Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Curso de Questionrio de Rastreamento Metablico" |
"Esse questionrio uma ferramenta criada pelo Instituto de Nutrio Funcional para demonstrar quais as deficincias e excessos que o seu paciente pode ter, tanto de vitaminas e minerais, como hipersensibilidades alimentares, alergias, problemas de absoro de macronutrientes, uma ferramenta muito simples de ser preenchida, mas que pode te ajudar a complementar os exames ou ento no caso ser utilizado com aquele paciente que voc no conseguiu solicitar os exames laboratoriais. A partir dele possvel saber se o paciente possui deficincia de vitaminas como: complexo B, A, E.. e de minerais como clcio, ferro, zinco, magnsio.O curso dividido em 3 mdulos:#1 mdulo: O que o Questionrio de Rastreamento Metablico (QRM)Como preencher o QRMComo analisar o QRM#2 mdulo: Analisando os sinais e sintomas parte I (excesso, deficincia e como suplementar)#3 Mdulo: Anlise de casos."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso InovaNutri - Consultrio" |
"No curso InovaNutri - Consultrio voc vai aprender:#1 mdulo: Como tornar realidade os seus sonhos, desejos e metas estou sendo audaciosa, mas verdade, com 5 ferramentas que eu vou te ensinar isso possvel- Como criar temas para post e e-book aqui eu vou te dar de brinde 100 temas de post e e-books que eu criei- Como criar uma arte para os seus posts e como fazer a programao deles, vou te ensinar aonde voc pode procurar imagens gratuitas, site para criao e como eu fao para programar os meus posts- Vamos comear a gravar vdeos? Aqui eu te ensino como comear a gravar com o seu celular, e como fazer a edio, sem ter que gastar com equipamentos, luz, microfone..- E claro tero 5 desafios para chegar o mais prximo do seu sonho# 2 mdulo: Vamos vender o seu trabalho e cuidar da sua sade financeira- Vou te ensinar como precificar a sua consulta e ver quanto vale a sua hora de trabalho- Vou te ensinar como cobrar os pacientes, utilizando vrios recursos- E o melhor vou te ensinar a criar pacotes, vou te passar TODAS as ferramentas que eu utilizo em meus pacotes (contrato, atestado, questionrios, recibos...)- Vamos ver o seu trabalho como um negcio, como uma empresa? Vamos cuidar das finanas para que voc consiga ter sucesso o mais rpido possvel?Nesse mdulo eu vou abrir dois SEGREDOS meu: eu vou te ENSINAR 25 passos para FECHAR pacotes ou consultas em um evento ao vivo, com esses passos eu consegui faturar mais de R$ 20.000 em um evento ao vivo e vou te dar o meu MANUAL DO PACIENTE, para que voc crie o seu para vender o seu trabalho.#3 Mdulo: Aula ao vivo para discusso de casos clnicos, vamos analisar junto exames, criar suplementaes, ver estratgias alimentares#4 Mdulo: Chegar de levar servio para casa, vamos aprender a entregar plano alimentar na hora?#5 Mdulo: Protocolos alimentares, eu vou ensinar a como montar os seguintes planos alimentares: Dieta paleo, cetognica, low carb, vegetariano, vegano, detox e de limpeza do intestino.#6 Mdulo: Como escolher os melhores equipamentos para o seu consultrio- Balana qual a mais efetiva?- Bioimpedancia ser que vale a pena?- Qual o melhor adipometro?- O que voc precisa para comear os seus atendimentos ( documentos, fichas, sistema ...)#Mdulo Extra:- Como gravar vdeos"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Invitation to Love" |
"(Note: This is a 1 hr recorded video course full of valuable coaching instruction, exercises and mindsets designed to create the ability to attract the lover of your desires. When you purchase this amazing class, you can watch it immediately and as many times as you need to solidify the teachings! Instructions to access this course will be sent via email under the Additional Information section of your confirmation email after you sign up. All you need is your computer/phone/tablet and a great internet connection!)Invitation to LoveHow to Get and Keep the Relationship of Your Dreams:5 Techniques to Get Out of Your Own Way and Stop Sabotaging Yourself-Have you ever found yourself connecting with someone youre interested in and moving in a positive direction with them, only for a weird twist of events to happen, and then out of nowhere your chances with this person cease to exist?-Have you ever thought to yourself, This person is it. This is who I want to build my life with. Only to decide a few secs, minutes, hours, days, etc, later that youre over it because they picked their teeth in front of you or some other inane reason?-Or are you currently in a relationship, but day in and day out you question whether or not it will last because you feel undeserving or not good enough for the person? Or perhaps you think that they are going to cheat on you, take advantage of you, or that they dont realize how good you are to them, etc, etc, etc.?Chances are my dear, you are a relationship self-saboteur. Most of us, when self aware, can recognize these these patterns happening over and over again in our relationship dynamics. However, what many of us fail to know is what to do once we have understood we are stuck in these patterns.Well the good news is, if you are reading this, then you have already taken the first two steps to actualizing and keeping the relationship of your dreams: 1. Understanding that you have a problem and 2. Acknowledging that you need help. The third step comes when you begin taking actions to actually change the behavior. This is where this masterclass comes in.So here is what you will learn in this masterclass?- What is self-sabotage and why do we do it?-The definition of self-sabotage-2 key aspects to be aware of in relationship to self-sabotage-The underlying reasons one self-sabotages (Hint Its not what you might think)- What self-sabotage looks like and the various ways it can show up in your relationship- The most common thought patterns that relationship self-saboteurs have about themselves and others- The behaviors of a self-saboteur and the thought loops that are linked to these patternsIn addition, you will also learn:- 5 proven techniques guaranteed to stop self-sabotage in its tracks and rocket you towards a meaningful and fulfilling relationship- 3 powerful mindset shifts that can transform the way you think about yourself- Specific action steps that will change your self-image and create a sense of empowerment and control in your love life***Bonus***If youve read this far, chances are you have the desire to experience a meaningful relationship. However, the biggest of all factors in creating such relationships, is the relationship you have with yourself. I have been someone who has sabotaged myself many times in relationships... And it wasnt until I decided to take the necessary actions to change the way I relate to myself, that I began to see the dynamics within my relationships completely transform.I am currently experiencing the most fulfilling and enriching relationship that I could have ever imagined. I know for a fact that this manifestation would not have been possible if I had not gone through this process. And I am here to tell you that you can create this reality for yourself as well!Here are your choices, take that leap of faith into yourself and welcome profound and fulfilling love and connection into your life or continue doing the same things that you have before, and getting the same results. Its up to you to decide how things turn out. So if youre ready to claim what you want, this course is for you and I look forward to seeing you there!This course is perfect for you if:- If you do not want to settle for a mediocre love life- You are wanting to create and build sustaining and meaningful relationships- You are willing to invest in yourself to get what you deserve out of life- You are wanting/ready to change your life circumstancesThis course is not meant for you if:- You have a fixed mindset around self/other people's ability to change- You have a victim mentality and are not willing to take responsibility for your own life/situations- You want a quick fix and are unwilling to do the do the work required to transform yourself and your relationships"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de Cincia de Dados em Python" |
"Este curso tem por objetivo capacitar voc a comear sua carreira em Cincia de Dados. Ele vai desde o incio, explicando os conceitos mais bsicos, incluindo o que Python, como instalar, como usar, sintaxe bsica, etc. Aqui voc aprender os fundamentos que ajudaro voc a comear sua carreira em Cincia de Dados ou a compreender melhor como analisar e interpretar informaes.Este curso no aborda a parte de Machine Learning, mas no recomendado que voc estude Machine Learning sem antes entender os conceitos bsicos de estatstica aplicados Cincia de Dados. Por este motivo, idealizei este curso. Ele baseado em diversas aulas e workshops que tenho ministrado no decorrer dos ltimos anos.O curso contm a parte terica e prtica, com vdeos e cdigos. O curso indicado mesmo a quem no tem conhecimento prvio em lgebra linear e clculo, pois o enfoque em como usar estes conceitos no computador, sem preocupaes com a teoria matemtica por trs.Para mais detalhes, veja o vdeo promocional deste curso ou entre em contato."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Soft Skills: Aprenda e se Destaque no Mercado de Trabalho" |
"Habilidades interpessoais (Soft Skills). Estas so as caractersticas, caractersticas, hbitos e habilidades necessrias para sobreviver e prosperar no mundo do trabalho moderno. Habilidades sociais geralmente no so ensinadas na escola, mas voc aprender todas elas aqui neste curso. Voc algum com quem outras pessoas da sua organizao e indstria gostam de trabalhar, colaborar e colaborar? Voc visto como um ativo valioso para qualquer novo projeto que venha junto?Este curso de treinamento de habilidades sociais ensinar como desenvolver as habilidades que podem fazer a diferena entre uma carreira sem brilho, que atinge a mdia gerncia, em comparao com uma que o coloca no cargo executivo. Ou para onde quer que voc defina o sucesso da carreira. Tantas habilidades moles parecem senso comum primeira vista, mas elas no so comumente aplicadas pela maioria dos trabalhadores. Este curso de treinamento de habilidades macias lhe dar uma vantagem sobre seus concorrentes. Tambm tornar seu trabalho, sua carreira e sua vida mais gratificantes e agradveis.Seus diplomas acadmicos e habilidades tcnicas no so suficientes para o sucesso da carreira a longo prazo. Voc precisa se tornar excelente em suas habilidades macias.Nesse curso voc vai aprender:A - IntroduoSoft Skills x Hard Skills: O que mais valioso?B - Adquirindo respeito e admirao2 coisas indispensveis para um profissional insubistituvel (Competncia e Carisma)Carisma com base em Generosidade: Riem com facilidade, Elogiam em pblico, Demonstram afeto e carinho de maneira com contato fsico, obviamente de maneira amigvel.Como ser persuasivo? (Confiana e Credibilidade)No SEP: No Someone Elses ProblemPerfil de Liderana (Mesmo sem ser chefe)C - Se conectando com as pessoas de maneira incrvelSeja um mestre da comunicao (clareza e coeso)Interagindo com novas pessoas (Incluir pessoas, chame pelo nome)Cative e estimule a conversaDicas de Linguagem CorporalD - Cuidados na hora da comunicaoSaiba interagir com os outros da maneira corretaNo queira chamar a ateno ou falar bem de si a todo momentoRegule a temperatura da discussoDando um feedback negativoComo lidar com situaes estressantesE - Mantenha contato sem estar presenteFacebook e Instagram: Melhores rede social profissional[BNUS] O Poder Do Networking"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"HTML CSS. ." |
", HTML5 SS3, Flexbox. , . . . . HTML5 CSS3 . , . HTML . . 19 50"
Price: 9799.00 ![]() |
"Blender 2.8 The Basics Of 3D Modeling in Blender" |
"In this course, we will analyze the most basic tools, shortcuts and important aspects of the popular 3D modeling software, Blender, without any prior knowledge! This course will grow steadily with easy-to-follow steps, clearly labeled.This course will be continually updated in response to student suggestions.Take your first steps in the Blender software!Learn the basic Blender interface.Learn how to select, grab, scale, rotate and add objects.Learn the difference between Object mode and Edit mode.Course summaryThis course will cover the basics for those who have never used Blender software. Students who have never used Blender software before will feel much more comfortable with this course. After learning some new concepts,At the end of this course, you must have the confidence to advance and expand your knowledge about Blender software. This course was designed with complete beginners in mind, so you should be able to create very basic 3D models and feel more comfortable with modeling in Blender software.Who is this course for:This course is for students without any experience in Blender.This course is for students who want to learn the basics of Blender's 3D modeling.This course is NOT for students with experience in Blender. This course is for complete beginners with no prior experience in Blender software.This course is NOT for students who are looking for in-depth information for the Blender software. This course covers the basics for COMPLETE beginners"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mac Hardware Diagnose & Troubleshooting" |
"This course provides a detailed introduction to how to diagnose your MacBook Pro as its really important to understand whats causing the issue and then how to take action and fix it.Looking to upgrade your Mac hardware knowledge to achieve any of the points mentioned above?If yes, you've come to the right course.For those of you out there who already have a little know-how about MacBook's hardware, you know there's more out there that you can do to enhance your hardware's performance.In this course you will learn all about how to diagnose the MacBook's issues and that's the main thing before start to do any repairYou'll learn how to diagnose and how to troubleshoot common issues.Whether you're a seeking a career as a computer technician or someone who seeks a deeper understanding of how MacBook devices works, this course will give you a better understanding of MacBook's components."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Devops Engineer Professional Certification Practice Exam" |
"The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional exam validates the advanced technical skills and experience in designing applications and distributed systems on the AWS platform. The sample concepts you must understand for this exam include:Design and implementation of dynamically scalable, highly available, fault tolerant and reliable applications in AWS.Select the appropriate AWS services to design and implement an application based on the given requirements.Migration of complex multi-level applications in AWS.He has 6 practice exams (60 questions each) with a time limit of 180 minutes to emulate real exams.The practice exams cover a whole set of AWS concepts and services with scenario-based, multiple-choice and multiple-choice questionsThe practice exams are updated periodically to be in line with the change in the AWS exam patternEach question is assigned with the test domain in order to evaluate its strength and weaknessEach question has explanations for the correct and incorrect answers, with reference links that point to the relevant AWS documentation.It contains a test report to track your progress and show you in what area of knowledge you need to improve."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP Netweaver 7.50 Certification Practice Exam" |
"The certification exam ""SAP Certified Development Associate - ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.40"" verifies that the candidate possesses the basic knowledge in the area of ABAP Development. This certificate demonstrates that the candidate has a basic knowledge of the development consultant and is able to apply the relevant prerequisite skills to the underlying supervision of an expert consultant in a project environment."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"AWS SAA-C01 Solution Architect Associate Certification Exam" |
"Our AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice exams are designed to reflect the difficulty of the actual AWS exam, and are the most similar to the actual AWS exam experience available. All other AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice tests at Udemy are much easier than the actual AWS exam and do not prepare properly, and often contain spelling and grammatical errors."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"AWS SOA-C00 SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Exam" |
"The Associate Administrator of SysOps AWS Certificate (SOA-C00) is among the highest paid IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50% market share!The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam is designed specifically to validate the technical knowledge of AWS SysOps administrators, system administrators and those in a DevOps role who create an automated and repeatable deployment of applications, networks and systems on the AWS platform. . Take your career and salary to the next level with an Associate of SysOps Administrator Associate from AWS!This associate practice exam course for the AWS certified SysOps administrator is for anyone who is looking for a study material that offers the following:"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"VCP-550D VMware Data Center Virtualization Delta Exam" |
"Practice for the VCP-550D VMware Data Center Virtualization Delta Exam through these practice questions and included explanations.we provide fully revised VCP-550D training resources that are the best to eliminate the VCP-550D test. It is the best option to accelerate your career as a professional in the information technology industry. We are proud of our reputation for helping people pass the VCP-550D test in their first attempts. Our success rates over the past two years have been absolutely impressive, thanks to our satisfied customers who can now boost their careers in the fast lane. Pass-Keys is the number one choice among IT professionals, especially those looking to scale hierarchical levels more quickly in their respective organizations. VCP-550D is the industry leader in information technology, and obtaining certification from them is a guaranteed way to succeed in IT careers."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"PMI CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management Exam" |
"You must pass the CAPM exam and need quality training to help you in your role as a project manager. You also want to learn from an authority in project management, in an online environment with many tasks and concise explanations. The learning management system tracks the completion of the course; If you complete all the videos and interactive sessions, you can claim these hours for your CAPM exam request.CAPM covers the following Knowledge Areas: Project integration management, Project scope management, Project time management, Project cost management, Project quality management, Project human resources management, Communications management of the project, Project risk management, Project procurement management and Project stakeholders management. Meanwhile, PMBOK covers the following groups of processes: Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring and Control and Closing."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Sales force ADM-201 Administration Essentials Admin Exam" |
"The Certified Advanced Sales force Administrator credential is designed for those who have advanced level experience as a Sales force administrator. Candidates must have extensive knowledge of Sales force applications, set up and regularly administer Sales force, and continually look for ways in which their companies can get even more of the additional functions and capabilities.The content of this course is based on my work experience as an ADM-201 Certified Data Partner and entrepreneur with global experience in the creation of for-profit, startup and corporate businesses. Use Sales force on a daily basis to boost the performance of the organization. My certification has led to greater opportunities and improved my ability to manage effectively. And now, I want to share my knowledge and experience with you."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"CAP Certified Authorization Professional Practice Exam" |
"The Certified Authorization Professional (CAP) is an information security professional who advocates for the management of security risks in search of authorization of the information system to support the mission and operations of an organization in accordance with legal requirements and regulatory.The broad spectrum of topics included in the Common Knowledge Body (CBK) of the CAP guarantees its relevance in all disciplines in the field of information security. The selected candidates are competent in the following 7 domains:Information Security Risk Management ProgramCategorization of Information Systems (IS)Selection of Security ControlsImplementation of Security ControlsAssessment of Security ControlsAuthorization of Information Systems (IS)Continuous Monitoring"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"PMI RMP Risk Management Professional Practice Exam" |
"The PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) highlights the ability to identify and assess project risks, mitigate threats and capitalize on opportunities. In this capacity, one can improve and protect the needs of the organization. If someone needs to highlight their profile to be the right project manager with risk analysis skills, this certification is important and this certification practice test will help to self-assess."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice Exam" |
"As a program manager, you are a senior management practitioner at the forefront of advancing the strategic objectives of your organization. You manage multiple related projects in a coordinated manner, achieving benefits that could not occur if the projects were handled separately. This is the largest scale of the other PMP certification Project Management Professional."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"AWS SAP-C00 Certified Solution Architect Professional Exam" |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional is constantly among the highest paid IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services is the world's leading cloud services platform with a market share of almost 50%. Professionals can earn more than $ 150,000 per year with an AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification!In order for you to pass your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional exam, the exam draft, general information technology and AWS knowledge are key components that you must learn and master."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"SAP C_BOE_30 Certified Business Objects Enterprise XI 3 Exam" |
"SAP Certification is an exam by SAP SE, the market leader in business application software. SAP certifications help validate the experience and knowledge of SAP partners, software users, customers and professionals looking to be located in an SAP environment. SAP Certification is recognized worldwide and is a standardized criterion for various roles and responsibilities."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"SAP C_TSCM42_66 Certified Associate - PP & Manufacture Exam" |
"The SAP Certified Application Associate-PP & Manufacturing certification exam confirms that the candidate has knowledge of the PP & Manufacturing field of the consultant profile. This certificate verifies the basic understanding in this consultant profile and the candidate can actually implement this knowledge in the project.This certificate demonstrates that the candidate has a basic understanding within this consultant profile and can actually implement this knowledge in the project."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"ECCouncil 312-76 Disaster Recovery Professional Exam" |
"The Certified Disaster Recovery Engineer (CDRE) course is based on the curriculum recommended by Mile2 for CRE certification. CDRE is a vendor-neutral certification that enables candidates to learn and implement ways to respond to disaster situations. This includes threats such as cyber crime, information leakage, natural disasters, and power outages. This course also allows students to establish business continuity and disaster recovery plans based on industry best practices."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"CRISC Certified in Risk and Information System Practice Exam" |
"CRISC Certified Control of Risk and Information Systems is the only certification that prepares and empowers IT professionals for the unique challenges of IT and business risk management and makes them strategic partners in the business.According to the ISO standard, ISACA is aware of the importance of impartiality and is committed to being impartial in carrying out its certification activities, dealing with conflicts of interest and ensuring the objectivity of its certification activities."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"ECCouncil EC0-232 E-Commerce Architect Practice Exam" |
"The EC Council is known for its professional IT security certifications. It provides numerous certifications in a variety of areas related to IT security, including disaster recovery, software security, digital forensics, and general IT security knowledge.The EC Council is primarily known as a professional certification body. It is the owner and creator of the Certified Ethical Hacker (C EH) and other cyber security credentials, such as among others."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"CISSP Security and Risk Management Practice Exam" |
"Perform multiple CISSP certification tests like this, complete the entire 2 hours and 120 questions to see how to handle them. This means as much mental endurance and reading the right questions and answers from the point of view of an IT security manager is the actual knowledge.You can complete this CISSP certification test as many times as you like. The questions and the order of answers are random. I would suggest that 80% of the correct answers be consistently answered on all CISSP domains with multiple field tests before you book the exam."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA CV0-001 Cloud+ Certification Practice Exam" |
"CompTIA's Cloud + is a vendor-neutral certification that validates the technical expertise in the methodology required to securely deploy and maintain cloud technologies. Cloud + certification validates the knowledge and best practices that IT professionals need in cloud computing environments that need to understand and deploy the cloud infrastructure.Our Cloud + training course follows the CompTIA goals and ensures that you receive the training and knowledge required to succeed."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 1Z0-521 EBS R12 Order Management Essentials Exam" |
"Oracle order management is one of the most important parts of Oracle EBS. The order management application offers many flexible features that allow you to configure your system to begin processing order information. These orders can be created in the Oracle Order Management Suite, as well as in some other receiving application. We can integrate these applications with Oracle Order Management to maintain a controlled tracking of orders and the proper commercial flow. We can create different types of orders using this application that can be for inventory items or for services. Oracle order management is one of the most important parts of Oracle EBS. The order management application offers many flexible features that allow you to configure your system to start processing different types of sales orders."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Citrix 1Y0-A08 Advance Administration for XenApp Server Exam" |
"The Citrix XenApp 7.5 administration training course provides the necessary basis for administrators to centralize and effectively manage applications in the data center and deliver them instantly as a service to users anywhere. Students will receive training to install and configure Citrix XenApp 7.5 for Windows Server 2008 R2, Citrix Receiver, and add-ons, as well as to use administrative consoles and tools to configure resources, policies, server, and farm configurations, printers, virtualized applications and more."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"E20-005 Backup Recovery Systems and Architecture Exam" |
"The Backup Recovery Systems and Architecture Exam is an associate-level qualifying exam for the following EMC Proven Professional Backup and Recovery Specialty tracks: Storage Administrator. This exam requires the successful candidate to be able to describe concepts and technologies used in backup and recovery environments.This course provides participants with a solid foundation in Backup and Recovery infrastructure. The course focuses on the concepts and technologies used in Backup and Recovery environments. Participants will learn about backup and recovery theory, including backup methods, planning, and key terminology."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"How to develop black and white film" |
"Experienced photojournalist and author Tony Rizzo guides us through the detailed process of developing black and white film. You will learn about the process, the tools and chemicals as well as techniques required to successfully develop your black and white films. Tony Rizzo is an NUJ accredited photo journalist and has had over a dozen books published."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Intro to Music Production Course - Ableton Live" |
"This course is perfect for absolute beginners who may have previously considered producing music but are not sure where to start. Hi! I'm Xylo Aria, a London based producer, and founder of Music Production for Women, an organisation dedicated to encourage more women to start producing music who may have been daunted by it previously. I've designed this course to be the most simple and easy to follow guide to get you on your way to producing your original music as soon as possible. The course has been approved by Ableton Live who are providing a 40% discount off the software to students of the course. What you get with the course:Access to all 7 course modulesContent broken down in small 5-10 minute video chunks so you can learn at your own paceSlides for each module with step by step instructions and screenshots so you can replicate what was taught in the video40% (236) off Ableton Live (only available when course is purchased full price)Who is this for?Singers, songwriter, instrumentalists or DJ who want to create your own original musicAnyone wanting to learn to produce for a while but felt that it was too confusing or complicatedBeginners and have never produced music beforeThose who've started learning the very basics of music production but are not sure what else they need to knowThe course consists of 7 modules:1. Introduction- Learn to navigate Ableton Live and create your first beat. We will then expand on each aspect in the next modules2. Drums- Learn to create drums using midi and audio tracks and techniques on how to humanize them to create appealing drum beats3. Synths- Learn the basic principles of synthesis which you can take anywhere and also how to navigate the most used Ableton Synths4. Sampling- Learn how to sample your own sounds and also manipulate samples to create unique sounds5. Audio Effects- Learn the basics of the most used audio effects and become well versed with how they impact your sounds6. Recording- Learn how to record music and also the basics of how to treat your recording with EQ and Compression to get the best sound7. Mixing - Learn the basics of mixing and the steps to creating a nice, clean and full sounding mix""The course was extremely informative and provided all the essential tips and tricks to get the ball rolling in music production. Xylo Aria's experience is truly inspiring and her down to earth approach makes you connect with what she does and get the most of out it! Highly recommended for girls just like me, who feel intimidated by music production and don't know where to start. This lesson will make you feel much more confident and prepare you for making that first step"" Maria. M, Melbourne""I was slightly familiar with Ableton beforehand, however after this course I have a much deeper understanding. The course showed me various ways to make my own sounds. I enjoyed Xylo Aria's approachable way of teaching and clear explanation of production concepts. It feels a lot like a ""face to face"" course. It is an excellent option if you are thinking of getting started in music production!"" Sara. D, London""I am very grateful for this initiative!! I am a musician who wants to learn how to produce music, so I was expecting to get a series of videos- and I definitely got what I wanted, all in portions small enough to digest, and well explained! This is the core of the course, but apart from that there is real support! You can attend online meetings, ask questions via email (and receive answers), be in the facebook community to share your thoughts, and, above all, Xylo Aria will keep motivating you! She asks how are you doing, how is your progress, and that's what I expect from a good teacher! So this course seems to have the advantages of virtual learning, still keeping the watchful (real) eye on your learning progress! Cool stuff!"" Agnieszka. Olek, BelfastI want to get your producing as soon as possible so I am here to support you every step of the way so please get in touch if you get stuck!So let's do it! Click the enrol button and let's get started!Xylo Aria x"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |