Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"VENHA MORAR EM PORTUGAL: De Saco Cheio do Brasil" |
"AGORA FICOU MAIS FCIL VIR MORAR EM PORTUGAL. Depois das mudanas na lei portuguesa, o Consulado Portugus no Rio de Janeiro, registrou um aumento de 1300% no nmero de pedidos de visto para vir morar em Portugal. no perca essa chance! Este guia destinado a todo brasileiro honesto e trabalhador que est De Saco Cheio do Brasil.De Saco Cheio de pagar altos impostos e de ser roubado por governos e por bandidos nas ruas.De Saco Cheio de ver corruptos soltos, amparados por uma justia morosa, benevolente e defensora da escumalha do alto escalo.De Saco Cheio de ler notcias de corrupo todos os dias.De Saco Cheio de pagar caro por tudo e ter muito pouca coisa em troca e, quase sempre, de m qualidade.De Saco Cheio de ter produtos e servios de quinta categoria protegidos por leis arcaicas criadas para impedir a competio e que criaram indstrias sucateadas.De Saco Cheio de trabalhar uma vida inteira e depois se aposentar com valores irrisrios.De Saco Cheio de mudanas de regras constantes, de planos econmicos mirabolantes de governos incompetentes e incapazes que nunca do em nada a no ser no roubo do dinheiro do povo e na destruio do pas.De Saco Cheio de um pas que rouba o presente e o futuro dos seus habitantes, obrigando-os a emigrar ou a continuar no Brasil em desespero.De Saco Cheio de um pas com 28 vezes mais mortes por criminalidade do que Portugal e que orgulhosamente figura na lista dos 15 pases mais violentos do mundo, ultrapassando, em violncia, pases em guerra h dcadas.De Saco Cheio de um pas onde os governantes s se elegem para resolver as prprias vidas e esto a se borrifar para o povo.Alternativamente, o termo De Saco Cheio do Brasil tambm tem um lado simblico positivo, representado por voc trazendo um saco, do Brasil, contendo todos os seus bens pessoais e as suas esperanas, expectativas e aspiraes futuras a nvel pessoal, familiar e profissionais.De qualquer forma, se voc esse cidado De Saco Cheio do Brasil, aposentado ou possui rendimentos mensais provenientes de aluguis, empresas, etc., este guia para voc.Atravs deste guia, saber como poder tirar o Visto D7 para vir morar legalmente em Portugal, um pas decente e seguro com uma qualidade de vida infinitamente superior do Brasil, onde ter a certeza de voltar vivo para casa depois de um dia de trabalho. Portugal, onde os seus filhos e voc tero um presente e um futuro esperanosos.Obviamente Portugal no perfeito. Nenhum pas . Todos os pases possuem qualidades e problemas prprios. Entretanto, Portugal um pas fantstico. Pequeno, tranquilo, bonito e que aos poucos vai resolvendo os seus problemas. Mudar do Brasil para Portugal, em termos de qualidade de vida, como desembarcar no paraso.Se voc tinha esperanas do Brasil dar certo um dia, cito a frase de um amigo: ""Veja bem que o Brasil nunca vai ""dar certo"", porque j deu, s que no foi para voc""!Portanto, livre-se j do Brasil. Mude de vida e melhore a sua paz de esprito, a sua tranquilidade e o seu bem-estar e o da sua famlia. Seja uma das milhares de famlias que, anualmente, emigram para Portugal.A vida curta e uma melhor qualidade de vida no tem preo!Esse o ano em que voc vai mudar para Portugal!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Scrum 101- A fundamental look at the agile Scrum Master role" |
"Let me be up front about this course. I cannot teach you everything about being a Scrum Master in an hour or two. I doubt if anyone can. But what I have done is taken the Scrum guide, which is the core of Scrum, stripped it down to the bone and rebuilt it, trying to give lessons that cover all the Scrum basics in a simple and easy to understand set of lessons.That being said, it is comprehensive in covering all areas of Scrum basics, starting with the history of Scrum, moving onto definitions, theory and values, before a deep dive into the the 3 Scrum roles, the 5 Scrum events and the 3 Scrum Artifacts.I have cross referenced this course with a number of the popular Scrum master certifications like the PSM1 and the CSM to make sure it covers all the areas needed.You should take this course if you want a thorough understanding of what Scrum is, either as a beginner, perhaps joining an agile environment for the first time or as a Scrum Master who wants to improve their core knowledge of Scrum.If you are taking your first scrum master certification, I have also designed another course which provides over 120 exam questions and answers. We believe that these two go hand in hand. The aim is that, at the end, you will be able to pass an exam (like the professional Scrum master (PSM1) exam*)This new course is developed in Sept 2019. We use a combination of animation videos (not just power-point with voice-overs), audio, fact-sheets and quizzes to breakdown Scrum and the Scrum Master role and present it in a way that helps you to fully understand ScrumSo, if this what you need, I hope you enjoy!Dave*Please note, we are not affiliated with Scrum dot org or the Scrum Alliance etc. Though our course is perfectly suited to those about to take their initial Scrum Master certification"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Scrum Master certification - practice test questions" |
"Are you about to take your first Professional Scrum Master certification exam, then this is the package for you.Be under no illusion, exams like the PSM1 and CSM exam are not easy to pass. Even a person, currently in a Scrum Master role will need to prepare and study. These mock exam questions are perfect for agile project managers who want to have a complete and thorough grounding of the Scrum guide, the scrum body of knowledgeWe recommend three stages to complete before taking your first Scrum Master exam1) Take my accompanying Udemy Scrum Master 101 course (Search under my name ""David Keenan""!!)2) Read the Scrum Guide3) Take this Scrum Master practice test and make sure you understand all the questions and answers.Important: Each question also has the corresponding Scrum Guide answer, to allow you to completely understand both the answer and the context.There are 6 practice tests. I would recommend you take Test 1, then review your answers against the correct answers from the Scrum guide before moving onto the next. This is the key learning from each test. Not only is it a practice, but it also gives you the ability to revise the Scrum guide. In many ways, it is a second pass at reading the Scrum Guide.It focuses on all aspects from Scrum history, definition, theory and Values and moving to deep dive into the the 3 Scrum roles, the 5 Scrum events and the 3 Scrum Artifacts.We designed these mock exam questions to act as a core learning tool to utilize, before sitting your first scrum master certification. Our aim is that at the end of this course, you will be able to pass an exam like the professional Scrum master (PSM1) exam*It is a new course developed in 2019 and specifically designed around the Scrum guide, the definitive Scrum body of knowledge. We present it in a way that helps you to fully understand Scrum Master role and also, to give the information needed to pass certification exams based on the Scrum guide.Enjoy!*This course is perfectly suited to those about to take their initial Scrum Master certificationPlease note, we are not affiliated with Scrum dot org or the Scrum Alliance etc. No endorsement is made by either Jeff Sutherland, Ken Schwaber, or any of their related commercial entities. The original Scrum Guide is offered for license under the Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons, accessible at http://creativecommons dot org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode and also described in summary form at /licenses/by-sa/4.0/."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Certificao Scrum Master - perguntas do teste da prtica" |
"Se voc est prestes a tomar o seu primeiro exame de certificao Scrum Master, ento este o pacote para voc.Seja sob nenhuma iluso, exames como a PSM1 e exame CSM no so fceis de passar. Mesmo uma pessoa, atualmente em um papel de Scrum Master ter de preparar e estudar.Estas questes do exame simuladas so perfeitos para os profissionais geis que querem ter uma compreenso completa e exaustiva do guia Scrum, o corpo scrum do conhecimentoRecomendamos que voc leia e entenda o Guia do Scrum primeiro e depois tomar este teste de prtica e fazer como o prximo passo para entender as possveis perguntas e respostas para o testeImportante: Cada pergunta tem a resposta correspondente do Guia do Scrum, para que voc possa entender completamente tanto a resposta eo contexto.H 6 testes prticos. Eu recomendo que voc tome Teste 1, em seguida, analisar suas respostas contra as respostas corretas a partir da guia Scrum antes de passar para a prxima. Esta a chave de aprendizagem de cada teste. No s uma prtica, mas tambm lhe d a capacidade de rever o guia Scrum. uma segunda passagem em ler o Guia do Scrum.O curso centra-se em todos os aspectos da histria Scrum, definio, teoria e valores e mudar-se para mergulhar fundo no 3 papis de Scrum, os 5 eventos Scrum e os 3 Artefatos do Scrum.Ns projetamos essas questes do exame simuladas para atuar como uma ferramenta de aprendizagem ncleo de utilizar, antes de sentar suas primeiras qualificaes Scrum Master. O nosso objectivo que no final deste curso, voc ser capaz de passar em um exame como o profissional Scrum master (PSM1) exame * um novo curso desenvolvido em 2019 e projetado especificamente em torno da guia de Scrum, o corpo Scrum definitiva do conhecimento. Ns apresent-lo de uma forma que ajuda voc a entender completamente Scrum e tambm, para dar as informaes necessrias para passar nos exames de certificao com base no guia de Scrum.Desfrutar!* Este curso perfeitamente adequado para aqueles prestes a tomar o seu Scrum certificao inicial MestrePor favor, note que ns no somos afiliados com Scrum dot org ou o Scrum Alliance etc. No endosso ser feito por qualquer Jeff Sutherland, Ken Schwaber, ou qualquer de suas entidades comerciais relacionadas. O Guia originais Scrum oferecido para a licena sob a licena Atribuio-Compartilhamento pela mesma Licena do Creative Commons, acessvel no endereo http: // creativecommons dot org / licenses / by-sa / 4.0 / legalcode e tambm descreveu de forma resumida na / licenas / by- sa / 4.0 /."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Fitness Hareketlerini renme Kursu" |
"lk blmde bilimsel diren antrenman temellerini reneceksiniz. kinci blmde hareket kalplarnda alan kaslarn grevlerini greceksiniz. Son blmde Fitness Hareketlerini teknik anlamda optimal formda yapmay reneceksiniz. Kurs ierisinde 1 adet Squat hareket analizi ve dzeltici egzersiz ile desteklenmi vaka analizi ve programlamasn greceksiniz. Kursum, Personal Fitness Trainerlar iin, Yeditepe Sports Eitim Kurumu ile Antalya ili Fitness Eitmenlerine verilen 6 gnlk PT Eitiminin 1 gnnde anlattm dersin video kamera ekimini ieriyor."
Price: 239.99 ![]() |
"Yoga Therapy- Yoga Therapy For Self Healing" |
"Offical Release on Nov 01 2019 in the all of the world for the first time!Now learn the Chinese long lost secret Kongfu to make you live young and self healing your body through thousand years, which means you will master the forbidden secret of how to change your healthy living and body status start from this year.This also means this course will teach you how one Chinese master could live 103 years with strong energy just like young people by only practising 30 minutes of 8 Diamond Kongfu everyday for more than 85 years.8 Diamond Kongfu release for the first time to all over of the world to beat other methods of difficult Chinese Kongfu or Yoga so that you could enjoy the result of practise it daily after 2 weeks learning. The result is your body and healthy will be like one new battery with new charged of 100% energy.Result Mark: 100% to see your new result! 100% batteryCourse Pre-requisite: NoneCourse Duration: 1-2 weeksCourse Lectures:See Below.Quizzes & Graded Exam:No ExamCertificate:Internationally 8 Diamond Kongfu masterCourse Location: OnlineCourse Description :Most of us spend the majority of our time regretting the past or worrying about the our health future, but forget to live in the present and find one suitable yoga to change our living. No matter what you practise before, you could try this Chinese simple and easy method to enjoy your life now.Yoga, when practised regularly, have the potential to help you become more mindful so that your life in the present, most of the time, which leads to increased happiness and optimal health and thereby reducing anxiety and stress.Besides this, there are concrete studies which prove that Yoga when practised regularly can:Help with flexibility, improve your posture, protect your spine and strengthens your lower back. Its amazing for your bone health increase blood flow to all body parts boost immunity, optimizes your hormones, makes you happy, tremendously increase your focus and makes you more productive.Yoga tones your nervous system, helps you sleep deeper, helps detoxify toxins through deep breathing, helps with digestive issues and so forth.It also boosts self-esteem, increases confidence, helps you get in touch with your divine self, helps you with your relationships and makes you a better person.Yoga is not just about doing handstands or wearing an orange rob and sit in Sukhasana. Its much more than that and based on your preference, goals, abilities Yoga can be anything you want to be.Just remember anyone can practice Yoga and you dont need to turn vegan to practice it:)This 8 Diamond Kongfu will be of great interest to all learners and healthcare professional who would like to learn the most effective Yoga Training in old times of China. It provides an in-depth look into our whold body and every energy line so that you could adjust the whole body into right direction of healthy level instead of sick status. We will show you every movement, every lesson into simple you could master and learn in easy methods. No need for deep knowledge of Yoga level, no need about your body status, what you will need is only obey what you see, listen and practise it after that. Practice them regularly and have a try! You will thank for learning this.Diamond 1: It will be start of preparing the air energy for the whole body. This module will provide the background of your body as 3 important parts:up, middle of down. Head, up parts, support air energy in your surface body. The middle part, from heart to belly, in charge of your whole body transportation for blood and energy. Legs, down part, the center of your energy. Adjust all those 3 parts normally is the first important thing to make basement for the following Diamond Kongfu. Only practise this diamond, you will feel good and fresh for your tried body. Diamond 2: Kidney is not only the master before you born, but only the master for your whole body after born. Kidney is one important part in your body which in charge of your birthing, growing, growing up and keep the balance of your body exchange for your whole metabolism. This module will help you adjust your kidney in order to make your kidney strong after that.Diamond 3: Spleen and stomach is the master for your whole body after birth. Spleen is the original part for your blood and air energy while stomach is in charge of digestion and give your nutrition. The above 2 parts adjust each other and keep your full time energy and heal your blood problems. and much more!(Certificate Free with this course)Who is the course for?-Anyone who wants to start a new life with learning Yoga-Anyone who wants more flexibility, strength and agility-Anyone who wants to feel more whole-Anyone who wants to be more happy and feel goodBy the end of this course, what will you Learn?-Learn the most effective 8 Diamond Kongfu-Learn about how to adjust your sick status and keep your energy on all the time-Improve alignment and posture to reduce the risk of injury-Learn to breathe deeply and reduce stress, anxiety, tension-Master all secrert of living long and with fresh spirits in your minds-Masters one different types of keeping fit techniques& much more!Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to build a lifelong Yoga PracticeAnyone who wants more flexibility, strength and agilityAnyone who wants to feel more wholeAnyone who wants to be more happy and feel good"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to European Medicine Marketing Authorizations" |
"This course provide brief overview of national, mutual recognition / decentralized and centralized procedures along with timeline flowcharts. It also touch base upon accelerated review, conditional approval and exceptional circumstances. This course is beneficial for regulatory affairs, quality assurance, R&D professionals who would like to start their career in European (EU) healthcare or pharmaceutical market. With this course professionals will be able to understand different types of EU marketing authorization procedures along with their legal basis, conditions and pre-requisites which will help professionals in building robust regulatory strategies for quick market penetration and medicinal product launch."
Price: 3520.00 ![]() |
"Drug Regulatory Pathways, Data and Market Exclusivity US AU" |
"This course provide brief overview of different regulatory pathways along with data and market exclusivity for drug registration in US and Australia (AU) region for prescription (Rx) and over the counter (OTC) medicines. This course is beneficial for regulatory affairs, quality assurance, R&D professionals who would like to start their career in US and AU regulatory domain of healthcare or pharmaceutical company . With this course professionals will be able to understand different types of registration procedures along with their legal basis, conditions and pre-requisites which will help professionals in having global regulatory horizon while developing regulatory strategies."
Price: 3520.00 ![]() |
"Learn how to cook the Moroccan famous dish ""couscous""" |
"I bet most of you guys have heard the name couscous before, but do you have any idea what's about? have you ever taught that couscous is one of the most delicious Moroccan dishes? do you know how it tastes, how it is prepared? Do you want to learn more about the Moroccan cuisine especially our famous dishes? You have just came to the right place! through this course it would be a pleasure for me to introduce you step by step how you can actually cook ""couscous"" in the tradional way. No experience is requiredNo special recipes is neededNo talent, knowledge or skills are necessaryAll you need is to follow my steps as it is explained, and o have the desire and passion to learn and explore. In this course you will learn:what is Moroccan couscouswhat spices and vegetables are used is couscousthe way how to combine ingredientshow to make couscous ""tfouira""the way couscous is served Who this course is for:this course is designed for Mam's looking for a healthy food to their family.this course is destined for chief who want to discover new culture and a different way of cooking.this course is adressed to anyone who has the desire to explore new cultures.this course is designed to you if you are planning to visit Morocco in the future.this course is designed generally for anyone who loves the traditional Moroccan cuisine."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Marketing e Propaganda, o passo a passo para iniciantes" |
"O curso busca esclarecer de forma simples , rpida e pratica, dividido em quinze aulas as dvidas e aprimorar os conhecimentos das pessoas sobre as diferenas entre o marketing e propaganda. Apresenta as diferenas nos resultados de quando se faz um marketing profissional e quando se faz um marketing amador, demonstrando a importncia do marketing para as organizaes serem mais produtivas, competitivas e lucrativas."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Bible of Coding Interviews & Competitive Programming" |
"This course is going to be your bible on solving each coding interview question and competitive programming challenge. The content is based on my 6 year experience of struggling to find and solve a wide range of problems and develop the system for mastering this skill. I cover the exact same content that has helped my students' performance skyrocket and got them offers at top companies like Google, Facebook and Amazon and solid results in the International Competitive Programming Contests. We start from basics such as Mathematics Fundamentals: Prime Numbers, Sieve of Eratosthenes, Fast Modular Exponentiation. Then we dive into interesting challenges and gold tricks on arrays and matrices, followed by Binary Search, Recursion and Divide and Conquer. We continue by exploring fundamental data structures such as Stack, Queue, Deque, Heap and Hash Table. Then, after building a solid foundation, we explore complex topics such as Greedy and Dynamic Programming, in which I reveal bulletproof formulas that guide you in solving every single problem of that specific type.Here's what make this course amazing:I guide you through the line of my thought when solving each problem, focusing on building the general approach for any type of problem you can encounter in competitive programming contests or software developing interviews.You will learn all the theory needed, but our main focus here is on practical applications.I share with you problem solving tricks and good coding practises that took me years and hundreds of problems to figure out.It's interactive and engaging: I try to keep the theory as simple and natural as possible and we work as a team in solving any problem.Do you think it's finally the time to get the Software Developer Job or the results in Competitive Programming you deserve? Follow me!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Digital Business Analytics - Analtica de Negocios Digitales" |
"In this course you will understand the basis of digital business and analytics, which could be used in diverse businesses - offline or online - in a variety of industries. At the same time, we will review the main techniques of digital analytics, its characteristics and differences. We will introduce distinct myths and recommendations that are relevant for the implementation of digital analytics in your organization. Finally, the course is an overview of digital business and will contribute to the best practice of data analytics in the context of business and clients.Learn about digital analytics and support your studies with data in your organization. Review the digital business context and leverage the power of analytics in the new economy by learning the distinct methods used in digital data analytics. This course will help you to understand better your business and your clients paving the way to enhance your performance.* Al concluir el curso entenders las bases de la analtica digital o Digital Business Analytics, que podrs aplicar a distintos negocios -fsicos o digitales- en industrias diversas. De igual forma vers las principales tcnicas de analtica digital, sus caractersticas y diferencias. Por ltimo vers distintos mitos y recomendaciones para implementar adecuadamente dentro de tu organizacin la prctica de la analtica y crear una visin holstica del negocio y del cliente.* Conoce qu es la analtica digital o Digital Business Analyics, y cmo sustenta el estudio de la datos dentro de la organizacin. Revisa el contexto del Digital Business Analytics en la nueva economa y aprende a diferenciar las distintas tcnicas de analtica digital entre bsica y avanzada y cmo puedes emplearlas para entender mejor el desempeo del negocio y a tu cliente."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como desenvolver aulas dinmicas e nicas para seus alunos" |
"No seja mais motivo de tdio para seus alunos.No seja mais um professor sem graa, que no cativa ningum!Com minha experincia j ensinei em mais de 30 turmas, e mais de 100 alunos presencialmente e online.E eu divido aqui todos os meus segredos. Absolutamente tudo que fao para ter mais alunos, escolher quais aulas dar, e ser um professor que sempre trar diverso para os alunos. Este curso ensina como transformar o processo de aula em um processo de experincia. Um momento de lazer, onde se aprende.Seja bem-vindo.Contedo do curso: Entendendo o assunto Entendendo seu aluno/turma Formato de aulas Criando aulas NICAS ConclusoEste curso no para voc, se:Voc no tem vontade de dar aulas incrveisVoc no quer ser reconhecido por sua personalidadeS estuda e no aplica a teoria"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CCNA Routing and Switching - 100 % Physical (Real) Lab" |
"At the end of this CCNA course, be sure you will have enough practical techniques and experience to manage Cisco routers and switches and you will have the required technical skills to work as a network engineer and pass any technical interview for this position.The following make this course distinguished :The course content focuses on the practical part where we will be using modern physical (real) Cisco routers and switches which you will find at your work environment.You will be able to build a network infrastructure for a company having one or many branches.You will know how to maintain and troubleshoot Cisco routers and switches like backup and restore configuration, fix operating system problems and password recovery solutions.You will learn how to secure your network infrastructure from internal or external attacks using various security techniques for your Cisco routers and switchers.You will learn how to prepare for the CCNA exam, how you can get an exam sample and how to schedule the CCNA exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Apache Spark 2.4 for Big Data Applications" |
"Learn Apache Spark's key concepts using real-world examples. This course goes over everything you need to know to get started using Spark. We start with resilient distributed data-sets and the main transformations and actions that can be performed on them. Then we move on to Advanced Spark concepts such as Partitioning and Persistence. Finally the course ends with Spark's SQL API which includes two data abstractions called Dataframes and Datasets which sit on top of Spark RDD's. They allow for new levels of optimization and SQL querying capabilities."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guitar Lesson: Amazing Grace" |
"Learn this soulful gospel hymn with Lee Mims. It will be amazing. He has played gospel music since 1992. He plays other styles but was born into this music. Lee Mims comes from a large musical family. Learn the tricks and soulful touch that he has comprised over the years. He has used diversified chords into this traditional song. Typically the chord choices he uses is often heard with instruments such as piano, organ, synthesizers, etc. How is that? He learned sitting under some of the most talented musicians who played and currently plays keys. You will surely get something out of this course. This will not be the only gospel instructional course. Stay tuned."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Gospel Guitar Lesson: ""Thank You Lord"" and ""Power Lord""" |
"Welcome to the wonderful world of Lee Mims. Inside this course you will find two very short tutorials on how to play two very popular gospel songs in churches that stemmed from holiness. Within these two song structures you will find some of the most popular chords utilized in traditional music. These soulful songs are are full of feet patting vibes. These songs will aid in lifting your hands to the sky and those that listen to you. These two courses combine leave no stone unturned. ""Thank You Lord"" has sultry and soulful chord progressions that can be used in many other songs. ""Power Lord"" is an uptempo song that has repetitious chords with the capability to substitute closely related chords. The song has two dominant chords and when driven rhythmically with spiritual devotion bouncing off of the vocalist... it has the capabilities to drive the congregation to the next spiritual stratosphere. Give this course a chance. You will not be disappointed. You'll find a third guitar lesson ""Pass Me Not O' Gentle Savior."""
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Be Your Own Life Coach" |
"Are you ready to create the life of your dreams?Are you willing to change?If you answered YES then this Course can definitely help you in the process of self-coaching.Being Happy is a Choice. Make it! Life Coaching CAN and WILL Help You!WHO is this Life Coaching Course for?Do you want to become Your Best Self?Discover the beliefs and feelings that Motivate You the Most?Develop exciting Goals and Achieve them?Attract the kind of Life You Truly Desire?Coach Yourself to Lasting Happiness?If you answered YES then this Course is for YOU!WHAT will we be covering in this Life Coaching Course?We will discuss the differences between Coaching, Counseling and Therapy. We will then do a Self Assessment and Action Graph which coversPhysical Health & FitnessMental & Intellectual GrowthEmotional UnderstandingSpiritual Connectionand RelationshipsFor each Life Zone, we will cover our beliefs, vision, purpose and strategies along with many Real Life Examples and great exercises to move into a more amazing life than you've ever dreamed possible.We've also included dozens of Powerful Questions that will help you understand yourself better and unlock your true potential! There are resources galore to help guide you through the video instruction to fully understand and integrate your underlying beliefs with your goals.Life coaches help you sort through your priorities to define and achieve your goals.They direct you to tools and support to help you get amazing results.They encourage you to keep moving forward and help you with problem solving.They help you build your self-esteem and become a happier person.They help you weed out time wasters, toxic habits, and negative thought patterns.Studies show that 99% of clients who hire a coach are delighted and that 96% of them would hire a coach again! Also, 80% improved their self-confidence, 72% improved their communication skills and 57% improved their time management skills. Life coaching works so well, soon everyone will have their own life coach just as they now have their own cell phone!Now YOU can be your own Life Coach!You can begin to improve your life in every area includingHealth and FitnessIntellectual GrowthEmotional IntelligenceSpiritual LifeLove RelationshipsSocial LifeParenting & LeadershipCareerFinancial Lifeand More!Am I getting any FREE stuff?Once you've completed the course, there is an amazing BONUS module that offers you additional guided meditation videos, releasing exercises and techniques and a free coaching session with me!So, at this point you really need to ask yourself, can you afford not to take this course? Everyone in your life deserves, but most of all, YOU deserve the best you! I believe everyone is entitled to a happy life. But you won't get it unless you decide to take action. And you won't get it just by reading and thinking about it without actually creating it in reality with Life Coaching support.Put yourself first! Don't let another day go by, without taking action! Smash that enroll button, now! You have nothing to lose & a brand NEW, HAPPY LIFE to gain! Give this gift of GREAT VALUE to You AND your Loved Ones! Enroll now and be the next person to tell me, ""This Life Coaching course has changed my life!"""
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Passive Income - How to Make Printables to Sell on Etsy" |
"This class will teach you how to create a digital art printable using free design tools. You would sell things like this on Etsy or other online marketplaces where digital art is sold. You won't need any previous skills to participate (but you will need a working laptop/desktop computer & an internet connection). I made this class for YOU, the total beginner who has no idea where to start!I created the class I wanted as a total beginner but couldn't find. I WAS you - and now that I've learned how to do this, it's my job (and privilege) to share the knowledge.You will learn how to:Use free (or close to free) tools to create your work.Create a simple digital art design using free vector images and fonts.Change sizes & image resolution to meet standards for high-quality print options (300 DPI/dot per inch).Create mockups & watermarks for your designs using free tools & templates.Find graphics & fonts to use for your designs.And, you'll get a short, motivating pep talk telling you why it's SO cool to learn new skills & take action in the face of your fears by doing something new & creative!When you finish the class, you will have created your first piece of printable art.Woohoo!You will use this information to duplicate the process over and over again as you broaden your tools and skills.This class will take you from complete newbie to action taker...From pondering to accomplished...From ""I wish I could"" to ""I DID!"""
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Create Cool Text Effects Using Free Design Tools" |
"In this class, I am going to teach you how to create some cool text effects using a free online digital art design program called Ipiccy dot com.You would be able to use these text effects to create things like:blog post imagest-shirts, mugs, posters, iPhone/Android phone cases & other physical productsdigital art prints/art printableslogosvideo thumbnailsThe idea is to have fun with this project. Grab your inner-child, imagine all of the cool things you can do using fun & colorful fonts and get busy designing!I'll also show you how to take your saved design and resize it to a 300 DPI (dots per inch) to make it into a high-resolution print-ready design - also using a free online tool."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Passive Income: Beginners T Shirt Design & Print on Demand" |
"In this course, I am going to show you how to create t shirt designs using free online design programs! I'm also going to show you a couple of print on demand companies you can use, for free, as well.Whether you're looking to create a simple text design or something more elaborate and artistic, the good news is you have tools available - even if you're a total beginner!You won't need any previous design skills to take (and succeed) in this course. You will only need a desire to learn something new, cool and interesting. You'll build your foundation starting now and only grow and expand on your skills from here on out.This is exciting! You are in for a treat.It can be daunting to learn a new skillset as a total newbie, so my job is to make this learning experience simple and fun so you'll feel elated and accomplished by the end of this course.This is strictly a beginner's level course focusing on simple design techniques! You'll be armed with the knowledge to expand on your skills, abilities and creative imagination once you've finished.MY job is to get your creativity in gear and help you to go from ""I have no idea what I'm doing or where to start"" to ""Wow, - look what I've created - I totally get this now!""You'll go from confused to capable - and all without spending a dime on design tools. This is the course I so badly wanted when I first started thinking about how to create a stream of passive income designing and selling t-shirts and other print on demand products. Now I'm bringing my knowledge to you."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Maths prpa : Suites et sries remarquables" |
"Les suites reprsentent un chapitre majeur en mathmatiques matriser absolument.Nous tudierons les suites arithmtiques, gomtriques et arithmtico-gomtriques pour elles-mmes mais aussi pour leur utilit dans des domaines aussi varis que l'conomie, la gomtrie ou les probabilits.Nous tudierons aussi ces suites en lien avec l'tude des sries numriques, notamment les sries gomtriques et sries gomtriques drives.Les exercices proposs commencent au un niveau lyce et progressent vers un niveau de matrise attendu dans le suprieur et constituent ainsi une passerelle entre le lyce et l'aprs Bac.Il est d'ailleurs conseill d'utiliser cette formation comme une prparation l'entre en classe prparatoire.Maths After Bac."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maths prpa : Logique et Raisonnements" |
"Si tu es lass de voir sur ta copie des remarques signalant ton manque de clart et de rigueur ou bien pire encore si tu a le syndrome de la page blanche face des questions difficiles et bien sche qu'il y a une solution : Bien raisonner.La premire partie est constitu de deux tests qui tabliront les bases ncessaires au bon apprentissage de l'art de bien raisonner:Test sur les notions de logique mathmatiquesTest sur les quantificateursNous allons voir et dcortiquer les uns aprs les autres tous les raisonnements utiles en classe :Raisonnement par implication et quivalenceRaisonnement par disjonction des casSavoir montrer l'inclusion ou l'galit d'ensemblesSavoir utiliser un contre-exempleRaisonner avec les epsilonsRaisonner par contrapositionRaisonner par l'absurdeRaisonner par analyse-synthseRaisonner par rcurrenceRaisonner par rcurrence forteLa dernire partie est plus difficile et permet de mettre en application les notions abordes prcdemment.Les exercices proposs peuvent tre abords au un niveau lyce et progressent vers un niveau de matrise attendu dans le suprieur et constituent ainsi une passerelle entre le lyce et l'aprs Bac.Il est d'ailleurs conseill d'utiliser cette formation comme une prparation l'entre en classe prparatoire.Maths After Bac."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maths prpa : Complexes" |
"Si vous voulez dmontrer des rsultats srieux et de la plus haute importance aussi bien en Algbre qu'en Analyse et aussi en Gomtrie, alors allez dans le monde des complexes est souvent un passage oblig.Dans ce monde des complexes, il y a des rgles de calcul matriser et je vous invite les dcouvrir avec moi lors de cette formation.Les exercices proposs peuvent tre abords au un niveau lyce et progressent vers un niveau de matrise attendu dans le suprieur et constituent ainsi une passerelle entre le lyce et l'aprs Bac.Il est d'ailleurs conseill d'utiliser cette formation comme une prparation l'entre en classe prparatoire.Maths After Bac."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CFA Level 1 - Quantitative Methods (2019) Full Module Course" |
"This course is designed basically for CFA level 1 exam. This course deals with Quantitative Methids section of CFA level 1 Exam. This course covers the following readings :Time Value of Money, Discounted Cash Flow, Statistical Methods, Probability Concepts, Sampling and Estimation, Technical Analysis. There will be total of 28 videos in this course. You can also ask your doubts on this section."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fit & Fab Over 40" |
"Each program consists of the full yoga package! It will take you on the step to step journey to improve your skills and revitalize your life. Fit and Fab over 40 unlocks a start up video package for both beginner and advanced level Yogis. All videos can be linked into a full body workout but if you are short for time they can be sub-divided to target your daily needs.Every Video Consists of an beginner and advanced step through tutorial with both audio and animated descriptions. Once youve mastered each step through, dont worry, the program isnt over yet! Once you sign up, you will be part of a mailing list that will inform you of new videos and tips that will be added regularly.If you do have any queries there is no problem. As part of the program you can contact us at any time to discuss techniques or future dates of program releases. Furthermore, with our new chatroom you can talk to other members of the program and discuss what works for you! We believe at Be Motionless that you should not be alone and that we are all in this together."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CAMBIO VITA! I 7 passi del cambiamento" |
"""La logica vi porter da A a B. Limmaginazione vi porter dappertutto"". Questo ci che amava affermare Albert Einstein quando parlava del ""cambiamento"", tuttavia cambiare pur essendo un fenomeno continuo e naturale spesso ostacolato da tanta incertezza, dubbio e paura di fallire.Ma perch cambiare diventato cos difficile? Il perch in questa equazione che descrive la vita di tantissime persone che non riescono a cambiare:(SOGNI - PAURE) x TEMPO = ZERO RISULTATI. Se questa formuletta ti familiare e ti stai chiedendo cosa puoi fare per raggiugnere i tuoi obiettivi di vita senza bloccarti pi, sei nel posto giusto perch in questo video corso ti insegner i 7 principi della psicologia del cambiamento, che ho trasformato in un percorso di 7 passi semplici e lineari, e altrettanti quaderni degli esercizi che ti aiuteranno fin da subito a chiarire e a sbloccare un tuo obiettivo di cambiamento di vita.Che dire! Iniziamo a lavorare?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"KAIROS. Torna padrone del tuo tempo" |
"In questo video corso non trovi solo una raccolta delle tecniche di Time Management che utilizzo personalmente per gestire in modo ottimale il mio tempo, ma soprattutto un nuovo approccio mentale per imparare ad organizzarlo e quindi a goderne.Per creare questo video corso ho tenuto presente 3 aspetti: 1. La miglior teoria la pratica2. Utilizzare un linguaggio semplice e alla portata di tutti 3. Condividere solo le tecniche di cui ho fatto realmente esperienza.Chi ha tempo non perda tempo! Ti aspetto in Aula."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Aktien Analyse Meisterkurs: Dividend Investing & Aktien A-Z" |
"Du mchtest deine Ziele umsetzen, aber hast am Ende des Monats kein Geld brig? Ich zeige dir wie du besser Sparen kannst und deine Ziele definierst. Zustzlich lernst du was eine Aktie ist, ein Fonds,ein ETF, REIT`s und welche Strategien es bei Aktien gibt und wie du eine gute Aktie findest. Diese musst du dann noch kaufen, beobachten und dein Risiko im Blick haben, das klingt anstrengend. Aber keine Sorge ich zeige dir alles Schritt fr Schritt, das ist gar nicht so schwer. Probiere es aus und lass uns gemeinsam starten!Weitere Themen die in diesem Kurs behandelt werden,sind: Stock Trading, Personal Development, Personal Finance Development, Dividend investing, Aktien Analyse, Geld sparen, Geld anlegen, Aktien+Analyse, Technische Analyse,Aktien kaufen, Brse und Aktien und vieles mehr."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Finanzielle Bildung Meisterkurs: Financial Analysis von A-Z" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du alles von A bis Z ber die Finanzwelt. Angefangen von dem Grund des Vermgensaufbaus, ber den Zinseszins Effekt, der Inflation, verschiedenen Sparmglichkeiten, den verschiedenen Anlageklassen bis hin zur Depoterffnung bringe ich dir alles mndlich und schriftlich bei und zeige dir an verschiedenen Beispielen wie du es in der Praxis umsetzen kannst.Ich wrde mich geehrt fhlen dein Dozent sein zu drfen. Bis gleich in der ersten Lektion, dein Dominik."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Excel dbutant confirmer" |
"Envie d'apprendre utiliser excel, mais vous n'avez pas le logiciel, pas de problme je vous explique comment l'utiliser gratuitement et en toute l'galit ! Je vous explique comment vous en servir avec des exemples et surtout les raccourcis pour gagner du temps. Vous pourrez aussi tlcharger les fichiers excels pour travail en mme temps que le cours . Que vous dbutiez ou que vous souhaitez vous amliorer ce cours est pour vous."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |