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"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Almanca Eitim Seti" |
"Almanca eitim setimiz gncellenmeye devam etmektedir. Hi kursa gitmeden Almanca bilmek ister misiniz? Daha nce bir ka kez farkl yntemlerle Almanca renmeyi denediniz ve olmadysanz, sorun sizde bulunuyor. imdi bu kurs ile SIFIRDAN balayarak, ileri seviye Almanca renebilirsiniz. renmeniz gereken ey ite burada. Peki bir kursa gitmektense, neden bu eitim setini semelisiniz? ncelikle zaman kazanacaksnz . 20 saatten fazla video kursu demek, 3 kat yani 60 saat bir kursa gitmeniz anlamna gelir. Biliyorsunuz ki, 1 saatlik bir disiplin kurumu sadece 45 dk sre ile bir eitim oluyor. stelik bu kalan 45 dk srenin sadece 20 dk olan boyutu size zel konu anlatm. Geri kalan sre, baka ilem sorular ve tahtay okumanz ile geen sre. Udemy'de ders videolarn, dilediiniz kadar geri alarak, tekrar ederek renebilirsiniz. Daha iyi renebilmeniz iin;Her gn dzenli olarak gnde 2 saat aln ve aksatmamaya zen gsterin.Mutlaka bir nceki gn rendiklerinizi tekrar ederek yeni bir konuyu renmeye balayn.Yeni bir deftere balayn ona rendiiniz yeni kelimeleri ekleyiniz .Konuma gelitirmek iin, egzersiz ve arkada bulun.Bu kurs ile sadece birka ayda Almanca konuma ve anlamay reteceimize gveniyoruz! "
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"10 Saatte Hzlandrlm ngilizce Eitimi" |
"Fazla vakit ve para harcamadan akll cihaznz kullanabileceiniz herhangi bir yerde ngilizce renmeniz mmkn. Bu eitim setinin amac 10 saatten ksa bir srede ngilizcede en sk kullanlan yaplar ve kelimeleri size retmektir. Setimizdeki gnlk hayatta sklkla kurulan cmleler, sorulan sorular, kullanlan kelimeler ayrntl bir biimde rnekleriyle birlikte retilmitir. Bu eitim seti sayesinde gnlk ngilizce konumalarnzda ve yurt d seyahatlerinizde hi zorlanmayacaksnz. Genel ngilizce bilgisi konusunda hayatnz kolaylatracak bu set ksa, elenceli ve gnlk hayatta kullanabileceiniz btn ngilizce kurallarn iermekte. Btn bunlarn yannda gnn her saati anlamadnz herhangi bir konu hakknda soru sorduunuzda ayrntl ve rnekli cevaplar alabileceksiniz.Dersler dzenli ve sistematik olarak kolaydan zora doru dizilmi bir biimde mevcut.Kursumuzda ngilizcede en yaygn kullanlan 5 zaman ayrntl ve rnekli altrmalaryla mevcut. Bunun yan sra zenle gruplandrlm sklkla kullanlan kelimeleri de reniyor olacaksnz. (saylar, saatler, yiyecek-iecek isimleri, yer tarifi, ynler, hayvan isimleri, evin blmleri, lke uyruk isimleri vb).Bu kurs iin herhangi bir ngilizce bilgisine ihtiyacnz yok.Yurt d seyahatlerinize korkusuzca kabilecek, yabanc arkadalarnzla rahata sohbet edebileceksiniz.Dilediiniz zaman dilediiniz dersi tekrar tekrar izleme ansnz bulunuyor.Kursun kolay ulam zaman kaybn ortadan kaldrm oluyor.24 saat her konuda danabileceiniz uzman eitmenlerden destek alabiliyor olacaksnz."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Cmo vender efectivamente con Whatsapp" |
"Whatsapp es la nica herramienta que podemos asegurar, est en tus manos y en las manos de tu cliente. Descubre cmo captar ms clientes, aumentar tus ventas y tus ingresos a travs de Whatsapp.El entrenamiento est enfocado a aumentar la efectividad en tus procesos de ventas, mejorar el relacionamiento uno a uno con tus clientes y segmentar tus campaas de marketing tanto como quieras."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Forecasting Defining Your Market (Core)" |
"This course represents the consolidation of many years of forecasting experience into a set of key principles, concepts and approaches. We believe that an easy-to-access, engaging and interactive online training course will help individuals increase their knowledge and confidence in forecasting. This course intentionally focuses on the fundamentals of forecasting."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"LabVIEW NXG Course: Beginner to Advanced" |
"In this course, you will learn how to write software in LabVIEW NXG.***LabVIEW NXG is the next generation of LabVIEW.***On the web, It is hard to find tutorial video about LabVIEW NXG. So I hope that this course will be the best choice for you.From beginner to advanced, the course will be updated by adding new videos over time.But for now the course has LabVIEW NXG Core-1 and Core 2 level videos.I will respectively add new videos about LabVIEW NXG Core 3 level videos and application with web module videos.In this course, In the first chapter, you will learn how to install LabVIEW NXG and environment user interface of LabVIEW NXG. In the other chapters you will learn data types, math functions, while-for-timed loops, case and sequence structures, SubVIs, tab control and property nodes, C nodes, tag and duplicated terminals, file storage, execution and setup files in LabVIEW NXG and more...For more information, you can see the introduction video."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Mastering IELTS Speaking: Get band 7-9 in IELTS Speaking" |
"This course contains a complete guide on how to prepare for the speaking part of the IELTS exam. The course begins with an overview video which explains what IELTS is all about, the DO'S and DON'TS of the test and then Moves on to understanding the 3 parts of the test. It has a lot of practice exercises for you to master how to answer both tricky and easy questions. The course provides an extensive range of vocabulary and two full test videos that will make you feel like you are writing the test already. You don't want to miss out on this! Just try it out and experience for yourself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Chakras" |
"Join Lee for this Introduction to Chakras class where she gives everyone the knowledge of understanding what the chakras are and how to utilize this knowledge to guide you into self-awareness. We will dive into each of the main seven chakras and explore their characteristics along with their deeper meanings. This workshop is perfect for total beginners and anyone that needs a refresher on the topic.Disclaimer: Information offered in this course is for educational purposes only. The information in this course is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Lee John cannot prescribe any form of medication nor diagnose individuals. Links to external sites are for informational purposes only. The Divine Hippie neither endorses them nor is in any way responsible for their content."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Amazon affiliate from zero to Hero Arabic," |
"... . ... 12 .59 49 ... . ( ) 2-4 + ..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Organizar un Evento para Principiantes" |
"Te ha tocado organizar el evento de tu empresa o familia y no sabes por donde empezar?.En este curso vamos a aprender los pasos que nunca debes pasar por alto a la hora de organizar tu evento. Tambin veremos los errores ms comunes y que debes evitar, as como algunos trucos para que tengas el xito asegurado cuando organices y gestiones tu evento.Veremos desde el comienzo de la idea, hasta que hacer al llegar el supuesto final del evento. Como sorprender a tus asistentes y dejar a todo el mundo con la emocin a flor de piel para que nunca olviden la experiencia que t les has hecho vivir."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Ads (adwords) Completo e Atualizado" |
" Atualmente, no mundo ultra competitivo, tempo dinheiro! E voc precisa se destacar usando tudo que pode! Mas pra isso precisa compreender como o mercado, as organizaes e todos os empreendedores de sucesso usam o Google a seu favor. J no se usa o marketing tradicional com a frequncia de antes e, nunca mais vamos falar de marketing de verdade se no tocarmos na parte da evoluo tecnolgica que atingiu todo o mundoEste curso tem o objetivo de introduzir e aprofundar o aluno a ferramento do Google, o famoso Google Ads. Da criao da conta at campanhas dedicadas a pblicos especficos! Aprenda usando a forma mais atualizada que existe."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Funky Rhythmic Piano" |
"Welcome to the first step in improving your rhythmic confidence at the piano.If you're looking to get funkier at the piano and have no idea how to start, then this course can help you. It's designed to take a beginner player and teach them a rhythmic foundation that can be taken up to an expert level with practice.To have a strong rhythmic foundation at any instrument is fundamental towards the success of that player. As pianists we don't want to be tripping on our rhythms during a gig, but instead want to be able to execute our rhythmic decisions without hesitation and without doubt. By properly practicing the material provided within this course, any student can find their rhythmic confidence at the keyboard and benefit for the rest of their musical career.If you're looking to improve your overall playing, composing, producing, improvising or jamming as a keyboardist, then this course has something to offer you. In this course you'll learn various syncopated rhythms, alongside complimentary rhythmic ornaments designed to help you add complexity to your patterns. All you need is time to practice, a keyboard, and some drive to become a better player, and this course will help you flourish as a contemporary keyboardist! "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cmo bajar de peso con bases cientficas?" |
"Cmo bajar de peso con bases cientficas?A lo largo de este curso aprenders a:- Tomar medidas y sacar frmulas que ayuden a disear un plan de ejercicio.- Alcanzar tus objetivos de perder peso ms rpido.- Prevenir lesiones.- Conocer los riesgos del sobrepeso y obesidad.- Conocer algunas recomendaciones alimenticias que te ayuden a conseguir tus objetivos.Los temas a tratar se dividen en 3 secciones con 3 clases cada una para un total de 9:- Seccin 1: Introduccin.Clase 1.- Tipos de cuerpoClase 2.- MedidasClase 3.- Sobrepeso y obesidad-Seccin 2: Frmulas y medicionesClase 4.- Harris Benedict para calorasClase 5.- Karvonen para frecuencias de entrenamientoClase 6.- ndice glicmico como recomendacin alimenticiaSeccin 3: Formula tu plan de entrenamientoClase 7.- rea funcional subaerbica para quemar grasa Clase 8.- Selecciona un mtodo de entrenamientoClase 9.- Precauciones y resumen general"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Acrylmalerei fr Anfnger - dein erstes Kunstwerk" |
"Du wolltest schon immer mal ein Bild mit Acrylfarben malen und weit nicht so genau, wie du beginnen sollst? Die Flle an Informationen, die du im Internet findest ist immens, aber hilft dir nicht wirklich weiter?Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle die unkompliziert den Einstieg in die Acryl Malerei wagen wollen. Vorkenntnisse werden nicht bentigt. Am Ende des Kurses malst du dein erstes eigenes Kunstwerk. Dabei fhre ich dich Schritt-fr-Schritt durch den gesamten Prozess und zeige dir, wie du dein Motiv auf die Leinwand bringst."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Traitement d'image par MATLAB" |
"Le cours est bien dtaill est conseill pour les gens ayant aucun bagages ou bien prrequis ,il faut juste suivre les vidos ,exercices et travaux pratiques proposer jusqu la fin ou le candidat va avoir les moyens pour bien comprendre les technique pour amliorer une image ou diffrents astuces qui sont utiliss dans notre vie quotidienne tout cela on utilisant le logiciel MATLAB qui facile manipuler"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"les Outils statistiques avec language R" |
"Grace ce cours vous pouvez dtre expert dans la programmation R. c'est un language qui est trs utile ainsi les avantages multiples dans notre vie quotidienne . Vous pouvez l'utiliser soit dans l'analyse statistique, soit dans l'analyse de qualit etc. Le logiciel est facile pour le tlcharger ainsi la programmation est facile il faut seulement savoir quelque notion expliqu dans ce cours."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Menggambar itu Gampang!" |
"Bagaimana cara menggambar yang gampang dipelajari dan dijelaskan langkah demi langkah dengan seksama.Mulai dari teknik dasar menggambar bentuk dan teknik mewarnai Langkah demi langkah cara menggambar akan dijelaskan secara berututan agar pemirsa bisa mengikuti dengan gampang.Teknik sketsa dengan pensil dan dermatograf, mewarnai menggunakan oil pastel. cat poster dan cat acrylic."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to draw scenes for beginners" |
"Learn to draw scenes using oil pastels by learning parts of the drawing process such as:- How to draw grass- How to draw rocks- How to draw a dense tree- How to draw a mountain- How to draw a coconut tree- and how to draw wavesAnd step by step to draw views of waterfalls and beaches"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to draw cute animals" |
"Drawing animals is not complicated, just follow the instructions in the video tutorial while practicing, surely all will be proficient because the video tutorial is presented with an easy to learn concept.Drawing can also be a solution to relieve stress, so that many people learn to draw to simply relieve stress levels."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Formation complte de chant en ligne" |
"Bonjour!Je m'appelle Davina, je suis chanteuse et coach vocal avec une exprience de plus de quinze ans dans le chant lyrique et des musiques actuelles (pop, soul, jazz, blues). J'ai appris chanter en commenant.J'ai cre une formation de chant en ligne de +de 4h de vidos pour que vous ayez absolument tous les outils pour pouvoir apprendre chanter seul, sans vous faire mal et sans perdre du temps rechercher l'intgralit du web.J'espre que cette formation va vous aider vous exprimer et vous amuser, la vie est bien plus belle en musique donc allez-y chantez, chantez, chantez !CONTENU DE LA FORMATION+ de 4h30 de vidos de cours thoriques et d'exercices pour pouvoir vous entrainer.Une Section Bonus comprenant: Le Dictionnaire de la Voix, des suggestions de morceaux en fonction de votre type de voix, des vidos d'astuces.Des chauffements Complets comprenant une base avant de chanter durant 30 minutes ou 15 minutes en fonction du temps que vous avez et un ajout sur mesure d'exercices adapts au style de musique que vous chantez (Pop/Rock, Soul/Jazz/Blues, RNB).Dcouvrez la formation en cliquant sur le lien:https://apprendre-a-chanter.teachable (point) com/"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Power BI - Publishing to Power BI Service" |
"NOTE: This is PART 2 of a 2-Part Microsoft Power BI series, covering Power BI Desktop (Part 1) and Power BI Service (Part 2). We strongly recommend completing our Power BI Desktop course before taking this one!__________Are you looking for a comprehensive, hands-on approach to learning business intelligence in the cloud with Power BI Service? Youve come to the right place!In PART 1, we began our deep dive into the #1 ranked business intelligence platform in the industry, and learned how to use Power BI Desktop to build complex data models, create calculated columns and measures with DAX, and design beautiful and interactive Power BI dashboards from scratch. Now it's time for PART 2: Power BI Service, where we'll focus on publishing our Power BI reports to the cloud, sharing them across teams and organizations, collaborating with other users in real-time, and much more.__________Well start with a quick orientation to the Power BI landscape and Power BI Service interface, introduce some common user personas (Creators, Analyzers, and Collaborators), and then systematically guide you through the key features of Power BI Service, including:Connecting to Data from Power BI ServiceFlat files, Excel workbooks, tables, Power BI reports, etc.Configuring Gateways, Scheduled Refresh & DataflowsPersonal vs. Enterprise gateways, refresh settings, Power BI dataflows, etc.Creating Power BI Reports & DashboardsReading vs. Editing views, pinning tiles & pages, assembling dashboards, etc.Exploring & Analyzing Data within Power BI ServiceNatural language Q&A, data-driven alerts, quick insights, bookmarks, etc.Publishing, Sharing & CollaboratingCreating Apps, sharing Power BI workspaces, assigning user roles and row-level security, etc.Using the Power BI Mobile AppAnnotating, sharing, commenting, alerting, etc.__________By the end of this course youll have a deep, practical understanding of Power BI Service, along with the skills and confidence you need to apply these tools to your own Power BI projects and analyses.Whether you're a casual Power BI user, aspiring analyst, or business intelligence professional, this course will give you the tools you need to become an absolute Power BI ROCKSTAR -- guaranteed.__________Hear why our Power BI Desktop and Power BI Service courses are the TOP-RATED on Udemy:""I totally loved this Power BI course! Everything was very easy to understand, but it moved at a fast enough pace that I never got bored. I learned SO much and had fun doing it. In fact, at the end of the day, I didn't want to stop learning -- I wanted to keep charging on to the next lesson!""-Ann S.""Amazing! 5+ stars if you ask me! Concise, superbly organized and prepared. I have learned a ton about Power BI Service and in addition I have learned how to create a great course as well. Enjoyed the course from start to finish.""-Nikola H.""Hands-down the best Power BI courses on Udemy. Courses are well prepared and very hands-on, and the instructor makes the whole experience easy and fun. I recommend it 100%!""-Jorge M.""Where can I leave a 6 star rating?""-Carlos B.__________Join today and get immediate, lifetime access to the following:Downloadable Power BI Service ebook (PDF)Power BI project files & sample datasetsCourse quizzes & Homework exercises (with solution walkthroughs) Expert support & Q&A forum30-day money-back guaranteeWe can't wait to see you in the course!-Aaron & Chris (Maven Analytics)____________________Looking for the full business intelligence stack? Search for ""Maven Analytics"" to browse our full course library, including Excel, Power BI, MySQL, and Tableau courses!IMPORTANT NOTES: Some features in this course require a Power BI PRO license (free 60-day trial then $9.99/month)Power BI Service requires a school or work e-mail address to register (no personal email accounts like gmail, aol, yahoo, etc)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Visualizacin de Datos y Grficos en Excel" |
"Lee por qu este es uno de los cursos de Excel MEJOR EVALUADOS de Udemy:""Un curso MUY bien explicado y con funcionalidades que nunca imagin que existan para representar datos. Me considero con habilidades avanzadas en Excel y honestamente este tipo de visualizacin de datos me han servido mucho en el trabajo. Excelente curso y muy recomendado!""-Ricardo R.""Es un curso excelente para instruirse en las posibilidades grficas de Excel, desde las ms simples a las ms sofisticadas, y como combinando los distintos grficos con el apoyo de frmulas relativamente sencillas, se pueden lograr grficos avanzados realmente espectaculares. Me ha gustado mucho el material de apoyo, con ejercicios muy bien escogidos, sus soluciones, y lo mismo para el apartado de tareas.""-Alfonso F.""Excelente curso de visualizacin de datos. Aprend muchsimo como aprend con el curso de frmulas avanzadas por parte del mismo instructor. Lo recomiendo 100%.""-Edwin A.__________DESCRIPCIN COMPLETA DEL CURSO:__________Si le preguntas a alguien qu se le viene a la mente cuando piensa en Excel, lo ms probable es que dir ""hojas de clculo"". La verdad es que Excel es una plataforma increblemente poderosa, robusta y dinmica de visualizacin de datos para todos aquellos dispuestos a pensar ms all de filas, columnas, y ""pie charts"" primitivos -- y estoy aqu para demostrarlo.Este curso te da un entendimiento profundo y 100% exhaustivo de las herramientas y tcnicas de visualizacin de datos ms recientes de Excel. Te voy a ensear cundo, por qu, y cmo usar cada tipo de grfico en Excel, introducir a principios clave y mejores prcticas de visualizacin de datos, y guiar a travs de demostraciones prcticas y ejercicios de Excel interactivos en cada paso del camino.__________Empezaremos todo explorando cada uno de los 20+ tipos de grficos que Excel 2019 (especficamente Office 365) ofrece, incluyendo:Grficos de barra y columnaHistogramas y diagramas de Pareto (Office 365, Excel 2016 o Excel 2019)Grficos de lnea y lneas de tendenciaGrficos de reaGrficos circulares y de anillosDiagramas de dispersin y burbujasGrficos de cajas y bigotes (Office 365, Excel 2016 o Excel 2019)Grficos de rectngulos y proyeccin solar (Office 365, Excel 2016 o Excel 2019)Grficos de cascada y embudo (Office 365, Excel 2016 o Excel 2019)Grficos radiales y de cotizacionesMapas de calor y de superficie y contornoMapas coroplticos y 3DGrficos combinados personalizadosMinigrficosY ms...__________De ah, entraremos de lleno en una serie de 12+ demostraciones avanzadas en Excel que garantizarn que te conviertas en un ninja de visualizacin de datos absoluto. Estas no son demostraciones ""de libro de texto"" o tpicas que puedas encontrar en canales de Excel en YouTube; estos son proyectos adaptados de trabajos reales y premiados destacados por Microsoft, MIT, y el New York Times. Chris Dutton (Fundador, Excel Maven & Maven Analytics) y yo hemos construido nuestras carreras alrededor de la visualizacin de datos y juntos creamos este curso para ayudarte a ti a hacer lo mismo.Vamos a ver ejercicios avanzados de visualizacin de datos en Excel que no encontrars en otra parte, incluyendo:Grficos personalizados con imgenes sobrepuestasAutomatizar grficos usando rangos nombrados y las funciones DESREF/CONTARAAgregar funcionalidades de zoom y desplazamiento usando controles de formulario de ExcelAnimar grficos para visualizar cambios a travs del tiempoTableros dinmicos e interactivos en Excel personalizadosAplicar formato a los grficos basado en sus valoresGrficos personalizados de ingresos y velocmetroYa sea que busques una introduccin rpida, intentes diversificar tus habilidades en Excel, o esperes mejorar tu talento de visualizacin de datos en Excel de manera significativa, este curso es para ti.Nos vemos pronto!- Enrique__________NOTA: El curso completo incluye recursos, archivos de Excel de proyectos y tareas disponibles para descarga, exmenes rpidos, acceso de por vida y 30 das de garanta de devolucin de dinero."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"MySQL for Data Analysis - SQL Database for Beginners" |
"See why this is one of the TOP RATED SQL/MySQL Courses on Udemy:""Clear presentation of information and with enough repetition of important SQL concepts to help make the information memorable. Loved the frequent practice examples and code debugging exercises!""- Maggi M.""I totally loved this course! Everything was very easy to understand, but it moved at a fast enough pace that I never got bored. I learned SO much about MySQL and had fun doing it. In fact, at the end of the day I didn't want to stop learning -- I wanted to keep charging on to the next lesson!""- Ann S.""John's deep understanding of SQL and database analysis and ability to explain those tools to a newcomer with 0 experience, is really unmatched. I've taken other SQL and MySQL courses and tried reading books, but this course is by far the easiest way to understand SQL. Excited to see more courses from John!""- Steven M.______________________________SQL and MySQL are incredibly powerful tools for managing and analyzing relational databases, and a skill that every Analyst and Business Intelligence professional should have in the arsenal.In this course, youll play the role of a business owner who just acquired Maven Movies, a brick and mortar DVD rental shop. Using only a MySQL database and MySQL Workbench, your mission is to learn everything that you can about your new business; including your inventory, staff, and customer behavior.But don't worry, you're not alone! We'll be right here to guide you from start to finish, sharing crystal clear explanations, MySQL pro tips and best practices, and course quizzes, projects and homework assignments to test your SQL and database analysis skills along the way.______________________________COURSE OUTLINE:SQL Intro & MySQL SetupWell start with a quick intro to the SQL landscape and it's common ""flavors"" (MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc), then download and install the tools that we'll need to access and explore our MySQL database (MySQL Community Server + MySQL Workbench)SQL Database Fundamentals (Part 1)Once we have our tools installed, we'll quickly review some database fundamentals and begin to explore the 16 tables contained within our MySQL database, containing information about Maven Movies customers, inventory, and transactions. Analyzing Data from Single Tables with MySQLIn this section we'll start exploring and extracting information from individual tables in our MySQL database, and practice writing SQL queries to select, filter, sort and group our data.[MID-COURSE MYSQL PROJECT]SQL Database Fundamentals (Part 2)The second half of the course is all about anayzing data from multiple tables in MySQL, so we'll begin with a quick review of relational databases and database analysis: primary vs. foreign keys, relationship cardinality, normalization, etc.Analyzing Multiple Tables via MySQL JOINSIn this section, we'll review the most common types of SQL joins (INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, OUTER, etc), and explore some more complex MySQL queries to analyze data that bridges multiple tables in our database.[FINAL MYSQL PROJECT]IMPORTANT NOTE: This course does NOT cover building, altering, or maintaining SQL/MySQL databases. Our goal here is to focus on data exploration and database analysis using MySQL and MySQL Workbench (we'll cover database administration tools in a separate course).______________________________Enroll today and get LIFETIME access to:5+ hours of high-quality videoDownloadable MySQL ebookQuizzes and homework assignmentsMid-course and Final SQL projects30-day money-back guaranteeIf youre looking for a hands-on, practical guide to mastering data analysis with SQL/MySQL, this is the course for you!Happy analyzing!-John (Lead SQL Instructor & MySQL Expert, Maven Analytics)______________________________Looking for the full business intelligence stack? Search for ""Maven Analytics"" to browse our full course library, including Excel, Power BI, MySQL, and Tableau courses!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Advanced SQL + MySQL for Analytics & Business Intelligence" |
"IMPORTANT NOTE: This is an advanced SQL course, which builds on the skills covered in our introductory MySQL courses. Please review the prerequisite skills or complete the beginner SQL course before taking this one!______________________________See why John is one of the TOP-RATED SQL/MySQL Instructors on Udemy:""I totally loved this course! Everything was easy to understand, but it moved at a fast enough pace that I never got bored. I learned SO much about MySQL and had fun doing it. In fact, at the end of the day I didn't want to stop learning -- I wanted to keep charging on to the next lesson!""- Ann S.""This is an excellent advanced course! I've taken both SQL courses from Maven Analytics and highly recommend both. The best part of this course is the detail they included by building a real world e-commerce database. It's much easier to grasp the concepts when you can see how they're literally applied to scenarios and outcomes as opposed to just theory. Great work!""- Dan S.""John's deep understanding of SQL and database analysis and ability to explain those tools is really unmatched. I've taken other SQL and MySQL courses and tried reading books, but this course is by far the most effective. Excited to see more courses from John!""- Steven M.______________________________COURSE DESCRIPTION:If you want to develop practical, real-world analytics & BI skills using advanced SQL, you're in the right place.This course is unlike anything youve seen before, guaranteed. Instead of using random sample data and obscure demos, well be working with a rich, custom-built eCommerce database that weve designed from scratch to help you apply your SQL skills to real projects and learn how to truly THINK like an analyst.Youll be playing the role of a newly hired Database Analyst for Maven Fuzzy Factory, an eCommerce start-up, and will be working directly with the CEO, Marketing Director and Website Manager to help grow the business and analyze performance along the way. You'll use a range of advanced SQL tools and techniques, and work through actual projects that data analysts and business intelligence professionals work on every day.______________________________COURSE OUTLINE:Prerequisite SQL Skills AssessmentIn this section we'll address the core SQL/MySQL skills that you should be comfortable with before starting the course, including SELECT statements, aggregate functions, and table joins. If you aren't sure how your skills stack up, we've included a quiz to assess your baseline SQL knowledge.MySQL Setup & InstallFor students who haven't completed our intro course, we'll demonstrate exactly how to download and install the tools that we'll need to access MySQL, including MySQL Community Server & MySQL Workbench. We'll share download guides for both Mac & PC, and run our first piece of SQL code to generate the project database that we'll analyze throughout the course.Traffic Analysis & OptimizationIn this section well use MySQL to analyze where our website traffic is coming from, how different sources perform in terms of traffic volume and conversion rates, and how we can adjust bids to optimize our budgets.Website Measurement & TestingIn this section we'll dive into page-level website data to compare traffic and conversion rates, and use MySQL to build and analyze conversion funnels to help optimize the customer purchase experience.***MID-COURSE PROJECT: Preparing data for the executive board meetingChannel Analysis & OptimizationIn this section well dig deeper into our traffic channel mix, explore paid vs. free traffic, break down performance by device type, and write advanced SQL queries to conduct some time-series analyses to understand trending and seasonality.Product-Level AnalysisIn this section well use MySQL to break down product-level sales and conversion rates, analyze cross-selling patterns, and use refund rates to keep a pulse on quality.User-Level AnalysisIn this section well take a closer look at user behavior and repeat sessions, and use MySQL techniques to identify our most valuable customers and explore which channels they are coming from.***FINAL PROJECT: Building a data-driven growth story for potential investors______________________________Unlike other SQL courses, this one is uniquely designed to sharpen your business intelligence and analytical thinking skills; as you complete course projects and exercises, youll actually see patterns and trends emerging in the data based on your findings. For those looking to pursue a career in analytics, this course is a must.Enroll today and get LIFETIME access to:8+ hours of high-quality videoDownloadable MySQL ebookQuizzes and hands-on projectsMid-course and Final SQL projects30-day money-back guaranteeIMPORTANT NOTE: This course does NOT cover building, altering, or maintaining SQL/MySQL databases. Our goal here is to focus on data exploration and database analysis using MySQL and MySQL Workbench (we'll cover database administration tools in a separate course).Happy analyzing!-John (Lead SQL Instructor & MySQL Expert, Maven Analytics)______________________________Looking for the full business intelligence stack? Search for ""Maven Analytics"" to browse our full course library, including Excel, Power BI, MySQL, and Tableau courses!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Redao definitiva para concursos em geral" |
"Nosso curso consiste em um sistema nico de produo eficiente em que voc produzir uma mscara de redao que poder ser usada para qualquer tipo de concurso. O curso rpido, eficaz e intuitivo. Voc certamente ir gostar. Com as mscaras de redao, voc far um texto com muita rapidez e atingir seu objetivo com clareza e objetividade."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Lgica gramatical - a gramtica intuitiva" |
"A gramtica lgica aquela que faz parte da natureza humana. Criada a partir de nossas experincias sociais e histricas, a lgica permite que voc entenda as regras sem que elas se tornem seu nico recurso de conhecimento. Por intermdio da lgica, todos podemos compreender definitivamente os mecanismos gramaticais sem precisar decorar obrigatoriamente conceitos normativos. A comunicao um recurso natural dos seres humanos e podemos perceber isso ao observarmos que substituio e comparao so os processos de desenvolvimento da linguagem e, por isso, assim cobrado atualmente em provas de concursos, vestibulares e no ENEM. Aprenda a usar o que sabe para entender o que ainda no conseguiu compreender."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Painless Project Management" |
"Almost everyone manages projects at some point, but not every project requires the use of heavy-duty tools such as critical path schedules, earned value analysis, or detailed progress tracking. This six-hour class consists of training that allows you to develop a plan that is simple to understand and execute. The plan you develop with this approach allows you to identify all of the stakeholders to your project, develop a clear outcome statement that will help assure the end result you are after, and also helps youidentify things that could go wrong that might cost you time, money, or lead to failure. This course is intended for people who are managing small projects that involve no more than a few people and do not require a highly detailed project plan. It is NOT suitable for managers of large, complex projects; it is ideal for executives who are managing strategic initiatives or individuals who need a rudimentary plan for a small project (either professional or personal)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"You Can Turn Your Life Around" |
"This course was originally a webcast series for clients of the Lewis Institute. For that reason, you will hear an announcement at the beginning of each lecture saying, ""The broadcast is now starting..."" We have added assignments to each lecture to help you not only learn the material, but also learn something about yourself that will help you turn your life around, if you have been in a rut or dead-end."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Cmo crear Video Tutoriales de Piano para venderlos" |
"En este conjunto de clases aprenderemos a utilizar todos los softwares, recursos y herramientas necesarios para crear un Video Tutorial de Piano como se muestra en el ejemplo.Aprenderemos lo que es un archivo MIDI, y veremos qu hacer con esto. Editaremos vdeos, audio, imgenes, y mucho ms.Veremos de qu manera se le puede sacar provecho a un Vdeo Tutorial de Piano."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Domina el Piano en 10 SEMANAS Aceptas el reto?" |
"Tocar el piano es una habilidad que todos pueden y deberan desarrollar.Las habilidades se desarrollan haciendo, es por eso que este curso te propone una serie de actividades semanales para que las hagas a diario.El piano es una herramienta para productores musicales, compositores, cantantes, educadores, investigadores y mucho ms. Dependiendo del objetivo que tengas, los caminos a tomar son distintos. Algunos tendrn que dedicarle ms tiempo que otros, sin embargo a pesar de los distintos objetivos que puedan existir, todos comparten un mismo conocimiento esencial del instrumento musical que aqu obtendrs.Este curso ha sido diseado para que TODOS tengan acceso al piano, y puedan ubicarse de acuerdo a sus objetivos. Rpido, entretenido y de calidad.El contenido est estructurado por profesionales para que ahorres tiempo y logres un nivel aceptable y suficiente en poco tiempo. Tendrs una perspectiva distinta en cuanto al piano y podrs seguir aprendiendo a tu ritmo SABIENDO en qu enfocarte para obtener los resultados que buscas.Al final de las diez semanas tendrs un plan de estudios para que contines aprendiendo DE ACUERDO a lo que quieras hacer con el piano, ya sea que quieras convertirte en pianista clsico, educador musical, productor de EDM, lo que sea.Aprenders terminologa en espaol e ingls.Te aseguramos que en diez semanas vers resultados increbles."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD Basico 1 Hora - Civil" |
"A todos que querem uma nova ferramenta Rpida para se destacar no mercado de trabalho, ou almejam a perfeio.O Curso com objetivo de tornar fcil a introduo ao AutoCAD, assistindo o vdeo e projetando ao mesmo tempo, voc aprende praticando, assim tornando fcil a absoro e uma experiencia rpida.O Curso conta com 7 Aulas Praticas, que faro voc aprender AutoCAD de forma inteligente e visando o velocidade de aprendizagem do Aluno.No final do curso, Voc poder projetar sua casa ou de clientes.Lista de cursos deste pacote:1 Aula, ensinamos a Baixar & instalar a verso Gratuita do AutoCAD.2 Aula, Abrimos o AutoCAD pela primeira vez, e comentamos sobre Ferramentas.3 Aula at a 7, Curso de 1 hora para Fazer assistindo o Vdeo, aumentando muito sua facilidade de aprendizagem."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Go Broken to Beautiful" |
"Broken. Cracked. Crushed. Fallen. Forgotten.To one degree or another, everyone who has ever lived on this planet has been there from time to time. Everyone experiences trials. Everyone deals with hardship. Everyone encounters disappointment. Everyone has times of sorrow, grief and darkness. Everyone tries and fails.Life plays no favorites. Old or young. Male or female. Rich or poor. Servant or master. The relentless, rolling waves of lifes ebb and flow forcefully crash against the plans and desires and hopes and dreams of every single person.At times, the tides of life will inevitably leave you broken. The question is, what do you do about it? What can you do when you are submerged in a grief that cant be spoken, and a pain that goes on and on? What can you do when loneliness, disappointment, depression and sorrow consume you? How do you go from being a Victim to Victor?Now from New View Concepts comes a powerful digital course including 11 videos and a 147 page practical guide manual and exercises which are designed to help you go from brokenness to beauty. It gives the step-by-step process developed from the experiencessuccesses and failuresof people who have been broken and who have worked to put themselves in a place to be healed. It is real life.GO BROKEN TO BEAUTIFUL--NOW! Another minute you spend in grief or despair is another 60 seconds in darkness. It is time for you to rise up out of your broken state and be healed. It is a challenge to change. You CAN learn to employ new patterns of thinking. You CAN become stronger! You CAN become a VICTOR! Your wounds are part of who you are, when healed, will make you powerful and more precious, revealing you as the mended masterpiece that you were destined to be."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |