Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Wholesale Real Estate Fundamentals (COVID-19 Addition)" |
"Are you looking for a way to make money in the real estate industry without having to spend millions of dollars? Well then this course is perfect for you! Wholesaling is the best way to get a head start in the real estate industry. This course will provide you with the fundamentals that you need in order to start making money and changing people's lives for the better. Are you ready to change your life?"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Imagen y Comunicacin" |
"El objetivo de este curso es darte las herramientas y conocimientos necesarios que te permitirn desarrollar tus habilidades de comunicacin verbal y no verbal a travs de tu imagen fsica. En la primera parte de este curso analizaremos diferentes conceptos y definiciones de la imagen, con el objetivo de entender su proceso de formacin y ser capaces de observar y entender la imagen que los dems perciben de nosotros a travs de los diferentes estmulos que enviamos. En la segunda parte, hablaremos sobre Esencia y Estilo. La esencia para descubrir y comprender nuestro yo interior, y el estilo para estudiar los siete diferentes estilos en los que los seres humanos podemos ser clasificados; sers capaz de conocer cul es tu estilo y de sacar los mayores beneficios posibles del mismo y, as, proyectar mayor coherencia y asertividad en la imagen que proyectas.Despus estudiaremos el color y el simbolismo que este tiene en la sociedad. Estudiaremos los componentes del color: tinte, saturacin y luminosidad, as como su aplicacin en nuestra apariencia personal como apoyo para identificarnos en alguna de las cuatro estaciones: primavera, verano, otoo e invierno, segn la Teora del Color y las Cuatro Estaciones. Sabiendo a qu estacin perteneces, tendrs una base terica que te ayudar a conocer qu colores sern ms tiles para alcanzar tus objetivos de comunicacin a travs de tu imagen.Tambin estudiaremos las medidas y proporciones en la cara y el cuerpo, ayudndote a identificar tu tipo de cara y cuerpo, y as podrs realizar ajustes y trucos visuales que mejorarn tu percepcin y la de otros acerca de ti mismo.Finalmente, estudiaremos otras maneras de comunicacin no verbal que son importantes en tu desarrollo social y profesional: el saludo, postura, voz y diccin, contacto visual, conducta tctil, el uso del espacio, imagen digital a travs de redes sociales y otros protocolos.Al finalizar este curso sers una persona totalmente distinta y tendrs mayor seguridad en las acciones que realices y proyectes al interactuar con otros."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"swansoft CNC" |
". ( ) . . (CAD/CAM) . . ... 1- CNC 2- swansoft 20 3- 4-"
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Launchpad 2020-How to Sell on Amazon MASTERY Course" |
"PLEASE NOTE:Who is most suitable for this course?1.People who plan to launch a campaign on crowdfunding platforms,just like kickstarter,indiegogo etc.2.People who have funded with crowdfunding platform,just like kickstarter,indiegogo etc. but not good at marketing, brand-building.3.Basic Amazon experience and amazon current seller will be better.Learn step-by-step how to start with amazon launchpad and make a strong brand, or much more, as an Amazon Launchpad seller. Follow along with me while I demonstrate over-the-shoulder how to copy my results. What you will learn:The Story of Crowdfunding and MeKickstarter,Indiegogo,Greenfunding)The Story of Launchpad and MeWhat is Amazon LaunchpadHow to Apply Amazon LaunchpadHow Amazon Launchpad Can Help YouAmazon Launchpad Marketing PackagePower of Launchpad Brand AnalyticsPower of Launchpad Marketing ToolsWebinar & office Hours ToolPower of Partnership Opportunities and Perks ToolEBC/VIDEO Whitelist ToolBrand ProtectionSubmit Best Deal,Lightning Deal,Deal of the Day (ALL for Free) The Power of Launchpad ANNOUNCEMENTSThe Secrets of Using Amazon LaunchpadDid I mention the BEST PART?Because I am committed to your success, I will be Including some tools that I think you will find incredibly valuable.So If you're looking for simple, yet proven strategies to increasing your profits, this course is for you!It doesnt matter if you're an advanced or beginner marketer, social media expert, entrepreneur or business owner, this course guaranteed to help you increase revenue and sales,EVEN brand-building!I hope to see you on the inside!Heres to Your Success.RICK"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Elemental 1 #AprendeFotografa" |
"El Curso Elemental 1, #AprendeFotografa, ha sido diseado para que, no slo mediante explicaciones muy pedaggicas, si no con muchsima prctica, aprendas a usar tu cmara y ms, que aprendas a mirar, que lo que veas ya no sea nunca ms lo mismo, y que te apasiones en la fotografa entendiendo que es un lenguaje, y que puedes no slo registrar el mundo que ves, si no cmo lo ves, cmo lo sientes y comunicarte, expresarte a travs de la fotografa."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fire Safety At Work" |
"It is a legal requirement that all employees undergo basic Fire Safety training at induction and periodically thereafter, expected annually in most workplaces. The training must be carried out by a competent person with suitable and sufficient skills and knowledge of fire safety. OSHA standards require employers to develop evacuation and prevention plans. Employers must provide proper exits, employee training, and fire-fighting equipment.This course is designed to provide you the knowledge required to act safely in the event of a fire at your workplace. In this course you will learn:Fire, Its Causes & ConsequencesFire Triangle & Its ElementsFire ClassificationExtinguishing PrinciplesFire Extinguishers & its AnatomyTypes of ExtinguishersOperating Fire ExtinguishersDo's & Don'ts of Fire ExtinguishersRules of Fire FightingEmergency ResponseFire PreventionEvacuation PlanningFire Training & Drills"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Screaming Frog SEO Spider: tutorial y auditoras" |
"Si quieres ser un experto SEO necesitars aprender a dominar una herramienta de Crawling. La ms extendida es Screaming Frog SEO Spider. Una herramienta potente, estable y no muy costosa frente a otras del mercado.En este curso trabajaremos con este software instalable en Windows, Linux y Mac con una versin gratuita y una versin premium bastante asequible.Esta herramienta rastrea los sitios webs al completo y crea tablas de datos con la informacin rastreada para poder analizarla. Podrs tener una visin global y detallada de todos los aspectos que importan a nivel SEO, desde links rotos a meta ttulos mal puestos y muchsimo ms.Si queremos optimizar una web necesitamos primero tener una imagen completa de la misma. Cuntas pginas tiene? Cuntas imgenes? Qu estructura tiene? Estn indexadas las pginas que necesitan estarlo? Estas y ms preguntas son las que un buen auditor web se pregunta para optimizar de cara a buscadores webs propias y de clientes.Vamos a ello! El trfico orgnico nos espera."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Linux Privilege Escalation" |
"This course teaches privilege escalation in Linux, from basics such as how permissions work, to in-depth coverage and demonstrations of actual privilege escalation techniques. The course comes with a full set of slides (170+), and an intentionally misconfigured Debian VM which can be used by students to practice their own privilege escalation.Please note that this course is aimed at students currently taking, or planning to take the OSCP, and thus covers more common forms of privilege escalation. Some extra methods are included, and more methods may be added in the future, however this course was not designed to cover every possible (or obscure) method."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build an NBA Fantasy Projection Model in Python with Pandas" |
"What is this Course?Let me start off by saying that my first love has always been the NBA and my second love is coding. As such, I think this class will be a lot of fun for passionate NBA fans who also happen to be aspiring coders. This is the premier Udemy class out there that uses strictly NBA stats as data to help wrap your head around concepts in the python programming language.While I have found it helpful to read textbooks and watch online tutorials to get a better understanding of the basics for any subject, nothing beats project-based learning. Actually getting your hands dirty and running into real problems that require specific solutions has been my ideal way to learn something new.With that being said, the hardest question typically is, what project should I focus on? From my personal experience, Ive found it beneficial to focus on something you are passionate about. To find that something, just think of what you frequently pay attention to in your spare time, when no one is paying pay attention to it. For me, that something is the NBA. Im a proud subscriber to League Pass. It didnt take long for me to realize that using NBA stats was going to be the best way for me to learn how to code.""For one, sports has served as an entry point to data analysis for many. Sports is interesting and has great data relative to other fields, so it can teach skills and methods of thought that are then more broadly applicable. Personally, I learned how to program, a skill that has been enormously valuable to me, specifically to analyze basketball stats. And I'm far from the only story like this."" -Ben Falk, Cleaning The GlassThe ProjectUsing the NBA to learn how to code sounds like a good start, but it it still missing a key piece to turn it into an actual project. That key piece is a goal. Tiago Forte defines a project as, a series of tasks linked to a goal, with a deadline.So what is our goal? Well, for those of you that have played fantasy basketball before, you may have learned how important the draft is. Your teams success is often times linked directly to your success in the draft. And your success in the draft is often linked to how effectively you can project player stats for that upcoming year. If you know Lebron James is going to score more fantasy points than Anthony Davis then you will want Lebron James on your fantasy team.After blindly turning to the internet for many consecutive years to use projection models that werent made by the oafs at ESPN or Yahoo, it dawned on me that said models had to come from someones brain. My thinking from there was, whats stopping me from building my own projection model?Alas! We have our class project! We are going to build an NBA Fantasy Projection model so you can win your NBA Fantasy League! And how will we do that? By learning to code!What Will You Learn?This is another reminder that everything Ive done to date has been a combination of self-teaching and learning from a friend who also happens to be a talented engineer.For our purposes, we are going to focus on Python. Ive been hooked on it ever since I took the class Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. It's undoubtedly a popular programming language so I think it will be beneficial for many years to come.This class is not meant to be an introduction to programming or python, so my assumption is that you understand some basics. This class is geared more towards helping you apply Python programming to an actual project to help you better retain information while having fun within the process.Since this class is primarily focused on data (in the form of NBA stats), we will need to manipulate the data in various ways. To help with this, well use the Pandas library. Pandas is extremely powerful and can be used in more ways than just building NBA fantasy projection models so I think you will find it extremely helpful to learn more about.In his book, Jake VanderPlas describes Pandas as, a newer package built on top of NumPy, and provides an efficient implementation of a DataFrame. dataFrames are essentially multidimensional arrays with attached row and column labels, and often with heterogeneous types and/or missing data. As well as offering a convenient storage interface for labeled data, Pandas implements a number of powerful data operations familiar to users of both database frameworks and spreadsheet programs. Said another way, Pandas is SQL and Excel on steroids!By the end of this course you will be ready to win your NBA fantasy league by building the best fantasy projection model using Python and more specifically Pandas. All of this will be done using a Jupyter Notebook so you can share your work and improve on it over the years."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel para gerenciamento de obras do Zero" |
"Aprenda as funes, frmulas bsicas, introduzir dados, formatar, layout, opes de exibio e mltiplas planilhas no Excel.O Microsoft Office Excel um editor de planilhas produzido pela Microsoft para computadores que utilizam o sistema operacional Microsoft Windows, alm de computadores Macintosh da Apple Inc. e dispositivos mveis como o Windows Phone, Android ou o iOS.O curso conta com aulas com exemplos prticos de gerenciamento de obras, preparado por professor com larga experincia no pacote Office."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
self_esteem |
"- , , , , . - . , ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
your_new_life |
"20% . .... ( ) , 85% . , , , 2 , 30 , . :1. 2. 3. 4. ,"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
pohudenie |
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Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Lean Construction Management" |
" 50 ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest le Kolay Para Kazann" |
"Bu eitimde sizlere nasl hosting ve domain alnr. Bu domain zerinden nasl bir wordpress tabanl web site kurabileceinizi, bunun yannda bu siteye nasl tema ve eklenti kurabiliceinizi anlattm. Ek olarak bu eklentilerle birlikte bir pinterest hesab oluturup bu hesaptaki SEO ilemleri ile sitenize trafik ekebileceinizden bahsettim. ektiiniz trafiin size kazan olarak dndn bu kursu bitirince daha iyi anlayacaksnz.imdiden BOL KAZANLAR!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to change your life in 7 amazing days" |
"I am tired I dont have vitality I dont feel like doing anything I just wait for the weekend to comeI am telling u to wake up! You can change all this! With this program!Live better stress less - In only 10 minutes per day you relax your mind and totally increase your focus.In this program will speak about working with yourself. In these 7 days Ill provide you the tools that you need for live better stress less.What you will learn:Relax your mindIncrease your focusBoost your productivityWork without stressDo you want to have a tool that helps you when you feel stressed? That gives you a restart and helps you feel better?Enroll now and challenge yourself with me beside you to make that change!Who is this course for?Weather you are an entrepreneur or an employee, will help you to feel relax and earn money in the same timeAnyone who wants to work and enjoy itAnyone who feels blocked in the mind and want to learn how to calm the mindWhat will you find in this course: 10 minutes daily exercices during 7 days that will not take you lots of time and make you more empowerment."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA Japan - The New Market Revealed - The A-Z Course" |
"The First Course that finally reveal how to Dominate the Most Emerging and Profitable Market in the World!Amazon FBA Japan is definetely the least competitive and most profitable Amazon Market! The reason why this market is unexplored can be found in the language barriers. In fact, Overseas Sellers have no idea how to overcome this obstacle and do not know how to deal with Japanese customers. For years new sellers have started their Amazon journey from the US or EU, regardless of the Asian opportunity. This has lead to an insane competition in the ""common"" markets whereas it has left the Japanese one pretty uninvestigated.What EU and US sellers do not know, is that the japanese culture allows sellers to apply premium prices and gain huge profits compared to the American or the European Markets.Everyday sellers are seeking for new profitable products and new niches to enter, trying to think outside of the box. The real problem, is that they are inside the box! The saturated market where everyone is trying to launch a new product, is the box. The only way to start thinking outside of it is to make a market revolution. You have to do something completely different from the other sellers.Do something that other people cannot even take into consideration.Stop looking for new products, and start looking for new markets.What just few people try to do, is a market revolution instead of a product revolution. Everyone is trying to create and private label products that do not even have a market just to differentiate. And guess what... They fail.If you do not have an existing and profitable market, you cannot succed. How can customers buy from you if they do not exist?What I am telling you, is that you should start to enter a new existing market, where customers are many, and where sellers are not enough to satisfay the demand.The Japanese Market is The Market.Let's consider the Average Japanese customer.He is a person who works its entire day, committed to the company he is working for. His income is around $3.000 per month. Japanese employees are commuters who take long rides on high tech public transportation from home to their wotkplace. They do not have much free time and beacuse of that they prefer buy online while commuting. The online shopping is indeed increasing and becoming more and more popular among the country.Moreover, their wage allow them to look for quality product, instead of cheap and low quality ones. This is a fundamental aspect to take into account if you want to succed in the long run within this market. The Japanese mentality makes customers not to accept poor products. This will allow you to apply a reasonable mark-up to what what you are selling and gaining an unexpected profit compared to the other markets.Who I am and Why I have created the courseI have been selling on amazon since 2015. I have started first in EU, then I expanded my business in the US. I realized then that eventhough I was making profits, the competition was increasing and I needed to look for new markets in order to keep having a 6 figures income.For this reason, I started in 2017 to sell on Amazon Japan, and I can tell that the profits I am making in this market are exciding every expectation.The reason why i have created the course is to make sellers and wannabe sellers that Amazon FBA is still a profitable Business, You just have to change the country where you are selling, where the competition is leading every chance of profit away. This guide will allow you to save money and time and start selling in Japan ASAP! You want to create your own empire before the competition comes and become strong enough to beat it when it will arrive!Course BreakdownThe course is a step-by-step guide that will help you dominating the Japanese Market.Throughout the journey every aspect of this Business is Clarified. This is what You can find inside! 2 different methods to find profitable productshow to succesfully launch the productsHow and where to get positive reviewshow to source your ProductHow to export from China to JapanHow to list Your Product Page How to grow Your Private Label Brand how to use the Seller CentralAll the FBA terminology and explainationThe Course will be updated as soon as a single change in Amazon Japan takes place! There would not be any extra charge for the Updates! If You have any question or any doubt to solve do not hesitate to send me a message!Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"API RESTfull com Spring Boot utilizando TDD, CI e CD" |
"Sejam todos muito bem vindos ao curso API RESTfull Profissional com Spring Boot utilizando TDD, nesse curso voc ir aprender o que so APIs e como construir uma API profissional utilizando um exemplo prtico, desde a criao do projeto at o deploy em um ambiente de produo.Voc ir aprender como testar sua API, utilizaremos a tcnica TDD (Desenvolvimento Orientado a Testes) durante todo o projeto, utilizaremos Mockito, Junit e o banco de dados H2 em memria. Implementaremos tambm uma camada de segurana em nossa API, para isso utilizaremos autenticao via Tokens JWT junto ao pacote spring security. Aprenda a gerenciar as migraes do Banco de Dados com o Flyway, e tambm a cachear chamadas na API com o Ehcache.Ao final do projeto vamos configurar em nosso repositrio Integrao Contnua e Deploy Automatizado com o Travis CI, dessa forma a atualizao do projeto em ambiente de produo ser feita de forma automtica, e tambm garantiremos sempre a integridade do projeto em nosso repositrio.Ao finalizar o curso voc ser capaz de criar APIs prontas para serem utilizadas em produo aprendendo cada etapa de desenvolvimento de um aplicativo profissional."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Austrian Economics" |
"""People may disagree on the question of whether everybody ought to study economics seriously. But one thing is certain. A man who publicly talks or writes about the opposition between capitalism and socialism without having fully familiarized himself with all that economics has to say about these issues is an irresponsible babbler."" - Ludwig von MisesThis course will introduce the fundamental concepts of Austrian Economics. At the end of the course, these fundamentals will be applied to socialism and business cycles. The Austrian critique of socialism and the Austrian Business Cycle Theory are two of the most important contributions of Austrian Economics.Here are the steps to get there:The Austrian MethodHuman ActionSubjective ValueProductionExchangeMoney and BankingTime Preference and Interest"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Instagram 2019 - Du trafic qualifi et de la conversion" |
"Au vu de la dernire mise jour datant de Juin 2019 dInstagram beaucoup de comptes dont la stratgie tait seulement le follow/unfollow ont perdu en vitesse voire se sont fait bannir. Profitez-en pour devenir les nouvelles figures dautorit !Dans ce cours vous apprendrez obtenir de nouveaux clients grce Instagram. Les mthodes utilises et montres sont celles que nos clients estiment les plus efficaces. Le rapport temps/efficacit est notre priorit. Imaginez vous l'esprit libre en train de profiter de votre temps libre auprs de vos proches. L'agenda rempli de clients dont vous vous occuperez en temps voulu grce votre compte Instagram qui vous permet de rseauter.Que votre priorit soit le B2B ou le B2C. Ce cours condens vous permettra de passer au pallier suprieur ou bien de commencer.- Obtenir plus d'abonns,- Plus de visites, - Apprendre faire des redirections efficaces, - Automatiser au mieux son acquisition, - Fidliser les clients, - Mettre en place des partenariats efficaces, - Devenir influenceur pour ceux qui le souhaitent"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Cifras" |
"CURSO DE CIFRAS - MDULO INo Curso de Cifras Mdulo I abordaremos os intervalos musicais, todos tipos de trades e suas inverses, bicordes, power chords, todos acordes sus e acordes add, acordes com sexta maior e menor, as escalas maiores e todos os tipos de escalas menores com suas cifras e harmonizaes. O curso acompanha apostila para um melhor complemento e acompanhamento do aluno sobre as vdeo aulas."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"A Beginners Guide to the Ten Commandments" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn more about the Ten commandments?Have you ever wanted to try online classes?Have you wanted to study the Bible in a class setting but dont have the desire, time, or money to go the traditional college route?You have come to the right place!By the end of this course, you will be able to: List the Ten Commandments in Order Name the key word in each commandment Understands the meaning of the commandment through related verses. Understand why God had the community in mind when creating the commandments. Apply what you have learned through introspective exercisesThis course is designed for Christians who want a BASIC OVERVIEW of the Ten Commandments. HOWEVER, people from every level, religion, and walk of life are welcome. There is something for everyone in this informative and interactive course that contains 189 VIDEOS that teach everything from WHY God had the shaping of a community in mind when He wrote the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets, to WHY it matters if we take things from work, WHY things like adultery, and theft can affect our lives (even if we did not participate) and many more topics. There are 11 QUIZZES (one after each chapter), 12 PDFs ( with the content included from each section as well as a Biblical Timeline),and a Final Exam to help you to remember what you are learning.Every Commandment Section has videos exploring: The Bible Verse The Key Word 5 related Verses Topical info How it affects the community 2 4 interesting facts, stories or quotes A relatable Bible story A way for you to apply what you have learned A quizThis course is: Fun The short videos are designed to keep you entertained. Informative The videos are jam packed with information of every commandment Compact Although there are 189 videos they are short (2.5 hours total video), which makes it easy for those with a busy schedule.With a Masters in Theological Studies Lisa is no stranger to studying the Bible. Through designing Biblical courses, she hopes to help make studying Gods word more accessible to those who do not have the time/money/ or desire to go the traditional college route.Enroll now to begin your journey!Requirements A notebook and pen or pencil A desire to learn!Who this course is for: Anyone interested in the Ten Commandments Anyone wanting to take a Christian class online Anyone interested in how communityis affected through the actions of individuals. Anyone wanting to watch engaging video"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CREACIN DE ASSETS PARA VDEO JUEGOS, creacin de un arma desde cero, modelado low poly, modelado high poly, creacin de uvs, texturizando en substance painter, materiales y render en marmoset toolbag 3.Aprenders a crear un arma desde cero, partiendo de imgenes de referencia, comenzaremos por el low poly del modelado, luego haremos el high poly para obtener detalles para el bake de textura. se realizara UVS del arma, para luego exportar a Subtance painter para proceder con el pintado de las partes del arma. una vez texturizado se exporta las texturas, para pasar todo a un motor de render en tiempo real como marmoset toolbag para su presentacin final."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Master OPNsense Firewall Part 1" |
"This course demonstrates using OPNsense as open source firewall to protect your network. Any one who has a network needs security and hence needs firewall, Firewall protect your network from security threats and attack. This course provides easy to manage and free firewall solution that any one can manage and configure. OPNsense is not only a firewall, it can be configured as a router, DHCP server, DNS server, VPN server, Antivirus server, IPS, Captive portal and many other services. OPNsense has the ability to extent its functionality using a large number of plugins. The course is a practical lab that uses virtual environment (VMware) to install and implement OPNsense firewall. All configurations and setting are tested using virtual environment, I tried to simulate a real case in implementing ONsense.This course is for anyone would like to learn about open source OPNsense firewall.I commit with regular updating and answering all the questions related to this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Step By Step Kubernetes Automation With Ansible" |
"Step By Step Kubernetes Automation With Ansible will give you complete Prospective about the automation project with Production level Hands On Exercies. You can apply this knowledge in any of the automation project with Ansible. After Completion of this course you will know the approach of Automation process as well which can be applied on Any of the Automation Project with Any of the orchestration tools."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Code From Scratch With Python 3" |
"This course for Non-Programmers who want to learn coding but don't know from where to start. So this course is enabler to those people who want to know how to do coding. I have taken Python 3 to teach Coding because Python is one of the best and mostly used language to solve many problem from Data Analysis to Deep Learning and it has very large community and support. In this course I have covered most of the concepts of programming in a step by step manner so that Non-programmer will get a complete prospective about programming."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn AWS Step By Step With 3 Projects" |
"Learn AWS Step By Step is the First Course in AWS Automation Series. In this course you will be learning the AWS services in Step By Step Manner with manual steps using AWS Management Console . We will be learning the AWS Services with Practical approach. I have designed AWS Automation Series courses in such a manner that you can easily work with any of the AWS project after finishing the series. This course is pre-requisite for my upcoming AWS Automation courses. I will be coming with complete AWS Automation series with different technologies (Like Boto3 / PowerShell / Shell Scripting / Serverless Architecture / Cloud DevOps ) in the Next 6 Months. My Target for this series is that you will learn the Industry Standard different approaches of AWS Automation that will help you to grab the job of AWS Automation Developer / Architect.In this course you will be Learning following Concepts and with LAB (Manual steps Using AWS Management Console) based approachAWS Automation Series Course 1: Learn AWS Step By StepSTEP 1: OVERVIEW & SETUP : AWS Overview And Intial SetupPrior To AWSWhat is AWS Regions / Availibility Zone / Edge LocationsSetting Up The AWS Free Tier AccountSTEP 2: ECOSYSTEM : Learn AWS EcosystemUnderstand AWS Management ConsoleSetup Free Tier Usage Billing AlarmUnderstand Identity access managementSTEP 3:: COMPUTE : Learn AWS Compute ServiceCONCEPT - Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)LAB - Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)STEP 4: BLOCK STORAGE: Learn AWS Elastic Block StorageCONCEPT - Elastic Block Storage (EBS)LAB - Elastic Block Storage (EBS)STEP 5:MACHINE IMAGE : Learn About Amazon Machine ImageCONCEPT + LAB : AMAZON MACHINE IMAGE (AMI)PROJECT I: Make EC2 Instance As WebserverPROJECT I : EC2 : Make EC2 Instance As WebserverSTEP 6: BootstrappingLearn BootstrappingSTEP 7:Learn About Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) In DepthCONCEPT : VPC Component : Introduction with Subnet and CIDR BlockCONCEPT : VPC Component : Security GroupLAB : VPC Component : Security GroupCONCEPT : VPC Component : RouteTableCONCEPT : VPC Component : Internet GatewayCONCEPT : VPC Component : Elastic IPCONCEPT : VPC Component : NAT (Network Address Translation)CONCEPT : VPC Component : Egress-Only Internet GatewaysCONCEPT : VPC Component : Flow Logs / NACL / Implied RouterLAB: Default VPCPROJECT II: DESIGN CUSTOM VPCDesign Custom VPCSTEP 8: ELB: Learn About AWS Elastic Load BalancingCONCEPT AND LAB: ELB : Elastic Load BalancerSTEP 9: S3 : Learn About Simple Storage ServiceCONCEPTS : S3 : Simple Storage ServiceLAB: S3 : Simple Storage ServiceSTEP 10: MONITORING : AWS-CloudwatchCONCEPT : AWS CloudwatchSTEP 11: CDN : Learn About AWS CloudfrontCONCEPTS : CDN : AWS CloudfrontLAB: CDN : AWS CloudfrontSTEP 12 : ROUTE53 : Learn About Route53CONCEPTS: ROUTE53 : Learn about Route53STEP 13: DATABASES : AWS Relational Database Service(RDS)CONCEPTS : RDS : Learn About AWS Relational Database ServiceLAB: RDS : Learn About AWS Relational Database ServiceFINAL PROJECT: Design High Availability AWS Infrastructure Design High Availability AWS Infrastructure"
Price: 2880.00 ![]() |
"Step By Step Mastering PowerShell" |
"In this course you Learn PowerShell tool in a Step By Step Manner. As you know that PowerShell is one of the most Powerful tool which can be used to automate any task from Active Directory Management / Microsoft Azure / Microsoft Office 365 / AWS. In this course I have covered all the basic to Advance concepts of PowerShell . The Topics are Listed BelowPART I : PowerShell Basics----------------------------------------A. PowerShell Introduction What is ShellWhat is PowerShellWhy you Need PowerShellWays to use PowerShellPowerShell Exercises PowerShell CmdletsPowerShell EcoSystemB. Comments In PowerShellHow To Do Block Comment In PowerShellHow To Do InLine Comment In PowerShellC. Variables In PowerShellWhat Is VariablesHow Variables Defined In PowerShellVariable TypesVariable DataTypeVariable ScopePowerShell Variable ExamplesD. Arrays In PowerShellArrays In PowerShellArray ListArray IndexMultidimensional ArraysArray ExercisesE. Operators And Flow Control In PowerShellArithmetic OperatorOperator Precedence Comparison Operator Logical OperatorsFlow ControlsIf BlockIf Else BlockSwitch F. PowerShell LoopsWhat are Loops and Why Do I Need ThemTypes Of Loops Supported By PowerShellFor LoopForEach LoopForEach-ObjectWhile LoopDo WhileDo Until LoopPipeing - Implicity LoopingHow to Code LoopsPART I I: PowerShell Advance ---------------------------------------------G. Functions In PowerShellFunctions In PowerShellWhat Are Functions?Why to use FunctionsTypes Of Function In PowerShellH. Dot SourcingDot Sourcing ConceptsReusabilityCalling PowerShell Scripts Directly and Dot SourcingCommon Parameter Support Pros & Cons Of Dot SourcingI. PowerShell ModuleWhat are ModulesWhy Use Them?Module ComponentsModule TypesFeatures of a Script ModuleDemo CodeKeeping Your Functions in Separate FilesThe Module ManifestJ. PowerShell RemotingWhat is PowerShell Remoting What Was Prior To PowerShell RemotingArchitecture Of PowerShell RemotingWhy you need it ?Security ConcernsHow Do We Enable WinRMInvoke-CommandRemote SessionsDemo Exercises"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Menjadi Admin Expert Profesional Dengan VMware vSphere 6.7" |
"Apakah Anda sedang mencari pelatihan VMWare vSphere yang lengkap? Apakah Anda ingin belajar VMWare Technology dengan teori dan praktek langsung? Apakah Anda ingin belajar dari seseorang yang berpengalaman yang membuat hal rumit menjadi sederhana dan mudah dipahami? Apakah Anda sedang mempersiapkan ujian sertifikat untuk VMware vSphere 6.7? Apakah Anda sedang mencari pekerjaan yang menggunakan VMWare vSphere 6.7?Kalau jawaban anda adalah Ya, maka kursus online ini adalah tepat bagi anda.Saya seorang instruktur VMWare yang mempunyai pengalaman sekitar 25 tahun lebih dalam bidang Linux Administrator dan virtualization technology. Dalam kursus ini saya akan menampilkan slide-slide yang mudah dipahami, dan petunjuk praktek langsung bagaimana mengoperasikannya dengan vSphere vCenter. Masing-masing video akan berdurasi sekitar 5 - 15 menit, akan mempunyai durasi yang lebih panjang untuk video yang membutuhkan penjelasan yang lebih detail. Kursus ini akan memberikan peserta pemahaman tentang konsep dasar vSphere beserta dengan komponen-komponen pentingnya.Setelah mengikuti kursus ini, anda akan menjadi seorang administrator yang siap untuk mengoperasikan vSphere vCenter dengan percaya diri.Anda akan belajar secara detail komponen-komponen penting yang ada di dalamnya, seperti; Distributed switch, Standard Switch, VM template/clonning/migration, VSAN, vCenter HA, vSphere HA, Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), Fault Tolerance, dsb."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become Zabbix Administrator For Expert" |
"If you're new to Zabbix Administrators, or you want to improve your skill on Zabbix administrator, then this course is perfect for you. This course is for you who are looking to put their knowledge to work with Zabbix. You will see video after video, from beginners to experts with explanations that are easy to understand. This course will provide many examples that make it easy for you to follow and understand.In this course, you will get an overview of Zabbix features and architecture, and guides you through installing a Zabbix server, front-end, and agent on the same system. We will set up a Zabbix database using MariaDB Galera as well. We use VMWare 6.7 environment, to build Zabbix cluster.You will learn also how to manage Zabbix components using Ansible playbook and Python API. All the Ansible playbook and Python script could be downloaded from github.This course has 25 sections, 158 lectures, and more then 19 hours 43 minutes duration. We use these applications to build Zabbix cluster and monitoring,- Zabbix 4.4 and 5.0- Mariab DB 5.5.64- Mariadb Galera Cluster- VMWare vCenter 6.7- Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana 7.0- Grafana 6.4.1- FreeIPA- DNSMasqAnd also from this course you will learn how to monitor these applications/configuration using Zabbix,- MariaDB and Galera cluster- Apache web server- Nginx web server- HAProxy server- Squid Proxy server- NTP server- PostgreSQL Database server- JMX Java application- SELinux config- Storage Performance - Systemd Performance- Etc.In the last section, you can download documentation file how to install Zabbix cluster.Please ping and message me if you don't get any response from me.Thanks,Muhammad Yusuf EfendiZabbix Certified ProfessionalCloud IT Expert"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |