significantly down... Covered call investing allows us to make profits in four out of these five outcomes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"cours de danse bachata dbutant" |
"Bonjour bienvenue dans ce cours de bachata un cours tous public qui a pour but de vous enseigner les base de cette danse de couple et vous donner des clefs qui vous permettrons d'allez en soire et de pouvoir changer avec d'autres partenaires.Formation de 2h.2 professeurs pro.Accs tous public. aucun niveau requis."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Siemens NX 10 (UG)" |
"Siemens NX10.01.UG 2. 3. 4. 5.2D3D2D3D 6.UGGM 7.UG"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Affiliate Marketing System that works in 2019!" |
"We created the system for people who want to learn how they can generate automated sales on the internet. We show you how to create an account for an affiliate platform, how to find good affiliate offers & you'll learn how to use social media strategies to generate a lot of traffic to sell these offers. This includes:We'll show you how to set up an automated Instagram system that works without you touching it. Learn how to set up the right method to create a high converting Instagram account & fast account growing tactics.Create your first facebook advertisement and learn how to reach the right audience without having a database like an email list.Use Pinterest in your advantage and learn how to get accepted into group boards. On top of that, we'll show you how to set up an automated email system that works in 2019!Ps: You also get access to all the updates"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"1S MBA - Marketing Contbil" |
"One Skill MBA (1S MBA) um curso dinmico, com foco em resultados, com uma durao relativamente curta se comparado a outros cursos mais extensos e abrangentes. O objetivo permitir a aplicao do Marketing Contbil na prtica, independente do porte do escritrio. As prticas ensinadas no curso tambm podero ser aplicadas a profissionais autnomos da Contabilidade, e profissionais de Marketing que querem se aprofundar no Marketing Contbil."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"1S MBA - Marketing Jurdico" |
"One Skill MBA (1S MBA) um curso dinmico, com foco em resultados, com uma durao relativamente curta se comparado a outros cursos mais extensos e abrangentes. O objetivo permitir a aplicao do Marketing Jurdico na prtica, independente do porte do escritrio. As prticas ensinadas no curso tambm podero ser aplicadas a advogado(a)s autnomo(a)s, e profissionais de Marketing que querem se aprofundar no Marketing Jurdico."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"1S MBA - Administrao do Tempo para Advogados" |
"Este curso indicado para advogados e estagirios de Direito, independente se so autnomos ou trabalham em escritrio. Sero apresentadas ferramentas e conceitos de Administrao do Tempo, porm direcionados especificamente para a aplicao na Advocacia. Afinal de contas, esta uma das profisses onde os prazos so mais importantes, e o aluno perceber que possvel cumpri-los sem muito sacrifcio . Ao final das sees, o aluno ser capaz de identificar os principais problemas que causam desperdcio de tempo (tambm conhecidos como ""cronfagos""), alm de conhecer as ferramentas para evit-los ou mitig-los de forma eficaz."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CodeceptJS - Acceptance Test Automation Success" |
"Get fast automation results!Easily automate manual tests in a very practical way. Be guided how to write and run automated end 2 end tests in CI and in the cloud successfully. This course is made for developers with technical background, basics are not explained, the book focuses on the main topic: Modern end to end testing for the web with CodeceptJS."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Treinamento Carreira de Sucesso" |
"Se voc quer aprender com ter sucesso na sua carreira, voc precisa ter viso de como funciona uma organizao, quais seus desafios e qual o prximo passo a ser dado.Nesse treinamento vou te ensinar exatamente o passo a passo para ter sucesso na carreira. Desde o incio quando voc entrar na organizao at o dia dia de como lidar com as situaes e pessoas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Entender el arte de hoy" |
"Te interesa el arte pero no sabes por donde empezar? Te gustara aprender a analizar las obras que se exponen en las galeras y en los museos de arte actual? Si la respuesta a las dos preguntas es afirmativa este es tu curso. En l analizaremos cinco obras emblemticas del arte de los ltimos aos, cuyo nexo de unin es su relacin con la memoria, centrndonos en entender no solo su significado sino tambin su contexto. Analizaremos en detalle su historia, caractersticas formales y conceptuales con el objetivo de compartir contigo el extraordinario valor de estas obras maestras que ocupan un lugar destacado en la historia del arte reciente."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Entender el arte de hoy. El cuerpo como referencia." |
"Si ests interesado en el arte pero no sabes como empezar, o si eres estudiante de arte o artista y quieres ensanchar tus conocimientos sobre este tema y aprender de estos maestros, o sencillamente si quieres bucear por este mundo de sensaciones, ideas y emociones inagotables que es el arte, este es tu curso. En l analizaremos en profundidad 15 obras de arte relacionadas con un tema comn, el cuerpo, que nos abrirn las puertas de los secretos de otras muchas obras del arte de hoy."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Writing A Resume To Sell Yourself" |
"Learn how to format, edit, and continually revise your resume to sell yourself to any employer. This course has information for all levels of employment, experience, skills, and education to benefit from. Enable yourself by making a huge impact with the first impression a company has on you - your resume!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"End overwhelm - plan your business' website like a pro" |
"****IMPORTANT NOTE BEFORE YOU REGISTER: this course was created for someone who is planning THEIR OWN business' website or someone planning the website for the business where they work, NOT for a web designer, web project manager, web developer or someone in digital marketing wanting to learn website planning for their clients' websites or how to grow a web design/dev business. Please note, this course does not include training on how to plan an ecommerce site, just an informational site. If you work in web and want coaching on website planning, please contact me at****If you don't have a tech or website background, figuring out how to build a website from scratch or map out the plan to redesign the one you have can be overwhelming, confusing and create a lot of questions about how it works, how much you should expect to pay, how to know who to hire etc.For most marketers and small business owners, the idea of trying to pull of a successful website project while juggling all the other to-dos on your plate seems like an impossible task. You want professional quality and to create a website that helps to grow your business but don't know how you can get it all done well - especially if you don't know the first thing about what it takes to create a high-performing website. You don't want to have to compromise on quality (or be taken advantage of by a freelancer or web agency) because of your lack of knowledge and skill but don't have any idea of where to start to figure it out (without having to take a course in web development or something). We know that more stress and more work are the last things you need on your plate and I am here to help you avoid that problem and make your life easier. I had no idea what I was doing...For my first two years as the ""accidental"" founder of a website agency, I was constantly stressed out. I lost THOUSANDS of dollars of my own money on my website projects.- I was a no-tech person and had no idea how the website-creation-process was supposed to go to achieve the results I wanted,- I had no idea which questions to ask when interviewing and hiring someone to make sure they had the skills I needed.- After I did hire someone, I had no idea how to communicate exactly what I wanted, so they could provide an accurate quote. More often than not they would come back telling me I forgot to include something which always equaled more cost than I had budgeted for. So frustrating!Now you can learn from my mistakes...If we haven't met yet, my name is Natasha and I am the founder of On Purpose Projects - a full service web team from Vancouver, Canada.For years I struggled to run websites projects properly. Finally, Id had enough (I think it was after losing $10,000 of my own money on a client website projects). I stopped and took the time to figure out exactly what was required to make each and every project run smoothly, stay on time and identify how I could hire the right person for the job - the first time.I have written this course as a way to teach you step-by-step how we removed all the guesswork from the website creation process. This will save you tons of time, money and headache both now and in the long run. I know it works because my team and I use this exact process internally every day.Let's start out by understanding the 3 reasons why most website projects end in budget overruns, frustration and disappointment:1. You Have No Game PlanYou need a crystal clear game plan mapping out what you and your team want the site to look like and what you want it to do. Without a plan, it will be impossible for any team or freelancer to properly quote the project in terms of how much it will cost and how long it will take.If you don't know exactly what you want, how can you expect someone else to be able to quote the job realistically (without guessing)?2. You Hire the Wrong PersonMany marketers do not have a tech background or website creation experience. Theyre not sure what to look for when hiring someone to redesign or rebuild the website.Its crucial to understand the skills needed for your project BEFORE you start interviewing. That way you don't waste time talking to (or hiring) the wrong people who will end up costing you a lot of money on expensive mistakes and website do-overs.3. Expectations are not clearly communicatedIt's a very helpless feeling to be responsible for a project in someone else's hands. Especially, if the person you've hired is doing a job that does not meet your expectations. So many problems that come up during the course of building a website are completely preventable if the web team / freelancer and the client were able to put in writing exactly what needed to be done by who and by when.It is a very helpless feeling when you're responsible for the results of the website project but the person you have hired is doing a job that does not meet your expectations and you feel like there is nothing you can do about it except to fire them and start over with someone else in hope of salvaging the situation (which is very time consuming, aggravating, embarrassing and expensive).What if you could remove all the stress from planning your company's website project?Imagine learning the exact process for creating a professional-grade website, so you can make an informed hiring decision. You'll know what you need done so you're not taken advantage of by someone telling you what you need..Imagine having 100% clear project expectations right from the start of the project. No embarrassing technical surprises, budget overruns, communication problems or missed deadlines.Imagine doing an amazing job running the website project even though you don't have a tech background. Imagine no back-and-forths haggling over costs and dealing with the nightmare of your project running behind your desired schedule. Even if you have no tech background and have never managed a website project before, you can hit this out of the park and get your project perfectly mapped out so any web freelancer or team can know EXACTLY what you want done right from the start. We'll teach you how to do it!The key to a successful website project? Measure three times, cut once. Guaranteed. Register for our ""Creating Your Website Blueprint"" eCourse and learn everything you need to know to set up your company's website project for incredible success.Let's get started..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business, Marketing, & Personal Finance for Entrepreneurs" |
"In this Course we'll go over How to Grow Your Business, Market it for More Customers, & Use the Profit to Build Long Term Wealth.It's not enough to learn how to start a Business. In today's world EVERYONE can learn how to do that.You must learn how to grow your Business past that initial stage & get a sustainable source of customers. The only way to do that is by finding a problem to solve, creating a great product that solves that problem, continually improving that product, & then marketing it to potential customers that are more inclined to want it.Sounds simple, right? Then why do most Entrepreneurs & Businesses get it wrong?Enroll in Business, Marketing, & Personal Finance for Entrepreneurs today & learn the fundamental steps you must take to ensure the long term success of your Business."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Get Free Items Online to Resell" |
"Online Arbitrage is a great Business. It allows you to consistently multiply your money over & over again right from your computer.The issue with most Online Arbitrage Business models is you often need to invest money into products & then wait for those products to sell before you get your money back.But what if you could get products for free? What if you could get the money back for products you purchased....BEFORE you even sold them?That would change the Business model completely & mitigate any potential risk to the person starting it, right?That's the exact aim of this Course. I want to show you how you can get almost endless free products to your door right from your computer.Then, you can resell those products back online for 100% profit margin.Bold claim? Yes. But achievable no matter your situation or how much experience you might have.If you're interested in learning how you can multiply your money over & over again right from your computer with Cashback Arbitrage, enroll today."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Einrichtung eines sicheren VPN-Server" |
"Egal, ob Sie hufig ber ffentliche und damit unsichere WLAN-Hotspots surfen, oder von unterwegs aus Zugriff auf Rechner und Daten in Ihrem Heimnetz haben mchten: Ein eigenes virtuelles privates Netzwerk hilft Ihnen in beiden Fllen. Ich zeige Ihnen, wie Sie es einfach einrichten. Wenn Sie ber einen ffentlichen WLAN-Hotspot surfen, knnte ein bswilliger Nutzer smtlichen Datenverkehr mitschneiden und auswerten. Abhilfe schafft ein VPN-Tunnel - eine verschlsselte Verbindung in ein anderes, vertrauenswrdiges Netz, ber das alle Datenpakete flieen. Es gibt hierfr eine Reihe kostenloser Programme und Anbieter - von kostenlosen Tools wie Hotspot Shield , Tunnelbear bis zu kostenpflichtigen Lsungen wie Cyberghost VPN. Oder Sie setzen auf das eigene Netzwerk zuhause. Wenn Sie eine verschlsselte VPN-Verbindung dorthin aufbauen, haben Sie den zustzlichen Vorteil, dass Sie auf alle Ihre (eingeschalteten) Rechner und sonstigen Netzwerkgerte zugreifen knnen.So funktioniert ein VPN TunnelEin VPN bauen Sie immer als Punkt-zu-Punkt-Verbindung von einem Client zu einem VPN-Server auf: Dafr bentigen Sie die IP-Adresse des VPN-Servers sowie die Zugangsdaten fr das VPN. Der VPN-Server kann der eigene Router oder ein Rechner im Heimnetz sein, der Client das Smartphone oder Notebook, das Sie mit der passenden VPN-App bestcken. Sie knnen dazu die Bordmittel von Windows, Android und iOS nutzen oder aus zahlreichen kostenlosen VPN-Tools whlen wie beispielsweise OpenVPN. hnlich funktioniert es beim Zugriff auf das Bro-Netzwerk: Hier bekommen Sie meist vom Administrator der Firma die Zugangsdaten und ein darauf abgestimmtes Tool.Zwei Wege fhren zum Ziel Am einfachsten funktioniert die Einrichtung eines VPNs fr Ihr Heimnetz, wenn Ihr (DSL-)Router eine entsprechende Funktion besitzt. Bei vielen ist das der Fall - sowie bei Profi-Gerten, die dann meistens ber die sehr funktionsreiche Firmware verfgen.Ich erklre die Konfiguration am Beispiel eines eigenen VPN-Servers. Dieser muss dann allerdings stndig eingeschaltet sein, um Verbindungen entgegenzunehmen.Der Kurs umfasst im Detail:Die Konfiguration eines VPNDie Konfiguration eines SambafreigabedienstesDie Installation des OpenVPN ServersDie Konfiguration des ersten TunnelsIntegration in eine IT-DomneRoutingkonfigurationSchnittstellenkonfigurationDen VPN-Server konfiguriert in einer virtuellen UmgebungVPN-Server als Zertifizierungsstelleeigene Benutzerverwaltung und Authentifikation"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Einrichtung eines SIP-Netzwerkes" |
"Jeder einzelne ITSP (Internet Telephony Service Provider) verfgt ber ein Team von technischen Vertretern. Die Leistung dieser Fachleute ist entscheidend, um die Abwanderung und den Stress der Operation zu reduzieren. Auch andere Unternehmen wie Call Center und PBX-Betreiber vertrauen auf SIP-Spezialisten, um den reibungslosen Ablauf zu gewhrleisten. Viele Unternehmen beauftragen auch Auftragnehmer, die Lsungen und technischen Support anbieten. Dieses Training wurde entwickelt, um die Fehlersuche und die Designfhigkeiten dieser Fachleute zu verbessern. Der Kurs beinhaltet:Session Initiation ProtocolFunktionsweiseVerschlsselung und SicherheitVerbreitungVor- und NachteileSession Description ProtocolAdressierungSIP-SystemarchitekturSIP-KommunikationWas ist ein SIP Trunk?Einrichten eines SIP TrunkZusammenfassung"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Creatividad - Ignicin Creativa" |
"Qu es?En ignicin entenders qu es la creatividad, cmo funciona, cmo puedes convertirla en un hbito, y aprenders una metodologa paso a paso para generar todo tipo de ideas. Entendiendo estos principios sers capaz de identificar cules son los mejores momentos para buscar, incubar y ejecutar ideas aplicando tus dos tipos de pensamiento.Para qu es? Ignicin es un curso diseado para aprender cmo funciona la creatividad y cmo mejorarla, cmo aplicar tcnicas efectivas para detonarla, cules son los pasos para encontrar y desarrollar ideas, cmo convertir a la creatividad en un hbito y cmo ser un creativo ms productivo.Para quin es?El curso est enfocado para cualquier persona con o sin experiencia en creatividad. Puede ser particularmente til para personas que comienzan a perseguir una carrera creativa, personas que quieren mejorar su creatividad sin importar la profesin a la que se dediquen, aunque ayudar mucho a creadores y emprendedores.Por qu tomarlo?La creatividad hoy se valora ms que nunca, especialmente en una de sus formas: La innovacin. Hoy la innovacin y la creatividad se consideran necesarias en muchas organizaciones y son la forma ms eficiente de generar valor. Las personas que saben de qu se trata, sus alcances y su funcionamiento adquieren una invaluable ventaja competitiva que se traduce en habilidades para resolver problemas relevantes en todos los campos."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"CRM: Aprenda como construir uma boa relao com seu cliente." |
"O intuito do curso apresentar maneiras de como se comunicar com o cliente atravs da ferramenta CRM (Customer Relationship Management), desenvolvendo a capacidade analtica e crtica do aluno, para que ele ento, possa elaborar campanhas personalizadas a cada um de seus clientes atravs de diversos meios, e com isso poder sustentar uma boa relao B2C."
Price: 504.99 ![]() |
"Curso bsico sobre Cubase" |
"En este curso, aprenders desde el daw Cubase, a moverte en su interfaz ,desde 0 hasta que sepas grabar, saber lo bsico de la barra de transporte y la de herramientas, configuraciones bsicas para poder grabar y que te detecte el micrfono, la tarjeta de sonido, sus entradas y salidas etc, hasta llegar al punto de grabar tu propia voz"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trello ile Proje Ynetimi : Balangtan leri Seviyeye" |
"Trello iinde bulunduumuz dnemde, bir ok uygulama arasndan syrlan, gerek arayz gerek kullanm kolayl sayesinde n plana kan uygulamalardan biri. Bir ok ynetici, kendi ekiplerini artk trello ile bir arada ve iletiim halinde tutuyor. Ekibin tm yeleri ilerden trello ile haberdar kalyor. Siz iletmenizde, ofisinizde... hala bir yazlm kullanmyor musunuz? Trello cretsiz bir balang iin en iyi seenek. Buradan balamaya ne dersiniz?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Tattoo" |
"Here you will learn Where to find your supplies, What Tools you need in order to start your Tattoo Artists Career Apprenticeship. I go through the whole process on how can you start a Training that will give the necessary skills to build a Professional Career on the Tattoo Industry."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |