Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Comment raliser un montage ultra dynamique sur Premiere Pro" |
"Imaginez, l'espace d'un instant, que vous ayez la capacit de raliser une vido ultra dynamique qui captivera coup sr votre audience et vos clients. Et qu'une fois cette vido regarde, ils n'aient qu'une seule envie : la partager et vous fliciter du travail que vous avez accompli. Fini le stress de savoir si votre vido va plaire ou non, vous aurez dj la rponse avant mme que votre export soit termin (un indice : elle va plaire).A vous d'enfin rcolter les flicitations de votre entourage, de vos clients et de votre audience. Ce serait malhonnte de ma part de vous priver de cette sensation et c'est pour cette raison que j'ai cr cette formation.Dans ce cours, nous allons voir comment je monte mes vidos de l'import l'export, sur Adobe Premiere Pro. Je vais vous dvoiler mes secrets pour chaque tape du montage, afin que vous puissiez exploiter vos images au maximum de leur potentiel et captiver votre audience.Et mme si vous n'avez pas de quoi filmer, ce n'est pas grave car je vous fournis mes propres images pour vous entraner. Vous ne rvez pas, je vous donne vraiment 22 clips films Tahiti, et tout a en qualit originale !Il y a en plus de tout a un module bonus de 26min o je vous dmonte en dtails le montage d'une publicit ralise pour la marque de vtement Spacefox.J'ai hte de voir les vidos que vous allez faire ! Et surtout n'oubliez pas de me laisser une note et un avis !Bon apprentissage, Charles"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Become a Professional Music Journalist" |
"This course is designed to give you an overview of the basic skills, attitude and approach you need to break into the world of music journalism in 2019. There are several video lessons, along with assignments you can complete on your own. There are also several readings designed to reinforce the core concepts.Your instructor, Patrick Foster, is the Executive Editor of College Media Network, and a journalist with over 20 years of professional experience. He has written about music for the Washington Post, SPIN, Pitchfork, Time Out, and many other outlets. He co-hosted the Dad Rock podcast for USA Today and currently co-hosts the Rockin the Suburbs podcast. He once reviewed 172 concerts in one year."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Information You Need Prior To Starting Your Business" |
"This course details what you need to know prior to starting your business. There are plenty of unknowns about starting a business for first time business owners and this course will teach you about these unknowns so you will be better prepared for them once they arrive. Topics include basic tips on starting a business, being mentally and financially ready to start a business, additional duties as a business owner, benefits of being a business owner and so much more! This is a comprehensive examination of establishing and operating a small business in todays dynamic business environment. The primary objective of this course is to inform the student of the nature and importance of small business in our society. We also wish to enlighten the student as to opportunities and risks inherent in small businesses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende produccin musical con Ableton live desde cero" |
"En este curso aprenders a manejar, desde el principio, el programa de edicin musical que utilizan Dj y productores de todo el mundo. De manear sencilla y a tu ritmo. No solo te explicar con vdeos del interfaces del programa, si no que tambin mediante grficos en lecciones de aprendizaje como Qu es el MIDI? o a instalar plug-ins de terceras marcas para aumentar todava mas el potencial de Ableton Live. Un curso bsico y muy completo que te servir como iniciacin en el apasionante mundo de la msica y las mezclas.Seguro que te servir para entender conceptos de edicin y a manejar el programa desde el principio."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ten Steps to Sales Success" |
"Welcome to the Ten Steps of Sales Success with Jeffrey Potvin.This is a lecture divided into ten lessons:Motivation - what is your motivation for doing what you do?Knowledge is king - get to know the person you are about to meet with before you arrive.Be compelling - if you're not compelling in your presentation no one's going to listen to you.Team - You don't know everything. Bring in the people who can fill your knowledge gaps.Learn the people, lead the room.Listen and speak once .Provide value - think big but start small .Draw your line - determine what your value is and don't go below .Execution - it's no good selling something if you can't deliver.Have a long term plan - figure out where you are going and have an exit strategy. Remember you are always selling!No matter who you are, you are always selling in some capacity (whether it's yourself or a product)."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Growth, Confidence and Quality in UNDER 1 HOUR" |
"I created this course after a lot of my friends asked for my help. I am a social media influencer with over 2 million followers and I'm dishing out all my tips and tricks to improve not only the quality of your selfies, but also increase the quality of your social media presence. Through my social media I have created a multi-million dollar business and made connections with people that have been priceless. The importance of social media cannot be overstated. In this workshop I will explain the importance of having a social media profile that has quality images and how to take them.HOW TO TAKE BETTER SELFIES? HOW TO IMPROVE MY SOCIAL MEDIA GAME?HOW TO TAKE A SELFIE?"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
backtostrong |
", ? ? , . , , , . - , . . , , . , , , . , . . . ., ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Complete PHP School System Using CodeIgniter Framework(2020)" |
"Please READ all the points before proceedingPlease watch the preview video and ensure you are satisfy with my accent and my english before enrolling for the course.Please do not take the course if you are not ready to learn codeigniterPlease note that The objective of this course is not to sell complete school system but to learn codeigniter by building your own complete school system through learning by practical.Please read the Pre-Requisites before signing upIf you are still with me lets continueBuilding dynamic websites is not an easy challenge and requires time and effort dedicated to coding every bit and piece of the website, which is why anytime there is a new tool that promises to ease the woes of coding, developers always jump at the chance to try it.CodeIgniter is a simple open-source framework that makes it the coding tasks easier by providing a faster way to set up a PHP website from the ground-up. This tool with a small framework ensures that developers can design websites that are light, fast and dynamic.So, for any developer that wants to become a server-side master, this is a tool that they should definitely have in their toolkit. But, its not always easy to find a course that is clear and concise and targets exactly what you are looking for!This is why we have designed this course with an aim teach you everything you need know about CodeIgniter with real world project (Building Standard and Most School Management System) using a no-fluff and clear approach at the topic at hand, this tutorial will breakdown CodeIgniter into simple and easy to learn videos so as to be able to build any real world application on CodeIgniter.At the end of this course, you will have not only learnt the CodeIgniter framework, but you will actually be able to start building your own projects from scratch. In addition to knowledge, this course will also give you the practical hands-on experience and the confidence to start coding your own websites by building school system.The course will start at the very beginning with a detailed introduction into the CodeIgniter framework, from there moving on to installing the framework. From there you will become familiar with the framework, and start building your own school system.Join us today as we learn CodeIgniter together by building real world software and be free from some authors who claim to teach you a particular programming language but only teach you basis and some copy and paste projects which at the end cannot take you to anywhere.Some of those things we will cover are as follows:(A) Admin panelManaging User accounts (teacher, student, parent, librarian, hostel manager, accountant, human resources, admin)Managing classes, subjectsManaging exam, gradesManaging exam marksSending exam marks via smsManaging students attendanceManaging accounting, income and expensesManaging school eventsManaging TeachersManaging LibrarianManaging AccountantManage CircularManage TaskManaging ParentsManaging AlumniManaging Academic SyllabusManaging Helpful LinksManaging School SessionAttendanceReportsRecords management.Notification board management.Management relationships between different type of users.Online Payment acceptance of FEE.Section Management.Reports generator.SMS Alerts.Support ticketTask managementAssign clubGenerate report cardStaff attendanceManaging Hostel ManagerManaging library, dormitory, transportMessaging between other usersManaging system settings (general, sms, language)Managing Media(B) Teacher PanelManaging exam marks (according to class managed)Provide study materials/files to students to the assigned classMark student attendance to the assigned classView other information set by adminReal time chattingTransportationSchool eventView galleriesView newsMoral talkHolidayHelpful linkApply leaveCheck awardsManage AssignmentManage Exam QuestionsView Library(C) Student PanelGet class routineGet exam marksGet attendance statusGet study materials / files from teacherGet payment invoice, pay onlineCommunicate with teacherView report cardView invoicePay for invoiceTransportationSchool eventView galleriesView newsMoral talkView TaskRequest BookSocial activityClub activityHolidayHelpful link(D) Parent PanelView all studentsPay for student invoiceTask managerGet study materials / files from teacherGet payment invoice, pay onlineCommunicate with teacherView report cardView invoicePay for invoiceTransportationSchool eventView galleriesView newsMoral talkReal time chatting(E) Accountant PanelGenerate invoiceManage InvoiceReal time chattingTransportationSchool eventView galleriesView newsManage Expenses(F) Human Resources PanelAdd usersManage payrollCreate AwardManage Leave ApplicationManage departmentManage RecruitmentTransportationSchool eventView galleriesView news(G) Librarian PanelManage master dataBook PublisherBook AuthorBook CategoryRegister StudentManage Request BookManage departmentTransportationSchool eventView galleriesView news(H) Hostel Manager PanelManage HostelManage Hostel CategoryManage Room TypeManage Hostel RoomTransportationSchool eventView galleriesView newsSign up today, and look forwards to:Over 600 hours of HD 1080p video content, everything youll ever need to succeed as a CodeIgniter developer.Building complete and standard school management system.All the knowledge you need to start building any web app you wantBuild school management system software worth $8000Challenges and SolutionsFast and helpful support if you need anything or have questionsMy great sense of humor.From Beginner to Expert CodeIgniter DeveloperWe know that youre here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what theyre doing, youd be on YouTube.By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and were always on hand to answer student questions.So by the end of the course, youll completely understand:CodeIgniter framework to level of building your own software especially school system.How to use Ajax, jQuery effectivelyBuild school management system software worth $8000How to create secure Login for CodeSoftware Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern.Control Structures: Using If/Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.Dont waste your timeDont waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors who you cant understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Your time is precious. Take this course and find out why everybody is raving about it and why over 35,000 students rated my courses 5 stars!Dont waste your moneyInside this course, youre getting exactly the same course materials and curriculum as our 12 week in-person programming bootcamp. Instead of spending $8000+ dollars and taking time off work, save loads of money by getting this course and do it at your own pace!REMEMBER Im so confident that youll love this course that were offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So its a complete no-brainer, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.Who is this course for:If you have never programmed before, then take this course to learn CodeIgniterIf you know how to code, but are new to CodeIgniter, then take this course to build web Apps.If you are a CodeIgniter developer, then take this course to see how much time you can save building real world software School Management System.If youve tried CodeIgniter before, then take this course to get a comprehensive curriculum that covers all the important aspects of CodeIgniter developmentEntrepreneurs Who Want to Build Web Apps with Single CodebaseManagers and Program Managers Who Want to Learn How to Build Complete School Management System.Anyone wanting to learn to code in a practical wayAnyone who wants to kick start a career or hobby developing appsThis is the only course on Udemy where students can drop their desired features and both the students and the instructor will develop it together. This is also a course where more features will be added by the instructor and each section will be released everyday.Join us NOW as we build this awesome software together using one of the best frameworks - Codeigniter!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build PHP Hospital System Using CodeIgniter Framework (2020)" |
"Please READ all the points before proceedingPlease watch the preview video and ensure you are satisfy with my accent and my english before enrolling for the course.Please do not take the course if you are not ready to learn codeigniterPlease note that The objective of this course is not to sell complete hospital system but to learn codeigniter by building your own complete hospital system through learning by practical.Please read the Pre-Requisites before signing upIf you are still with me lets continueBuilding dynamic websites is not an easy challenge and requires time and effort dedicated to coding every bit and piece of the website, which is why anytime there is a new tool that promises to ease the woes of coding, developers always jump at the chance to try it.CodeIgniter is a simple open-source framework that makes it the coding tasks easier by providing a faster way to set up a PHP website from the ground-up. This tool with a small framework ensures that developers can design websites that are light, fast and dynamic.So, for any developer that wants to become a server-side master, this is a tool that they should definitely have in their toolkit. But, its not always easy to find a course that is clear and concise and targets exactly what you are looking for!This is why we have designed this course with an aim teach you everything you need know about CodeIgniter with real world project (Building Standard and Most School Management System) using a no-fluff and clear approach at the topic at hand, this tutorial will breakdown CodeIgniter into simple and easy to learn videos so as to be able to build any real world application on CodeIgniter.At the end of this course, you will have not only learnt the CodeIgniter framework, but you will actually be able to start building your own projects from scratch. In addition to knowledge, this course will also give you the practical hands-on experience and the confidence to start coding your own websites by building school system.The course will start at the very beginning with a detailed introduction into the CodeIgniter framework, from there moving on to installing the framework. From there you will become familiar with the framework, and start building your own school system.Join us today as we learn CodeIgniter together by building real world software and be free from some authors who claim to teach you a particular programming language but only teach you basis and some copy and paste projects which at the end cannot take you to anywhere.From Beginner to Expert CodeIgniter DeveloperWe know that youre here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what theyre doing, youd be on YouTube.By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and were always on hand to answer student questions.So by the end of the course, youll completely understand:CodeIgniter framework to level of building your own software especially hospital system.How to use Ajax, jQuery effectivelyBuild hospital management system software worth $8000How to create secure Login for CodeSoftware Design: How to organise and format code for readability and how to implement the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern.Control Structures: Using If/Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.Dont waste your timeDont waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors who you cant understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Your time is precious. Take this course and find out why everybody is raving about it and why many students rated my courses 5 stars!Dont waste your moneyInside this course, youre getting exactly the same course materials and curriculum as our 12 week in-person programming bootcamp. Instead of spending $8000+ dollars and taking time off work, save loads of money by getting this course and do it at your own pace!REMEMBER Im so confident that youll love this course that were offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So its a complete no-brainier, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.Who is this course for:If you have never programmed before, then take this course to learn CodeIgniterIf you know how to code, but are new to CodeIgniter, then take this course to build web Apps.If you are a CodeIgniter developer, then take this course to see how much time you can save building real world software Hospital Management System.If youve tried CodeIgniter before, then take this course to get a comprehensive curriculum that covers all the important aspects of CodeIgniter developmentEntrepreneurs Who Want to Build Web Apps with Single CodebaseManagers and Program Managers Who Want to Learn How to Build Complete Hospital Management System.Anyone wanting to learn to code in a practical wayAnyone who wants to kick start a career or hobby developing appsThis is the only course on Udemy where students can drop their desired features and both the students and the instructor will develop it together. This is also a course where more features will be added by the instructor and each section will be released everyday.Join us NOW as we build this awesome software together using one of the best frameworks - Codeigniter!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PHP School System Using CodeIgniter Framework(2020) - PART 2" |
"Please READ all the points before proceedingPlease watch the preview video and ensure you are satisfy with my accent and my english before enrolling for the course.Please do not take the course if you are not ready to learn codeigniterPlease note that The objective of this course is not to sell complete school system but to learn codeigniter by building your own complete school system through learning by practical.Please read the Pre-Requisites before signing upIf you are still with me lets continueBuilding dynamic websites is not an easy challenge and requires time and effort dedicated to coding every bit and piece of the website, which is why anytime there is a new tool that promises to ease the woes of coding, developers always jump at the chance to try it.CodeIgniter is a simple open-source framework that makes it the coding tasks easier by providing a faster way to set up a PHP website from the ground-up. This tool with a small framework ensures that developers can design websites that are light, fast and dynamic.So, for any developer that wants to become a server-side master, this is a tool that they should definitely have in their toolkit. But, its not always easy to find a course that is clear and concise and targets exactly what you are looking for!This is why we have designed this course with an aim teach you everything you need know about CodeIgniter with real world project (Building Standard and Most School Management System) using a no-fluff and clear approach at the topic at hand, this tutorial will breakdown CodeIgniter into simple and easy to learn videos so as to be able to build any real world application on CodeIgniter.At the end of this course, you will have not only learnt the CodeIgniter framework, but you will actually be able to start building your own projects from scratch. In addition to knowledge, this course will also give you the practical hands-on experience and the confidence to start coding your own websites by building school system.The course will start at the very beginning with a detailed introduction into the CodeIgniter framework, from there moving on to installing the framework. From there you will become familiar with the framework, and start building your own school system.Join us today as we learn CodeIgniter together by building real world software and be free from some authors who claim to teach you a particular programming language but only teach you basis and some copy and paste projects which at the end cannot take you to anywhere.Some of those things we will cover are as follows:Terminal ReportBuild complete school websiteBuild Internal Messaging (Chat App)Build complete computer based test (CBT)Student requesting book from their respective pagesGenerating student ID card with barcodeChanging language dynamicallyIntegrate stripe payment gatewayMore on reportsand many professional retouchingSign up today, and look forwards to:Over 600 hours of HD 1080p video content, everything youll ever need to succeed as a CodeIgniter developer.Building complete and standard school management system.All the knowledge you need to start building any web app you wantBuild school management system software worth $8000Challenges and SolutionsFast and helpful support if you need anything or have questionsMy great sense of humor.From Beginner to Expert CodeIgniter DeveloperWe know that youre here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what theyre doing, youd be on YouTube.By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are beautiful animations that explain all the difficult concepts and were always on hand to answer student questions.So by the end of the course, youll completely understand:CodeIgniter framework to level of building your own software especially school system.How to use Ajax, jQuery effectivelyBuild school management system software worth $8000How to create secure Login for CodeSoftware Design: How to organize and format code for readability and how to implement the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern.Control Structures: Using If/Else clauses, Switch statements and logic to control the flow of execution.Concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes and protocols.Dont waste your timeDont waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors who you cant understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Your time is precious. Take this course and find out why everybody is raving about it.Dont waste your moneyInside this course, youre getting exactly the same course materials and curriculum as our 3 weeks in-person programming boot camp. Instead of spending $8000+ dollars and taking time off work, save loads of money by getting this course and do it at your own pace!Join us NOW as we build this awesome software together using one of the best frameworks - Codeigniter!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NLP Temel Eitimi" |
"NLP Teknikleri olduka oktur. Kiisel geliimine nem veren herkesin yolu en az bir kez NLP ile kesiir. nsanlarla iletiim halinde olunan pek ok meslekte bilinli olarak kullanldnda baarl sonular elde edilebilecek teknikler iermektedir. Sadece mesleki olarak m? Tabi ki hayr! Bazen kendimizle de ba edemeyiz ya da hatalar yaparz ve nasl dzelteceimizi bilemeyiz. Ksacas hayatmzn her alann daha baarl ynetebilmek iin bu eitim ile, yaygn olarak kullanlan en nemli teknikleri reneceksiniz. rnein; kendinizi tanma, yeteneklerinizi kefetme ve gelitirme, hedef belirleme, bunlar uygulayacak stratejileri seme, deime ve deiim sreci, bakalarn etkileme gibi. Hayatnzn iplerini elinize almaya hazrsanz balayalm."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Profesyonel Arama ve CV Hazrlama Teknikleri" |
"ster lise mezunu olun, ister niversite mezunu; hepimiz nce devlet snavlarnda ansmz denesek de yolumuz mutlaka zel sektrden geiyor ya da seimimiz sadece zel sektrde almak oluyor. Peki yeteneklerimize en uygun ii nasl bulacaz, doru aramalar yapyor muyuz, kendimizi yeterince tanyor muyuz, CV'miz bizi doru yanstyor mu.... gibi pek ok soru var cevaplanmas gereken. Cevaplar da bu eitimde! Grmek dileiyle!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Etkili Sunum Hazrlama" |
"ster renci olun, isterseniz alan topluluk nnde konumanz gereken bir an yaayabilirsiniz. Hem iyi bir konumac olmal hem de slaytlarla anlattklarnz desteklemelisiniz. Szleriniz, beden diliniz, slaytlarnz birbirini tamamlamal, hatta soru sorulmasna gerek kalmadan yeterli aklamay yapabilmelisiniz. Yetenekli grdnz pek ok sunumcunun da mutlaka kulland birka dikkat ekici unsur bulunmaktadr. Tabi her eyden nemlisi hata yapmaktan korkmamak ve enerjinizi kar tarafa yanstmaktr. Sunumla ilgili tm ayrntlar bu eitimde bulabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kiisel Zaman Ynetimi" |
"Hepimiz bize verilen gnlk 24 saati kullanyoruz. Ancak bazlarmz bu sreye inanlmaz eyler sdrrken, bazlarmz da pek ok eye zaman kalmadndan yaknyoruz. Peki bu fark neden kaynaklanyor, nerede hata yapyoruz, onlar bizden daha m yetenekli? Ufak bir z deerlendirme yaparak ve hatalarmzla yzleerek biz de zaman kullanma konusunda uzmanlaabiliriz. nemli olan ilk adm atmak. Gelin bu adm beraber atalm."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Intradermoterapia Pressurizada" |
"IMPORTANTE: ESTE CURSO TRATA APENAS DA TECNICA INTRADERMOTERAPIA PRESSURIZADA, FOTOS MERAMENTE ILUSTRATIVAS DOS NOSSOS CURSOS PRESENCIAISA Dra Thuanny Farina foi a inventora, pioneira na Tcnica de Intradermoterpia Pressurizada com aparelho legalizado pela Anvisa, sendo a primeira profissional no Brasil a realizar as primeiras pesquisas no assunto. Criadora da tcnica com esse aparelho, foi a primeira profissional credenciada Comfort In, compartilhando suas pesquisas com a empresa responsavel pelo aparelho na Amrica Latina. Sendo precursora desmistificamos muitas histrias e descobrimos a maneira da aplicao mais correta e segura para o profissional e seu paciente, garantindo um resultado mais plausvel e mitigando possveis intercorrncias. O curso destina-se promover maior conhecimento da tcnica de intradermoterapia Pressurizada, seus mtodos de aplicao para que aumente sua produtividade profissional, tratando muitas disfunes estticas e proporcionar a satisfao e bem-estar do seu paciente.A Intradermoterapia Pressurizada um procedimento esttico de entrega de ativos sem agulhas, com utilizao de equipamento (com registro na Anvisa) para tal finalidade. O procedimento pode ser utilizado no tratamento de disfunes estticas tais como: fibroedema gilide (popular celulite), lipodistrofia localizada (popular gordura localizada), estrias, flacidez, alopecia, melasma, rejuvesnecimento e lipodistrofia do queixo duplo (popular papada).Pblico alvo: profissionais da rea da sade e esttica.Contedo programtico terico: introduo e histrico; sistema tegumentar; principais disfunes estticas; mtodos de aplicao e biossegurana; mecanismos de ao e ativos utilizados; mtodos de analgesia; teste de hipersensibilidade; principais intercorrncias; complicaes e recomendaes; contra-indicaes.Contedo programtico prtico: apresentao do equipamento; funcionamento e biossegurana; apresentao dos ativos utilizados; avaliao clnica; aplicaes facial, corporal e capilar; associaes de protocolos"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a modelar e esculpir esta linda pea - Shenlong" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender como trabalhar com corte em isopor, escultura e acabamento. Como preparar suas estruturas para receber a massa, tcnicas de texturizao, estruturao e como deixar sua pea em Biscuit com caractersticas de um colecionvel. Eleve o nvel de seus trabalhos com este excelente curso onde voc no apenas aprende a modelar, voc aprende como trabalhar como um profissional.Adquira agora e comece j!D um Up em seu talento."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn C++: Algorithms and Functions" |
"With this course you will learn what functions and algorithms are, how they change and simplify our code and why do we use them. Every section has logical and mathematical tasks that we solve step by step and at the end there are exercises to test your skills and knowledge.If you are ready to take your programming skills to another level, I welcome to my course!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Bienvenidos a este curso de Adobe Muse, si eres estudiante de diseo, emprendedor o solamente ests interesado en aprender a desarrollar un sitio web, pero no sabes nada de cdigo, este curso es para ti. Aqu aprenderas las herramientas bsicas del programa Adobe muse para lograr desarrollar una sitio web responsivo completo y al final te meustro como subir y activar tu sitio web en la red desde un hosting gratuito con un dominio personalizado"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make a Killer Resume for Medical Jobs" |
"How To Make A Stand Out Medical Doctor CVFrom Personal Information to RefereesHow to Include Narrative to Stand OutThe Value of a Career Goal StatementThe Value of a Career Goal StatementOver 90 minutes of Video ContentTips on Formatting and Protecting your CVAnthony is an expert in Medical HR, a seasoned health public sector executive, medical educationalist and coach.Anthony has reviewed numerous CVs, chaired and conducted over a thousand job interviews and provided advice to a number of employers and colleges about selection processes. His background: Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Manager with 20 years experience as a medical practitioner in public health services in a range of roles.From 2012 to 2016, Anthony was the Medical Director of the Health Education & Training Institute (HETI), involved in overseeing a number of network training programs. He is also a Senior Lecturer at the University of Newcastles School of Medicine & Public Health, and Year 5 Psychiatry Coordinator. He is currently completing a PhD in Medical Education, exploring personal learning environments in the intern training space.Anthony has recently produced a Best Practice Guide to Trainee Selection into Employment Roles for the College of Physicians in Australia."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Maya Cosmology Course and Usage of the Maya Calendar" |
"This very complete 30 hour course will teach you all about the Maya people of the past and today: their philosophy, their cosmology and will provide you with many tools to help you understand and use the Sacred Tzolkin or Chol Qu'ij calendar, which is not a civil calendar but a coding that deciphers a complete cosmological system that gives meaning to the weaving of the psyche, space and time.The Chol Qu'ij sacred calendar is a code of time and space and can be used as a system to read and profoundly understand the psychological and cosmological behaviour of people and their passage through time, and is the best tool out there to fully understand the composition of this reality and our destiny within it.The course will teach you how to read, write and use the sacred calendar and all of the Maya calendars and apply them into your every day lives. With it you will be able to guide people by reading their sign and knowing the nature of their destiny. Like no other tool it will help understand love affinities and relationships with other signs. You will also be taught how to become a Maya day-keeper or priest, you will be able to make different calendars, carry out ceremonies and become a bearer of the meaning of time.It is very important to mention that this course is based on the authentic indigenous Maya count and wisdom, and not the Dreamspell Tzolkin of Jose Arguelles, which is a new-age distorted version of the Maya sacred calendar. This is the first course out there that teaches the authentic Maya indigenous wisdom based on the authentic count that has been used without interruption for more than 5,000 years."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to create and run a live event in Marketo" |
"This course will help you plan, build and track your live event in Marketo, adding Mytokens, landing pages, emails and Smart campaigns to power your program.After completing this course you will be able to complete the following:How to plan your live eventHow to create and add Mytokens to your assetsRecognise when to use the Event Program and which channel is bestPower your event using Smart CampaignsSet up the Live Event Check-in appHow to build and add assets to your Event ProgramAnalyse data before and after your eventRecreate a similar event by cloning"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Set up a Webinar in Marketo" |
"About this courseOn this training course, you will learn when and how to set up your digital event or webinar. Covering the initial set up, using the Launchpoint application to sync the webinar directly to Marketo and being able to analyse the data that is generated from running such events.You will learn the following...How to plan your online eventHow to create and add Mytokens to your assetsRecognise when to use the Event Program and which channel is bestPower your online event using Smart CampaignsSet up the GotoWebinar syncHow to add assets to your Event ProgramAnalyse data before and after your eventRecreate a similar online event by cloning"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Personalise your emails in Marketo" |
"In this course you will learn how to add an A/B test to your email program, so that you can send out more than one variation of your email to your selected audience. You will also learn how to segment your audience with different segmentation rules, add that segment to a smart list and create dynamic emails, so that you see different content depending on the category you fall in to."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Project management. ." |
", XXI . 430 . . project manager . linkedin 947 . 25000 120000 USD/ . "" "" : . , . . - Project Manager. . , , . . ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"RRB - NTPC , Group D, General Awareness - Part-I" |
"This course is meant for those people who were preparing for the RRB examinations. this course will cover some portions from the General Awareness section which includes Indian Polity,Indian History,Indian Economy,Indian Geography & World Geography . The course is done in malayalam language. The Indian Polity section deals with important aspects of indian constitution & facts relating to it. It also covers the important constitutional bodies & statutory bodies etc."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"RRB NTPC / Group D General Awareness Part - II" |
"This course will cover the important science facts which is essential for RRB Exams. it includes important topics from physics, chemistry & Biology & all the essential facts which is important for the upcoming rrb ntpc examination. it will also cover the General Knowledge section for the RRB exams The course is done in malayalam languageThis course includesFirst in India (Male & Female)First in the WorldSuperlatives Of The WorldInternational Boundary LinesNational Emblem of Major CountriesMajor Parliaments of the worldImportant Monument of WorldIntelligence AgenciesWorlds Famous NewspapersDatesImportant BooksNickname PersonCrematorium of Famous PersonsINSTITUTES IN INDIASports , Stadiums etcInternational OrganisationsNational SymbolsParamilitary & Reserve ForcesOther important facts"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"AutoCAD CIVIL 3D 2020 o Passo a Passo na Prtica" |
"No Curso AutoCAD CIVIL 3D 2020 o Passo a Passo na Prtica, voc aprender a desenvolver o Passo a Passo de um Projeto, desde Importar os Pontos at Gerar os Relatrios, um Projeto que contm as etapas de Topografia, Terraplenagem, Estrada e Conteno. um Curso prtico que acompanha vrios Exerccios por cada etapa que voc passa, e ao final do curso voc recebe o CERTIFICADO.Nesse curso o Aluno ter um espao para tirar dvidas atravs de mensagens que dependendo da dvida posso criar uma vdeo aula explicativa dentro do curso, lembrando que esse curso vitalcio, voc ter acesso pra sempre, e sempre estarei atualizando sem precisar pagar mais nada por isso. Este Curso lhe oferece o conhecimento na ferramenta mais usada no Brasil e no Mundo para Projetos em Infraestrutura (Topografia, Terraplenagem, Rodovirio) que o CIVIL 3D, lhe preparando para o mercado de trabalho, uma oportunidade para Voc iniciar uma nova profisso. Se voc deseja entrar nessa rea que ainda tem poucos profissionais que dominam o Civil 3D, no perca tempo e aproveite a oportunidade de se aperfeioar."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Swing Trading Strategy" |
" In this course we have discussed a swing trading strategy. The strategy we have discussed here is easy to understand and apply in stock market. In this course we have discussed basic concepts of swing trading, chart patterns and technical indicators. Swings are the highs and lows patterns which always creates on stock charts. By comparing the highs and lows we can ensure the trend of stock chart and that trend will be helpful to make position in stocks to make profits. Chart patterns are the shapes appears on stock charts. The breakout on chart patterns normally used to understand the future price movements. Technical indicators are the data points on the stock charts which are calculated by using some mathematical formulas to predict stock movement. In this swing trading strategy we have combined the logic of chart patterns and technical indicators to make our swing trading strategy more effective. The strategy we have discussed here is applicable for short term trading. Here we have discussed the strategy using different examples. At last we have discussed the importance of risk management, risk reward and money management in trading. And finally we have discussed why disciplines are the key to success in stock market. If you are interested to learn this simple and effective swing trading strategy then you can join my course..."
Price: 4480.00 ![]() |
"Technical Analysis Using Candlestick Patterns" |
" This course is dedicated to the beginner level students. In this course we will discuss about basics of technical analysis and the basic candlestick patterns. As well we will discuss how we can trade using those candlestick patterns. After completion of the course students will be able to understand different candlestick patterns on chart and they will be able to identify future movement in stock. As well they will be able to trade using those patterns. Most of the traders prefer candlestick charts for doing technical analysis. Candlestick charts are prepared by combining different candlesticks. Each and every candlestick have their respective meaning. Most of the candlestick patterns are there if occurs on chart then will be good trading opportunity...... IF YOU WANT TO LEARN ABOUT CANDLESTICK PATTERNS AND HOW TO TRADE USING THOSE CANDLESTICK PATTERNS.... Then you can join my Course..... In this course we have discussed about different candlestick patterns such as single candlestick patterns, double candlestick patterns and triple candlestick patterns. In single candlestick patterns, double candlestick patterns and in triple candlestick patterns we again have different patterns. We have discussed the concept of all those pattern by using examples and charts. So it is always better to understand the concepts with examples."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"C Programming Made Easy" |
"In this course we have discussed the basic concepts of C programming language. We have discussed every possible thing that the beginner level students should know. We have discussed all those things by using programs. So after completing the course students will be able to understand the basic concepts of C programming language as well they will be able to write the C programs.In our course we have discussed about basics of data types, variables and arithmetic. As well we have discussed the same concept using program to understand the concept better.After that we have discussed about different branching and looping statements with programs.Then we have discussed about arrays with programs.Then we have discussed about functions with programs.After that we have discussed pointers by using programs.Then we have discussed about structures by using programs.And then finally we have concluded our course.So the basics of C programming language we tried to cover in this course.When we start to learn any programming language then understanding the concept is the first thing. But after that most important thing is to apply the learned concept in programming. So for every concept in C language we have a respective program to understand the concept better."
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Forex Uygulanabilir Teknik Analiz Stratejileri" |
"Bir oumuz finansal zgrln ne kadar deerli olduunu biliriz.Ancak ben bu kavram zerinde durmayacam.Daha ufku geni bir kavram , Sermaye bytebilme zgrl !Eer yaptnz ie deer katarsanz bu sizin iin ok kolay olacaktr.Deer bilgi ile ,bilgi ise eitim ile olur.Trev piyasalarda ,Bilgisiz bir insann milyon dolarlar ptr ve inann hi bir deeri yoktur.Uzman bir tradern ise 1000 dolar ne kadar deerli hale getirebildiini inann tahmin bile edemezsiniz.Yani gerek yatrm ncelikle bilginiz iin yapn , Kaliteli bir finansal eitimin karln nakit veya yzde hesaplamalaryla lemezsiniz , nk yaptnz yatrmn karln mrnz boyunca alrsnz.Forex piyasas oyun yeri veya hafife alnabilecek bir piyasa deildir.Olduka riskli ve tehlikeli bir piyasadr.Bu ciddiyeti gz nne almal ve piyasaya saygl olmalyz.Benim bu eitimi oluturmaktaki amacm bir nebze fayda salamak ve deer katmaktr.Elimden geldii kadar cretsiz kaynaklarda olmayan bilgiler vermeye alstm.Kaytlar bitirdiinizde elinizde ayr uygulanabilir ynteminiz teknik analiz kitab okuyup oluturulmu deil,Basit,gerek,etkili,kaliteli ve denenmi yntemlerdir.Bu eitim vaat iermez , anlatr ve kantlar. Temennim beklentinizi karlayabilmek ve kaliteli zaman geirebilmenizi salamaktr.Baar ve motivasyonu fazla uzanzda aramamanz dileiyle. Hoakaln .Hibir zafer ama deildir,Zafer ancak kendisinden daha byk bir amac elde etmek iin belli bal bir vastadr. Mustafa Kemal Atatrk"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |