Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How To Relieve Body Pain" |
"This course is designed to reduce, relieve, or eliminate chronic or recurring muscle pain in specified parts of your body that may be due to stress or muscle strain. You will need to obtain only one inexpensive tool to alleviate trigger point pain in order to complete the lessons in this course. All of the trigger point pain procedures are clearly demonstrated in the video lessons. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"lk Yardmc Sertifikas Snava Hazrlk Sorular" |
"lk yardm, hayatmzn her annda ihtiyacmz olabilecek hayat kurtaran bir bilgidir. Her gn belki de onlarca insan, kendisi veya evresinde birileri basit ilkyardm bilgisine sahip olmad iin hayatn yardmc olmak iin eitim kurumlarndan temel ilk yardm eitimi alp Salk Bakanl tarafndan yaplan lk Yardmc Sertifika Snavn gemeniz gereklidir.Bu eitim sayesinde ilk yardmc sertifikas snavnda daha nce km sorular ile kendinizi test edebilir ve cevaplarn inceleyebilirsiniz.nemli Uyar: lkyardmc sertifikas almak iin onayl bir eitim kurumundan uygulamalar temel ilkyardm eitimi alarak Salk Bakanl tarafndan yaplan lk Yardmc Sertifika Snavna katlmanz ve baarl olmanz gereklidir. Bu kurs, ilkyardmc sertifikas snav ncesince hazrlanmanz iin size yardmc olmak amacyla hazrlanmtr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Write, Publish, Repeat: How to guide for business blogging" |
"Blogs and social media are powerful tools small businesses can use to attract and engage with their customers. But writing isn't something that comes easily to many of us.In fact, it can be scary or even frustrating.But professional journalists and copywriters Dave and Carmen believe that everyone can learn to write well and take full advantage of the power of the written word.Their training course Become a Business Blogging Beast demystifies the creative and editorial processes behind writing and shows step-by-step how everyone can learn to create engaging content that's a true reflection of who they and their business are.Writing is like a muscle. So if you want to become a beast, your work starts now!Here's what we cover in the course:- Why have a business blog- How to define your audience- Developing a unique tone, voice and style- Headlines- Crafting a beginning, middle and end- Structure and editing- Processes and advice- Valuable SEO tips- Implementing a Call to Action- How to make your blog posts shine- Promoting yourself on social media- Devising a social media strategy"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Gesto de Pessoas no Mundo Vuca" |
"Voc ir aprender como o mundo VUCA influencia a sua vida e a das pessoas ao seu redor. Tambm ir entender como este mundo influencia as pessoas e as organizaes. Ir aprender como os gestores de gente - os lderes - podem fazer para que suas equipes performem cada vez melhor. Por fim, ir saber o que esperar depois do mundo VUCA."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Introduo a Fotografia 360 e Realidade Virtual" |
"Curso introdutrio com foco em Fotografia 360 e Realidade Virtual voltada para Mdias 360. O principal foco desse curso oferecer uma viso geral sobre algumas das principais tecnologias utilizadas por fotgrafos profissionais, entender o funcionamento dessas ferramentas e explicar tambm como funcionam as mdias 360.Voc vai aprender:Mdulo 1:- O que so e para que servem mdias 360- Como funcionam as fotos 360- Tipos de cmeras utilizadas para fazer fotos 360- Trips para cmeras 360- Introduo a Tour Virtual- Introduo ao 3DVista- Introduo ao Google Street View- Introduo a Realidade Virtual voltada a mdias 360- Workflow e Nadir- Observaes sobre o Mercado 360 Mdulo 2:- Dicas para Google Street View, Tour Virtual, Ambiente Externo e Ambiente Interno- Tcnica Fake Drone- Softwares de Visualizao: Insta360 Player e GoPro PlayerEspero que aproveite o contedo! ;D"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"A Beginner's Guide for Djs on virtual dj" |
"the first steps for djing for BEGINNERSWe show you how to be a dj with simple tips !! we show you the buttons and what they do !! The Eq ! Hight / midle / Low Levels / crossfader etcWhat is the bpmOverview of virtual djHow to mix (sync)Loops / Effects / ButtonsFree download Music (websites)The course is with simple tips to begin your career in djs world"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deejays Test" |
"Lets see if you are DJ or not You Know how to mix correctly ?You know what the Bpm is ?You know what is the key of tracks ?Test your self in Djs theory !! Lets see if you are DJ or not You Know how to mix correctly ?You know what the Bpm is ?You know what is the key of tracks ?Test your self in Djs theory !! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NEW AWS Cloud Practitioner Ultimate Practice Test 2019" |
"AWS Cloud Practitioner Practice Test is a fantastic way to learn. By taking these practice tests multiple times, you will be ready for the real exam in no time. We have set the time and pass mark to make it realistic to the real exam. Answers and questions are set to displayed in random order.There are 6 practice exams and each exam includes questions from the five domains of the AWS exam criteria. Each practice exam includes:65 multiple-choice and multiple-response questions80 minutesPass mark of 70%"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Contabilidade Introdutria para TODOS os pblicos" |
"Neste curso, abordaremos os principais conceitos contbeis, principais contas do Ativo, Passivo, Patrimnio Lquido (PL) e Resultado, buscando demonstrar o funcionamento das contas, quando elas tm o seu valor acrescido ou reduzido, suas contrapartidas, e ao final do mesmo transcorreremos pelos principais indicadores financeiros, para fecharmos o raciocnio de base e anlise contbil. um curso adequado a novos empreendedores, profissionais de todas as reas, estudantes ou at mesmo contadores que queiram conhecer a nossa viso de alguns assuntos.Este curso acompanhado por 05 ebooks que complementam o material e registram aquilo que ser visto nas vdeo-aulas.O presente curso servir de alicerce para outros cursos que lanaremos mais adiante."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"A in every class/subject (Highschool)" |
"Short but comprehensive guide to getting high grades without sacrificing your social life. If everybody followed these tips the complaining about how hard high school is would go away. If you follow these tips and rules I can promise you that there will be improvements in your academic life as well as private life, since you won't spend all of those unproductive hours studying. You will instead spend a short time each day and remember everything you study. Let's get this going!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to apply for VA Benefits (Compensation & Healthcare)" |
"If you served your time in the military honorably and are not receiving compensation pay and health care from the VA, please enroll in this course. I will teach you step by step how to prepare your records and apply for the benefits you stood the watch for. Compensation and health care from the VA is not guaranteed; however if you follow this course, I will show you how to take the records you have and apply for benefits without stepping foot into the VA. The way the VA evaluates veterans has changed significantly within the last year or so and the process can be streamlined if you follow the instructions I will teach you. As we all know, the government does not get in any hurry to assist you so please be patient after you apply. They will do everything to NOT pay you, but if you follow my instructions your process should carry on without conflict.Thank you for taking the time to look at my course. From one veteran to another!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diseo grfico con power point 2017 principiantes" |
"El diseo grfico no tiene que ser un problema hoy en da, existen muchas herramientas que nos ayudarn a preparar un material profesional y en poco tiempo. Contar con una herramienta y los conocimientos indispensables para dar al cliente un boceto de una publicacin, poster o flyers es invaluable a la hora de vender tus servicios de marketing digital."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Simulado Certificao ANBIMA CPA-10" |
"Simulado contendo 50 questes nos padres da ANBIMA. Simulado perfeito para voc est estudando ou quer estudar para a certificao ANBIMA CPA-10. Aqui voc encontrar 50 questes (mais questes bnus) abordando todos os sete mdulos da prova, com diferentes nveis de dificuldade. tima forma de estudar e de fixar os seus conhecimentos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Level 1 & Advanced Healing Package" |
"THE MOST WELL-ROUNDED 'TO-THE-POINT' SELF-HEALING PACKAGE ONLINEIncludes: Reiki Level 1 CourseJust For Today Healing Challenge (Healing tools, protection, a set-out daily/weekly structure with tasks to implement your tools & priming techniques to rewire your brain to a positive mindset)In this course you will learn how to:Heal Your (& other people's) Blockages with your hands Heal Past Traumas (that lead to defence mechanisms, anxiety, fear. anger, lack of confidence)Heal Your TriggersIncrease Your ConfidenceConnect with People Protect Your EnergyPrime a Positive Mindset"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matemtica Mente" |
"Neste curso eu ensino a estrutura fascinante que a matemtica usa para produzir, organizar e validar o conhecimento e quais as vantagens de aplicar esta mesma metodologia em sua forma de pensar e estilo de vida. Voc aprender a usar conceitos, procedimentos e estratgias matemticas em atividades cotidianas, desenvolvendo uma mente organizada e preparada para enfrentar todo tipo de situao."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Revit Structure - for engineering projects" |
"Draw, design and document your structure projects with REVITEnter the design field with BIM (Building Information Modeling)Master the powerful drawing toolsCreate your own templatesExport to calculation programsCreate and document plansCreate and analyze loads and reactions in structuresPresent your results with quality plans in half the time.With this course you will learn how to take advantage of these tools so that the process of designing structures for buildings is faster, more efficient and of higher quality.A new way to manage your projectsRevit software is the world leader in building design using BIM (Building Information Modeling), allowing professionals not only to generate plans but to coordinate the entire building model including design features. Revit is designed to include design tools for building structures.When you assign elements to a project, you can:Automatically generate floor plans, elevations, sections and final impressionsPerform static calculations in the cloudPerform advanced calculations in specialized programs such as Robot Structural AnalysisCreate structural and analytical modelsQuickly create and document detail plansImprove your performance when working on a BIM model.Course OrientationWe will follow the logical order in which you would develop a personal project. Instead of considering each theoretical aspect of the program, we will focus on following the workflow that best suits a real case and give you some tips to achieve the best results.You will get prepared files that will allow you to follow the progress of the course from where you consider it most necessary by guiding you to use the tools yourself while watching the classes.The course content is updated regularly to include important updates or points that can help you improve your learning and you will have access to them in real time so you can improve your continuous skills.The course is in English and contains subtitles in the following languages, German, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Danish, French, Greek, Dutch, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, Persian, Russian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"ETABS Level 2/2 - for Structural Engineering" |
"The objective of the course is to provide to the student with the basic and advanced tools of the program for the modeling, the design of the structural elements of the building will be covered, and the building will be analyzed according to the detailed plans, using the powerful tool of the market in the development of structural projects software CSI ETABSIn this project, you will learn the structural calculation of a real building of 8 levels for housing type use, the incorporation of the staircase in the model and elevator, comparison of results (Cut Walls) between a modeled system with embedment in the base (EMP), and a modeled system with soil structure interaction (ISE), jointly with the soil structure interaction will calculate the foundation slab of the building with the CSI ETABS softwareIn addition, the detailing of the structural elements (Foundation Walls and Foundation Slabs) will be definedin the AUTOCAD software.The course is in English and contains subtitles in the following languages, German, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Danish, French, Greek, Dutch, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, Persian, Russian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ETABS Level 1/2 - for Structural Engineering" |
"The objective of the course is to provide the participant with the basic and advanced tools of the modeling program, not only will a Design of the structural elements of the building be reached, the building will also be analyzed based on the detailed plans, using the tool most powerful in the market in the development of structural projects software CSI ETABS UltimateIn this project the structural calculation of an 8-level building for housing use will be carried out, with the incorporation of the ladder in the model, elevator, and cutting walls that is the main focus of this course.The internal spreadsheets of the CSI ETABS Ultimate software will be explained in detail. Depending on the ACI 318-14 standard. The detailed structural elements (Cutting Walls) in the AUTOCAD software will be reached.The course is in English and contains subtitles in the following languages, German, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Danish, French, Greek, Dutch, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, Persian, Russian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ArcGIS 10 step by step from scratch" |
"Do you like GIS? so here you can learn ArcGIS 10 from scratch and get a certificate.Geographic Information Systems ArcGIS 10 course is 100% prepared by the creator of ""El blog de franz - GeoGeek"", if you have visited that page you will know that if you are going to learn, do it before starting.Includes exercisesWhile most of it is practical, step by step. It also combines a theoretical part that allows students to base their knowledge on GIS, because it is not intended to impart mechanized learning, but integral.Include basic tasks like:Georeference with control pointsGeoreference a Google Earth imagesAnd advanced likeCalculate the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)3D flood simulation in ArcGISCreate a map of isoyetas and isotherms in ArcGISDownload satellite images from Google Maps, Bing, etc."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Geolocation - Google Maps API - HTML5 for mobile Apps" |
"In this course you will discover how to make a mobile application with Google Maps and phonegapSuitable for beginners. Do you want to learn how to develop a mobile application and add maps from Google maps APIs?Google Maps is an application server for maps on the web that belongs to Alphabet Inc. This service facilitates images of scrollable maps, as well as satellite photographs of the world, and even, the route between different locations or images at street level with Google. Street ViewGoogle Maps is one of the most used APIs in the world, had a change in that already started charging for their services.But do not worry about the billing because in mobile applications it's free.Why should I take this course?You can create a mobile applicationSupports client systems, iOS, Android, Windows Phone.I have many questions.Ask questions in the video. And have answers in the shortest possible timeUpdating content continuously.What you will learnCreate application with phonegapAdd map to the applicationHide and show map controlsAdd bookmarks to the mapCustomize bookmarksGeolocationSearch for places on the mapNavigate on the map with the cell phone gpsSign up for the Geolocation course with HTML5 and Google Maps in Mobile Apps, do not miss the time,Sign up now!The course is in English, and contains subtitles in the following languages, German, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Danish, French, Greek, Dutch, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, Persian, Russian, Swedish, Thai , Turkish and Vietnamese."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Hec-RAS and ArcGIS for Hydrologic Engineering" |
"This practical course starts from scratch and is designed step by step, with practical exercises, which allow you to know the essential fundamentals in the management of Hec-RAS.With Hec-RAS you will have the ability to conduct flood studies and determine flood areas, integrating it with urban planning and land planning.Compared to other courses that focus solely on explaining technical knowledge, this course also gives a detailed and simple description of all the steps to follow from when we want to start a flood study until its final presentation, making use of the experience accumulated after More than 10 years conducting such studies for administrations, private promoters or research projects.The course served in english, but includes subtitles to many other languages."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Revit MEP! for Plumbing Systems" |
"Welcome to this Sanitary Facilities course with Revit MEP.Advantage:You will dominate from the interface to the creation of plans.You will learn with the most common, a real 4-level residential project.I will guide you step by step, I will not assume that you know anything about Revit, nor about Sanitaria.If you regret it or not what you expected, you can ask for your return.It will continue to develop over time, adding improvements and updates.NOTE: YouTube content teaches you how to use the program but is disorganized and knows no rules or design criteria. Knowing how to use REVIT MEP is not knowing Hydrosanitary, or any other technical branch such as electrical or structural. I invite you to check it out for yourself.Here you will learn to use the necessary tools to create hydrosanitary plans for any building project. The content of this course can be classified into different sections, in which each one develops an important stage of the hydrosanitary design:Description of the content:Cold and Hot Water with Revit MEP.First Module of the BIM program with Revit: Sanitary Installations.Here you will learn to use the necessary tools to start a project in Revit, load sanitary families and create cold and hot water pipe systems. You will also learn to self-dimension these systems with the calculation tools offered by the program.First Section - Introduction and Devices:Learn to load an architectural plan and sanitary appliances.Second Section - Pipe Systems:Learn to load and connect pipes manually and automatically.Third Section - Hot Water and Diameters:Learn to integrate hot water and calculate diameters automatically.Drainage and Ventilation with Revit MEP.Second Module of the BIM program with Revit: Sanitary Installations.Here you will learn to use the necessary tools to create drainage and ventilation systems, including important components such as siphons. In addition, you will have the ability to create replicas of a design to work symmetrical projects and buildings quickly.First Section - Drains:Learn to place drains and create drainage systemsSecond Section - Siphons:Learn to edit families and correct interferences between systems.Third Section - Replicas:Learn to duplicate designs when working with buildings or symmetrical plants.Fourth Section - Ventilation:Learn to create vents to connect them to the drainage system.Hydrosanitary Components with Revit MEP.Third Module of the BIM program with Revit: Sanitary Installations.Here you will learn to load or model pumps, autoclaves, tanks, registers, septic tanks, grease traps and other hydrosanitary components in different ways.First Section - Supply Components:Learn to load bombs and tanks. Also learn to model a cistern.Second Section - Collection Components:Learn to model records and grease traps in different ways.Creation of Plans with Revit MEP.Fourth Module of the BIM program with Revit: Sanitary Installations.Here you will learn to create labels, calls, sections, tables, details and other elements necessary for the presentation of the hydrosanitary plans of any building project.First Section - Plans, Labels and Calls:Learn to label pipes and devices, add technical notes and work with different scales on the same plane.Second Section - Tables, Sections and Details:Learn to quantify the elements with tables of quantities and to import important details from different external sources.NOTE: This course was developed with the 2018 version. 99% of the content remains the same, however check the discussion forums for any major changes.The course is in English and contains subtitles in the following languages, German, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Danish, French, Greek, Dutch, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, Persian, Russian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CSI ETABS - The Structural Engineering Specialization" |
"The objective of the course is to provide the participant with the basic and advanced tools of the modeling program, not only will a Design of the structural elements of the building be reached, the building will also be analyzed based on the detailed plans, using the tool most powerful in the market in the development of structural projects software CSI ETABS Ultimate 16.2.0.In this project the structural calculation of a real 6-level building for housing use will be carried out, with the incorporation of the ladder in the model, comparison of results will be made between a modeled system with embedment in the base (EMP), and a modeling system with soil structure interaction (ISE), in addition the foundations of the building will be calculated with the SAFE 2016 software, and the latter will be compared with the calculation of the foundations in the CSI ETABS Ultimate 16.2.0 software.The internal spreadsheets of the CSI ETABS Ultimate 16.2.0 software will be explained in detail. Depending on the ACI 318-14 standard. The detailed structural elements (columns, beams and footings) will be reached in the AUTOCAD software. It will also be formulated as preparing a calculation report."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Civil 3D Level 1/4 - for Civil Works and Land Surveying" |
"Disclaimer:We have selected this course to offer it in English for its high pedagogical quality and user acceptance.The version of the software used is in Spanish, but the whole explanation of the instructor is narrated in English.---------------------------------------This is the first of a set of 4 courses called ""Autocad Civil3D for Surveying and Civil Works"" that will allow you to learn how to handle this fabulous Autodesk software and apply it to different projects and construction sites. Become an expert in the software and you can generate earthworks, calculate materials and construction prices and create great designs of roads, bridges, sewerage among others.This set of courses has been the product of hours of dedication, work and effort, compiling the most important data on the subject of Civil and Topographic Engineering, summarizing large amounts of theory and making them practical, so that you can learn in an easy and easy way. Fast with short but specific classes for each topic and practice with all the (real) data and examples we provide here.If you want to start managing this software, participating in this course will save you weeks of work by investigating on your own what we have already investigated, doing the tests we have done, and making the mistakes we have already made.Let us introduce you to this world of Autocad Civil3D, which is a powerful tool to reduce large amounts of time designing and calculating and facilitating your work in the professional field.BASIC COURSE CONTENT (1/4)INTRODUCTION TO SOFTWARE:- Description of the software interface.- Summary and list of commands and main functions.- Project configuration in Civil3D.POINTS- Import terrain points from a text file.- Definition of styles of points, texts and descriptors.- Configuration, editing and management of terrain points.SURFACES- Creation and definition of TIN land surfaces.- Definition of styles and presentation (level curves, slope map, address map, thermal floors).- Editing and configuration of surfaces.HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENTS- Creation and configuration of horizontal alignment (axis via).VERTICAL ALIGNMENTS- Creation and configuration of the longitudinal profile of the terrain (vertical alignment).- Vertical alignment design (project grade)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Google Earth - Learn easy!" |
"Do you like to travel the world? Would you like to see geolocated information? Do you want to see the pyramids of Egypt in 3D?Become a true Google Earth Pro expert and take advantage of the fact that this program is now free.For individuals, professionals, teachers, academics, students, etc. Everyone can use this software and use it in its corresponding field.-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------Google Earth is a software that allows us to observe through satellite views, but also through 'street view', our planet Earth. Now the Pro version is completely free and allows access to all advanced features.Whether you are an individual who only wants to 'travel' around the world, or if you are a professional who will use it to place information and generate maps, this course will be useful.This program is also an interesting tool for the educational world, since it is possible to complement the subjects with activities related to Google Earth (for example, see geological formations, perform geography, history, etc ...)The course is structured in 4 sections:Introduction: They will learn to search for places, enter coordinates and manage the different sections of the Google Earth Pro interface.Add information: You will learn to add placemarks, lines and polygons. Load information in different formats and import data from a GPS.Export information: You will learn to organize your layers and create kmz files. You will export images and create tours.Advanced options: You will learn to use the ruler and calculate areas and perimeters. You will add photos and know the history of images.Each section is accompanied by a series of exercises and questions to practice the concepts seen, as well as downloadable PDF documentation."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Hec-RAS from zero for River Analysis" |
"HEC-RAS is a program of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, for the modeling of floods in natural rivers and other canals. In this introductory course we will see the process for the realization of one-dimensional models, although as of version 5 of the program, two-dimensional flow modeling has been incorporated, as well as sediment transfer modeling capabilities.The course will advance through the entire process of generating the model: from the creation of geometry, analysis data entry, model execution, and data export.It is an eminently practical course with just and necessary doses of theory, where materials are provided to follow each lesson in real time.HecRas is a program for the calculation of floods and floods."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Civil 3D Level 2/4 - for Civil Works and Land Surveying" |
"Disclaimer:We have selected this course to offer it in English for its high pedagogical quality and user acceptance.The version of the software used is in Spanish, but the whole explanation of the instructor is narrated in English.---------------------------------------This is the second of a set of 4 courses called ""Autocad Civil3D for Surveying and Civil Works"" that will allow you to learn how to handle this fabulous Autodesk software and apply it to different projects and construction sites. Become an expert in the software and you can generate earthworks, calculate materials and construction prices and create great designs of roads, bridges, sewerage among others.This set of courses has been the product of hours of dedication, work and effort, compiling the most important data on the subject of Civil and Topographic Engineering, summarizing large amounts of theory and making them practical, so that you can learn in an easy and easy way. Fast with short but specific classes for each topic and practice with all the (real) data and examples we provide here.If you want to start managing this software, participating in this course will save you weeks of work by investigating on your own what we have already investigated, doing the tests we have done, and making the mistakes we have already made.Let us introduce you to this world of Autocad Civil3D, which is a powerful tool to reduce large amounts of time designing and calculating and facilitating your work in the professional field.Who is it for?This course is aimed at technicians, technologists and professionals with knowledge in Surveying, civil or related works, who want to start in the world of road design, linear works, earthworks and construction or those who want to strengthen their skills in the management of This powerful tool.BASIC COURSE CONTENT (2/4)1. ASSEMBLIES AND SUB-ASSEMBLIESTypical sectionDefinition of assemblies (structure).Configuration of sub-assemblies (type objects: terrace, lane, sardinel, canal, gutter, bridge, intersection, etc.).2. LINEAR WORK, SURFACES AND MATERIALS:Definition and construction of the linear work.Linear work surfaces and limits.3. CROSS SECTIONS OF SURFACESSampling linesSection views4. CUBICATION AND EARTH MOVEMENT:Cubing and reports.Surface comparisonVolume surfaces"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Civil 3D Level 3/4 - for Civil Works and Land Surveying" |
"Disclaimer:We have selected this course to offer it in English for its high pedagogical quality and user acceptance.The version of the software used is in Spanish, but the whole explanation of the instructor is narrated in English.---------------------------------------This is the third of a set of 4 courses called ""Autocad Civil3D for Surveying and Civil Works"" that will allow you to learn how to handle this fabulous Autodesk software and apply it to different projects and construction sites. Become an expert in the software and you can generate earthworks, calculate materials and construction prices and create great designs of roads, bridges, sewerage among others.This set of courses has been the product of hours of dedication, work and effort, collecting the most important data on the subject of Civil and Topographic Engineering, summarizing large amounts of theory and making them practical, so that you can learn in an easy and easy way. Fast with short but specific classes for each topic and practice with all the (real) data and examples we provide here.If you want to start managing this software, participating in this course will save you weeks of work by investigating on your own what we have already investigated, doing the tests we have done, and making the mistakes we have already made.Let us introduce you to this world of Autocad Civil3D, which is a powerful tool to reduce large amounts of time designing and calculating and facilitating your work in the professional field.Who is it for?This course is aimed at technicians, technologists and professionals with knowledge in Surveying, civil or related works, who want to start in the world of road design, linear works, earthworks and construction or those who want to strengthen their skills in the management of This powerful tool.CONTENT OF THE MIDDLE COURSE (3/4)SURFACES II- Surface model editing, interpolation, improvements, export.- Styles of surface models, presentations, map analysis.- Model overlay.- Cubing, volume reports between various surfaces.HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENTS II- Advanced style management- Editing and construction of design criteria and tables.- Graphic, geometric and tabular edition (advanced).- Parallel axes and over-widths.- Definition and diagrams of cant.VERTICAL ALIGNMENTS II- Construction with design tables.- Profile overlay.- Projection of objects from plant to profile.- Graphic, geometric and tabular edition (advanced).- Advanced handling of styles, bands.TYPICAL SECTION II- Definition of assemblies (structure). Advanced.- Creation and configuration of sub-assemblies, codes and links.- Definition of horizontal and vertical transitionsLINEAR WORK II- Linear work with several alignments.- Linear work with different regions and structures.- Advanced edition of linear work, sections, frequency, regions, surfaces.CROSS SECTIONS II- Advanced handling of styles, tables, objects to be displayed.- Editing sampling lines.- Advanced configuration of materials and prices.- Mass diagram and reports."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Civil 3D Level 4/4 - for Civil Works and Land Surveying" |
"Disclaimer:We have selected this course to offer it in English for its high pedagogical quality and user acceptance.The version of the software used is in Spanish, but the whole explanation of the instructor is narrated in English.---------------------------------------This is the fourth of a set of 4 courses called ""Autocad Civil3D for Surveying and Civil Works"" that will allow you to learn how to handle this fabulous Autodesk software and apply it to different projects and construction sites. Become an expert in the software and you can generate earthworks, calculate materials and construction prices and create great designs of roads, bridges, sewerage among others.This set of courses has been the product of hours of dedication, work and effort, compiling the most important data on the subject of Civil and Topographic Engineering, summarizing large amounts of theory and making them practical, so that you can learn in an easy and easy way. Fast with short but specific classes for each topic and practice with all the (real) data and examples we provide here.If you want to start managing this software, participating in this course will save you weeks of work by investigating on your own what we have already investigated, doing the tests we have done, and making the mistakes we have already made.Let us introduce you to this world of Autocad Civil3D, which is a powerful tool to reduce large amounts of time designing and calculating and facilitating your work in the professional field.Who is it for?This course is aimed at technicians, technologists and professionals with knowledge in Surveying, civil or related works, who want to start in the world of road design, linear works, earthworks and construction or those who want to strengthen their skills in the management of This powerful tool.CONTENT OF THE MIDDLE COURSE (4/4)PLAN SETTINGS- Template building.- Automatic generation of floor plans.- Automatic generation of planes in profile.- Automatic generation of floor plans-profile.- Automatic generation of cross section planes.EXPLANATIONS (GRADING)- Definition and configuration.- Sloping and transition of slopes.- Volume balance.- Surface generation.INTERSECTIONS- Cross intersection construction.- Adding branches- Linear work design from intersection- Construction of a roundabout or roundabout.PLOT CONSTRUCTION- Calculation of areas and perimeters- Alignment- Topology- Locations- Englobes and desenglobeCALCULATION OF SURFACE ESCORRENTY- Surface design- Basin analysis- Drains and hydrological sub-basinsDRAWING OF SANITARY NETWORKS AND PIPES- Object projection- Profiles- Material calculations"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Programming" |
"Learn the fundamentals of programming with this introductory course from scratch for those who want to learn from scratch the fundamental concepts of programming and put them into practice.In this Introduction to Programming course you will learn about the Fundamentals of Programming, you will learn to create a Flowchart and Pseudocodes Diagram in a basic and very complete way.************************************************** ********************************Some assessments of our students who have already taken it in the original version in spanish:Juan de Souza -> 5 StarsIt is a perfect course for those who have not yet had any contact with programming. Studying this content before delving into programming will make your life much easier. Hopefully I found this course a year ago. This is the only introduction to programming course that teaches through pseudocode and flowcharts that I have found. Very good.Eliane Yamila Masu Bautista -> 5 StarsThe experience was excellent since the explanations are very well detailed and explained by the mentor. Exit!Jess Ariel Parra Vega -> 5 StarsI found it excellent !!The teacher exposes in a very clear and precise way, the basic notions to program. In addition, it teaches how to use two programs that allow learning in a more self-taught way. Explain concepts and give examples of them using the tools proposed at the beginning of the course.Santiago Beir -> 4.5 StarsVery clear to explain and transmit knowledge. I recommend the course.Alicia Ilundain Etchandy -> 1.5 StarsIt seems very bad that I continue adding material so that every time I return to the Udemy website it appears to me that I still have things to complete.************************************************** ********************************You will know all the basics, to learn to program, With the knowledge you acquire in this course you will have the necessary bases to understand any programming language you want.During the course development, exercises in Pseudocode and Flowchart will be developed.The course is divided into several Sections:Programming conceptsProgramming FundamentalsSelective algorithmic structuresRepeating Algorithmic StructuresArrangements and MatricesAnd there are more sections that will be added to the course constantly if you don't wait any longer and if you're not satisfied your money is returned.Disclaimer: This course was initially developed for public in Spanish. In response to the request of English-speaking users, for its pedagogical quality and usefulness, we invest time in this version. The audio and explanations are all in English, although the interface of the software used and some texts of the sample exercises were retained in Spanish so as not to lose the applicability."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"QGIS 3 step by step from scratch" |
"Course of QGIS 3, we start at zero, we go straight to the point until we get an intermediate level, at the end a certificate is awarded.QGIS Geographic Information Systems, it is a course designed almost entirely in a practical way. It also combines a minimum theoretical part that allows students to base their knowledge on GIS, because it is not intended to impart mechanized learning, but integral.This course is 100% prepared by the creator of ""El blog de franz - GeoGeek"", includes practice exercises in each class that merits it."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |