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"eCommerce Fundamentals avanzato" |
"ATTENZIONE. Il superamento dellesame di questo corso un requisito necessario per il conseguimento dei badge:Amazon Leader e Amazon Operational LeaderAli Express Leader e Ali Express Operational LeadereBay Leader e eBay Operational LeadereBay e Amazon Marketing SpecialisteCommerce Management Fundamentals Avanzato il tuo corso se vuoi approfondire i temi legati allattivit di eCommerce Management.Il corso si compone di 9 moduli video, che puoi guardare quando vuoi e dove vuoi. Alla fine di ogni modulo puoi sostenere un test di autovalutazione per verificare le competenze che hai acquisito."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Impara ad usare Amazon FBA per il tuo eCommerce" |
"ATTENZIONE. Il superamento dellesame di questo corso un requisito necessario per il conseguimento dei badge:Amazon Fulfillment OperatorFBA: come usare la logistica di Amazon Base il tuo corso se gi vendi su Amazon e vuoi cogliere lopportunit di delegare la logistica.Il corso si compone di 9 moduli video, che puoi guardare quando vuoi e dove vuoi. Alla fine di ogni modulo puoi sostenere un test di autovalutazione per verificare le competenze che hai acquisito."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Jewellery Digital Marketing Parte 1" |
"Prima parte del corso completo per Gioiellieri ed orafiPerch questo corso cambier profondamente il modo in cui gestisci la tua attivit ?Perch avrai modo di capire come sono cambiati i clienti, le loro esigenze e come devi modificare il tuo approccio nei loro confronti. Abbiamo badato all'impostazione della didattica, cercando di ideare li corso pi piacevole, facile ed incisivo che sia mai stato realizzato in questo ambito. Ora tocca a te: sei pronto a cambiare?""La specie che sopravvive ai grandi cambiamenti non quella pi intelligente ma quella pi capace ad adattarsi"".Perch questo corso ti aiuter ad avere pi clienti?Perch imparerai a gestire la differenza abissale che esiste oggi tra la domanda e l'offerta. Comprenderai nell'intimo come funzionano i nuovi modelli di business, quelli che funzionano realmente nel nuovo mondo digitale. Le nuove attivit legate al mondo del digitale sfruttano le competenze per poter crescere ed arricchirsi. Acquisendo il giusto sapere, anche per te sar pi facile trattenere ed aumentare il tuo parco clienti.""Sapere e non fare veramente non sapere"".Perch questo corso differente da tutti gli altri corsi?Perch consiste in comode video lezioni da pochi minuti ciascuna. Le video lezioni sono disponibili online, e potrai guardarle quando avrai tempo e modo. Nella realizzazione del materiale ci siamo concentrati sulla qualit dei contenuti, sul riuscire ad essere utili per te e per la tua crescita personale. Siamo interessati a ci che bene per te, pi che a quanto incasseremo da questo corso.""Se incontri un essere umano nella folla, seguilo"".Quando finisce il corso, sar abbandonato a me stesso?Sarai seguito continuamente, perch aderirai alla prima community di operatori del settore che si interrogano e si confrontano su questi temi. Il mondo del web globale e la competizione becera fatta di emulazione, violazione del copyright o di piccoli furti da spioni industriali non tengono pi. Ha invece senso coalizzarsi, unirsi e lavorare insieme per comprendere un ambito nuovo, ignoto ai pi e di portata epocale.""L'unione fa la forza""."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Jewellery Digital Marketing Parte 2" |
"Seconda parte del corso completo per Gioiellieri ed orafiPerch questo corso cambier profondamente il modo in cui gestisci la tua attivit ?Perch avrai modo di capire come sono cambiati i clienti, le loro esigenze e come devi modificare il tuo approccio nei loro confronti. Abbiamo badato all'impostazione della didattica, cercando di ideare li corso pi piacevole, facile ed incisivo che sia mai stato realizzato in questo ambito. Ora tocca a te: sei pronto a cambiare?""La specie che sopravvive ai grandi cambiamenti non quella pi intelligente ma quella pi capace ad adattarsi"".Perch questo corso ti aiuter ad avere pi clienti?Perch imparerai a gestire la differenza abissale che esiste oggi tra la domanda e l'offerta. Comprenderai nell'intimo come funzionano i nuovi modelli di business, quelli che funzionano realmente nel nuovo mondo digitale. Le nuove attivit legate al mondo del digitale sfruttano le competenze per poter crescere ed arricchirsi. Acquisendo il giusto sapere, anche per te sar pi facile trattenere ed aumentare il tuo parco clienti.""Sapere e non fare veramente non sapere"".Perch questo corso differente da tutti gli altri corsi?Perch consiste in comode video lezioni da pochi minuti ciascuna. Le video lezioni sono disponibili online, e potrai guardarle quando avrai tempo e modo. Nella realizzazione del materiale ci siamo concentrati sulla qualit dei contenuti, sul riuscire ad essere utili per te e per la tua crescita personale. Siamo interessati a ci che bene per te, pi che a quanto incasseremo da questo corso.""Se incontri un essere umano nella folla, seguilo"".Quando finisce il corso, sar abbandonato a me stesso?Sarai seguito continuamente, perch aderirai alla prima community di operatori del settore che si interrogano e si confrontano su questi temi. Il mondo del web globale e la competizione becera fatta di emulazione, violazione del copyright o di piccoli furti da spioni industriali non tengono pi. Ha invece senso coalizzarsi, unirsi e lavorare insieme per comprendere un ambito nuovo, ignoto ai pi e di portata epocale.""L'unione fa la forza""."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"LinkedIn B2B Lead Generation - For Agencies and Consultants" |
"Do You Run a B2B Company and Need More Clients?Just about any B2B company owner will answer YES! - we all know theres virtually no such thing as too many clients.The problem for most B2B agencies, consultants and service companies starts well before they realize they dont have enough clients - it starts with not having enough conversations with their potential customers.Lots of B2B companies put a lot of effort into finding new clients - only to realize THEY WASTED THEIR TIME and didnt even sign a client! The biggest culprits here are trade shows, cold calling and vaguely defined networking.The problem isnt just that those methods arent an efficient use of time or resources - its that they arent following a PROVEN SYSTEM that has been tried and tested to put SALES APPOINTMENTS ON THEIR CALENDAR.When you wake up in the morning and already have people in your inbox wanting to talk about hiring you, the sales side of your business becomes much easier and more predictable.Thats why in our course, we are going to be showing you exactly how to harness the incredible power of LinkedIn - the worlds largest professional B2B network.The Ugly Truth - Most People Who Try to Find Clients on LinkedIn Will FAIL SpectacularlyIve seen it time and time again. In my career, Ive reviewed hundreds of campaigns across numerous channels. In just about every instance, the campaigns were performing horribly - no responses, negative responses and of course no new clients signed.Most campaigns make similar mistakes - talking too much about themselves, not showing any value. Targeting is often way off. One thing is consistent about these mistakes though - they were made because the person making them didnt know what they SHOULD HAVE DONE. They werent following any kind of system thats been PROVEN TO PRODUCE LEADS.Thats why in our course, we are going to be walking through our EXACT PROCESS OF USING LINKEDIN TO PRODUCE LEADS FOR AGENCIES. Weve spent years perfecting, testing and refining our process, which weve used to help B2B companies make millions in sales, and are now ready to share it with you.If you continue doing the same things everyone else is doing on LinkedIn, youll continue receiving lackluster results like everyone else. In order to succeed on LinkedIn, you need to stand out from your competition.By the time youre finished with this course, all the following things will come naturally to you:How to optimize your LinkedIn Profile to act as a standalone piece of marketing, to attract only the best prospectsHow to craft your offer around the types of things people respond well to on LinkedIn - and how to use this as a stepping stone to your main offerHow to ensure your campaigns will stand out to your prospects and never allow you to blend in with your competitorsHow to write your templates to ensure you get positive replies, using our PROVEN TEMPLATESHow to create a target list full of only the types of people who are desperate to hire youHow to take the conversation from LinkedIn messages to a sales callHow to keep your calendar so full of sales calls, you may even need to TURN OFF the lead faucet when you get overloadedSo if you have a product or service you sell to other businesses and arent currently overwhelmed with client work, this is the course you need to grow your business.Whether you have extensive outbound experience or this is your first time trying to reach out to your best prospects, this course will help you get there faster, without wasting time trying and testing things that dont work.Cant wait to see you in the first module and get you started on winning more clients than you ever thought possible!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Excel fr Einsteiger - schnell, einfach und kompakt" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen, Formeln und Funktionen von Microsoft Excel. Anhand von anschaulichen Beispielen erklre ich dir einfach, schnell und kompakt worauf es beim Arbeiten mit Excel ankommt. Mit einfachen bungsaufgaben bekommst du eine Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung. Dieser Kurs macht dich fit fr Schule, Studium, Alltag und Beruf."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Adoo de Ces" |
"O Curso Adoo de Ces para aqueles que pretendem adotar um co e querem se preparar para receber o novo integrante da famlia. A adoo de ces especialmente recomendada por diverso motivos: 1) Voc estar salvando um co abandonado. 2) Voc economizar dinheiro adotando. 3) Voc estar dando um bom exemplo para sua famlia e amigos, sendo politicamente correto. 4) Voc ter um amigo legal e companheiro. 5) Voc ganhar o amor incondicional de um co que estava esperando ansiosamente por voc!O curso foi desenvolvido com vdeo aulas rpidas e prticas, depoimentos reais e quiz!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"English III A" |
"This course is to prepare students in passing their English III final at Texas Tech University, but is useful for any high school. It is necessary to read the prerequisite literature in order to properly prepare for the quizzes in this course. Should you have any questions, you can reach out to me at"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginner Level Iron Palm" |
"Iron palm was a staple practice of the Shaolin Monks and Nuns, who were renowned for their legendary martial abilities. No matter what martial art style or system one may practice, iron palm training can augment that training. This is a beginner level iron palm course that is meant to give users a good introduction to iron palm. Users will learn how to make dit dat jow and how to properly condition your hands using the 5 basic iron palm techniques. And they will learn the basic iron palm strikes and blocks.And users will learn sitting meditation, standing meditation and moving meditation.The course will also teach proper strengthening exercises. The course concludes with users learning how to do proper iron palm breaking at the basic level. At the end of this course, beginner level students can expect (if they do the training) to be able to break both a single board and 2 boards stacked together. This iron palm course lays the foundation for being able to grow beyond this and be able to break bricks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Iron Palm Training" |
"Learn the fundamentals of what it takes to break your first coconut using iron palm. I take the essential practices and lay them out in an easy to follow, easy to learn format. Students will crawl, stand, walk, run and then fly in this course. Students will learn:Fundamental iron palm strikesIron Shirt TrainingSitting MeditationStanding MeditationMoving MeditationAdvanced Level Standing-Moving Meditation #1 and #2Iron Palm Strength Training ExercisesHeavenly Thunder Palms Fighting FormAdvanced Level Hand Conditioning ProcedureIron Palm Hanging Bag StrikesHow to Break a Coconut"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cancer Exercises" |
"I was recently asked by a relative stricken by advanced stage cancer to create a qiqong and exercise program for him to help strengthen and to help focus. I put together a program for him, but when I was done, I realized I had to share it with the world. These exercises are based on qiqong and meditation. They are designed to be simply, easy to learn and easy to do. They are made to put movement into the body without straining the body. All of the exercises and meditations taught in this course can be done standing up, sitting down, or even lying down. The course starts out with some very basic movements, then moves to learning meditation, and then learning more active movements. It is not necessary to do all of the meditations or exercises. Pick and choose what you like and what works for you and build from there."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Iron Foot Training (Compliment to Iron Palm Training)" |
"Iron Foot training and conditioning is similar to iron palm training and conditioning. You will learn how to make your own dit dat jow and how to properly condition and strengthen your feet.If you want to maximize your martial art kicking ability you are going to want to learn iron foot training. Iron foot training will greatly strengthen your feet for maximum power in your strikes. It develops strong body-mind connection with the feet. It's important to know how to properly strengthen your feet so that you can have strong, agile and supple feet for martial arts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Soft Skills for Survival in the Business World" |
"Survival and Success in life depend on your ability to work through challenges, stay healthy, grow your network, communication effectively, manage time and execute your plan. This course provides the basic tools and soft skills to ensure your success. We leverage these same tools will all of our consulting clients who pay thousands of dollars to have us help them grow their businesses. Soft Skills are becoming a lost art. Sharpen your sword and reach your goals by applying the lessons taught in Soft Skills for Survival in the Business World."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"On Camera Audition Mastery" |
"What youll learnYoull discover a new sense of confidence that you will carry into all your auditions.You will know exactly what to do before, during, and after your audition. This will give you a sharp competitive edge over most actors.Youll eliminate the guesswork and worry about what casting directors want from you. You will know what that is and how to deliver it every time.Youll develop powerful new memory skills to quickly learn any number of lines. Imagine learning an entire scene within 10 to 15 minutes for an impressive cold read.RequirementsYour burning desire to be a highly respected, well paid, professional film & TV actorDescriptionThis is a no-nonsense course that gives you a clear, proven, step-by-step system to help you master every phase of the on camera audition process. No fluff. No theory. You will learn powerful techniques and secrets that lead to acting success and career advancement.You gain from my experience of more than 40 years as a professional actor and teacher. I reveal the best of what has worked and still works as I continue to audition and book film and TV roles.Master professional audition skills and create the mindset that executes those skills with elegance and ease.A small glimpse at what this course offers you:How to make the camera fall in love with youHow to get casting directors excited about bringing you in for great rolesThe secret to remembering all your lines without memorizing wordsHow to light up the audition room with your magnetic presenceHow to win at every auditionMaster the audition process that begins at home, peaks in the casting studio, and winds down as you leave the experience behind you.You can learn a lot from many qualified acting teachers. You can also find valuable knowledge on YouTube. Consider this course if you want a complete learning experience that covers all the bases. My aim is to make you bulletproof by giving you mastery of things that can win or lose an audition; many of these things happen as outside and away from the audition room. This course will help you become an insider whose mastery goes beyond obvious knowledge.CONTENTS & OVERVIEWYour audition mastery in this course will take you on a learning adventure with a clear beginning, middle, and end. You will enjoy a journey of more than 4 hours through 26 video tutorials.Here is the trajectory you will follow.BeginningYour journey begins with an eye-opening exploration of the significant differences between stage and screen acting. This important foundational step is often skipped in otherwise good courses. Without it, its easy to make good acting choices that may work beautifully on stage but miss the mark completely on camera.Next, you will learn specifically how to adapt any performance to the camera. You will round off this section of the course by leaning the three shots that affect you the most.Middle - Part 1This comprehensive section will make you comfortable with any script written for the camera. Youll know how and why good screenplays are very different from good stage plays. Youll appreciate and, maybe, even fall in love with the sparseness of good screenwriting.You will learn how to identify beats that will give your performance variety, color, and focus. One module is devoted entirely to a detailed breakdown of a scene from an award winning screenplay.My expertise in this area will enrich your learning. I taught a very popular script analysis course in the drama department at York University in Toronto. It helped actors and directors as well.Middle - Part 2You will take a deep dive into the entire audition process. Theres a lesson on what to do before an audition. This includes learning your scene at home and reinforcing what youve learned while you travel to your audition.Another lesson focuses on how to handle the waiting room at the audition venue. Many a good actor loses the game here before stepping into the inner sanctum where the camera awaits.Of course, there is a lesson on what should and should not happen once you are in the room with the casting director and anyone else involved in the project. This lesson covers the technical details of your relationship to the camera and the reader.Sometimes, they throw you a curve ball at an audition. They like you and want to read you for a role you havent prepared for. Gotchya covered. There is a great lesson on how to ace a cold reading, complete with powerful memory secrets. This is where you will learn the Trigger Happy Memory System.But wait, theres more :-)Middle - Part 3The course would not be complete without specific guidelines on how to self tape. I take you through the process in a series of videos that cover everything from shooting at home on a smartphone, to shooting with a DSLR camera, to shooting in a professional studio.And, get this! Theres a separate video on a hot and important topic for you - what actions you should perform in an on camera audition and which ones you should ignore. Youre going to love this one. The guest instructor is a professional working actor in demand. His name is Ron Lea. He has numerous credits, including lead roles in two TV series.When we shot this lesson, we had just completed a self tape for Ron. And, guess what? You will see the final cut that he submitted tor the role. Plus, we added one of Rons another totally different audition pieces. So, this video really covers three topics: 1) The dos and donts of performing stage directions; 2) What an actual self tape audition looks like. This is real world learning, and Im excited to offer it to you.3) You will also get a taste of green screen magic (We shot Rons auditions with green screen; you will see clips with and without green screen backgrounds).Bonus LessonsAs I created this course, I discovered things along the way that would support and enrich lessons I had already developed. So, I created additional videos for that purpose.There are 4 videos, each one, telling a story about one of my professional auditions. Three were victories. One was not. I didnt shoot these videos to talk about myself. Youll find that they will shed light on what you have already learned.Plus, I have created a few important lessons on the mindset that underlies the techniques you will learn for doing powerful auditions, as well as videos that take a deeper dive into some of the important course topics.The End - Really a New BeginningI created a review video that shows you the roadmap of your entire journey through the course. It provides a framework for you to instantly visualize how the course sections build on each other.TransformationYou will get the most out of this course by practising the skills as you learn them. You can easily do that at home with a smartphone, a tripod, a mic, and some basic lighting. By the end of the course, you will have more than knowledge. You will have new habits and behaviors that are part of your acting DNA.You will show up at auditions with calm, certainty, and presence. When you step in front of the camera and hear, Action! you will be open and available to let your talent shine through. You will win the roles that you are best suited for. When you dont book a role, you still win by leaving a great impression on the casting director who will eagerly bring you back to play and win again and again.Who this course is for:Actors with any level of experience who want to learn proven screen acting techniques, develop their talent, and master the art and skills of professional TV and film auditions."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Success Secrets: Confidence & Skills to Handle Toxic People" |
"Do you want a real breakthrough to Real Confidence and high levels of True Success? Have you felt held back by Toxic People who drain your energy? This course is built from over two decades of research and work with clients and audiences that Tom Marcoux has accomplished.Starting as a shy boy (and still working with his experiences as an introvert), Tom has studied with top mentors and has been trained in highly effective methods to communicate with confidence and ease.You will learn methods to solve problems and gain advantages to rise in both confidence and success:* Overcome situations in which Toxic People drain your energy* Focus on the most important things to do by using power time management* Overcome fear so that you make Daily Progress* Handle your Inner Critic* Create a personal brand that makes you attractive to more opportunities and interaction with top people* Develop real sources of True Confidence* Get strong and come across with confidence and charismaHere, at last, are the Secrets that Tom Marcoux used to rise to the level of teaching MBA students at Stanford University and directing a feature film that went to the Cannes Film market. Tom earned a special award at the Emmy Awards. He demonstrates how he went from being a shy boy, shaking terribly while playing a piano for a small audience, to becoming an international speaker and author of over 50 books. Now, you have access to the Secrets so you can rise to Real Confidence and True Success."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Darkest Secrets of Persuasion and Seduction Masters" |
"Have you ever been persuaded to do something, and later regretted it? Did someone seduce you and break your heart? Learn to use countermeasures to defend yourself against unethical persuasion and seduction tactics. This course is built from over two decades of research and work with clients and audiences that Tom Marcoux has accomplished.For decades, Tom has trained people to protect themselves. He began with teaching swimming and then martial arts skills. In the recent 20 years, Tom Marcoux has helped clients and audiences recognize when persuasion and seduction is being used against them and how to protect themselves against manipulation. These are his best methods. Unleash your hidden power to protect yourself and get what you want.Youll become strong, and youll protect your growing success. Here, at last, are the Secrets that Tom Marcoux used to rise to the level of teaching MBA students at Stanford University and directing a feature film that went to the Cannes Film market. Tom earned a special award at the Emmy Awards. He demonstrates how he went from being a shy boy, shaking terribly while playing a piano for a small audience, to becoming an international speaker and author of over 50 books. Now, you have access to the Secrets so you can rise to Real Confidence, Protect Yourself and Enjoy True Success."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Your Secret Charisma: More Confidence and More Sales" |
"Want to gain clients and close more salesand feel good doing it? Ready to learn the top-level sales methods that are not pushy? Here youll learn the Secrets of Enrollmenta process that is better than traditional, old-fashioned sales. Your instructor Tom Marcoux brings the material that he taught to MBA students as they used his book (their textbook), Relax, You Dont Have to Sell: How to Make Sales Without Being Pushy.Youll learn to Create Real Confidence in yourself, and youll feel stronger and better. Learn the methods that Toms clients use to enroll their own new clients into a package of coaching for $12,000 or more.Learn to overcome Money Objections and the dreaded comments ""I'll have to wait"" and ""It's so expensive."" (Instead of ""overcoming"" the objections, you learn to positively shift the person into a better state of being.)Learn to use Recovery Methods so you let go of fear because you know what to do in tough situations.Learn how to create real connection with new people and guide them to become your clients. Close sales with ease.Best of all, you learn to express Your Secret Charisma to create the success and fulfillment you want."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Darkest Secrets of Film Directing" |
"Need to watch out that you'll be blindsided while you direct a feature film? Have you heard about the darkest secrets and tough situations that can derail a film directors career? Directing movies promises vast rewards--but not for free. Traps and pitfalls await even the most talented, most skilled and hard-working director. This course offers priceless knowledge. Knowledge of those traps lying ahead. More, Tom Marcoux describes effective countermeasures with which to handle each one. Problems on set come in many forms. Directors need to spot them in advance and fix them as each arises. When the crew turns on you, a name actor goes through a breakdown mid-shoot, or the producer starts squeezing your budget--knowing all these and the rest of the 21 Darkest Secrets can happen is half the battle. The other half is what countermeasures to use in the face of disaster. Find the techniques you need here in this course. Learn how to not only manage events and people, but come through it with your film complete! ""Darkest Secrets of Film Directing is a great course on the art and craft of film directing. It's especially helpful that Tom Marcoux reveals some important pitfalls you need to avoid."" - Danek S. Kaus, Produced ScreenwriterTom treats cast and crew with great respect. He listens to ideas, allows a lot of give and take. Many directors remain defensive, even touchy about their own ideas. Tom always seems more interested in seeing what others can bring to a project. His support helped me express the truth in my scenes. David MacDowell Blue, actor, playwright, screenwriter, and author of The Annotated Carmilla"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Ethereum: Aprende a programar tu Equipo de Minado" |
"Curso dedicado al aprendizaje y obtencin de conocimientos acerca del mundo de las Criptomonedas como Bitcoin y Ethereum, ademas de brindar informacin de nuevas tecnologas como es Blockchain y sus Usos.As como tambin la Programacin de tu propio Equipo de Minado o Rig de Minera, haciendo de esta forma mucho mas fcil la obtencin de conocimientos bsicos acerca de la Pool de Minera Nanopool y Bittrex. Por lo tanto, se estar realizando un BiosMod y Overclock a nuestras Tarjetas de Vdeo AMD para el aumento de su rendimiento en el Algoritmo Ethas para Minera de Ethereum (ETH) y Ethereum Classic (ETC) por medio del Cliente de Minado Claymore Dual Miner."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"CPA Marketing: Monetiza cualquier Trafico Web" |
"Con CPA Marketing: Monetiza cualquier Trafico Web, podrs obtener los conocimientos en:Que es CPA Marketing? Que es CPA?Fundamentos Bsicos del CPA Marketing.Tipos de Ofertas CPA.Beneficios de las Ofertas CPA. Flujos de las Ofertas CPA.Tipos de Trafico y las mejores formas de generarlo.Como seleccionar la Oferta CPA acorde a nuestro trafico.Como registrarse en Traffic Company.Como encontrar las Mejores Ofertas que nos puede suministrar Traffic Company y sus Recomendaciones.Creacin de Smartlink o Enlaces Inteligentes.Creacin de Direct Offers o Campaas CPA Directas.Anlisis de los Reportes de Traffic Company.Con los conocimientos antes mencionados estars en la capacidad de monetizar cualquier tipo de Trafico Web sea: Mvil, Social, Pop/Redirect, Display, entre otros.Este curso esta diseado para personas que quieran adentrarse en el mundo del CPA Marketing e incrementar las ganancias diarias, semanales y mensuales de sus Paginas Web, Blogs y Medios Sociales, as como tambin para Influencers con una cantidad moderada de Seguidores y Suscriptores en diferentes plataformas como son: Facebook - Paginas de Facebook - Instagram (Personales - Marcas -Tiendas - entre otros); Youtube, Twitter, Tiktok y cualquier otra plataforma o Red Social que permita la inclusin de URLs dentro de sus biografas, perfiles o publicaciones. Para obtener ganancias a travs del CPA Marketing, no es necesario tener una cantidad gigantesca de visitas, pero si has de tener la capacidad de escoger la Campaa que se adapte al trafico suministrado. A travs del Smartlink o Enlace Inteligente podrs redireccionar cualquier Audiencia - Trafico Web y Personas a ofertas de CPA (Contenido Mvil) - CPL y CPI aumentando sustancialmente tus ganancias y eliminando las preocupaciones por encontrar la oferta que se adapte a el tipo de trafico que posees en el momento. Para tomar este curso, solo necesitaras poseer una cuenta en Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Canal de Youtube, o alguna otra forma de generacin de Trafico Web como puede ser una Pagina de Internet, Blog o Tienda Online! Es Fcil, Rpido y Sencillo! Que esperas para Iniciar en el Mundo del Marketing de Afiliados? Puedes hacerlo ahora y aumentar las ganancias de tus Redes Sociales y Sitios Web en un 100%. Te Esperamos!! Los ganadores siempre toman desafos y hacen posible, lo Imposible!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Microbiology" |
"This is a college-level introductory microbiology course taught at a pace for learning and understanding. It is a great way to learn basic biology concepts from all disciplines of biology or to aid you as you are taking a college microbiology course. This course covers history of microbiology, structure and function of cellular structures for bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes and viruses. Then we will dig into the human body's ability to fight off disease through immunology, failures of our immune system for hypersensitivities and autoimmune diseases, some epidemiology and then look at specific diseases cause by a few of our bad-boy pathogens. This course is very much a work-in-progress and some videos will be replaced with time (Currently, Sections 5-8 may require you to ride the volume in places). This course contains a quick (5-question) quiz at the end of each section. **Please note: this course was not produced for covering a pandemic. There is a video on SARS-CoV-2 which is lecture 46 in Section 8, at the end of that section. If you are having streaming issues, please know that we all are and isn't due to the courses themselves, rather the platform or the service provider. Those issues should be taken up with either Udemy or your service provider. If you have specific questions regarding the content of this course, please message the instructor using Udemy's messenger tool. The instructor is in GMT-5, or Central Standard Time in the U.S. If you have problems with the content, please message the instructor before leaving negative feedback."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft AzureIaaS" |
"AzureWebIaaSIaaSChapter1.AzureChapter2.Chapter3.WebChapter4.Chapter5.Chapter6.Chapter7.Chapter8.201910Chapter9.201912Chapter10.2019121Azure()Azure Azure Monitor (Log Analytics)"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
ezstudying-resume |
"!!: UI ...!,5-8AI,!,!,,,!,:102104!,HR!!"
Price: 1200.00 ![]() |
"How To Beat Every Time Trial In Crash Team Racing" |
"Do you really want to unlock N. Tropy and get those achievements but some tracks are just too hard?This course will run you through every single track, including from the original Crash Team Racing, Crash Nitro Kart and the new Beenox tracks! Each track has in-depth learning on how to find all the shortcuts as well as advice on the best line to take and more!By the end of the course, if you take on all the advice and put in some effort, you'll be able to beat N. Oxide's ghost on every track easy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Swiss Ball Mastery Class Level 1" |
"My experience has shown me that everyone would like to see epic and fast results for that common or not so common athletic beach body look, that functions well. If you are looking for positive physical change and a healthy lifestyle that leads to feeling confident in your body. I want to help as many people as I can hence why I have put this course together to focus on potent proven methods that have worked for me and my clients and can work for you. The core modules we will focus on to get the maximum from our time together I focus on Big Bang exercises to to get the most from the least time, I demonstrate how to perform specific Swiss ball exercises, guide a full body workout with a 12 week strength and weight-loss program and teach the history and benefits of the Swiss ball it is time to get excited and join in the fun"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Make your own planter Woodworking for beginners" |
"Hello and welcome to ""Make your own planter with Mark""In this course, Im going to show you how to build a very simple 30cm by 30cm planter.This planter is made from wooden decking boards and some thin timber posts, which can be bought relatively cheaply.Ill be taking you through the process from start to finish with every step explained in full.This basic design is 30cm by 30cm but the same method and techniques can be applied to make a planter of any size you require.The planter Im showing you is three deck boards deep which means itll be perfect for any bedding plants or small shrubs.This course is perfect for the complete beginner and is ideal for developing your skills as a DIY carpenter without spending a fortune."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Make your own decorative planter woodwork for beginners" |
"Hello and welcome to ""Make your own decorative planter with Mark""In this course, Im going to show you how to build a decorative 45cm by 45cm planter.This planter is made from wooden decking boards and some thin timber posts, which can be bought relatively cheaply.Ill be taking you through the process from start to finish with every step explained in full.This basic design is a 45cm by 45cm planter with legs and a decorative edge around the topThe planter Im showing you is two deck boards deep, which means itll be perfect for any bedding plants or small shrubs.This course is perfect for the complete beginner and is ideal for developing your skills as a DIY carpenter without spending a fortune."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Creative Woodworking Projects Bumper Garden DIY Course" |
"In this bumper woodworking course, you will learn how to build three wooden garden planters: a simple planter, a more decorative planter and then a stackable vegetable planter.Develop your skills Well start off learning how to build a simple planter made out of decking boards. This course assumes no prior knowledge, so everything is explained in full and you no DIY experience. Once weve created the first planter, we will develop our skills further and apply them in building a much more decorative version of the first planter.The good thing about both of these planters is that the materials required are relatively inexpensive, and the tools youll need can be found in any DIY shop and can be bought without spending a fortune. Because the materials are affordable, the projects in this course are great for developing and improving your DIY skills. The skills you learn can be applied to other DIY projects too.As well as garden planters, Ill show you how to build a very simple but very useful stackable vegetable planter. This planter can be completely bespoke, and you can make it as tall or short as you like and arrange it into an array of different designs. Ive called it a vegetable planter as it is ideal for creating your own home allotment, but it can actually be used for growing anything you like.Budding carpentersThis course is perfect for the complete beginner and is ideal for developing your skills as a DIY carpenter without spending a fortune."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Excel Bsico e Intermedirio" |
"O Excel uma das ferramentas mais utilizadas no trabalho de empresas e pessoas no mundo todo.O programa da Microsoft oferece uma infinidade de possibilidades de tarefas que facilitam a vida nos escritrios.Seja para utilizao como ferramenta de gesto financeira, montagem de planilhas ou para diferentes clculos de controle, o Excel praticamente indispensvel para empresas de pequeno, mdio e grande portes.Por isso, quem deseja ingressar no mercado de trabalho ou crescer profissionalmente dentro de uma corporao, pode estar certo que dominar o Excel pode ser o diferencial que voc precisava.O Curso de Excel ministrada pela D&S INFORMTICA ensina desde o bsico da navegao at a criao de planilhas e frmulas, sendo ideal para quem busca um primeiro contato com o Excel."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"PPC -" |
"PPC , - , , . ? - PPC. ACoS ?, , - , . . !____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PPC - PPC:1. - - -ACoS-CTR-BID- KEYWORD SEARCH TERM2. - - PPC- ****************************** PPC :1. - !- : + + - : 2. - '? !- 1- 2- - MONEY MAKER ( )+ !3. - - ****************************** - PPC :1. - - 2. 100 1- + 3. PPC - 1- PPC - 24. - ' ? !****************************** - PPC !1. - - 2. - ?- ?+ !3. SEO- ****************************** - : !1. - 2. - 3."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon -" |
"! , . , , , .. ? - ., . . !_________________________________________________________ PPC - PPC :1. - - BSR- ROI- - - / 2. - - - - - - - - + 3. !- "" ""- "" ""- _____________________________________ :1. - - 2. BSR#1- 3. !-"" "". DOUBLE IT* * * *. POWER COUPLE* * * * *- "" ""* * * *- "" ""* * * * ** !- "" ""* * * * *___________________________________________________________________________ - 1. - , , .2. - 3."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |