Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Controller Area Network-Indepth analysis of CAN BUS/Protocol" |
"This course is about Automotive Communication Protocol - CAN Bus.Controller Area Network or CAN Protocol is covered in great detail, starting from the story and background, then moving to the early protocols that existed before CAN, limitations of those early pre-CAN protocols, demands of automotive domain and eventual invention of CAN Bus. Fundamental concepts of CAN like arbitration, broadcast mechanism, differential bus concept, noise cancellation, termination resistor, frame format & types etc are all discussed with thorough analysis.We also cover challenges of working with CAN networks for CAN professionals, need for higher layer protocols for CAN and also overview of J1939, ARINC 825 Protocols.Here both theory and practical parts are covered in depth.The practical part is covered with the help of - CAN Protocol Self Learning Kit- Which consists of CAN Bus Analyzer, Configurable CAN Nodes and applicable software.I have conceptualized and developed this Kit for this specific purpose of providing a cost effective hands on learning platform for students and professionals."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fiction Writing for Time-Starved Creatives" |
"Have you started writing but then given up on your first novel? Do you have a hoard of partially finished manuscripts languishing on your hard drive? Do you dream of holding your book in your hands one day ... but can't seem to find the time to write the first draft? If so, this course is what you need. As a former author of many unfinished manuscripts, author J.P. Choquette completed her first novel using the simple methods outlined in this course. Shes since used this method to write nine more manuscripts. Packed with helpful tips, personal insights into writing-related resistance, humor and homework, this course will help every time-starved writer to finally find that ""perfect fit"" and a writing practice they can stick with. Choquette's warm, personal tone and experience in the field of psychology help to ensure that students aren't simply going through the motions but are successfully engaged in hands-on learning. Application and simplicity are key and Choquette shares easy tips, motivations and tricks to help writers meet their goal faster than they thought possible."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Excel - Do zero ao Avanado + 50 frmulas!!" |
"Preparado para aprender sobre Excel?Esse curso tem como objetivo ensinar a(o) aluna(o) mais sobre o Excel mesmo sem conhecimento prvio. Atravs de videoaulas e muitos exerccios, a(o) aluna(o) aprender sobre muitas ferramentas e funes que o Excel nos oferece. Veja abaixo alguns temas abordados:Verses do Excel;Interface e suas opes;Estrutura da planilha;Como adicionar, excluir e editar dados;Edio visual da planilha;Criar, salvar e abrir um arquivo Excel;Formatao de clulas;Inserir formas, smbolos e imagens;Inserir comentrios;Links;Operaes bsicas de matemtica no Excel;A funo do ""$"";Copiar, recortar, colar;Pincel;Tabela;Classificar;Filtro;Localizar e Substituir;Congelar painis;Hiperlink;Grficos;Configurar pgina para impresso;Formatao Condicional;Importao de dados;Texto para colunas;Remover duplicatas;Tabela Dinmica;Gerenciador de Nomes;Subtotal;Proteger Planilha;Nova Janela, Dividir e Ocultar;E mais de 50 frmulas:Texto, Concatenar, Maiscula, Minscula, Nm.caract, Caract, Arrumar, Direita, Esquerda, Ext.texto, Procurar, Localizar, Substituir, Valor, Subtotal, Somase, Arred, Arredondar.para.baixo, Arredondar.para.cima, Aleatrio, Aleatrioentre, Hoje, Hora, Minuto, Segundo, Dia, Ms, Ano, Datam, Fimms, Dia.da.semana, Diatrabalho, Diatrabalhototal, Data, Procv, Proch, ndice, Corresp, Maior, Menor, Contar.vazio, Cont.valores, Cont.nm, Contse, Contses, Mdiase, erro, erros, nm, texto, lgico, .no.disp e Seerro.A verso do software utilizado nos cursos 2016."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
python() |
" "
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"LinkedIn do Zero ao Avanado" |
"Este curso para quem tem os objetivos de:AUMENTAR AS VENDAS E CAPTAO DE CLIENTESRECOLOCAO NO MERCADO e OPORTUNIDADESNETWORKING E FORTALECIMENTO DE MARCAVoc ir aprender como Usar o Linkedin do Zero ao Avanado e assim conseguir alcanar seus objetivos.J consegue se imaginar no emprego novo?Alavancando os negcios da sua empresa?Fazendo networking de verdade e abrindo novas oportunidades?Preciso que a partir de agora voc me d um voto de confiana e entenda que o LinkedIn para voc. Acredite, eu no usaria o meu tempo, investimento e esforo para produzir algo to magnfico se a plataforma no fosse realmente fantstica!!!Este curso para quem deseja aprender o Segredo do Sucesso na plataforma LinkedIn atravs do seu perfil pessoal.Voc Ir Aprender:COMO FAZER UM PERFIL CAMPEOCOMO USAR OS FILTROS PAR ENCONTRAR SEU PBLICO ALVOCOMO INTERAGIR NA REDECULTIVAR RELACIONAMENTOSESTRATGIAS DE MAIS DE 1.000 ALUNOS EMPACOTADAS NESTE CURSO.Um grande abrao e nos vemos l dentro!!Fernando VillelaEspecialista em LinkedIn."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Community Cloud Practice Exams" |
"In this course, I will prepare you for what it is like to take the Salesforce Community Cloud Certification Exam. With 2 practice exams, each of which is timed at 90 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test.I have followed the official Exam Guide from Salesforce, The Salesforce Community Cloud certification is a credential developed for Salesforce professionals who have experience in implementing Community Cloud solutions on the Salesforce platform and are looking to verify their expertise. Working experience of the product is important for this certification in particular as its designed specifically for professionals with knowledge of implementation.In Community Cloud, there are 7 topics covered. Implementation is the area with the highest weighting at 22%. As it is weighted highest, this is an area that you must focus on to do well in the exam.Salesforce Community Cloud Certification ContentsThe following are the core topic areas of the Salesforce Community Cloud certification and what youre expected to know:ImplementationSharing and SecurityCommunity SetupCommunity BuilderCommunity ManagementContentTemplates and Use Cases"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Sharing & Visibility Certification Practice Exams" |
"A Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility Designer credential is created for architects, analysts, and administrators who want to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities to design secure, scalable security models on the Lightning Platform. A Salesforce Certified Sharing and Visibility Designer should be able to communicate technical solutions to technical stakeholders and provide a project delivery framework that ensures quality and meets business requirements.Here are examples of concepts you should know in order to pass the exam: Design a security and sharing model within Salesforce based on complex requirements. Articulate system design considerations, benefits, tradeoffs, and recommendations for a security and sharing model. Use best practices and know which standard Salesforce functionality to use when designing to complex requirements."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Certified App Builder Practice Exams" |
"In order to pass App Builder certification, you'll find that knowledge and experience of the Salesforce platform aren't enough. You also need to get to grips with the exam itself. You need to try plenty of practice questions that cover all of the study guide objectives. It also helps if the practice questions are in similar format to the actual exam; e.g. scenario based, multiple correct answers and the practice exam is timed."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript Bsico" |
"O curso de JavaScript Bsico voltado para pessoas iniciando no mundo da programao, programadores Junior, web designers e estudantes do primeiro ano dos cursos de Computao.Neste curso voc aprender: Fundamentos de JavaScript (variveis, condicionais, etc..), Como editar e manipular o DOM, Como criar e remover eventos, Como estruturar um projetoAo concluir o curso voc estar apto a utilizar o JavaScript para trabalhar com websites e torna-los dinmicos e interativos. Caso voc tenha contato com aplicativos hbridos, os conhecimentos aplicados podero ser utilizados neles. Por ltimo, voc ter um forte conhecimento dos fundamentos da linguagem e poder progredir para cursos mais avanados sem ter muitas dificuldades para entend-los."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Atualizao JavaScript: ES2019 e ES2020" |
"Neste curso voc aprender sobre as novas implementaes do ECMAScript, tanto para o ES10 (2019) quanto para ES11(2020). E mais, conforme formos recebendo atualizaes sobre mudanas e incrementos, estaremos colocando mais vdeos no curso.Para fazer este curso voc precisa ter conhecimentos de bsico a intermedirio da linguagem JavaScript pois alguns termos no sero explicados, no entanto diversas implementaes so bem simples e de fcil entendimento."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"JQuery Prtico" |
"O Curso jQuery prtico um curso focado para aqueles que desejam aprender os conhecimentos necessrios para criar e manter websites e aplicaes que utilizam tanto o jQuery quanto jQuery UI.Neste curso voc aprender as seguintes habilidades:- Fundamentos de jQuery.- Manipulao de elementos com jQuery e jQuery UI.- Criao de eventos.- Mtodos para animaes.As aulas sero organizadas em aulas tericas, aulas prticas, exerccios e um projeto aplicado onde estaremos editando a lgica de programao de um template de website utilizando apenas as duas bibliotecas.Ao terminar o curso, voc estar capacitado a utilizar dezenas de mtodos e poder dar manuteno em sites que possuem uma dependncia maior do jQuery sem precisar importar novas bibliotecas ou ter que migrar a tecnologia."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Build a Profitable Dropshipping eCommerce Business in Days" |
"Theres always a LOSING team and a WINNING team. Which side do YOU want to be on?We are going to show you the EXACT step-by-step formula of how to consistently be on the winning team and build an eCommerce business that you can be proud of.Are you struggling trying to make money online?Does it feel like everyone is having success except you?Have you failed at trying other opportunities?Do you feel stuck in your current situation?Are you READY to have some success in your life?Do you have a couple of hours a day to execute a plan?If you answered YES to any of these questions, then this 60-Day Dropified Challenge is EXACTLY what you need.Every Day for 60 Days you will have step by step video training and content that you can easily follow and execute to have an Uber successful online business.No Inventory NeededWith 1-click we will show you how you can add products to your store from multiple wholesale sites with millions of products.No Print on Demand(like t-shirts or clothing) where you need to be creative and have a design team.No cheap, trendy products(like a cat bracelet), this is a REAL business. Youre gonna focus on more Evergreen Products that can be sold for an extended amount of time.No Touching of ProductsYou dont need to handle any products or ship them to your customers yourself.No Experience NeededWe have a step by step training program for beginners (or advanced). You will receive daily training every day for your first 60 days to help you become an expert at selling products online!No Design/CodingEven if you are not a computer nerd, you can do this with zero technical knowledge. No design skills are required, we show you a beginner friendly system.Not everyone is going to make 7 Figures BUT a lot of you reading this actually will.It really comes down to you.Were offering the step-by-step training but the challenge is UP TO YOU.SO DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO FOLLOW THROUGH AND MAKE THIS HAPPEN?Look, 80% of all businesses FAIL. BUT this also means that 20% of them have SUCCESS. Why not choose to be part of the 20% and truly live the life YOU deserve.Look, were not saying creating a successful online business isnt going to be hard work. IT WILL BE!But we can promise you that with the right tools and Step-By-Step instructions it really can be a heck of a lot easier than it would be trying to figure it out on your own.And thats why weve designed a 60-day challenge (its like a roadmap) to give you the exact step-by-step blueprint youll need to create a sustainable online lifestyle business selling physical products online.Heres just a few of SOME of the things you are going to be learning:Watching us Pick Products To SellWatching us over the shoulder build a Shopify store from scratchBuilding Sales Copy and AdsCreating simple Videos that sellOver the Shoulder Promotions Watch us use platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and Google to help market your storeLearn how to sell products with Zero Advertising SpendSelf Doubt, Loneliness and ConfidenceEmail and Bot MarketingAbandoning a Career or Job, When Do You Quit Your Job?Scaling & GrowthFinancing & CapitalSpecial Guest ExpertsMotivation to Complete the Challenge and continue having success AFTER the challengeHiring out the jobs you arent good atNot only do you get to watch us do this all LIVEYoure gonna do it with us!!The first secret to being Successful isReady for it?STARTING!Seems simple Right?? And it is, you can START NOW by signing up & turning your own eCommerce Store into a Money Making Machine in 60 days (or less)."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"MAE-Mtodo gil de Estudos" |
"Aprenda em at 4 semanas, como pessoas comuns, conseguiram se transformar em excelentes estudantes, vencendo a ansiedade e a procrastinao, com um mtodo simples e eficiente de estudos, baseado em tcnicas de Gesto de Projetos e na cultura gil de solues.O MAE - Mtodo gil de Estudos um treinamento que utiliza um mtodo simples e eficiente de estudos, baseado em tcnicas de Gesto de Projetos e na cultura gil de solues. Em at quatro semanas, pessoas comuns podem se transformar em excelentes estudantes vencendo a ansiedade e a procrastinao.O Mtodo trabalha sobre trs pilares:Controle do Ambiente.Ajuste de Comportamento.Tcnicas de planejamento e estudos.A metodologia, uma vez aplicada, traz um expressivo avano nos resultados de qualquer pessoa e, aplicando a tcnica ensinada, voc poder sim, pensar em alcanar qualquer objetivo, ou sonho, que dependa de sucesso nos estudos."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Financial Trading for Beginners" |
"Are you tired of constantly hearing about how people have made money in the financial markets, and maybe you'd like to know more? Are you sick of the 9-5 and long for the freedom that working for yourself presents? Do you want to learn how to invest money as a 'side hustle'?If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, then this course will help you understand how the financial markets work, and how you can go about exploiting the opportunities that present themselves every single day.Using our 12 years of experience trading the markets, we'll help to guide you along on your journey from having zero knowledge, to a point where you've got all the fundamentals in place to take the next step towards financial freedom."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Market Profile Trading" |
"This course allows traders who've been on level 1 platforms and want to take their trading to a whole new level. Market profile is a tool used by pro-traders to launch trades off, but it can tell you the important story of what's going on in the background. During this course, we walk through various different sessions and allow market profile to tell us what's happening as the day unfolds. We've been supported by a current New York Stock Exchange market maker in the production of this course, which delivers cutting edge concepts on markets work day-to-day.Believe us when we say, market profile will lower your heart rate in trading significantly, because it tells you who is in the market and what their agenda is. In knowing this, we can begin to make sure we're trading in the right direction!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Forex-Viop-Borsa Yatrmlarna ynelik TEKNK ANALZ ETM" |
"Kendi web sitemde vermekte olduum eitimleri UDEMY'de paral olarak vermeye baladm. Amacm yatrm dnyasnda yetersiz bilgi ve yanl beklentiler ile ilem yapmaya balayp birikimlerini kaybeden insanlarn saysn azaltmak ve finansal okuryazarla katkda bulunmak.Neden Teknik analiz konusunda piyasada bulunan en yetkin ve baarl insanlarn arasnda olduumu bu eitimleri almaya baladnzda anlayacaksnz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Counter Strike: Global Offensive Montajlar Nasl Yaplr?" |
"Profesyonel Editrler Counter Strike: Global Offensive Editlerini Nasl Hazrlyorlar?Hangi Programlar ile Profesyonel Kaytlar Alnr?Mzikle Uyumlu CSGO Editleri Nasl Yaplr?Velocity Nedir, Nasl Yaplr?Ses Efektleri Nasl Eklenir?Sony Vegas Pro ve After Effects programlar CSGO Editleri in Nasl Kullanlr?After Effects ile Efektler Nasl Eklenir?Sony Vegas Pro ile Efektler Nasl Eklenir?Trkiye'de ne yazk ki bu tarz konularda hi bir kaynak bulunmuyor ve Trk Editr arkadalarmzn kendisini gelitirmesi de olduka zorlayor.Ama balamak iin doru yerdesin! Bu kapsaml Counter Strike: Global Offensive eitim seti; bu konuda hi bilgisi olmayanlarn veya az da olsa bireyler bilen kiiler iin hazrlanmtr.* Hem indirimli kayt olmak, hemde 1+2 kurs kampanyasndan yararlanmak iin adresine mail atabilirsiniz."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"The Muscle Fundamentals: Evidence-Based Muscle Building" |
"*Join Udemy's NEWEST EVIDENCE-BASED course on Building Muscle w/ Scientific References**Learn from a INBA Men's Physique Champion who actually walks the walk when it comes to building muscle*Let me ask you...1. How many 'muscle-building' courses have you searched for on Udemy?2. Out of these courses, how many of them use images that are either some other fitness model or bodybuilder?3. Lastly, out of these course instructors, how many of them do not have the amount of muscle let alone the physique that they are promising you can build?This is a harsh reality so if building muscle truly is your goal then join Enhanced Aesthetics and learn from someone who is ACTUALLY DOING IT!The Muscle Fundamentals is for:ALL guys who want to build muscleGuys who are new to training or 0-1.5 years of experienceGuys who are willing to learn & take actionGuys looking to maximise their 'newbie gains' by adding their first 10-15lbs of muscle Guys looking to master the fundamentals & follow a proven system to building quality muscle in the most time-effective wayIf you answered YES to one, any, or all of these questions, this course is just for you. You can start building the muscle and developing your ideal physique using my heavily EVIDENCE-BASED physique coaching course!What You Are Getting In This CourseInside the Muscle Fundamentals you will be getting full life-time access to...The training & nutrition system that uses my evidence-based algorithm to automatically make changes to your targets based on your progress stats (This is a game-changer)Done-For-You max muscle meal plans showing you how to optimise nutrition, count calories and hit macrosAlcohol guidelines with protocols for you to take in order to learn how you can still have the freedom of going out and enjoying drinks without it affecting your progress with weekly cheat sheets to make sure you focus on what is importantPrivate Student accountability and support group with life-time Muscle Fundamentals Coaching & educationFast Action Bonus: 5 Mass Super Shake RecipesFast Action Bonus: Mass Hypertrophy Nutritional Strategies Manual - Learn the truth behind what muscle-building supplements actually workThe Muscle Fundamentals is a complete step-by-step muscle building system that uses a specific approach by combining Daily Undulating Periodisation (DUP) & advances you as you progress through each mesocycle of training. Using the Muscle Fundamentals you do not just get some 8-week program, you have access to over 7 months worth of training programs that are built on top of one another so that you make progress & get the results you deserve!What happens once I am ready to get shredded?""Lose Fat Quickly & Effortlessly While Maintaining Lean Muscle, Revealing Your Newly Sculpted Aesthetic Physique""Once you are done with your muscle growth phase, for a limited-time you can get access to the Shred Fundamentals where you will learn the fundamentals of losing body fat & understand how to reveal your new aesthetic physique. This is a great asset to the muscle fundamentals program and will also help you further fine-tune your training with the combination of the all-in-one system. This bonus is only available to the foundation members who join today. (This will be sold as an individual course in the future).So how do you build muscle and maximise your physique development without spending THOUSANDS of dollars on...A gym membership $40-$120/monthSupplements that don't even work: $200-$300 per month. 1-1 Personal training: $50-$100/session. Typically at 1-2 sessions per week. This can be anywhere between $200-$800 per monthLastly and most importantly, what about your FOOD: $100-$200 per week. You can't expect to build muscle with actually eating which means you will need to stop wasting money on other things that are not helping you reach your goal. See how this can all start to add up? Don't get me wrong here, I know everybody's budget is different but why make things harder for yourself? Put your money towards what will actually help you achieve your goal. That's why I am here, to help you shift through all the misinformation and BS which is why ALL of my courses are heavily backed by science.Also, if you find that you can't seem to get yourself on track, I want to make sure you know that you have my life-time coaching guarantee. Inside the private student accountability & support group you have access to me and can share your training & nutrition system with my self so that I can help monitor, track and provide feedback on your progress. Remember with this course, you are getting the total package and 100% life-time access for a one time purchase. That ALL future updates that I will make to this course to enhance your physique.You can try this course at no risk, and potentially enroll in something that will transform your body & confidence for the rest of your life.So let's get started and I will see you on the inside! Clinton Sills, Enhanced Aesthetics""Science-Based Physique Coaching"""
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mapas Mentais: metodologia ativa de estudos" |
"Vrios alunos se sentem frustrados aps a realizao de uma prova. Ficam murmurando: preciso estudar mais!, no consegui assimilar esse contedo, a prova foi muito difcil, no tenho tempo, estou desanimado.Nessa hora melhor no deixar a emoo tomar conta frente a frustrao e sim agir com a razo. Ao invs de um pensamento negativo, pense: ser que ao estudar eu estou conseguindo realmente ser eficiente? ser que realmente eu sei estudar?Pelo lado positivo do pensamento sempre encontramos o melhor caminho para tomar as decises mais importantes em nossas vidas. Analise a sua postura, seu comportamento, suas atitudes e aes. Portanto, reflita sobre e como voc tem estudado.A partir das dicas acima, resolvi mostrar a vocs um mtodo eficiente para garantir a sua aprendizagem. J ouviu falar em Mapas Mentais? Mapa mental foi um nome dado pelo ingls Tony Buzan para um diagrama, sistematizado que auxilia no aprendizado, na comunicao, no planejamento e na organizao.Os mapas mentais so usados para expressar suas ideias de maneira simples, rpida e direta. Exatamente como voc as compreendeu. Com ele voc pode fazer conexes, partindo de uma viso mais ampla do assunto e ir refinando at itens mais especficos. Pode representar a compreenso completa do tema que vem sendo estudado.Existem pesquisas, conforme imagem abaixo, que relatam que 95% da reteno de conhecimento adquirido est associado s habilidades: explicar, resumir, estruturar, definir, generalizar, elaborar e ilustrar.Alm de proporcionar o exerccio dessas habilidades importantes na reteno do conhecimento, os mapas mentais atuam no raciocnio ajudando no processo de memorizao a longo prazo.Isso acontece a partir do momento da estruturao do mapa atravs das suas ligaes, pois elementos como cores, desenhos, smbolos e informaes segmentadas, fazem com que o crebro raciocine e grave os dados com mais facilidade.Ento, no perca essa oportunidade!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Infogrficos com a Ferramenta Canva" |
"Voc j produziu algum infogrfico? Conhece alguma ferramenta interessante? A infografia uma tcnica que associa imagens e grficos, a elementos textuais. Usar recursos visuais com elementos textuais pode ser interessante, pois as pessoas se lembram de 80% do que veem, mas se recordam apenas de 20% do que leem.Enfim, se voc tem interesse em conhecer essa tcnica atrelada a uma ferramenta prtica e amigvel, se inscreva neste curso online."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"dibujo basico y diseo de cabezas estilo cartoon" |
"Esto es una introduccion para aquellas personas principiantes en el dibujo, aprende desde cero a disear los rostros de tus propios personajes, con mtodos sencillos y de rpido aprendizaje para aquellos principiantes en el dibujo, contaran con un pdf que les brinda un soporte mas para poder estudiar con un vistazo mas detenido."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain: Comprende Bitcoin y desarrolla tu Criptomoneda" |
"Desde su introduccin prctica en el 2009, la tecnologa Blockchain ha alterado industrias enteras. La tecnologa Blockchain ha sido ampliamente aceptada como un medio revolucionario para reducir costos, mejorar la velocidad y mostrar transparencia en todas las transacciones. Se espera que el gasto mundial en tecnologa Blockchain alcance los $11.7 mil millones en 2022. Por lo tanto, es vital que comiences a desarrollar tu conocimiento sobre esta tecnologa. Explorar sus diversas aplicaciones como por ejemplo en ciberseguridad, los servicios gubernamentales, el entretenimiento y el sector financiero.Si todava ests cementado en tu cubculo editando cdigos Java o simplemente no has aprendido nada nuevo en los ltimos aos, probablemente ests viviendo en el pasado, donde cada vez hay menos empleos para ti. Las cosas han cambiado ahora. Da un paso adelante y camina con las tecnologas revolucionarias donde Blockchain es uno de los lderes. S uno de los primeros en aprender esta tecnologCon este curso obtendrs las habilidades adecuadas para trabajar en el mundo de Blockchain. Adaptndote a esta ola de tendencias, podrs nadar en un mar de empleos y disfrutar del poder de esta tecnologa revolucionaria."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CTET Practice test/old paper" |
"This test is help full for CTET Practice paper 1 class 1 to 5 , student those who are going to appear in entrance exam. by using this test student can make best practice , after a few days we are going to add Practice paper upto 20 all paper will we included in single fees , no need to pay again and again ,if you want to change in question and answer please write us , we will update."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Sage 50 Accounting - US Edition Detailed & Advance Course" |
"This is our Sage 50 Accounting US Edition Course. Course includes the basic to advance level with live business scenarios which you as an Accountant can experience in a live environment. Course Training Topics Includes Company Creation.Navigation of Sage 50 Accounting.Chart of Accounts.General Journal Entry.Inventory Management.Accounts Payable Accounting.Accounts Receivable Accounting.Banking.Job Costing.Payroll Accounting.Memorized Transactions.Users Security.Reports in Sage 50 Accounting.Financial Year Closing."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Make Mobile App" |
"Self Publish a mobile app on Apple App Store or Google Play. Learn to make an app. Code once and see it on iPhone or Android. Learn how to Setup your development shackSolve a problem with mobile techMake an appLearn or understand Lean DevelopmentLearn to program your phone cameraTest on iPhone or Android"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"NRO SATI ""Mteri Mknats Olmann Forml""" |
"Sizler doktor da olabilirsiniz, mhendis de, avukat da, mali mavir de, gayrimenkul danman da. Hi fark etmiyor. Hangi meslekten olursanz olun, i hayatnda hedeflediiniz yere gelebilmenizin ve orada tutunabilmenizin tek bir yolu var; o da SATI YAPMAK. nk elimizdeki deer, yani hizmetimiz ya da rnmz, sadece potansiyel kazancmz ifade ediyor. Gerek kazancmz ise bu deeri ulatrdmz, yani problemini zdmz insan says beliyor.Bu programa dahil olarak rekabetin ok sert yaand i dnyasnda sizi rakiplerinizden ayracak OK DEERL BR YATIRIM yapyorsunuz. Nro Sat ""Mteri Mknats Olmann Forml"" eitiminde kazandnz ZGVEN ve BECERLER profesyonel i hayatnda baarya ulamak iin en nemli aralarnz olacak.Hepinize baarlarla dolu bir kariyer diliyorum.Mert AYDINER"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Kelas Design Sprint: Ciptakan Solusi Dalam 5 Hari" |
"Belajar metode Design Sprint, sebuah proses kerja lima hari yang meliputi tahap pemahaman masalah, perancangan solusi, hingga pengujian prototipe. Sprint dimaksudkan untuk mempercepat proses validasi solusi dan mengurangi risiko kegagalan produk.Deskripsi Design SprintDiperkenalkan oleh Jake Knapp dari Google Ventures pada tahun 2012, Sprint merupakan metode proses kerja lima hari yang meliputi tahap pemahaman masalah, perancangan solusi, hingga pengujian prototipe. Sprint dimaksudkan untuk mempercepat proses validasi solusi dan mengurangi risiko kegagalan produk.Apa yang akan kamu dapatkan?Mengerti bagaimana Design Sprint bekerja dan bisa mempraktekkannya sendiriContoh simulasi Design Sprint pada sebuah perusahaanHandbook panduan untuk melakukan Design Sprint (untuk Facilitator)Slide Presentasi untuk menjelaskan proses Design Sprint kepada seluruh anggota timPanduan wawancara ketika kamu ingin tes kepada pengguna langsung"
Price: 420000.00 ![]() |
"Kelas Visualisasi Data dengan Infografik" |
"Pelajari strategi praktis memaksimalkan engagement brand di media sosial dengan konten infografik yang komunikatif, insightful, serta tepat sasaran.Untuk membuat infografik berkualitas, visual yang mengagumkan saja tidak cukup. Informasi yang ada perlu dikemas dengan visual yang mampu mengkomunikasikan ide secara efektif kepada pembaca.Lewat kelas ini kamu akan diajak mempelajari langkah demi langkah, tip dan trik, serta best practice membuat infografik cara Tech in Asia Indonesia."
Price: 420000.00 ![]() |
"Pitch Perfect Course" |
"In this course you will learn the basics of pitching. You will also gain knowledge of non-verbal communication, preparing perfect speech, dealing with stress and know how to face crisis situations while presenting. After this training series you will improve your public speaking skills and even get off the ground your own business.Micha Misztal - CEO of Startup Academy, business trainer, lecturer at azarski University, coordinator and creator of numerous entrepreneurship coaching sessions. Within 12 years working on entrepreneurship development in Poland he has been taken care of over 600 startups among various industries acting as the Regional Director of AIP (Academic Entrepreneurship Incubators). Capital City Council Advisor in the field of building an ecosystem supporting entrepreneurship. He has managed in selling Warsaw Business Links - business accelerators and coworking spaces. Author of business education programs for beginner entrepreneurs for whom he carried out thousands of hours of consultancy. He was a consultant in dozens of investment processes from which many of them ended with success. Successfully he won a lot of grants on companies development that their amount exceeded 20 mln PLN. Feels great in the role of trainer or lector - he led tens of training and has appeared at many business and startup conferences supporting the development of the largest startup organizations in Europe."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"JNCIA JN0-103: 6 Full Practice Exams 2020 : NEW" |
"Are you ready to pass the JNCIA JN0-103 exams?NEW Questions:This practice exam will be your Final Preparation.This practice exam has been prepared and close to the real exam as possible.More than 50 students passed 1. time to real exam and used this questions .You will find updated questions in this practice exam every month.You can find last updated questions .If you want to pass 1. time to JNCIA ,just try this test.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want to share information about real exam and this practice test:Real Exam DetailsExam code: JN0-103Schedule exam : Pearson VUEExam length: 90 minutesExam type: 65 multiple-choice questionsScoring and pass/fail status is available immediatelyPassing Score:63 %Note:you can take your exam:*in your home or office *at local test centerExam TopicsJNCIA-Junos exam topics are based on the content of the recommended instructor-led training courses, as well as the additional resources.Practice Test 1: Network FundamentalsPractice Test 2: Junos FundamentalsPractice Test 3: Juniper User InterfacesPractice Test 4: Junos Configuration BasicsPractice Test 5: Junos Operational Monitoring and MaintenancePractice Test 6: Routing & Firewall FundamentalsPlease note that the questions have explanations for the answers------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionDon't Miss Out!*If you do not want to lose timeand money, you can try this practice test.Thank you very much and have a wonderful day!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Juniper JNCIS-ENT: 6 Full Practice Exams 2020" |
"Hello my friend , Are you ready to pass the JNCIS-ENT exam?This practice exam will be your Final Preparation.This practice exam has been prepared and close to the real exam as possible.More than 50 students passed 1. time to real exam and used this questions .You can find last updated questions .If you want to pass 1. time to JNCIS-ENT try this test.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want to share information about real exam and this practice test:Certification Provider: JuniperExam: Enterprise Routing and Switching Specialist (JNCIS-ENT)Exam code: JN0-348Administered by Pearson VUEDuration: 90 MinutesNumber of questions in Real Exam:65 multiple-choice questionsPass/fail status is available immediatelyPassing Score:66 %Prerequisite certification :JNCIA-JunosNote:you can take your exam:*in your home or office *at local test centerExam TopicsJNCIS-ENT topics are based on the content of the recommended instructor-led training courses, as well as the additional resources.Practice Test 1:Layer 2 Switching , Vlans, Layer 2 SecurityPractice Test 2:Junos OS and the Spanning Tree ProtocolPractice Test 3:Junos OS and the OSPF Routing ProtocolPractice Test 4:IS-IS Routing ProtocolPractice Test 5:Border Gateway ProtocolPractice Test 6:Tunnels and High Availability*If you do not want to lose time and money, you can try this practice test.*Please note that the questions have explanations for the answers---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You'll Also Get: Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionDon't Miss Out!Thank you very much and have a wonderful day!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |