Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Ultimate Design and Working Drawing Class in AutoCAD" |
" A BIG NOTE HIS COURSE IS ACTUALLY MEANT FOR ARCHITECTS (THOUGH FOR PERSONAL INTERESTS ANYONE CAN TAKE IT). THIS COURSE WILL COVER ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS COMBINED WITH STRUCTURE AND PLUMBING SERVICES FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDING.*********************************************************************************************************This course is for the people who want to learn Working Drawings, which is a must for an Architect. Ill be starting with the concept, then Ill make Submission drawings and then finally well be a move to Working drawings. So, this course is a bit longer than other courses, but trust me you will not regret it when you will enroll in this course. And as far I am concerned, you will not find such a course anywhere on the internet. So if you feel that this course can add value to your work, then go ahead, enroll in it and Ill see you in the course. "
Price: 4160.00 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Design Masterclass with AutoCAD and Sketchup" |
"The Ultimate Design Masterclass With AutoCAD and Sketchup- Learn how to Design buildings and Elevations with contemprory style. IF YOU ARE WILLING TO LEARN HOW TO DESIGN A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. HOW TO DESIGN ELEVATIONS WITH MODERN STYLE, THEN THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU. ALONG WITH DESIGNING, YOU WILL BE ALSO LEARNING HOW TO MAKE THAT BUILDING IN 3D OR 3D ANIMATION OF BUILDING. A BIG NOTE FOR THOSE, WHO WANT TO LEARN WORKING DRAWINGS, CONSTRUCTION OR DETAILED DRAWINGS, THEN THEY CAN ALWAYS REFER TO MY FIRST COURSE WHICH TEACHES YOU HOW TO PREPARE PROFESSIONAL LOOKING WORKING DRAWINGS.***********************************************************************************************************This course comprises of 3 PHASES. In the first phase, the students will get an insight on how to design or create spaces for a particular project (in this case it's a Residential cum Commercial project). You will learn how to create Elevation, as when you put your ideas into elevation, you tend to do changes in floor plans in order to achieve your desired elevation. In the second phase, you will get to know how to render floor plans in Photoshop, like how to provide colors to the walls, how to add texture to the floor, how to add furniture to the layout. Finally, in the last phase, we will extrude the design in Google Sketchup software. In this, you will come to know about all the commands that have been used in the process. All the plugins that had been used for the 3d view will be explained. Along with this, a link also has been shared within the description of the video, which will direct you to the Website - Sketchucation - where you can download these plugins for FREE. So with this course, you will learn the designing part, you will get to know how to bring Photoshop into use for getting a HIGH QUALITY Render Plans &Last you will learn Google Sketchup and its various commands that contribute to generate an some view of your project.So what are you waiting for, Get enrolled in the course and add value to your designs and skills."
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"Compliance Anticorrupo: Viso Prtica" |
"Neste curso ns trabalharemos os conceitos de compliance, gesto de riscos, evoluo da legislao anticorrupo no mundo e um overview dos 9 passos para implantao de um programa de Integridade eficiente. Abordaremos sobre as 3 fases de trabalho: Preparao, Desenvolvimento e Implantao, pontuando sobre as respectivas etapas que as compem, desde o mapeamento e anlise de riscos at a implantao de controles internos de compliance, passando pelos treinamentos e lanamento do canal de denncias e consultas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Traitez efficacement vos emails client" |
"Crer du lien et fidliser vos clients en devenant des experts du traitement des emails client. Prenez de l'avance sur vos concurrents en rejoignant ce cours exclusif de la relation client.Nous aborderons ensemble, comment:- Amliorer votre prparation - Dvelopper votre comprhension - Mener une bonne analyse- Rdiger une rponse percutanteLe succs avec vos clients est proche. Bienvenu dans ce cours!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Natralioji kdiki higiena" |
"mogui, kad ir kokio amiaus jis bt, NORMA lapintis ir tutintis be kelni!Js k tik ugims kdikis taip pat nori turti galimyb oriai keliauti tualet, kad patenkint kilus poreik.ios paskaitos metu aptarsime tokius dalykus:KAIP suprasti, kad kdikis nori tualet;KAS ir KAIP gali j ten palydti;KOKI priemoni reikia, kad galtume praktikuoti NKH;KODL svarbu, kad kdikis lapintsi ir tutintsi be kelni;AR manoma uauginti vaik visai be vystykl ir/ar sauskelni.Paskaita skirta mamoms ir tiams: norintiems geriau suprasti savo k tik ugimus ir labai greitai augant eimos nar, imokti atliepti jo kilus poreik lapintis ir/ar tutintis, stiprinti susikalbjimo su savo vaiku jausm bei norintiems leisti laik su gerokai reiau verkianiu kdikiu."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Steps To Buying a Semi Truck and Booking Freight" |
"This course is a step by step guide for what you will need in order to start your trucking business. The documents needed before and after obtaining a truck are explained in detail in this course. Everything you need in order to get your truck rolling is explained. It is just as simple as following the steps provided. In depth details, advice, and examples included. Presentation presented by Chaney Logistics Group and instructed by consultant, Nakeya Welch, using Prezi."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Como ensear a leer paso a paso a su hijo o estudiante" |
"Este es un curso que detalla paso a paso como se puede utilizar el mtodo silbico en conjunto con el mtodo de la palabra generadora, en la enseanza de la lectura en nios y nias de forma simple, gil y rpida sin necesidad de requerir ms material que el que usted tiene en sus manos. Es una gua que con instrucciones precisas lograr el aprendizaje de la lectura en nios y nias desde los cinco aos en delante de una forma dinmica y diligente; disminuyendo el tiempo en bsquedas en internet, bibliotecas o libreras sobre la temtica, este solo tomo har que sus estudiantes o hijos aprendan a leer en poco tiempo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Montessori Teacher's Training Prep. Exam on Basic Concepts." |
"Montessori education is basically a model to improve children learning development. It also promotes education at early level. There are two principles related to this. The first is to engage the children physically to their environment . Second is giving the children liberty and freedom within their environment so they take their studies positively. This exam features the main points of Montessori Teachers Training are:Maria Montessori LifeSensitive period Absorbent mind Prepared environment Children normalizationIf you are taking the official Montessori course from any recognized institute then this course will help you to appear in official exams and will some how prepare you. We do not claim that this course exam is an official one, but however it will surely help the aspirants of Montessori Directress courses and training."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Montessori Teachers' Exercise of Practical Life (EPL) Exam" |
"Introduction of EPLThe objective of Exercise of Practical Life (EPL) is to empower the child taking control in the relation to his or her movement, and assist the child to have liberty in doing things and respond properly to the society. It is vital to avoid correcting the child in Montessori system, instead helping him/her to get taught through experiencing. This is done so as to adapt the child to be a useful member of the family, class and society as a whole. Practical Life Exercises (EPL) also help the development and growth of the childs intellect and help him gaining focus. It also empower the child to start thinking in an organized manner. What this exam is about?This exam is offered to Montessori teachers and aspirants who are willing to assess their knowledge on Montessori Exercise of Practical Life. The exam is based on following composition: Preliminary ExercisesCare of the PersonCare of The Environment (COE)Grace and CourtesyFor Montessori TeachersIf you are a Montessori Teacher, this course will help you refresh your learning on Montessori Exercise of Practical Life (EPL). Moreover you can also share your questions and experiences in Q/A. For Students Aspiring as Montessori TeachersIf you are taking the official Montessori course from any recognized institute then this exam on EPL will help you to appear in official exams and will prepare you on the concepts of EPL. We do not claim that this course exam is an official one, but however it will surely help the aspirants of Montessori Directress courses and training for EPL."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Hebrew alphabet" |
"Hebrew is Gods holy language. Each letter is a revelation from God how to live in a close loving relationship with Him. We will discuss each and every one of the 22 with deep insights into the name of the letter, how it's written, and it's numerical value. Each letter will have amazing life changing guidance from God."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Morning Blessings" |
"A successful day must start off the right way. In this incredible lesson series you will learn the depth and beauty of the morning blessings. They are much more than a ritual of thanksgiving for our life necessities. They are forging a mindset for living a day together with God in a close loving relationship. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Healthy Relationships" |
"All human relationships were created as demonstrations of our relationship with God. From Gods instructions how to forge, develop, and maintain an eternal close loving relationship with Him (which is the purpose of our lives), we can learn the guidelines how to do the same with every one of our worldly connections. Through implementing these tools with our ephemeral loved ones, we can constantly grow in our eternal closeness to God. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Kaddish |
"The holiest of prayers is the Kaddish. We sanctify HaSHem's name in public. We do this at least 10 times a day. We do it as a merit for our relatives who passed away. Each word has profound meaning. The sanctity and merit can only be according to how much we understand what we are saying. In this lesson series we explain beauty and depth into every word and concept in the Kaddish."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Songwriting From a Lyrical and Melodic Standpoint" |
"With over 10+ years of writing, recording, , touring the world, and navigating the music industry, our band Make Out Monday has acquired a wealth of knowledge and we want to share it with you. We often get asked by our fans: ""How do I become a songwriter / What is your songwriting process? / How do you come up with your lyrics?"" And so we decided to make this course, answering exactly that. First we will be covering Basic Chords on guitar and piano, as well as the 12 notes that make up all of music, and Song Structure (what are the parts that make up every song?), laying the groundwork for you as a musician. Then we will be diving right in to actual songwriting! Where do the lyrics and melodies come from? How do you make your words incredibly compelling and relatable? What makes people want to sing along to your songs? Where do you find inspiration? How do you get past writer's block? We will be covering all of this and SO MUCH MORE as we break down the writing process behind some of our most popular songs, giving you an in depth look behind the curtain and a wealth of valuable insider knowledge. We will also be revealing 2 brand new Make Out Monday demos, and breaking down the writing and recording process behind them. Then we will write a BRAND NEW song from the ground up, teaching you how to do the same as we write and record a third Make Out Monday demo. Lastly, we will give you tips and information on what steps to take and how to promote your music after you have some finished songs under your belt. Throughout the course, we will be proving you with tons of materials, downloadable content, and writing assignments specifically designed to help you create your best songs yet! If you take these assignments seriously, you should have multiple songs finished before the course is over, and maybe even a couple rough demos! ANYONE can be a songwriter, and we want to prove it to you in our class. Because believe it or not, you have something musically to offer that no one else does: Your Story. Your Experiences. And soon, your Lyrics. Your story is what is going to make you valuable and unique in the music industry. You already have tons of incredible lyrics and melodies inside you, just waiting to be tapped in to. All you need to know is how to access them. And that's what we are going to teach you! So let's write some songs!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Agresja rodzicw" |
"Witajcie rodzice!Kochacie swoje dziecko najbardziej na wiecie i chcecie dla niego dobrego, szczliwego dziecistwa. By moe jak bylicie mali, dowiadczylicie frustracji swoich rodzicw, przekraczania przez nich granic, zachowa krzywdzcych i teraz, majc swoje dziecko, chcecie zrobi wszystko, co tylko moliwe, by nie postpowa wzgldem niego w podobny sposb? A moe nie macie zych wzorcw z dziecistwa i jestecie zaskoczeni swoimi reakcjami, nie rozumiecie skd si bierze w Was taka zo? Zdarza si, e puszczaj Wam nerwy, czujecie, jak krew Was zalewa i tracicie panowanie nad sob. Robicie i mwicie przykre rzeczy swojemu dziecku. Potem bardzo tego aujecie, macie wyrzuty sumienia, ale jest ju niestety za pno, krzywda si wydarzya.Najwaniejsze, e zdajecie sobie spraw, e Wasze zachowanie wzgldem dziecka jest przykre, krzywdzce, niszczce i e chcecie to zmieni! Nie wiecie jak? Mamy dla Was mnstwo pomysw i podpowiedzi.PROWADZCYGar faktw o nas:Kamil Nowak (Blog Ojciec)M, ojciec trjki dzieci, z wyksztacenia nauczyciel. Od czterech lat prowadzi bloga, ktrego czyta kadego miesica kilkaset tysicy ludzi. Podejmuje na nim gwnie tematy dotyczce wychowania dzieci w szacunku do nich i do samego siebie. Wierzy, e tak jak dzieci ucz si wielu rzeczy od rodzicw, tak rodzice mog si nauczy wielu rzeczy od dzieci.Justyna RokickaPsycholog i certyfikowana psychoterapeutka, w zawodzie od ponad 10 lat. Prywatnie ona i matka trjki maych, penych energii dzieci. Na co dzie pracuje w Poradni Zdrowia Psychicznego dla Dzieci i Modziey. Jest take zaoycielk portalu Szukamterapeuty(pl)Specjalizuje si w pracy z rodzinami. Integruje najnowsz wiedz i wasne dowiadczenia, by w piguce przekazywa najbardziej praktyczne i wartociowe porady dla rodzicw, ktrzy szukaj drogi do swoich dzieci. Wieczorami, na blogu, dzieli si z czytelnikami wszystkim tym, co uwaa za najbardziej sensowne, praktyczne i wspierajce.Szkolenie porusza nastpujce tematy:Momenty, gdy nam rodzicom puszczaj nerwy. Najczstsze sytuacje kryzysowe.Mechanizm, ktry stoi za agresj do wasnych dzieci. Z perspektywy aspektw psychologicznych.Mechanizm, ktry stoi za agresj do wasnych dzieci. Z perspektywy neurobiologii.Nauka samoregulacji emocji.Jak si POWSTRZYMA w sytuacji wybuchu emocji, by potem nie aowa.Metody pomagajce odci reakcje krokodylaMetody pomagajce zamieni zo w zabaw.Jak zamieni zo w inne mikkie uczucia, wzruszenie, trosk, mio.Prewencja: Co robi kadego dnia, by nie dopuszcza do sytuacji utraty kontroli nad sob."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
Tetris |
"In this course you will go trough every step from creating assets, to building the final game. Tetris is a pretty simple game, but a lot can be learned while making it.We will go trough the fundamentals of C# programming language, and in the later lessons, will grab some of the more advanced syntax as well.I will explain why we do the things we do in the lectures, so there is no confusion and in the end will give some ideas on how to develop this project further on your own, so you can truly call this project your own."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Logical Communication" |
"Addressing the need in STEM, business, and academic writing for logical communication competence, this course uses a logical communication protocol template to train students in generating, developing, and presenting ideas in logical, coherent arguments that can be communicated successfully to others.Although very applicable to academic writing, this course deals with practical situations that need to be thought through and presented to others, e.g. proposing a plan of action."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Cool Stuff in Chinese" |
"If you're interested in the Chinese language, Taoism, Sunzi Art of War, or linguistics, or culture, or martial arts, whether you'd only like to study Chinese, or already have, there's probably something in here for you.See Lao Tse and Sun Tse in the original! Learn some ""colorful"" slang! Count with your fingers! And more!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Be Lucky (Success, Goal Achievement and Luck Mindset)" |
"How to be Lucky in Business and LifeIs your business or life not going to plan?You are working really hard, but not everything is falling into place.Want more good luck in your life? - This course WILL help you.You do the exercisesYou do the simple techniquesYou WILL see a differenceIt's a myth that it's difficult to change your mindset.Imagine. You have done this course and over the next few weeks you notice changes are happening. You notice that things in your business and life are different and better now. And these changes can last a lifetime for such a small investment of your time and energy.Creating good luck is a skill worth mastering.If you want to become successful in any area of your life you have to have to have focus and learn these skills.Today, I want to rewire how you think about luck. I want to increase your opportunities, help you achieve your dreams and teach you how to be successful and much luckier in both business and life.The truth is - lucky isnt a goal or destination its a MINDSET you take on to achieve your goals. And like all mindsets and perceptions, you dont just drop it once you achieve your goals. Instead, you adopt it so you can carry it with you forever.Thats why I want to help you rewire how you think about luck and help you break down these barriers and any limiting beliefs once and for all.Have you ever heard the expression from Henry Ford If you always do what youve always done, youll always get what youve always got.Finally there is a simple different way - good luck just got easier.This course IncludesPowerful helpful content to achieve your goalsTools to increase your ability to listen to your unconscious mindTechniques and information on the power of influence and networking to maximise persuasionAnd the 3 Foundations of luck, which are based in positive psychology using both NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques and practical experience for amazing personal transformation.Plus lots moreMastering your thoughts and emotions is the missing ingredient. The powerful 3 Foundations of luck in this course will positively affect your behaviours and your outcomes.PreviewsCheck out the 2 free preview theory sections belowYour Mind Your World and The Thinker and Prover.Then applying the powerful 3 Foundations of luck will completely change the way you operate in business and life at an unconscious level - which is where true change happens.What People Are Saying About How to be Lucky in business and LifeThis course is brand new - launched late July 2019 - already people are positively reacting - great news as my aim is to help you to help yourself.Great ContentIt was very exciting journey through out course. It's not like many other courses which will manipulate the past reality. It's about creating a better present and through which a better future.Fantastic CourseGreat delivery, very easy to follow exercisesA refreshing approachNext StepsStop doing what you've always done and try something new to get better outcomes.Grab this video course today and discover how to quickly and easily boost your good luck click above to enroll now.PS - You want more success? This course is about you and building on what you have and making the best version of you. How lucky that you have stumbled across it!PPS - This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.I can't wait for us to get started."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Steps to Voice-Over Success!" |
"My name is Brandon McCaskill. I'm a regular guy who wanted SO badly to achieve a career in voice-over since I was a young boy. It's been a long journey of absorbing information and developing certain techniques that gained me much success in the voice over world. I know the frustration: it can be very discouraging when someone reacts poorly to your hard work. The time for being discouraged is over. This course is your key to gaining momentum in the voice over industry. From developing your skills, honing your techniques and learning the best spot to dig your heels in; you'll gain a new excitement for voice-over. The voice talent industry is ready for you. But now you need to be ready for them. Let me help you!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Day Trading em Aes - Do Zero ao Profissional" |
"Segundo uma pesquisa realizada por professores da Fundao Getlio Vargas (FGV), cerca de 90% dos investidores iniciantes quebram na Bolsa de Valores por falta de conhecimento e controle emocional. Como Trader, investidor e assessor de investimentos da maior corretora de investimentos do Brasil, vi com meus prprios olhos que essa informao no est correta. A verdade que MUITO MAIS pessoas perdem dinheiro, esse nmero pode chegar a 98% facilmente. Tudo por falta de alguns conhecimentos bsicos.Diante desse FATO criei um curso com foco em aes, com a misso de fazer voc parar de perder dinheiro e boas oportunidades. E te fazer sair DO ZERO A PROFISSIONAL EM 15 DIAS!Neste curso voc vai aprender:Como profissionais escolhem as melhores aes para comprarQual melhor momento de comprar e vender uma ao.Como abrir conta numa corretora e escolher a melhor plataforma profissionalAnlise tcnica clssicaTape Reading (anlise do fluxo de ordens dos grandes players)Price ActionPsicologia do Trader Gesto de RiscoE muito mais!O curso ser dividido em duas fasesTeoria e terminologias para iniciantes, pra voc que no sabe nada AINDA.Prtica, muita prtica! Porque s assim voc se sentir a vontade no momento de comprar ou vender uma ao!FAA PARTE DO CLUBE DOS 1% VENCEDORES DA BOLSA DE VALORES!!!Junte-se a ns.A nossa equipe est a sua espera!Daniel LunardiScio da Trader FundamentadoTreinamento e desenvolvimento de investidores profissionais"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Learning Several Languages in one course for Beginners" |
"Course of three languages French German and English for beginners.During this course, we will tackle the following areas: speaking, pronunciation, writing, rules and grammatical structures, vocabulary, skills of conversation and communication. The interactive screen will help the students in a visual way and the immersion method used can accelerate the learning speed, the comprehension of the language and the fluidity of your speech.The course starts with the basics and includes free PDF support.This course includes: FULL HD video lessons presented on an interactive screen Downloadable PDF files for each lesson Daily situations presented in French English and German An easy way to understand grammar through images Check and improve your knowledge Upcoming updates Full access for a lifetime Guaranteed satisfaction or return of money in 30 days Access to lessons on the computer, on the laptop or Smart-TVThese three languages incorporates both innovative and current learning techniques with the help of our specialized teachers who have created the lessons in format of intense and short e-learning sessions.Lessons of Learning Several Languages in one course is taught with the visual support being integrated perfectly in context, which offers you the perfect environment to learn the three languages.These three languages at time; beginners course provides you with tailored videos that include a variety of techniques and styles so that they can be appropriate for each student regardless of their level or concepts learned at school.If you still have doubts of why choosing this course of learning three languages French, German and English; here are at least 3 reasons to do this:1. First, the three languages are taught at the same time. This is a new technique on the Udemy platform, where visual support is fully context-specific.2. Secondly, students can learn German, English, and French in their footsteps.3. Last but not least, students can measure their performance and progress simultaneously in multiple languages. This is a very effective technique to automatically check for vocabulary and grammar improvements."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar Made Easy" |
"In this course you will identify and learn to create prepositional phrases. This will allow you to better identify all parts of English grammar. By removing prepositional phrases you are left with the basic sentence allowing you to identify subjects, verbs, direct objects, adjectives, and adverbs. I am confident that by the end of this course you will have a better understanding of English grammar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The DIY Guide To Polishing your ride like a Pro!" |
"Are you a car guy?Has your car been painted be for?Have you painted your car be for?Or do you have a classic car you want to bring the paint back to life?Hi my name is Jonathan, and in the last 11 years iv been working in the Auto Body industry. Iv painted and polished tons of cars. I specialize in dark colored cars when polishing. I have had friends and family that want me to teach them how they can do it. So now i have put this course together to help all people that want to learn how to do it them self, or want to make a little side cash polishing cars, or simply don't want to spent the $100-$1000 and could go higher, to get there car polished.Allow me to show you the correct steps to accomplishing this task.In this course we go over All the tools you will need to get the job doneA video on tips and advice.How to wet sand dirt nibsHow to get rid of a runHow to sand out orange peelHow to polish 1st stepHow to polish 2nd stepThis course is all about teaching you how to (cut and buff) wet sand and polish your ride.I video myself working on actual cars and not just on a small panel or a power point.Showing you along the way tips and tricks and things to look out for."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Strategic Procurement Management" |
"Seeing Procurement as it merely provides the inputs (goods/services) for enterprise to convert them into outputs ( products/services) is no more satisfactory to enterprises needs of supply.Enterprises invest a lot of their resources in acquiring their needs of supplies either goods or services from the market so the need of efficient and streamlined processes by their procurement function is extremely significant in achieving their goals and targets and be ahead in a market competition.Procurement is the essential for enterprises to run their businesses to achieve their customer satisfaction. We are dedicated to excel the enterprises procurement function in meeting their goals and targets so this course is prepared to help you understating what is Strategic procurement, how to implement it and what takes to do it successfully."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Procurement; Policy & Procedure" |
"The Procurement Policy & Procedure is the Infrastructure of the Procurement function.This course helps the Procurement professionals to understand the relevant subjects of the procurement which have to be set clearly in their Procurement policy & procedure to support their procurement function efficiently & effectively.By following the course instructions the Procurement professionals will enable to execute the Procurement policy & procedure successfully and be able to manage and run their procurement function systematically."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cosplay Makeup" |
"Do you Like Cosplay? Would you like to learn how to bring any character to life through makeup? In this Course you will learn Basic techniques that will teach you how to transform yourself into any character using easy tips, techniques, and more importantly, how to save money! Cosplay Makeup is for everyone, no matter your age, skin type, or experience, in this course you will learn the skills to be able to cosplay any character by using the art of makeup to make your look as similar as possible without spending so much money, or without having experience with makeup, this course will take your cosplay makeup skills to the next level!! Don't miss out on this amazing learning opportunity!"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Seja um Influenciador de sucesso no Instagram!" |
"Ol, nesse workshop vamos ensinar voc a otimizar seu instagram e ficar mais atrativo para seus novos seguidores e para as marcas.Imagine voc recebendo vrios presentes e divulgando no instagram, recebendo convites para festar e baladas vips e mais fazendo aquela viagem to sonhada de graa s usando o instagram. Sim possvel e s depende de voc!Estamos focado em atender e tirar duvidas dos novos influenciadores.Trazemos um contedo completo em videos divididos em mdulos, para quem tem um perfil pessoal, profissional ou empresarial.Aqui o aluno aprender como: Achar o seguimento ideal pra seguir, como criar contedo criativo pro instagram com exerccios, como otimizar seu perfil para seguidores e marcas e muito mais."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
onigiri-action |
"2015NPOSNSTABLE FOR TWO Mizkan 20192019"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
"5G: Architecture and Key principles" |
"5G is here!The last decade had been about empowering the world through Mobile Broadband. It has changed the way we do everything ranging from ordering food, getting a taxi to consuming television.Now, it is the time for 5G. In this course, you will be able to understand - a brief history of telecommunication networks- the key capabilities of 5G- the 5G use cases- the 5G architecture- the key features in 5G Radio Access Network- the key features in the 5G Core Networkand more..!The course is designed to not take too long to learn from. I believe a good course can be concise, well illustrated and give value to the students at the shortest possible time. So, get started! This course will be particularly helpful if you are preparing for an interview related to 5G, or if you have been working in telecom but is new to 5G. At the end of this course, you will be able to explain the key technical concepts in very simple words that will be an added advantage to both at work, exams and interviews."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Animate/Flash character animation for beginners" |
"Learn some of the most common ways to animate characters while learning the basics of Adobe animate. The course is fast paced and packed under an hour. The focus of the entire course remains on formulating a process and requires you to have rudimentary know how of using any design software."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |