Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Soil Mechanics" |
"An extensive course for UG Civil students, PG Scholars, Research Professionals, Consultants, and the Professionals from Geotechnical Background. The course covers all the basic learning that will be required to carry out complex Geotechnical works in the allied field.Course Objectives:In this course, the student will be able to understand the various topics and terminologies used in soil mechanics. The course covers relevant topics from Soil Mechanics and gives you an insight on various topics in detail.The course is designed keeping in view the practical aspects/ implementation of the subject concerned. The practical aspects covered in the course will be helpful for the student in running consultancy and boost his/her career prospects in the longer run.Course Outcomes:This course will be helpful for Practicing Engineers, Consultants, Undergraduate and Post Graduate students, Researchers, Industry Specialist, Lab Instructors, and a wide array of Geotechnical Design Engineers. You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDon't Miss Out!Every second you wait is costing you getting access from valuable learning.Dont take my word for it. Check the reviews and see what other students are saying.""Still now very smoothly going. Hope will ends well."" - Ushnish Dutta""thank u"" - Ayman Hashim mahjoub""Excellent teach about the subject"" - Devananth""Wonderful teaching sir.the way of teching is very good."" - Binay kumar""good"" - Vishal Gautam""I am about to complete the first section of the lecture series but already love his style of teaching. I don't think I have ever seen anyone explain these concepts in such an easy manner while illustrating the concepts through examples. I'll be giving a more detailed review when I finish the entire course."" - Ajay Naithwal""Good"" - Harsh Prakashchandra TiwariI guarantee this is the most up-to-date and engaging course available, and it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.We have a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Earth Pressure Theories (Expert Course)" |
"An extensive course for Earth Pressure theories and covers all the sections one has learned in the Undergraduate and Masters level.Course Objectives:In this course, the learner will get an insight into various terminologies, design methodologies, practical problems faced by a Geotechnical engineer. This course will help learners in applying theoretical knowledge in terms of practical aspects. This course will be helpful for undergraduate and postgraduate students, Research Scholars, Industry Engineers, Consultants, and Practicing Geotechnical Engineers to a wide extent. In this course, the student will be able to understand the various topics and terminologies used in Reinforced Soil Structures. Highlights on Course/ Course Outcomes:The course helps learners in starting their own consultancy in Geotechnical Design. The Retaining wall, Shallow or Deep Foundation, Well foundation, and Machine foundation can be designed after learning this course as it covers basics from scratch.You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDon't Miss Out!Every second you wait is costing you getting access from valuable learning.Dont take my word for it. Check the reviews and see what other students are saying.""The explanation is good and the resources provided in course is beneficial for learning and explain in easy way and details all topic."" - Binay Kumar""It is really awesome. Its is so informative."" - Beegum Fathima""Lectures were fantastic overall, you are an excellent teacher! Your enthusiasm as you teach each lecture really helped and engage me to understand the actual basics of Earth pressure theories. Very engaging and well-organized lectures. Obviously you are an expert in this field, and it was great to be able to learn from you. The information you presented are really relevant for a beginner on earth pressure theories."" - Ajay NaithwalI guarantee this is the most up-to-date and engaging course available, and it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.We have a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Pile Foundation (Expert Course)" |
"An extensive course on Pile foundation covering all the basic learning one has got through the textbooks of Foundation Engineering. The course covers the basic as well as deep learning required by graduates, practicing Geotechnical Engineers and Consultants.Course Objectives and Outcomes:In this course, the student will be able to understand the various topics and terminologies used in Foundation Engineering. This course will be helpful for Practicing Engineers, Consultants, Undergraduate and Post Graduate students, Researchers, Industry Specialist, Lab Instructors, and a wide array of Geotechnical Design Engineers. The course covers relevant topics from Foundation Engineering and gives you an insight on various topics in detail.This course addresses various types of Pile foundation, Classification of Pile Foundation, Pile load capacity in compression, Pile in Granular soils (sand), Piles in Clay, Numericals on Pile Foundation, Group action of Piles, free-standing Pile, Ultimate load capacity of pile group, Pile Group in Sand and clay, Numericals on Pile Group in Sand and clay, Group Efficiency of Piles, Group Settlement Ratio, Settlement of Pile Group in clay, Settlement of Pile Group in Sand, Numericals on Settlement of pile group.The student will be able to design the pile foundation based on theories explained in the course module.You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDon't Miss Out!Every second you wait is costing you getting access from valuable learning.Dont take my word for it. Check the reviews and see what other students are saying.""It is good "". - Vijay Kumar""Excellent Course with very useful videos and materials ......"" - Adinath Palase""Very important information on the subject."" - Jagdish Prasad Sharma""I'm a civil engineer looking to advance my knowledge in civil engineering. Vipin is an incredibly engaging teacher, and is very knowledgeable. I would recommend anyone who is interested in civil engineering to take his courses. All the courses are exceptionally well except MCQ's in civil engineering domain."" - Ajay Naithwal""OK. Reasonable in the summary notes and explanation."" - Divakara Rao""I learn a lot during this course and I am grateful."" - Manish kumar""good"" - Abhishek KumarI guarantee this is the most up-to-date and engaging course available, and it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.We have a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Shallow foundation (Expert Course)" |
"An extensive course designed for civil engineering graduates and higher learning professionals consistently working in the field of foundation design. Course Objectives and Outcomes:In this course, the student will be able to understand the various topics and terminologies used in Foundation Engineering. This course will be helpful for Practicing Engineers, Consultants, Undergraduate and Post Graduate students, Researchers, Industry Specialist, Lab Instructors, and a wide array of Geotechnical Design Engineers. The course covers relevant topics from Foundation Engineering and gives you an insight on various topics in detail.The student will be able to design the shallow foundation using various theories described in the course module.This course is an extensive course for Foundation Engineering (Shallow Foundation). The research areas are covered and explained with the latest practices used by civil engineers for foundation designIntroduction, Basic Terminologies, Assumptions and Derivation of Terzaghi Bearing Capacity Theory, Terzaghi Bearing Capacity Theory, Types of Shallow foundation, Different types of Shear failure, Numericals based on Terzaghi Bearing Capacity, Modification in Terzaghi Bearing Capacity Theory, Water Table Correction factors in Terzaghi Bearing Capacity Theory, Numericals on Water Table correction factors in Terzaghi bearing Capacity theory, Skempton Bearing Capacity for Cohesive Soil, Skempton Proposed value for Nc for different shape and size of footing, Numericals on Skempton theory, Mayerhof approach, Hansen's Recommendations, Vesic Bearing Capacity, IS Code method, Bearing Capacity based on field test, Teng's Formula, SPT Test procedure, SPT Correction, Determination of Net allowable bearing pressure using Peck Hansen equation, Plate Load Test, Procedure for Plate Load Test, Bearing Capacity Calculation, Static Cone Penetration Test, Bearing Capacity of Footing on Layered Soils, Factors affecting Bearing Capacity, Allowable Bearing Capacity, Peck Henson's formula, Teng's formula, IS code method for Raft, Settlement of Foundation, Permissible settlement in Shallow foundation, Numerical problems for a shallow foundation, Flexible footing over Granular Soils, Flexible footing over clayey soils, Rigid footing over Granular Soils, Rigid footing over Clayey Soils.You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDon't Miss Out!Every second you wait is costing you getting access from valuable learning.Dont take my word for it. Check the reviews and see what other students are saying.""The explanation is good and the resources provided in course is beneficial for learning"" - Binay Kumar""very good website, easy to learn and very deep knowledge"" - Mohd KashifuddinI guarantee this is the most up-to-date and engaging course available, and it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.We have a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"IIT Pave and Design of Pavements (Expert Course)" |
"An extensive course designed for civil engineering students, research professionals, consultants, and industrial experts working in the field of pavement design. The course focuses on the implementation of software knowledge (IIT Pave) in the Design of Pavements.Course Objectives and Outcomes:In this course, the student will be able to understand the various topics and terminologies used in pavements (reinforced and unreinforced pavements). This course will be helpful for Practicing Engineers, Consultants, Undergraduate, Post Graduate students, Researchers, Industry Specialist, Lab Instructors, and a wide array of Highway Design Engineers. The course covers relevant topics from Transportation Engineering and gives you an insight on various topics in detail.In this course, the student will be able to understand the various topics and terminologies used in Ground Improvement Techniques.The course covers the basic terminologies, application, and testing procedures of Geosynthetics on various topics in detail.You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadDon't Miss Out!Every second you wait is costing you getting access from valuable learning.Dont take my word for it. Check the reviews and see what other students are saying.""Thank you for your constant encouragement and support sir. You surely deserve a big thanks for everything. Thanks a lot sir for guiding me, inspiring me!Thanks for being my sir and guiding me towards the right path of life"" - Vikramaditya Trivedi""Its amzing and good."" - Vijay Kumar""Your explanation for IITPave was good. The calculation of MSA should have been included in the introduction lecture which would suffice need of any further lectures. Though the lecture is quite audible but background sound needs to be removed."" - Zeeshan Shaikh""The explanation is good and the resources provided in course is beneficial for learning"" - Binay kumar""very nice session"" - Jagan Selva Prabhu""Excellent! Well organized with good quality sound and video."" - Benjamin Soong""good"" - J.EraianbuI guarantee this is the most up-to-date and engaging course available, and it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.We have a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Multiple Choice Questions- Civil Engineering" |
"The practice test covers all the Basics in Civil Engineering (questionnaires) and will be helpful for attending and understanding the basics asked during interviews. The practice test covers all the basic objective questions asked in civil engineering. The practice test is mandatory for all civil engineering graduates.The questionnaires can be helpful for HR in different Industries to assess candidates if he/she possesses sufficient knowledge in the background mentioned above."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
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Price: 79.99 ![]() |
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Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Azrbaycan dilind sfrdan Adobe After Effects Kursu" |
"2D v bzn 3D animasiyalar n istifad olunan proqram After Effects. Biz bu 13 saatlq kursda After Effecti sfrdan balayb, orta sviyylr qdr yrncyik. Kursu hazrlayarkn izlyicilrin proqram biliyinin olmamasn nzr almq. Yni, kursun videolarnda hr bir nmli mvzuya detall formada toxunulub. Bu kursu izlmk n daha vvl hanssa bir proqram biliyin sahib olmanza ehtiyac yoxdur. Kursun daxilind bir ox praktiki drslr var. Biz drslri kerk, sonda ntic olaraq ortaya bir animasiya v yaxud vizual shn xara bilirik. Bunun da kursu izlynlr n faydal tcrb olacana minik. Personaj animasiyas, vizual effektlr, yalan 3D obyektlrin hazrlanmas, cizgi film shnlrind elementlrin qurulmas v simulyasiyalar. Kursda siz ox maraql qsa yollar v taktikar da izah etmim. Bu taktikalar istifad edrk ilrinizi 5 df srtlndir bilrsiniz. Btn bunlar hazrladmz kursda z yerini alb."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Creating The Soul Reaver Sword In ZBrush" |
"Throughout this course, we will be creating the soul reaver sword from the legacy of kain game series and learn some valuable techniques you can use for modelling a sword in ZBrush. You will be able to apply these techniques to create any sword, knife, or dagger for your game, portfolio, or just to model.Boolean techniquesYou will learn to use the ZModeller brush and see how effective it is for hard surfacesLearning to crease smooth edgesPreviewing and using the Dynamic SubdivisionsHow to add textures and materialsGizmo transform toolUsing the Weld toolMasking Techniques"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Easy SEO To Get You Higher In Searches" |
"Throughout this course you will learn the dos and donts of Search Engine Optimization(SEO) while finding out what may be hurting your websites traffic and what you can do about it. We will also go over some useful website plugins and some helpful tools for checking our website and to help us research our keywords. You will learn in this course:Good SEOHow to use SEO tools to help youHow to create maps of your site for search enginesWebsite security"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"RPG Maker For Beginners" |
"Learn how to use any RPG Maker Game Engine in an easy to understand way for beginners to start making their own game without coding. In this course, we will be going over everything you need to create your own game in any RPG Maker. For this course, I will be using RPG Maker MV but all lessons will apply to previous versions of RPG Maker.You can use any version of RPG Maker to follow along as any changes aren't too major however, I will be using the MV version of the Engine for these videos.Throughout this course, some of the things you will learn are:Where and How to download the RPG Maker EngineHow to create and transfer between mapsHow to generate new NPCs and add them to the worldHow to create new items, weapons, skills and classesHow to use switches, variables and common eventsHow to deploy your project"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"RPG Maker From Beginner To Advanced" |
"In RPG Maker From Beginner to Advanced, we will be going over some more advanced things for you to create your own game in any RPG Maker. For this course, I will be using RPG Maker MV however, any version of RPG Maker should work for following along. In this course, you will learnWhere and How to install PluginsHow to import custom assets into your gameHow to create a minimap that tracks your playerHaving locations and other things pop up on your minimap as you playHow to add sky reflections to your waterAdding Footstep SFXHow to use different kinds of plugins and note tagsThis class is best suited to users that have completed the previous course ""RPG Maker For Beginners"" or with a basic knowledge of the software already"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Creating Software In GoDot: Basics" |
"We will be learning how to use the GoDot engine for creating software and go over some coding concepts you may need while developing software inside the engine. For this series I use GoDot 3.1In this class, we are going to create a simple program you can use everyday and you will learnHow to add elements to our UICreate a UI based softwareSend node signals to a scriptLearn how to save and open filesLearn how to create a file extensionHow to customize different nodesHow to create hyperlinksHow to open a URL from the application"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn The GDScript Programming Language" |
"A comprehensive course on the GDScript programming language. This language is a great starting point being easy enough for a new person wanting to learn to program without any of the intimidation! Whether you've never written a line of code before or are looking to learn a brand new language, this course covers all bases!Lessons include:Installation and configurationCommon Programming Concepts and TermsObjects and MethodsStrings, Numbers, BooleansRangesArraysMethodsFunctionsand more!GDScript is a high level, dynamically typed programming language used to create content. It uses a syntax similar to Python (blocks are indent-based and many keywords are similar). Its goal is to be optimized for and tightly integrated with Godot Engine, allowing great flexibility for content creation and integration for software and video game development."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Learn Soomaali Through English" |
"Soo dhawaada bartayaasha (Hello, Welcome learners)The course is structured as follows:Alphabets (vowels and consonants letters)NumbersMore Vocabulary Basic Grammar Conversation and Dialogue We shall focus on enhancing your communication ability. Keeping that in mind, a special section is dedicated to practicing conversation in some likely daily scenarios. Waxaan idinku soo dhaweynayaa safarkan quruxda badan leh (Welcome to this beauitufl journey)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Draft your own Skirt Block or Sloper" |
"Learning to draft a skirt block might seem daunting at first but in this course I've broken down my favourite method into easy to follow, simple steps. You'll learn how to draft a basic skirt block (or sloper if you're not from the UK!) based on your own measurements. As well as this I will also take you through how to measure accurately, trace off your skirt block and add seam allowance. I'll also show you how to recognise and correct some common fit problems that might pop up! Being able to create your own clothing opens up all kinds of possibilities, and learning how to make your own patterns only increases those possibilities to be endless!Once you have your skirt block drafted you're only a few easy steps away from thousands of skirt styles. It's always worth taking your time get the fit on the skirt block as near to perfect as we can, then any patterns that you draft from this block will carry though with that gorgeous fit!This skirt block goes from your natural waist to your knee and has 1 dart on each side of the centre front and 2 darts on each side of the centre back. It's made for a woven, non-stretch fabric. I would recommend toiling/mocking up in something like calico or cotton to begin with. As well as being a perfect starting point for beginner pattern cutters, this class is also suited to more experienced pattern cutters who haven't yet drafted themselves a skirt block. The method of block drafting that I teach is based on the UK author Winifred Aldrich's method that she outlines in her book ""metric pattern cutting for Women's wear"". This method is thoroughly tried and tested on many different body shapes and sizes, which is why it's my favourite method!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate CSWA" |
"SOLIDWORKS CSWA Junior Enginners SOLIDWORKS CSWA CSWP. SOLIDWORKS 2017 . . : SOLIDWORKS 2017 . SOLIDWORKS 2017 2016 . .Welcome Sir,first of all, welcome to the SOLIDWORKS CSWA Exam Preparation course and we hope that it would be helpful to you.this course is presented to you by Junior Enginners and the course instructors are Mohamed Shoman and Mohamed Farid and both of them are SOLIDWORKS CSWA and CSWP certified.this course will help you to pass the CSWA exam in the least possible time with the least possible steps to answer the exam questions by show you how to solve a set of practice parts and assemblies from previous exams starting with the CSWA Sample exam and updating the course regularly with extra practice parts and assemblies.the course in delivered to you in Arabic language on SOLIDWORKS 2017 and You can check the promotional videos of the course to know more about it.Once you enrol as student in this course you will get in the following:A lifetime Access to the course videos and the attached files.A chance to take free students vouchers to pass the exam.Some notes:The Attached Files will work on SOLIDWORKS 2017 or above but you can follow the videos on any SOLIDWORKS versions.if you have a problem with SOLIDWORKS 2017 or your version is 2016 or less , you can contact us for this problem.We hope you a good luck with the course and the exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trilha de Vendas" |
"Um curso extremamente pratico, aonde mostra o passo a passo de um atendimento, aonde possvel criar um Script para o seu negocio, trazendo Padro e aumentando as vendas. Neste curso detalho todos os passos do atendimento, fazendo com que se torne fcil de entender todos os passos, visualizao aonde o seu atendimento esta errado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Medical Coding: ICD-10-CM Essentials" |
"This course will discuss the basics of ICD-10-CM coding as well as provide a chapter-by-chapter look at codes and guidelines. This can be used as a refresher for coders that want to strengthen their skills in ICD-10-CM coding, or to further develop the skills of healthcare professionals!Included are 2.5 hours of slides with instructor video that include demonstrations of how to utilize the ICD-10-CM code book, as well as some animated clips to tie into the material.What youll learn:How to look up and verify an ICD-10-CM codeGuidelines that apply to all 21 chapters of ICD-10-CMSequencing guidelines for medical diagnosesWho this course is for:Medical coders who want to strengthen their ICD-10-CM skillsetHealthcare providers who want to learn how to code medical diagnosesJob seekers looking to get their feet wet in medical codingAnyone interested in learning diagnosis based medical codingICD-10-CM Manual not included. It is strongly encouraged to have a current year ICD-10-CM manual for this course. A free pdf copy of the ICD-10-CM coding manual can be downloaded at the CDC website.This course is an ""essentials"" course and is not intended to be utilized as preparation for any medical coding certification examinations.Prerequistes: Medical Terminology"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Computer Management and Troubleshooting" |
"In this course, you will learn about primary computer components such as system units, monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, speakers, webcams, external hard drives, headsets, and microphones. Also, this course covers common computer connections like PS2, serial, USB, power connections, front panel, video, audio, and network connections. We will discover the components inside a computer like a motherboard, CPU, RAM, and expansion slots. Also, software topics like how to install Microsoft Windows, perform post-installation tasks, setting up drivers, create different types of accounts, installing web browsers, antivirus, disk partitioning, format a hard drive partition, system restore and system image backup in Windows, install/uninstall programs, install or update multiple applications at once, check the hard disk; for errors, scan hard drive for bad sectors, disk defragmentation, clean and speed up computer, recover deleted files, basic networking, basic computer security, basic internet security/privacy, basic data backup, organization and productivity software, data conversion, file compression, troubleshooting a computer using different tools, installing Ubuntu, and basic Linux command.Course ObjectivesBy the end of the course, you will be able to:Identify primary PC components and the various types of external connections.Deal with the main components inside your computer.Install various types of operating systems like Microsoft Windows and Ubuntu Linux.Perform post-installation tasks such as install device drivers and Windows Update.Secure your operating system by installing security programs like antivirus software.Partition a computer hard drives using operating systems built-in features and third-party tools.Scan and fix hard drives for errors using many tools.Create a system restore point and a system image backup for your operating system.Securely download operating systems & software from their official websites and install/uninstall different programs on your computer.Recover deleted data or restore files using many data recovery tools.Clean and speed up your computer by removing junk files, repairing Windows registry, and disable some startup programs.Create local and Microsoft accounts on Windows with standard and administrator types.Create, change, or reset a password for accounts in Microsoft Windows."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Stretch, Strengthening & Posture ex's for shoulders" |
"As a Physical Therapist for over 25 years, I have treated hundreds of shoulder injuries and I would like to share my knowledge with this class. Although shoulder injuries are, unfortunately, very common, they can be complex to effectively treat. Posture, emotional health, trigger points, rotator cuff weakness, poor breathing patterns, and muscle tightness can all play significant roles in shoulder dysfunction and pain. Since no 2 shoulder injuries are alike, I have created 3 levels of exercises and self treatments based on the severity of your shoulder injury. My goal with this class is to not only educate you about your shoulder and help you feel better, but to to help you establish a long-term, sustainable program for continued shoulder health and function."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Character Animator" |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced UAV Photogrammetry Part1 Planning and Execution" |
"Master advanced UAV Photogrammetry flight planning and execution using DroneDeploy, Pix4D Capture, MapPilot, DJI Go4 with the most complete course on the market!Achieve the most accurate results with UAV Photogrammetry on real-world examples.Image acquisition, flight planning, camera settings and GCP (distribution, marking and measuring) are the most important steps in UAV Photogrammetry. Remember that your final results will be only as good as your dataset!This course covers:Photogrammetry theory, Recommended equipment for mapping, Optimal camera settings, Optimal flight parameters,Flight planning and execution with various mission types, GCP distribution, marking and measuring,Tips and tricks,and more!This course is first part of 4 course series Advanced Photogrammetry with Drones. It is for beginner and advanced users.If I had to describe this course series in one sentence, I would say This is exactly the course I wish I had when I first started surveying with UAV Photogrammetry"".Drone Mapping Tutorial"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Advanced UAV Photogrammetry - Part 2 - Pix4D Mapper - 2019" |
"Master UAV Photogrammetry data processing in Pix4D Mapper with the most complete course on the market!Achieve the most accurate results with UAV Photogrammetry on real-world examples.This course covers:Creating a new project,Choosing optimal processing options,Accurate georeferencing using GCPs,GCP marking,Ellipsoid error correctionQuality assessment,Project splitting and merging,Tips and tricksand more!I will show you how to create: point cloud, 3D textured mesh, orthomosaic, DSM, DTM and contour lines using real-world examples from my everyday jobs.This course is second part of 4 course series Advanced UAV photogrammetry. It is for beginner and advanced users.If I had to describe this course series in one sentence, I would say: This is exactly the course I wish I had when I first started surveying with UAV Photogrammetry"".Pix4D Mapper Tutorial"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Swahili for Beginners." |
"Hi, Welcome to the course. This course will not only help you learn how to speak Swahili, but will also teach you how to read it. We will go from constructing basic phrases to complex sentences. You will learn greetings, common phrases, and expressions; among other aspects of the language.If you are planning to visit or work as an expatriate in East Africa and would like to communicate with the locals with ease, this course is for you. Learning Swahili will go a long way to help you go about your day-to-day activities. Furthermore, most people are thrilled to hear visitors attempt to use any Swahili at all. I am so excited and I wish you the best as you begin this amazing journey."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Negotiation techniques" |
"Thirteen practical and easy-to-implement negotiation techniques to get you more of what you want in ANY negotiation at work or outside.For each technique, you get: One bite-size video to learn what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. The objective and logic of the technique. An excerpt of a negotiation in an everyday work situation which illustrates what impact the technique has and what can happen if you dont use the technique. A bonus video where the instructor answers frequently asked questions regarding practical aspects of the technique.All 13 techniques are a game-changer and go straight to the heart of human interactions: they draw your counterparty into collaboration and co-construction, avoiding conflict which is so prevalent in classic negotiation style. Using these techniques leads to a better and durable working relationship with your counterparty.These techniques are a refined compilation from many professionals who negotiate for a living. I have trained thousands from multi-national companies, government institutions and entrepreneurs using these techniques. When asked if the techniques help, all reply invariably that these techniques have got them more of what they wanted in their respective negotiations."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
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Price: 10200.00 ![]() |