Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Exam 70-480 : Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3" |
"This is what you get with this course:3 full-fledged tests in a timed environment, just like the official examTotal of 225+ unique, handpicked questions to prepare you well for the official examReview questions and answers at the end of each testEvery answer explained and given reference links to prepare that topicThe tests created by certified Subject Matter ExpertsOfficial Exam Details:Exam Name : 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3Total Questions : 53 (It may vary)Type of Questions : Multiple choice, Multiple Selection and Drag & DropTime Allowed :150minsPassing Score : 700 (700/1000=70%)Register: Pro-metric center through Pearson vuePlease Note, I have created this course after passing this same exam. You can check my LinkedIn. This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area in the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that content area in the exam.Implement and manipulate document structures and objects (20-25%)Implement program flow (25-30%)Access and secure data (25-30%)Use CSS3 in applications (25-30%)Passing Exam 480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 validates a candidates ability to access and secure data as well as implement document structures, objects, and program flow.Check Microsoft's webpage for Exam: 70-480 to learn more.Please note, this is not a course to teach you how to code, this course is specifically designed on helping you to pass the Exam 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3.Want to get more visibility from recruiters and hiring managers? Become a Microsoft certified professional, and start promoting YOURSELF, Now."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Como Montar um Treinamento de Segurana do Trabalho" |
"Vrios treinamentos, principalmente na rea de Sade e Segurana do Trabalho, simplesmente no funcionam ou geram baixos resultados.Normalmente quando isso acontece, o olhar que est sendo utilizado na construo do treinamento o de quem ensina, e no de quem aprende.Quem precisa aprender, quer aprender sobre aquilo que ser til em sua vida e no sobre tudo o que um especialista sabe.Esse treinamento utiliza 3 ferramentas simples de CANVAS para desenvolver Treinamentos Realmente Eficientes, focados em quem ir aprender e com isso, fazer com que os treinamentos que voc ir ministrar a partir de agora, sejam, muito mais eficientes e geradores de resultados.Nesse treinamento voc ir descobrir como montar treinamentos que geram resultados.O curso online Como Montar um Treinamento de Segurana do Trabalho foi criado pensando em voc que que deseja criar ou aprimorar seus treinamentos e deix-los mais eficientes e mais interessantes e no sabe por onde comear ou ainda, j iniciou, porm no consegue sair do lugar. Voc vai aprender a Criar um Treinamento Eficiente de forma rpida utilizando Ferramentas simples e geis!Vou te ensinar tcnicas que voc ir conseguir criar treinamentos capazes de engajar seus alunos. E tudo isso usando apenas 3 Ferramentas.Voc no precisa ser um mago da oratria. Com o que vou lhe ensinar, voc conseguir atingir e engajar seus alunos de uma maneira muito mais assertiva e geradora de resultados.Porque fazer o Curso Como Montar um Treinamento de Segurana do Trabalho?O Brasil possui milhes de empresas e grande parte delas precisar de treinamentos, nem que seja o treinamento mais simples como o da Integrao.Pensando nisso e sabendo que as empresas esto cada vez mais sendo cobradas para executar os treinamentos obrigatrios um grande mercado a ser explorado, concorda?E como o mundo cruel, enquanto uns riem outros choram, quem no se diferenciar no mercado ficar para trs e perder a preferncia. Quando voc faz um treinamento eficiente existe grande possibilidade de voc ser indicado por aquela empresa e se tornar uma referncia.Mas a agora eu te falo, no basta sair entregando currculo ou batendo de porta em porta sem ter um diferencial com a concorrncia. No verdade? Pensando nisso nasceu o Curso Como Montar um Treinamento de Segurana do Trabalho""Veja o que voc vai aprender no Curso:Conhecer as nuances de criar um treinamento eficiente;Conectar-se com seus alunos e melhorar o engajamento.Entender a importncia do planejamento das atividades o que vai acabar te possibilitando montar seu prprio treinamento alinhado com o objetivo dos alunos e das empresas contratantes... E no de somente ensinar contedos tcnicos.Este curso para voc?Se voc est buscando uma nova forma de fazer contedo de alta qualidade para realizar treinamentos realmente eficientes e gerar resultados, sim, este curso para voc!O principal problema que esse treinamento resolve simplificar o conceito de criao de treinamentos.Existem vrias formas, vrios processos e metodologias para se trabalhar a forma de criar um treinamento eficiente.A abordagem utilizada nesse curso mais simples, mais organizada e baseada no conceito da simplificao. A inteno simplificar o processo de planejamento de um treinamento baseada nos pilares de olhar e modelar o treinamento olhando para os alunos e para suas necessidades de aprendizagemE Agora?No mundo atual, ter uma boa ou excelente ideia no basta... preciso coloc-la em prtica. Ento deixe de ser apenas uma pessoa de boas ideia e passe a fazer parte do grupo de pessoas Realizadoras.Se inscreva e comece agora!Para quem este curso:Empreendedores no ramo de Treinamentos;Tcnicos de Segurana no Trabalho;Engenheiros de Segurana no Trabalho;Estudantes de Segurana do Trabalho;Pessoas que pretendem ser treinadores;Pessoas que queiram melhorar seus treinamentos.Um abrao e te vejo nas aulas!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Sanando a tu Ni@ Interior" |
"Descubrirs qu es el Ni@ Interior y qu beneficios puede tener para tiAprenders la diferencia entre Ni@ Interior Herido y Ni@ Interior EsencialConocers dinmicas y ejercicios para cuidar y sanar a tu Ni@ InteriorEn definitiva, fortalecers tu autoestima, mejorars tus relaciones, aprenders a poner lmites saludables, tomars mejores decisiones y sabrs cmo manejar las reacciones emocionales desproporcionadas y los autosabotajes"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA Product Research & Find Products for Amazon FBA" |
"How to Find a Profitable Product to Sell on Amazon FBA Using AmzScout Pro, Excel, Unicorn Smasher Free VersionNewest Amazon FBA Product Research Practical Guide for Analyzing the US/MX/EU Markets and Pick a Profitable NicheWelcome to Amazon FBA Product Research & Find Products for Amazon FBA. Product research is one of the most critical stages on which your success depends. Because the right product will bring you a lot of money, but the wrong product can bring you only problems. The product is a critical factor of success in any business.A large number of beginners at this stage can be quite long, and it is pretty dangerous because there is a risk that you can start losing motivation. And this often happens due to the lack of self-confidence in choosing a product. You can boost this confidence once you have the knowledge, tools, and a little experience. The main goal of this course is to give all the necessary knowledge you need about the product research, we will look at the criteria in detail, by which you will be able to determine the potential profitability of the product quickly. We will talk about competition and how to determine its level. I will show you all the tools and how to use them for product research. You will know about the ways how to stand out from competitors, where you can find product ideas, you will figure out how much investments you need to start, and many more.One of the most important and useful things we give in this course is a unique table for Product analysis, and you will be able to download it and use it for your product research.In this table, we put all the information you need to effectively analyze any product and see its potential, criteria, tips, and visualization. My team and I worked hard to make the table as useful as it is possible.You can expect from this course: Professional filming and video editing Exciting animations that make learning fun Interactive features at every stage of the learning journey Use of the most popular resources for choosing a profitable product A clear structure that prepares you for lasting success on Amazon FBA Downloadable resources including PDF presentations, imagery, and an Excel framework A useful spreadsheet for your Product Research and Competitor Analysis Clearly see if your products fit the criteria Quickly evaluate your options and make informed decisionsFor years, GrowthCentury has been supporting Amazon sellers, new and experienced, in finding a Profitable Niche. My name is Pavlo, and Im passionate about helping FBA sellers with intense product research, competitor analysis, and everything in-between!Our well-structured training material will equip you with all you need to get started. Youll learn where to Find Product inspiration, What Tools to Use to Find the Best Products to Sell on Amazon FBA. Well show you how to put the information we give you to good use, becoming a master analyzer of products, competition, and more!If youve had enough of watching your competitors succeed online, while you stay behind, consider starting this course today. Our team has worked incredibly hard to make our content as helpful as possible, giving you all you need to find lasting success on Amazon FBA!Invest in Udemys best Amazon FBA selling course today, and transform your business into a lucrative global brand now!#amazon #fba #sell #product #research"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Acting & Musical Theatre: Smashing the Drama School Audition" |
"Getting into drama school is tough. Especially when thousands of other prospective students are vying for tens of coveted places. With competition like that, you have more chance getting into The Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard! This course is designed to help you prepare yourself for tackling the audition that will get you into a prestigious drama school.Presented by Brian Maitland, a professional actor from Scotland. Brian got onto the MA Musical Theatre program at The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland on his first attempt. This course was created from advice and tuition gained from ex alumni of schools such as: The Royal Academy of Music, The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art and The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. This course also features first hand experiences from Brian's auditions and what helped him get through the admissions process."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Diseo grafico para redes sociales - De A a Z" |
"Aprende diseo grafico para redes sociales de la mano de un profesional!Siempre actualizado a la ltima versin!Utiliza herramientas de grado profesional como todo un experto.Si estas buscando adquirir conocimientos que te permitan crear contenido grafico con aspecto profesional sin mucho esfuerzo este curso es perfecto para ti.Utilizaremos Canva y Filmora, dos herramientas lder en la creacin de contenido grafico, utilizadas tanto por profesionales como por no profesionales (u amateur) y basadas en el sistema de arrastrar y soltar.A su vez, no caigas en el miedo de dejar pasar esta nica oportunidad por el miedo a no utilizar los colores correctamente, ya que incluimos un modulo dedicado nicamente a los colores; donde podrs aprender desde la teora de colores hasta la psicologa de los mismos.As que ya no tienes ninguna excusa! Inscrbete en el curso de diseo grafico para redes sociales ms completo de internet en espaol.Haz que tus contenidos sean como los imaginas!Recibirs la mejor educacin del mercado, por lo que estars listo para crear tus contenidos grficos tal como los imaginas.En este curso aprendes de todo, para que puedas crear todo tipo de contenidos grficos tal cual lo desees, transmitiendo exactamente el mensaje que t quieres, incluyendo: Datos tcnicos sobre el mundo del diseo grafico. Creacin de proyectos en ambas herramientas. Utilizacin de todas sus herramientas. Creacin de una paleta de colores. Psicologa y teora de los colores. Obtencin de imgenes libres de derechos de autor.Aprende de alguien que se encuentra sumergido en las tendencias graficas actuales, operando como un community manager y un diseador grafico para grandes empresas.EXTRA: Como regalo recibirs fotos y videos libres de derechos de autor, para que puedas utilizarlos cuando tu desees.Entonces no esperes ms, y adelante, dale click al botn de inscripcin, te espero en el primer captulo!Saludos cordiales,-Marcos."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine y Blueprints bsico: Un buen comienzo" |
"Bienvenido al curso Unreal Engine y Blueprints bsico: Un buen comienzo.En este curso vamos a empezar con el pie derecho a descubrir las funcionalidades de Unreal Engine y a trabajar con el sistema de programacin por nodos Blueprints, ideal para comenzar en el desarrollo de videojuegos de una manera prctica y fcil.Vas a conocer cmo funciona desde cero el editor de Unreal Engine 4, desde su descarga e instalacin hasta poder colocar tus primeros objetos en el escenario.Logrars identificar y navegar por los principales mens y ventanas del editor de Unreal Engine 4, hasta sentirte cmodo con su flujo de trabajo.Revisaremos algunos de los conceptos ms usados de programacin aplicados en el desarrollo de juegos como variables, condiciones y arrays, indispensables para entender como funciona la lgica de programacin dentro de Unreal Engine, y en general, de cualquier lenguaje de programacin.De manera prctica realizars un juego bsico de naves, utilizando los conceptos vistos en las lecciones anteriores para que despus continues creando tus propios juegos con las herramientas aprendidas en este cursos.Mejorar aspectos de tu juego como el apartado visual y el audio."
Price: 1095.00 ![]() |
"What is Zapier - An Beginners to Expert Course" |
"What is ZapierThat is what we are going to answer then teach you the ins and outs of using Zapier in business automation so that you can be a well rounded marketer and start doing things like the top #1. It's about time that you got the inside knowledge to help you grow and with this Zapier course you will be ahead of 98% of all marketers.Welcome To Zapier, Your Marketing FriendStay Organized.....Stay Productive With ZapierUnderstanding Zapier TimingZapping Your Way To Success - Making Your First ZapZapping Information From Google Sheet to Google SheetFiltering The BS Out of Business with ZapierWhen to Market - Zapier Date and Time Matters!ManyChat Flows To Zapping EmailsManyChat Ninja Trick Broadcast To Zap Data To Google SheetsUsing Zapier To Notice You A Calendly Event By MessengerCheck Zap Errors With Zapier Then Message Out IssuesRegister A ManyChat User To A Go-To Webinar With ZapierAdding Go-To Webinar Registrations To ActiveCampaign"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"The Online AP Chemistry Course: Part 1" |
"Howdy everyone! After self studying the AP Chemistry course, getting a 5 on the exam, and tutoring dozens of other students for over 400 hours in chemistry topics, I wanted to make an online course for AP Chemistry. There are many educational videos you can find but few are structured in such a way that it lets you know what you should learn next, and the vast majority don't provide practice problems to students. That's why this course was designed to have an emphasis on a curriculum and problem sets. It will contain 17 topics, with each topic containing quizzes, lectures and 40+ exercises. This is part one of the series covering the first 3 topics, and arguably the most important:1. Mathematical Foundation for Chemistry2. Chemical History and Elements3. Stoichiometry It has 5+ hours of lectures and 4 problem sets. Feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"10 Second Cartooning" |
"My course is designed for people working busy full-time jobs (like full-time working dads) and yearning to make art a part of their lives. By using these simple methods one can build a the great habit of drawing and cartooning. The target goal is to create a simple cartoon character that can be drawn again and again in a comic."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Revit 2019Maneja diseo 2d y 3d simultneamenteperspectiva" |
"Autodesk Revit 2019En este curso aprenders el uso Revit 2019. Que nos permitira crear tablas de cuantificacin de materiales, Etiquetados de reas creacin de bloques de impresin, Uso de colores en nuestros elementos de Revit para darle calidad a nuestros planos.Revit, es unos del software de modelado BIM ms importantes en el mundo, nos permite trabajar en 2d,3d, al mismo tiempo, en este curso de Revit aprenders desde cero, manejaras este maravilloso programa a tu gusto no necesitas conocimientos previos de Revit, el curso est dividido en dos partes:En la parte primera estudiaremos de forma bsica que es cada herramienta y para que nos sirve.En la parte segunda lo estudiaremos, mediante la elaboracin de un proyecto final.Puedes saltarte la parte primera si gustas, porque nuestro proyecto final es totalmente didctico y te explico de nuevo cada herramienta, ya que es mediante la prctica que aprendemos mucho mejor la decisin es tuya.Tendrs acceso a foros para ayudarte.Tendrs acceso a los archivos del curso.LOS RESULTADOS DEL APRENDIZAJE35 lecciones 2 captulos,9h de aprendizaje!Aprenda los conocimientos bsicos y avanzados desde tu escritorio brindados por un profesional.Entrenamiento practico repleto de informacin.Ideal para usuarios principiantes a avanzados.Contenido del curso diseado teniendo en cuenta la tecnologa actual de pruebas de software y el mercado laboral.Experiencia de aprendizaje practico."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master The Potential Within" |
"The Only Source of Knowledge is Experience- Albert Einstein.I was a guy who used to hate studying! Had a compartment in my Math Exam in class 11th.And I became the same guy who scored 95 in my Math exam in class 12th. The first time I noticed the change.It is not about marks, it is about growing yourself into a person who can achieve what you want to achieve in any aspect of your life.But how? Hard work alone made me do it? No.How I started staying consistent? A few things I did unintentionally that made me score 95 which later ended me up being a B. Sc. Math Graduate!Who did Actuarial science post that!When I realized, I started applying these techniques at every aspect of my life and hence started seeing results on my own. I was surprised that saying like ""6 months consistency can take you 5 years ahead"" is trueThe day I got my 12th class result, it was not about scoring 95 marks, but realizing two facts as follows:1. If I can do then anyone can!2. If we can make it over here, then we can make it anywhere.So, this course is recorded in 2019 but originated in 2013 (class12th).This course is mix of my all experience and scientific facts that made me realize later in my life that as to why I was able to do so great in 12th standard and later in every aspect of my life!How I turned out to be a super high performer!This course includes my research (the part I love) on cognitive psychology, spirituality, philosophy, focus mastery, meta-physics, performance activities and lifestyle of super procrastinators!The course can make you see the results from 8th day itself. Given you take the course as instructed and perform everything you will be told in the course.I can say it with 200% confidence that this method given in the form of course to you can make you reach the highest potential of yours by applying these techniques every single day in your life.All the practical points packed in mere 3 hours recorded videos segregated in 7 days will make you the peak performer.7 days are segregated in different part:Day 1: Creating BaseDay 2: Making you take actions. Revealing the secrets of Activity management!Day 3: Advanced way to excel your day and month.Day 4: Creating patterns and providing methods to make you consistent.Day 5: Advanced meta-physics techniques to help you out in optimizing your day.Day 6: Super solutions for ultra productive days.Day 7: Revealing the solution to be a peak performer!These techniques changed my life and gave me a purpose to help people bring the best in themselves. It's not even about you anymore. Don't play small, this world needs your greatness. Thank you!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Tm Dzeyler ngilizce Eitim Kursu ! Resim ve Videolarla" |
"Bu kursta ama balang seviyesindeki rencileri ileri dzeydeki akademik makaleleri anlayacak seviyeye ulatrmaktr. Bu ama iin aamal metot olarak gerekli olan gramer ve kelime bilgisi kapsaml bir ekilde anlatlacak, kullanm yerlerine gre anlam ve grevlerinde meydana gelen farkllklar incelenerek ingilizcenin temel mant kavranacaktr.kinci admda ise renilen gramer ve kelime bilgisi ingilizce hikaye kitaplar, haber balklar, makale analizleri ile gerek anlamda pekitirilecektir. Yazlar ierisinde karlalan gemi konular, zengin rneklerle tekrar edilerek ezbere deil uygulamaya dair bir alma sistemi gelitirilmi olacaktr. Bunun yan sra yazlarda karlalan yeni kelimeler ve farkl gramer yaplar da karlald andan itibaren anlatlacak, olas istisnai durumlar aa kavuturulmu ve son admmzda ise rencilerin bu kursu alma amalarna gre (gnlk dilde pratiklik, ingilizce dnebilme yetenei, istisnai kurallarn ve aksan farkllklarnn getirdii zorluklarn almas ve /veya YDS, YOKDL, TOEFL iBT, IELTS gibi snavlarda yksek puanlar alnmas gibi) odaklanm konu anlatm, makale evirisi ve soru zm taktikleri zerinde younlalacaktr."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
prostoeeko |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VMware vSAN 6.7 Specialist 2019 - 5V0-21.19 Practice Exam" |
"Practice Test Simulator / Quiz to help you pass VMware vSAN 6.7 Specialist Exam 2019 (5V0-21.19).Exam 1: Questions 1-20Exam 2: Questions 21-40Exam 3: Questions 41-60Each has a 40 minutes limit with 60% passing score.Why take this exam?Stand out from the crowd with vSAN specialist badge as more companies adapt Software Defined Storage and HCI (Hyperconverged Infrastructure). Better career opportunitiesThere are over 20,000 vSAN customers and it continues to grow rapidly. vSAN 2019 badge validates that an earner can properly design a vSAN cluster including the selection of supported hardware, compute and storage capacities, and performance profile. An earner is able to install and configure vSphere and vSAN according to business requirements and vendor recommendations. He or she is also capable of managing and monitoring a cluster to help ensure consistent performance and minimal downtime. An earner can perform basic troubleshooting and problem resolution.Please read the exam blueprint (exam prep guide) to see which topics are likely to appear in the exam.Areas covered:Section 1 Architecture and TechnologiesSection 2 Products and SolutionsSection 3 Planning and DesigningSection 4 Installing, Configuring, and SetupSection 5 Performance-tuning, Optimization, and UpgradesSection 6 Troubleshooting and RepairingSection 7 Administrative and Operational Tasks"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Network Virtualization NSX 6.2 2V0-642 Practice VCP-NV 2019" |
"This practice exam consists of 100 questions split in to 5 separate quizzes each timed 40 minutes. In the real exam, you will 77 questions to answer in 120 minutes. Passing score is 300. New students passing will be awarded VMware Certified Professional - Network Virtualization 2019 (VCP-NV 2019). These practice tests are intended for NSX-V 6.2.x. This exam does not have anything related to NSX-T. The VMware Certified Professional 6 Network Virtualization Exam (2V0-642) tests candidates on their skills and abilities installing, configuring and administering a VMware NSX 6.2 environment. Successful candidates demonstrate mastery of these skills and abilities.A candidate for the VCP6-NV certification has approximately six months experience working with NSX implementations. They are typically infrastructure personnel for networking, datacenter and cloud Administrators, as well as virtualization specialists who have a strong understanding of the relationship between physical and virtual network infrastructures and is capable of installing, configuring, managing, and troubleshooting VMware NSX. The successful candidate will most likely have one or more industry recognized networking certifications or equivalent experience (typically 2-3 years) and a familiarity with datacenter virtualization.Exam TopicsUnderstand VMware NSX Technology and ArchitectureUnderstand VMware NSX Physical Infrastructure RequirementsConfigure and Manage vSphere NetworkingInstall and Upgrade VMware NSXConfigure VMware NSX Virtual NetworksConfigure and Manage NSX Network ServicesConfigure and Administer Network SecurityDeploy a Cross-vCenter NSX environmentPerform Operations Tasks in a VMware NSX EnvironmentTroubleshoot a VMware Network Virtualization Implementation"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VMware Horizon 7.7 VCP-DTM 2019 Practice Exam 2V0-51.19" |
"VCP-DTM 2019 certification validates that a candidate can configure, deploy, manage, maintain, optimize, and perform basic troubleshooting of VMware Horizon 7.7 solutions, as well as properly identify and differentiate any needed supporting products and components.The Professional Horizon 7.7 Exam (2V0-51.19) which leads to VMware Certified Professional Desktop and Mobility 2019 certification is a 65-item exam, with a passing score of 300 using a scaled method. Candidates are given an appointment time of 105 minutes, which includes five-minute seating time and adequate time to complete the exam for non-native English speakers. Actual exam time is 100 minutes.Section 1 - Install and Configure Horizon Server ComponentsSection 2 - Create and Configure PoolsSection 3 - Configure and Manage Identity ManagerSection 4 - Configure and Manage User Environment ManagerSection 5 - Configure and Manage App VolumesSection 6 - Configure vRealize Operations for Horizon"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Python -" |
", , , . ! Python , . , , , Python 3 - ! YouTube, , StackOverfow . , , Python ! , : - Python - Strings, , , ! - , , tuples... Python! - . - ! - Python . Python, , Data Science. 30 ! , 100% . ? Python !"
Price: 5799.00 ![]() |
"SQL :" |
"SQL (SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE ), ! SQL !, , , , . , 30 . --- ? , SQL, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE INSERT. , , . , SQL, JOIN, ORDER GROUP BY, --- , , . ? !"
Price: 5799.00 ![]() |
"Organic Marketing Course" |
"You will learn how to:Generate free quality leads on Facebook (without ever sharing your link)How to start and grow your Youtube channel and master SEO (this is free daily content driven traffic to your business)How to setup and run a marketing campaign and promote any product or service like a 'Super Affiliate Marketer'How to brand yourself and structure a 'Thriving Online Digital Business' with no advertising costHow to collect 'Passive Income' and earn from 'Multiple Streams of Income' on full automation!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Ecommerce: Make the Cash Register Ring!" |
"Eugene Brill is a Subject Matter Expert that curates information about online commerce & teaches Ecommerce entrepreneurs How to Make the Cash Register Ring! His day-job consists of mentoring Marketing Executives and coaching Marketing Teams, as well as owning and operating several Ecommerce web stores.Problem worth Solving:According to Shopify, The Global Ecommerce Markets Will Reach $4 Trillion By 2020. However, the market is fragmented, and proper planning and execution is often overlooked.Solution:Drawing on 20+ years of experience, in this online class Eugene covers the 12 business areas of Ecommerce that will create the road map for launching a successful and profitable online store.Small and Mid-Sized Ecommerce Business Owners (SMB's)Wannabe Ecommerce Entrepreneurs & Side HustlersEcommerce Marketing Teams & Interns"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Keman Dersi - Amatrler iin sfrdan detayl balang" |
"Yllardr hem yzyze hem de youtube derslerimin sonucunda eitli ehirlerden rencilerim istedikleri seviyenin de stne ulaarak kendilerine daha yksek hedefler koymaya balad. Gnlk hayatta i-okul younluundan-yorgunluundan kurtulup kendinize, einize, dostunuza ho melodiler almak istiyorsanz, hayatn bu zorluklarna gre hazrlanm hafif mfredatl derslerimize bekliyoruz.Derslerimizin amac ezberletmek deil, yeni retim yntemleri kullanlarak en basit, aklda kalc ekilde mantn retmektir. Fotoraflar, videolar, notalar, notlar ve sorularnza cevaplar ile derslerimiz desteklenmektedir."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"GCP - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice Exams - FREE!" |
"Google Cloud Platform - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice Exams - Exams by Service Category Summary: This course provides six practice exams. Each exam focuses on a specific category of Google Cloud Platform Services. Features: The exams will evaluate proficiency while also teaching certification material. Every question includes a detailed analysis and explanation which is provided upon exam completion. The explanations include linked references to GCP documentation.The questions are arranged in a fixed order which flows from basic to advanced concepts. The categorical organization provides the ability to target and improve upon weaknesses. And the questions are ordered optimally for learning and retaining information.FREE Course:Purchase any one of the following courses and receive an additional course for FREE! 12 Exams Total!Google Cloud Platform - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice ExamsGoogle Cloud Platform - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice Exams - Exams by CategoryGoogle Cloud Platform - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice Exams - Exams by Difficulty LevelCourse Highlights:6 Practice Exams320 Questions TotalOverview of Topics Covered:Administration - Management, Monitoring, IAM Auth, SecurityCompute - Functions, App Engine, Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes EngineStorage - File Store, Drive, Cloud Storage, Local Disk, Persistent DiskNetworking - VPC, Hybrid Connectivity, DNS, Load Balancer, CDN, NAT, RouterData and Analytics - NoSQL DBs, Relational DBs, Big Data ProductsDevelopment Services - Application Services, AI Services, Development ToolsDetailed Overview of Topics Covered:InfrastructureCompute: Functions, App Engine, Compute Engine, GKE/GCEStorage: File Store, Drive, Cloud Storage, Local Disk, Persistent DiskNetwork: VPC, Hybrid Connectivity, DNS, Load Balancers, CDN, NAT, RouterData ServicesDocument DBs: Datastore/Firestore, Big TableRelational DBs: Cloud SQL, SpannerBig Data & Analytics: Big Query, Dataprep, Data Fusion, Dataflow, Dataproc, Datalab, Data Studio, Data CatalogDevelopment ServicesApplication Services: Pub/Sub, IoT Core, Composer, Apigee, Endpoints, Healthcare API, MemoryStoreAI: Tenserflow, ML Engine, Video, Vision, Speech, Translate, Natural LanguageDev Tools: Cloud Source, Cloud Build, Cloud Code, Container BuilderFoundations & AdministrationManagement: Geography, Interfaces, Org Struct, Billing, Deployment Manager Monitoring: Stack Driver, Serial ConsoleAuth: IAM, AD IntegrationSecurity: KMS, HMS, CSEK, TPM, Security Scanner, Cloud Armor, Cloud NAT, Cloud Audit Logs"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"GCP - Google Professional Cloud Architect - Practice Exams" |
"Google Cloud Platform - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice ExamsSummary: This course provides six practice exams. Each exam contains over 50 randomly selected questions.Features: The exams will evaluate proficiency, while also teaching certification material. Every question includes a detailed analysis and explanation, which is provided upon exam completion. The explanations included linked references to GCP documentation.FREE Course:Purchase any one of the following courses and receive an additional course for FREE! 12 Exams Total!Google Cloud Platform - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice ExamsGoogle Cloud Platform - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice Exams - Exams by CategoryGoogle Cloud Platform - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice Exams - Exams by Difficulty LevelHighlights:6 Practice Exams320 Questions TotalOverview of Topics Covered:Infrastructure - Compute, Storage, NetworkingData and Analytics - NoSQL Databases, Relational Databases, Big DataDevelopment Services - Application Services, AI Services, Development ToolsAdministration - Management, Monitoring, Authorization, SecurityDetailed Overview of Topics Covered:InfrastructureCompute: Functions, App Engine, Compute Engine, GKE/GCEStorage: File Store, Drive, Cloud Storage, Local Disk, Persistent DiskNetwork: VPC, Hybrid Connectivity, DNS, Load Balancers, CDN, NAT, RouterData ServicesDocument DBs: Datastore/Firestore, Big TableRelational DBs: Cloud SQL, SpannerBig Data & Analytics: Big Query, Dataprep, Data Fusion, Dataflow, Dataproc, Datalab, Data Studio, Data CatalogDevelopment ServicesApplication Services: Pub/Sub, IoT Core, Composer, Apigee, Endpoints, Healthcare API, MemoryStoreAI: Tenserflow, ML Engine, Video, Vision, Speech, Translate, Natural LanguageDev Tools: Cloud Source, Cloud Build, Cloud Code, Container BuilderFoundations & AdministrationManagement: Geography, Interfaces, Org Struct, Billing, Deployment Manager Monitoring: Stack Driver, Serial ConsoleAuth: IAM, AD IntegrationSecurity: KMS, HMS, CSEK, TPM, Security Scanner, Cloud Armor, Cloud NAT, Cloud Audit Logs"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"GCP - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice Exams - FREE!" |
"Google Cloud Platform - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice Exams - Exams by Difficulty LevelSummary: This course provides six practice exams. The exams are ranked by difficulty level.Features: The exams will evaluate proficiency, while also teaching certification material. Every question includes a detailed analysis and explanation, which is provided upon exam completion. The explanations include linked references to GCP documentation.FREE Course:Purchase any one of the following courses and receive an additional course for FREE! 12 Exams Total!Google Cloud Platform - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice ExamsGoogle Cloud Platform - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice Exams - Exams by CategoryGoogle Cloud Platform - Professional Cloud Architect - Practice Exams - Exams by Difficulty LevelCourse Highlights:6 Practice Exams320 Questions TotalExam Difficulty Levels:Exam 1 - FundamentalsExam 2 - BasicsExam 3 - NoviceExam 4 - IntermediateExam 5 - AdvancedExam 6 - ExpertDetailed Overview of Topics Covered:InfrastructureCompute: Functions, App Engine, Compute Engine, GKE/GCEStorage: File Store, Drive, Cloud Storage, Local Disk, Persistent DiskNetwork: VPC, Hybrid Connectivity, DNS, Load Balancers, CDN, NAT, RouterData ServicesDocument DBs: Datastore/Firestore, Big TableRelational DBs: Cloud SQL, SpannerBig Data & Analytics: Big Query, Dataprep, Data Fusion, Dataflow, Dataproc, Datalab, Data Studio, Data CatalogDevelopment ServicesApplication Services: Pub/Sub, IoT Core, Composer, Apigee, Endpoints, Healthcare API, MemoryStoreAI: Tenserflow, ML Engine, Video, Vision, Speech, Translate, Natural LanguageDev Tools: Cloud Source, Cloud Build, Cloud Code, Container BuilderFoundations & AdministrationManagement: Geography, Interfaces, Org Struct, Billing, Deployment Manager Monitoring: Stack Driver, Serial ConsoleAuth: IAM, AD IntegrationSecurity: KMS, HMS, CSEK, TPM, Security Scanner, Cloud Armor, Cloud NAT, Cloud Audit Logs"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1 Day Digital Agency" |
"In this course, you will learn How to Start A Digital Agency from beginner level to advanced! This course is for everyone whos in one of two situations: you either want to start generating income from the internet, or youve already started, and simply want more. This class is straight to the point and i will show you The Ultimate Agency Tools And Resources I Use To Put My Agency On Autopilot."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS AWS Associate Certification Exam Prep" |
"AWS certification30%2018$175.8 billion, AWS50%AWSsoftware development, data analyzing, machine learning -Java, Python, Node.js, -10+AWS-AWSEC2S3VPCBeanstalkRDSIAM RolesELB/ALBCloudWatchElasticCode PipelineRoute 53CloudFormationAWS Associate Certification Exam-Developer60-8030The AWS Certified Developer - Associate examination is intended for individuals who perform a development role and have one or more years of hands-on experience developing and maintaining an AWS-based application.Abilities Validated by the CertificationDemonstrate an understanding of core AWS services, uses, and basic AWS architecture best practicesDemonstrate proficiency in developing, deploying, and debugging cloud-based applications using AWSYou will LearnIn-depth knowledge of at least one high-level programming languageUnderstanding of core AWS services, uses, and basic AWS architecture best practicesProficiency in developing, deploying, and debugging cloud-based applications using AWSAbility to use the AWS service APIs, AWS CLI, and SDKs to write applicationsAbility to identify key features of AWS servicesUnderstanding of the AWS shared responsibility modelUnderstanding of application lifecycle managementAbility to use a CI/CD pipeline to deploy applications on AWSAbility to use or interact with AWS servicesAbility to apply a basic understanding of cloud-native applications to write codeAbility to write code using AWS security best practices (e.g., not using secret and access keys in the code, instead using IAM roles)Ability to author, maintain, and debug code modules on AWSProficiency writing code for serverless applicationsUnderstanding of the use of containers in the development processUdemy PolicyWe want you to be satisfied, so all courses purchased on Udemy can be refunded within 30 days. For whatever reason, if you are unhappy with a course, you can request a refund."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Liderazgo y eneagrama: consigue el xito en tus proyectos" |
"Este curso de liderazgo y eneagrama est enfocado al terreno laboral ya que con un buen equipo no hay proyecto que se resista! si el jefe tiene una buena herramienta y da un buen uso de la informacin las posibilidades de xito son altsimas. Y obvio que es una situacin win win en la que nadie pierde. Pero para alcanzar el xito es necesario tener la informacin correcta y saber aplicarla. El eneagrama da desde hace siglos excelentes resultados y en la actualidad est siendo cada vez ms valorado entre las empresas. Grandes multinacionales han usado ya esta poderosa herramienta y les ha servido de gran gua. As que en este curso se describe los principales puntos tericos explicados en videos de manera amena con esquemas y tambin con archivos adjuntos, tareas, supuestos prcticos y un test."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Strategy & Execution for High Performance Entrepreneurs" |
"This is NOT your typical business course.This is one of a series of courses in the High Performance Entrepreneur series designed for business owners who are serious about growth, who are prepared to run their business like a business and who want to learn a repeatable way to stay focused on what matters most.If youre like most entrepreneurs, you see before you a ton of things that need to be fixed, looked after or pursued. You start on some of them, get pulled away by others and feel you rarely give any of them enough attention. You work hard, but you feel the results often dont give you a fair reward for the effort youre making.That changes for you now.The key to successful entrepreneurship is to most effectively deploy your time, money and resources to achieve a particular objective (or small set of objectives) at a time.That means staying focused on what matters most.There are two problems with this simple statement:1) Deciding what matters most2) Deciding what needs to be done about what matters most.This course will show you how to tackle both of these problems. Because Ive been working with entrepreneurs in one form or another since 1996, I understand how busy you are and how your time is often interrupted. So, Ive kept each video short, focused, clear, direct and focused on what actually works.Your business and your ability to lead it will begin to improve right away!The course can be thought of as having 2 distinct sections.In the first section, you will get a mini-MBA in how a business actually works. Youll learn: The 3 buckets of activities that drive the long term value of your business The levers that you can pull to drive up this value within the buckets The foundations of profitability of all businesses, including yours Once you know which bucket you will play in at a time, how to influence the key numbers within them in a focused, targeted way The key numbers to track so you are able to accurately predict future profitability based on achieving activity targets To use a proprietary online forecasting tool to help you make informed choices about which tactics will produce the best resultsIn the second section, youll get access to a proprietary strategy development tool and a robust menu of hundreds of tactics that you can choose from as you develop your strategy. With these tools you will be guided to: Perform a highly detailed and informative analysis of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) facing your business which is important because that informs you of the potential areas of focus Articulate goals across a number of areas for your business Choose a Strategic Focus that will guide your decisions Select a small and focused set of Strategic Priorities to ensure you and your team remain committed to what matter most Allocate tactics to the right people at the right time so that you make clear and identifiable progress every quarter Create a system of accountability that maintains engagement and commitment among your teamIf you want greater confidence and control, more certainty about what you should be focusing on, higher levels of accountability and accelerated growth, register for this course now. Become a High Performance Entrepreneur!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Manage By The Numbers for High Performance Entrepreneurs" |
"This is one of a series of courses in the High Performance Entrepreneur series designed for business owners who are serious about growth, who are prepared to run their business like a business and who understand that better information will lead to better decisions.By the end of this course, you will be able to combine your own intuition as an entrepreneur with objective information that your business provides to make better decisions and to take more confident action.By the end of this course, you will be able to identify which product or service lines are the most profitable and youll know your break-even and profit break-even.By the end of this course, you will know how to use a proprietary financial dashboard that gives you rapid and clear insights into the trends in your business, whether those trends are healthy or not and whether the business is in a healthy state at any point in time.By the end of this course, youll know where your cash goes and youll be able to forecast your cash flows into the future, using a simple cash flow projection tool.Because Ive been working with entrepreneurs in one form or another since 1996, I understand how busy you are and how your time is often interrupted. So, Ive kept each video short, focused, clear, direct and focused on what actually works.Your business and your ability to lead it will begin to improve right away!If you want greater confidence and control, more certainty about what you should be focusing on, higher levels of accountability and accelerated growth, register for this course now. Become a High Performance Entrepreneur!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Top Right Living: Your Guide To A Fulfilling Life" |
"This is NOT your typical personal development course.While the content in the course is of universal application and appeal, there is an emphasis on how it can help entrepreneurs. Your income, your business - indeed, the quality of your life - will grow to the extent that you do. It seems logical, doesn't it. As you grow in energy, confidence, courage, generosity, discipline, clarity etc, the results you generate will also grow. The challenge, of course, is how to achieve that growth. This course will provide you a clear and simple framework, as well as very specific and concrete steps you can take to live a life of fulfillment. The result will be:Clarity on the areas of your life that need focus to increase your sense of fulfillmentCertainty on the kinds of activities to pursue to raise your quality of lifeFocus on the things that will move the needleConfidence that your goals are the right ones to improve your lifeMore joyThe ability to increase the level of fulfillment of your team.The course can be considered as having 3 distinct sections:An overview of the framework for a fulfilling life. Before pursuing a bunch of activities, it's important to know why you're doing so.The concrete steps you take to choose specific activities that you will know will increase your enjoyment of lifeAn introduction to goal setting so you will have a consistent approach to ensuring you are focused on the right things at the right time. You'll have access to a proprietary tool to assess your current quality of life and measure its improvements. You'll also be provided worksheets to guide your activities. This course is not theoretical, nor is it ""touchy feely"". It is practical, focused and effective. Join now and begin living a life with greater purpose and fulfillment. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |