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"I am productive (Arabic)" |
":- - - : - : :)- :"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Unreal engine 4 - Sfrdan st dzey oyun yapma (GNCEL)" |
"Sfrdan ileri dzeye oyun yapmaya kadar anlatm (Srekli Gncellenicek...) Bu projemizde korku oyunu yapcaz sonra RPG Sonra MMorg her trl oyunu nasl ekilde nasl yaplcan size gstereceim. Bundan sonra istediiniz oyunu ekibinizle yapmanz tavsiye edilir. :) Tek bama yapan bi oyun yazlmcsym kimseden destek almadan yapmaktaym bilgim seviyem geni istediinizi sorabilir istediinizi yapabilirsiniz. Msait olduum her vakit dnmekteyim ve kurslarm srekli gncellemekteyim...Bu eitim seti Udemy zerindeki UE alannda tm kaynaklardan daha kapsaml bir ierik sunmaktadr ve tamamen Trke'dir! Hibir ekilde daha nceden programlama/oyun gelitirme tecrbeniz olmad varsaylarak anlatlm olup; rencileri sfrdan st seviyeye karmay hedefliyorum. Temel bilgiler ile balayarak salam bir altyap oluturduktan sonra kendi ellerimizle gereki oyunlar oluturarak pratiimizi glendireceiz.Ragdoll ve 3D sesler: ""Flatout""Obje modelleme ve hareketlendirmeKarakter tasarlamaHarita tasarmHava durumu kontrolvb. vb. vb.Sfrdan st dzey oyun yapmaya kadar anlatm (Srekli Gncellenecek) ve projemizde -FPS-Korku-RPG-Oyunlar yapacaz.discord : h ttps:/ /discord . gg/VxtHSsY == Boluklar silin."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Spielend Grenzen setzen und Deinen Raum einnehmen" |
"Dieser Kurs ist fr Dich, wenn es Dir ab und zu schwer fllt krperlich, verbal oder mental/ energetisch Deinen Raum einzunehmen undGrenzen zu setzen. Das ist auch gar nicht schlimm, denn selbst die Coolsten unter uns kommen in Situationen, in denen sie sich mal nicht so gut abgrenzen knnen.Grenzberschreitungen sind oft mit sehr viel Schmerz verbunden. Wir sind dann wtend oder wir schmen uns sogar. Deinen eigenen Raum einzunehmen ist wie Muskeltraining mit bung wird es immer leichter!Hier erhltst Dukurze, knackige praktische Tipps, wie Du Deinen Raum besser einnehmen und Deine Grenzen wahren kannst.Wie Du deutlich ""Nein"" sagen kannst zu Dingen, die Du nicht willst. Es gibt Theorie und praktische bungen, die Du leicht umsetzen kannst. Der Kurs dient dazu, Dir Impulse zu geben, denn das Thema Grenzen ist ein sehr weites Feld. Die einzelnen Themen werden in weiteren Kursen noch vertieft. Du hast die Mglichkeit in den Kommentaren Fragen zu stellen und Deine eigenen Erfahrungen zu teilen, wenn Du mchtest. Schreibe auch gerne, zu welchen Themen Du weitere Vertiefungen mchtest. Viel Spa mit dem Kurs und frohes Grenzen setzen!Deine Ute Schneiderp.s. Eine Bitte:Ich habe in diesen Kurs sehr viel Herzblut gesteckt. Wenn es etwas gibt, dass Dir nicht gefllt, schreibe mir und ich werde es gerne verbessern. Dadurch kannst Du auch Deinen Raum ben einzunehmen!! denn einfach nur eine schlechte Bewertung ""hinzurotzen"" ohne weitere Erklrungen kann ja jeder und das ist echt keine Kunst. Also, hab den Mut mir zu schreiben :-) "
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a desarrollar bloques para WordPress" |
"Aprende a crear bloques de WordPress con mi curso online de desarrollo de bloques de WordPress en castellano. Este curso te ayudar a crear bloques personalizados con las nuevas funcionalidades de Gutenberg para tus sitios web y los de tus clientes.S de los primeros en aprovechar este curso y actualiza todos tus plugins al nuevo formato de bloques.Ahora es el momento de empezar a crear bloques para WordPress. La implementacin de Gutenberg est ya aqu y Gutenberg es el editor por defecto, as que tus plugins deberan estar a la altura, no pierdas tiempo y aprende desde ya, a crear bloques personalizados, para ti y tus clientes."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Make a Living as an Artist" |
"Learn how to make money as an artist and start with the creative career you will love!Have you ever wondered, if and how you can make money by making art? Or you are already making a living and want to expand your income with your creative side projects.Either way, this class is for you!In this class, you will learn about 17 proven ways how you can make money as an artist. And there is more! The possibilities will grow exponentially if you combine them all!You will learn:17 proven ways how to make money as an artist and how much you could potentially earnWhat are their characteristics, advantages and what you can expectHow you can start and sustain each one of them and most importantly your creative lifestyleAfter taking this class, you will know what to expect from each of the proven ways how you can make money as an artist and how you can start with the creative career you will love!What You Will Learn:Introduction. If youve ever wondered, Can I live from making art and how? this class is for you. Iva from Art Side of Life podcast tells you how chatting with over 200 creative professionals helped her to gain insights from their different journeysJob in a Company. You will learn about having a job in a company and being an artist employeeBeing a Freelance artist. You will understand how to be a freelance artistsPrivate Commissions. You will get a sense of how private commissions work and what to consider when accepting themPrint on Demand. You will learn what print on demand websites are and why they are so interestingLicense Your Art. You will learn about what is art licensing and how it worksStock Platforms. You will understand what they are and why you may want to sell your art through themHaving Patrons on Patreon. You will get an understanding of why the patron model still works todaySelling Your Own Products on Etsy. You will get a feeling for why selling your art through Etsy may be an interesting option for youSelling Your Art in the Galleries. You will learn about what are some important things you need to do in order to exhibit and sell in galleriesGoogle AdSense. You will get an idea of how Google AdSense can generate a nice passive income for youSponsorships. You will learn about the role of sponsors when you are a content creatorAffiliate Deals. You will start seeing how your favorite art products and services may reward you for promoting them to your fansSelf Publishing a Book on Amazon. You will learn why self-publishing a book through Amazon may be a great way to make moneyCrowdfunding. You will get a sense of crowdfunding option and how it could make your dreams come true when it comes to releasing your art projectsTeaching Art. You will understand the advantage of sharing your knowledge about art and your art process with the othersCreating a Membership website. You will learn why a membership site may be a great way to build and live from a close-knit communityFinding the Right Fit for You. Knowing yourself and what you want from your life is the number one step when considering which way of making money as an artist is right for you. I will give you a couple of tools so you can ask yourself important questions and get a sense of your own direction"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Color & Light Masterclass" |
"Are you using the full potential of color and light in your artworks?You want to make your artworks more appealing and believable, but you are probably not sure where to start. There is so much information out there and it can be pretty overwhelming.I know that feeling, Ive been there myself.Thats where this course Storytelling with Color and Light comes into place.This course will teach you how to enhance your storytelling using color and light throughout your pieces. Removing the fear of the unknown, It will take the guesswork out, so you can be more confident in creating your art.The moment you will understand the concepts of color and light, the results will be super awesome!I want to help you get those results!You have your own message, your own stories that people need to see and my role with the course is to help you get them across.What you will learnThe course breaks the big topic of color and light into smaller parts to help you understand the main concepts so you can make your artworks appealing and believable.We will be looking at examples of different types of light sources from real life and how they affect objects we see around us (neutral diffused light on an overcast day, through popular sunlight, but also window light, electric light, and lights at night time or candlelight).We will also analyze the atmosphere and how it influences the environment in landscapes and underwater.You will learn how to make the audience focus on what is important in your artworks using color and light together with the contrast and composition.I will also show you how to quickly adjust the mood of your artworks within the same layout.Who is it for?The Storytelling with Color & Light course was designed for both digital and traditional artists with beginner and intermediate knowledge of the subject of color and light who are looking to understand what is needed to make their artworks more appealing and believable."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Practical Guide to Procreate" |
"Master the Procreate app on your iPad with practical examplesiPad and Procreate, if they are not yet, may become one of your favorite tools to create personal artworks and client projects because you can draw anywhere and anytime you want - on your sofa while watching TV, in your favorite cafe, in nature, in the museum, at school, during the client meeting.iPad and Procreate will change how much more you draw every day!This class is a quick and easy guide to getting up and running with Procreate on your iPad. No experience necessary!In this class you will learn:What tools you could get to illustrate on your iPadHow to set up the Procreate appHow you can organize your Image galleryHow you can set up your CanvasHow you can import References and use split-screen to draw from PinterestHow you can use Gestures, Brushes, Color palettes, Layers, Blending modes, TexturesHow you can approach Coloring and overall Creative workflow and many other tips & tricksI will also show you how to export the fun timelapse videos you can see all over Instagram and other social media. As a Class Project, you will actually be creating a fun timelapse video of your artwork!Super excited to have you in the class! Lets start creating those awesome artworks with Procreate on your iPad!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Productivity for Artists and Freelancers" |
"Learn the productivity methods that will help you enjoy your free time feeling accomplished and not worried about the never-ending to-do list.Being productive, managing your time and attention are some of the key ingredients to help you accomplish all your awesome creative projects. Yet, did you know that being productive doesnt mean to do more in less time?This class is for all creative entrepreneurs, freelancers, artists, and anyone who is interested in getting inspired and improving their productivity.You will learn:What is productivityManaging tasksPlanningPrioritizingReviews & ReflectionsDeep work & FocusRoutinesMindful self-careTips on learning new creative skillsI am super excited to have you in the class! Lets get productive :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Animating GIFs in Procreate" |
"Learn to animate your own GIFs collection for your Instagram stories, website, YouTube videos and presentations.Its so much fun when you see your illustrations moving! With Procreate, creating simple animations has never been easier.Has it ever happened to you that you were making Insta stories and you wanted to put fun gifs to your video? But you couldnt find anything that would fit your style, taste and your brand?Or you wanted to make simple animations and use them on your website, in your YouTube videos or ads?Well then, this class is for you!In this class, you will learn:how to go about designing your own animated illustration collection in Procreate so your Insta stories will have a look and feel which fits your style and brandthe process of designing, from brainstorming and sketching to final to export your animations as gifs and upload them to Giphy, so you can use them in your Insta stories and share them with your Instagram followershow to use your animations in Insta stories directly from your phone.After finishing this class you will know how to design your own animated illustrations in Procreate 5. You will expand your skills and even your portfolio."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comprehensive Guide to Retail marketing" |
"Retail Management is the latest management specialisation that has emerged with the new era of online shopping, electronic payments and delivery of goods and other services. To manage this new demand of technology-enabled services, a major deficit in the supply of such professionals has arisen. Retail management refers to an innovative and organised outlook aimed towards the function of distribution, marketing and sale of goods.Retail is fast evolving from offline to Online formats. The course gives thorough review of various aspects1. Buyer role in merchandising2. Visual merchandising3. Category Management4. Retail Brand Management.5. Strategic decisions in marketing of retail enterprises."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Aprenda Cakewalk (Sonar) - Grave suas msicas" |
"Desde as funes bsicas como criar um novo projeto, passando pela gravao, edio e mixagem, at exportar seu arquivo final.O contedo para ambos: quem j tem noes, e quem est comeando agora com o software Cakewalk.O curso composto de vdeos curtos explicando funo por funo, facilitando a busca do aluno na plataforma pelo assunto que mais quer aprender.O software Cakewalk gratuito!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Simulado Privacy and Data Protection Foundation - PDPF" |
"Bem-vindo(a)! Estes simulados trazem questes que reforam e complementam os seus estudos de preparao para a certificao EXIN Privacy and Data Protection Foundation - PDPF com foco na General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Todas as questes so comentadas e explicadas. Alm do aluno se preparar para o exame, adquire conhecimento necessrio atravs dos comentrios e explicaes.A certificao PDPF pr-requisito para quem deseja ser um DPO - Data Protection Officer. : : : Sobre o curso : : :O curso divide-se em 4 simulados cada um com 40 questes.Simulado de Introduo.Dois simulados para fixao de conhecimento.Simulado oficial do EXIN.Cada questo comentada e explicada de forma a ajudar os alunos a entender a abordagem do instituto. Essas questes trazem pegadinhas, alm de reforar tpicos com maior incidncia no exame do EXIN.: : : Garantia de satisfao ou seu dinheiro de volta : : :A Udemy garante a devoluo do seu dinheiro em 30 dias. : : : Detalhes do exame da EXIN : : :Tipo do exame: Perguntas de mltipla escolhaNmero de questes: 40Mnimo para aprovao: 65%Com consulta/observaes: NoEquipamentos eletrnicos permitidos: NoTempo designado para o exame: 60 minutos"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Simulado Privacy and Data Protection Essentials - PDPE" |
"Bem-vindo(a)! Estes simulados trazem questes que reforam e complementam os seus estudos de preparao para a certificao EXIN Privacy and Data Protection Essentials - PDPE com foco na Lei Geral de Proteo de Dados Pessoais (LGPD) . Todas as questes so comentadas e explicadas. Alm do aluno se preparar para o exame, adquire conhecimento necessrio atravs dos comentrios e explicaes.- Atualizado em 14/11/2019. : : : Sobre o curso : : :O curso divide-se em 4 simulados cada um com 20 questes.Simulado de Introduo.Dois simulados para fixao de conhecimento.Simulado oficial do EXIN.Cada questo comentada e explicada de forma a ajudar os alunos a entender a abordagem do instituto. Essas questes trazem pegadinhas, alm de reforar tpicos com maior incidncia no exame do EXIN.: : : Garantia de satisfao ou seu dinheiro de volta : : :A Udemy garante a devoluo do seu dinheiro em 30 dias. : : : Detalhes do exame da EXIN : : :Tipo do exame: Perguntas de mltipla escolhaNmero de questes: 20Mnimo para aprovao: 65%Com consulta/observaes: NoEquipamentos eletrnicos permitidos: NoTempo designado para o exame: 30 minutos"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Simulado Privacy and Data Protection Practitioner - PDPP" |
"Atualizado com novas questes e comentrios em 26/07/2020.Bem-vindo(a)!Estes simulados trazem questes que reforam e complementam os seus estudos de preparao para a certificao EXIN Privacy and Data Protection Practitioner - PDPP com foco na General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Todas as questes so comentadas e explicadas. Alm do aluno se preparar para o exame, adquire conhecimento necessrio atravs dos comentrios e explicaes.A certificao PDPP pr-requisito para quem deseja ser um DPO - Data Protection Officer.: : : Sobre o curso : : :O curso divide-se em 4 simulados cada um com 40 questes.Simulado preparatrio 01.Simulado preparatrio 02. Simulado preparatrio 03. Simulado de Reviso: Reviso e fixao dos conceitos que so cobrados no exame do EXIN. Todos os simulados contm questes sobre: SGPD, DPIA, Violaes, GDPR e Exemplos Prticos. Tudo isso para lhe preparar da melhor maneira para o exame de certificao.Cada questo comentada e explicada de forma a ajudar os alunos a entender a abordagem do instituto. Essas questes trazem pegadinhas, alm de reforar tpicos com maior incidncia no exame do EXIN.: : : Garantia de satisfao ou seu dinheiro de volta : : :A Udemy garante a devoluo do seu dinheiro em 30 dias.: : : Detalhes do exame do EXIN : : :Tipo do exame: Perguntas de mltipla escolhaNmero de questes: 40Mnimo para aprovao: 65%Com consulta/observaes: NoEquipamentos eletrnicos permitidos: NoTempo designado para o exame: 120 minutos: : : Importante : : :Esse curso/simulado no substitui o pr-requisito de realizar o curso Oficial de Privacy and Data Protection Practitioner em uma instituio credenciada pelo EXIN para realizar o exame de certificao."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Integration Cloud Services (OIC) - Oracle ICS" |
"Course will give cover the Oracle Integration Cloud Services and its features. Course starts with understanding what OIC help us achieving and then we go on to understand web services which is a pre-requisite for learning OIC. In the course we will build few integration which will connecting with both on premises and cloud application. Also we would see error handling and sending notification from OIC."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Embedded AI Edge AI" |
"Nowadays, you may have heard of many keywords like Embedded AI /Embedded ML /Edge AI, the meaning behind them is the same, I.e. To make an AI algorithm or model run on embedded devices. Due to a massive gap between both technologies, techies don't know where to start with it. So we thought to share our engineer's experience with you via this course. We have created an application to recognize the fault of a motor based on the vibration pattern. An Edge AI node developed to perform the analysis on the data captured from the accelerometer sensor to recognize the fault. We have created detailed videos with animation to give our students an engaging experience while learning this stunning technology. We assure you will love this course after getting this hands-on experience.The Motivation behind this course One and half years back, It was surprising when techies heard of the embedded systems running standalone Deep learning model. We thought to design an application using this concept and share the same with you via this platform.How to start the course? There are two possible ways to start this course. We have divided this course into Conceptual Learning and Practical Learning. You can either jump directly to the Practical videos to keep the motivation to learn and later can go to fundamental concepts. Or you can start with the basic concepts first then can start building the application. What you will get after enrolling in the course1. You will get Conceptual + Practical clarity on Embedded AI2. After this course you will be able to build similar kind of applications in Embedded AI3. You will get all the Python scripts and C code(stm32) for Data capturing ,Data Labeling and Inference.4.You will be able to know in depth working behind the neural networks Note - All the concepts are interlinked to each other may not possible to cover in one video. For more conceptual clarity keep on watching videos till the end. The doubt you will get in any video may get clear in another video. We tried to explain the same concept iteratively in different ways to make you familiar with the terminology.If you have any question or doubt, at any point, please message us immediately. We are eagerly ready to help you out and will try to solve your doubt or problem asap."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Viso e Indicadores Financeiros p/ Negcios Iniciantes" |
"Empreender no Brasil uma complexidade sem limites, no somente por conta de toda burocracia que existe mas tambm pelo incentivo.No somos ensinados a empreender, geralmente somos jogados nesse mundo por necessidade. E pensando em voc, criamos esse curso, que te ensina e incentiva a criar o essencial que te dar um norte para o futuro de sua empresa, entendo como funcionam os nmeros e o que eles dizem a voc.Em uma pesquisa publicada pela ENDEAVOR em Setembro de 2018 foi publicada a seguinte informao:Existem apenas 30.000 empresas de alto crescimento e um tero delas so de Alto Crescimento com at 5 anos de idade no incio do perodo. As Empresas de Alto Crescimento representam 1,7% do total de empresas empregadoras no pas.Dados como esse assustam, pois mostra que o pas no investe na educao empreendedora, e na maioria das vezes por no entender o seu negcio, o empreendedor se v em um caminho de declnio, sem sada, acumulando dvidas ou lutando apenas para sobreviver.Com esse curso o objetivo tirar a complexidade dos nmeros do seu negcio, para que voc entenda, organize e controle os objetivos financeiros do seu negcio para no ser pego de surpresa, sem fluxo financeiro.Aqui voc tambm aprender de maneira simples a se organizar para o crescimento da sua empresa. E como j vimos, NENHUM OUTRO CURSO TE ENSINA. Sim, ns pesquisamos no mercado.Comprar esse curso, com certeza abrir seus olhos para uma nova sobre viso de negcios de um jeito muito SIMPLES."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Preparatory Study Oracle GoldenGate Certification 1Z0-447" |
"After failing the 1Z0-447 exam I decided to collect every GoldenGate question that I could find and compile my own training material. Then I researched for the CORRECT answers based on the official Oracle docs. It worked pretty well and I passed the exam on my second try with over 90% of correct answers. I am sure this preparatory study will give you the confidence to obtain your GoldenGate Certification."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fitpro Sales Mastery - Sell Big Ticket Fitness Packages" |
"Are you a fitness or health professional who feels you are not paid what you're worth. Chances are you were a taught by your training company to sell 1-1 sessions or blocks of sessions but you know you deserve more and you want to get better results?You also most likely want to change more lives which means not selling time and selling the result, the outcome of what you will deliver.After you have completed this program you will be 100% confident about your worth as a personal trainer or health professional and have the exact process to enrol clients for packages between $1,000 and $20,000.""Completed the Sales Mastery Transformation Model. Didn't get everything ready before having a prospective client want to meet, but used the process and closed on a $1747 package yesterday for 3 months"" said Adam from Naples, Florida. This process will take the 'consultation' model and allows you to use the 'Transformation Session' formula. You will learn quickly how this small switch to how you position yourself will never have you sell a session or block of sessions ever again because you will learn to sell the outcome, not your time.If you also use this training to switch from 1-1 to semi-private (small group training), you will shift to a six-figure trainer in a matter of weeks."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Azure Data Factory: Hands on practical course (DP 200)" |
"In this course, students will learn how to use Data Factory, a cloud data integration service, to compose data storage, movement, and processing services into automated data pipelines. There would be practical tutorials describing how to use different components or building blocks of data factory v2. At the end of the course, students will be able to get started and build medium complex data driven pipelines in data factory independently and confidently.For candidates who are planning to give DP 200 certification: Implementing Azure Data Solution, this course covers the topics related to Azure Data Factory."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"POWER BI - Dashboard In A Day" |
"Hi Folks,This course is designed to pass the DA-100 certification of Power BI. There will be some additional hands on practice and research that needs to be done by the candidate to pass the DA-100 exam. I have carefully designed this course in a way that in approx. 3 hours someone with absolutely no prior knowledge of Power BI can get started with this amazing tool, understand the power bi ecosystem of products and also Transform, Analyze and Visualize data in Power BI Desktop at the same time can publish & share reports in Power BI service . I have covered all the important topics in detail with hands on practical demos which are engaging so that any individual can follow it till the end of course. The most important point of focus while creating this course was not to compromise on the quality of the content, hence I have made sure that each topic is explained by providing lot of details and easy to understand practical examples. I am proud to say that ~96% of the course content consists of rich practical demos which would be easy to understand for any individual.I hope you like this course and it helps you in bringing your data to life by creating stunning reports in Power BI. Happy Learning !!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 : Hands on Practical Demos" |
"This course is designed to get developers ramped up fast. It covers all the topics a developer needs to know to start being productive with big data and how to address the challenges of authoring, monitoring, security, access control and loading data in ADLS gen2.The entire course contains practical demos explaining the different setting & properties of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.Also, it has a demo of how to load data in ADLS gen2 using Azure Data Factory v2"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Make Photoshop Brushes, Vectors, & Repeating Patterns." |
"In this course I am going to take you through the step by step process of:-Turning simple illustrations and artwork into Photoshop brushes-Turning detailed objects inside of photographs into photoshop brushes (we use trees but can be used with anything once you understand the process).-How to package your brushes and save them to send to friends or sell.-How to bring your brushes into Adobe Illustrator and turn them into Vector objects-How to save your new vector objects as symbols and in your library for easy access in other Adobe programs.-The Fastest way to turn a simple vector image into a repeating pattern."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Badge / Sticker Template Design With Adobe Illustrator" |
"In this course, we will create badge template designs that can be saved and modified in the future by just simply changing the words, fonts, and colors and fine-tuning.I introduce you to tips, tricks, and shortcuts to help speed up your workflow. We learn about a variety of Illustrator tools that we will use in our projects and you can apply to your future designs as well. I will also show you all how to create bleeds and die lines for irregular shaped designs such as badges and stickers that you may want to send for print. We also go over how to save and export your file for print purposes.I explain everything step by step so any beginner is able to follow along. If you have any questions please send me a message. Please note that we do not color in designs together as that is a purely aesthetic and personal choice. This course is designed to show you how to create the templates for you to change your own fonts and colors, depending on your future projects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Winning street fight skills with TAEKWONDO" |
"Are you looking for a fast way to get real fight and defense skill through most effective form of martial art? TaeKwonDo known as one of the Olympic event but it is actually designed for real combat at war. We wanted to reveal the real potential of taekwondo as a lethal fighting technique.This practice is intended for winning. Ancient Taekwondo is designed for real fight at combat. This course is intended to teach practical fighting skills that matter for professional fighters and ordinary people who wants to protect themselves and family."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Trading Course Profitable Crypto Trader" |
"Start Your JourneyLet me show you how to trade stocks and crypto to earn big profits while controlling risk. Ive picked out some key videos from my YouTube Channel to help get you up to speed.49 2nd Edition Videos8 Simple Lesson Sections9 Focused Chat Rooms Huge Support Lifetime Access Clear Entry/Exit Plan Proven StrategiesFor people that really want to dedicate themselves to truly mastering trading crypto, you can now learn everything I do.This is for anyone looking to improve their trading or who is completely new to either markets or crypto. We will be covering everything from the very basics to advanced trading strategies. Ill also be taking it a step further then most other programs and share everything that I do; before, during and after to give you as much real life exposure as possible.Prepare to immerse yourself in video lessons, real-time trading videos, trading courses, chart pattern libraries, and giveaways!You will have access to all these resources for a life time. This will allow you to improve at your own pace and give you the ability to return at any time in your trading career.The end goal is making you truly self sufficient and consistently profitable; best part is that although this course is focused on the crypto market it can be applied to all markets.One-Time InvestmentNo Monthly, Recurring Stress (Lifetime)Meet Your MentorMy names Alex Winkler (the one on the left) and Ive been trading and investing since the beginning (officially 2011).As a kid my dad helped me learn about interest rates and compound interest which got me saving at a young age. Always being busy with running companies on the side with my brother I never pursued a real job but always was trading on the side.When I lived in NYC thats when my trading got really serious and I used every spare moment to learn more.Eventually when time allowed I used everything I learned in business to put this site together and TradeJournal where I can finally share my trades and passion with others.Now Im mostly traveling, trading, and sharing everything I do online to help others. Because the world is a better place when you know how to read charts and take part in the market.Let me show you how easy it all really is.Testimonials From Our Graduates""Thanks for that Signal Made money!! Guys get his course!""David Shipley - Comment Left On YouTube - PCT Graduate""...and I just finished all the videos. It was GREAT! Now getting ready to put it to use."" ""Had a good day yesterday. 7 trades averaging 3.22%. Still small amounts, but I might be getting the hang of this. Crypto trading course made it all possible. Thanks Alex!""Steve Custer - Comments In Trading Chat Room - PCT Graduate""I just finished watching the indicator series The videos are great and explain the concepts so they are easily understood"" - MarkMark069 - Comments In Trading Chat Room - PCT GraduateWhat Is The Best Way To Get Help?Give us 24 hours to respond to any questions!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"5 Day Crypto Trading Course" |
"What to expect the next 5 days---Day 1: Overview & Planning A short intro day.I'll quickly review who I am and what this weird word Enzlo is. Then we'll dive right into the different exchanges I use along with the fees associated with them. And the last thing we'll learn is what the difference between a maker and taker is.This can take some time, especially getting accounts approved for fiat deposit. So if your really serious about this don't move on to the next days until you have your verification in progress or done!Day 2: Succeeding In Crypto & Mastering ExchangesWe're going to review the differences of some of the top exchanges, their fees, how to join them and why we will be using certain ones. We'll also dive into why it's important to separate your trading and investing accounts. After that, we'll wrap up on some basic accounting information and how I keep track of all trades and make sure I'm ready for tax season.Day 3: Crypto Trader Course (Making Profitable Trades Consistently)Here's we'll start learning the rules, the importance of sticking to the rules. We'll dive into building your Trade Journal where you can document and learn from all of your trades. Then we'll wrap up with learning about TradingView and different time frames to view trades in.Day 4: Crypto Investor Course (Finding your strategy)Here we will look into swing trade and a few technical setups, why and how we'll diversify our portfolio, and the wrap up with looking into ICO's and Airdrops.Day 5: Get Started & Stick To Your Rules!In this last day, we'll touch on actually getting started trading. What are some good portfolio allocations and how to start your trading day. That includes building a watchlist first thing in the morning.Also if you applied to join our Crypto Apprentice Program (CAP) you should have a call scheduled with us on the call we'll review a few important things and get to know you and your goals a bit more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easiest & Best Investment Strategy Stocks & Crypto Wealth" |
"Building Real Wealth With Stocks & CryptoUnderstand the importance of starting earlyLong term wealth accumulation and growthSimplicity is always the bestCommitment, consistency, dedicationEveryday mattersWeekend Crash CourseFocused on execution (taking action)Multiple revisions to remove any fluffShort but effectiveSubstantial results will show within 6 monthsThe 52 Week ChallengeSet yourself up for success.Make sure to share your progress and we can share it in the class. Ill find you on social media by periodically checking the hashtags. Please use facebook, twitter, or Instagram so I and other students can find you, leave a comment and cheer you on!#Stock52Challenge#Crytpo52Challenge"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"200 plus AutoCAD Commands with detailed explanation in Hindi" |
"This is the only course you need to learn almost all the commands of AutoCAD.This course will cover commands for Mechanical Engineers, Civil Engineers, Architectural Students and Electrical Engineers.Highlight of Course200 plus videos with the deep explanation.The course starts with the basics like the interface of AutoCAD.Advance Commands are also covered.Taught by a certified instructor.language is Hindi.27 hours of quality content."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Automatisches Trading - alles was Sie wissen mssen" |
"Automatisches Trading, der Komplettkurs, alles was Sie wissen mssenIn der Ausbildung zum Forex-Trader & Handelssystem-Entwickler vermittelt Ihnen Brsenprofi Kai Skoruppa das ntige Wissen, um erfolgreich am Forex-Markt zu agieren.Sie lernen in verstndlichen und sehr praxisnahen Videos, alle Grundlagen des automatisierten Tradings kennen. Diese Ausbildung fhrt Sie tief in die Handelssystementwicklung ein. Sie lernen, wie Sie Ihre gewonnenen Handelssysteme auf Herz und Nieren mithilfe von Backtestings berprfen bevor Sie diese im Live-Trading anwenden. Das und noch sehr viel mehr lernen Sie in dieser umfangreichen online Ausbildung.Sie knnen sich nun, bequem von Zuhause aus, das Wissen von Herrn Skoruppa welches er in 22 Jahren Brsenerfahrung gesammelt hat einverleiben und auf seinem Level an Expertise Ihre Trading Karriere fortsetzen."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Work From Home Jobs" |
"The best work work from home jobs of 2019 include:Affiliate MarketingDropshippingFreelancingOnline TeachingCourse development We will be taking a looking into each of these prospective fields.Whether your skill is moving product, sharing your skill, or sharing your knowledge, this course will empower you with further insight to help you in making the move to work from home."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |