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YouTube |
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Price: 194.99 ![]() |
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Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Apple Watch App Development for Beginners (SWIFT)" |
"This course will cover the fundamental concepts and information needed to create robust Apple Watch apps. You will find out how to create User Interfaces, write code, use the Watch mic, show images, and much more. This course is designed for beginners and is taught in the Swift programming language."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Swift 5 for Beginners (2019)" |
"In this course we will learn the fundamentals of the Swift Programming Language. This language can be used to create iPhone and Mac apps. No prior coding experience is needed whatsoever. We will cover all topics from the basics - including Functions, Variables, Classes, Constants, and much more.Taught through thorough explanations and examples, it is easy to follow along and conceptual grasp key ideas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VMware vSphere A-Z Getting Started with Virtualization" |
"VMware is leading industry in virtualization. VMware vSphere provides a robust platform to virtualize the server platform. This course will help you to quickly understand the essentials of VMware vSphere which a core product of datacenter virtualization. This will cover the initial understanding, configuration, managing, and features of VMware vSphere. You will have a better understanding of Architecture of Virtual Datacenter, and its components i;e Hypervisor, vCenter Server, Virtual Machine, Datastores, Virtual Switch. You will learn about configuring and managing virtual resources such as CPU, Memory, Networking, and Storage. You will cover the understanding of day to day operations for Vmware admins related to Virtual machines and building the infrastructure. Finally, you will have an overview of advance features such as HA, DRS, vMotion, Storage vMotion, Update Manager, vSphere Replication, and vSphere Data Protection which helps a Virtual Infrastructure to provide a better availability, manageability, scalability, compliance, and securing the environment.By the end of this course, you will acquire key skills to get started to build and manage a powerful and robust VMware based modern datacenter with different versions of VMware vSphere which includes vSphere 6.7 along with earlier versions such as vSphere 6.0 and vSphere 6.5. Course has also focused on lab demonstrations for the day to day operations of vSphere so that you will have better picture if you are well versed with this technology.Course Author: Pranay Jha Course Reviewer: Dr Ashok Sharma"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"""Autodesk Maya"" Temel Dzey Modelleme ve Animasyon" |
"Merhaba arkadalar,Ben Burak ztrkBu kursu sizin kolay renmeniz ve yaptklarnzdan keyif alp devam etme isteinizin kamamas iin bir zincir gibi tasarladm. Dersleri srasyla takip ettiiniz ve eksiksiz uyguladnz takdirde renmeniz ok kolay bir hale gelecek.Takldnz yerde moralinizi bozmayp bana sorularnz yneltirseniz eer stesinden gelemeyeceimiz problem olduuna inanmyorum.Bu kursta reneceiniz bilgiler ile gerek anlamda profesyonel animasyonlar yapabileceksiniz. Kim bilir belki de yarmalara katlacaksnz. Her ey sizin elinizde.rendiiniz bilgileri tekrar ederek kendinizi ok ksa zamanda ok iyi bir konumda bulacanzn garantisini veriyorum.Tek snrnz hayal gcnzn snrlar, dndnz her eyi yapabilecek ve kaliteli iler ortaya koyabileceksiniz.Asla pes etmeyin.."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a producir musica en Cakewalk Sonar Premium" |
"Cakewalk Sonar Premium es la version mas completa de todas las versiones de Sonar, y a su vez es uno de los mejores DAW de la industria de la musica.en este curso vamos aprender desde cero a como producir todo tipo de musica y agregales tus toques especiales con las herramientas unicas de Cakewalk Sonar Premium."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Quantum Physics, Law of Attraction & Christianity" |
"What to Expect in the 'Kainos Club' Online Spiritual Course?a global community of like minded believers in the body of christ aka the kainos new creationbible study lessonssharing of spiritual experiences, dreams, visions, OBE/NDE, trances and ecstasyspiritual conversationHere are the topics that we will discuss:How I Trans-relocated/Transported to Another Dimension/TimelineInfinitesimal Nature of God - How God Fits Himself In ManChrist the Galactic Infinite Grid - The Cosmic MatrixYHWH - The Tetragrammaton: a Scientific & Jewish Point of View ( A Expose on the Nature of Reality)What is time & How To Time Travel?How To Create Your Own Reality Using Quantum Mechanics from a Spiritual Point of ViewThe Human Species is the Microcosm of the God Macrocosmic UniverseDark Matter & Dark Energy - How God Obscures Himself In Darkness"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blender 3D Animation ""fr Anfnger""" |
"Hey! Mein Name ist Philipp und in diesem Videokurs zeige ich dir, wie du mit dem Animieren von Objekten startest. Der Kurs ist daher ausschlielich fr Anfnger geeignet.Neben dem Animieren beschftigen wir uns damit wie man Objekte Modelliert (Designt) und Texturiert. Eine Animation ist nichts ohne die richtige Kamerafhrung. Daher zeige ich dir wie man eine Kamerafahrt mit einer, oder mehreren Kameras erstellt. DU bekommst auerdem einen kleinen Einblick in Blender Quick Effects, wo wir uns anschauen, wie man Effekte erstellt, die auch in Kinofilmen zu sehen sind. Schlielich befassen wir uns dann damit wie eine Animation gerndert und auch bearbeitet wird.Wenn du jemand bist, der fr neue Sachen offen ist und bereit ist neues zu lernen, dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich. Wenn du allerdings jemand bist, der lieber auf dem Sofa chillt und Netflix schaut, dann distanziere dich lieber und bleibe bei deinen Serien. Warum ich den Kurs so gnstig anbiete? Ich mchte jedem Anfnger die Chance geben, fr wenig Geld mit dem Animieren anzufangen. Ich knnte dir jetzt auch ein 10 Stunden Kurs vor die Nase setzten, den ich dann fr 200 Euro verkaufe. Am Ende nach so 4 Stunden merkst du dann aber, dass das Thema Arsch langweilig ist und du einen Fehlkauf gemacht hast. Deswegen kriegst du von mir zwar nicht so viel Videomaterial, es ist aber mehr als genug, um eine Animation zu erstellen. Ich htte jedes Video auch doppelt so weit ausfhren knnen, aber ich schtze deine Zeit und mchte dir deshalb nur das Ntigste zeigen.Ich wnsche dir nun viel Spa mit dem umfassenden Einblick von Blender!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing ""Jetzt zum passiven Einkommen!""" |
"Hey, hast du dich schon immer gefragt, ob es mglich ist im Internet Geld zu verdienen? Meinen Antwort: Ja! das geht (wenn man wei wie).Hallo, mein Name ist Philipp und ich beschftige mich schon seit lngerer Zeit mit dem Thema ""Online Geld Verdienen"". Im laufe der Zeit meines Studierens von unzhligen Bchern und Videokurse, habe ich mir ein Mindset aufgebaut, welches mir helfen wrde ein komplettes Online Business von heute auf morgen aufzubauen.Mein Wissen mchte ich jetzt gerne an dich weiter geben und habe deshalb den Kurs Affiliate Marketing ""Jetzt zum passiven Einkommen!"" erstellt. In meinem Kurs lernst du, wie Affiliate Marketing funktioniert und wie man es anwendet. Wir gehen den Weg gemeinsam vom Promolink, bis hin zum fertigen Verkaufsfunnel. Ich zeige dir Trafficstrategien und wie man seinen Traumkunden gewinnen kann.In meinem kurzen Einstiegsvideo zeige ich dir nochmal genau, was wir in meinem Kurs machen werden und auerdem unterbreite ich dir ein unschlagbares Angebot, das nur Leute ablehnen wrden, die harte Arbeit nicht zu schtzen wisse.Also, viel Spa mit meinem Kurs und vergiss nicht ihn zu bewerten!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos da Gesto de Riscos em Projetos" |
"Este curso apresenta uma viso geral da gesto de riscos em projetos, bem como sua importncia.A referncia bsica utilizada foi o guia de gesto de projetos - PMBOK (sexta edio) e o padro prtico para a gesto de riscos, ambos publicados pelo PMI (Project Management Institute).Contedo abrangido:Por que gerir risco?Objetivo do gerenciamento de risco e conceitos associadosO ciclo da gesto de riscosPlanejar a gesto de riscosIdentificar os riscosRealizar a anlise qualitativa dos riscosRealizar a anlise quantitativa dos riscosPlanejar as respostas aos riscosImplementar respostas aos riscosMonitorar os riscos"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Drupal 7, aprende rules avanzado y a hacer magia" |
"En este curso aprenders en un nivel avanzado para Drupal 7 los siguientes conceptos:RulesComponentsConditional RulesViews rulesCodificar para rulesPanelsPage managgerViewsFlagsCommerceY su integracin conjunta para desarrollar sitios complejos con Drupal 7 como por ejemplo manejar los inventarios por compras o ventas, enviar correos de forma automtica en das y horas preestablecidos y con los contenidos que desees."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sketching d'Artista" |
"Questo corso diretto ad aspiranti artisti;ad artisti con una ricerca artistica in corsoa chi manca di energia creativaa chi cerca ispirazione nell'artea chi vuole conoscere di pi sui grandi capolavori.Qui riceverai una carica di passione e troverai la ragione che ti mancava per andare avanti. I moduli sono concreti, semplici e chiari, senza tralasciare in sostanza e in qualit. Troverai gli strumenti paso dopo paso per costruire un'immagine cosciente, ricca di significato, con un messaggio efficace e geniale, anche se non lavori nella pubblicit. Tanto semplice come scarabocchiare su un pezzo di carta. Di fatto, propongo esercizi dinamici in testo e pratica per capire la strada dallinteriore verso l'esteriore, dallintelletto verso l'abilit. Svilupperai la creativit e migliorerai la capacit manuale in modo ordinato e orientato alla professionalit. Occhio: questo corso non tratter della tecnica, ma, come ai grafici pubblicitari, si insegner lo sviluppo delle abitudini e del messaggio. Con l'esercizio continuo o sketching, stimolato dai miei testi e visualizzazioni, praticherai ogni giorno.Lavoreremo insieme per 9 settimane e alla fine, avrai completato:* uno sketch book o quaderno di schizzi da collezione;* una cartella con almeno 20 lavori 33x48; e,* un profilo su un social network, se non c' l'avevi ancora.Questo corso strutturato in settimane per un livello intermedio.E' impegnativo, ma il risultato sorprendente!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Essencial: tudo o que voc precisa saber!" |
"Este curso tem o objetivo de ensinar o funcionamento do Photoshop, para que voc consiga utilizar ele sem precisar de tutoriais para cada nova criao. Dessa forma, ao final do curso, voc conseguir trabalhar com o Photoshop para criar seus prprios projetos, a partir de suas prprias ideias.Alguns dos tpicos abordados no curso:Todos os detalhes da interface do Photoshop CC 2019Como trabalhar com as camadas (layers)Funcionamento das mscarasObjetos inteligentes (smart objects)Camadas de ajuste (adjustment layers)Recorte e seleo profissionalModos de mesclagem (Blending modes)Limpeza de imperfeiesUtilizao de filtrosAjuste de cores, iluminaoComo trabalhar com perspectivaComo utilizar formas e textosOBS: Neste curso, utilizo o Photoshop na verso CC 2019 em sistema operacional Windows e no idioma ingls.Fique a vontade para tirar dvidas, estarei sempre disponvel na rea de perguntas.Te espero no curso, abrao!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Tally ERP 9 : Step by Step Guide to Accounting With Tally" |
"Updated:Learn to file GST return is included now.=====================================By enrolling in this course you will learn :Accounting basics like debits and credits that will help you understand and post entries with confidence.Learn transferring account information from physical books to Tally.Set up details of stock, and filter reports like availability of certain stock with particular feature.For example: How many laptops with i5 processor are available in your store. Bank Reconciliation - Match bank statement entries with your records of bank entries.Learn about implementing absolutely necessary and advanced GST topics like GST Set-Off, Reverse Charge, Goods Transport Agency and how to enter its related multiple journal entries in Tally.Learn complete Corporate Payroll(Employee attendance) set up that complies with Govt. prescribed deduction rates.Learn Manufacturing Process where you can arrive at cost of item you manufacture, from cost of various parts/components involved in making up of product.And in between, learn to customize sales invoice number format that looks like - BN/001/19-20 and much more.Learn above topics in 8 hours with completeness unlike short courses that teaches at basic level or long courses that takes more time than required. Learn not just to use Tally but also think of maintaining compliant bookkeeping practices.What can you expect from this course:This is an essential guide to Tally, which means, you'll learn all core and essential concepts used on day to day basis.Think of this course as a solid foundation to Tally. You will be able to learn advance topics on your own and effortlessly.Note:This course is meant for learning purpose and don't serve as an advise with regard to accounting/corporate compliance.I hope you benefit from the knowledge which you gain from this course. Happy Learning."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Beyond Robert Johnson: Master the Early Delta Blues Style" |
"Traced back far enough, many genres celebrated today are rooted in the blues, specifically the early acoustic blues that was luckily recorded before WWII. It was a poverty-stricken, racist time when these artists struggled through day-to-day life, sometimes as sharecroppers, other times as bootleggers, and by night as musicians. Some were never known, almost faceless, with no existing photographs or anecdotes, only a ghost-like presence through fuzzy, low quality recordings.A meandering path, music slowly took on its various evolutions, moving forward with Robert Johnson's rock & roll connection, Muddy Waters' migration north to revolutionize with Chicago Blues, and other music like jazz adopting the feel driven style. Flipping faster through the chronology, that music, originating in the American South, turned out to be a seed that informed Chuck Berry, Jimi Hendrix, the Rolling Stones, Clapton, Led Zeppelin, and can even be traced to later bands like Black Sabbath, and Van Halen.Knowing where and how these later styles originated is a deep-dive that this course is focused on, even more so than the detailed fret by fret exploration of these achetypal songs that are covered. Yes, by the end you will be able to play these songs with great accuracy and ease, but most of all you will experience sounds and early techniques the way these great past players experienced them. Many know of Robert Johnson, but he was in some ways the last of a historic lineage of folk musicians. Exploring several of these musicians, I hope you leave with a greater understanding of this original music."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate IELTS Writing: Learn to Master IELTS Writing Task 2" |
"IELTS WRITING is the most common section where students have issues and need guidance. And Writing Task 2 is the longest, the most challenging, and the most important Task of the Writing exam. Both General and Academic Task 2 counts 2x your Band Score. If you are working toward achieving a band score of 7 or more (this is the score that most people who work in a profession or people who are going to graduate or technical school need to make), but you need someone to GUIDE you you need to SEE exactly how it works...then this course is for you. This course is completely updated with the current official WRITING requirements. You will learn how to:Prepare to Write - Preparation; including the importance of Outlines, Time Saving Techniques, and How to Avoid Common MistakesHow to Execute the 4 Grading Criteria Properly - with real examplesHow to Quickly Recognize and Complete each of the 5 Different Essay Types - using our Essay Templates.Included in this course are various Lectures given by Colleagues; (You will see several different faces and voices)The course provides:32 Instructor led Writing Lectures broken down into the essentials24 step-by-step Live Writing Examples Numerous Quizzes at the ends of Lectures and ends of Modules (a course MUST be able to examine and calculate your improvement along the way... You have to know how well your are progressing). Includes Downloadable Essay Edits, High Level Model Essay Samples, and Assignments.At the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and skills to impress the graders for Writing Task 2.What you get from the course:Have precise knowledge of all Task 2 question typesHow to recognize your question and instantly respondImportance and Execution of Grading Criteria/Band DescriptorsExact Structure and Language required to score a Band 7 or above.Numerous Sample Writing AssignmentsConfidence in your understanding and skillsOriginal Video and Written Reference MaterialsLifetime Course AccessI heard about Landon and this course from one of his students. She said he was the best IELTS teachers that she had ever found. And she is right. She said that his lessons were so helpful that she ended up scoring an 8.5 band score overall and even scored a perfect score of 9 in two of the sections. The tips that I am receiving from him now are things that I have never heard from anyone before. I am amazed at the amount of things I did not understand about this test, and how much time I am able to save. So yes, I highly recommend Landon. 8/23/2018Landon's IELTS lessons are informative and interesting! I have been taking Landon's lessons for seven months. I've learned a lot, and really improved my scores!! He is one of the best teachers I have ever met! 8/31/2018The best A+. If you want to get a high score in the IELTS test ,you need to take the courses with Landon. Thank you so much for your preparation and lectures because it was extremely helpful. 4/4/2017I thought it was important for me to say thank you to your whole team. I scored a band of 6.5 BEFORE I took the Ultimate Writing Task 2 course, and AFTER this courses I took the IELTS exam again and scored a Band 7.5, with a 7 in Writing. Now I am moving to Manchester, UK in 2 weeks. 2/19/2019Note: This course is specifically for IELTS WRITING.Why is this course so valuable?Ideal Approach - This is the optimal course for improving Task 2 Writing because it is comprehensive. This course will teach you EXACTLY how to tackle the exam and achieve the highest band score possible.Collaboration of Experienced IELTS InstructorsUp-to-date Review of the IELTS ExamSelf-paced for Maximum ConvenienceNot a Complicated BookFormula for SuccessFitness Training - Includes interactive videos that prompt targeted and fast-paced exercises"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Writing - Editing Band 9 Essays: IELTS Writing Task 2" |
"Do you want to see HOW Certified IELTS Graders give you your scores? Do you really want to UNDERSTAND how and why IELTS Writing Tasks can actually score a Band 9? If this is something that you need to SEE IN ACTION, then Welcome to this Task 2 Editing Course.Note: This course is for Upper Intermediate and Advanced level English speakers. The Task 2 essays that we are grading are very high level. The vocabulary and grammar is at high mastery levels that are needed for a Band 8.5 or 9 score. I speak quickly as I move through the grading process. Make sure you turn the audio up loud enough to hear as we grade these essays at a normal fluent pace.This course is simple in nature, but very effective! I purposefully make this course without any fancy video production or amazing presentation. It is easy to follow along as an IELTS grader shows you how you receive your score.This unique course uses 15 pre-written Band 9 essays for Task 2. You probably know that there are 5 different Task 2 Question Types. I have used all Question Types 3 different times, for a total of 15 Live Scoring and Editing videos. You will receive all 15 Band 9 essays to take with you as reference, as well as 15 corresponding videos of Live feedback from the first sentence of the essay all the way through the last sentence. I am going to SHOW you the exact places where the essays meet the 4 Grading Criteria or (Band Descriptors). You will SEE every place that scores a 9 for Task Achievement, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, and Cohesion and Coherence. I point out and discuss each one of these things in detail. These 4 Grading Criteria are the ONLY things that IELTS Graders use to give you your score.This preparation course is uncommon because it is something the IELTS students really MUST study, but these materials are difficult to find.All Written essays and Video edits were created by 2 Certified Cambridge IELTS Graders.I heard about Landon and this course from one of his students. She said he was the best IELTS teachers that she had ever found. And she is right. She said that his lessons were so helpful that she ended up scoring an 8.5 band score overall and even scored a perfect score of 9 in two of the sections. The tips that I am receiving from him now are things that I have never heard from anyone before. I am amazed at the amount of things I did not understand about this test, and how much time I am able to save. So yes, I highly recommend Landon. 8/23/2018The best A+. If you want to get a high score in the IELTS test ,you need to take the courses with Landon. Thank you so much for your lectures because it was extremely helpful. 4/4/2017I thought it was important for me to say thank you to your whole team. I scored a band of 6.5 BEFORE I took the Ultimate Writing Task 2 course, and AFTER this courses I took the IELTS exam again and scored a Band 7.5, with a 7 in Writing. Now I am moving to Manchester, UK in 2 weeks. 2/19/2019At the end of this course, you will have a clear understanding of the skills it takes to impress the graders for Writing Task 2.What you get from the course:Have precise knowledge of all Task 2 question typesHow to recognize your question and instantly respondImportance and Execution of Grading Criteria/Band DescriptorsExact Structure and Language required to score a Band 8.5 or 9.15 pdf downloads of Band 9 Essays to take with you, as well as 15 Videos walking you through the essays from start to finishConfidence in your understanding and skillsOriginal Video and Written Reference MaterialsLifetime Course Access"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
" Seja Bem Vindo ao Curso De Vendas Completo, um curso voltado para a Venda B2B (Business to Business) e destinado a Vendedores, Lderes e Gestores de Equipes, Empreendedores ou a todos que desejam ingressar na rea de Vendas!! Todos sabemos que o mercado atual est cada vez mais competitivo, e com a globalizao e os avanos do mundo digital, os clientes e compradores possuem cada vez mais opes de compra, aumentando seu poder de deciso. Para acompanhar esta evoluo, os Vendedores e Equipes de Vendas tambm precisam buscar o desenvolvimento e aprimoramento contnuo, buscando acompanhar e identificar as necessidades de seus clientes e do mercado. Para alcanar o Sucesso em Vendas, o vendedor precisa, entre outras coisas, dominar cada etapa do processo de vendas, criar um bom relacionamento com o cliente, buscando entender e solucionar suas dores e problemas, realizar um bom planejamento de vendas e estar comprometido com as metas e resultados individuais e da empresa, ser ambicioso com atitude vencedora. Voc que vendedor, ou pretende ingressar nessa profisso, saiba que a todo momento estamos negociando ou vendendo algo, seja no mbito profissional ou pessoal. Nas empresas estamos vendendo nossa mo de obra, ideias, sugestes e opinies, e usar a persuaso e tcnicas de relacionamento, pode te levar ao sucesso desejado. Na vida pessoal no diferente, a todo tempo estamos negociando ou vendendo algo de forma direta ou indireta. Saiba que, grandes milionrios e influenciadores do mundo todo, tiveram ou tem como caracterstica principal, a de VENDER! Portanto, se seu objetivo , acima de tudo, realizar seus sonhos, sair de sua Zona de Conforto, buscar maiores rendimentos e comissionamentos, buscar sua independncia financeira, estar sempre no topo entre os vendedores, alavancar suas vendas ou sua empresa, ter uma Equipe de Vendas de Sucesso ou ainda se superar como vendedor. Esse curso destinado a VOC!!O que voc aprender neste curso?Conceitos de Vendas B2B e B2CAs 07 etapas do Processo de Vendas (da Prospeco ao Ps-Venda)Prospeco / AbordagemLevantamento das NecessidadesBenefcios x CaractersticasApresentao da PropostaNegociao / Contornando ObjeesFechamentoPs VendaRecuperando clientes InativosComo montar uma Equipe de Vendas de SucessoPerfis de Vendedores que agradam a maiorias dos clientesHabilidades e Caractersticas de Vendedores de Alta PerformanceVendas de RelacionamentoProcesso de Melhoria ContnuaEntender o que sos os KPIs (Indicadores Chaves de Resultados) e como aplic-los em VendasRealizar um Planejamento de Metas para VendasConhecer algumas Ferramentas de Gesto em Vendas (CRMs, Google Maps e etc)Planilha de Acompanhamento de MetasBNUS Dicas de Livros para Vendedores e Desenvolvimento PessoalLembre-se que, uma das principais caractersticas do vendedor de sucesso a ATITUDE! Voc responsvel pelos seus resultados, portanto este pode ser o primeiro passo em busca de resultados acima da mdia.Se desenvolva constantemente, identifique e melhore os seus pontos fracos, seja ambicioso, voc o senhor do seu destino e os clientes precisam de voc VENDEDOR!Te espero em nossa primeira aula!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Direccin y Evaluacin de proyectos, PMI y gil" |
"Es un gran curso de Direccin de Proyectos (Project Management) en la cual se adquirir conocimientos de la metodologa del PMI muy usada en grandes proyectos, as como tambin la metodologa gil para proyectos dinmicos que tienen bastantes cambios en el ciclo de vida.Adicional a conocer las dos grandes metodologas. Obtendrs un capitulo para lo que es evaluacin de proyectos usando el mtodo CANVAS y aprenders a realizar un anlisis de mercadeo, anlisis de operaciones de la empresa y anlisis financiero para medir los diferentes riesgos de emprender un nuevo proyecto y como trabajar en mitigarlos.No suficiente con ello, llevars dos captulos orientados a Liderazgo que es fundamental en la Gestin de Proyectos y otro captulo de Planeacin Estratgica y como la PMO influye en el desarrollo y crecimiento de una empresa. Esto te permitir crecer dentro de tu organizacin cuando apliques estos conocimientos y demuestres tus habilidades como Director de ProyectosNo es suficiente: Pues te ofrezco un programa en Excel para administrar proyectos donde podrs armar tu WBS, diagrama de Gantt, tableros de riesgos e issues y obtendrs reportes sper profesionales del estatus de tus proyectos que podrs mostrar a tus superiores e impresionar en la calidad de gestin de proyectos que ejerces."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Marketing Course for Translators" |
"Do you feel you spend all of your time on translation work, with no time to market your business?Do you experience periods of feast with too much work and famine with no work?Do you just work on whatever jobs that land in your inbox, without a strategy to get the clients and projects you really want to work with?If so, youre not alone! In fact I was in that situation when I first started out too. Until I realized that in order to create a steady income from my freelance business, I needed to do one simple thing: Market the business on a regular schedule, with a solid plan to back it up. This is why I created the complete marketing system for you. This is not a quick fix solution to solve a temporary problem, it is a complete system for your freelance translation business. This course will give you everything you need to set goals, find clients, market on a consistent schedule and find more peace in your business.What is it?A step-by-step course to create a marketing strategy for busy freelance translators. The strategy is adjusted to your career situation. Two different tracks: beginner, experienced. Different general target markets: agencies, direct clients, and your personalized marketing plan.ResultsAfter completing the course youll have a strategy for your translation business and know how to market your translation services to your ideal clients, based on your market position. Youll know what to focus on right now in your business, how to deal with feast and famine cycles, how to manage your time, and ultimately how to create a thriving business that makes you love working, with projects and clients that you enjoy, while balancing business with the rest of your life. The course is approved by the American Translators Association for five continuing education points.Content10 practical steps to define and market your translation services according to your position in the translation market and achieve long term, sustainable successTools to change your mindset, empower you and simplify the marketing processStep-by-step instructions and practical exercisesAccountability (peer support, weekly check-ins)5 ATA CE PointsCertificate of completionModulesA solid business foundation for future success - know where your business is today, your finances, clients, in order to create a starting point for growthCreating a vision and goals using the S.M.A.R.T. system for your business - based on your foundation, you can create goals for how to grow your businessChoosing your marketing tools - choosing the marketing tactics and tools that work best for your situation and personalityStrategies for finding and contacting your ideal clients - find out exactly how to find your clients and how to contact themPricing strategies - based on your costs, create a minimum fee and a desired fee for your services, plus learn negotiation and sales tipsKeeping your clients happy for long term success - essentials of good customer service and how to delight your ideal clientsConquering feast and famine cycles - how to create habits and strategies to market consistently, what to do when you have too much work, and what to do when you don't have any workProductivity and work-life balance - strategies for being the most productive and create time for work and time for playFormat10 checklists10 worksheets10 audio sessions10 pdf-versions of presentationPersonal QA session after lesson 10"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Road to Mangaka - Manga Inking 101" |
"Have you ever wished to draw your own manga but have difficulty when it comes to translating your awesome pencil drawing into ink? Or are you starting out and do no feel so sure about how to use ink? Then this course is for you.My name is Olga Rogalski from Studio Oruga and I have published manga professionally and have been in love with ink for many years. In this course I want to teach you my techniques. My technique depends a lot on developing your muscle memory and by making use of the things that are around you.You will need:Ink, nibs, a nib holder and a thin watercolor brush. As an alternative, you can use fineliners.High quality printing paper fit for business cards. Its smooth surface handles ink rather well and is cheaper than artist paper. (Personally, I use Color Copy for that.)A printer.You will to use ink and how to create textures and to create your own texture/pattern catalogue that you can consult in your to train your muscle memory and develop your very own inking style by working with the work sheets.The course will include:blueprints for textures and patternsblueprints for the lessons so that you can work along"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sikuli: Automate Anything - Digital Finance" |
"In this course, we teach you how to use Sikuli/SikuliX using the latest versions of Sikuli. What is Sikuli?Sikuli is a free open-source automation software that uses image detection to automate anything you see on your screen. Sikuli is a Jython interpreter(Uses both Python and Java). Interacts with mouse and keyboardSupports OCR (Optical character recognition)Compatible with Windows/Linux/MacSupports Python 3.6/3.7Supports Machine LearningHow is our course unique?Dives deep into finance automation related examples.Teach you how to setup a remote desktop automation. This is very useful in a business environment. Explains the Pros/Cons of certain features in SikuliTarget AudiencePeople willing to learn about Finance automation, Accounting automation.People from any industry that want to expand their knowledge on python automationAnyone who wants to progress in their careers and dive into the fields of robotics process automationAll you need to learn how to automate your daily tasks whether its finance related or general IT, our ""Sikuli Course"" will be your key to success."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Virtual Private Networks - Zero to Hero (VPN)" |
"In this course you will learn how to configure and manage Virtual Private Networks using all but GNS3. We will start from understanding basic concepts of VPNs such as packet exchange and configuring Site to Site VPNs. We will then move on to advanced VPNs such as DMVPN, GETVPN and FLEXVPN. You can reach out to me with any questions while you go through this course. I commit to responding within 24-48 hours of the query. Before you join:*Verify audio quality from sample videos to validate if it works for you*Verify the length of the videos to validate if it works for youPlease note: This is a recorded class with students. The audio quality at times may not be optimal. Although the feedback from most students is that it is bearable, I would request you to go through some of the videos before subscribing to be sure that it is going to work for you. Happy Learning!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Cisco ASA Firewall in 12 days" |
"In this course you will learn how to configure and manage Cisco ASA firewalls. We will start from understanding basic concepts of a firewall such as static and dynamic routing on the ASA to configuring advanced features such as deep inspection, TCP normalization, TCP state bypass etc. Before you join:*Verify audio quality from sample videos to validate if it works for you*Verify the length of the videos to validate if it works for youYou can reach out to me with any questions while you go through this course. I commit to responding within 24-48 hours of the query. Happy Learning!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Master Microsoft Publisher 2003 Training" |
"This course will take you from knowing nothing in Ms Publisher to Creating your own publications from scratch with confidence. You will also get to create real world publications as assignments and final project. I guarantee you, by the time you are through with this course you will be able to design any publications from simple to complicated designs with ease."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Examen PMP en Franais - PMP Certification Test in French" |
"Ceci est constitu de deux examens choix multiple comportant chacun 50 questions durant 60 minutes. Il est bas sur la sixime dition du Corpus des connaissances du Project Management Institute. Il comporte des questions couvrant tous les 10 domaines de connaissances et 5 groupes de processus de la gestion des projets.Contrairement aux examens crits, le plus souvent offerts, ceci vous permet de vous retrouver dans les mmes conditions que ceux de l'examen PMP le plus courant, sur ordinateur, organis par le PMI afin de maximiser vos chances de vous en sortir en temps opportun."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD - Revit - 3dMax - Photoshop" |
"1. .2. : .3. ( ) .4. (//3 /) .5. workflow .6. .7. . : .: :: : . 1. .2. ().3. 3 . - -.4. . : - . . ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Patentwissen kompakt" |
"In vielen Bereichen ist ein grundlegendes Verstndnis zum Thema intellectual property (IP) und Patente wichtig. Dieser Kurs bietet einen allgemeinen Einstieg in die Thematik und ist fr jeden geeignet, egal ob Erfinder, Manager, Ingenieur, Wissenschaftler oder Start-up.Der Kurs ist konzipiert fr alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg in das Themengebiet intellectual property (IP) / Patente brauchen. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Thema Patentrecherche. Schritt fr Schritt zeige ich dir, wie und wo man eine Patentrecherche am besten durchfhrt. Keine Angst der Kurs kann 30 Tage mit Geld zurck zurckgegeben werden!Auerdem gehen wir auf das Thema Patentanmeldung ein. Hier zeige ich dir, was man beachten muss und wie du Geld sparen kannst!Aber auch verwandte Themen kommen nicht zu kurz. Nach dem Kurs weit du:Wie Patente aufgebaut sindWie man Patente schneller verstehen kannWas eine Patentanmeldung kostetWie lange es dauert, bis ein Patent erteilt istWas ein Deutsches Patent, was eine europische Patentanmeldung und was eine internationale Patentanmeldung istWas eine Patentfamilie istWann ich einen Patentanwalt braucheOb deine Erfindung patentierbar ist, oder ob deine Erfindung vielleicht eher ein Design oder eine Marke ist"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |