Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Salesforce Admin Cert 201 Training in Lightning" |
"This course teaches the ins and outs of Salesforce Lightning. By the end of the course you should possess enough knowledge to pass the Salesforce Admin Certification 201 examination. There are several quizzes and three tests to help you retain what you learn. All the notes for this course are also provided to you."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn UI Design: Quickly create an On-boarding Web App" |
"We will be going over the steps of designing a simple on-boarding process for a web application and how to make it fun and interesting to keep potential users clicking onward. Once they land on your dashboard design they will be hooked. We will start with a simple horizontal navigation design with simple components. We will use the basic grid system to align text, and flush out a few sign-up, onboarding pages with swappable icons. The final design will be a quick but solid dashboard design. After the design is complete we will tie the pages together to create a simple but usable clickable prototype to share with a potential client.This class is geared towards people that have working knowledge of InVision, XD, or sketch and wanting to try out Figma. Figma is a strong, fast and free browser based UI design application that has incredible strengths in components (symbols), responsive web behavior, and co-working.The skills you will learn in this class are important and will create a foundation for you to build and grow your UI design skills quickly and in an organized and easy to use manner.LESSON BREAKDOWN1. Basics of the app, a list of the pages and designs we will be tackling and what you will come away with in skills and product.2. Setting up the workspace and Splash page with size, spacing, grid, typography, and color. Setting up your first component and Form Elements. Creating component buttons with states.3. Setting up an on-boarding template with component navigation. Vertical and Horizontal navigation help frame the 8 quick pages we will create for the on-boarding area.4. The last page we will tackle is the dashboard. Through the build of this page we will create overview cards, a tab menu, and a table with easy to edit details. This video focuses on the card area at the top.5. Dashboard page lesson focusing on the table components at the bottom of the page.6. This lesson focuses on how to quickly grab design from the dashboard to showcase it subtly on your initial splash page.7. When the design is done and its time to show off to the client, we create a working click-through prototype.** Don't forget to post your class projects to the chat! Happy designing!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Icon Design with the golden ratio." |
"Want your icons to look great and feel like they go together? Join award winning designer Brian White as he walks you through his process to quickly create professional icon sets that match and work as a system. By taking the guess work out of spacing and sizing this class will show you how to quickly create usable icon sets. Come along and see how Brian creates a simple rotation icon with similar spacing to a heart as well as a more detailed icon, the book. Lastly take a sneak peek into the deconstruction of a more advanced organic shape icon, the fire.This class is for both beginners getting started in illustrator and Intermediate students wanting to gain tips and tricks for quickly speeding up their icon spacing and building process.---What this class tackles:1. Setup of a golden ratio spacing ruler and menu to quickly use for spacing and elements for your icons.2. How to build a precise heart icon using the golden ratio method.3. How to build a rotation icon using the golden ratio method. How to watch for consistent spacing in your family icon set.4. How to build a book icon using the golden ratio method.5. Deconstructing a fire icon and utilizing the golden ration curves for more organic icons.Build your own icon and share it with the group! I'd love it if you can show what ratio spacing you used and how you came about your icons.---Want to jump into more organic shapes and build an advanced 9 icon set for a brand? Join Brian as he takes the advanced class (coming soon) into more advanced spacing with the golden ratio and brings sketches to polished icons.---ResourcesConnect with Brian on his website, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Figma Bootcamp 1: Learn UI Design" |
"Give yourself an edge in the UI design world by learning the basics of components and how they can help your interactive design. Quickly create components (like symbols) in Figma that work for you by stretching for responsive design, build easy compositions, and edit on the fly. This class walks through the entire system of components, and how each are built in a step by step process. This class also goes deep into how to use components to speed up your User Interface Design process and easily create different variations of the same component. By breaking each component down into separate videos, you can quickly jump to components that you need help with and not get overwhelmed. This Figma beginner class will give you the tools to launch your User Interface Career.This class dives into these breakout sessions:Menu Components and setup.Form Components and how to build master form components.Client Changes - quickly shift design by editing master components.Buttons - master responsive button components and secondary buttons with different states.Floating Menu - We change the original menu and build a floating menu.Button With Icons - building buttons with multiple icons and active states (social media buttons).Selection components - radio buttons and check boxes with active states. Tab components - using responsive components to easily add new tabs and show the active state.Tables - Using components to speed up your design build and dynamically change the content. Block-quote callout - How to make a block-quote design with three different areas and how to make it responsive to the content. Pricing tables - Using 1 component to build out a quick 3 column pricing table that shifts to your design.---ResourcesConnect with Brian on his website, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vector Illustration 1: Drawing Dogs & Animals" |
"Learn how to quickly draw dog portraits in illustrator using only a mouse and pen tool. Learn techniques to break up a portrait into visible color patterns to create depth yet keeping a simplistic style. Use the pen tool to snap, cut, and quickly flush out your portrait.This class dives right into:1. How to setup the file to make it easy on you. Live look at dog vector illustrations, how they are built, and getting a sense of style and detail. Also we take a look at other illustrations I have done.2. Drawing the nose - it's a focal point!3. Drawing the eyes to have soul. Last part of video has a speed build to watch for.4. Drawing an ear with punch techniques and detailed areas using the pathfinder tool.5. (speed) Drawing the mouth - how much slobber do you really need?6. (speed) Drawing the fur. I've sped up this group of videos so it's fun and fast to watch but also gives you the tips and tricks during the process.6. (speed) Drawing the fur... you get it - lot's of fur.7. Final - Dropping the illustration into a live working packaging project for real life results!8. (speed) EXTRA VIDEO: Speed build for fun to watch on a darker colored dog.---If you want to stay up to date on my newest classes, please click on Follow below. I also share resources and am starting to run contests, and my followers are the first to hear about these opportunities!---ResourcesConnect with Brian on his website, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
fiveblackthreewhite |
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Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Investing & trading in financial stock markets with etoro" |
"An eToro guide: Investing without experience is possible by copying an expert with a single click. This platform, registered in London and regulated in Europe gives you the opportunity to connect with other investors, discuss strategies and use the eToro CopyTrader and CopyPortafolio technologies. This is a social network of Investors, people who want to earn more than they would in the traditional banking system.A guide to obtain spectacular profits through the most innovative and disruptive financial platform.eToro has more than 9 million users. It operates in 140 different countries with a total of 16 languages.It manages these 3 concepts that are changing the world of finance:SocialTrading, CopyTrader and CopyPortafolioTrade like a professional.Social Trading platforms allow you to CopyPortfolios and Learn from experts.The platform has a virtual account of 100 thousand USD, 100% functional and free to learn without risk. You can learn and make mistakes without the worries of actually losing any money.This guide will allow millions of people to learn how to use a platform that may bring them earnings they could have never dreamed of. It begins with a practical exercise to implement the virtual account."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso Flash Completo - Iniciante ao Avanado" |
"Neste curso, voc vai aprender a criar Banners Animados em Flash , Banners muito profissionais e ficar totalmente preparado j para entrar em qualquer empresa de designer . A vantagem de fazer o nosso curso, que tem um contedo muito profissional, o mais completo do mercado com muitas vdeo aulas. Voc ter em todas as aulas, exerccios para baixar e fazer de todas as aulas que assistir, e tambm ter a possibilidade de ter aulas particulares totalmente gratuitas todos os dias da semana das 8hs at as 22hs. Aproveite essa grande oportunidade e venha se juntar conosco !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso Animate CC Completo 2018" |
"O curso de Animate CC 2018 contm 137 Vdeo aulas, sendo o curso mais completo de animao do mercado, aonde o aluno ir aprender a trabalhar com o animate para desenvolver animaes. Voc ir aprender todos os recursos do Animate, todas as ferramentas existentes no animate, que uma continuao do flash, e o software mais utilizado atualmente para desenvolvimento de animaes em geral. Contedo do Curso :* Conhecendo as Ferramentas* Primeiras Animaes* Animaes com Filtros* Animaes de Piscar* Animaes de Rotao* Animaes com Guias* Animaes com Mscaras* Animaes dentro do Filme* Botes* Animaes dentro do Boto* Animaes em 3D* Criao de 10 Banners Todos Editveis Neste curso voc vai criar junto comigo 10 banners todos editveis, prontos para voc vender para a empresa que voc quiser, todos profissionais com o melhor design de mercado.Adquira j o curso e usufrua do melhor curso de animao"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso Photoshop 2020 Iniciante ao Avanado Completo" |
"Este curso vai te capacitar para trabalhar com tratamento de imagens e conhecimento de todas as melhores tcnicas do Adobe Photoshop CC 2020Voc vai ganhar um curso de Tcnicas avanadas no final do curso aonde voc vai conhecer as melhores tcnicas de tratamentos de imagem com um curso totalmente grtis de especializao do PhotoshopEste curso totalmente em Portugus para voc aprender perfeitamente todos os detalhes do Photoshop CC 2020 um Curso totalmente atualizado aonde voc vai conhecer todas as funcionalidades do Software mais cobiado do mundo.Voc ter Aulas Sobre :* Apresentao da Interface* Conhecimento de Todas as Ferramentas, como elas funcionam, e aonde utilizar todas elas na criao dos seus projetos* Teclas de Atalho do Photoshop CC 2020* 15 Aulas de Tratamento de Imagens* Conhecimento de Todos os Filtros, como aplicar cada um deles nos seus projetos.* Voc ter 16 aulas s de seleo e vai conhecer todas as ferramentas de Seleo e a nova ferramenta super inteligente do Photoshop de Seleo que reconhece automaticamente o objeto a ser selecionado na imagem.* Vai conhecer o que Camada e entender como trabalhar e criar os seus projetos com quantas camadas voc quiser* Vai Trabalhar com Mscaras, vai entender para que serve, como que funciona e a sua importncia na criao dos projetos no Photoshop * Ter um curso de Bnus de Tcnicas avanadas do Photoshop CC 2020 completo aonde vai te preparar para qualquer prova da Adobe"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Design Grfico - Photoshop - Corel Draw - Animate - 6 Cursos" |
" CURSO PHOTOSHOP CC 2020No Curso de Photoshop CC 2020 o mais atual do Mercado com todas as ferramentas novasO aluno aprender como criar e editar imagens incrveis.Criar logos, ilustraes avanadas.Editorao de livros e revistas em modo profissional.Ter conhecimento de todas as FerramentasConhecimento de todas as melhores Tcnicas do Photoshop CC 2020Vai fazer panfletos para festasConhecer tudo sobre CamadasVai aprender a fazer tratamentos de imagens conhecendo todos os recursosConhecimento total do Camera RawMscaras - Vai conhecer tudo sobre mscarasSelees - Vai conhecer todas as formas e maneiras de se criar selees perfeitasCarimbo - Esta ferramenta incrvel de edio de imagemFiltros - vai conhecer todos os filtros do Photoshop sem excesso e vai praticar aulas incrveis com cada filtro Todos os tratamentos de Imagens existentes no Photoshop CC 2020 voc vai aprender. CURSO DE TCNICAS AVANADAS DO PHOTOSHOP1. Tcnica de Tirar 2 Mulheres da Imagem2. Tcnica de Distoro de Marionete3. Tcnica de Distoro de Marionete em GIF4. Apresentao em PDF5. Conhecendo tudo sobre formas Personalizadas6. Como criar uma forma Personalizada7. Como criar um Reflexo Profissional8. Criando Filtros Inteligentes9. Tcnica de Deformao da Imagem10. Escalonando a Largura e a Altura da Imagem sem distorcer a imagem11. Tcnica de tirar o Amarelado da Imagem12. Tcnica de Alinhar a imagem fazendo um Preenchimento de Contedo13. Tcnica de Efeito Cartoon14. Tcnica de Efeito Splash15. Tcnica de Colocar uma Paisagem dentro de uma Garrafa16. Tcnica de criao de um bule de laranja17. Tcnica de Recorte de Cabelo Perfeito18. Tcnica de Efeito de Iluminao no Texto19. Tcnica de Efeito Fractal20. Tcnica de Efeito WaterColor21. Tcnica de Slide Facial22. Tcnica de Transformar a imagem em desenho a Lpis23. Tcnica de Retrato de Fumaa24. Tcnica de Efeito de Multiplicao25. Tcnica de Efeito Grafite26. Tcnica de Rachadura na Pele27. Tcnica de Transformao Livre28. Tcnica de Efeito de Vidro Quebrado29. Vai criar 3 artes junto comigo um curso com o melhor contedo do Mercado Nacional e suporte ao aluno 24hs todos os dias da semana com 3 professores online o tempo todo, para tirar todas as suas dvidas quando precisar. CURSO DE COREL DRAWDominar os recursos e ferramentas do CorelDraw de maneira profissional, para se trabalhar como design grfico, na produo de impressos, ilustraes, desenhos tcnicos, logomarcas, desenhos de moda, estampas e todo tipo de material publicitrio.Formao Profissional em Corel DrawA abordagem aprofundada do curso entrega ao estudante conhecimentos e tcnicas de formao profissional no uso do CorelDraw como ferramenta principal de design e editorao.Aps o estudo e aplicao dos exerccios propostos neste curso, voc estar apto a desenvolver qualquer tipo de desenho grfico, do mais simples ao mais elaborado, alm de aprender a lidar com recursos avanados de editorao eletrnica empregados na produo de cartes, folders, livros e revistas. Por exemplo, voc vai aprender tudo sobre o uso correto das cores em projetos impressos e internet, tambm vai aprender a finalizar corretamente um projeto para posterior envio grfica ou bureau de servio.Vai aprender a lidar com reviso automtica de textos, trabalhar com gerenciamento de paletas de cores, otimizar recursos em grandes projetos com o uso de gerenciamento de objetos e uso de vnculos. Tambm vai aprender sobre o uso de estilos e harmonizao de cores, compreender aplicao e comportamento de efeitos aplicados a ilustraes vetoriais e fotografias.Este Curso voc tambm ganha um contedo de Tcnicas Avanadas, aonde voc vai criar junto comigo cartes de visitas, Logotipos entre muitas outras artes incrveis. Ento esse curso de Corel Draw 2 em 1 com esse contedo adicional de Tcnicas AvanadasContedo Super CompletoEste curso inclui o aprendizado bsico, intermedirio e segue at o nvel avanado (especialista). Possui uma abordagem completa e minuciosa de praticamente todas as ferramentas e recursos disponveis no Corel Draw. No por acaso que se chama Curso Profissional de Corel Draw.Alm de detalhar recursos e ferramentas, possui exerccios prticos especialmente elaborados para atender a uma demanda mais apurada de conhecimento e aplicaes do software. At mesmo os recursos mais complexos, envolvendo impresso e separao de cores e o uso apropriado das ferramentas Mdias Artstica, Extruso e Mistura so ensinados passo a passo em e detalhes.Didtica para o Aprendizado RpidoCom este curso voc vai aprender a utilizar o Corel Draw e domin-lo em tempo recorde. Trata-se portanto de um curso altamente objetivo, com uma abordagem direta, dinmica e prtica de praticamente todos os recursos e ferramentas disponveis no Corel Draw.Dedique Apenas 1 hors de estudo por dia e conclua o curso em 2 meses ou menos (tempo mdio estipulado para a visualizao das vdeo aulas, tempo extra de estudo e experimentos, e a execuo dos exerccios propostos). CURSO DE TCNICAS AVANADAS DO COREL DRAW1. Tcnica Efeito de Texto Avanado2. Tcnicas de Manipulao de Imagens no Corel Draw3. Tcnica Como Vetorizar Profissionalmente uma Imagem4. Como criar uma Logo5. Como criar uma Camiseta no Corel6. Tcnica de Como Vetorizar sua foto no Corel7. Tcnica Transformar fotos em uma imagem de caricatura8. Tcnica de Como criar uma desintegrao no Corel9. Tcnica de Efeitos de Fontes no Corel 10. Tcnica de Efeitos 3D11. Tcnica de Efeitos de Chanfrura12. Tcnica de Efeitos de Iluminao13. Tcnica de Efeito Neon14. Criao de Logotipos no Corel15. Tcnica de Efeito Black16. Tcnica de Efeito Metal Biselado17. Tcnica de Efeito Neon Inteligente18. Tcnica de Tipografia no Corel Draw19. Tcnica de Efeito Creative CURSO ANIMATE CC 2019Veja o que voc vai aprender no Curso de Animate CC 2019O curso de Animate CC 2019 contm 137 Vdeo aulas, sendo o curso mais completo de animao do mercado, aonde o aluno ir aprender a trabalhar com o animate para desenvolver animaes. Voc ir aprender todos os recursos do Animate, todas as ferramentas existentes no animate, que uma continuao do flash, e o software mais utilizado atualmente para desenvolvimento de animaes em geral.Contedo do Curso :* Conhecendo as Ferramentas* Primeiras Animaes* Animaes com Filtros* Animaes de Piscar* Animaes de Rotao* Animaes com Guias* Animaes com Mscaras* Animaes dentro do Filme* Botes* Animaes dentro do Boto* Animaes em 3D* Recursos Avanados da Linha do Tempo* Recursos de Acelerao das Imagens* Ferramenta Bone* Desenvolvimento de Animaes em Geral CURSO DE CRIAO DE BANNERS* Criao de 10 Banners Todos EditveisNeste curso voc vai criar junto comigo 10 banners todos editveis, prontos para voc vender para a empresa que voc quiser, todos profissionais com o melhor design de mercado.Adquira j o curso e usufrua do melhor curso de animao"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo del Autoestima" |
"En el curso, Desarrollo de la Autoestima o ""Aprende a amarte"", aprenders que la persona ms importante en tu vida eres t, nunca ests solo, siempre estas en compaa de ti, en este sentido es que cobra relevancia amarte, respetarte, valorarte, protegerte, apoyarte, tratarte con empata y comprensin. No dejes postrada tu mirada en el mundo exterior, siempre retorna tu mirada a tu mundo interior, para permanecer vinculado y conectado a tus sentimientos, emociones y pensamientos, de esta forma logrars siempre tener conocimiento de ti. Esto contribuye a que ante las diversas problemticas o situaciones que experimentes sepas con que recursos y herramientas cuentas para dar soluciones. Tus decisiones sern avaladas por el amor que te mereces evitando as caminos que te quiten tu paz interior."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"How to Advance Your Career Quickly" |
"There are rules to finding and getting a job. In this course, you'll learn what rules to follow, and which rules to break. In this set of lessons, you'll have access to Larry Sharpe's expertise as a corporate trainer. If you're looking to advance your career path, or trying to find a new job, then this course is for you.Advance to the next level in your career path, get a pay raise, or find a new job altogether. Whatever your career goal, this course will help you get there. Larry will show you how to discover new opportunities while using your time efficiently, rather than wasting time on activities that don't produce results. After the tremendous hit to the world and US economy that resulted from government lockdowns intended to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, people many people lost their jobs and businesses. This course will help you to recover from the pandemic lockdown, with simple, actionable steps that produce results. Not only will you get your income back, but you'll be on track to find a job that you love. Get ahead of the curve. Your resume will stand out from everybody else's, and you'll get more interviews. When you do go on an interview, you'll have a better sense of what things to focus on, and which things to steer away from."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Leadership Skills and Management Training" |
"Some people are born leaders. Most of us aren't. This course will help you to become the best leader you can be, whether you're a corporate CEO, or the manager of a small team. In it, Larry Sharpe draws from over 15 years of executive leadership training to help you to get sustainable results with your team.Leadership requires a thoughtful understanding of your team, communicating well, and performing the the actions required for your group or organization to maximize its success. Are you ready to step up and be the change that your company or team needs? If so, then this course is for you.Learn how to communicate best with people with different personality-types at all levels, and then execute with the proper motivational techniques to hold your team accountable for results, while also being mindful of factors that impact overall sentiment within your cohort. Work with leaders, managers, and others as you explore your leadership journey, honing your charisma and trust to create loyalty among those who work with you. Your team will do more with less, and theyll do it better.Topics IncludeMindsetPerformance ManagementDecision MakingTeam BuildingDelegationConflict ManagementPlanningTime Management"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sales Training & Business Development Strategies" |
"In this course, Larry Sharpe will teach you how to sell, including what to say, what to ask, and how best to generate the most qualified leads for your business. Larry has been coaching sales executives for over 15 years, and now you can have access to his expert sales advice.Business development is an important skill for all people, whether you're selling a product or service direct to your customers, selling yourself in a job interview, or selling an idea to your team.In just a few hours, you'll know more about selling than most professional sales people, and you'll have the right tools to increase your selling, and earning potential. Larry will teach you everything from how to sell, to how to get leads, and how to get quality referrals. He'll even walk you through what NOT to do, before and after you've closed a deal.Watch the introductory video before deciding. Larry Sharpe is one of the most engaging instructors in his field. He'll hold your interest while he explains complex ideas using language that almost anyone can understand. Your team will have better close rates, higher price points, and shorter sales cycles.Topics IncludeProspectingNetworkingUp-sellingPitchingClosingNegotiating"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SMB Sales & Network Marketing, MLM Growth Secrets Online" |
"If you're ready to start your small or mid-sized business, but don't have time or capital to invest in an MBA, then this course is for you. You'll get a strong foundation in creating a successful brand, and you'll also get training on actually making money with a network marketing company. Larry Sharpe draws from over 15 years of executive leadership training to help you to get sustainable results with your small business or network marketing group.The greatest challenge you will face when starting your own business, whether it's a traditional SMB, or an MLM business, is taking that first step. But, it's not enough. You need to know in which direction that step should be taken. Step in the wrong direction, and you could face disaster.This course is not like most courses on entrepreneurship. Larry Sharpe gives you a foundation in business essentials, and then layers on the do's and don'ts of network marketing."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Raise it Right - Startup Fundraising 101 for Entrepreneurs" |
"Startup Fundraising Masterclass - A comprehensive course to help you raise capital for your startup.This course is designed and taught by esteemed entrepreneur and author (First Money In, 2019), Julien Meyer. As a 3x tech founder now highly regarded as the top VC & Startup Consultant in the US (UpWork), Julien has helped entrepreneurs raise over $20mm in early stage capital in the last 12 months alone. For the first time ever, he's sharing his knowledge exclusively on Udemy to help entrepreneurs access this information and improve their likelihood of raising money for their startups. This program is officially called the ""Raise It Right"" program and can help entrepreneurs seeking to raise anywhere from $10k - $5mm in understanding every necessary step to raising a round of funding. #startup #entrepreneur #business #funding #fundraising"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate ServiceNow Security Operations Course" |
"Welcome to the Ultimate ServiceNow Security Operations course! Within this course you will learn how to use and begin to configure Vulnerability Response, Security Incident Response, and Threat Intelligence applications. You will also learn how to configure various security tools with ServiceNow. If you do not have a ServiceNow instance to practice on then don't worry, we will walk you through the steps to get your own FREE ServiceNow Developers instance. This course was made using the Madrid version of ServiceNow, but a lot of the features and items we discuss are also available on Kingston and London."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Email Security on a Budget" |
"In this course you will learn how to protect your business and users from phishing emails. You will learn how to identify different phishing emails, how they are built, and how to test your users for phishing awareness. Phishing attacks are the number one way that hackers will try to gain access to your network. This course will help you prevent hackers from gaining access to your network via phishing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Integrao ao Mercado de Forex" |
"A OGE Index Fx preparou um curso rpido e prtico para voc iniciar no mercado de Forex e j comear a lucrar!Quem pode se inscrever no curso?Curso para todos aqueles que gostariam de entrar no mundo dinmico do mercado Forex. Atravs deste curso, voc ir aprender a base para entrar no mercado de forex de maneira rpida, fcil e inteligente.Como funciona o curso?Sero mais de 6 horas de aulas gravadas e disponibilizadas atravs da plataforma hotmart.Vou ter acompanhamento aps o curso?Sim, a OGE Index Fx dar todo o suporte para tirar dvidas em relao ao curso atravs dos seus canais de suporte."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Creating With Joy" |
"This course is designed for students to completely heal anxiety through aligning with the truth within- that they are love and come from love. We objectively look at fears through meditations, journaling, and affirmations in this course. Balance the feminine receiving and nurturing energies and masculine forces of action through this series. So excited to work with you!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript Full Course - Beginner to Expert" |
"If you are new to JavaScript or Want to explore your existing JavaScript knowledge, you are in the right place to move ahead.I assure you that you must like my videos and it'll give you professional experience of learning because I am an IT guy and as a developer I better know how the things are to be used in real-world application. So I have made the course content accordingly.Complete JavaScript Tutorial with Step by Step instruction and detailed examples. You can find that in my video I have used real-world example and tried to explain every chapter with multiple examples.The main benefit of my course is that I have used and selected a example which cover the previous learned chapters. So you can easily understand and keep everything in your mind till reach the end of the course. So there is no chance that you learn a chapter Array and there is no anything related to it in next chapter. We'll use the previous learned modules to next exercise. At the end of the course you can find a Bonus project of To-Do List application which has covered many things which you really needs to use in your real-time projects. In my opinion, JavaScript is not hard friends. I can also assure you that once you complete my course, you ven feel the same. So, what are you waiting for? Please click on ""Enroll Now"" and get started. It's totally free. To become a successful developer, only watching will not make you master, you have to do the practice of each section from your side and move to the next chapter with your practice. If you do practice same time after complete the lecture, it'll easy for you to move ahead and helps to make you maser in JavaScript."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"""BLACK HONEY"" Estrategia de SCALPING para el DAX" |
"En este curso aprenders cmo configurar y trabajar con mi estrategia de Scalping que llam ""Black Honey"".La estrategia es para un nivel avanzado de trading intradiario, con buen conocimiento de su psicologa, y muy buen control emocional. Esto no quiere decir que el curso no lo pueda hacer todo el mundo, pero al principio necesitars practicar mucho.En el curso te encontrars:Que es el Scalping? (Presentacion Gratuito).Como se configurar mi estrategia de Scalping en la plataforma FXCM.Teora y aplicacin de la estrategia.Money management (Fundamental para cualquier estrategia)Configuracin del modelo de ejecucin de rdenes.Videos de operativa en diferentes situaciones de los mercados.**Los videos son comentados en Espaol, y subtitulados en Ingls** **All videos are commented in Spanish and subtitled in English**** ( Yo trabajo con FXCM (Trading Station), pero si no puedes configurar la estrategia en tu plataforma, tendrs que buscar un programador que te lo haga, a veces el mismo broker te lo puede configurar o bien en Fiverr por 5 o 10 dolares te lo pueden hacer, si buscas MT4 customizer indicators.)"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"""BLITZKRIEG"" Estrategia de SWING TRADING para FOREX." |
"En este curso aprenders como configurar mi estrategia de ""Swing Trading"" para utilizar en Forex o bien en otros activos.La estrategia esta basada para trabajar en grficos de 5 minutos, y se puede aplicar en otros activos, pero principalmente est pensada para el mercado Forex.En las secciones de vdeos aprenders:*SECCIN 1* **ESTRATEGIA ORIGINAL**Que es el ""Swing Trading"" (Gratuito).Cmo configurar la estrategia de Swing Trading para Forex con FXCM.Teora y funcionamiento de la estrategia.Money Management.Aplicacin y operativa de la estrategia de Swing Trading, con Gbp/Jpy Aplicacin y operativa de la estrategia de Swing Trading con el par Eur/Usd.*SECCIN 2 EXTRA* **ESTRATEGIA PARA OTRAS PLATAFORMAS**Cmo configurar la estrategia para poder trabajar con otras plataformas.Buscar oportunidades de compra o de venta.(variacin a la estrategia original).Aplicacin y operativa de la estrategia de Swing Trading con el par Usd/Cad.*SECCIN 3* **SUPLEMENTOS DE LA ESTRATEGIA**Suplementos de la Estrategia de Swing Trading para Forex.*SECCIN 4* **PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS DE ESTUDIANTES**Preguntas & respuestas de estudiantes en Vdeo.El curso est pensado para todo el mundo que quiera aprender una estrategia de ""Swing Trading"" pero si no tienes ningn conocimiento de los mercados financieros, te recomiendo que antes te formes un poco. En mi opinin, es un curso asequible para gente que tenga un nivel intermedio de Trading, y busque una manera disciplinada de trabajar.*SECCIN 2 EXTRA* En esta seccin encontrarn una variante de la estrategia original. Esta variante est pensada para las persona que no quieran utilizar FXCM ""Trading Station"", y quieran utilizar otras plataformas como ""MT4"" o quizs ""TradingView"" o otras... aun as, los estudiantes que utilizan FXCM podrn utilizar los dos mtodos que enseo en el curso.** Todos los vdeos son comentados en Espaol, y subtitulados en Ingls.**** All videos are commented in Spanish and subtitled in English**"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Cmo utilizar el indicador MACD en el SWING TRADING" |
"Este curso est pensado para gente que quiere aprender a utilizar el indicador MACD y incluirlo es su operativa, creando estrategias de Swing Trading y como concepto principal basadas en este indicador, un indicador tanto verstil como fcil de utilizar, y que nos va ayudar a tomar decisiones de compra o venta en los mercados.Si no saben lo que es un Swing, pueden ver el video gratuito de Estrategia de Swing Trading ""Blitzkrieg"" para Forex, donde explico lo que es.En este curso encontrars:Definicin del Oscilador MACD ""video gratuito""Configuracin del MACD y aadir parmetros en 15 minutos.Estrategia terica para utilizar el Oscilador MACD en tendencias Alcistas y Bajistas.Money Management (Fundamental para operar en los mercados)Operativa Swing Trading con el MACD con el par AUD/USD en un grfico de 15 minutos.Operativa Swing Trading con el MACD con el par USD/CAD en un grfico de 15 minutos.El curso est pensado para todos los niveles, pero pongo nivel intermedio, porque es mejor tener algo de base mnima.**Las personas que hayan hecho el curso ""Estrategia de Swing Trading ""Blitzkrieg"""" pueden aplicar la teora del indicador MACD, en la estrategia para tener puntos de entrada o de salida ms concretos."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Project Management for Beginners" |
"This is a structured project management course which covers all aspects of project management in a simple and easy to understand language. The course contains numerous examples and has PDF attachments that you can download to create your project documents. Whether you have done project management before or are new to project management this course will consolidate your knowledge of project management."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Conditioning, Strengthening and Relaxing the Body:Breath Control - 1st be aware these are beginning to heal exercises. Each posture begins with the breath. Spirit Rules - watch and understand; knowing your self. Eyes follow the Hands, Mind on Hands - the hands should be soft, but firm; only hard when you close the fingers to form fist. Always keep eyes on your hands as you move. Lower and Upper Body Coordination - practice the 5 works, which covers the whole body; in stillness and motion. Self Discipline - practice shaping and forming the postures slowly; only using speed and momentum as you advance and remember."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Problem Analysis Tools and Techniques" |
"This short course teaches essential elements of problem analysis. It is ideal for anyone who wants to become better at analysing and solving problems. Every job includes the need to solve problems and the better you are at this, the sooner you will be promoted. The course starts with an introduction to Root Cause Analysis. It then covers seven different problem analysis tools which are practical and easy to use. You will learn how and when to use each tool. There is also a review of how to facilitate a team meeting to use one of these techniques as a group activity. The course is not long-winded and theoretical. It is down to earth and practical for busy people who want to learn techniques they can put into immediate use.The course teaches seven separate Problem Analysis Tools: Fishbone Diagram, Five Whys, Why, Why?, Lotus Blossom, Six Serving Men, Inverse Brainstorm and Pre-Mortem.Learn how to discover the fundamental causal factors for complex problems. Advance your career by becoming a better problem solver.The techniques you learn can be used by you as an individual or with a group. They apply in all types of business and also in other walks of life. They are useful skills that you will continue to use as you progress."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"An 11 Step Plan to get you a Great Job" |
"Many people who are looking for their next job do not know how to present themselves to best effect nor how to find the best openings. This course takes you through 11 essential steps which will address all the key issues you need to secure a great new job.It includes - How to set yourself objectives. Identifying your transferable skills. What is a TMAY and when to use it? How to prepare a CV (or resume) which gets you interviews. How to use face to face and internet networking. Getting the most out of Linkedin. How to prepare for interview and how to shine at interview. Great questions to ask at interview. How to stay focused. Common mistakes and how to avoid them.Looking for a job is a job. You need objectives. You need a plan and you need to work that plan. This course helps you to set your goals and it lays out the steps you need to achieve them. This is a proven path which has led to interviews and job offers for many job seekers. Take your first step to getting a great new position by enrolling on this course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Brainstorm Techniques" |
"Unlock the creativity in you and your team by learning how to run really effective brainstorms, ideation sessions and ideas meetings. This course takes you beyond basic brainstorming into powerful methods which displace people out of their comfort zones and enable them to generate many radical ideas. You learn how to evaluate and refine the initial ideas so as to select a handful of winning ideas to implement.The course steps you through the structure of a successful brainstorm by explaining how and when you use divergent thinking and convergent thinking. It includes 12 brainstorming tools which are proven to deliver great ideas. It shows how you select the best ideas. It includes the remarkable How? Wow! Now! method for voting on ideas. Although it is primarily focussed on group activities, the course contains methods which you can use on your own to boost your personal creativity.When you complete this course you will be able to run highly effective brainstorms which deliver actionable results for your team, your department and your organisation. It will help enable you to drive innovation and advance your career."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Supercharge your Memory" |
"Do you sometimes struggle to remember important items such as names, dates, numbers, facts? Many people do. This can hold you back at work. This concise course shows you how to supercharge your memory and be able to recall vast amounts of important information. It is packed with practical tips, short-cuts and techniques to boost your ability to recall things you have learnt. It includes powerful methods such as memory pegging and the virtual journey. Also covered are mnemonics, mindmaps and visual imagery techniques. It will help you to remember names, places, numbers, passwords, to do lists, - indeed, crucial data and information of all kinds.Your confidence will increase as you display significantly better recall of names, stories, dates, vital facts and statistics. Learn how to associate visual anchors with the items you want to remember thus enabling you to recall the information whenever you want."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |