Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Sacred Rewiring - 28 Days To A Rewired You" |
"Sacred Rewiring is a course meant to first, heal the parts of you that are preventing you from healing and then teaching you how to rewire your whole being! This is a 28 day program for healing, alignment, and connection with your own ability to heal...that spark of healing life that is already within you and ready to be awakened!Sacred Rewiring is a healing progression of rewiring the current state that you live within, to a sacred embodiment that allows for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing! This program/course is designed to take you from your current state of health, emotional trauma, mental anguish, etc. and recode your mind, body, DNA, spirit, emotions, and operating system, into a divine template! Creation from this point means that you can change all the parts of you that are ready to walk in light!This program is designed for all of the multilayered parts of you to be fully cleared so that your health and vitality can resurface and embrace you. We work in a progressive template that clears layer upon layer of dis-ease, wounding, and all un-truths you and your physical body have come to embody. We work only through Gods love and light and ask that all work be done for your highest and best good with ease and grace.This course was created by two incredible healers who have spent their lives searching for liberation from dis-ease! Susan and Tara come together as an energy coder and alchemical healer, to pair perfect teachings and techniques to use after this course is finished. This in an introductory course where we cover many aspects of why dis-ease shows up and what we can do about those physical issues. We take you through each module with an educational piece, an interactive piece...and an integrative time period afterwards. Once the healings and teaching are completed, we recommend a waiting period before you move on to the next module. With each module you gain understanding of the 'why' we want to focus on healing, what we are healing, and what aspects of your life those issues might be affecting. Once you have an awareness of this, you can move on to healing the entirety of the problem!After you finish the 28 day program, you will have a full understanding of how the multidimensional anatomy and DNA template, affects your whole being. In the last module, we will teach you how to use specific techniques to manifest exactly what you want. And it is SO easy to learn! You are absolutely going to love this course! It is a course full of knowledge and healing!During this 28 Days To A Rewired You program, you will interactively, through learning and action:Expand your knowledge and healing for yourself: body, mind and spiritActively participate in healing modules for transformation and rewiringEnhance the experience with intention practices, breathing, mudra and hand position techniquesIdentify and implement self-care needs during the integration daysObserve and journal your experiencesAccess your own self-healing toolsAwaken the spark of healing life that is already with youWhile this is a self-paced course, the optimum flow follows the 28 day process.Are you ready to be the active participant in your own health and healing!Are You ready to jump into a life you absolutely love? Lets Do This!We are excited to share in this amazing journey to a Rewired You!Testimonials""When I met Susan my life was in despair and turmoil. I had no self-esteem, personal direction or sense of self. I had no idea what to expect my first appointment. I had gone to massage therapist that had claimed to be reiki healers but I never did notice any difference from a regular massage. When I asked Susan what I should expect, she told me it would make subtle changes in my life. I think subtle is a small word to use considering the powerful changes and affect it's had on myself and immediate family."" (Anna)""My session with Tara Renee was key to a huge change in my life. She addressed multiple issues and picked up on related aspects, using various methods as required. She detected and cleared a small but intense energy system which undermined my well being since early childhood and was foundational to various self sabotaging attitudes. Since the session, I am more proactive, and experience all my self help activities more powerfully. My resistance to change is dissipating, and Im progressing beyond stuck places in all aspects of my life. I absolutely recommend Tara Renees work. Thank you."" (Barbara)""After the first session with Susan, I felt as if 30 years of emotional stress was lifted off of me. The process of working with Susan was very different from what I expected - it required me to turn inward and focus on my feelings and to identify the emotions that were affecting my thoughts and behaviors. Doing this was hard at first but it became easier and easier with practice. I learned a lot about myself and learned how to process past experiences (and future events) in a new way - in a way that involved not only my thoughts and behavior, but my emotions too. If you want to learn more about yourself, if you want to improve your health, if you want to become more self-aware, I highly recommend working with Susan. Working with her changed my life for the better."" (Isaiah)""I cannot recommend Tara highly enough.......Love, warmth, empathy and compassion radiate from her, and she is an amazing healer, a beautiful spirit, and one of the most gifted and kindest people, that I have ever been blessed to know. I have received healing from Tara, regarding digestive issues including reflux, which was quite severe, however, these are now resolved. In addition, I have also received wonderful support from Tara, during a stressful time recently when my daughter was unwell and very anxious and I felt overwhelmed. Tara correctly diagnosed the issue and gave so much support to me and healing to my daughter. I have had contact with several different healers over the years through various different programs, but Tara has qualities that have surpassed the others, not least her healing abiities and the fact that she genuinely cares about you personally, which is evident from the moment of first contact with her."" (Paula H)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Programa Baby Signs por el Dr. Daniel Gambarrotti." |
"If you have a child or take care of children between 6 months and 3 years of age or older with difficulties speaking this course is for you. In this course we will cover:-Know the successful Baby Signs Program.- Understand that gestures are part of daily life.-Know the benefits of gestural language.-Communicate with your baby before he can talk.-Increase the visualization capabilities of your children."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Python 3 Course - for Beginners" |
"This course will teach you everything you need to program in Python 3. No prior programming experience is required.You will learn the fundamentals of programming in Python. The course is designed to build from ground up. This course will take you step by step building on what you learn in each section. Along the way there will be exercises. For each exercise a complete solution will be provided and explained line by line."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Como convertirte en un Asesor del cielo sera lo descubras en este entrenamiento. Como entrar en el tercer cielo y convertirte en un agente activo del propsito divino del creador. Un facilitador que transforme su vida y que tambin ayude a transformar la vida de otros. Se activara de manera sobrenatural tu ADN cristico para que despues de este entrenamiento veas las promesas de Dios hecha realidad y totalmente manifestadas en tu vida. Se activaran todos tus sentidos de manera extrasensorial marcando una nueva etapa en tu vida. Encontraras paz, alegra y equilibro. Seras un nuevo portado de luz de la huestes angelicales. Seras de gran bendicin para ese planeta. Tu vida nunca sera igual despus de este entrenamiento sera mejor. Profesionalismo, experticia, honestidad , transparencia son el sello indeleble de esta produccin . Una gran misin te espera.Norma vega Life Coach Con mas de 20 anos de experiencia en el temaMltiples testimonios me acompaan"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Impressionismo de Monet a Van Gogh" |
"Venha conosco fazer uma viagem Frana do sculo 19 para entender o movimento Impressionista e seus desdobramentos. As obras produzidas e expostas em oito exposies foram um choque arte tradicional e revolucionaram a arte mundial e impactam artistas at hoje. Iremos encontrar grandes artistas, como: Manet, Renoir, Degas, Monet, Pissaro e Van Gogh."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"A Divina Comdia de Dante" |
"Venha conosco fazer uma jornada com Dante Alighieri aos trs reinos da viso crist do cosmos. Perdido em meio a uma selva escura, Dante (personagem) busca uma orientao. E qual no sua surpresa ao ser guiado pelos crculos do Inferno e do Purgatrio por Virglio, grande mestre da literatura romana. Mas sua surpresa maior seria reencontrar Beatriz, sua amada, para gui-lo pelo Paraso.Uma jornada improvvel? No! No fundo, a jornada de todos ns."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"A Eneida de Virglio" |
"Quando Virglio estava em seu leito de morte ordenou a seus discpulos que sua obra maior fosse destruda pelo fogo. Mas por ordem de Augusto, o contedo foi preservado. Esta obra a Eneida, o grande pico nacional de Roma. Moldado nos picos dos gregos, Virglio desenvolveu a impressionante jornada de Eneias que virou um ancestral dos fundadores da cidade de Roma. Venha conosco conhecer a estria nesse estudo dos doze livros que compem este clssico da literatura mundial."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Impressionismo no Brasil" |
"O movimento impressionista tomou de assalto a Paris do sculo 19. Todo o mundo seria afetado pelas novas tcnicas, cores e pintura ao ar livre daqueles artistas.At mesmo o Brasil, com seu ar tropical, recebeu influxos do movimento.Venha conosco conhecer essa gerao de artistas que fizeram telas impressionista em solo brasileiro!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"O Mundo dos Vikings" |
"A imagem de guerreiros vikings invadindo mosteiros pilhando, matando e destruindo ainda povoam o imaginrio popular. Mas ser que eles eram brbaros sanguinrios ou povos migrando em busca de territrio?Neste curso veremos como os povos escandinavos se expandiram para o ocidente e o oriente chegando at as fronteiras do mundo conhecido. Falaremos at sobre a chegada deles na Amrica muito antes de Colombo."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Renascimento Italiano em Contexto" |
"Leonardo da Vinci, Michelngelo Buonarotti e Rafael Sanzio so alguns dos grandes nomes do perodo que ficou conhecido como Renascimento.Mas o que poucos estudam so as caractersticas em comum desse perodo da Histria da Arte que tornaram esses mestres to famosos.Venha conosco percorrer os caminhos da arte italiana do sculo 16 analisando obras importantes e entendendo o Renascimento Italiano em Contexto!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"DBT: Interpersonal Effectiveness" |
"Learn skills from the Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Interpersonal Effectiveness module. Find out how to handle interpersonal interactions with wisdom by firstly identifying what you most want to achieve. Learn how to express yourself and get your needs met in healthy ways. Learn and master practical skills to maximise the chances you will achieve your objectives. See fun examples and do practical activities to really solidify your learning."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT): A Mindfulness Intensive" |
"This course provides a practical and in-depth look at the Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) ""What"" and ""How"" Mindfulness skills. It not only explains these skills but gives examples on how to use these skills to change behaviours, reduce symptoms of mental illnesses, manage emotions and gain insights. It illustrates how mindfulness is far more than just a practice of watching your breath or scanning your body: The relevant skills can be used to increase conscious awareness and to have more control. This course also explains how mindfulness from a DBT perspective can bring us back to reality with ""observing"" and ""describing"", because typically we believe and react to the false stories our minds create. These stories are a part of any mental illness and any emotional distress that we experience, so learning how to unhook from our thoughts is a powerful way of reducing suffering. This course is aimed at both individuals seeking to apply mindfulness to their lives for positive change and at clinicians seeking to broaden their understanding of how mindfulness can help clients improve their emotional well-being."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Kurs - Matematyka dla Informatyka - Zbiory i Diagramy Venna" |
"Witajcie! Ten kurs powicony bdzie Zbiorom oraz Diagramom Venna, ktre s powizane z Matematyk Dyskretn, czyli Matematyk dla Informatykw. Poznasz tutaj wiele tajnikw, ktre spokojnie pomog Ci przy definicjach, rozwizywaniu zada, a przede wszystkim rozwianiu wszelkich wtpliwoci zwizanych z tym dziaem. Sposb prezentowania nieco odbiega od innych kursw, poniewa stawiam na wyobrani i co nowego. Chc Tobie przekaza jak najwicej mojej wiedzy i jednoczenie zobrazowa j na przykadach z ycia codziennego. To skondensowana, konkretna dawka wiedzy. A poniewa ceni sobie Twj cenny czas, cao projekcji wynosi okoo 2 godzin! Czyli tyle, ile dobry film w telewizji. :) Dlatego, jeli pragniesz si odrobin doksztaci w tej dziedzinie - to pozostan z Tob do samego koca. A ten kurs jest wanie dla Ciebie! :)Dodatkowo, mam dla Ciebie bardzo dobr wiadomo! :) Jeli si zdecydujesz na kupno tego kursu, to specjalnie dla Ciebie mam spory rabacik na moim fanpage'u w profilu u siebie. Tym bardziej, e studia ju niebawem, a kady Informatyk lub Pasjonat pewnie nie ominie tego dziau. Dlatego polecam serdecznie. :)Kurs obejmuje:- cz pierwsz, ktra skada si z definicji zbiorw zobrazowanych wasnymi sowami oraz z 13 rnych zada, ktre s tumaczone krok po kroku;- cz drug, ktra skada si z definicji Diagramw Venna, ktre staram si przedstawi najprociej swoimi sowami, a do tego z 7 rnymi zadaniami, ktre rwnie s bardzo szczegowo przeze mnie tumaczone;- przykadowe zadanie ze Zbiorw - trwa ono ponad 8 minut i jest zupenie bezpatne, aby moga bd mg si przekona, jakim ja czowiekiem jestem :D A z drugiej strony, nikt nie chciaby przysowiowego kota w worku, dlatego te jest ono udostpnione dla Wszystkich! ;)- przykadowe zadanie z Diagramw Venna - trwa ono ponad 4 minuty i take jest cakowicie bezpatne. Jest w nim rwnie w przystpny i intuicyjny sposb wytumaczone, jak postpowa z trjkoowymi diagramami;Pewnie nie raz bya sytuacja, e jaki nauczyciel bd wykadowca nie podzieli si jak czci wiedzy, zwykle przez presj czasu lub zapomnienie. Dlatego, w tym kursie, kady symbol z tej dziedziny oraz kada tajemnica ujrz to wiato dzienne. A po tym kursie bdziesz moga bd mg odetchn i umiechn si, a wyraz Twojej twarzy bdzie mwi - ""Ja to umiem"" - I can do it. ;)"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Kurs - Matematyka dla Informatyka - Relacje, Diagram Hassego" |
"Cze, z tej strony Mikoaj! Jeli planujesz spenia si jako Informatyk, to za pewne spotkasz si z Matematyk Dyskretn. Jeeli chciaaby bd chciaby zgbi tajniki tej dziedziny, to zapraszam Ci gorco do tego kursu!A w tym kursie zajmiemy si tematem Relacji oraz Diagramem Hassego. Poznasz w nim definicje oraz rodzaje relacji poparte na przykadach z ycia codziennego. Poniewa, dla mnie najistotniejsze jest, aby ta wiedza bya zrozumiaa. Do tego, nie zabraknie rwnie skromnej dawki humoru, aby pokaza Ci, e nauka tego materiau moe by rwnie przyjemna. Ponadto, ten kurs bdzie skada si:- z 15 rnych zada powiconych tematowi Relacji,- 8 rnych zada z diagramw Hassego. - A do tego, rwnie przygotowaem dla Ciebie 8 przykadowych zada z omawianego materiau w celu utrwalenia wiedzy.- Za cao kursu zajmuje jedynie 3,5 godziny! Dlatego to skondensowana i olbrzymia dawka wiedzy, przekazana w naprawd bardzo przystpny sposb. Gwarantuj Ci, e po przepracowaniu tej lekcji, odczujesz niema ulg. A adne z tych poj, oznacze czy sposobw rozwizywania zada nie sprawi ju wicej Tobie problemw. A ciekaw alternatyw dla Ciebie jest rwnie zawarty przeze mnie zaktualizowany Quiz, ktry pozwoli Tobie sprawdzi si w pozyskanych wiadomociach.No to co, startujemy? ;)"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Exercises for Anxiety and Panic Attacks" |
"Do you struggle with feelings of anxiety or panic attacks? Would you like to learn practical tools to cultivate more calmness, relaxation and well-being in your life? This 4-week Online Course with Exercises for Anxiety and Panic Attacks is a body and breath-based approach to dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. Guided by Serieke, who experienced and overcame anxiety disorder herself, you will learn practical exercises that you can apply in daily life.Structure of the CourseThe course is structured around four themes:The BreathGroundingReleasing Tension from the BodyAwareness PracticeCourse MaterialThe course material consists out of theory videos, exercise instruction videos, audio recordings and a 38-page downloadable Course Manual.Daily practicesParticipants are encouraged to dedicate approximately half an hour daily to the exercises and journaling prompts. Regular practice of the exercises helps to have the techniques readily available in situations of anxiety or panic."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Russir sur Pinterest en 2020" |
"Dbutant ? Vous ne savez pas comment utiliser Pinterest ? Vous tes au bon endroit. Nous allons voir comment dvelopper son compte ainsi que plusieurs astuces pour russir sur Pinterest. J'ai cr un compte spcialement pour la formation o j'y appliquerais les conseils que je partage dans cette formation. Vous pourrez donc suivre en appliquant les conseils directement sur votre compte."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Starter: avvia un business in modo perfetto!" |
"Quando decidiamo di creare un nuovo prodotto o servizio, o addirittura di creare un nuovo business partiamo da due presupposti fondamentali.Quello che abbiamo creato, o il prodotto che offriremo,piacer ai futuri clienti.Ci sar qualcuno disposto a comprare.Ma quale rischio stai correndo se, una volta sul mercato, i tuoi clienti non lo apprezzano?Magari si aspettavano qualcosa di diverso... una funzionalit a cui non avevi pensato.Altre volte succede di lavorare mesi per preparare una funzionalit che ritieni essenziale, ma ai tuoi clienti non serve e non viene utilizzata (e a me successo tante volte).Qualcuno li definisce ""rischi imprenditoriali"".Ma oggi creare un prodotto perfetto e lanciarlo sul mercato un metodo obsoleto e INEFFICACE.Infatti, sviluppare un prodotto alla cieca spesso significa mesi di lavoro e soldi buttati.E quando linvestimento stato importante, le conseguenze possono essere catastrofiche!Per fortuna esistono tecniche e strategie che ci permettono di evitare tutti questi problemi, minimizzando qualunque tipo di rischio e aumentando le possibilit di successo.Ecco l'elenco degli argomenti pi importanti che imparerai in queste 10 lezioni:Come preparare il tuo piano correttamenteCome evitare la trappola delle tue convinzioniCome analizzare i numeri realmente importantiCome evitare gli indicatori inutiliCome migliorare il prodotto per renderlo davvero appetibileI due elementi essenziali per la crescitaI due tipi di crescita a costo zeroCosa fare dopo aver dominato il mercato"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"A Beginner's Guide to Artificial Intelligence" |
"In the last 2 years, do you in ads, product descriptions and vendor pitches see an increased usage of the word Artificial Intelligence? I did a quick Google search:intelligence engine uses AI technology to.. with AI technologylaunches with AI technology with AI solutions AI-enabledIve an honest question for you: Can you tell which one of those are legit references to real Artificial Intelligence technology and which ones are just marketing BS?Heres a hint to the answer: A study from MMC Ventures just recently found, that 4 out of 10 startups dont use AI - although claiming so. How much higher might the number be in traditional companies that could easily slap a hyped-up label on their product?Are you able to put these pieces of information into perspective? There might be very valuable nuggets of information for you in those articles!Introducing the Guide to AI - for busy professionals!The course presents an overview to Artificial Intelligence - without relying on any prior computer science or tech knowledge.Youll discover:What is Artificial Intelligence - in simple words? How is it different from normal computer programs and apps?Why cant a computer tell whether there is a bird on a picture?What is hype, what is only marketing BS and what is the real potential of Artificial Intelligence?What is the expected impact of AI on the economy in numbers? How much funding goes into AI? What other numbers are relevant and where can I find them?What are algorithms and why are they important? And what do they have to do with cake? ?How to assess whether something is an AI? Why is that important?What research fields exist in Artificial Intelligence?Where can I see real AI in my daily life?And why you dont need to fear for a robot-apocalypse any time soon (Spoiler alert: they are having problems telling whats in front of them).And all that through (currently and steadily increasing) over 20 video lessons with quizzes and assignments for you to deepen your understanding of the material without the need to learn computer programming plus tons of additional articles and book recommendations in a language everybody can understand - even if you dont have any computer science brackground taught by a nice dude that does not talk down to you and thought for over 6 month on how to provide this whole thing in a language people without a technical background can understand (and who also has a Phd in Computer Science - and gave lessons for a living) with new content added to the course on a frequently - yes: the course will receive more and more material and increase in price while it gets added (and you will therefore receive it for free by then!)Important note and disclaimer: If you are looking for a course that teaches you how to code or how to use certain AI frameworks and technologies (Keras, Tensorflow, etc.) - THIS IS THE WRONG COURSE!But if you want to take a fun and interesting look behind the curtain that some marketing people have drawn around these hyped up buzzwords: Get started!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Digital Photography for Dummies" |
"This is the first class of a digital photography course designed to help a person that has no idea how a camera works, to becoming a master of photography. While other classes on this platform are mainly focussed on what certain aspects of photography are and do, very few have a real emphasis on the cause and effect as to why certain phenomena occur which is vital to gaining a stellar understanding.In this first class, we will focus on the basic fundamentals of photography.Please note: The wording ""Dummies"" is purely comical and is not meant in any offensive or literal sense."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DESEN DERSLER, nite :1 Obje izimi" |
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen Dersleri bal altnda obje izimi derslerimizde: 1. Blmde: izgi almalar 2. Blmde: Oran Orant ve geometrik kurgu. 3. Blmde: Form izgisi. 4. Blmde: Ik - glge ve ak-orta-koyu ton deerleri. 5. Blmde: Kompozisyon almalar ve kada yerletirme konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. Desen derslerimiz balang dzeyidir. lerleyen derslerimizde desenin elemanlar , figr, portre, imgesel konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99 ![]() |
"DESEN DERSLER, nite :2 Desenin Elemanlar" |
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen Dersleri bal altnda Desenin Elemanlar derslerimizde: 1. Blmde: Nokta, izgi, Doku. 2. Blmde: Form, Biim.3. Blmde: Valr, Leke. 4. Blmde: Mekan. 5. Blmde: Mas, Espas konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. Desen derslerimiz balang dzeyidir. Bir sonraki dersimizde; Desenin lkeleri , ilerleyen derslerimizde figr, perspektif, portre, imgesel konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99 ![]() |
"DESEN DERSLER, nite :3 Desenin lkeleri" |
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen Dersleri bal altnda Desenin lkeleri derslerimizde: 1. Blmde: Oran, Perspektif 2. Blmde: Ritim, Hareket 3. Blmde: Denge, Ztlk 4. Blmde: Kompozisyon, Birlik-Btnlk 5. Blmde: Vurgu, Ik-Glge konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. Desen derslerimiz orta dzeydedir. Bir sonraki dersimizde; Antik Modelden (Tors) desen izimleri. lerleyen derslerimizde figr, perspektif, portre, imgesel konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99 ![]() |
"DESEN DERSLER, nite :4 Antik Modelden (Tors) Desen izimi" |
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen dersleri bal altnda antik model torstan desen dizimleri derslerimizde: 1. Blmde: Antik model torsta geometrik kurgu 2. Blmde: Antik model torsu n adan izimi 3. Blmde: Antik model torsu yan adan izimi 4. Blmde: Antik model torsu 45 derecelik n adan izimi 5. Blmde: Antik model torsu arka plandan izimi konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. Desen derslerimiz orta dzeydedir. Bir sonraki dersimizde; figr , ilerleyen derslerimizde perspektif, portre, imgesel konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99 ![]() |
"DESEN DERSLER, nite :5 Figr izimi" |
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen dersleri bal altnda, figr izimi derslerimizde: 1. Blmde: Figrde geometrik kurgu. 2. Blmde: Yan adan fir izimi 3. Blmde: 45 derecelik adan figr izimi 4. Blmde: n adan figr izimi 5. Blmde: 45 derecelik arka adan figr izimi konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. Fir izimi derslerimiz ileri dzeydedir. Bir sonraki dersimizde; portre izimi ilerleyen derslerimizde perspektif, firde hareket ve imgesel konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99 ![]() |
"DESEN DERSLER, nite:6 Portre izimi" |
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen dersleri bal altnda, portre izimi derslerimizde: 1. Ders: Portre izimine Giri 2. Ders: Yan Adan Portre izimi 3. Ders: n Adan Portre izimi 4. Ders: 45 Derece Adan Portre izimi 5. Ders: Mustafa Kemal ATATRK'n Portre izimi konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. portre izimi derslerimiz ileri dzeydedir. Bir sonraki dersimizde; perspektif izimi ilerleyen derslerimizde, firde hareket ve imgesel desen izimi konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99 ![]() |
"DESEN DERSLER, nite :7 Perspektif izimi" |
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen dersleri bal altnda, Perspektif izimi derslerimizde: 1.Ders Perspektife Giri 2.Ders Tek Kal Perspektif D Mekan izimi 3. Ders: Tek Kal Perspektif Mekan izimi 4. Ders: ift Kal Perspektif D Mekan izimi 5. Ders: ift Kal Perspektif Mekan izimi 6. Ders Kal Perspektif D Mekan izimi 7. Ders Hava Perspektifi izimi konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. Perspektif izimi derslerimiz ileri dzeydedir. Bir sonraki dersimizde; Mekan ve doadan desen izimleri ilerleyen derslerimizde, Hareketli fir almalar, figr mekan nesne ilikisi, lavi teknii, portrede ifade, imgesel almalar ve imgesel konulu desen izimi konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99 ![]() |
"DESEN DERSLER, nite:8 Doa ve Mekandan Desen izimleri" |
"Desen dersleri bal altnda, Doa ve Mekandan Desen almalar derslerimizde:1. Ders: Doa ve mekan almalarnda k glge, 2. Ders: Doa ve mekan almalarnda doku 3.Ders: Doa ve mekan almalarnda leke 4.Ders: Doa ve mekan almalarnda hava ve izgi perspektifi 5.Ders: Doa ve mekan almalarnda n orta arka plan 6.Ders: Doa ve mekan almalarnda kompozisyon konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. Doa ve Mekandan Desen almalar derslerimiz ileri dzeydedir. Bir sonraki dersimizde; Hareketli figr almalar ilerleyen derslerimizde, figr mekan, nesne ilikisi, portrede ifade, imgesel desen almalar ve lavi teknii konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99 ![]() |
"Klavier spielen lernen - Die 5 Minuten Piano Challenge" |
"Du mchtest Klavier spielen lernen, aber weisst nicht wie? Klavier spielen ist ein unerfllter Traum von dir? Du denkst Klavier spielen ist zu schwer und man muss es als Kind lernen?Wenn du jemanden Klavier spielen hrst, denkst du dir: ""Ich will es auch endlich lernen?""Dann bist du hier genau richtig!Ich zeige dir, wie du ganz leicht mit dem Klavier spielen starten kannst!Egal ob du unmusikalisch, zu alt, zu frustriert oder zu faul bist:Jetzt gibt es keine Ausrede mehr! Hier lernst du Schritt fr Schritt die wichtigsten Grundlagen am Piano und wenn es mal zu schnell geht, kannst du einfach zurckspulen.Das wichtigste um Klavier spielen zu lernen ist ein gutes System, das dir genau zeigt, was du als nchstes tun sollst.In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du sofort starten kannst, ohne dich berfordert zu fhlen.Wir sehen uns in deiner ersten Lektion!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Universidad React : De Cero a Master + 5 Cursos de Regalo" |
"El curso mas completo y actualizado de React Aprenders desde nivel cero hasta conocer y dominar en nucleo de React en profundidad con todas las caractersticas que no se tocan en cursos convencionales, al finalizar el curso podrs crear componentes de calidad de produccin ademas se incluyen 5 cursos de Regalo relacionados con el stack de React (Animaciones y transiciones, Redux, React Router, Styled Components y Testing con Jest y Enzyme):"" Nuestro compromiso es mantener el curso mas completo y actualizado de React en Espaol""En este curso aplicamos nuestra propia metodologa de enseanza LEAP, que nos permite crear lecciones efectivas, concretas y modulares.En este curso dominarasEl API de ReactTodo sobre React API ContextTodo sobre Hooks y componentes FuncionalesCrear componentes de alta calidadDesarrollar aplicaciones basados en ComponentesAprender a crear composicin de componentes y comunicarlos usando diferentes arquitecturasAprenders todo sobre gestionar formularios con ReactInputs controlados y no controladosRealizar solicitudes HTTP y usar la informacin en componentes de ReactAnimaciones y transiciones Curso de RegaloGestionar estilos CSS avanzados con styled components Curso RegaloAgregar un sistema de enrutado a tus aplicaciones con React Router Curso RegaloGestionar el estado usando Redux Curso RegaloAprenders a realizar test unitarios usando Jest y Enzyme Curso Regalo"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dropshipping 101 Getting Familiar with Dropshipping" |
"In this basic course from GrandSales, you will get familiar with E-Commerce and Dropshipping as business models. You will be taken through the different methods of working with marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, Bonanza, Wish, Aliexpress and more. By the end of this course, you should be ready to start your very own Dropshipping business and start generating money from online sales."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
needlefelting |
"""Needle Felting"" . . . ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |