Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Contabilidade Comercial e Financeira" |
"Voc, aps o encerramento deste curso, vai saber:- Classificar Bens Direitos e Obrigaes.- Fazer a equao do Patrimnio Lquido.- Conhecer os tipos de empresa.- Fazer escriturao de uma Sociedade Annima e demais empresas.- Escriturar a constituio do capital.- Contabilizar as operaes com mercadorias.- Apropriar os impostos a recolher e a recuperar.- Calcular o custo da mercadoria vendida.- Fazer avaliao de estoques pelos mtodos: PEPS, UEPS e MDIA.- Fazer o inventrio permanente.- Calcular o inventrio peridico.- Contabilizar a folha de pagamento.- Contabilizar as operaes financeiras.- Contabilizar diversos tipos de emprstimos.- Constituir provises de folha de pagamento.- Constituir provises para crdito de liquidao duvidosa.- Calcular e contabilizar depreciao.- Fazer encerramento de exerccio.- Elaborar balano patrimonial.- Constituir reservas.- Fazer distribuio de lucro."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide To The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)" |
"Do you enjoy learning about yourself and others?If so, this course is for you!The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the most widely used personality assessment out there.But it is also the most misunderstood and misused.In this course, you'll be introduced to the core of the MBTI, what's known as Jung's cognitive functions.The cognitive functions are tricky, and this is where most sources get it wrong.By the end of this course, you'll have a fundamental understanding of the Myers-Briggs which includes:An overview of your personality type code.The eight Jungian cognitive functions.How to decode your 4-letter code.This course is meant to give you a strong foundation for understanding yourself and others through the MBTI."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Marketing Research For Market Domination" |
"This course will provide you with 5 tested and proven steps in 5 sections that will help you get started on knowing and understanding the critical fundamentals required when building a successful business. Either you are an entrepreneur, a business owner or a wannabe entrepreneur, following these steps and examples will separate your business in your chosen market.A key fundamental required to build a multi million revenue business is to create a market dominating position. It is the strategic position you choose for your business or start up to separate your business from the competition. Let us walk you step-by-step and guide you as you begin to implement this critically important phase of your business.If you look like, smell like and feel like your competition, then you're forever doomed to compete on price. You MUST separate your business from your competition in order to dominate your market. This means you MUST create a market dominating position and innovate your business in the process. In section 1 any entrepreneur, business owner or wannabe entrepreneur will learn how to:- differentiate your business from your competition choosing strategic positioning- stake out a ""market dominating position"" for your business- discover five ways to separate your business from all others in your industry- learn the 3 categories that will make your business unique- learn the secrets to not using price to differentiate yourselfIn section 2 with the help of the physical profile discovery, you should have a clearly defined profile of the physical characteristics that define your target customer.Unfortunately, the physical profile doesn't provide us with the complete picture. In fact, we consider the physical characteristics to be about 10% to 20% of the picture. The remaining 80% to 90% are made up of what we refer to as the emotional components.Section 3 will provide you with tools and approaches that highlight a key component in identifying your target customer emotional profile.Where the physical profile makes up the physical components that describe your target customer, the emotional profile defines the emotional components. This identifies in the ""available universe"" of prospects who NEED what you sell, those who WANT what you sell. The contents of this section is designed to help you:- Begin to determine the emotional traits of your target prospects- Identify the general emotional characteristics of your target customer- Know what to say to your target prospects when you begin preparing your marketing programWith the help of the physical / emotional profile discoveries, you should now have a clearly defined profile of the physical and emotional characteristics that define your target customer.Please remember that the physical characteristics make up approximately 10% to 20% of the success equation for a business owner or entrepreneur and startups. The remaining 80% to 90% are made up of the emotional components.Now comes the critically important part. Now that you have listed the specific emotions as they apply to what your target customer's really WANT, you need to select the one that most resonates with what you feel passionate about, and make that your ""niche"" market. Section 4 is the step where you now begin to separate your business from your competition. Selecting your niche market means you are now electing to STOP being all things to all prospects. You're now creating a business that's ""unique."" The section will provide you with information that highlights another key component in identifying your target customer. The contents of this section are designed to help you:- Select from your list of emotional traits the one area you are most passionate about- Begin to build a business that is truly unique from all of your competitors by leveraging on your passion- Understand the importance of selecting, combining different offerings of multiple products / services-Redefine your physical profile traits to fit your specific niche market- Complete the process of building a business that is truly uniqueOn completing the first 4 sections, with the help of the physical / emotional profile studies, you should now have a clearly defined profile of the physical and emotional characteristics that define your target customer. And you should have selected the one switch button (emotional characteristics) or a combination that you feel most passionate about. That trigger or its combination has now become your niche market and will enable you to later dominate your market. Then follow another critically important part. Now that you have selected your ""niche"" market, you must go back to your physical profile and revise it.Your original physical profile identified the available universe of everyone who NEEDS what you sell. In most cases, that could be just about anyone. But with the selection of a specific niche market, you're electing to serve a smaller segment of that universe, a universe that WANTS what you sell.It's important to go back and redefine the physical profile of your target customer. You may discover it has narrowed dramatically. This makes your target customer much easier to find, identify, and market to.You're almost done developing your Target Customer Profile. One of the most important fundamentals in business today, and one that your competition completely overlooks as a business or start up.By completing this crucial first fundamental, you're now positioning your business so that it's ""unique."" This is the first step toward separating your business from your competition, and will enable you to later dominate your market.Finally, section 5, critical steps in business fundamental that will position your business as the only business in your industry that truly offers extraordinary value. You're going to identify the typical emotional trigger your prospects experience within your niche market... You're going to analyze whether or not you currently offer a solution for those various issues. You're going to ask yourself what more COULD you do in the way of innovation that will make your business a no-brainer choice for your prospects to do business with. And you're going to list all the benefits your prospects will realize once they use your innovations.This creates extraordinary value, and it compels your prospects to buy from you and you alone. In fact, your prospects will quickly realize that they would be missing out if they bought what you sell from anyone else but you.The information covered in this section is designed to prepare and to help you:- Specifically define the emotional switch or hot button or triggers you must consider within your niche market- Gain clarity as to whether or not your current way of doing business solves the issues- Create highly targeted innovations within your business and the benefits to your customers once you doRemember that this course is a vital component required for business success, so take your time and really learn the information covered and DO THE ASSIGNMENT. The content was developed et tested with small and medium sized businesses but still valuable for any business struggling to position itself in the marketplace. Take MASSIVE IMPECCABLE ACTIONS by applying these steps to your business. Let agree here without the right business mindset, discipline, determination and persistent applying these steps, there will be no satisfactory results. These steps tested and use with our clients are results oriented steps that will help you in your marketing program. You will be now ready to speak to your prospect hearts. You will be available to offer solutions, benefits from your products and services than their features. For more on how to communicate better your message to your prospects, check our upcoming course on marketing messaging: The 5 Proven Steps To Persuade Your Prospects. Enjoy your entrepreneurial journey."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Life Design: How to Design and Live Your Dream Life" |
"Many students have already taken this course and started designing and living their dream life! Finally, this course is also available on Udemy.If you are curious about what life can be for you and eager to live a great life, here is how you discover what you truly want in life and how you manage your time accordingly.Frankly, it's hard to design and live your dream life. Firstly, there are so many different philosophies and opinions about how to live a good life. Secondly, this is the first time you are living, so you don't have much experience to draw upon in choosing your dream life. And finally, if you do find a promising path for you to follow going forward, it's often challenging to find enough time to actually follow it. You may already be stuck in yesterday's obligations!My friends and I have spent the last ten years reading every book and article we came over and testing every tool we could find to help us better design our lives and to spend our time accordingly. In this course we will teach you what we have found. We will give you the best tools to discover what you truly want in life, to design the next part of your exciting life journey and to spend your time accordingly.After finishing this course you, you will:Feel excited about having a clear view of where you want to go in lifeFeel confident that you will manage to spend your time accordingly and to adjust your course as you goThe course also comes with a helpful and simple handout for you to use to design your life and manage your time.Check out the course and start learning how to Design Your Life today! There is literally no risk. Although we feel confident that you will enjoy our course about Life Design, we also offer you a 30-day money-back guarantee."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Create a Express Entry Profile for Canada Immig" |
"Canada wants 1 million more immigrants over next 3 years Canada, a nation of not quite 37 million people, wants to add more than 1 million immigrants through 2021.Interested in Canada?""Canada is a world leader in managed migration with an immigration program based on non-discriminatory principles, where foreign nationals are assessed without regard to race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or gender,"" About 1 in 5 current Canadians are immigrants, according to the report, with more than 6 million arriving since 1990.Canada, a nation of not quite 37 million people, wants to add more than 1 million immigrants through 2021.Interested in Canada?""Canada is a world leader in managed migration with an immigration program based on non-discriminatory principles, where foreign nationals are assessed without regard to race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or gender,"" About 1 in 5 current Canadians are immigrants, according to the report, with more than 6 million arriving since 1990.Canada, a nation of not quite 37 million people, wants to add more than 1 million immigrants through 2021.Interested in Canada?""Canada is a world leader in managed migration with an immigration program based on non-discriminatory principles, where foreign nationals are assessed without regard to race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or gender,"" About 1 in 5 current Canadians are immigrants, according to the report, with more than 6 million arriving since 1990.Canada, a nation of not quite 37 million people, wants to add more than 1 million immigrants through 2021.Interested in Canada?""Canada is a world leader in managed migration with an immigration program based on non-discriminatory principles, where foreign nationals are assessed without regard to race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or gender,"" About 1 in 5 current Canadians are immigrants, according to the report, with more than 6 million arriving since 1990."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Mastering IELTS academic writing Task 1" |
"During this course we will show you exactly what you need to do to write high quality task 1 reports. We explain how to structure your report, what to write in each paragraph and also what the examiner is looking for when they are marking your report.We explain how to do all of the different task types you may get for writing task 1. We also give you tips on what you need to include in your report if you want to achieve a high score for the writing section of the IELTS test.Included in this course are model answers for each of the different task types, along with practice exercises. This means you will be able to implement the knowledge that you gain immediately."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Deteccin Cientfica de Mentiras - Nivel 1" |
"Cmo surge la mentira? A qu edad se empieza a mentir? Qu tiene que ver la empata con la mentira? Qu proceso mental se sigue al elaborar y formular una mentira? Todas las mentiras implican falsear?Todas estas cuestiones y muchas ms son las que nos ocuparn en este apasionante curso. Apoyado completamente en la investigacin cientfica y siguiendo las pautas de los procesos policiales de investigacin, este curso te permitir adentrarte en el fascinante mundo de la deteccin de mentiras, huyendo de los falsos mitos y simplismos que abundan en este campo tan apasionante y complejo."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Deteccin Cientfica de Mentiras - Nivel 2" |
"En este curso vamos a ver los procesos cerebrales que intervienen en la memoria, y estudiaremos la tcnica de la Entrevista Cognitiva, para ser capaces de recuperar la mayor cantidad posible de informacin de calidad cuando estemos entrevistando o interrogando a alguien. Aunque este curso no trata directamente de deteccin de mentiras, las herramientas que se proporcionan son de gran utilidad para recoger testimonios a los que se puedan aplicar los criterios de falsedad o veracidad que veremos en los siguientes niveles de este grupo de cursos de Deteccin Cientfica de Mentiras."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Deteccin Cientfica de Mentiras - Nivel 3" |
"Hay diferencias en el estilo de comunicacin entre una persona que est mintiendo y una persona que est siendo sincera. En este curso descubriremos qu indicadores se utilizan en los informes periciales para encontrar en una declaracin, testimonio o narracin indicios que permitan evaluar su veracidad o falsedad.Se describen en este curso 20 indicadores de falsedad y 11 indicadores de sinceridad."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Deteccin Cientfica de Mentiras - Nivel 4" |
"En este curso aprenderemos a identificar indicios de falsedad en el comportamiento no verbal de nuestro interlocutor. Para ello estudiaremos por separado diferentes canales expresivos: La expresin facial, para detectar cundo la expresin que nos muestran no es la expresin que debera aparecer; los gestos, que nos indicarn cundo se han puesto en marcha los procesos cerebrales asociados a la mentira; y otros canales como la paralingstica (todo lo que tiene que ver con nuestra expresin oral, salvo las propias palabras o la fisiologa. Visualizaremos gran cantidad de ejemplos, y dispondremos de varios ejercicios para poder practicar lo aprendido."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Deteccin Cientfica de Mentiras - Nivel 5" |
"Como conclusin y aplicacin prctica de los diferentes niveles de Deteccin Cientfica de la Mentira, este curso detalla el contenido que debe presentar un Informe de Anlisis de Credibilidad, un documento que permitir detallar y justificar los diferentes indicios de veracidad o falsedad de una declaracin. Presentaremos la estructura que debe presentar este informe, incluyendo la Evaluacin de la Validez de la Declaracin (Statement Validity Asessment, SVA), y todos los criterios que se deben tener en cuenta al analizar el contenido (Criteria Based Content Analysis, CBCA)."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Internet of Things- Multiple IoT Projects (English+Hindi)" |
"This course covers the range of key points related to the Internet of Things (IoT) from both business and specialized domains.In this course, you'll learn about how systems like fire alarms or weather station works and also get knowledge about designing home automation using Bluetooth. You'll get a clear knowledge of how IoT works and how android devices are being used in it. Moreover, you will learn about what all primary components you would need to build your own IoT device.IoT is a hot area and it has the potential to impact a variety of industries. This course is designed to initiate the widest possible group of people to the field of IoT and will be comprehensive in its scope. This course supplies in-depth content that put the theory into practice.The course will start with a basic introduction to IoT and take the student through an IoT solution case study. You will be able to build IoT solutions on your own to solve your business needs.IoT devices You can create in the Course :Product 1 - Smart lights and devices -- Home AutomationProduct 2 - Motion detector with email notification - Building SafetyProduct 3 - Panic Alarm for the Elders - - Healthcare IndustryTeaching Methodology Highlights:1) Professionally authored and edited lectures for serious and easy learning.2) Easy presentation style, with NO powerpoints !!3) Generous use of technology-enabled teaching products to enhance learning outcome.4) Carefully planned and sequenced small lectures.5) Guaranteed learning in every minute!6) Generous descriptions for each lecture and section.7) All necessary codes, libraries, supporting documentation is uploaded.Note 1: The course is taught in Hindi and English mixed. Moreover, by considering the fact that the students are from different countries and regions, we are working on providing English Subtitles for the course. Note 2: Lectures are short and explained clearly in simple English and Hindi mixed language, providing a major focus on the concepts."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Internet of Things (IoT)-The Complete Course (English+Hindi)" |
"IoT means a world of connected things, which are capable of taking actions on their own by talking to the network. With this technology, we get to work with both hardware and software simultaneously and create some of the most spectacular systems and devices. Our course is designed to help you make some incredible IoT products from scratch. The primary focus of this course is to allow the learners to immediately start building the IoT systems. Internet of Things (IoT) is the networking of physical devices or things using Wi-Fi or other networks. Things can refer to a variety of physical devices or sensors such as biosensors, actuators, home appliances, transponders, automobiles, farm sensors or other hardware. Now, IoT is changing the way we live. It helps us in daily life, i.e. collecting and processing huge amounts of data, interact with each other, and take advantage of cloud services and cloud storage.This course will teach you about IoT and related hardware from basic level. You will learn about:-Programming a microcontroller on Arduino platformHow to control devices using digital and analog outputsHow to use some sensors for your projects, i.e. temperature, humidity, light sensor and so forth.How to build some projects using digital and analog inputsNote 1: Hardware Kit Cost: Rs. 10,000 (Please note that the hardware kit can be delivered within all parts of India only). Note 2: The course is taught in Hindi and English mixed. Moreover, by considering the fact that the students are from different countries and regions, we are working on providing English Subtitles for the course. Note 3: Lectures are short and explained clearly in simple English and Hindi mixed language, providing a major focus on the concepts."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"IoT Using Arduino (English + Hindi)" |
"IoT using Arduino course is specially designed for fulfilling engineering students most desired needs. This course covers all the basic requirements needed to make industrial projects, engineering projects, and home automation related projects. The best part is that an Arduino board doesn't cost much and you can easily do programming with it. For example, once you'll learn about controlling electrical devices through your phone, you can add as many devices you want and make your home a smart one. The course includes insights of Arduino, basic programming, types of sensors, LCD, LED, potentiometer, TFT, types of motors, home automation methods etc.Why EnrollIoT is offering a new way of living and now we can connect more and more devices with the help of the internet. Even the demand for these skills is increasing day by day. Getting your hands on IoT using Arduino will open doors for many opportunities and will even help you grow in the technical field.Career ProspectsIf you are a technology freak and need to get familiar with the bleeding edge innovation then this is the correct course for you. There are various amazing job profiles for people who learn IoT using Arduino like:Electrical Engineer for Innovative Arduino ProjectsIoT EngineerEmbedded System Robotics Linux Arduino TrainersTeaching Methodology Highlights:1) Professionally authored and edited lectures for serious and easy learning2) Easy presentation style with practical exposure !!3) Generous use of technology-enabled teaching products to enhance learning outcome4) Carefully planned and sequenced small lectures5) Guaranteed learning in every minute!6) Generous descriptions for each lecture and Section7) All necessary codes, libraries, supporting documentation are uploadedNote 1: Hardware kit cost is Rs.5,000 and it can be delivered in India only.Note 2: The course is taught in Hindi and English mixed. Moreover, by considering the fact that the students are from different countries and regions, we are working on providing English Subtitles for the course."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Java Programming (English + Hindi)" |
"Over time, Java has got developed from being a platform-friendly language into an easy to understand the programming language. Doing a certificate course in Java will help students in learning the core programming concepts and equip them to write programs to solve complex problems.We have covered the complete syllabus on Java with enough programs on different environments which gives you enough experience for scoring good marks, inventing exceptional projects and crack industrial interviews.Why EnrollWe ensure that our enrollment certificate course in Java will help students in learning the centre programming ideas and prepare them to build innovative projects having complex issues. To become a successful Java programmer, a student must possess attention to detail and analytical abilities with a good patience level to learn new concepts to turn into an effective Java Developer.Career ProspectsWe make sure that you will get all the basic abilities that a software engineer needs for solving real-life problems, for instance, structuring calculations, testing and investigating the projects after completing the Java course. Students can pick any of the below-mentioned occupations in different profiles in industries on completion of this course.Software DeveloperJava ProgrammerJava DeveloperJava EE Application EngineerAny individual who needs to be an ace of this language and wants to work in enormous MNC's should seek this well-designed certification course in Java.Course DetailJava programming language is used to create secure, portable, high-performance applications. Java language is class-based, object-oriented and explicitly intended to have a couple of usage conditions as could be expected under the circumstances. This course will teach you how to write a program in Java language. You will learn various concepts of Java programming like variables, class, data types, flow control statements and, operators, class, object orientation etc. and every topic is explained on board and their related programs on the Ubuntu Operating system."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"C Programming Language (English+Hindi)" |
"This course aims to teach C language in the easiest way possible. If you are looking to learn C programming course but not sure about how and where to start it, then here is the solution. This course helps you to learn C programming language from basics to advanced concepts like pointers, file handling, pointers with structures, etc. easily. We have covered the complete syllabus with enough programs on the Linux environment which gives you enough experience for getting good marks, doing industry-related projects and crack job interviews. We have structured the course in such a way that, a newbie with zero experience of programming can become a professional programmer in just a few days but with the regular practice.Lectures are short and explained clearly in simple English and Hindi mixed language, providing a major focus on the concepts.If you are a newbie, or intermediate level programmer or advanced developer, this course will teach you each and every aspect of programming.This course covers important concepts of C language. Some of them are like:OperatorsDecision MakingLoopingArraysFunctionsPointersStringsStructureUnionSo what are you waiting for? Just enrol with a click and experience programming in C language from scratch to an advanced level.Note: The course is taught in Hindi and English mixed. Moreover, by considering the fact that the students are from different countries and regions, we are working on providing English Subtitles for the course."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"C++ Programming Language" |
"Course InformationDo you want to learn one of the most popular and powerful object-oriented programming languages in the IT industry and boost your hire ability? Then, learning C++ is the right choice for you. C++ is a general-purpose programming language used by millions of developers and offers a powerful combination of performance and abstraction that other languages don't offer. We believe that mastering the fundamentals of this programming language can accelerate your career as a programmer.Why EnrollThis course teaches you the powerful, fast and popular C++ programming language from scratch, assuming only basic computer knowledge is desired. With the increasing demand for C++ developers, we assure you that learning C++ will open vast opportunities for you. The complex Softwares such as Database Management, Trading Systems, and powerful systems, all are written in C++ language.Career ProspectsC++ can help you develop game engines and desktop apps. And make some good career selection choices in the industry as:C++ DeveloperSoftware Systems EngineerSoftware Application EngineerCourse DetailC++ is an intermediate-level language, which can work as high and as well as low-level language. This course will teach you to utilize the maximum benefit out of it. You will also learn various concepts of Object-oriented Programming, Classes, Objects, File Handling, Operators, etc. Each topic is briefed properly without creating a problem for you."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Learn and Master Python Programming (English + Hindi)" |
"Python is a prominently useful programming language utilized for both enormous and little scale applications. It is a basic, simple to learn, use for scripting, and attractive for Rapid Application Development, etc. Python is utilized as an essential language in numerous industrial domains like Data Science; Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence and so on.Why EnrollHaving expertise in Python will drastically improve your educational and career prospects. As it is a multi-purpose, feature-rich and powerful language for Data Scientists, AI Experts, and Web Programmers etc. Python is easy to learn the language, even compared to Java. You can even write the Python scripts manually to quickly automate things that provide greater value to beginners. So, learning Python will seriously make an important skill that will pay you throughout your career.Career ProspectsGetting hands-on experiences in Python language is truly one of the most sought-after skills in the entire programming domain. Python tops the charts in the list of the most promising career options for Tech enthusiasts. In India and the US, most of the companies are on the constant lookout for the qualified and skilled workforce to meet the changing technology needs of customers. And we can say that the career opportunities in Python are growing in number across the world.These are the multiple relevant job profiles for people who learn Python language:Software EngineerPython DeveloperResearch AnalystData AnalystData ScientistSoftware DeveloperCourse DetailPython is a language with a straightforward sentence structure and a ground-breaking set of libraries. It is known as an interpreted language, with a rich programming environment, including a powerful debugger and a profiler. While this Python course is simple for beginners to learn, it is broadly utilized in numerous logical regions for information investigation.Python course will work as an introduction to the Python programming language for the students without an earlier programming background. We have secured the total schedule of Python with enough programs which give you unique experience for scoring great, inventing remarkable projects and excel in job interviews etc. In the Python course, we will cover data types, input/output operators, object-oriented programming statements, loops, mathematical functions, strings, etc. The course is well explained on board as well as their practical implementation is done on both interactive and scripting manner."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Robotics In-Depth Course" |
"Course InformationThis course is designed to help you make a programmed Robot. Our primary focus is to grow the programming and electronics skills of the students with the help of the Robotics In-Depth Module course. We help you to understand the Robotics and its associated components which ultimately improve your Logical & Analytical skills.Why EnrollRobotics is heavily mystified in today's public awareness. People are simply not aware of what machines can and can't do. Robotics helps in addressing the growing demand for teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math in schools. It is the course that describes the design, construction, operation, and ultimately the use of Robots. By making Robots, students can create their own devices and gadgets that interact with the real world. This is a profound and empowering experience, which greatly impacts a student's life. Teaching Robotics to young students throughout their learning can increase their ability to be Creative and Innovative thinkers and more productive members of society.Career ProspectsRobotics is an emerging technology for the Future and the career opportunities associated with it are vast. Its job profiles from the industry include: Robotics Engineer Software Developer Robotics Accounts ManagerCourse DetailAs we know a robot is a machine that can substitute for humans and replicate human actions. In this course, you will get a chance to know the basics of Robotics. For beginners, it is very adaptive without any prior knowledge of Robotics. Edutainer provides both hardware and software knowledge for Robotics at a single Platform. Our courses help you to learn and design your Robots. It covers topics such as types of motors, Robot Cars, Ultrasonic sensor etc."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Theory of Computation (TOC)" |
"Course Information:This is an introductory course on the theory of computation intended for undergraduate students in computer science. In this course, we will introduce various models of computation and study their power and limitations. We will also explore the properties of corresponding language classes defined by these models and the relations between them. It is designed based on the syllabus given by GATE Computer Science exam.Why Enroll:Theory of computation is mainly concerned with the study of how problems can be solved using algorithms. These studies are used to understand the way an algorithm is meant to work and to actually prove it work through analyzing problems that may arise with the technique used and finding solutions to these problems. This course will help you to solve the problems which are asked in GATE exam.Career Prospects:Learning this course will help you to make a career in different fields and positions such asLecturer (Computer Science)Research EngineerSoftware EngineerCourse Detail:The Course contains a formal connection between algorithmic problem solving and the theory of languages, automata. It also develops them into a mathematical (and less magical) view towards the algorithmic design and in general computation itself. The course should, in addition, clarify the practical view towards the applications of these ideas in the engineering part of CS. This course will cover the language such as Regular Language, Context Free Language, Context Sensitive Language, and Recursively Enumerable sets. It also covers their corresponding grammar and machine."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Virtual Reality" |
"Course InformationBuild professional VR applications using Unity 3D, a powerful cross-platform 3D engine that provides a user-friendly development environment. In this course, you will learn fundamentals of VR, how to build a VR application from the ground, how to dynamically create 3D objects, manipulate them, move around the 3D world, and create 3D menus. You will also learn how to make your application successful for your target users. Moreover, you will also learn how to identify and avoid typical problems. As a part of the programming instruction, you will also learn how to write C# scripts for more complex VR functionality.Why EnrollThere are no strict prerequisites for the course. Anyone can take up and increase their skills and learn how to build a VR application. Some experience in Unity game engine as well as in C# script is a plus for learning VR. Moreover, we will provide tutorials and step by step procedures for the easy understanding of the course.Career ProspectsAs we are moving towards a world in which learning technology is quite important to improve your skill sets. Learning VR is also important because learning new technologies will be quite helpful in the future. Or we can say, these technologies are the future itself.Course DetailIn this course, you will learn some fundamentals components of the virtual reality with creating some virtual reality applications. It will be interesting as well as quite challenging task, but we have made the VR course much easier and interactive for you."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Terapeuta de Sucesso" |
"Se voc empreendedor do segmento teraputico ou tomador de decises, este curso para voc.Passando por diversos tpicos da multidisciplinaridade que compe o marketing digital, a teoria deste curso apresentando de forma vivencial e na prtica.Com este conhecimento possvel aplicar o marketing de contedo para revolucionar:como atrair, converter, conquistar e fidelizar clientes independente do segmento de terapias que voc atua.Marketing de contedo o que funciona atualmente e vai continuar trazendo credibilidade, autoridade e altos lucros para quem levar a srio um trabalho que , no mnimo, mais divertido do que a maioria.A venda deixou de ser uma questo de convencer, e agora tudo sobre a educao e o conhecimento que o cliente tem sobre os seus produtos e servios.Em um mundo cada vez mais influenciado pela tecnologia, cresce o interesse pela internet como meio de marketing e relaes pblicas. Encontrar o pblico nas plataformas virtuais nunca foi to fcil, pois quase metade dos brasileiros em idade economicamente ativa j esto conectados internet e as redes sociais j atingiram sua maturidade. Mas h um grande desafio para se fazer um marketing digital que funcione: preciso atravessar o abismo que o separa do marketing tradicional.O rpido ritmo de mudana na forma de fazer e utilizar tecnologia, o ambiente ldico e pessoal da internet e a alta dependncia das plataformas tornam a publicidade tradicional cara e ineficaz no mundo virtual.Com foco em Neurocincia, experincia de usurio, design e marketing, esse curso rene tcnicas com o objetivonico de obter resultados via internet para converso de conhecimento em vendas de servios para voc.PARA QUEM TERAPUTA E QUER TER UM NEGCIO QUE VENDE TODO OS DIAS1 - GERE NOVAS VENDAS E NOVOS CLIENTES TODOS OS DIAS2 - SEJA UM ""TERAPUTA REFERNCIA"" EM SUA REGIO3 - TRANSFORME SEUS FANS EM COMPRADORES4 - CONQUISTE ATENO MESMO EM UM MERCADO DISPUTADO"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Verslaafd aan je telefoon? Schrijf je vrij!" |
"Besteed jij veel teveel tijd op je telefoon? Ben jij soms uren aan het scrollen op social media, en zou je je tijd liever aan andere dingen besteden? Raak jij ook in paniek wanneer je je telefoon niet bij je hebt, of raak jij nog erger in paniek wanneer je hem kwijt bent? Dan heb jij misschien wel last van nomofobie: de angst van het niet continu bereikbaar zijn. Misschien heb jij ook wel last van FOMO: the fear of missing out. Of van Infobesitas: de angst dat je informatie mist, omdat er altijd en overal informatie beschikbaar is. Ben jij afhankelijk van je smartphone en stoor je je aan jouw telefoongebruik? Of heb jij er misschien last van dat jouw kind, vriend(in) of partner teveel naar zijn telefoon kijkt? Dan is deze cursus voor jou, of een leuk cadeau (met een knipoog) aan iemand anders. Teveel tijd besteden op je telefoon (telefoonverslaving) heeft net als andere verslavingen een negatieve invloed op je geluk, je balans, je zingeving en je succes. Niet bewust omgaan met je telefoon zorgt voor stress, of zelfs voor angst en paniek (wanneer je hem kwijt bent).Het leven is een stuk luchtiger, leuker en makkelijker als je niet zo verslaafd bent aan jouw telefoon.Wij gaan jou de komende 30 dagen helpen! In 10 minuten per dag, met simpele (schrijf)oefeningen, word jij je telefoonverslaving de baas. Deze cursus zorgt ten eerste voor bewustwording. Vervolgens ga je aan de slag met triggers en impulsen, zodat jij een gezonde relatie krijgt met jouw telefoon. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ganzkrper Training mit Ivana Jagla - Fitness und Mobility" |
"Ganzkrper Training mit Ivana Jagla - Mobility und FitnessIn nur 30 Minuten durch den ganzen Krper: Mit dem Besten aus Yoga, Pilates und Mobility Training. Lektionen: Warm UpUpper BodyLower BodyCool DownPlus Bonus-Materilien zum DownloadDas ist Ivana Jagla - Personal Trainer aus Mnchen - IviLeague MunichGeboren im ehemaligen Jugoslawien und aufgewachsen in Berlin entscheidet sich Ivana schon frh fr den Profi-Sport: Die Tochter von Europas erfolgreichstem Basketball-Trainer startet ihre Karriere bei TUS Lichterfelde Berlin.Als eine der jngsten Basketballerinnen Deutschlands spielt sie im deutschen Nationalkader und in der ersten Liga in Spanien beim FC Barcelona. Im Alter von 19 Jahren trifft sie erneut eine Entscheidung: Sie wechselt ins Sport-Management und arbeitet fortan in Barcelona.Durch eine gesundheitliche Herausforderung stellt sie allerdings fest, dass sie sich wieder vermehrt um ihren Krper kmmern und Wege finden muss, wie sie fit und zugleich gesund bleiben kann.Ihr Wissen und ihre Erfahrung gibt sie an Einzelpersonen, kleine Gruppen und auch Firmenkunden weiter. So trainiert sie in Mnchen sowohl bekannte Gesichter des ffentlichen Lebens als auch Mitarbeiter und Profi-Sportler des FC Bayern Mnchen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pro Writing for the Fashion Industry Enthusiast" |
"This is a critical writing course where we explore how cultural codes define the way an image is perceived. We will also explore and do exercises based on what it takes to be a writer. You will be a better writer in one day if you download my 10-step process and start right away. When you start my course you will notice improvements in your writing today. Not tomorrow, but today. Such a feat is possible once you utilize the tools I have laid out for you."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Programao em Perl 5 com exemplos" |
"Perl uma linguagem criada em 1987 sendo atualizada e muito utilizada at hoje principalmente nas reas de administrao de sistemas, manipulao de textos e interao com redes devido as ferramentas e funcionalidades ja disponibilizadas pela prpria linguagem. Com o objetivo de focar nos aspectos e detalhes mais bsicos e naqueles em que a linguagem perl mais se destaca, vamos analisar as particularidades relativas a linguagem trabalhando com exemplos simples mas poderosos, que propem demonstrar como perl pode ser utilizado para facilitar a soluo de tarefas que poderiam ser de resoluo complexa em outras ferramentas. Durante o curso ser utilizado inicialmente a IDE (Integrated Development Enviroment) Padre que ja disponibiliza a verso 5.14 de strawberry Perl. Alm disso ser tambm utilizada outra distribuio muito conhecida disponibilizada pela Active State que se encontram entre as distribuies mais populares de perl."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
1-bwxjmd |
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
2-gpihrd |
": : :* .* .* ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
3-ghwasm |
":1- .2- .3- .4- ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Automatizar y Optimizar Instagram" |
"No sabes como hacer crecer tu cuenta de empresas o creador en Instagram? No te preocupes!Ya es hora de que dejes de pagar por apps que van a tener acceso a toda tu informacin. Este curso te ayudara a hacer en 15 minutos diarios lo que en la realidad cuesta + de 6 horas. Vas a aprender tcnicas usadas por los mejores community managers y podrs trabajar de esto!Conocers los trucos de todo influencer y podrs dominar a Instagram y su algoritmo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Primeros pasos para aprender a tatuar" |
"En este curso aprenders todo lo que necesitas para iniciarte en el mundo del tatuaje, desde lo ms bsico como la historia y los implementos hasta culminar con una prctica de tatuaje real en piel sinttica. Este curso est hecho para todas las personas que quieren aprender a tatuar pero no saben por dnde empezar, desde mi experiencia como aprendiz te enseo todas las herramientas, ejercicios y tips que me ayudaron en mi proceso para hoy poder vivir de ello. Yo tambin estuve en tu situacin y se lo dificil que es querer aprender algo que no todo mundo est dispuesto a ensearte. Importante! Con este curso No te hars tatuador, pero te dar toda la informacin que necesitas para que empieces a practicar, tatuar es una prctica que toma aos dominar. pero si tienes pasin por este arte, con este curso y mucho tiempo practicando lo que aqu aprenders seguro que en algn momento lo logrars."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |