Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Football Betting for Pros: Build Your Own Profitable System" |
"For a long time I had a hard time finding a sports betting system that reliably makes profits. I've spend hundreds of hours researching the topic and I've decided to include every useful information I have found into this course. Football Betting for Pros was created to spare everyone the trouble of going over dozens of articles, e-books and videos to find valuable information. I'm not going to lie; the course is packed with information. If the information will seem too dense for you, I want to apologize in advance. But I've seen courses that spread over 1 hour and don't teach anything important about sports betting and I have tried my best to avoid this. This is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme that offers you access to some club that claims to make you a profit for a monthly fee. I will show step-by-step what you need to make your own profitable system. However, you will have to do the work. Basically, I'm not giving you a fish, but I'm teaching you how to fish.This course features short videos (up to 15 minutes) that cover everything you need to make a profit. It will take you from the fundamentals, to how to build prediction models using various techniques, how to find Value Bets. I will show you how you can, under the right conditions, convert a losing system into a profitable one. Unlike other similar courses you don't have to place any bets to into practice the knowledge presented in the course. You will see how to test your system before placing any bets so you know what to expect when you're going to actually start betting.And that's not all! You will see how to improve your betting stakes for higher profit margins. At the end you will see how you could make a profit without Value Bets using Betfair. I know, it sounds crazy but it isn't.All of this adds up to more than 1.5 hours of content!While the examples presented in the course are from football (soccer), the knowledge in this course is applicable to all sports betting.This is what you learn:The fundamentals of profitable sports betting systemsSimple method for creating prediction models for football (soccer) matchesAdvanced method for creating prediction models using the Poisson distributionHow to combine the predictions and bookie's odds to make your very own profitable betting systemHow to reverse a losing betting system and optimize a profitable one.How to further improve the profitability of your system using smart betting stakesYou will have access to:the slides used in the videos for future referencethe Excel files used in all the videos so you can start building your betting system ASAPExtra: subtitles in Englishtranslations in Spanish, Italian, French and German - coming soonWhen you sign up for this course, you'll get instant access to all lectures so you can get started immediately. Sign up now!Also, don't forget Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee. You have nothing to lose. Enroll now!***PLEASE NOTE: Online sports betting in the some countries is currently illegal, so you are responsible for following the laws in your country.***Who this course is for:This course is for people who have a strong interest in football (soccer).This course is for people who have trouble making a profit from football betting.This course is for people who improve their skills on how to beat the bookies.This course is for people who are 21 and over, or otherwise legally able to bet in your country.This course is NOT for people who do not like to do the work required to make money through sports betting.This course is NOT for people who expect a system provides betting tips.This course is NOT for people who expect a Get-Rich-Quick scheme.This course is NOT for people who expect money management advice."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Moderner Vertrieb - Kunden gewinnen leicht gemacht" |
"Produkte am Markt mittels Vertrieb zu platzieren ist gar nicht so leicht. Aus diesem Grund habe ich meine Erfahrungen und die daraus resultierenden Methoden in einen Kurs verpackt, sodass du nicht die gleichen Fehler machen musst, die ich am Anfang gemacht habe. Denn aller Anfang ist schwer, aber ich bin mir sicher, dass du lernen kannst, wie du Erfolge im Vertrieb feiern kannst.Bei der Erstellung dieses Kurses war es mir besonders wichtig, persnliche Erfahrungen und Lehren des Vertriebs so zu verpacken, dass du wirklich davon profitieren kannst. Egal ob du Grnder bist oder einfach am Thema Vertrieb interessiert bist, dieser Kurs wird dir tiefe Einblicke in die Kunst des Verkaufens geben. Der Kurs beschftigt sich mit modernen Vertriebsmethoden, die man auf unterschiedlichste Geschftsmodelle bertragen kann. Wir betrachten klassische Vertriebsformen und reichern diese so an, dass sie in die komplexe und moderne Welt passen.Zustzlich erhltst du Challenges, Materialien und eine persnliche Betreuung. Nicht nur Theorie, sondern auch Praxis hautnah - denn erzhlen, kann man viel. Die Kunst liegt darin, Dinge umzusetzen. Ich freue mich, mit dir in den Austausch zu kommen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Primavera (Level Two)" |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Primavera (Level Three)" |
": . . . . .."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Be Productive 24/7! Learn to Master Your Brain." |
"This is not for the beginner or the intermediate. If you want to truly be productive, create content, and kill it, you need to relook your entire day-day routine. Sitting down and focusing is only ONE small part of it all. How you design your life is critical. I will let you in on the secrets that I use to unleash my productivity. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Begin With Your Guitar" |
"In this course , You will learn How to Begin playing with your guitar from Step Zero (How To get on your guitar and How to use your hands step by step with some Exercises also to Make the Basic Chords and play 2 Famous Songs )you will know how to begin with it , with a right way to Make the next Steps very easy for you .I hope you find it well Good luck :D"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprender las frases idiomticas francesas" |
"Salut, me llamo Pierre nativo de Francia, nac en Pars, este es mi curso de iniciacin al idioma francs durante aos he tenido la oportunidad de ensear mi idioma a hispanos. Enseo el francs como idioma extranjero por 36 aos, ensee en muchos pases, mayormente en pases de Oriente Medio y Amrica Latina. En este curso encontraras prcticas bsicas de la fontica, los saludos principales, los nmeros, el tiempo entre otros temas que te ayudaran a comprender el idioma francs.Las frases idiomticas forman parte del modo natural de los franceses para sus conversaciones diaria con familiares, amigos o extraos, son muy importantes y fundamentales para llevar una conversacin normal y natural con los francfonos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende el Francs con Pierre, modulo 2" |
"Bonjour, bienvenus notre second moduleBuenos das, bienvenido a nuestro modulo dosEn esta segunda parte seguimos nuestro curso del francs bsico. En este modulo aprender ms sobre el idioma francs, gramtica y vocabulario, para incrementar de forma progresiva su conocimiento.Vern que todo es muy fcil, nuestro curso les va a llevar al ms fcil y simptico viaje hacia el idioma francs, con nuestro mtodo aprender con gran facilidad sin darse cuenta."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende hablar francs con Pierre, iniciacin al francs" |
"Salut, me llamo Pierre nativo de Francia, nac en Pars, este es mi curso de iniciacin al idioma francs durante aos he tenido la oportunidad de ensear mi idioma a hispanos. Enseo el francs como idioma extranjero por 36 aos, ensee en muchos pases, mayormente en pases de Oriente Medio y Amrica Latina. En este curso encontraras prcticas bsicas de la fontica, los saludos principales, los nmeros, el tiempo entre otros temas que te ayudaran a comprender el idioma francs."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Invaso de Redes Sem Fio" |
"Nesse curso o aluno vai aprender a configurar o seu adaptador para fazer o monitoramento de ponto de acesso prximo a ele, tambm vai entender como funciona a segurana WEP WPA WPA2, os perigos de conectar a uma rede aberta, vai aprender a criar Fake Ap ap, Evil Twin, etc. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Financial Reporting and Analysis CFA Level 1 (2020)" |
"This is a quick course on all the essential aspects of the Financial Reporting and Analysis subject of the CFA level 1 exam (2020), to help you ace it without consuming a lot of your time, hopefully with the least amount of effort from your part.If you do not want to spend a lot of time reading about Financial Reporting and analysis and - like me - you prefer to study with exercises and mock exams, this course is perfect for you.My goal is to equip you with enough knowledge to face mock exams and practice questions about this topic, only to fine-tune what you learn here."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Whether youre a beginner or just want to step up your game, this course is for you. Best-selling author Huseyin The Brain Aksu makes learning fantasy football stupid easy... This virtual training will be like Brain will be there every step of the way for you, guiding you with easy-to-follow videos and actual examples of him doing what he's preaching. Brain will guide you from start to finish; from the draft, to managing your team in-season, to winning the 'ship!After you complete this course, you will be not only learn what NFL fantasy football is all about, but you'll be able to start playing in a competitive league right after you watch the last video. Let the training begin!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corriger efficacement et durablement sa posture !" |
"Le cour est ralis par Benjamin Brochet, kinsithrapeute et ostopathe. Ses comptences permettent de vous apporter des conseils prcieux pour corriger efficacement et durablement votre posture. Ce cours s'adresse celles et ceux qui veulent avoir une meilleure posture, que se soit dans leur quotidien, activits professionnelles (assis, ou debout), ou encore dans les activits sportives. L'objectif tant de mieux se tenir et de prendre soins de son corps, et d'viter tout problmes lis aux trouble posturaux, tels que les maux de dos.Le cour est trs complet, il va vous permettre d'acqurir la fois les connaissances thoriques et pratiques pour avoir une bonne posture. Benjamin ne s'en arrte pas la simple faon de bien se tenir, il traite galement, dans cette formation, des problmatiques d'checs les plus souvent rencontres. Ainsi cette formation est l'une des plus complte dans le domaine de la correction posturale, elle vous permettra d'optimiser au mieux votre posture et ainsi de prserver votre sant.A l'issue de ce cour vous serez en mesure de comprendre comment avoir une bonne posture mais surtout vous saurez comment agir efficacement, car vous aurez votre disposition un arsenal de techniques pour corriger durablement et efficacement votre posture.Une fois bien compris les fondamentaux d'une bonne posture, vous serez en mesure d'adopter une bonne posture en toute circonstance.L'auteur du cours reste accessible et disponible pour vous accompagner tout au long du cours, notamment si vous avez des questions ou des interrogations."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
time_management_practice |
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Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Practical Time Management Course - 5 steps to success!" |
"How much time per day does your work take? Have you ever the feeling that you are constantly busy with something, but do not notice any special results? How many plans and ideas are stored in your mind or planners?In today's world, we are increasingly faced with the problem of free time. Literally every second person lives in a hurry and does not have time to do whatever he wants. But is there really so little time? Or thing is how we use our time?5 simple steps separate you from calm and self-satisfaction. We will find out:- how to be more effective- how to include advice and practice in your life- we will make a clear plan of action for the future- learn how to use the plan and not move away from it- get rid of anxiety- find time and strength for new life"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap 4 Responsive Design profesional + Proyecto" |
"Aprende a usar el framework de css ms usado en el diseo web,y en el que confan empresas como Netflix, Github, Reddit... y muchas ms.Con Bootstrap podrs disear increibles pginas web con efectos de manera fcil y ordenada, que adems de lucir bien, da una excelente experiencia de usuario, sobre todo porque est pensado para el responsive design, desde una perspectiva mobile first.Este curso de Bootstrap 4, es ideal para aquellos que quieren conocer y dominar el framework para aumentar su repertorio de tecnologas, como para aquellas personas que quieran incrementar y afianzar sus conocmientos sobre Bootstrap 4 y responsive design.Una vez termines el curso, sers capaz de afrontar cualquier diseo de forma profesional con Bootstrap 4."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Machine Learning : Learn Handson" |
"Learn to use Python, the ideal programming language for Machine Learning, with this comprehensive course from Hands-On System. Python plays a important role in the adoption of Machine Learning (ML) in the business environment.Now a days Machine Learning is one of the most sought after skills in industry. After completion of this course students will understand and apply the concepts of machine learning and applied statistics for real world problems.The topics we will be covering in this course are: Python libraries for data manipulation and visualization such as numpy, matplotlib and pandas. Linear Algebra, Exploratory Data Analysis, Linear Regression, Various Classification techniques, Clustering, Dimensionality reduction and Artificial Neural Networks.This course is designed for Students who are pursuing bachelors or masters degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Economics or any engineering fields. The students should have a little bit of knowledge in coding and undergraduate level mathematics.Terminal competencies of the course, one would have learnt about tools to train machines based on real-world situations using Machine Learning algorithms, as well as to create complex algorithms and neural networks. During the latter stage of the course, learners will be introduced to real-world use cases of Machine Learning with Python for a Hands-On learning experience which would prepare them to create applications efficiently."
Price: 7360.00 ![]() |
"Bitcoin e Blockchain - Fcil e Sem Enrolao" |
"Assim como a internet revolucionou a forma como vivemos a 20 anos atrs, mudando nossos abitos, possibilitando o surgimento de novos servios, gerando empregos e fortunas no caminho, o mesmo deve acontecer com o Blockchain, a tecnologia por trs do Bitcoin.E da mesma forma como aconteceu com a internet, aqueles que entendem como funciona essa nova tecnologia esto, de longe, muito mais bem preparados para aproveitar as oportunidades que j esto surgindo devido a essa inovao.Com este curso voc ir entender exatamente como surgiu e como funciona o Blockchain e sua principal aplicao, o Bitcoin. assim como ver tambm exemplos de aplicao e tudo o que est por trs desta tecnologia.O curso foi desenvolvido de forma a passar todo o contedo de forma bem objetiva, passando o que realmente interessa em cada tpico atravs de apresentaes ilustrativas e recheada de exemplos."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"How To Write Music For Video Games: JRPG" |
"The aim of this course is to give you a powerful and extensive knowledge of composing in the JRPG (Japanese Role Playing Game) style. Mindset, chords, melodies, production and composition tricks covered. It does it all through a practical, hands on walk through, and its all accessible without having to read any music.This course was designed for the beginner and intermediate composer!For the beginner, this course takes you from literally ground zero into what makes music work. Start your composing journey off right with a powerful skill set and the right mindset.For the intermediate composers who are already serious about their craft but feel restricted by never really getting their head around the strategies and writing style - this course covers almost everything you need to know. Its built from years (8 to be exact) of experience composing music for video games on mobile, PC and console titles. For those of you who feel your writing ability is held back in compositional strategy this course is completely designed for you.And even if youre basically semi-pro, but think your technique and knowledge are missing a trick, I still know the course will be of value to you!---At the end of this course not only are you going to feel more strong and fluent as a composer, youre going to be able to solve critical problems on the fly whilst composing; things like:Where do I start?How do I capture ""that sound?""I have a chord progression, how do I make it more interesting?I have a chord progression, but I dont know where to take it nextI have chords, how do I add a bass line?I have a melody, how do I add chords?I have chords, how do I add a melody?I have a bass line, how do I add chords?My melodies sound a little dull, how can I make them more interesting?If my chords are going to stay the same, how can I make them sound different or more inspiring for the next section?---At the end of this course, youre going to be able to:Express yourself and your ideas betterKnow how to compose well and in the JRPG styleUnleash your writing with tools to unblock the writing process and generate material with easeAlleviate a lot of writer's block!Have specific principles, techniques and formulas for making music work at your fingertipsHow to optimize your work flow for entire gaming projectsLearn techniques and strategies NO ONE ELSE is teachingThe goal of this course is to teach you the style in the JRPG genre so you can choose who you want to be and how you want to write, and express yourself in your own unique way.See you in there!Chris"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Internet Marketing for Small Business Owners" |
"You probably wear many hats as a small business owner, but you can't be an expert at all aspects of running a business. Knowing how to use Google Ads is challenging enough, but knowing how not to use it is just as important. And if you hire outside help with your digital marketing, you still need to know enough to properly manage that help as well as be able to tell if it's actually helping.This course is designed to give an overview of all of the business planning that needs to occur before beginning to run ads online, as well as teach you how to jump right in, get started, and get better at it over time."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico de Recepcionista" |
"Este curso bsico de recepcionista d dicas de como recepcionar pessoas presencialmente e ao telefone e fazer um bom atendimento interno e externo. Muitos pequenos detalhes sero citados para o bom desempenho da funo. Ele serve tanto para as pessoas que procuram uma nova profisso como para quem pretende ter seu prprio negcio e precisa entender como atender bem seu cliente."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Adelgaza y quema grasa entrenando 7 minutos" |
"Aprende a bajar de peso de una vez por todas, sin engaos y con un mtodo comprobado, con solo 7 minutos de tu tiempo podemos empezar a lograr grandes resultados, luego de finalizado el curso tienes 30 das de seguimiento y planificaciones gratis, es decir que nos comprometemos totalmente a ayudarte y a mejorar tu situacin. a por ello!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Snowflake for Developers" |
"This course assists in developing a solid understanding of Snowflake's Cloud Data Warehouse. Snowflake for Developers is not a scripted course with a steady pace of reading and death by power-point. It is an intense, involved, and engaging course that has its ups and downs, success and on-purpose failures, and the aha moments. This course is your ultimate companion to take you on a journey of learning Snowflake Cloud Data warehouse. I would recommend previewing the ""Introduction to Data Warehouse"" lecture completely for its full 10 minutes length to understand what I mean. Snowflake for Developers starts with the basics of data warehousing concepts to bring our beginner audience up to speed before going deep into Snowflake.The course is not designed intentionally for any Certification exam preparation but geared more towards practical use in day to day implementations for Engineers and Architects.Welcome aboard to Snowflake for Developers!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to industry REST microservices in Golang (Go)" |
"In this course I'm doing the very same I've been doing for the past 6 years: Analysis, design and development of high-performance microservices in Go.This is not an introduction to Go's concepts, you have free resources for that like the Go Tour (I strongly suggest you to take it!). This is real-life and industry experience revealed in 13+ hours of video and resources that you will not easily find online.We will cover everything you need: Native web server.HTTP frameworks.Benchmarks.Package organization.MVC pattern.Interfaces: How to design and implement them.Dealing with dates.Unit, Integration and Functional testing.Mocking different artifacts of your application.Consuming external APIs.Mocking external APIs responsesDifferent concurrency designs based on each requirement.Parallelism when we have multi-core VMs.Stress-test our applicationsMetrics, logging, debugging, profiling.And a lots of more... EVERYTHING you need to work with this amazing technology."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to design & develop REST microservices in Golang (Go)" |
"Welcome! In this second part of the series I'm working with MySQL, Cassandra and Elasticsearch as persistence layers and we're going to create 3 different microservices using different design patterns: MVC, featured MVC and Domain Driven Development implementing the Hexagonal architecture.At the end of the course you'll learn:How to structure our application's packages and code.MVC pattern, Domain Driven Development and Hexagonal Architecture applied!How to configure MySQL client in Go. DAO pattern implemented.How to configure and use CassandraDB client in Go.How to configure and use Elasticsearch in Go.Testing and mocking database integrations.Stress test the microservice with goroutines.How dependencies work in Go. Usage of Go modules.How to build, publish, use and share a custom Go library.Application design patterns.Preparing our distributed logging system.Real life examples and exercises.I'm sure you're going to enjoy this course! if you have any doubts, please check the reviews on my other courses so you can get an idea about what you're about to get. This is real life and industry experience!Hope to hear from you!Fede."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Unit, integration and functional Testing in Golang (Go)" |
"In this course we're covering every aspect of the testing features in Go:Basic unit tests.Test Driven Development.Unit test a single layer of your application.How to use Go modules.How the TestMain function works and how to use it.Mock and unit test external REST API calls.Mock and integration test REST API calls form inner layers of your application.How to perform functional tests.How to define and write benchmarks to compare the quality of two versions of the same solution.Mock and unit test MySQL database connection and query.Mock frameworks available out there.Asserts in Go: Why don't we have them? How to implement them in a safe way."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Complete Bootstrap & Materialize CSS Course for Beginners" |
"If you have ever wanted to learn bootstrap or materialize css from scratch but felt overwhelmed by the volume of information or incomprehensible tutorials out there, then you've come to the right course.In this course, I'm going to be teaching you Bootstrap 4 and Materialize CSS 1 from scratch, like you've never come across it before. We are not only going to learn in words but also in action. Consequently, we are going to dedicate two sections in learning the basics and then another two in building two beautiful modern responsive websites from scratch. Bootstrap and Materialize CSS are arguably the most popular CSS fameworks currently available. However, it can be difficult deciding which one to learn especially as a beginner. This course makes it very easy to learn both frameworks by concentrating on the fundamental concepts in both technologies. You will not become a Bootstrap or Materialize Ninja by taking this course, but you would definitely made tremendous progress towards that goal. You will be ready to learn more advance concepts after the course. I must emphasize again that this course is designed for the absolute beginner. So if you know a little HTML and CSS and want to advance, then taking this course is a good step. However, if you are already familiar with bootstrap and want to learn more advance stuffs, then you might end up disappointed. I have designed a similar course for more experienced web developers. This course is essentially for newbies. Throughout the course, I will hold your hands as we walk through every aspect of the code. My goal is to get you actually building real websites, and I'm sure you would have achieved that feat if you follow me till the end. So let's get started...see you in the course!Who this course is for:Beginner web developers with basic knowledge of html and cssIndividuals who want to build responsive websitesIndividuals who want to improve their coding skillsNewcomers to bootstrap and materialize"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Creative TEFL: 20 Easy-to-Play Classroom Games" |
"During this course I'll be showing you how to play more than 20 games that you can use immediately as is or you'll be able to adapt them to suit your needs for teaching your students. These games are suitable for all teaching styles and have been well-tested on young TEFL learners for over 20 years. So whether you're a new teacher just starting out and you need to start building your repertoire quickly or you might just be someone with years of experience behind you, these games are sure to help add extra spice and creativity to your TEFL classes. With some of these games you will only need a whiteboard, markers and flashcards while with the scoring system games there are some toys involved. However, you can creatively substitute anything at any time and, with a just few of these games under your belt, you can confidently start calling yourself, a 'TEFL Games Meister'. Why do we play games:As a method of testing to see if your students have actually learnt somethingTo break the routine and help your students remain excited about learningAs a way of reviewing large portions of work in a fun wayTo ensure that our students don't forget that they are still children who are meant to play and have funEven though these games have been tested and tried on TEFL students, I have no doubt they would work in any classroom situation. All these games can be adapted and be made simpler or more complicated, depending on the level and age of your students. As a point of interest, I have watched trainee teachers play these games with abandon and have as much fun as children do.The whiteboard games can be adapted and used with any subject, while it goes without saying that the scoring system games are there for the students to test their wits, strength and speed against themselves and their classmates.Who should take this course?Experienced teachers who feel they need new ideas to make their classes more excitingNew teachers who are in the process of building up their games and activities repertoire"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Cake pops" |
"candy bar , ? cake pops ? !!!)) , . 4 :- - - - - Do you want to complement the candy bar at a children's party, please a child or make a delicious dessert for your family? Have you ever made cake pops or have you run out of fantasy for decoration?Welcome to my course !!!)) I will show you how to quickly and deliciously prepare this dessert. There are 4 lessons in this course:- CHOCOLATE BISCUIT WITH WALNUTS- cream- form creation- glaze- decor"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
recruitingblueprint |
" . , ... . , . , , . 2005 MindHunt, 8 . , , , . MindHunt. , , . , . 3 2 . , 1-2 2- , . , . , . . , , . , , ... . : 1. . , : => => => , 2. ., , . - . . ... : (1) , (2) , (3) 5 , , 2 ... 3. . ... , , , , - . , , , , , . 4. . , ... , . : ( , , , ) ( , google, , , ) 5. . , , 6. . ... . . ... 3D , , , 7. Job Offer. , ... , , , ... 8. . , 2 , .1: , , , . 2: , , ? . , , . - "" """
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"ServiceNow HRSD Implementation Specialist Tests" |
"Well-designed practice tests that will help you pass ServiceNow Certified Implementation Specialist Human Resources exam (CIS - HR certification). Although this is not the real certification exam, but these preparation tests cover the vast majority of the exam material. If you pass these practice tests, you should be pretty confident you will pass the real exam. It consists of 3 practice tests each one of them consists of 40 questions (Total number of questions is 120)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |