Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Gestion de projet : devenez un chef de projet performant" |
"La gestion de projet est omniprsente dans les entreprises. Pour russir, pas de miracle, mais de la mthode !Cette formation vous donne les cls de la russite de vos projets Dans cette formation:Vous apprendrez les 5 phases qui composent chaque projet: dmarrer, planifier, raliser, matriser et clturer.Avec ce cours, vous matriserez l'ensemble des thmes d'un projet, tels que le budget, le planning mais aussi les risques, la communication, le primtre... Les techniques de planification et de budget n'auront plus de secret. Vous mettrez l'humain, votre quipe et les parties prenantes au cur de votre gestion de projet. Cette formation est trs axe sur des cas pratiques permettant d'illustrer chaque concept cl immdiatement. De nombreux exercices vous sont ainsi proposs et un quiz complet clture la formation. Enfin j'ai tenu illustrer ce cours en mettant votre disposition de nombreuses ressources supplmentaires :Modle de compte rendu de runion pour tre professionnel ds le commencement du projetDashboard projet pour exposer clairement le statut de vos projets votre directionDocument type pour initialiser le projet et ne rien oublierDocument exemple sur les exigences d'un projetLectures complmentaires pour aller plus loinLiens webCe cours est destin aux chefs de projets confirms, dbutants, ou ceux qui souhaitent se lancer dans une carrire passionnante. Car la gestion de projet, c'est l'assurance de ne jamais refaire 2 fois le mme projet !Dans cette formation, non seulement vous bnficierez d'une vision globale de la gestion de projet, mais vous saurez aussi quand vous devez intervenir sur un point particulier. Devenez le chef d'orchestre de vos projets !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Descripcin del cursoCrea tus cursos virtuales...Aprende a crear fcilmente vdeos animados para tus estrategias de marketing, para tus exposiciones, presentaciones de productos, de procesos complejos o de resultados en pocos minutos. Sin necesidad de disear y sin ser un experto programado.Ahorra mucho dinero creando los vdeos t mismo.Este curso ha sido diseado para cualquiera persona con o sin conocimiento previo.En este curso aprenders a crear videos de INFOGRAFIAS que es el elemento usual ms utilizado hoy en las redes sociales. as como efectos de movimiento, transiciones y borrado de imgenes.En este curso aprenders cmo crear fcilmente vdeos de calidad profesional en especial INFOGRAFIASEn este curso te ensear paso a paso cmo utilizar el software, desde la primera animacin hasta la produccin final.VideoScribe es una herramienta sencilla y de fcil manejo, a la vez que potente y eficaz. Despus de hacer este curso sers capaz de crear vdeos espectaculares en cuestin de minutos!Se incluyen adems una descripcin para vectorizar e incluir en tus proyectos tus propias imgenes ya sea a color o a blanco y negro.Stencurso est dirigido a: Creadores de tutoriales Emprendedores que quieran hacer dinero en Internet Youtubers que quieran promocionar y agregar y mejorar contenido dentro de su canal. Cualquiera que quiera ganar dinero produciendo y vendiendo vdeos. Profesionales que quieran impulsar su negocio Cualquiera que necesite del vdeo Personas que hacen marketing con vdeos el que quiera aprender a crear vdeos fcilmente."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Procreate Pocket de cero a Experto" |
"En este curso, te vas a volver un experto(a) en Procreate pocket, vas a aprender lettering, efectos especiales, dibujo realista, manejo de sombras, dibujo a cuadrcula, calcar y otros recurso TODO PARA SER APLICADO EN DECORACIN, podrs crear los diseos para tus espacios como si fueras un profesional y lo ms interesante absolutamente todo la vas a poder hacer desde tu smartphone, desde tu iPhone."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Confidence For Life" |
"This course provides practical insights into building your confidence for any and all areas of your life.Based on my own experiences as a struggling teenager and subsequently thriving, fun loving person plus the amalgamation of countless hours of other learning and techniques applied to my own life and those of my coaching clients.I'm sure your going to love this no nonsense approach to confidence building.Get what you really deserve from life and let your light shine."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Electrical Transformer Testing - Operational Procedures" |
"Welcome aboard for a course that will enable you to perform Routine Tests on Electrical Transformers.The articles in each lecture will explain why do we need to perform that particular test on Transformer and the videos will depict the standard operating procedure to practically perform the tests.We will learn following things at the end of this course:How a Transformer looks in realWhere are the HT and LT Bushings positionedWhere is the earthing point of a TransformerGeneral Idea of How to operate a Testing PanelTolerable Values of IR, BDV, Winding Resistance, Acidity numberConnections for Open Circuit and Short Circuit TestsWhat Safety Equipment to UseAnd many more..The soul of this course is purely practical, we apply our theory into practice and analyse the health of the Transformer.Pull up your socks and get ready to learn!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Natural Language Processing (NLP) Interview Test Series" |
"Welcome to Natural Language Processing (NLP) Interview Test SeriesWe have created these real-time full practice tests based on our real interview experience.With the help of these practice test you would be able to clear your NLP interview in first attempt.This is the most comprehensive Test Series online to help you ace your Data Science/Natural Language Processing interviews!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"From Zero to Hero: Natural Language Processing Using NLTK" |
"Welcome to the most crisp and clear Natural Language Processing and NLTK course. NLTK is one of the most important library to deal with text data which is often ignored. The course material for NLP using NLTK is less available. We have made sure that each and every aspect of NLTK is covered within the minimum possible time. NLTK is necessary for every individual who wants to land job in the field of Data Science.Natural Language Processing or NLP is a branch of Artificial Intelligence which concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages, in particular how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of natural data. In other words, it helps the machine to understand our language. The language which we speak and write. NLP enables machines to read, understand and react. AI is booming and NLP is a key feature of that.At the beginning of the 1950s, an English computer scientist Alan Turing published an article, Computing Machinery and Intelligence and proposed a criterion for intelligence referred to as Turing Test. This criterion depends on the ability of a computer program to impersonate a human in a real-time written conversation with a human judge, sufficiently well that the judge is unable to distinguish reliably based on the conversational content alone between the program and a real human. And since then each day ends with marking a milestone in the field of NLP.NLP is endlessly fascinating with a topic like sentiment analysis, dialogue flow, text generation, etc. There is so much we can do today using text data. And literally, it is incredible. The most widely used prerequisite for learning NLP is Python. And if you know linear algebra, probability, and calculus, then you are all set to play with NLP. Before 1980, NLP has based on handwritten rules but as the awareness in the field has increased, the basis of NLP has shifted to method derived from statistics.Because of the growing demands, MNCs have started to invest in Artificial Intelligence. And the steps for AI begin with NLP. Most of the data which we deal with today is in the form of texts. Knowing the demand of the hour, companies have dedicated departments for NLP with lots of variants. The field has emerged vast in the last half-decade. Because of the sudden demand explosion, the industry is left with a lack of skilled personals. If there is a time to learn the skill and break into the industry it is certainly today.Andrew Ng has quoted, After electricity, AI is the greatest discovery for mankind. If AI is the future than anything that will be driving it will be nothing but Natural Language Processing a.k.a NLP."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft AZ-500: Exam-Pass in 1st attempt" |
"AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies course is designed for Microsoft Azure security engineers who implement security controls, maintain the security posture, manages identity and access, and protects data, applications, and networks. After taking these course candidates will identify and re-mediate vulnerabilities by using a variety of security tools, implements threat protection, and responds to security incident escalations.AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies BenefitsConfigure Microsoft Azure Active Directory for workloadsConfigure Microsoft Azure AD Privileged Identity ManagementConfigure Microsoft Azure tenant securityImplement network securityConfigure container securityImplement host securityImplement Microsoft Azure Resource management securityConfigure security servicesConfigure security policiesManage security alertsConfigure security policies to manage dataConfigure security for data infrastructureImplement security for application deliveryConfigure application securityConfigure and manage Key VaultConfigure encryption for data at rest"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft MD-101 : Exam-Pass in first attempt" |
"Deploy and update operating systems (15-20%)Plan and implement Windows 10 by using dynamic deploymentevaluate and select an appropriate deployment optionspilot deploymentmanage and troubleshoot provisioning packagesPlan and implement Windows 10 by using Windows Autopilotevaluate and select an appropriate deployment optionspilot deploymentcreate, validate, and assign deployment profileextract device HW information to CSV fileimport device HW information to cloud servicetroubleshoot deploymentUpgrade devices to Windows 10identify upgrade and downgrade pathsmanage in-place upgradesconfigure a Windows analytics environmentperform Upgrade Readiness assessmentmigrate user profilesManage updatesconfigure Windows 10 delivery optimizationconfigure Windows Update for Businessdeploy Windows updatesimplement feature updatesmonitor Windows 10 updatesManage device authenticationmanage authentication policiesmanage sign-on optionsperform Azure AD join"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kiisel bilgisayarlardan endstri standard sunuculara kadar tm bilgisayarlarn geliim sreleri, alma prensipleri ve davran zellikleri hakknda detayl bilgiye sahip olabilir; onlarn donanm ve iletim sistemleri ynetimine profesyonel dzeyde hakim olabilirsiniz. Onlar reneceiniz matematiksel hesaplamalar ve programalar ile otomatikletirip daha zeki ve hzl davrandrabilir; sizleri istediiniz olaylarn gereklemesi durumunda bilgilendirmelerini ve aralarndaki ncelik hiyerarisini kurgulayabilirsiniz. Network topolojilerini istenen hacimde kk-byk lekli dizayn edebilir; gereken hzlarda, ynlerde ve izinlerde mimarilendirebilirsiniz. Herhangi bir network'teki trafii paketler dzeyinde grebilir ve tm networklerin topolojileri haritalarn okuyabilir, izebilir ve bileenlerini ynetebilirsiniz. Network ve sistemlere ileri dzey gvenlik ve gizlilik nlemleri aldrabilirsiniz. Yazlmsal ve donanmsal gvenlik duvarlarn ynetebilir; network trafiine gereken yn ve izinler dzeyinde mdahale edebilir, kurallar belirleyebilirsiniz. Veri kriptoloma ve kriptografiyle veri yok etme yntemleriyle gizlilii bireysel ve kurumsal dzeyde ynetebilirsiniz. Bilgisayarlarn, sunucularn ve network'lerin performans sorunlarn detayl olarak tehis edebilir, ileri dzey iyiletirmeleri acil mdahaleler ile salayabilirsiniz. Network'teki protokollerin yn ve port zelliklerini bilebilir, davran zelliklerini komutlarla deitirebilirsiniz. Network ve sistemlerdeki kullanc hareketlerini, eriimlerini, davranlarn ve etkilerini anlk gzleyebilir, kayt altna alabilir, istenen periyotlarda raporlayabilirsiniz. Sistemin cihaz kaynaklarndaki performans, doluluk ve arza durumlarn anlk gzleyebilir; belirleyeceiniz eiklere ulaan deerlerin olumas halinde alarmlar kurgulayabilirsiniz. Meydana gelen durumlarn istediiniz kiilere otomatik mail-sms gnderimini salayabilirsiniz. Sektrdeki sistem ve networklerde sk rastlanan yanl kurgularn ve olas hatalarn aklamalaryla n bilgiye sahip olabilir; etkilerini eitim ierisinde gzleyebilir ve unutulmamas gerekenler bal altnda not alabilirsiniz. Microsoft ve Cisco'nun dnya apndaki en geerli sertifikasyon snavlarna ve bilgisayar mhendislii blmlerine hazrlanabilirsiniz. Eitim, 18 adet snavdan oluan 87 adet soru iermektedir."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"START a Jornada do Lder Aprendiz" |
"Start um treinamento feito para voc que tem vontade de crescer e est empreendendo um novo negcio ou buscando uma posio de liderana e at mesmo voc que iniciou uma jornada de liderana.Saiba que para alcanar o resultado dos seus sonhos, ter mais tempo para a sua famlia, mais tempo para cuidar da sua sade e ter mais dinheiro e segurana voc precisar mudar algumas atitudes que somente os grandes lderes praticam.Se voc vira noites, perde feriados, final de semana porque coloca a mo na massa, no tem tempo para ficar de mimimi e quer fazer acontecer, ento a hora agora!Vou compartilhar neste treinamento a minha descoberta de como liderar uma equipe, deix-la motivada e como alcancei resultados incrveis.Aqui voc vai aprender como liderar o seu time, o que voc no pode fazer como lder, como controlar banco de horas, como programar frias, como planejar com bastante antecedncia uma escala de planto, como gerenciar atividades rotineiras e que no podem deixar de fazer, como se apresentar ao seu time e gerar empatia e muito mais.Saia na frente e assista ao treinamento que vai te preparar para assumir a posio que voc tanto deseja."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Advanced BASH 4.0 Scripting" |
"Many classes/course on bash scripting end up focusing other tools like sed, awk etc.The intent of this course is to focus on features in BASH 4.0 that may allow you to implement solutions without having to use higher order languages. Python for example. Items of particular interest are Arrays associative and indexed and indirect variable expansion.Shell arithmetic is also covered.The course includes a sample script that can generate a bash function backtrace."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Produccin de video para TV, YouTube y Twitch" |
"Cuando termines este curso, sers capaz de planificar proyectos de produccin de video de calidad profesional, ya sea que trabajes de manera individual, o liderando un equipo de produccin; y tendrs las habilidades bsicas necesarias para trabajar en televisin, cine o casas productoras, adems de generar contenido para redes sociales como YouTube y Twitch.Repasaremos el proceso de produccin de video de principio a fin. Trabajaremos cada una de las etapas: preproduccin, produccin y postproduccin, y hablaremos de temas como la escaleta y el guin, presupuestacin, cmaras, micrfonos, encuadres y movimientos, edicin de video y elementos grficos, as como transmisin en vivo. Adems, te dar herramientas accesibles para que hoy mismo comiences a hacer streamings en vivo por internet.As que si te gusta hacer videos que sorprendan y emocionen a los dems, pero se te dificulta aterrizar ideas o un plan de accin para que tus videos tengan un nivel de calidad profesional, o te interesa trabajar haciendo programas de televisin o canales de video para internet, entonces este curso est diseado especialmente para ti.Te invito a que explores el curso y veas los videos de introduccin, para que te decidas a convertir ese proyecto que sueas en una realidad."
Price: 870.00 ![]() |
"Curso completo de COBOL y JCL" |
"Nuevo Curso! Ya es posible aprender COBOL desde casa! Se trata del videocurso en espaol ms completo existente sobre COBOL en toda la red, con explicaciones pormenorizadas y detalladas de su sintaxis. Yo empec trabajando como programador en mainframes MVS y ech de menos este tipo de curso cuando empec; jams lo encontr. Es el curso que todo aquel que en su momento nos iniciamos en COBOL quisiramos haber podido tener a nuestro alcance; en vez de tener que ir de web en web buscando trozos de informacin de manera casi desesperada. Espero que el esfuerzo de meses! que he podido condensar en este curso os sea de muchsimo provecho. Breve descripcin de contenidosEn este curso os enseo, antes de comenzar, a instalaros un Mainframe MVS en vuestro propio PC para programar en l con total normalidad. Veremos a un nivel bsico qu es y cmo funciona un Host, nos adentraremos en el TSO y en su gestin ISPF y os ensear a moveros con soltura en este sistema operativo, as como los comandos bsicos de edicin y gestin de ficheros y miembros.Tras esto, estaremos en disposicin de empezar a desarrollar los primeros programas en lenguaje COBOL y sus ejecutables JCL. Abundaremos, paso a paso, en los diferentes tipos de programas COBOL que podemos codificar, todo ello haciendo ejemplos continuamente: comenzaremos por el tpico programa ""Hola Mundo"" e iremos complicando paulatinamente el cdigo de nuestros programas hasta abarcar prcticamente todo el lenguaje de programacin. Asimismo, veremos cmo editar y manipular diferentes tipos de ficheros desde JCL, aprendiendo a utilizar las utilities ms populares de este lenguaje. Por supuesto, haremos ejemplos continuamente para ver ""en vivo"" su funcionamiento. Todo esto nos permitir empezar a codificar otro tipo de programas COBOL: sern programas que utilizan ficheros, ya sea en su entrada o en su salida.En cursos posteriores, os ensear a integrar vuestros programas COBOL con la base de datos relacional DB2. Crearemos programas COBOL con sentencias SQL embebidas para leer y modificar la base de datos desde programas COBOL.Notas de inters para l@s alumn@s:Si tenis cualquier duda o sugerencia relacionada con el curso, podis poneros en contacto conmigo a travs de mi correo contacto@adriandomingoweb.esDebido al enorme tiempo que me conlleva hacer este tipo de cursos, no puedo ofertarlos de manera gratuita. Sin embargo, pese a no existir ningn curso similar en la red, he decidido poner el precio ms bajo posible, aunque su valor real es muchsimo mayor (ms de 50 clases, asesoramiento al alumnado por email, materiales descargables...). Basta ver como cualquier curso de COBOL ofertado en academias especializadas excede con creces los 1.000. Creo que, aunque podamos tener una situacin econmica complicada, todos nos hemos gastado alguno euros en ir al cine o comprar una nueva camiseta para el verano; por ello, gastar unos pocos euros en un curso tan completo no lo veo descabellado. En cualquier caso, como siempre existen situaciones excepcionales, si alguien de verdad necesita poder realizar el curso y no dispone de los medios econmicos, que se ponga en contacto conmigo y conceder acceso totalmente gratuito. Mi intencin es que todo aquel que est interesado pueda registrarse y completar el curso. Adems, me encanta poder compartir conocimientos con los dems y no me gustara que motivos de ndole econmica puedan sesgar las oportunidades de personas que tengan especial necesidad.Mis ms sinceras gracias a tod@s. Disfrutad el curso!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Instalacin de un emulador de IBM Mainframe Z/OS en un PC" |
"50 cupones de descuento del 50% hasta agotar existencias. Cdigo del cupn: MAINFRAME_UDEMY_PCIMPORTANTE: para cualquier problema o duda relacionada con el curso o la instalacin que os pueda surgir, podris contactarme rpidamente a travs de y os ayudar encantado (tambin reviso el buzn de Udemy, pero con menos frecuencia).NOTA ADICIONAL (06/agosto): algunos de vostor@s me habis comentado que habis tenido problemas para establecer conexin debido al antivirus. Esto slo os ocurrir si tenis AVAST: si al hacer ping a la IP del z/OS el terminal 3270 no conecta; id (en Avast) a la opcin del firewall y permitir el trfico dentro de vuestra red privada. Al habilitarlo, ya funciona correctamente. SI deshabilitis el Firewall de Avast o el del propio Windows, no es posible establecer conexin. Gracias por vuestra participacin y ayudar a mejorar el curso!*******Los Mainframes (ordenador central) nos rodean en nuestro da a da: al conectarnos a internet, al ejecutar una bsqueda en una base de datos, al pagar una compra en un centro comercial, al recibir la nmica en nuestra cuenta corriente... En este curso se explica a nivel muy bsico qu es un Mainframe y nos detendremos en ver con algo ms de detalle los mainframes de IBM; desde el MVS hasta los actuales zSeries. Instalaremos el Z/OS (versin Z.1.10) sobre un emulador en nuestro PC y configuraremos las terminales de acceso al TSO. As, podremos trabajar tal y como si estuvisemos en un Z/OS real!Para qu todo esto? Todas las grandes empresas, banca, aseguradoras, empresas txtiles o automovilsticas, etc, utilizan Mainframes de IBM y, sobre ellos, ejecutan multitud de trabajos. Una enorme cantidad de estos trabajos tiran de programas creados en lenguaje COBOL: el COBOL es el lenguaje que soporta ms del 70% de las operaciones financieras del mundo. Cada vez que hacemos un pago con tarjeta, unas lneas de cdigo COBOL se estn ejecutando en un Mainframe de IBM en algn lugar del mundo.Practicar y programar en COBOL desde una mquina mainframe en nativo tal y como se hace en la realidad en las empresas, requiere instalar este emulador. Por tanto, para aprender COBOL, este es un paso inicial indispensable!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Italian Masterclass with Andrea" |
"Ciao! I am Andrea, Italian born and raised.I have been an Italian teacher and translator for more than ten years.Throughout the past decade I have been a tutor for students of all ages and education levels, including celebrities, opera singers, journalists and editors of the New Yorker Magazine. I also taught at NBC, Time Inc. and Fortuny, etc...My students learned Italian, the vast majority became fluent.I have developed this curriculum and method over thousands of teaching hours and now you have the opportunity to learn what other students have learned, at a fraction of the cost :)Whether you are more of a visual person or auditory, this beginner level class is designed for you.This is not just another Italian course, showing a picture of a cat, repeating gatto in Italian and promising you will be fluent. You could google ""cat"" in Italian. That wont make you speak Italian.Here, you will learn exactly what you need to learn and build the structure in an organic way. We go directly to the point, you understand, you learn, you have fun and you will speak Italian, really. So many students have, at any age.During the course there will be time for learning and often time to test your speaking ability. We will also have virtual conversations to develop your speaking ability.I will provide you with all the material. You won't need any book. You will receive homework, cheat sheets, do quizzes. You will be granted a certificate of completion. You will also be able to join the Facebook private group and find a community that is happy to speak Italian and discuss about Italian.This course lasts a life time, you could go back and revisit, any time. You can access it anywhere, from any device.What you will get with the ""Complete Italian Masterclass with Andrea, Beginner Level"":- 20+ video lessons for a total of more than 2 hours- Virtual conversation- Homework- Cheat sheets- Quizzes- Certificate of completion- Bonus videos after completion- Access to the Facebook private group - Discount coupons for the upcoming coursesThis course is for you. Youll love it. Sign up! Ciao ciao,AndreaHere are reviews from Andrea's students:""Andrea is an incredible teacher. My boyfriend and I tried a larger Italian class, but didn't find it working too well for us. After just 3 weeks with Andrea, we feel like our basic Italian has improved very quickly, and we are having a blast doing it. Andrea is very flexible with timing, and accommodates our work schedules without hesitation. He is very punctual, and his positive and encouraging attitude make every week a lot of fun. We are extremely happy we found Andrea, and we are really looking forward to continuing our lessons with him. Definitely recommended!!! Thanks Andrea!""Arianna D.Andrea is a super friendly person and great teacher. He makes you feel totally at ease learning the language. Within 2 months I went from knowing a handful of words to having a conversationHannah W.""Andrea is a terrific Italian teacher. Charming, patient, smart, rigorous and fun. Could not recommend him more highly!""Camilla C.Andrea has been my tutor for 8 months now. He is patient & gracious, but also focused & determined to teach me proper Italian grammar and pronunciation. My lessons are always fun, and my progress continues to surprise meArleen M.Andrea is smart, charming, always upbeat, and very inventive in figuring out the best way that each student learns. He makes learning Italian fun, even as he is teaching me the grammar. I'm working with him an hour a week to prepare for a trip to Italy. Give yourself a treat and study with him!Linda G.It is really fun to take lessons with Andrea. He always makes me feel comfortable and encourages me to speak as much as possible, which is really important for learning a foreign language. He is funny, knowledgeable and patient. You wouldn't regret it!Miwako O.Andrea is unfailingly enthusiastic, and always comes to us with something fresh that engages three students whose Italian is at very different levelsMary N.The course is excellent. Andrea is an imaginative, responsive, and vigorous teacher in a class that doesnt have a strict formatAnn G.Excellent. Patient, helpful, clear, etc.Anita M.I have been working with Andrea for the last six months at the advanced level. He's a great instructor and i totally enjoy the time we spend together. I learn a lot of about the italian language and also about italian culture. He's very patient and makes each lesson fun. He's extrememly energetic and very kind and would make an ideal instructor for anyone. I'm proud to call him my friend. Highly recommendedEvan P.Fun, patient and knowledgeable. Andrea's teaching methods have an ease and feel to them that makes them enjoyable. I feel my confidence in speaking and understanding increasing. Bravo!Vincent Z.Andrea is a wonderful teacher! I was very pleased with his approach which made the basic structure of the language finally make sense! He is also a pleasure to spend an hour with - he made learning Italian fun and enjoyable. Highly recommend him!Cheryl R.Great! Patient, fun and a good teacher. Grazie!Perri D.""Learning Italian with Andrea was easy and fun. He is trustworthy and reliable! Within weeks of taking lessons I was conversational. I visited Italy in August and my friends were so impressed with my conversation skills. Andrea makes it easy to learn Italian by teaching through conversation - feels less like ""learning"" more like having a conversation with a friend. Thank you, Andrea!""Courtney G.""I've been working with Andrea for a little while now and he's the perfect teacher! He caters to exactly what you want and really listens to your needs. He is a pleasure to work with and we are always laughing every lesson. He picked up right away how I learn and continues to surprise me every lesson! Couldn't be happier in my choice!""Vincent H.""Having taken lessons before I am sure Andrea's lessons are the right way to go about learning and speaking Italian. I feel my conversation skills improve in one lesson. And most of all, its fun!""Josephine J.The best Italian teacher!!!""Andrea is a great guy and an excellent Italian teacher. He is extremely reliable and responsive. Every lesson is fun and enjoyable. He has designed the sessions to fit my needs and abilities. I've taken lessons in classroom settings and one-on-one tutor sessions and, by far, Andrea is the best. The lessons are very conversational (all or mostly in Italian!), so it really helps me to listen and learn and understand. He's also given me great tips on how to remember things. I'm enjoying my lessons so much!! I highly recommend him. Lui il miglior insegnante italiano!!!""Howard C.Andrea is patient, funny and most qualified. So glad i did this!!!Susan C.Great tutor and a genuinely nice guy - very helpful, though my boyfriend finally decided to step up and teach me (he's from Italy and is the reason I am learning), but Andrea really helped me get the ball rolling!Chelsea G.Andrea is the best!! Very patient and will go over the language with you until you feel comfortable. Even if that means repeating the same word or phrase a million times. :)Becky H."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Controladoria Jurdica e seus desafios da implantao" |
"O objetivo do curso apresentar a Controladoria Jurdica, o que ela significa e representa dentro da estrutura dos escritrios de advocacia e departamentos jurdicos no contexto da advocacia contempornea.O curso tambm demonstra quais os passos necessrios para a implantao de uma controladoria jurdica de sucesso, alm de tratar sobre as maiores dificuldades enfrentadas, dando dicas preciosas.Conhecer sobre Controladoria Jurdica , sem dvida, um grande diferencial no mercado, tanto para quem j possui um escritrio quanto para quem tem interesse em se tornar um controller jurdico completo."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Marketing para Terapeutas: Mini-Curso!" |
"Voc Terapeuta, sabe que precisa fazer algo para se divulgar, mas no tem ideia do que Marketing nem de como comear a sua divulgao?Este curso foi feito pra voc! Conhea conceitos bsicos de marketing HUMANIZADO, uma maneira no-invasiva para voc conquistar mais clientes sem fazer abordagens agressivas, nem ter que investir um monte em anncios!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"PMP01 / PMP Simulation Exam based on PMBOK 6" |
"PMPPMPPMPPMP200 PMP Exam Contents Outline (June 2015) 202071 13% 26 24% 48 31% 62 25% 50 7% 14PMPPMP70%PMP200"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PMP / Math and Calculations in PMP Exam" |
"2PMPPMPPMP8 EVM / Earned Value Technique CPM / Critical Path Method / Communication Channels / 3 Point Estimates and Normal Distribution EMV / Expected Monetary Value and Decision Tree Analysis / Discounted Cash Flow PTA / Contract Pricing and Point of Total Assumption / Make-or-Buy Analysis"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"PMP02 / PMP Simulation Exam based on PMBOK 6" |
"PMPPMPPMPPMP200 PMP Exam Contents Outline (June 2015) 202071 13% 26 24% 48 31% 62 25% 50 7% 14PMPPMP70%PMP200"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Building GraphQL Server with Laravel" |
"This course teaches how to create GraphQL Server with Laravel PHP Modern Framework, as GraphQL being a hot topic in Web Technologies in nowadays. Many Programming Languages have started to implement GraphQL. In this Course, you will learn all about GraphQL using the very popular and modern PHP Framework called Laravel, though not necessarily to have prior knowledge on Laravel and GraphQL to enroll this course it will help if you ever have done GraphQL or Laravel Project before.Topics covered:IntroductionInstallation & ConfigurationBasics GraphQL ConceptsBuilding Blog APIs"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Building Quiz Flutter Application with Laravel 6" |
"Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, Google Fuchsia[5] and the web.Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax, In this course, you will learn how to create flutter application using laravel framework as backend as Laravel is modern php framework. This course will allow Laravel developers to work with flutter developers together and show you how easy to consume Laravel APIs from Flutter Application.You will learn how to create Laravel REST APIs from scratch, you will learn all stuffs relating to Laravel also from there you will start building your Flutter application consuming the APIs.At the end you will learn how to deploy your Flutter Application to Google Play Store!!Enroll Today!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 6 Dockerization in 2020" |
"In this course you will learn how to dockerize your Laravel 6 Projects or application.Dockerizing an application is the process of converting an application to run within a Docker container.So you will learn how to converting your laravel applicattion to run within a Docker Container.We will use docker technology to accomplish the whole process.Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers.Worry Out! If you dont know anything about Docker, we will take you step by step to where you will be able to dockerize your laravel 6 project!At the end of the Course you will be able to dockerize your Laravel projects easily Enroll Today!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"1 HTML (Home Page)" |
"HTML (Home Page) asp, php... HTML HTML"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"High Level Calculus 1" |
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"O365 SharePoint Online- Guide for Super Users and Developers" |
"O365 SharePoint: Learn OOB(OUT of the BOX) and advanced features of SharePoint with me. The course is for both users and developers who want to upgrade themselves in SharePoint. This course also targeted for those who are new in SharePoint and want to know more about SharePoint.I have covered all the demos in the modern view of SharePoint as future of SharePoint lies in the Modern SharePoint instead of Classic SharePoint."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Complete Flutter Course in Arabic" |
"#Dart Fluttter ! .Flutter Google Dart ! (Native Code) . Flutter , Google Google Adwords Dart Fluttter. Android iOS , ! . Dart"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
java-arabic |
": if & switch Object Oriented Programming ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Polymer Doll Making, Craft and Sculpting Character Art Doll." |
"This course I teach by speaking Thai language and will have Closed Captions in English in each Lecture - so, you will understand very well in my teaching videos.This course you learn about the principles and techniques of how to make polymer doll with polymer clay - Including all the fundamental techniques to create a cute doll - step by step - from start to finish that you can easily follow and practice from this video . Each section and lecture explains how to shape a doll, what parts of doll should be done before or after and the techniques of how to make a beautiful doll which you could not find in any YouTube. Don't waste your valuable time practicing by yourself with poor quality, incomplete YouTube videos. Learning from this course takes only a few hours, you can make cute dolls !!!Additionally, this course explain you how to keep the polymer clay in good condition, knead the clay and create new colors of clay, make decorations for the dolls in details, customize dolls to look more beautiful, as well as other techniques thoroughly and clearly instructed for you.For anyone who want to make a doll as a career, for gifts, or for extra income - This course teaches you how to pack the dolls safely for transportation as well."
Price: 2600.00 ![]() |
"Learning The Fundamentals Of Speed Reading" |
"This is a course made for all students who want to learn how to read faster, comprehension faster, and learn better. The course is made out of separate lectures that you need to go through to learn everything. Reading is very important and speed reading is even more important! Get ready to start learning"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |