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"Advanced Tattoo Training" |
"On this time I go over a very simple design, but more advance in where I show you the different techniques on a Color design.I share with you the professional tools I use and How to use them. Make sure you pay attention to everything I say because I share some gold nuggets on my method that will help you get faster on your performance, enjoy!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Masternode Evergreen Kurs" |
"Viele Menschen suchen im Internet nach weiteren Masternode / Kryptowhrung Infos, doch leider sind im Internet kaum brauchbare und kompakte Informationen zu finden. Deshalb wurde dieser spezielle Kompaktkurs mit insgesamt 7 Modulen entwickelt. Dieser Kurs nenne ich die Masternode Bibel. Du wirst in diesem Produkt explizit erfahren, was eine Masternode ist, wie du die Funktionen bedienst, diese Nische detailliert analysierst und schlussendlich langfristig Geld damit verdienen kannst. Ich brauchte insgesamt 2 Jahre, um mir dieses Wissen anzueigenen. Es war sehr mhsam und zeitaufwendig, da ich alle Infos zuerst zusammensuchen musste.Und jetzt kommt die POSTIVE NACHRICHT fr Dich. All das, musst du nicht durchmachen und kannst den einfacheren Weg nehmen! Das heit fr Dich, kein lstiges Suchen mehr in YouTube, in Foren o.. All die wichtigen und relevanten Evergreen Videos findest du hier in diesem Produkt! Fr mich ist es wichtig viel Mehrwert zu einem extrem gnstigen Preis anzubieten, was mir schlussendlich gelungen ist. Und ich gebe dir noch eine Garantie oben drauf. Sollte dir dieses Produkt nicht gefallen oder weiterhelfen, so bekommst du von mir eine 30 Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie!Ein kurzer berblick der 7 Module: 1. Basiswissen Kryptowhrung 2. Masternode Funktionalitten 3. Sichere Walletnutzung 4. Professionelle Analyse 5. Erweitertes Masternode Wissen 6. Strategie und Mindset 7. Kritische Betrachtung der Masternode Nische Doch ich bin noch lange nicht fertig, denn ich setze noch ein Zusatzmodul oben drauf. 8. Bonus Videos Der nchste Vorteil fr Dich ist, dass diese Videos nicht alt werden und du sie jederzeit ansehen kannst.Welche Probleme lst dieses Produkt fr dich: 1. Du brauchst nicht mehr in YouTube o. lange herumsuchen. 2. Du bekommst den EXAKTEN A-Z Masternode Leitfaden. 3. Du sparst deine wertvolle Zeit und Nerven. 4. Du wirst Projekte einfacher analysieren knnen. 5. Du wirst erfahren, wie du dein Geld multiplizieren kannst. Sichere dir JETZT den ultimativen und einmalige Masternode Evergreen Kurs! Kaufe dieses Produkt risikofrei! Sollte dir dieses Produkt nicht gefallen oder weitergeholfen haben, so bekommst du von mir eine 30 Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Python desde cero" |
"No importa de que profesin seas. No importa si alguna vez has o no has programado en tu vida. Te guiar paso a paso en el genial mundo de la programacin. Lo nico que requiere es que le dediques algo de tiempo, y en menos de lo que esperas tendrs claro todos los principales conceptos de programacin. Toda mi experiencia como catedrtico y todas mis ganas las he puesto en este curso. Espero lo disfrutes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"REIKI MASTER: Complete Usui Reiki Ryoho (Levels 1-Master)" |
"Content and OverviewThis course is suitable for individuals who have zero experience in Reiki, as well as those who are already Reiki Masters and wish to strengthen and deepen their current practice.In this course you will learn What Reiki is, the history, aura, chakras, self hand positions and how to perform a full self healing session in Reiki 1. Reiki 2 will teach you the client hand positions, three Reiki symbols and how to invoke and utilize them, space clearing, opening and closing prayers, and how to perform a full client Reiki treatment both in person and at a distance. The Reiki Master section will teach you the Master Symbol, more in-depth client treatments, points to remember when teaching a Reiki course with sample course outlines and how to perform both in-person and distance attunements.This course includes Journal exercises at the end of each section, as well as opportunities for you to practice what you are learning as you progress along the course. You will have individual, one-on-one support from your instructor whenever you have questions or comments.What makes this course special?This course has over 120 lectures consisting of video, audio and resources, and is constantly being updated with additional information. There are three manuals included, with over 180 pages, that can be downloaded and printed. There is lifetime access to this course and all materials, with no time limit on completion.Once you have met the certification requirements you will receive an individual Reiki Attunement, and a Reiki Master certificate (emailed pdf file) suitable for display. These requirements include completing each lecture as well as Journal assignments to ensure students with this certification meet a high standard of professional competency.This course is compiled in a step by step method that will give you the confidence you need to begin your Reiki practice, whether you decide to perform healings or move on to teach. I believe There is a saying, alternately attributed to Buddha Siddhartha Guatama Shakyamuni: When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. If this course resonates with you, follow your heart and spirit and begin this journey.Please Note:In order to receive certification in this course, students will be required to give their name and email address in order to schedule and receive an attunement. ALL information is confidential, and will ONLY be seen by the Reiki Master, and will NEVER be shared."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine 4: Les Bases" |
"Vous aimez les jeux vido, vous avez toujours rv de crer votre propre jeu. Cette formation est faites pour vous ! Vous allez dcouvrir Unreal engine 4 et apprendre les bases pour bien dmarrer.Dans cette formation vous allez apprendre manipuler pas pas les diffrents outils destins la cration d'un jeu vido.Cette formation mlange thorie et pratique afin d'amliorer votre apprentissage.Au programme, nous passerons en revues les diffrents astuces et indispensables connatre.Nous optimiserons l'diteur pour la cration de vos futurs projets.La cration d'un premier btiment permettra une Initiation la programmation en blueprinten commenant par les basiques (ouverture de porte allumage de lumire) vers un niveau plus avanc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guia Do Sucesso Apostas Esportivas Online" |
"GUIA DO SUCESSO APOSTAS ESPORTIVAS ONLINE!!!Nesse curso eu vou passar um pouco do meu conhecimento nas casas de apostas que adquiri com o passar dos anos.O melhor de tudo, no s vou passar um pouco de minha experincia, tambm irei passar DUAS ESTRATGIAS que uso para LUCRAR na modalidade ""Tnis de Mesa""! Isso mesmo, voc vai sair preparado para lucrar nessa modalidade de esporte, seguindo o passado a passo desse curso. OBJETIVO DO CURSO:-Fazer voc lucrar-Ter uma renda extra-Conquistar uma possvel renda principalPR-REQUISITOS:-Ter acesso a Internet-1 Notebook, Tablet, SmartPhone ou DesktopPBLICO ALVO:-Qualquer pessoa pode comear a apostar, sendo maior de 18 anos. -Esse curso foi criado para abranger todos os tipos de pessoas, desde aquelas que j conhecem as casas de apostas, at as mais leigas, que no sabem como funciona. ESTRUTURA DO CURSO: -Vdeo aulaDINMICA DO CURSO:O curso ser dividido em 9 mdulos onde cada um vai abordar um tema diferente."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Turn Your Travel Dream Into Reality" |
"This course is a practical guide to take ones travel dream or idea and turn it into an achievable goal that one can accomplish. It tackles the common challenges that hold people back from traveling, such as money, time, and fear. The lectures help students change their mindsets, create a financial plan, and follow through with their travel goal until the end. With all the knowledge, tips, and resources included, students will be more motivated and inspired to travel, or achieve any goal they may have."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Encounter Your Purposeful Career In 5 Steps" |
"Discover How to Embark on Your Purposeful Career Journey Rapidly by Applying the Secrets steps. You can Transform from Being Confused and Cluelessly to Clear + Confident about your passionate job role that is aligned to your strengthWant to Know How to Get Clear on Your Purposeful Career In 5 Days?Apply Now to Join 5 Day Challenge Starting Next & You'll Discover: Day 1: Career LifeStyle Fitness Check - Get Your Career and Life Blueprint Set Up to Succeed from the Get Go! Gain Ultimate Clarity at the Start of the Challenge to Maximise Your Results Throughout it! Day 2: If You're Going to FEELING + LIVING the meaning your job on a daily basis, You'll Need to Make Sure This One Thing is PERFECT! You'll Discover Exactly What it is on Day 2 Day 3: INTERESTS & PASSION are the Lifeblood of any Meaningful Career. On Day 3 - You'll Learn the Different Methods You can use to Uncover roles that Excited you Day 4: You need to Clarify your Career Strength to Present the Best of You? I'll Show You How on Day 4. Day 5: And of Course... if You Can't Pinpoint your Value, Interest and Strength - You'll Struggle to Land in your Dream Job. On Day 5 we do a Career Purpose Crash Course to Get You Certain & Confident"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Excel Office" |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to create a rose flower confetti soap" |
"At this class, you will be able to learn how to create three kinds of rose decorations (flower confetti soap ) using the handmade soap which is created by cold-process method.And then, you will be able to study/learn all of the flower confetti soaps (not only how to create rose flower confetti but also the best recipe for making flower confetti soap, how to make the handmade soap using cold-process method, the best softness for creating flower confetti, how to decorate it on your soap beautifully, how to preserve the extra soaps).The English translation is provided, so people all over the world who love it can be enjoyed."
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Excellent Writing Skills" |
"Course Contents:1. Structural Precision ( all about tenses, modal verbs, prepositions, irregular plural, words with two pronunciations and accordingly different meanings, conjunctions & linking words ).2.Business Writing skills ( correct punctuation, formatting and common mistakes).3. A variety of vocabulary used in business atmosphere and other vocabulary to avoid.Courses are run by Ehab M. Ramzi, a Multi-linguist & Public Speaker"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Make Awesome Animated Movies" |
"Students will learn the basics of animation. Over the course of 5 classes they will go from having no former knowledge to having a grasp over the major concepts of the art form and knowing how to create their very own short animated films. This class gives students the skills to turn whatever fantastical things they can imagine into reality. Students will be taught the basics of animation, including the 12 Principles, lip syncing, walk cycles, how to use all of the necessary hardware and software for animated filmmaking, and how to put it all together to make their very own films. Students will also need to download the required software beforehand (although we will be going over this on the first day if anyone has had any problems with this process)."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Merchant Fulfill Used Books on Amazon" |
"Have you been looking for a way to generate extra income? Are you struggling to make ends meet with your current nine-to-five? Are you looking for a fun new hobby that generates passive income? Selling books on Amazon is a great way to do that!In my course, I will teach you everything you need to know about selling used books on Amazon as a ""merchant"" seller. I teach you how to use the tools of the trade and generate serious part-time income FAST! I will show you how to make an Amazon account, how to find the books, how to list them, and how to start making passive income!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Sell Books With Amazon FBA" |
"Have you been looking for a way to generate extra income? Are you struggling to make ends meet with your current nine-to-five? Are you looking for a fun new hobby that generates passive income? Selling books on Amazon is a great way to do that!In my course, I will teach you everything you need to know about selling used books on Amazon as an ""FBA"" seller. I have condensed all of the necessary knowledge you need into a QUICK course to get you started FAST. I teach you how to use the tools of the trade and generate serious part-time income FAST! I will show you how to make an Amazon account, how to find the books, how to list them, and how to start making passive income!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CSS in Wordpress" |
"Kijk hoe je met 34 regels code een kleine website totaal van uiterlijk kunt veranderen. Dit laat ik je in n uur video training zien. Verander lettertypes en achtergronden eenvoudig door de hele site ineens. Gebruik Google fonts, voeg een header toe en ontdek hoe je aan elk blok van de Gutenberg editor jouw zelfgemaakte opmaakstijl naar wens kunt koppelen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personal & Business Introductions. #GetFluent in #Russian." |
"How will you feel by the end of the course?You will feel extremely confident when introducing yourself personally and professionally in Russian.You will feel a huge satisfaction and tranquility when noticing that it is you the one that controls the situation and hence secures your own success.You will notice huge progress in the quality of your spoken Russian and its pronunciation (when applied to personal and professional introductions)You will feel that you can identify your weak points when introducing yourself so that it is easier to make your weaknesses develop into your strengths.You will feel more creative and capable of thinking out of the box.What will you learn by the end of the course?Section 1 (Academic Part):You will be able to go over the topics you learned and notice areas for improvement, you will be able to understand, consolidate and use Reading and pronunciation rules when speaking Russian.Sections 2 & 3 (Learning Language Strategies & Russian Culture, creating Public Speaking skills ):You will learn about the pronunciation of words and phrases while expanding your vocabulary at the same time.You will learn how to get rid of your mother tongues influence and hence acquire a Russian Language melody, rhythm, and intonation when speaking.You will learn easy, fun and powerful How to be Fluent and Sound like a Native strategies when reading and speaking in Russian.You will learn how to create your personal and business high impact introductions.You will learn how to speak in public tips.You will learn how to better understand Russian Mentality: Why dont Russian people smile as much? You will learn about such stereotypes.You will learn how to asses yourself when doing introductions and how to get an outstanding final result.Why should you choose my course:My talent is to know the exact needs of my students, define their student profile and select the appropriate resources for each case. This allows me to create a strategy and a learning routine that will help my students get the most out of the classes in a short amount of time.As a career, I studied the learning strategies of foreign languages and worked as a language teacher for 25 years in a face to face mode. I know the needs of the students in depth, as well as the difficulties that create barriers between them and their rapid and satisfactory progress, as well as the steps that can turn a problem into an opportunity. My professional experience allows me to group and classify these needs, link the difficulties related to each need and offer the strategies that work best in the vast majority of cases. For this reason, I have decided to address a single topic in each course (a lack, a need or a problem that students have, such as the ones you can encounter in Personal and Business Introductions, for instance) instead of offering a general course about the Russian language. Ive selected the topics that are of great interest because they cover the real shortcomings that exist so that each student is able to choose the class that will most suit and help him/her.Whos this course for?Russian Language learners with at least an Elementary Level.Russian and Slavic Studies StudentsPeople traveling frequently to RussiaPeople interested in mastering RussianStudents that have struggled to learn Russian in the pastStudents that would like to understand HOW languages are learnedPeople having Russian Friends and studying RussianPeople looking to expand their business in RussiaHow will this course help your professional and personal lives?1. Giving an elegant and complete personal introduction will allow you to feel really confident:It gives you the perfect opportunity to broaden your social circle. Speaking another language will give you a huge advantage when it comes to making new friends and contacts.2. Giving a professional high impact business introduction will allow youto improve your employment opportunities and develop your vocabulary and fluency skills.3. Creating and Practicing Public Speaking skills will allow you to get multiple benefits:get personal and professional successhelp with career advancementboost confidencebuild critical thinking skillsimprove communication skillsmake new social connectionsexpand your professional networkbuild leadership skillslearn performance skillsno fear of impromptu speakingget personal satisfactionIt allows you to learn something new, useful and different.How it works and why it worksI have created a new concept of video classes, that works in depth on a specific topic since Ive noticed that many times students have a good academic knowledge, but they are not able to use this knowledge when speaking. To understand it better imagine a great wardrobe (your head) with a lot of clothes (knowledge acquired previously) and you in front of this closet, looking at it and without knowing what to choose. Ignorance can lead to undesirable situations, such as throwing away a dress that suits you, going to the theatre in a tracksuit or practicing sports in pyjamas. This is because we spend a lot of time shopping for new clothes (= doing the theoretical classes) and we dedicate little or no time to understand, assimilate, practice and bring to automatism what we have learned. The concept of my video classes is based on a quick review of academic subjects related to the practical part (Section 1) and a deep practice of the subject in question (Section 2). I will teach you some of the best learning strategies for each specific need that will allow me to create original exercises, which are fun and with great final results. This system is highly supported by my students, and it works because I know how to explain concepts in an easy to understand way and I am very demanding (and sweet at the same time) when training my students. Small amounts of information about the culture (Section 3) will create a moment of rest, that will result in being useful and allow you to relax at the same time. I have adapted my personal method for video courses to help more people achieve their dreams when it comes to learning a language.What my students say:I have had a variety of language courses with Anna Valadzko, always with a satisfactory result. Her personalised approach, closer to coaching than to traditional language teaching, has allowed me to always achieve the objectives set at the beginning of the course, regardless of whether I needed to learn a complicated language such as Russian, improve my professional skills with financial English, or improve my public presentations by improving my style and pronunciation of the English language. At the methodological level, it is totally innovative and she is capable to motivate you continuously, helping you to concentrate and take advantage of every minute that you have invested.Manuel Matutes Mestre. Board Member at Palladium Hotel Group.Having Anna as my Russian teacher has been a pleasure. It has helped me to learn the language at my own pace and in a very fun and pleasant way, emphasising elements such as pronunciation, vocabulary, and speaking, which are many times left out in traditional classes. Going to one of Annas classes is a synonym to fun and learning new things about life through a new language while acquiring new knowledge about a completely different culture. I highly recommended it, really. For a different way of learning a language, to appreciate it and always get the most out of it. Someone that motivates you to keep improving.Snia RomanAs Anna Valadzkos Russian student of 3 years, I want to emphasise her discipline and her methodical way of teaching. Pondering the grammar and the conversation, in such a way that the lesson was very entertaining as well as instructive, both in speaking and in grammar. Her techniques were highly useful for my professional development. With Annas help, I was able to turn Russian into a very useful tool in my day-to-day work (Logistics sector).Ralph Mller, sector LogisticsAnna's classes are very effective, inspiring and motivating, with their own methodology and with the active use of new technologies. I have studied various languages throughout the years, I have had different types of teachers and Anna's classes are the best classes I have ever enjoyed. I totally recommend it.Ana Ceano-Vivas Tremosa.I have known Anna for many years and Ive had many courses with her. She was my first contact with Russian, and Anna makes the learning of such language, which, from the point of view of the majority seems impossible to speak, somewhat easy. Anna brings you great enthusiasm for Russias culture, which I think is essential when it comes to speaking Russian correctly. Her sympathy and great availability when solving doubts or answering questions are priceless. Always being willing to clarify what is necessary for each of her students makes one wish for the next class to come at the end of each lesson. In short, she spreads enthusiasm to learn and study. She inspires her students when they are discouraged by a challenge, not only about Russian but also about other aspects of life. It shows that she loves her work. I would not trade Anna for anything.Mnica RMy experience as a Russian student with Anna has been enormously positive. Anna is a teacher who takes great care of her students through teaching. She helps them to take advantage of their potential and reinforce those aspects that may seem quite difficult at first. With her, you not only learn the language and the grammar, but you also learn about the culture, which leads to having a very nice time in class and while learning.Elizabeth Vargas"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Project Management Professional (PMP) Exam Preparation" |
"PMP Exam Preparation Course PMP - 20 Hours for Technical skills - 9 Hours for Business skills - - 6 Hours for Leadership skills - 35 PDUs / 35 contact hours for the PMP exam application - Two exam questions to prepare for PMP exam with 200 each 200 15 to 20 questions in each PMBOK Guide, 6th edition knowledge 15 20 You have to complete all assignments and exercises to claim the 35 Hours 35"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Marketing produktw online: przedsprzeda" |
"Chciaby sprbowa swych si tworzc kurs online lub piszc e-booka? Skd jednak moesz wiedzie, czy twj produkt odniesie sukces? Dziki poznaniu sekretw skutecznej przedsprzeday dowiesz si wczenie, czy twj pomys to strza w dziesitk, czy strza w kolano. Ponadto, podczas procesu skutecznej przedsprzeday twoja oferta z dobrej stanie si wietna a twoi potencjalni klienci nie bd mogli si jej oprze. Kurs jest wyjtkowy, poniewa prowadzony jest na podstawie CASE STUDY- produktu, ktry autorowi pozwoli zarobi piciocyfrow sum w samym okresie przedsprzeday.Warte uwagi s BONUSY, jakie otrzymasz w tym kursie:- analiza mojej strony przedsprzedaowej -analiza mojej sekwencji mailingowej - film, jak znale grupy na facebook twoich idealnych klientw- film, jak znale formularz zapisu na facebook z analiz formularza- jak znale grup idealnych klientw? wiczenie z komentarzami- jak znale najlepszy temat? wiczenie z komentarzami"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Instagram wzrost: Jak zdoby 1 tys. prawdziwych followersw" |
"Ponad 70% kont na Instagramie nie przekracza magicznej liczby 1 tysica followersw. Dlaczego tak trudno przebi si przez t liczb? Co mona zrobi, by konto szybciej roso?Jeli masz konto na Instagramie i zadajesz sobie te i podobne pytania- ten kurs jest dla Ciebie! Jeli nie posiadasz jeszcze konta na Instagramie- dziki temu kursowi bdziesz wiedzie od pocztku co jest wane i unikniesz bdw popenianych przez wikszo instagramowiczw. Gdy ""utknem"" na moim koncie przy okoo trzech setkach followersw, miaem dwie opcje- albo si podda, albo posi wiedz, jak robi to najlepsi, e ich konta rosn. Wybraem drug opcj. Zainwestowaem w kursy zarwno zagraniczne jak i polskie na temat Instagrama. Cz rad, szczeglnie tych spoza oceanu, bya jak kula w pot w polskiej rzeczywistoci. Jednak cz rad bya ""zotym pyem"", dziki magii ktrego moje konto szybko zaczo rosn. Tymi wanie radami, ktre NAPRAWD maj znaczenie, dziel si na tym kursie. Nie ukrywam, e nie bdzie atwo i czeka Ci duo pracy- pozbawi Ci sentymentw, i pomog odrni plewy od ziarna. Ale jeli naprawd zaley Ci na wzrocie Twojego konta- masz tu sam esencj wielu, wielu drogich kursw, za bardzo przystpn cen. Wszystko, o czym ucz na kursie- przetestowaem wraz z moj on na naszych kontach.Nie obiecuj gruszek na wierzbie- obiecuj Ci 1 tysic followersw. Zastosuj wiedz z tego kursu a sam zobaczysz, jak to dziaa."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
5-dollarov-za-minutu |
", , 20 , . , , , ! , , , , . !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Certified Educator - Level 1" |
"Welcome to our course G Suite for Education - Level 1! In this course, you will access a full overview of Google apps with lectures, resources to help you develop your understanding of this fantastic tool! We even provide practise questions to help you with preparation for the Google Certified Educator Level 1 exam. Our course is jam packed with top tips and insight to help you get the most out of your subscription and to transform your teaching and learning workflow.We are always on hand should you have any questions and, as ex teachers, we can help you to start planning for deployment in your schools.Also, check out our online learning platform for more exclusive courses!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Marketing de verdade em 4 passos" |
"Uma seleo de aulas sinceras, diretas ao ponto, que bastar voc assistir, anotar e aplicar no seu negcio para ter, se enrolao nem rodeios, resultados realmente perceptveis no seu negcio, independente se micro, pequena, mdia ou grande empresa.Se voc voc trabalha em um negcio que tem concorrncia, ento esse treinamento vai te ajudar a se descolar dessa concorrncia a ponto de torn-la irrelevante."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Master Google Search Console-WebmasterIncrease traffic 25%+" |
"In the mastery course of Google Search Console, you are going to learn everything from beginners to advance whether it's adding your website to Search console, Understanding indepth about sitemap and Robots.txt, Navigating fast through Search Console in figuring out required information. Here you also understand about all those issues occurs in search console and their fixes, Most importantly how to analyse your site performance report, which can help you to achieve more CTR, Clicks and traffic by 25% +So, Decide whether you want to become a performer or just want to procrastinate and Go inside those fantasy imagination.And If you want to become a performer, you are most welcome to this course, let's me upgrade you in marketing, because if you are not upgrading you are downgrading."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master WordPress Security: Detailed Guide to protect website" |
"In this course, you will learn Complete Wordpress Security. Here are the topics which we are going to cover:-Secure WordPress HostingUse Latest PHP VersionClever Usernames and PasswordsLatest VersionsLockDown WordPress AdminTwo-Factor AuthenticationHTTPS SSL CertificateHardening wp-config.phpHide WordPress VersionHTTP Security HeadersWordPress Security PluginsDatabase SecuritySecure ConnectionsFile and Server PermissionsDisable Editing in DashboardAlways Take WordPress BackupsDDoS ProtectionAfter this Complete Course, you will learn how to protect your as well as your client website.You find yourself very happy that where website and business are 100% secure and In any bad circumstances what action you need to take.Your fear goes out for a lifetimeEffective Backup StrategyInsight Knowledge of Cpanel Plugins theme and many moreThis course covers everything in detail about WordPress Security and completely worth your time for learning because time is really valuable. So Go ahead and take this course Now."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"App-Entwicklung mit Swift 5 fr iOS 14 - inkl. SwiftUI 2" |
"Tglich verwenden wir eine Vielzahl an Apps die unser Leben revolutioniert haben. Seien es Messanger Dienste wie WhatsApp, Threema und Co. oder die verschiedensten Spiele, die jeden Tag Millionen von Menschen in ihren Bann ziehen. Dabei ist es faszinierend, zu verstehen, wie diese Apps funktionieren und wie man sie programmiert. An diesen Ah-Moment, wenn die erste App erfolgreich auf dem eigenen Gert installiert ist, mag man sich auch mehrere Jahre spter noch gerne zurckerinnern.Genau darum geht es hier im Kurs. Zunchst werden einige theoretische Grundlagen erlutert, ehe es dann daran geht, die ersten eigenen Programmierkenntnisse zu erwerben. Diese werden dann in mehreren Praxisprojekten erweitert und vertieft. Dabei werden die Praxisprojekte durch verschiedene Lektionen ergnzt, in denen auf fortgeschrittenere Programmierfertigkeiten eingegangen wird. Auerdem beleuchtet dieser Kurs das neue Framework SwiftUI, welches fr das Erstellen von User Interfaces verwendet wird. Dabei werden neben grundlegenden Fragen (z.B. ""Was ist ein Framework?"") mehrere Anwendungen entwickelt, die sich dann z.B. auch im Dark-Mode unter iOS 14 verwenden lassen.Und auch wirtschaftlich hat die App-Entwicklung einiges zu bieten. So existieren heute ca. 2 Millionen (!) Apps im App Store. Diese erwirtschafteten im ersten Halbjahr 2020 einen Umsatz von 32,8 Mrd. Dollar.Also, steige auch Du in die spannende Welt der App-Entwicklung ein und lege den Grundstein, um erfolgreich Deine eigenen Apps zu entwickeln!Ich freue mich auf Dich !-----------------------Da ich diesen Kurs regelmig mit neuen Lektionen versorge, gebe ich hier einen berblick, welche Kursinhalte wann hinzugekommen sind.Updates des Kurses:Hinweis: Der Kurs deckt mittlerweile nahezu alle wichtigen Themen ab, weswegen es in Zukunft etwas weniger neue Lektionen geben wird...September 2020:- Komplette Neuaufnahme aller SwiftUI Lektionen mit iOS 14 und macOS Big Sur - Neues Quiz fr den Abschnitt ""Diverses 1""- Neues Quiz fr den Abschnitt ""Speicherverwaltung / Memory Managment""- Neuer Abschnitt ""News-App"" mit ber 30 Lektionen und insgesamt ca. 7,5 Stunden neuem Content (siehe auch entsprechendes Intro-Video in der Sektion), wobei alle Lektionen mit Xcode 12 und iOS 14 aufgenommen wurden.August 2020:- Neue Lektion ""Xcode - Tipps und Tricks""Juli 2020:- Neuer Abschnitt ""Objektorientierte Programmierung (OOP) 2. Teil""Juni 2020:- Neue Lektion ""Enum - Associated Values""Mai 2020:- Neue Lektion ""Enum - Raw Values""April 2020:- Neuer Abschnitt Diverses 2Mrz 2020:- Neuer Abschnitt zum Thema SFSafariViewControllerFebruar 2020:- Neue Lektionen zum Thema Memory Management.Januar 2020:- Neue Lektionen zur Lnder-AppDezember 2019:- Neue Lektion zur Lnder-App (Implementierung der UISearchBar)November 2019:- Zwei neue Lektionen zur Lnder-AppOktober 2019:- Neuaufnahme und Updates von Lektionen mit Xcode 11- Neuer Abschnitt (Video Player)- Neue Lektion (""*Optional - Troubleshooting"")September 2019:- Neuer Abschnitt ""Zufallszahlengenerator"" (8 Lektionen)- Neue Lektion (""Optionals intern"")August 2019:11.08.2019 - Neuer Abschnitt und zwei neue Lektionen zum Thema Speicherverwaltung09.08.2019 - Neue Lektion (""Objekte auf der Konsole ausgeben"" - CustomStringConvertible)06.08.2019 - Neue Lektion (Speicherverwaltung - deinit und ARC)02.08.2019 - Neue Lektion (SwiftUI - @ObservedObject - Xcode beta 5)Juli 2019: 31.07.2019 - Neue Lektion ( Typecasting(as, as?, as!) )29.07.2019 - Neuer Abschnitt (Fehlerbehandlung (Error Handling))27.07.2019 - Neue Lektion (Optionals berprfen 2 - Guard Statement)26.07.2019 - Neuer Abschnitt (Umfangreiches Praxisprojekt: ""Lnder-App"" - Custom Cells, JSON, Segues)25.07.2019 - Neue Lektion (Xcode - ""Build Time"" anzeigen lassen)23.07.2019 - Neue Lektion (SwiftUI - PropertyWrappers (@EnvironmentObject))22.07.2019 - Neue Lektion (SwiftUI - PropertyWrappers (@Binding))20.07.2019 - Neue Lektion (Die erste ""richtige"" App)19.07.2019 - Neuer Abschnitt (""MVC Design Pattern und Einstieg in die Persistente Datenspeicherung"", 8 Lektionen)18.07.2019 - Neue Lektion (""SwiftUI - Diverses"")17.07.2019 - Neues Praxisprojekt mit TableView16.07.2019 - Neue Lektionen zum Thema Generics 15.07.2019 - 3 Neue Lektionen zur ""Pizza-Bestell-App""14.07.2019 - 3 neue Lektionen: Typ-Aliasse, Statische Eigenschaften, Einfhrung Pizza-Besteller13.07.2019 - Neue Lektion mit ntzlichen Shortcuts fr den Kurs12.07.2019 - Neue Lektion zum Thema ""Raw Strings""11.07.2019 - KursverffentlichungAnmerkung: In diesem Kurs werden Swift 5, Swift 5.1, Swift 5.2, Swift 5.3 und SwiftUI 2.0 verwendet."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"5 modelos de posts p/ engajar e vender no instagram [2020]" |
"Ter um Instagram de sucesso significa gerar vendas e negcios por meio dele. Para isso, entender os aspectos da rede social e saber o que o usurio busca ao acess-lo fundamental. Neste curso, dois especialistas em marketing digital compartilham as melhores tcnicas e aes para construir um relacionamento forte com seus seguidores, engaj-los e transformar cada um deles em clientes. Voc vai aprender a:definir a persona da sua marca;criar contedo que engaja o usurio e gera comentrios;conduzir o seguidor no funil de marketing at que se torne um clienteproduzir contedo usando seu celular.Inicie agora mesmo!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Create eCommerce Website - Online Shop with Wordpress 2020" |
"Hi everybody...On this course, you can save a lot of money since have your own eCommerce website instead of being paid member of some website provider likes Shopify.Save more than $3000/year with your own website rather than with monthly or annual membership.You can list your eCommerce website on web marketplace likes Shopify, sell it, and grab money from there !Hi, welcome to this Course Making an eCommerce Website with Wordpress (FREE Theme & Plugins).On the first lecture we are going to learn how to select your hosting plan and domain nameThe next lecture is how to install Wordpress, FREE WP Theme, Permalink Structures and some WP Plugin that are powerful to support the website.After that I will show you how to create some Pages, Install Woocommerce, and Setup the WoocommerceAnd the next is you will learn how to post Content, Create Single Product, and Variable product. im gonna show you what is the different between single and variable products by upload 1 sample product each.The next is the part of how to design the homepage that I split in 6 sections, so you will learn step by step on each sections using Elementor as the page builder.And the next you will learn how to create Sidebar, TopBar, and the Footer as well as your social media so can notify your follower & friends about your e-commerce website.And at the last you gonna learn how to create coupon code as one of the best marketing strategy on e-commerce business For example you can give Product Discount or Free Shipping services to you potential customers And you also will learn how to create the Mega Menu that will more looks elegant rather than Standard Menu.This is for beginner, intermediate, expert, and all levels of making online shop with wordpress.After you complete all of this course, you will have skill of how to create a professional e-commerce website wih wordpress and ready to launch your E-commerce website"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"1 Hour with HTML" |
"On this course you will learn : the HTML overview so you will learn about what is HTML exactly, HTML basic structure, and build your first HTML code.I'll show you about : the Elements in HTML, the attribute, and how to put the attribute & the valuesThe next is Comments in HTML : why and how we put comments on our html code.You will learn about paragraph and headings this is how to define the heading and the paragraph based on the structures, how to insert space and the horizontal line.The next is text formatting in HTML, you will learn how to write some most popular text format that always used on the website.And on the Style : you will learn how to style with color, text, border, align.The next is lists : this is about how to create some custom list with order list and un-order list.On the hyperlink topics : I will show you how to create the internal link, external link, link to image, and others.Then on the Image in HTML : I will show you how to put image on our website and also explain to you about some attributes on image.The next is the table : this is how you know about create a table with heading and border style and I'll show you how to merge or span the column and row of table.And on the last course you will learn how to create a Form with text, password, radio button, description, and submit button."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Compiler Construction & Design From Scratch" |
"This is the most comprehensive course available on Udemy touching on this subject matter and this course cover such a large portion of this subject . ( At the time of posting ) This course is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to gain or enhance the basic concepts of Compiler Construction. If you are taking Compiler Construction course in your university / College, this course will make sure that you pass with flying colors and stay at the top of your classWe'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know Why take this course ?Every Systems related course be it Architecture, Compilers or Operating System or any other, are difficult. But I would suggest you to take this course. If you will be going into the field of Systems, then Compilers is a must. Each and every Systems related course are related to each other.Don't expect that you can be an expert in Operating Systems without having good knowledge of Compilers and Architecture.Also, Compiler being a vast topic. Many problems in Compilers like Register Allocation, Data flow analysis, Global and Local Code Scheduling etc. make use of many complicated algorithms. Learning these algorithms will surely help you in the near future.Don't worry the Course will be very simple and Easy to follow through"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting" |
"Hey Guys!My name's Ben Chai, the ""Dr. Who of Business"".Before we begin, I want to make sure that you're in the right place. Do you feel:Trapped in your current existence?Like you know WHAT you want but don't know HOW to achieve it?Like the amazing life you ALWAYS wanted will never be within your grasp?Most of my client's felt like that too.In fact, most of my client's seemed to be living the life of dreams. Business owners, property investors, and even millionaires have all come to me looking for ways for me to enable them to create the life they want.And a funny thing happened...As I built their businesses, investment portfolios, and introduced them to powerful networking opportunities, they started to change.They would tell me things like:""Most of the things we end up talking about aren't even Business related!""""Ben, I thought your crazy techniques were all woo-woo nonsense. Thank you for forcing me to do it""""I thought we were only going to do technical-stuff but your techniques have helped me in so many areas of my life""So, I asked my Son to help me build this course, which will enable you to:Sort out everything that you want to do in your lifeCreate daily actions to get you closer to achieving your goalsAvoid the financially and emotionally costly mistakes that you'll fun intoSee you on the course!- Ben"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"How to Network Your Way to 10 High-Paying Clients" |
"Hey Entrepreneurs!Ben Chai here, the ""Dr. Who of Business"".One big challenge, small business owners face is how to attract and increase core clients that they LOVE working with. Clients, that you not only love to work with, but clients who also love to work with you and will return to use your service time and time again.This problem is typically due to:Not feeling good enough to talk to anyoneConstantly Networking and not feeling connected to anyone they talk toUnable to convert connections into high-paying clientsUnable to pay for a good sales personAs a result, their confidence in both their business and themselves hits rock bottom.Some lose all the investment they and their friends have put into the business.Some quit.Some feel humiliated that they ""failed"".It's tragic to see great businesses fail to take off when the people that start them are genuinely looking to change the world.Once you're great at networking, you're going to be able to:Make your own ""luck""Find opportunities AND be able to convert them into financial gainBuild amazing connections with potential clients that will keep buying from youCan't wait to see you on the course!- Ben"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |