Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Become Expert on Grafana Dashboard" |
"If you're thinking to become Grafana Administrators, or you want to start to understand Grafana, then this course is perfect for you. You will see video after video, from beginners with explanations that are easy to understand. Also this course will provide many examples that make it easy for you to follow and understand. In section 12, you can download Grafana's dashboard template files, so it is easy for you to create a new dashboard using template files.This course has 15 sections, 65 lectures, and 7 hours 11 minutes duration. Most videos are about how to do configuration and creating dashboard/panel by example. You will follow step by step how to use Grafana's panel to build a powerful dashboard.In this course, you will learn how to:Install Grafana on CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 16.04 OSIntegrate Grafana with Zabbix and MySQL data source, including how to understand Zabbix and MySQL data source structureBuild Grafana HA using MariaDB databaseConfigure Grafana securityBuild dynamic dashboard with multiple panels and itemsUnderstand Grafana reguler expressions to filter multiple itemsCreate annotations to highlight important data on the graphManage (install/remove) Grafana pluginsManage (export/import) templateFreeIPA LDAP integrationBuild VMWare ESXi DashboardBuild VM DashboardBuild VMWare VSAN DashboardBuild HAProxy Dashboardetc.We will learn a lot of panels which will be used to create a dashboard,Panel list :Clock panelGraph panelSingle Stat panelSingle Stat Math panelBlend Stat panelTable panelGauge panelBar Gauge panelPie Chart panelHeatmap panelText panelSingle Stat panelTrend Box panelDiagram paneletc.In this course, you will get also Grafana dashboard template that we created such as,ESXi Dashboard templateVMWare VM Dashboard templateVSAN Dashboard template and API scriptCisco Switch Dashboard templateMariaDB/MySQL Dashboard templateServer Linux Dashboard templateEvents/Alerts List Dashboard templateHAProxy Dashboard templateetc.After you finished this course, you will have confident to use Grafana, and create a great dashboard.Please ping and message me if you need my help to follow this course.Thanks,Muhammad Yusuf EfendiZabbix Certified ProfessionalIT Cloud Expert"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Guidance - Become Expert on VMWare vCenter 6.7" |
"Complete guidance for Learning VMWare vCenter infrastructure. If you're thinking to become VMWare vSphere vCenter 6.7 Administrators, or you want to start to understand vSphere vCenter, then this course is perfect for you. You will watch video after video, from beginner level with explanations that are easy to understand. Also this course will provide many examples that make it easy for you to follow and understand.And this course will use Ansible to help you making an automation deployment such as VM creation, DNS and SNMP configuration etc.This course has 21 sections, 144 lectures, and 13 hours 15 minutes duration. Most videos are about how to do configuration and creating dashboard/panel by example. You will follow step by step how to use vCenter 6.7 component to manage virtual data center.In this course, you will learn how to:Installing vCenter 6.7Managing vSphere vCenter 6.7Managing(creating and removing) Standard and Distributed switchCreating datacenter and clusterManaging(adding and removing) ESXi hostConfiguring ESXi Host firewallManaging vCenter HA/vSphere HA/vMotion/DRS/Fault ToleranceManaging affinity rulesManaging ESXi upgrading/HealthCheckForwarding log/NTP/DNS configuration on ESXi HostManaging(creating/removing/snapshot/Clonning) Linux and Windows VM (Virtual Machine)Creating/Updating VM templateInstalling VMWare toolsManaging VMWare using ESXCLI command lineUsing Ansible to automate a deploymentManaging vCenter security access Backup and restore vCenterCreate CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 16.04 local repositoryManaging(building/removing) VMWare VSAN clusterMonitoring vCenter components using ZabbixCreating Grafana dashboard for ESXi Host/VM/VSAN storageetc.After you finished this course, you will have confident to use and manage VMWare vCenter infrastructure."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become HAProxy Load Balancer Expert - Using Ansible Playbook" |
"If you're thinking to become HAProxy Load Balancing Administrator, or you want to start to understand Load Balancer Algorithm, then this course is perfect for you. You will see video after video, from beginners with explanations that are easy to understand. Also this course will provide many examples that make it easy for you to follow and understand. In the first section, you will learn how to get all file configurations that we used during the course. You can use that file configurations to reproduce it on your environment.In this course, you will use Ansible Playbook to deploy HAProxy cluster, KeepAlived and monit monitoring in VMWare environment. Using this Ansible playbook will make easy to deploy/manage HAProxy cluster.This course has 14 sections, 86 lectures, and about 13 hours 32 minutes duration. You can download all videos, and watch them without internet connection. Most videos are about how to build HAProxy configuration by examples. You will follow step by step how to use and manage HAProxy cluster.In this course, you will learn how to:Understanding HAProxy concept and architectureInstalling HAProxy using Ubuntu and CentOSCreating HAProxy cluster HA using KeepAlivedInstall HAProxy cluster using Ansible playbookInstall HAProxy HA KeepAlived using Ansible playbookInstall KeepAlived monit monitoring using Ansible playbookManage HAProxy Using API and curl samplesForward HAProxy log to Logstash/elasticsearch, check log using KibanaManaging HAProxy Load Balancing AlgorithmManaging(creating and removing) HAProxy type and modeConfiguring HAProxy kernel to get high performanceConfiguring HAProxy Load Balancer base on any algorithm typesConfiguring HAProxy Round Robin LBAConfiguring HAProxy Static-rr (Static Round Robin)Configuring Least Connection LBAConfiguring HAProxy Source IP Address Hashed LBAConfiguring HAProxy with SSL TerminationConfiguring HAProxy with SSL Pass-ThroughConfiguring HAProxy URL ForwardingConfiguring HAProxy Using RecipesUnderstand HAProxy Server Bencmarking and TuningConfiguring HAProxy with HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.1 supportConfiguring HAProcy with gRPC supportUnderstanding WAF (Web Application Firewall) for HAProxyConfiguring HAProxy Defense Against DDOSTuning HAProxy PerformanceConfiguring WhiteList IP Address and Restrict Specific IP AddressMonitoring HAProxy using Zabbix Creating Grafana Dashboard for HAProxy frontend and backendetc.After you finished this course, you will have confident to use and manage HAProxy cluster. Please ping and message me if you need my help to follow this course.Thanks,Muhammad Yusuf EfendiZabbix Certified ProfessionalIT Cloud Expert"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Listing Products on Amazon India" |
"This course enables you to understand how to list products on Amazon. This is a complete guide for listing of products which are previously listed or are unique on Amazon.For products which are unique GTIN exemption is required which a self intuitive guide for sellers to click, write and upload their product details. This course doesn't cover GTIN exemption."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Sure Pass!! AWS Sol Architect Associate Practice Tests-2020" |
"These questions teaches you the most effective Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect AWS-Solution-Architect-Associate Exam Preparation Methods. This will provide you 100% Valid AWS-Solution-Architect-Associate exam questions with verified answers that reflect the actual exam. Get 100% Success Guarantee to Pass Your Amazon AWS-Solution-Architect-Associate Exam using our Updated Exam Questions and Answers. Also, with the detailed explanation.While preparing for any of the AWS certifications, you may find a number of resources for the preparation such as AWS documentation, AWS whitepapers, AWS books, AWS Videos, and AWS FAQs. But the practice matters a lot if you are determined to pass the exam in the first attempt.Therefore, Our team ensured that you always get Top-Notch and CLOSEST questions possible to the actual exam related to (SAA-C01 and SAA-C02)You may be asked to give a review after the first practice set. I would say, do not give it and continue to work on the next practice test. We want you to get 100% satisfied with the questions quality and especially with the EXPLANATION given for each question."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Lcher Prise EXPRESS" |
"Programme complet sur l'environnement du lcher priseCette formation contient tout ce que tu dois savoir sur le domaine du lcher prise et te fournit des lments essentiels pour vivre sa vie sans stress et sans angoisse. _________________________________________Pourquoi rejoindre cette formation sur le lcher Prise ?Si tu veux simplement ne plus souffrir psychologiquement car tu te pose trop de questions et si tu veux vivre en paix.Si tu veux apprendre profiter du moment prsent, te dtendre quand tu as un moment libre au lieu de stresser sur tes projets futurs. Ou pour pouvoir dvelopper tes capacits spirituelles (sans lcher prise cest difficile de les trouver)Cette formation est pour toi.Aujourd'hui lcher prise est trs important dans notre socit o on est tout le temps solliciter. Nous devons faire plein de chose dans notre journe et les russir. Mais des fois notre mental nous fait des films ngatifs dans notre esprit (et souvent on se sent mal aprs d'avoir vu ce film dans la tte).J'ai t comme a, je restais passif face mes projections mentaux ngatifs...J'tais triste parce je ne pouvais rien y faire et j'avais besoin d'une mthode pour remdier a.Donc je me suis tourn vers le dveloppement personnel pour trouver une solution.J'tais surpris car de nombreux spcialistes donnaient des mthodes.Mais pas grand chose pour lcher prise durablement !J'tais du parce que oui sur le moment je lcher prise mais mes angoisses et mes films revenaient...Moi, j'avais besoin d'une mthode qui permet de lcher prise sur le long terme et qui permet d'viter de se remettre dans un situation o on doit lcher prise.Donc j'ai dcid de faire cette formation pour rsoudre ce besoin.Dans cette formation, je partage avec toi la recette du lcher prise mais bien plus . Parce que j'ai parl de concept qui va te permettre d'tre serein la suite des vnements (loi d'attraction) mais aussi comment tre en paix ici et maintenant (moment prsents). Plus comment mettre en habitudes tous ces lments d'enseignement pour que tu n'es plus repenser du lcher prise car tu seras comment t'en dbarrasser rapidement.Concepts importants de dveloppement personnel pour lcher priseProcessus pour mettre le lcher prise en habitude Lcher prise sur le long termeEtre dans un tat de paixAttirer de bonne chose dans votre vie en lchant priseMaintenant, si vous tes prt pour faire passer votre vie au niveau suprieur, je vous dis tout de suite lintrieur."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A'dan Z'ye Solidworks Eitim Serisi(FSAE rnek izimleriyle)" |
"Bu kurs;Yaratc, inovatif tasarm yapabilmeyi, ileri dzeyde program kullanabilmeyi,Tasarmlara, rnlere farkl alardan yaklaabilmeyi,zellikle Formula Student gibi renci ara projeleri ile ilgili tasarm bilgisi kazanmay,Otomotiv ile ilgili paralar rnekler, kaynakalar ile tasarlamay, analiz yapmay, Bal bana bir CAD uygulamasna hakim olmay,rnekler, kaynakalar, rneklerin izildii videolarla beraber zorlanmadan ve akc ekilde kitaplara, rneklere bal brakmayacak ve zgnlnz ne karacak devler ile beraber renmenizi salayacak."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Building A Malicious Program Using Java (Ethical Hacking)" |
"in this course we will build an advanced malicious program using java language, we will begin from theoretical part until we reach into expremental part.we will try to hide a malicious code into legal program.this legal program has this features :beautiful design with graphical user interface.solve second degree all the operation(addition, subtraction , division and multiplication element by element) between two matrix.executed in any operation system platform .contains a malicious code without any suspect data target into database without any suspect from target.interacts with the command shellthe data that was collected from the legal program ( mathematica ) are : public ip and local ip target.Host Mac Ethernet board.All interfaces network.All connected ip addresses from the target.operating system info.All list process.Name of root user.Screenshot target.the mathematica program just for target side , we will also build another program (spy) for hacker side , which provide the attacker all news and data targets.through this program the hacker can do :get a report about data targets.see the screenshot of data target into text file.we will build all this things step by step , so subscribe for this course and i will do my best to satisfy you .I request from you just to be patient and you have a willingness to learn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Building A Professional Mobile Application Backdoor Attack" |
"in this course we will build an advanced mobile android application backdoor attack controlled by a remote desktop applicaiotn using java language, we will explain every details beginning from theoretical part until we reach into expremental part.the mobile application is considered as a motivation quotes from a wisdom men , with a beautiful design in addition it contains a malicious code which allows us a remote connexion with another desktop application (the communication is based in the socket).this mobile application allows the hacker to get :information about device target (hardware).information about network (SIM) device a text message in device target .all list contact from device target.all logs contact from device target.all sms list target.send an sms into specific numbere using device a specific numbere using device target .we will also build a desktop application for hacker side with a graphical user interface , through this last the hacker can manipulate the target phone as he wants.through this program i can get :a report about data data target into text file.we will build all this things step by step , so subscribe for this course and i will do my best to satisfy you .note : the mobile application works just in android 5.2 and less , because the degree of security in another versions is higher ,it requests a permission from the user in each time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Prticas de Yoga" |
"A equipe do Yoga em Movimento composta por 6 professores altamente capacitados na rea. Especializados em Yoga Online, preparamos as aulas desse curso com bastante carinho e profissionalismo e sabe, o nosso intuito levar o Yoga ao mximo de pessoas possvel.Pratique quantas vezes quiser cada aula e encaixe os tempos na sua disponibilidade diria. Um grande abrao de toda equipeNs disponibilizamos uma ficha mdica visando dar mais segurana sua prtica. Voc encontra essa Ficha em qualquer aula desse curso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Networking professionale - La Scalata al Successo" |
"Ti sei mai chiesto quale la ragione fondamentale alla base delle nuove assunzioni?Per quale motivo determinate persone riescono a fare carriera pi velocemente di altre?Nell'85% dei casi il motivo non dovuto alle loro abilit... O perlomeno non dalle abilit ""classiche, quelle per cui uno svolge il lavoro meglio di un altro.Il motivo invece dovuto alla rete di persone con cui si in relazione. Avere un Network ampio permette infatti di ottenere posizioni milgiori e pi profittevoli.Questo per non si traduce nel cercare di conoscere pi persone possibile... La qualit del proprio network infatti fondamentale.Esso va costruito in maniera mirata e dettagliata, in modo che possa essere utile e profittevole da un punto di vista lavorativo ma non solo. Avere una rete di persone fidate fondamentale anche nei momenti di difficolt.Avere relazioni con persone importanti e influenti nel proprio campo di interesse fornisce un vantaggio inestimabile rispetto a chi invece si limita a svolgere il proprio lavoro. Con pi persone siamo in contatto e maggiore sar la nostra influenza. Maggiore sar la nostra influenza e pi saremo importanti, dunque anche il rispetto e credibilt che otterremo sar maggiore. Il segreto per ottenere successo nel mondo lavorativo infatti accerchiarsi di persone influenti e con ambizioni, in questo modo anche noi diventeremo tali. Migliorare nel proprio lavoro non significa solo aumentare il proprio output, ma spesso significa aumentare la propria influenza e potere. Non esiste una formula magica per diventare immediatamente persone influenti e di successo, ma con il tempo e le giuste abilit certi traguardi apparentemente troppo lontani saranno sempre pi vicini. Uno degli errori pi comuni per quello di cercare di raggiungerli da soli. Per accelerare la propria scalata infatti necessario un network di persone mirate con cui collaborare.COSA E' PRESENTE NEL CORSO Il corso spiega in concreto come sviluppare un proprio network professionale approfondendo alcuni aspetti critici come:Sviluppare la propria prima relazioneSviluppare le People Skills pi importantiCome Parlare e Relazionarsi al LavoroAccrescere il priprio profilo professionale dentro e fuori il contesto aziendaleAumentare la propria Influenza e LeadershipMigliorare il proprio profilo onlineMigliorare il proprio Network inoltre, non fondamentale solo per coloro che volgiono fare carriera in una azienda, ma anche per coloro che vogliono fondare la propria Societ. Conoscere persone influenti nel settore fornisce infatti conoscenze e compenze Fondamentali per poter creare una azienda. Senza esperienza n appoggio creare un Business non infatti sostenibile nel lungo periodo.La rete professionale non solo fornisce clienti ma anche soluzioni e nuove idee.Sviluppare una Rete Professionale Importante la vera Chiave per avere Successo"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Business English: Grammar, Meetings and More" |
"Hello and welcome to my training course, Business English: Grammar, Meetings and More.If you're looking for a course which helps you develop greater mastery over business English, I can help!Let me ask you some simple questions:Have you ever felt you lack confidence in the workplace because you're not sure if what you're about to say is accurate, or even polite?Do you worry about making the points you want to make in a meeting and being understood?Or maybe you're a senior manager with extensive knowledge and experience explaining terms in your own language, but you have problems expressing yourself in English?If THIS IS YOU then this course addresses each of these issues through a comprehensive series of videos, lectures and resources.MY GOAL FOR YOU:I want to share important skills with individuals working, or planning to work, in the business sector because I know the value of self-development in this area. I regularly coach business professionals on how to develop their English language skills in the workplace and many of these individuals have progressed professionally and continue to do so.NEXT STEPS?Feel free to watch my introductory video which explains more about the content of the course and any preview lectures that are of interest.In this course you will learn and develop some excellent skills to help you advance your existing English language ability, in your place of business.I will give you the building blocks you need to take your current skills to the next level, enabling you to grow in confidence and effectiveness.This course covers practical aspects of business English such as grammar, key phrases and idioms, and a step-by-step guide on how to manage the meeting process from start to finish.By the time you complete this course you will feel more confident communicating in English both in (and out) of the work environment.I look forward to partnering with you and helping you achieve your personal and professional goals through English language development.See you in class.Sincerely,Colette GoodsonCMG English Language Training Ltd"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Chapter 1 of Expanding Consciousness with Horses" |
"This course is created for you to take the first step towards Expanding Consciousness with Horses. The topics that are covered here, are the ones that always need to be addressed in the beginning, before we can get deeper into anything that is related to self-liberation, self-exploration, self-expression, interspecies communication, intuition, energy, and anything that is related to horses."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda as Configuraes Tcnicas do V-Ray Sem Photoshop" |
"Este Curso, foi uma sntese de imerso que precisei fazer para minha prpria rotina com projetos.Percebi no mercado o quo difcil um tutorial que explique quais as funcionalidades de cada ferramenta do V-Ray, esse conhecimento traz liberdade de renderizao e resultados.Portanto, conclui que deveria passar esse conhecimento adiante e ajudar a todos que j utilizam essa ferramenta para trabalho, e , facilitar a vida de quem est tendo o primeiro contato.Para valorizar seu trabalho, uma vez que o cliente final geralmente consegue entender melhor o ambiente na apresentao em 3D (ao invs das pranchas tcnicas -planta, corte, vista-); tanto para seu prprio escritrio quanto para melhorar seu currculo; e o melhor de tudo: Sem ps Produo em PHOTOSHOP.Uma nica ferramenta que te d um acabamento de Primeira!Com este curso, voc pode navegar por qualquer verso j consolidada do V-Ray, pois voc vai compreender o que significa cada boto de configurao do V-Ray, no precisa mais copiar e colar de tutoriais, agora ser possvel editar os materiais sua maneira.Receber um Certificado Assinado , para incrementar seu currculo."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Enhance Your Communication Skills" |
"This course was developed to explain the main methods of communication, as well as explore its different styles and types. The course breaks down the essential functions to communication and how it pertains to all areas of your life. This course is a must have for those who want to get better at communicating."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mit bung Power fr die Stimme!" |
"Wie trete ich erfolgreich auf bei Vortrgen, Prsentationen, Redenund einfach beim Sprechen. Das zentrale Element dabei ist wenig berraschend Deine Stimme. In ber 30 Jahren Kommentar, jahrelangem Coaching mit Moderatoren, Fhrungskrften und CEOs habe ich folgendes gelernt: Eine krftige, angenehme und samtweiche Stimme zu haben ist entgegen der Erwartung der meisten trainierbar. Wir haben fr Dich eine Reihe an bungen zusammengestellt, die ich selbst tagtglich durchfhre. Praktisches Wissen aus erster Hand. Sei gespannt Du wirst berrascht sein, was mit ein wenig bung alles mglich ist!Was andere ber unser Programm sagen: ""Ich bin 20 Jahre lang Unternehmer und sehe kontinuierliche Weiterbildung im Unternehmen als Schlssel fr Erfolg. Mit Coachremotely sehe ich einen digitalen Ansatz, wie Weiterbildung in Unternehmen revolutioniert werden kann."" Thoralf Nehls, Serial Entrepreneur""Anfangs habe ich gesagt, 'Mensch Leute, ich brauche doch keinen Moderationscoach, ich mache das seit 25 Jahren.' Dann hat mir Karsten doch Dinge gezeigt, die ich zuvor nicht kannte, auf eine zurckhaltende, aber doch bestimmte Art und Weise..."" Frank Buschmann, TV-Moderator""Karsten Linke hat Fhigkeiten in mir gesehen und zum Vorschein gebracht, von denen ich selbst nicht wusste, dass ich sie habe."" Silvana Sand, Geschftsfhrerin Funk-BBT Gmbh"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Der 21-Tage-Fit-Kurs fr Anfnger" |
"Du mchtest unbedingt dein Bauchspeck los werden und wieder statt Fett Muskeln besitzen?ja genau dann bist Du hier vollkommen richtig. Dieser Kurs ist sowohl fr Mnner zum Muskelaufbau als auch fr Frauen geeignet.Du bekommst zu diesem Kurs auch sehr hilfreich Ratgeber die dich dabei Untersttzen und begleiten. Aber schau selber und berzeuge dich davon."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Kindle MeisterBusiness: passives Einkommen mit Amazon" |
"Entdecke das einfachste Rezept, wie Du mit Deinen eigenen EBooks, Taschenbchern und Hrbchern erfolgreich wirst.Schau Dir diesen VideoKurs an, um die genaue Strategie zu erfahren, wie Du das umsetzt:In diesem Kurs lernst Du von A - Z alle Grundlagen und den genauen Aufbau des Amazon Kindle Business.Angefangen von den Grundlagen bis hin zum fertig erstellten Ebook, Taschenbuch und HrbuchDu bekommst sehr wertvolle geheime Tipps und Trick und genaue Anleitungen wie Du was machen musst, um am Ende des Kurse dein eigenes1. Amazon Kindle Meister Business zu starten und SOFORT mit Amazon online Geld verdienst.Amazon sorgt fr richtig viel kostenlosen Traffic und macht eigene Promotion auf deine Ebooks. Ist das nicht genial?Noch genialer ist es wenn Du am Ende des Kurses die Mglichkeit hast schon fertige Ebooks zu bekommen um Sie dann bei Amazon einzustellen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Copywriting Course" |
"Your business needs great copy that sells, and who knows your business better than you do? With a little training, you can pick up the tools to become the copywriter your business needs. This very course will show you how to use words to sing your brands song and become your companys best marketer even if thats not your background."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Working with Americans: Effective Communications" |
"This Effective Communication module is part one of the CMD Framework (that stands for Communication, Meeting Management, and Documentation), that will cover context, direct vs. indirect style, words and phrases to use and avoid, and information formatting and design. Apply these tips to demonstrate you understand how to effectively work with Americans. Doing so could help you qualify for an American client-facing role and earn faster promotions and pay hikes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Way of Energy Alchemy" |
"Empaths Should Not Have To Experience Crippling Emotions.Being a deep feeler is a profound gift, not a problem to be solved. It's time for deep feelers to use their untapped innate abilities and transform crippling emotions into enlivened experiences.Empaths have the tools within them but often don't realize it. Often, the only thing missing is an easy to use emotional guidance system that puts the feeler in control instead of the emotions themselves.With this simple, yet extraordinarily powerful system, empaths can be free to live a life of deep feeling, love, care, and belonging without the crippling fears that make daily experiences feel terrible. Imagine staying centred in peace regardless of the environmental energy...Welcome to...The Way Of Energy Alchemy - Energy Healing through the Sacred ElementalsEnergy Alchemy is a process a lifestyle, if you will that helps to transmute experiences and emotions into fulfilling expressions of mind, body & spirit. The following are some experiences that Energy Alchemy is designed to help clarify and transcend:Be told, feel or assume you're 'too sensitive'?Troubled by heavy thoughts from yourself or others?Confusion over your own or others energy sometimes?Get involved in the emotional dramas of others?Have trouble saying no when you should?Forget to have clear emotional boundaries?Want to help those in need but don't always know how?Experience a hard time staying centered and calm during social with others around?Time to Feel Life's Miraculous MagicWe don't tell you what to do, think, feel, or say. Instead, we get you in touch with your Self-guiding system which knows all of that anyway. What we will do is help guide you through fundamental principles that you can use anytime, anywhere.The Way of Energy Alchemy encourages and fosters:Presence of emotional and mental clarity.Detachment from negativity (ie. and an on switch for peacefulness).Becoming a positive influence on others (being an invisible, yet potent, beacon of truth & light).Feeling emotions with 99% clarity, without the confusion of others in the vicinity.Developing control and mindfulness over seemingly out of control situations.Expressing authenticity and empathy without being caught up in the moment.Finding good people who can feel as deeply as you do.Availability for others, but staying grounded in your own needs.Having a deep sense of care for the world, but being innocently carefree (reclaiming the inner child, as an adult).Remembering that we are living in heaven right now.Energy Alchemy develops the ability to shield from negative emotions while holding positive ones at the same time. This comes with a strong sense of positive (and humble) self-confidence. As empowered empaths we can sense energy clearly, moment to moment. Through channelling healing energies we can feel lighthearted and at peace throughout all life's endeavours.Whether you feel hopeful about the current state of spirituality or not, nurturing positive energy through Energy Alchemy will strengthen your world view..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Videography Masterclass: How to Film Videos" |
"This online video production course is a training programme for beginners to teach you how to set up, film, Create and produce an engaging videos, whether you use a DSLR camera, mirrorless, professional camera or a smartphone.If you are a YouTuber, blogger, beauty blogger, beauty influencer, blogger, business owner, aspiring filmmaker, or just someone who wants to create videos, you will not only learn and practice how to make professional videos with this course, but also how to Boost your view and online presence, drive traffic to your brand or business and create visibility in the eyes of other brands and Pull clients to your brand through your contents.Master Video Production Techniques to Create Amazing Videos that would boost Your Views, Revenue and Drive Traffic To Your Brand or BusinessWhile there are plenty of tutorials and courses that focus on specific cameras or styles, or generalised video editing, there is NONE that focuses on creating, producing and delivering ENGAGING HIGH-QUALITY BEAUTY CONTENTS. This course is the most comprehensive course out here, which covers everything from coming up with great video ideas, setting up, mastering your equipment s, filming your contents, executing them in production and post-production, and distributing and promoting them to a wide audience online."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a la actividad Inmobiliaria (8 cursos en 1)" |
"Bienvenidos colegas! El presente curso contiene las bases ms elementales y trascendentes que cualquier agente de bienes races debe conocer al derecho y al revs. Este curso es perfecto para todo aquel emprendedor que desea incursionar en el sector inmobiliario o al agente experto que est buscando repasar los principios bsicos de esta bella profesin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"YKS-KPSS-DGS Yeni Nesil Matematik Sorular" |
"Merhaba renci arkadalarmHepinizin bildii gibi gerek SYM gerekse MEB; TYT, LGS ve KPSS gibi snavlarda artk klasik matematik soru mantndan uzaklayor.Yani snavlarda matematik ilem kabiliyetinizden ziyade hayatn iinden modellenen matematiksel bir probleme zm retip retemediiniz llyor.te bu etim setiyle hayatn iinden modellenen matematik sorularn nnze getirerek sizleri snava daha hazr hale getirmeyi amalyoruz.Eitimlerimiz 10 ar soru ieren ksa videolardan oluacaktr. Sadece soru ve zm olacak ekilde hazrlanmtr.Testlerde klasik matematik sorular yani ilem kabiliyeti gerektiren sorularda iermekte ancak bunlar miktar olarak ok dk seviyede tutulmutur. Genel itibariyle yani olabildiince ok farkl alandan sorular hazrlayarak sizleri matematik sorusu olabilecek durumlara vakf klmak amalyoruz.BELRL PERYOTLARLA YEN TESTLER EKLENMEYE DEVAM EDECEKTR."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Blueprint Photography Workshop (Vol. 1)" |
"Introducing The Photography Blueprint Workshop! The complete, A-Z solution designed to help you save time, save money and take better photos faster than ever. The Photography Blueprint Workshop teaches you a system of thinking, preparing, shooting and editing that is predictable, easy and consistent. This is what youve been searching for.Would you like to be given a blueprint that helps you deliver consistent, repeatable results and become a more confident photographer even as a beginner? Do you struggle with shooting in manual mode? Do you struggle with natural light? Are you tired of watching dozens of youtube videos and never really learning much? Need to learn Lightroom?If you said yes to ANY of these questions then you are in the right place.Who is The Blueprint for?Photographers struggling to shoot in manual modeBeginners who have purchased their first DSLR camera and are just getting startedPhotographers who struggle with Lightroom and finding a consistent stylePhotographers who want to start charging more but lack the confidence/skillPhotographers that dont have a system for organizing and storing their imagesPhotographers that dont understand the exposure trianglePhotographers that have trouble seeing and understanding light.Does this sound like you?Every world class photographer was once in your shoes. Watching video after video and attending seminar after seminar. One thing ALL great photographers eventually develop is a system! A predicable way of thinking, shooting, editing and delivering their final product. Whats stopping you from becoming a better, more consistent photographer is having your own system that you can depend on time and time again. Thats where the photography blueprint comes in.The Blueprint Workshop is designed with you in mind. Its a 1-day, hands on workshop that allows you to see STEP-BY-STEP exactly how beginners become professionals and how you can to. When you leave youll have a detailed gameplan to help you think, prepare, shoot, edit and deliver better photos the very next time you pick up your camera.Imagine how confident you would be knowing that you could deliver quality images regardless of location or circumstance. Imagine having a system in place that is efficient and easy to use. Imagine taking better photos of your family, loved ones and children. Think about how cool it would be to take amazing photos the next time you go on vacation.Some of the topics well discuss include.the exposure trianglethe 4 stages of learninggeareditingconfidence and creativityshooting in manual modedeveloping an editing stylehow to navigate Lightroomhow to export imagesand much more"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Hydraulics 101" |
"The only course in hydraulics you will ever need!This course covers the basics of hydraulic systems. In the beginning of the course we will cover how systems function, then we will get to the various fluids that can be used in hydraulic system.After every section there is a quiz so you can review what you learned and what you should maybe revise again. The plan is that when you finish this course you will know enough about hydraulics to continue to learn about more advanced systems. I will be releasing a Hydraulics 102 course very soon which will cover hydraulic pumps, motors and cylinders in detail. As well as diagrams and schematics."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Derivadas Fcil y Rpido - Matemticas, Pre Clculo" |
"En este curso aprenders a derivar funciones, en primera instancia en forma prctica aplicando la tabla de derivadas y luego en forma terica aplicando la definicin de derivadas. Aprenders a derivar funciones matemticas de una variable. Entenders y aplicars la regla de la cadena o teorema de la funcin compuesta y de esa forma derivars cualquier tipo de funcin. Logrars derivar funciones exponenciales, logartmicas, seno, coseno Derivadas de la suma y la resta Aprenders a derivar Productos, Cocientes y funciones compuestas Aprenders a calcular las derivadas por definicin. Sers capaz juntando todas las lecciones de derivar la mayora de las funciones sin problemas"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aplicaciones de la Funcin DERIVADA - Mximos, mnimos, etc." |
"En este curso APRENDERS a USAR LA DERIVADA para determinar varios clculos importantes; los cuales se basan en la misma. Aprenders a calcular los Mximos y Mnimos de una funcin con la derivada primera y sus races y signo, con esta tambin determinars Crecimiento y decrecimiento. Con el signo y las races de la derivada segunda determinars la concavidad y puntos de inflexin de una funcin. Aparte aprenders a determinar la ecuacin de la tangente de una funcin en un punto. Adems logrars calcular los Polinomios de Taylor y Mc Laurin de una funcin en un punto dado. Es el curso que ests necesitando para tus estudios."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Curso de GEOGRAFIA para ENEM, Vestibulares e Concursos" |
"O curso perfeito para quem precisa de conhecimento rpido e objetivo.Aulas completas e interativas abordando todos os assuntos cobrados pelos exames seletivos mais concorridos. Geografia humana, Geografia fsica, Geografia poltica e Atualidades esto presentes nesse curso que vai te preparar para qualquer avaliao.Tudo isso com um professor experiente no assunto."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso de MATEMTICA para ENEM, Vestibulares e Concursos" |
"O curso perfeito para quem precisa de conhecimento rpido e objetivo.Aulas completas e interativas abordando todos os assuntos cobrados pelos exames seletivos mais concorridos. Matemtica bsica, lgebra, Aritmtica, Geometria e Trigonometria esto presentes nesse curso que vai te preparar para qualquer avaliao.Tudo isso com um professor experiente no assunto e aulas interativas com os alunos."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Quick Java Programming MasterClass" |
"Java is a statically-typed, high-level programming language that revolutionized the way languages were developed post its release. It did this by providing complete support for cross-platform execution through its JVM system. Due to this, it has been widely adopted by most all companies and institutions in the industry going strong for 20+ years.In this amazingly quick in Depth Course you will learn how to Completely Code using JAVA Programming! I have been learning Computer Programming, App Development, Game Creation for over 9 yrs+ & I would like to share my almost Decade worth of Experience with you! I have spent countless hours creating my programming courses & I even had my Mom be the Spokeswoman on my courses! Please message me if you have any questions at all as I would be truly happy to help! I am a Great Teacher & Explainer! Thank you Students!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |