Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"ISO/IEC 17025 Transition from 2005 to 2017" |
"This course describes the changes that have been made to the new version of ISO/IEC 17025 'General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories' which was released in November 2017. This programme provides an overview followed by a detailed analysis of the changes to the standard from the previous version together with practical actions which will be required to be addressed in making the transition."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Master Your Fat System" |
"A system that literally shows you how to master the underlying causes of weight gain and influencing these forces towards your goal of losing body fat...1. Eliminate confusion, especially with so much contradicting information floating around in health blogs and social media. To finally provide an ABC formula that is science tested that anyone can follow and guarantee a toned, healthy, energetic body...2. Conquer cravings, when hard working people like you honestly try to lose weight, only to end up piling it back on due to your natural bodys defence mechanisms that you may have not been aware of...3. Eliminate energy deprivation from life draining exercise routines. Lets face it.who really wants to punish their body with time consuming workouts just to have a normal healthy body. You deserve to be in the best shape of your life, so why endure pain to have what you rightly deserve?In the Master Your Fat System you will learn toMaster your fat burning hormones so you become a walking, sitting and even sleeping fat burning machine on auto pilot...Promote brown fat which is the type that burns calories and diminish white fat which is the type that sits on your belly...Learn how to burn body fat without even moving a muscle through science tested methods...Eradicate bloatedness and to leave you with a flat, firm midsection...Boost energy levels so you can enjoy your day whether at work, playing with your kids or even spicing up your love life...Not to mention, Prevent and even treat disorders such as Alzheimers using natural ingredients...Improve brain development while preventing and even treating anxiety and depression using a special dietary tactic...To use a cancer killing nutritional method that can prevent and even treat various cancers...Reduce the risk of developing and even treat Type 2 diabetes using the most effective protocols...Create those six pack abs and the body people are breaking their back for without stepping a foot into a gym..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ITIL 4: Exmenes Ejemplo (4 exmenes tipo oficial)" |
"La capacitacin en ITIL est a cargo de TEC Management, acceders a un simulador con 4 exmenes con el mismo nivel de dificultad que el examen Oficial:1. Debes intentar las 40 preguntas. Cada pregunta vale una marca.2. Solo hay una respuesta correcta por pregunta.3. Debes responder 26 preguntas correctamente para aprobar el examen.4. Tienes 60 minutos para completar este examen.5. Este es un examen de libro cerrado. Ningn otro material que no sea el examen es permitido."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al Diseo en la nube con Onshape" |
"Bienvenidos al futuro del CADSomos uno de los tres primeros partners de consultora de Onshape en Europa y proporcionamos servicios de Consultora, Soporte Tcnico, Formacin, Desarrollo a medida y otros.Onshape es un potente software de diseo 3D desarrollado por el equipo original de SolidWorks, expertos en Data Centers, Cloud Computing, Seguridad y Mviles.Funciona completamente en la nube.Proporciona diseo colaborativo en tiempo real.Funciona en cualquier sistema operativo y dispositivo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft SQL per Principianti" |
"Vuoi imparare un'abilit che pu aiutarti a guadagnare pi di 35.000 all'anno? Questo corso il punto di partenza per te.SQL lacronimo di Structured Query Language, linguaggio strutturato basato su query (Interrogazioni).SQL un linguaggio studiato specificatamente per la comunicazione con i Database, a differenza di altri linguaggi di programmazione, SQL costituito da pochissime parole, semplicemente perch deve fare una cosa sola e la deve fare bene: fornire un modo semplice ed efficiente per leggere e scrivere dati da e in un database.Imparerai a scrivere query con il linguaggio SQL utilizzando uno dei pi famosi motori di database.Per ogni argomento ci saranno le spiegazioni su PowerPoint con dei piccoli esempi, poi si passa alla pratica."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Dog Training Online Program" |
"Does your dog follow you around everywhere like a shadow, chew up all you stuff, barks and whines every time hes left on his own, this may be dependency and separation anxiety. Gaz will show you all the associated problems and how to fix this once and for all. Does you dog drag you down the street when you try to take him for a walk and doesnt listen to a word you say and ignores corrections and food treats. Gaz will show you how to fix this in as little as 60 seconds so your dog will walk beside you on a loose lead without pulling. Even past distractions such as other dogs.Does your dog jump up on you, your family and guests? Gaz will show you a quick and effective way to stop your dog jumping on people and the door in as little as one session.Learn how to teach your dog to stay under heavy distractions including other dogs.Fix the top 10 behaviour problems fast includingToilet Training and how to mat or create train your pup.Stop your dog from entering certain rooms or the home with the door open.Nuisance BarkingMouthing handsDigging holesDestroying pot plantsAnimal aggression.Food aggressionPulling washing off the lineBONUSAlso get the best selling ebook from Gaz Jackson How to Find & Select your Ultimate DogGaz will share with you the secrets of professional dog training, including how to select and test a puppy and adult dog and prepare them as your ultimate dog. Gaz will guide you through the maze of breeders and dog dealers and arm you with the knowledge you need.Gaz will show you how to evaluate a dog for yourself or for rehousing, obedience, detection, search and rescue and protection. This easy step by step guide will take you from selection through training your ultimate dog.This course is for.People wanting knowledge before they look for their new puppy.Frustrated dog owners that want to fix their dog fast.Dog owners that have dogs with pacific problems to resolve now.People whose dog drags them down the street.People with reactive dogs."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"A Cincia da Felicidade - Fundamentos da Psicologia Positiva" |
"A Psicologia Positiva uma cincia que estuda a Felicidade, o bem-estar e o que faz com que tenhamos uma vida mais significativa. Ela iniciou h 20 anos, quando o Psiclogo Martin Seligman direcionou seu olhar para o estudo do que funciona no indivduo.O Curso A Cincia da Felicidade - Mdulo Fundamentos da Psicologia Positiva, uma forma de voc conhecer a Cincia da Felicidade e comear a entender o que a cincia diz sobre uma vida boa, alm dos principais conceitos que promovem o bem-estar e a Felicidade.Voc ter acesso a 2h50 minutos de aulas gravadas, tarefas e outros recursos como testes e escalas, alm de materiais extras e indicaes de literatura para se aprofundar nos estudos.Este curso faz parte da Formao Nanodegree em Psicologia Positiva.Aps realizado o mdulo, voc poder optar por fazer outros mdulos, ou inscrever-se na Formao Nanodegree em Psicologia Positiva, que composta pelos mdulos introdutrios online, por dois encontros presenciais em Curitiba e pelos mdulos finais online.Fazendo a inscrio para qualquer um dos Mdulos Introdutrios, voc automaticamente ter desconto sobre a Formao Nanodegree em Psicologia Positiva, caso decida por realiz-la.A Psicologia Positiva uma cincia que estuda a Felicidade, o bem-estar e o que faz com que tenhamos uma vida mais significativa."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"A Cincia da Felicidade - Virtudes e Foras de Carter" |
"Ol! As Foras de Carter so a Espinha Dorsal da Psicologia Positiva. Voc ir conhec-las e aprender como elas podem te proporcionar mais felicidade e bem-estar. Contedo do Curso:- O estudo das Foras de Carter e das Virtudes Humanas- A Criao do teste das Foras de Carter VIA- Aplicao das Foras de Carter no dia a dia- Foras Desviantes- Modelo dos quadrantesRecursos:- Apostila- Dirio das Foras de Carter- Tarefa de Identificao das Foras DesviantesEste curso faz parte de um curso de formao completo em Psicologia Positiva, a Formao Nanodegree em Psicologia Positiva. Agora voc pode fazer os mdulos individuais online para conhecer e depois, se fizer sentido, inscrever-se para a formao.Se voc tem algum conhecimento sobre a Psicologia Positiva, pode fazer o curso. Se no, indicado que faa nosso outro curso disponibilizado aqui na plataforma da Udemy: A Cincia da Felicidade - Fundamentos da Psicologia Positiva."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"A Cincia da Felicidade3 - Mdulo de Aprofundamento 1" |
"Ol! Se voc j conhece a Psicologia Positiva ou j fez algum curso da Wiegrow na Udemy, este o momento de comear a se aprofundar na Cincia da Felicidade.Contedo do Curso:- Coping e SavoringComo lidar com as situaes adversas e aprender a reter as experincias positivas- O crebro e a FelicidadePorqu temos a tendncia de focar no que no est bem? O que a neuroplasticidade pode nos ensinar?- Psicologia Positiva 2.0O que a Psicologia Positiva 2.0 ou a nova onda da Psicologia Positiva?Recursos:- ApostilaEste curso faz parte de um curso de formao completo em Psicologia Positiva, a Formao Nanodegree em Psicologia Positiva, que possui uma parte online e outra presencial. Agora voc pode fazer os mdulos individuais online para conhecer e depois, se fizer sentido, inscrever-se para a formao. Se voc tem algum conhecimento sobre a Psicologia Positiva, pode fazer o curso. Se no, indicado que faa nossso outros cursos disponibilizados aqui na plataforma da Udemy: A Cincia da Felicidade - Fundamentos da Psicologia Positiva e A Cincia da Felicidade - Virtudes e Foras de Carter"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"A Cincia da Felicidade 4 - Atitudes nos Relacionamentos" |
"Relacionamentos Positivos so um dos componentes do bem-estar e da Felicidade. A Cincia j estuda h muito tempo as relaes humanas. A Psicologia Positiva direcionou seus estudos para a construo de relacionamentos positivos que levam felicidade e melhora do nvel de satisfao com a vida.Aqui voc vai conhecer algumas das atitudes, comprovadas pela cincia, que voc pode adotar nos seus relacionamentos, para comear a construir relaes mais saudveis.Este curso um dos mdulos da parte online do Curso de Formao Nanodegree em Psicologia Positiva, uma formao online e presencial na Cincia da Felicidade."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"5 Steps To Own Your Personal Power" |
"In this course, I will give you ideas and tools to take full control of your life so you can create more exceptional results. First, I will explain the concept of E+R=O (Event + Response = Outcome), so you can see that you have full ownership and responsibility of your response to any person, situation or circumstance. Next, I will guide you through some exercises to show you how you can change your responses to create more exceptional outcomes. Then, I explain the role language plays with owning your power rather than giving it away to other people and circumstances and being a victim of life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Laravel API Development & Vue JS SPA from Scratch" |
"Developing Single-Page Applications requires a special set of skills. In this course, we will be learning how to develop the required API to power a simple address book project named Jot. Jot will be a SPA written in Vue JS using the TailwindCSS front-end framework. By the end of this course, Jot will be able to create, view, edit and delete contacts. We'll also implement search functionality using Laravel Scout, a free first-party package for Laravel for simple searchable models."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Clone with Laravel, TDD, Vue & Tailwind CSS" |
"Building modern applications requires a specialized toolbox of skills and tools. We are going to be using Facebook as an example to build a social network platform from scratch. We will be using modern development techniques that mimic real-world team flow along with some added tooling to help aid with that.Why did we choose this as the sample project?Most students that take this course will know or at least have an understanding of Facebook. Instead of spending time trying to explain what our project needs to do and what the expected functionality needs to be, we can jump straight into writing code. This helps facilitate the comprehension of the new concepts we are introducing.What if I am not sure that I have the skills necessary?This course is what would be considered an intermediate level course but with basic knowledge of PHP & Javascript even the most beginner will be able to acquire new skills and level up their skills. Working knowledge of Laravel & Vue will increase your chances of grasping every concept. But all and all, every lesson goes into great detail about the ""why"" we are doing what we are doing.Will there be boring slides?Absolutely not! Every video will be engaging, throughly explained and straight to the point. Showing you every nook and cranny of Test-Driven Development using Laravel, Vue, Vue Router & Tailwind CSS."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Make a First Person Shooter Game Without Coding" |
"This course will help you to start designing games without coding with Unity's Gaming Engine. What you will learn:Create your First FPS Game without ever writing a single line of code. Design Structure and Theory when creating a game.Receive a full package of this game and Demo ready for you to hit the ground running"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Design Your Remodel: Step by Step with an Architect" |
"Walk through the design process to start creating your own remodel plan. Find your creativity and design talent. In this course we will analyze design basics, cover the necessary research in order to make informed decisions, and discuss the challenging parts of construction. You will learn to evaluate your space and get direct feedback from not only a licensed architect but other students going through the same process."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Waze Ads - Boost your Local Business in less than 1 hour" |
"Waze ads are a good addition to Google My Business and Facebook to promote a local business.In this course, you will learn everything there is to know about Waze ads so you can run your first campaign very quickly.We will check together if your business is suitable for running Waze ads, then we will go through the types of ads, plans, how to create an account, invoicing, bidding, budgeting, account management, navigating the dashboard and analytics.I have also included a step by step walk through from account creation to launching your first campaign.If you want to get certified, this course Is also a good preparation and the quizzes will definitely help!Register to this course and boost your local business by attracting foot traffic easily.See you in there!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Opanuj Excela Krok Po Kroku" |
"Zaczynasz przygod z Excelem i pragniesz nauczy si najlepszych technik pracy? W tym kursie krok po kroku poznasz esencj skutecznej pracy z arkuszami kalkulacyjnymi w Excelu. Wystarczy Ci jeden dzie.Jeli masz ju za sob pierwsze kroki w Excelu, ten kurs to doskonay sposb, aby odwiey sobie dotychczasow wiedz i przypomnie wasne umiejtnoci.Krtkie lekcje i przykady pomog Ci zapanowa nad Excelem. Nauczysz si szybko wykonywa obliczenia w Excelu. Nie stracisz czasu na wertowanie Internetu w poszukiwaniu porad jakiej formuy uy, czy jak zapisa dat lub walut. Nie stracisz te wosw na gowie, gdy zamiast cieszy szybkimi wyliczeniami, Excel bdzie Ci tylko frustrowa. Dziki dowiadczonemu instruktorowi, ktry opowiada jak sprawnie wprowadza rne typy danych, jak je formatowa, kopiowa, przenosi, usuwa, czy wreszcie jak dodawa kolumny i wiersze, to Excel bdzie sucha si Ciebie, a nie na odwrt.Potne funkcje JEELI, WYSZUKAJ.PIONOWO i inne przestan budzi strach. Zobaczysz, e korzystanie z nich jest banalne po prostu trzeba wiedzie, jak to robi. Po obejrzeniu kilku minut lekcji bdziesz wiedzie wszystko. Tak samo w maym palcu bdziesz mie tabele przestawne, wykresy czy makra."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How to Create a Wooden Crate with Blender 2.8" |
"This course is for absolute beginners. In this course, you will learn to create a wooden crate by using basic 3D objects in Blender. Once the scene is created, you will learn the basic techniques of Unwrapping and assigning materials to the created objects. Finally/ you will also get to know/ how to place lights/ to give the scene/ the WOW! Factor and render the scene.Hope you like it. Lets get started."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Create a Wooden Bucket Prop with Blender 2.8" |
"This course is for beginners. In this course, you will learn to create a wooden bucket Prop by using basic 3D objects and modifiers in Blender. Once the scene is created, you will learn the basic techniques of Unwrapping and assigning plus creating materials to the objects. Finally you will also get to know how to place lights to give the scene the WOW! Factor and render the scene."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creative CSS Hover And Animation Effects In Hindi" |
"Have you ever seen a web animation on codepen or on any website and then you think Ohh that is awesome! I want to do that! but then think its complex and far beyond your skills?Well Im here to tell you: No, it definitely is not!Im Md Irshad Ansari, a full stack web developer and freelancer with more than 5 years of experience, and I wanna welcome you to my CSS Animations, Transitions and Transforms Creativity Course.Css animation is quickly becoming an essential design tool thats increasingly used to help our users understand and interact with our websites. Its definitely the next big step in css! Absolutely amazing things can be done with it. Its literally up to your imagination! It gives life to your website and enhances the user experienceand you know better user experience means a higher reputation and more satisfied visitors. So css animations, transitions, and transforms are critical skills for any web developer nowadays...and Im here to make sure you learn it the right way.So in this course you will master css animations, transitions, and transforms, starting from scratch, and not only that, were also gonna get our hands dirty and create many examples together so that you will get tons of ideas, and lots of inspiration to help you create any complex animation you can think of."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Next Level CSS Creative Hover & Animation Effects" |
"Have you ever seen a web animation on codepen or on any website and then you think Ohh that is awesome! I want to do that! but then think its complex and far beyond your skills?Well Im here to tell you: No, it definitely is not!Im Md Irshad Ansari, a full stack web developer and freelancer with more than 5 years of experience, and I wanna welcome you to my CSS Animations, Transitions and Transforms Creativity Course.Css animation is quickly becoming an essential design tool thats increasingly used to help our users understand and interact with our websites. Its definitely the next big step in css! Absolutely amazing things can be done with it. Its literally up to your imagination! It gives life to your website and enhances the user experienceand you know better user experience means a higher reputation and more satisfied visitors. So css animations, transitions, and transforms are critical skills for any web developer nowadays...and Im here to make sure you learn it the right way.So in this course you will master css animations, transitions, and transforms, starting from scratch, and not only that, were also gonna get our hands dirty and create many examples together so that you will get tons of ideas, and lots of inspiration to help you create any complex animation you can think of."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to create Telegram bots with Python. No-Nonsense Guide" |
"In this course, you will go from creating a bot, discovering all possible settings to exposing all power of Bot API and creating a real-world application. The course presents basic and advanced components of bots and has a lot of quizzes. His main feature that it is based not only on theory but also on questions from the beginner's bot developers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Investitionsrechnung |
"In diesem kompakten Kurs lernst Du die wichtigsten statischen und dynamischen Investitionsrechenverfahren kennen. Wir behandeln einige Spezialthemen, wie z.B. die Ermittlung der optimalen Nutzungsdauer einer Investition oder die Bercksichtigung von Steuern in der Investitionsrechnung. Weiters diskutieren wir, wie man die Unsicherheit der knftigen Cashflows einer Investition adquat bercksichtigen kann. Schlielich beschftigen wir uns mit der Frage, wie man bei knappen Budgetmitteln sowie technischen und sonstigen Restriktionen ein optimales Investitionsprogramm ermitteln kann.Die Lehrinhalte werden in Form von Videotutorials vermittelt. Zustzlich enthalten die meisten Lektionen auch kurze Texte, um den Lernstoff bei Bedarf auch nachlesen zu knnen. bungsbeispiele mit Musterlsungen dienen der Festigung des Stoffs. Der eigene Lernfortschritt kann anhand von Quizzes berprft werden."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"No Gym Cardio Workout for Fitness, Agility and Confidence" |
"Philosophy You feel like you're getting sluggish? You feel like you don't have enough energy to spend on things that matter the most: your kids, family, work or to live your dream?I believe, that nobody should be limited by money, time or access to gym equipment to feel energised, become fit and feel sexy. Ready every day to live your full physical potential.Buy my Course now!What will you get?You will be proud of yourself as you're progressing to a higher fitness level. See real progress on endurance, strength and mobility!Gain a secret weapon in your toolbox today, allowing you to stay fit anywhere and anytime, no matter your time and space constraints.Gain more sexiness, look more agile and energetic, reduce your biological age by preserving good posture, mobility and avoid pain.Make your loved ones the same gift by sharing this course with them.Be part of something biggerPart of the revenue goes to The Ocean Cleanup. Working out with this course will help bring ocean plastic back on shore and prevent it from entering the oceans in the first place via the world's great rivers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Release and Stretch your Shoulders, Neck and Hips" |
"Philosophy This training course is all about neck, shoulders and back and the practice of self-love. We use work in extension and outward rotation to create length and space. The neck, back and shoulders open up and release tension to gain more freedom. I believe, that nobody should be limited by money, time or access to gym equipment to feel energised, become fit and feel sexy. Everyone should be able to live every day to their full physical potential.Buy my Course now!What will you get?Get rid of stiffness in the shoulders and neckBalance out overused structures and stretch and mobilise pain awayIncrease mobility and tone along the whole spineGain more more balance, control and core strengthHave and maintain better posture all day! Stand proud and tall!Make your loved ones the same gift by sharing this course with them.Be part of something biggerPart of the revenue goes to The Ocean Cleanup. Working out with this course will help bring ocean plastic back on shore and prevent it from entering the oceans in the first place via the world's great rivers.Increase your vitality and wellbeing!All Back Stories workouts can be practiced without any need of equipment. I recommend using a soft floor, carpet or sticky mat for cushioning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certified Software Quality Analyst (CSQA) practice exams" |
"Acquiring the designation of Certified Software Quality Analyst (CSQA) indicates a professional level of competence in the principles and practices of quality assurance in the IT profession. CSQAs become members of a recognized professional group and receive recognition of their competence by business and professional associates, potentially more rapid career advancement, and greater acceptance in the role as advisor to management.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 444 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence exams" |
"The Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE) is a professional who leads and champions process improvement initiatives everywhere from small businesses to multinational corporations that can have regional or global focus in a variety of service and industrial settings. A CMQ/OE facilitates and leads team efforts to establish and monitor customer/supplier relations, supports strategic planning and deployment initiatives, and helps develop measurement systems to determine organizational improvement.The CMQ/OE should be able to motivate and evaluate staff, manage projects and human resources, analyze financial situations, determine and evaluate risk, and employ knowledge management tools and techniques in resolving organizational challenges.EXAMS CONTENT: Create a culture of learning and continuous improvementEstablish benchmarks for advancementProvide value to peers, colleagues and subordinatesThink like an advisor/consultant be authority figureThe benefit is the journey, not necessarily just the destination*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 501 questions ***"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CQIA Certified Quality Improvement Associate Exams" |
"This course is designed to aid in preparation for the CQIA examination.EXAM CONTENT :Quality BasicsSystems & ProcessesVariationTeamsRoles & ResponsibilityDecision MakingContinuous ImprovementProblem Solving ProcessCustomer-Supplier RelationshipsCertified Quality Improvement Associates are always in demand: Businesses need to trim their budgets while delivering a satisfactory product on time. Job prospects are best for those with certification and related work experience.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 141 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Complete Natural English Acquisition Training" |
"The Natural English Acquisition Training system (N.E.A.T.) utilizes multiple factors that work together to suppress mental translations while stimulating learning through imagery. When following the procedures outlined in this system, the student will create significantly heightened speaking fluency and an augmented capacity to interpret conversations. Students who dedicate 1 hour per day for 5 days per week listening to and speaking aloud the 20 selected videos will have tremendous success with N.E.A.T."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Complete Natural English Acquisition Training Course 2" |
"The Natural English Acquisition Training system (N.E.A.T.) utilizes multiple factors that work together to suppress mental translations while stimulating learning through imagery. When following the procedures outlined in this system, the student will create significantly heightened speaking fluency and an augmented capacity to interpret conversations. Students who dedicate 1 hour per day for 5 days per week listening to and speaking aloud the 19 selected videos will have tremendous success with N.E.A.T."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Cain Dynamic Strength Gain" |
"My course is designed to provide dynamic strength training to someone sedentary, middle-aged, or that needs enhanced strength to pursue a new, healthy lifestyle. You will be able to work, play sports, walk easier, and lift objects without strain or pain. You will feel renewed health, energy, and muscle strength after you finish this course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |