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"Git GitHub,Git" |
"GitGitHubGitGitGithubGitGitGithubGitGithubGitGitgitGitGitGitHubwebGitgit bashGitGitGitwebGitHub80%Git"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"python Flask Web" |
"FlaskPythonMVCWebFlaskpython Flask webPython FlaskFlaskPythonwebFlaskFlaskpython FlaskFlask Web Flaskwebapprequestabort cookiesessionflaskflask-sqlalchemyflaskPythonPythonHTMLCSS"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Python |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with React using Hooks and REST API" |
"NEW! I have added a new project and videos which will explore React class-based component lifecycle methods and their functional components using hooks equivalent. The project and its heavily commented source code are available for download now!Remember when you enroll in the course, you get access to all of the content forever including new content which is added as time goes along...CHECKOUT the ""Hello World"" Video for Free! I put 45 mins of React teaching up here for free (Free Preview) so you can see if my teaching style and content is right for you!IMPORTANT: There are many courses for you to choose from when learning about React. Most of those courses do not focus on React, they are unfocused bootcamp style courses where a thousand topics are covered and the ""biggest projects ever"" are undertaken. This course, Getting Started with React, is not like that by design. Most React developers need training on the core aspects of React not endless related library APIs and so-called big projects. In-person, I teach experienced React developers almost everyday and most of them lack the fundamental skills needed to build React applications correctly. This course walks through, step-by-step, how to build React components the right way by focusing on React (not a 1000 other topics) and exploring/explaining best practices. Beware of 40 hour courses which most students never finish and contain topics you will never need. Instead focus on this shorter, more focused course which you can finish in a day and employ your new skills in your work tomorrow (or even tonight)!In this course, Getting Started with React, professional React Trainer, Eric Greene, will walk you through the essentials of building React web applications. This content is the same content (plus some extras) that he covers in his Introduction to React courses which he delivers around the world to companies from the Fortune 100 to Silicon Valley tech startups. The course is delivered as 100% live coding with occasional diagrams. No boring content slides, just real coding all the way through. The focus of the course is on the core knowledge and techniques of React so that the students gain mastery of the topic without being distracted by unrelated or secondary side topics.Throughout the course Eric highlights particularly challenging areas where his students over the years have gotten stuck when learning Redux. He then explains and demonstrates what is really happening to help the student overcome those difficulties. The emphasis in the course is best practices and patterns with a goal of learning important conceptual ideas. This is not a course about the React API, its a course about using the React API properly to build great web applications!As part of the course presentation, Eric will share with you the correct and incorrect thought processes which many developers go through to build React components. The goal is not mastery of the React API, but mastery of correctly using the React API. Building component trees which follow best practices and patterns is at the heart of great React programming. Eric's goal is to help you avoid common pitfalls and incorrect coding approaches which feel easy in the moment, but end up leading to lots of problems down the road. Eric will explain the proper use of props and component state and the importance of mastering the communication of data between components in the component tree. As part of that discussion important topics such as prop types, default props, custom hooks (for reusable state management), etc... are covered in great detail.As Eric says in his classes, ""learning React is only hard because it's new to the student not because it's actually hard"". Learn React the right way, and take the mystery and hardness out of coding React applications today."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Earn Passive Income While Working Your 9-5 Job" |
"If you are the type of person who has a ton of drive and have always been curious about what ""more"" you could be doing with your talents and skills, then this course is for you. If you're not quite ready to leave your full-time job but have always wanted to get the ball rolling to see what else you're good at, or maybe you just want MORE out of life, this course will 100% get you thinking about yourself and your side hustle in a new and fresh way. every lecture has actionable items which will allow you to put what you're learning into practice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"We Write an Email Drip Sequence" |
"In this We Write SkillShare writing class, youll learn how to write an email drip sequence and at the end youll watch over my shoulder Bob Ross-style as I write out a couple of the emails in the sequence. Students will develop a storyboard of the email sequence, the messaging in each email, and how it speaks to your target demographic, plan out the calls to action, create powerful subject lines, and more. This can be used by beginner to intermediate writers to create an email sequence for new customers, subscribers, or followers. You can use this email sequence technique for any product or service; you can use it to upsell customers, get them to reorder if your product is perishable, engage with your brand or company in any way you want, launch something new, and lots more."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mandarin/Chinese Entry class for absolute beginners" |
"This course is designed for foreigners who wants to have a deep understanding of PINYIN system and the strokes to write Chinese characters.The course includes:5 lessons on initials and finals;5 lessons on tones and syllable rules;5 lessons on strokes and orders;5 lessons on Chinese culture and useful words.After this class, you will find it's easy to learn advanced lessons."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mandarin Chinese Hanyu HSK entry class Level 1" |
"This course is designed to help you learn Chinese from the absolute beginning.It is scientifically arranged to bring:15 topics;over 150 words and expressions;45 language points and grammar rules;32 speaking instructions and principles;38 writing explanations and worksheet;15 listening, speaking, writing and reading practice sheets;3 mock test to ensure you learned the course well;1 table sheet of all new words and expressions learned in this course.All these materials and practices are provided to help you lay a good foundation of Chinese language. After this course, you will be able to talk to the Chinese people about some daily topics such as family members, transportation, weather, study and so on. Also, you will be well prepared for the next level of learning."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Learn Chinese HSK1" |
"Welcome to the Chinese HSK1 curriculum, the first step on your journey to learning Chinese! The purpose of this course is to prepare you for the HSK1 level exam. Over the course these next 20 lessons, you will learn the basic foundations of the Chinese language. Starting with the most essential characters, you will gain an understanding of simple sentence structures to both express and ask about topics such as time, family relationships, and location. In doing so, you will learn over 150 characters. We at Kaka Chinese hope you find this curriculum as enjoyable as it is beneficial to your Chinese."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Les Fondamentaux en Algorithmiques" |
"Les fondamentaux en algorithmiques est un cours base sur la simplicit et lexplication rationnel et mthodique des diffrents lments et brique essentiel pour de construire une base solide en AlgorithmesCe cour sadresse a toute personne dsireuse continuer dans le chemin de la programmation structurelle mais aussi bien dans la programmation orienter objetCar a travers ces diffrent chapitre rubrique vido et cour il donne une image essentiel a tous futureDveloppeur ou informaticien(e)=>afin de commencer ce cour vous naurez besoin que de : ->zro prrequis particulier en programmation ->zro comptence en mathmatique puis que ce cour dtaille dune manire lmentaire tous ces principe=>Annot que chacune des vidos est composer du : ->principe gnrale rgissant ->exercice explicatif ->corriger mthodique"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop in Arabic" |
".. 2007 . . 2019 . . 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 12 1- 2-"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Preparazione Esame IELTS da Autodidatta - da IELTS MASTERY" |
"Il corso IELTS MASTERY rivolto a tutti coloro che hanno intenzione di affrontare l'esame IELTS senza spendere centinaia di euro in lezioni.IELTS MASTERY nasce proprio con l'obiettivo di aiutare gli studenti ad affrontare un test apparentemente difficile ma che con le giuste tecniche pu essere superato in maniera brillante.Le lezioni offline specifiche per il superamento del test non miglioreranno il vostro livello di inglese complessivo, bens hanno come obiettivo quello di farvi ottenenere un punteggio pi elevato durante l'esame. Il vero segreto per prepararvi al test quello di studiare i metodi per affrontare le singole sezioni ed esercitarvi il pi possibile.Per questo motivo ho creato un corso che racchiude le tecniche per affrontare al meglio l'IELTS, in modo che possiate avere un'idea chiara di quello che vi aspetta e prepararvi di conseguenza senza sprecare tempo e denaro in lunghe e prolisse lezioni. All'interno del corso sono infatti spiegati i metodi per ottenere un punteggio elevato anche se il vostro livello di inglese non eccelso. Questo infatti un esame in cui il risultato finale spesso non rispecchia le vostre conoscenza ma semplicemente la quantit di esercizio e studio individuale con cui vi siete preprati.Anche in caso doveste prendere lezioni individuali con professori dovrete fare esercizio a casa ed individualmente, altrimenti non otterrete un punteggio elevato.All'interno di IELTS MASTERY imparerai a capire come strutturato l'esame e quali domande di verranno presentate all'interno di ogni sezione.Ti verranno forniti esempi di test passati e consigli per affrontare al meglio le singole parti di questo test. In questo modo non ti troverai impreparato e avrai una base solida per poter studiare.All'interno sono presenti risorse scaricabili che ti permetteranno di avere una overview pi completa. Esse ti forniranno la possibilit di fare esercizio e di confrontarti con esami passati per vedere il livello che hai raggiunto. Il corso dura 2 ore. Esso non inutilmente lungo e prolisso perch l'obiettivo farti risparmiare tempo in modo che tu possa esercitarti da solo per ottenere una valutazione pi alta rispetto al tuo livello di inglese effettivo.Non esitare a contattarmi per ottenere pi prove d'esami con cui esercitarti, ti invier personalmente altro materiale affinch tu possa affrontare al meglio questo esame."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
YouTube |
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