Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Options Trading - The Simplest Strategy To Trading Options" |
"Gain the Ability to Make Big Profits with Small Investment With Options Trading with the simplest trading strategy.Options are one of the most powerful instruments that generates large profit for its tradersOptions belong to the group of financial securities that is known as derivatives. This means that its price is derived from the price of something else. For example, butter is a derivative of bread. Petrol is a derivative of crude oil. So the same goes to Options. A stock option is a derivative of a stock.Despite of all these amazing things about options, many people avoid options, believing them too difficult to understand and many more have had bad initial experiences with options because neither they nor their brokers were properly trained in how to use them.But in this course, I will be showing you the simplest ways to trade Options. You dont need to go through all those long process of understanding so many complicated concepts. The only thing you will need is your ability to understand the market trend and I will show you how to go about it in this course.I will also be giving you simple strategies that you will use in making big profit every day from trading Options.Once you learn this strategy, you will be amazed at how simple trading Option is and you will be able to trade with confidenceYou dont need to have any experience whatsoever. I will teach you from the scratch till you become a pro and I will not hold anything back. At the end of this course you will be able to repeat this strategy month after month and it will be bringing you the same profitable result.You will learn: General concept of Option trading The best Option brokers available Understanding the concept of Money Management in Option trading Using fundamental and technical analysis to trade Option Understanding candlesticks The concept of candlestick patterns and psychology. Understanding the different market structures in Option trading How to profit from support and resistance Combining indicators with support and resistance to make profit. Ultimate trading strategies reveal.And much more.So if you have been wanting to create for yourself an extra income stream, or you want to go into Options trading and become a pro, then this course is for you and If for any reason you arent convinced this is absolutely the best way to make a fortune trading options, you are entitled to a no-questions-asked 30-day 100% money back guarantee.Happy trading."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Documentacin Legal Laboral" |
"Te proporciono las herramientas que toda empresa debe tener para contratar, amonestar y terminar la relacin de trabajo de cualquier empleado. Cada vdeo explica la razn del documento, as como agrego los documentos para que puedan ser descarga bles cuantas veces sea necesario. En el presente Curso veremos:-Contrato Individual-Clusula Confidencialidad-Acta Administrativa-Convenio-Renuncia-Finiquito Todos los anteriores pueden ser usados ante tribunales del trabajo. (Ya han sido usados y se han ganado juicios con los mismos, siempre y cuando estn bien llenados y contengan la firma y huella del trabajador)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Essentials of Strategic Thinking" |
"All of us think, but some of us think better than others. And better thinking is needed at all levels during times of ""creative destruction."" This course will provide practical tools and techniques to improve skills that are needed as we undertake the basic strategic thinking responsibilities of all emerging or established leaders. We are expected to: SENSE the signals of change; MAKE SENSE of these signals ; DECIDE on a course of action; and ACT AND LEARN."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"A Prepared Mind: Building Eight Essential Skills" |
"This mini-course is a summary of The Prepared Mind of a Leader: Eight Skills Leaders Use to Innovate, Make Decisions and Solve Problems, a book I co-authored in 2006 and used as the basis of a multi-day workshop I've presented globally to thousands of participants. These skills are observing, imagining, reasoning, reflecting, challenging, deciding, learning, and enabling others. The skills may seem obvious, but I know from many years of discussions that not all are regularly used in many organizations."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"ANSYS Workbench-Uzman Yapsal Analiz Mhendisi ile Adm Adm" |
"Herkese MERHABA!Uzun zamandr altmz firmalar gerei hem gruplara hem de zel ders olarak profesyonel seviyede eitimler verdik. Bu eitimlerde grdmz en byk eksiklik, ANSYS'in bir arayz program sanlmasyd, tpk CAD programlar gibi. Oysa CAD programlarn mhendislik eitimi almayan bir kullanc kullanabilirken, ayn kullanc arayzne mkemmel seviyede hakim dahi olsa ANSYS'te doru bir analiz yapamaz. Elde ettii sonular yorumlayamazDaha nce anlatlmayan niversite hayat boyunca Sonlu Elemanlar Analiz dersi alamam renciler iin batan sona teoriyi anlattk!Eitimimize ""Sanayii Uygulamalar"" eklemeye baladk, Analiz Mhendisi olarak Tasarm Mhendisinden aldnz geometrinin ilk aamasndan son aamasna kadar neyi nasl yaptmz anlattk. Bu eitimin sonunda ezbere bir arayz kullancs olmak yerine, detaylaryla yapsal analiz konularn reneceksiniz!Gn ierisinde sorularnza annda geri dn salyoruz!Eitimimiz Srekli gncellenmektedir!Herkese baarlar!Toplam 40 Uygulama!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Channel Management" |
"Learn everything you need to know to put together, and manage a partner ecosystem for marketing, selling, and supporting your products and services. Learn the terminology, the motivations to working with a channel, and what are the industry best practices. Understand what is the role of the Partner Profile in your recruiting process and what are the different stages in the lifecycle of partners. Finally learn how to structure a Partner Program and to manage strategic partners."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress krok po kroku." |
"W kursie omawiam system zarzdzania treci CMS Wordpress. Podczas kursu stworz dwa projekty stron internetowych dziki czemu nauczysz si samodzielnie tworzy takie witryny zwracajc uwag na wiele niuansw, ktre ostatecznie maj wpyw na sukces Twojego przedsiwzicia. W kursie omawiam ponad 140 zagadnie zwizanych z tematyk tworzenia stron internetowych: S.E.O., RWD, kopie zapasowe, page buldery, wtyczki, motywy, bezpieczestwo, szybko strony i wiele wicej."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"S.E.O i pozycjonowanie w Wordpress" |
"W kursie przekazuj podstawowe informacje dotyczce S.E.O. tj. optymalizacji witryny internetowej pod wyszukiwarki Googla. Podejmuj wszystkie najwaniejsze kwestie zwizane z S.E.O., a take pokazuj interesujca narzdzia dziki ktrym mona ledzi ruch na stronie swojej jak i na stronie konkurencji ;). Zwiczeniem prac jest stworzenie strony internetowej zgodnej z zasadami o ktrych opowiadam. Strona jest szybka, responsywna, zabezpieczona certyfikatem SSL oraz zoptymalizowana pod wzgldem S.E.O. Serdecznie zapraszam :)"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Pass Your Rockschool Guitar Exam With Confidence - Level 1" |
"A complete mini-course with all you need to know in one place that will guide you through the whole Rockschool exam process, understand what the examiners are looking for and help you to combat those exam nerves.It will help you get the best mark for your ability level and give you a thorough understanding of what your exam experience will be like before you even enter the exam room."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Pass Your Rockschool Guitar Exam With Confidence - Level 2" |
"A complete mini-course with all you need to know in one place to guide you through the whole Rockschool exam process, help you to understand what the examiners are looking for and how to combat those exam nerves.It will guide you on how to get the best mark for your ability level and give you a thorough understanding of what your exam experience will be like before you even enter the exam room."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Kung Fu In A Minute: Form & Function" |
"Learn traditional Chinese Kung Fu from a modern day, real life Kung Fu master. Master Paul Koh has devoted over thirty years to the study, practice and teaching of Chinese Kung Fu, and now, for the first time, his lessons are available in video form for download. The Kung Fu In A Minute Form & Function courses focus on traditional techniques applied in real situations. This course is perfect for experienced martial artists seeking to expand their horizons or martial arts aficionados or enthusiasts who want to learn Kung Fu, as well as those with an interest in general health and wellness through the practice of Kung Fu. This course also includes three short lectures about the psychology and philosophy of practice."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Kung Fu In A Minute: Form & Function 2" |
"Learn traditional Chinese Kung Fu from a modern day, real life Kung Fu master. Master Paul Koh has devoted over thirty years to the study, practice and teaching of Chinese Kung Fu, and now, for the first time, his lessons are available in video form for download. The Kung Fu In A Minute form & function courses focus on traditional techniques applied in real situations. This course is perfect for experienced martial artists seeking to expand their horizons or martial arts aficionados or enthusiasts who want to learn Kung Fu as well as those interested in general health and wellness through martial arts practice. This course also includes a section about the philosophy and approach of the individual practitioner to their practice."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Kung Fu In A Minute: Essential Strikes of the Tiger" |
"Learn essential strikes of the Tiger Claw Kung Fu system, including panther fist, single tiger claw, uppercut strike, elbow strike and the combination punching technique called ""Fight for your Life."" Learn how to execute these strikes and apply them against an attacking opponent. In addition, learn about the proper approach to martial arts training as well as some of the history and culture that is embedded within the Chinese martial arts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Prospeco Estratgica ( B2B ) Vendas /Sales" |
"Como conseguir encontrar novos clientes e falar com o decisor dentro da empresa na prospeco B2B para mdias e grandes empresas; Tcnicas e Ferramentas para descobrir leads ( possveis clientes) utilizando tcnicas avanadas de Prospeco Estratgica de Vendas;Hacks para se falar com qualquer pessoa dentro da empresa que tenha alinhamento com seu produto ou negcio. Ultrapassar a barreira da secretria pea fundamental para se conseguir falar com a pessoa certa, para isto, voc necessrio conhecer o negcio do potencial cliente e as pessoas certas com quem se precisa falar;"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Telegram Chatbot Bootcamp using JavaScript" |
" Get involved in chatbot revolution By 2020 every person will have on average more conversations with a bot than with their partner - Gartner.Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and check out my Telegram Chatbot Bootcamp Course!So what is the course about?This is modern Telegram chatbot course with JavaScript. You will learn how to create cross-platform chatbots and host them in cloud 24/7 with Serverless stack.You will learn how to use Telegram Bot API with Telegraf library and explore all features.We will use complete serverless technology stack: NodeJS, Serverless Framework, AWS Lambda, AWS DynamoDB, AWS S3.Step-by-step you will learn all basic features and afterwards, we will build together advanced Crypto Bot with cool features such as:SessionsMiddlewaresKeyboardsInline ModeQUIZ GameWebhookNoSQL DataBaseDynamic Emojis on price changeIs this course for you?This course is for you if have basic JavaScript programming skills and want to create your first real-world're a student...already worked quite a bit with chatbots but want to dive deeper in advanced're want to create some great chatbot to raise your audience or get more sales with chatbot're an Internet of Things (IoT) developer and you want to create chatbot for interacting with IoT devices....youre Blockchain Enthusiast and you want to connect blockchain technology with chatbotsHere is exactly what we cover in this course:The ""What"", ""Why"" and ""How""Chatbot basicsSessionsMiddlewaresKeyboardsInline KeyboardsInline ModeMarkdown and HTML modes for messageGet data from third-party APIQuiz GameWebhookNoSQL Database AWS DynamoDBAWS LambdaAWS S3Serverless FrameworkSo all theory would be learned with practice at building real-world project.And also our bot would use AWS Free Tier for all services so you have nothing to risks, but everything to gain!So what are you waiting for? Take this course and create your own chatbot today, all in a fun and practical way!See you in the class!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a editar vdeos com Adobe Premiere CC" |
"Curso completo de Adobe Premiere integrado a outros programas da Creative Cloud. Jorge Korad um dos pioneiros em tutoriais de Adobe Premiere no Brasil, formado em produo cinematogrfica, edio e fundador da Korad Filmes. Desenvolveu esse curso, para atender iniciantes e tambm editores mais experientes que sentem a necessidade de algumas atualizaes, tcnicas e dinamizar o trabalho, sobretudo, saber como finalizar seus projetos e enviar para as emissoras respeitando os formatos exigidos pelas mesma.O Curso est dividido em 7 captulos (iniciante, intermedirio e avanado) em cada um deles, vrias aulas prticas com material de suporte, que voc pode baixar no decorrer do curso. Em seu contexto, voc aprender os primeiros passos de edio, alm de vrias tcnicas e recursos do Adobe Premiere, reconhecido como um dos mais software de edio mais completo do mundo. Outro grande diferencial que se trata de um curso INTEGRADO, o que seria isso? No decorrer das aulas prticas, voc ir aprender a editar matrias jornalsticas, esportivas e um comercial de televiso, que foi veiculado nas principais emissoras de televiso no Brasil. Utilizaremos alm do Adobe Premiere, que ser nossa principal ferramenta, o After Effects, que utilizado para criao de vinhetas, animaes de imagens, textos entre outros efeitos especiais, tambm o Audition que responsvel pelo tratamento dos udios e o Photoshop nas imagens fixas, todos ele fazem parte do pacote Creative Cloude da Adobe.Portanto, uma oportunidade nica de fazer esse curso diferenciado, mesmo que voc no tenha conhecimento nenhum sobre Adobe Premiere, ir se tornar um timo editor. No decorrer da aulas estaremos desenvolvendo projetos iguais aos que editores que trabalham em grandes emissoras e produtoras realizam no seu dia a dia. A partir disso, mesmo que seu objetivo seja outro, estar preparado para editar qualquer tipo de vdeo.Preparado para comear? ;)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Corporate Finance from A to Z (Theory and Practice)" |
"The state of Corporate Finance is crucial for the success of any company. This is why the professionals of Corporate Finance can always find a job. The course covers the Corporate Finance theory and practice which enables the students to have a good understanding of the field and to be able to use their knowledge in real-life settings. Some of the very demanded skills that are covered in the course include building financial statements from scratch, evaluating a firms financial situation, ratio analysis, risk and return assessment, securities valuation, cost of capital calculations, cash flows and project valuations, etc. Hence, the successful completion of the course assures your employment in a Finance position..."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Microeconomics in the Real World" |
"Introduction to Microeconomics in the Real World is a complete course of Microeconomics theory and practice. While beginners should have no difficulties, intermediate and advanced students will also satisfy their curiosity. Since the very first classes, we will base our lectures on practical examples and by the end of the course, you will be able to do complex regression analysis for a real company. It will enable you to answer questions such as how much sales should you expect in the upcoming periods, what are the main factors affecting your company sales, and a lot more. Not only you will better understand and manage any company in a business, but also you will be able to act more rationally as a customer simply because you know the rules of the game."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Cuidador de Ces:Curso Bsico para atuao em Creche e Hotel" |
"O Mercado Pet um dos ramos mais promissores para os negcios. Estima-se que este deve faturar at 20 bilhes em 2020! A creche e o hotel pet so duas vertentes desse mercado que tem crescido e se expandido muito no Brasil. E consequentemente, a profisso de cuidador (ou monitor) de ces tem acompanhado esse crescimento, visto pela necessidade das empresas que esto sempre em busca de profissionais qualificados para atuarem como cuidadores. Se voc ama os ces e se identifica com o trabalho de cuidador e com todo o universo canino, esse curso para voc!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Basic Chinese Language Course for Beginners in Urdu Medium" |
"The ""Basic Chinese Language Course for Beginners in Urdu Medium"" is designed for those who have zero level of Chinese language. The teaching medium of this course is Urdu language, however, each Chinese sentence is translated in English language. At the end of this Course, the students;Will be able to learn more than 1000 Chinese language words' vocabulary.Will be able to learn more than 100 Chinese sentence word orders.Will be able to talk in Chinese upto some level.Will be able to ask and answer daily life questions.Will be able to buy and sell things of their need.Will be able to pass Chinese Proficiency Tests HSK1-&2 easily.At the end of this course, the students will also be able to learn basic vocabularies (in Chinese language) about;Relations,Professions,Sports,Hobbies,Field of studies,Vegetables,Fruits,Drinks,Juices,Different places like; zoo, museum, park, hospital etc.This course will benefit those who wish to go to China for business, travelling or study purposes because, it is well designed for meeting daily needs in Chinese language.Note: The course is composed of 125 lectures in 14 sections on this Udemy platform. Each section has lectures which are not numbered as mentioned here on Udemy site. I suggest to learn my lectures from lecture one to 125 as I have designed."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
1015-vwm |
"UdemyUdemy1.5---------------------------20101 Loma Linda University 1999 Good TV 2006 1015()"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Web Development Essentials for Absolute Beginners" |
"Hi, This course is aimed at absolute beginners to HTML, CSS and web development. I will try to filter out all the confusing technical language and use plain english whenever possible.The course will give you all the tools needed to build your own website and I will introduce you to invaluable resources to help you add even more to your site. It does not cover any advanced topics and only briefly touches on Javascript. It will give you a solid foundation from which to develop your skills."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint: Crie Apresentaes Fantsticas em PPT!" |
"Aprenda a criar apresentaes profissionais e atrativas do absoluto zero!Este um curso COMPLETO e OBJETIVO que resgata elementos bsicos do PowerPoint, mas aplica funcionalidades avanadas em suas apresentaes:Aplicar funcionalidade avanadas de animao;Criar apresentaes com design profissional;Dicas de site para buscar imagens profissionais e gratuitas;Dicas para criar uma apresentao de sucesso;Modelos de Apresentaes para Download;Curso Completo, Rpido e Objetivo!Seo 1: Comeando do zeroNeste mdulo mostramos as funcionalidade bsicas do PowerPoint. Se voc j o utiliza talvez possa pular est seo.Seo 2 : Criando Apresentaes Rpidas e ProfissionaisNesta seo voc aprender a:Os Principais recursos da Guia Design do Power Point;Buscar Apresentaes Prontas direto do site de Microsoft;Criar e Personalizar seu prprio Design;Seo 3 : Recursos PersonalizadosAprenda recursos como inserir vdeos / udios com formatos personalizados na sua apresentao de slides. Aprenda tambm a gravar udios ou a tela do seu computador DIRETAMENTE pelo PowerPoint!Seo 4 : Seja MESTRE!Nesta seo voc aprender a criar modelos e Layouts de Apresentaes, totalmente personalizadas e do zero utilizando o recurso de Slide Mestre!Seo 5 : Vamos Animar um pouco?!Aqui voc aprender os principais recursos de Transio de Slides e Animao de Elementos.E Mais! Aprender a inserir Sons e Msicas em sua Apresentaes!Seo 6 : Exemplo de Projetos!Veja exemplos de aplicao no PowerPoint, como exemplos de utilizao de animaes e Controle de Slides atravs do Mouse. Aprenda tambm a criar CERTIFICADOS pelo PowerPoint.Este curso receber constantes atualizaes a partir do seu feedback ! Compartilhe suas dvidas e sugestes na rea de perguntas e respostas do curso.Certo!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Google Analytics - Otimize suas Campanhas Marketing Digital!" |
"Aprenda a medir com preciso o Retorno (ROI) de suas campanhas de Marketing Digital, utilizando os recursos e relatrios do Google Analytics.Neste curso voc aprender de forma objetiva a entender e interpretar as mtricas do Analytics, conseguindo assim uma melhor mensurao dos resultados de suas aes de marketing digital.O Google Analytics uma ferramenta essencial e indispensvel para qualquer empresrio que tenha um site (landing Page, Portal, E-commerce, Blog, Etc.) e ou profissionais de marketing que precisam acompanhar e mensurar os resultados de aes online, como anncios nas Redes Sociais, E-mail Marketing, Google ADS, SEO, entre outras estratgias de marketing digital.Alguns tpicos essenciais que o Analytics Permite:Entender melhor seu Pblico-Alvo;Medir Resultados das Mdias Sociais;Mensurar o Resultado das Campanhas Pagas do Facebook ADS;Medir o Retorno do E-mail Marketing;Mensurar os anncios do Google ADS;Verificar os Resultados de SEO;Monitorar Aes de Usurios em seu site.E Muito mais...Enfim, esta poderosa ferramenta do Google oferece tudo que voc precisa para medir o trfego do seu site, desde as converses, o desempenho de aes de marketing digital e a compreenso de como as pessoas utilizam seu site.E tem mais..Certificao Oficial do Google:Para quem no sabe: O Google possui uma Certificao Oficial do Analytics! Isso mesmo! Voc pode ser Certificado como Profissional de Analytics com certificado emitido diretamente pelo Google!Neste curso explico todos os detalhes para voc conseguir essa certificao, que Enriquece seu Currculo. Pois este curso serve tambm como material de estudo para a prova de certificao.Este curso s tem vantagem... T esperando o que!?Inscreva-se Agora!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"SEO para Desenvolvedores / Web Designers / Programadores" |
"Aprenda a otimizar seu cdigo para obter uma maior Relevncia para SEO e ter Maior Destaque na Busca do Google!Este curso foca em mostrar diversos pontos de otimizao do seu cdigo / site para o Google, isso faz com que seu site ganhe pontos na hora do posicionamento no buscador, o curso tambm aborda recursos que destacam seu site na na busca, como aparecer com imagens e demais informaes.Neste curso voc tambm inicia seu aprendizado um uma tecnologia nova chamada AMP (accelerate mobile pages), que faz com que seu site tenha maior change de aparecer nas primeiras posies na busca via Dispositivos mveis.Todo o contedo abordado segue as boas prticas e diretrizes do Google!Curso completo! Otimize e Monitore seu site nas buscas do Google!Aqui voc tambm aprender sobre a ferramenta Google Search Console, que lhe permite monitorar seu site, aplicar correes e inserir recursos, garantindo assim mais qualidade no rastreamento e indexao de contedo do seu site, tanto busca via Mobile como via computador, adquirindo assim e melhores posies nos resultados de pesquisa.Alguns temas abordados no curso:Otimizar o HTML do seu site para o Google.Identificar e corrigir erros do seu site que podem prejudicar a classificao no Google.Identificar e tratar contedo duplicado para evitar impacto negativo nos resultados de pesquisa.Configurar a ferramenta Google Search Console em qualquer tipo de site.Descobrir a posio mdia de pginas especficas nos resultados de pesquisa do Google.Solicitar ao Google a indexao de contedo do site atravs de um arquivo sitemap.Configurar redirecionamentos via HTACCESS .Definir URL cannico para evitar problemas com contedo duplicado.Bloquear o rastreamento de robs em determinadas partes do seu site com robots .txtVerificar a compatibilidade do seu site em dispositivos mveis.Criar uma Verso AMP do seu siteColocar dados estruturados para dar maior destaque ao seu site nos resultados de busca.Otimizar seu site (SEO) para um bom posicionamento no Google.E muito Mais...Este Curso s tem VANTAGEM! Inscreva-se Agora!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Piano Exercises - Scales, Arpeggios, Octaves, Chords, Hanon" |
"*All the videos are downloadableCONTENTS30 years of professional experience, 20 years of teaching, 19 videos (10+ hours) + 2 PDF textbooksIntroduction.............00:01Final Result...............00:03Lesson 1 - Wrist & elbow motion, sound imaginationEfficient hands movements that helps developing fluent technique, and the basics of mental practice to develop clinging fingertips that let you control tone production playing with loose handsSimple Piano Exercise.......00:42 (don't be fooled by a ""too easy"" appearance of these exercises. They are necessary for you to easily grasp absolutely new concepts of tone production that soon will benefit your piano technique. Use ""The PianoWell system"" PDF along)Piano Technique Exercises.....01:14 (start applying the knowledge and skills you've mastered with Simple Piano Exercises in scales, arpeggios, Hanon exercises, octaves and chords. Use ""Supplemental Repertoire"" PDF along)Lesson 2 - Intonation & weightDevelop internal singing while playing that benefits better finger muscles control. Master arm weight that benefits powerful tone and eliminates tension in musclesSimple Piano Exercise.......00:46Piano Technique Exercises.....00:46Lesson 3 - Dynamics & articulations (I)Mastering dynamics and articulations unlocks a powerful tool to start warming up and exercising fingers' strength in full measureSimple Piano Exercise.......00:52Piano Technique Exercises.....00:58Lesson 4 - Voicing & articulations (II), harmonyVoicing the RH will help with fluency while speeding up as it will let your LH be much lighter hence speeding up much easier. Accent articulations are an amazing tool to strength finger muscles in chords!Simple Piano Exercise.......00:37Piano Technique Exercises.....00:30Lesson 5 - Musical speech & phrasingMastering musical speech (pre-feeling different distances in intervals) will let you feel secure in large leaps. Mastering phrasing will let your muscles ""breath"" and stop accumulating tension in fast temposSimple Piano Exercise.......00:29Piano Technique Exercises.....00:56Lesson 6 - Musical image & formRunning long passages in fast tempos can be overwhelming for your hands. Mastering image and form will not only make your practice more engaging and fun but will also benefit tension release while playingSimple Piano Exercise.......00:14Piano Technique Exercises.....00:51Lesson 7 - ArtistryThis is an optional training that helps to perform confidently in front of the audienceSimple Piano Exercise.......00:21Piano Technique Exercises.....00:15Lesson 8 - Speed, strength, evennessNow we are finally ready to speed up and enjoy the results! Little tricks & secrets to let fingers run evenly, fast, without fatiguePiano Technique Exercises.....00:54Speeding up scales.............00:03Speeding up Hanon exercises....00:02"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Improve Piano Sight Reading - Mentally Hear Music from Score" |
"*All the videos are downloadableIn this course we focus on the basic principles of mental practice - training ability to hear all the notes that are written in the score in our inner musical ear/in our head. You will master - 1. Pre-hearing one note at a time by just looking at the score2. Imagining notes sequentially - connecting the notes3. Imagining polyphonic texture - all the notes simultaneously in BH, intervals or chords4. Establishing a good connection between sound imagination and sensations in hand muscles so while sight reading hands would simply follow the fluency of your imaginationSight Reading Practice that prepares students to read music scores more fluently consists of 30 minutes inner musical ear training (IMET) routine and 10 minutes of sight reading. It is advised to make at least 10 sessions of such practice before trying to actually sight reading music.CONTENT - 1. INTRODUCTION2. IMET - Sight reading practiceIMET (right hand practice)IMET (left hand practice)IMET (both hands practice) + a few tips for sight reading"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Structural Hearing - Phrasing and Form in Piano Playing" |
"*All the videos are downloadable. All the videos have sibtitles (CC)Structure and expression of phrasing and form have been confusing for pianists for ages. Really. And confusion always creates tension in playing.This course teaches the real meaning of phrasing and form. It has Nothing to do with traditional theory that is not helping with piano playing.You will learn:how phrasing helps with not only better expressiveness in playing but with piano technique as wellhow to exactly analyze phrasing and form in any music scorehow to exactly connect musical structure to playing so all your ideas would be reflected in your playingCONTENTS- 3 ebooks downloadable in the Resources folder under the very first video""Textbook"" for intonation, weight, phrasing, form exercises lectures""Phrasing structure"" for phrasing structure lecture""Musical form"" for form structure lecture- 4 videos with exercises for training inner intoning ear to be able to efficiently convey phrasing and form through playing- 5 videos about phrasing structure with different examples from Chopin & Rachmaninoff music- 1 video about form structure"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"After Effects - Motion Graphics & Infographics" |
"You Don't Need To Spend Lots Of Money For Your Promotional Teasers !ATTENTION : Our Team Has Been Tried To Produce Everything That You Guys Need To Create A Commercial Teaser, Infography Teaser, Story Animation Or ... In One Package .Specifications:Over Than 800 Ready Made Elements.Ability To Build Animated Elements.All Files Are Editable (Time, Speed, Color ...)FullHD Resolution.+16 Infography Elements.+15 Popular Cities In The World .+20 Background Elements.+196 Countries In The World.+210 Countries Flags.1 Story Animation For Training.Over Than 100 Tools For Creating Professional Animations.Can I Work With Aftereffects CC?Don't Worry If Its Your First Time Using This Program ! Our Teaching Path Is Suitable For Everyone Even Who Worked With Aftereffects For Years Or Who Don't Know The Program.Building Animations Is Easy!After Watching This Course You Will Be Able To Create Full Motion Graphic Animations In Aftereffects CC With Only Few Easy Clicks In A Short Of Time !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Aplicando a Gesto de Riscos na sua empresa (ISO 31000)" |
"ATENO: TEM PROMOO NO AR CUPOM DE 50% DE DESCONTO VALIDO AT 01/10/2020.Pelas regras da Udemy, no podemos anexar o cupom aqui na pgina do curso.Ento no saia da pgina do udemy, abra o seu email e me envie um email para o endereo abaixo com assunto ""Cupom 31000"". Voce receber em questo de segundos email resposta com o link contendo o cupom (30 segundos para receber) e use o cdigo nesta mesma pgina em ""Aplicar cupom"". Somente at 01/10. Atencao: caso NO esteja na pasta inbox, verifique na pasta junk prefira, pode me enviar uma mensagem no linkedin (eduardopoggi) que te passo o cdigo por l.Orientao: Utilize sempre o site da Udemy no navegador/browser para pesquisar e adquirir o curso.Descrio do CursoO curso tem como objetivo trazer conhecimento e capacitar profissionais no processo de gesto de riscos praticado em todas as organizaes. Aqui so explicados os conceitos da ISO 31000 e so fornecidas orientaes de como aplic-los na sua empresa, j considerando a integrao das trs linhas de defesa definidas pelo IIA - Instituto de Auditores Internos.Este curso se aplica aos profissionais que desejam conhecer o processo de gesto de riscos, seja para gestores que participam do processo de tomada de deciso, seja para profissionais de governana de riscos e controles internos que definem mtodos e processos organizacionais, ou seja para profissionais de auditoria interna que avaliam a maturidade da gesto de riscos e a aplicao de controles para garantir os objetivos da organizao.A metodologia adotada neste curso baseia-se no binmio apresentao e exerccio, adotando em alguns pontos o conceito de sala invertida, onde alguns artefatos so disponibilizados para leitura antecipada e ento utilizados nas apresentaes subsequentes. Alm disso, os exerccios possuem como base um case de uma empresa fictcia para estimular a efetividade do aprendizado.S lembramos que os materiais disponibilizados em meio digital se limitam aos recursos j distribuidos nas aulas e no contempla em meio fsico. Mas aguardem que o livro est no forno.Fazemos votos de que tenham um timo aprendizado e que a aplicao prtica nas suas empresas sejam frutferas e proveitosas.Nos vemos na aula!Luiz Eduardo Poggi"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Part 1/3 - Document controller and EDMS implementation Step" |
"We are proud to offer Skill Development Training Program in greater depth of all phases of Document and Records Management (from generation to Destruction) using industry best practices with the interactive practical approach.This Course is an overview of Document and Records Management. This course is meant for those who would like to understand what is the difference between Document Management and Record Management. It gives you the glance of overall Document Management. Also best practices of both Document and Records Management.This course is useful for both:Beginners in Document Control This course will give a robust foundation for the profession, will explain all the tasks and responsibilities. You will acquire necessary competencies that can be applied to day-to-day work.Experienced Document Controllers Most Document Controllers learn the discipline by doing work. This course will help them by consolidating the basics, formalizing the knowledge and by deepening the competences. It guides the experienced Document Controllers to compare their experience with best practices of the trade."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |