Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Influencer Marketing" |
"In this course we will analyze how marketing has evolved over the years.The first section will explore a brief introduction to Influencer Marketing where insight will be given to understand the different tiers of influencers: micro-influencers, macro-influencers, and mega influencers.We will then explore how to find influencers using free and paid-for methods, how to communicate with influencers, and finally how to measure influencer marketing campaigns."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How to Create An Online Course" |
"In this course, you will be provided with information that covers the essentials of creating your first online course. We will explore how to develop a course outline, how to benefit from timelines, understanding different marketing strategies as well as how to upload, edit and publish your first online course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Be the Parent you LOVE" |
"After the course there will be a significant improvement in your relationship with the Child.Relationship can be enhanced at any any point of time. We need to be on the right path to reach the destination, just be aware to review your path. Are you getting closer to your destination or going away from your destination? You already know when you need to change the path."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Bagpipes Stage 1: Beginner Bagpipe Lessons" |
"Learn to play the great highland bagpipes. This course will take you through as a beginner, starting you out on the practise chanter. By the end of it you will be amazing your friends and family by being able to play two key tunes of the piper's repertoire. Auld Lang Syne A Man's a Man for A' that"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Crear una Tienda Online Profesional con Wordpress" |
"Seguramente como hayas comprobado montar una pgina web no es tan fcil como parece. Hay que seguir muchos pasos y en el orden correcto para que nada falle. Por eso he creado este curso profesional de wordpress para que crees una tienda online en menos de un mes. Mira por qu puedes confiar en mi!-Soy Javier Giner, ttulado en Informtica y Marketing.-Con 20 aos he cofundado mi primera empresa digital en la cual llevamos 2 aos vendiendo.-Tengo un canal de youtube con 25.000 suscriptores donde llevo aos compartiendo mis conocimientos.-He trabajado con wordpress en 2 empresas importantes de mi provincia. (cableworld y escuelaelcano)Cuando termines el curso sers capaz de:-Tener confianza contigo mismo al descubrir que eres capaz de desarrollar una pginas web de forma autnoma.-Ahorrar 1.500 de lo que te costara contratar un servicio web o estar pagando cuotas mensuales en shopify o wix.-Empezar a vender online y gestionar tu propio horario de trabajo.Ahora tienes 2 opciones:-Contratar a alguien para que te haga una tienda online profesional por 1.500 o ms-Acceder al curso con un sistema paso a paso en el que te voy a guiar a crear una tienda online.Aprovecha que has encontrado esta oportunidad y accede al curso ya!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Building Your Personal Brand For Success" |
"This course takes you on a journey to build your personal brand, both on and off-line, to help you land that dream promotion or rocket your sales for your own business. With lots of fun, interactive tasks as you go through each section, by the end of the course you will have your very own kick ass personal brand to help you succeed!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Fiverr Gig Marketing (Sales gone full potential)" |
"A course where you will get to know the real path of marketing. The way how to do the marketing of your gigs. Hard work and patience is all you need to get succeed. A course that will teach you how to do the things in a right way. Step by step fiverr gig marketing. You will be able to do marketing on your own gig. It's simple but you need to be hard working. This is it. Your sales are about to get it's full potential."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hemodynamics and Doppler for Medical Sonography" |
"Ultrasound MedAcademy by R&A Blue Sonoworlds takes pride in teaching Medical Ultrasound the right way. This time we feel more than confident about this course and the impact it will have in your professional growth. The knowledge you gain through this course could be applied towards your daily practice enhancing patient care and clinical confidence. In addition, this is an excellent tool for your Ultrasound Physics or Vascular Sonography Registry preparation if you plan to take the exams through the ARDMS, CCI, or ARRT. Alain Fernandez. BHS, RMSKS, RDMS, RVT, RDCS, RT(S) and Raul Ebran-Gonzalez. MD have worked together to create 10 conferences and 2 quizzes organized the following way:4 Hemodynamics6 Doppler1 Hemodynamics Quiz1 Doppler QuizWe wish you success!The R&A Blue Sonoworlds Team."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Drawing & Sketching" |
"Everything you need to know about the fundamentals of drawing and illustration, condensed into a fun 5 part class. Each class includes a detailed description of key concepts and techniques related to that subject. Jam packed with hints, tips, and tools just about every artist should have under their belt. Also includes supplementary reference files and an interactive assignment at the end of each class, giving students a chance to try out some of the techniques they just learned about!Whether you're a beginner or you've been drawing for a while and just want to brush up on the fundamentals, this class will be a valuable tool for artists looking to improve. All the most important technical information served up in a nutshell. A clear, concise course about how to improve your drawings, made with visual learners in mind. Get started today to learn how to:-Shade and light a drawing-Draw in different perspectives-Draw a realistic people-Draw realistic facesAs well as many other tricks to make drawing much easier and much more fun."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to create your own php framework from scratch" |
"You will learn how to create framework from scratch, also you wil be able to understand how frameworks work, we will use mvc design pattern to make the structure usable, we will make the the core classes then convert it to be dependency can be downloadable using composer then male the framework created using composer create-project --prefer-dist vendor/framework projectNameIt will make the framework more professional, and to know why we use every thing in the framework, we will build project based on the framework at the end of course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete IT Support Specialist Course: IT Foundations" |
"This is part one of a five part course thats designed to provide a comprehensive education on all the major aspects of an IT Support Specialist. By the end of this series youll have all the skills required to qualify for an entry level position. In this course you will learn a skill set that you can build on throughout this series of courses or continue your education in a more traditional setting. Either way, this course will provide you with a rock solid foundation for building up your mastery of IT Support.Well be covering the basic skills of Binary, System Administration, Operating Systems, Networking, and Security. In subsequent courses, well be going in depth in all of these major aspects. Well be focusing specifically on an IT help desk, but the knowledge and skills learned here have a broad scope of application within the field.By the end of this first course, you'll be able to understand how a computer thinks and communicates using binary, what abstraction is and how to apply it to your work, troubleshooting skills and techniques and how to best apply them. We'll break down the hardware part by part and learn how they all function and work together to create a operational machine. We'll also be doing breakdowns on Software, Operating Systems, and how to troubleshoot issues. How to install software, how to install Operating Systems, like Windows, and how to build a desktop from scratch. You'll also gain the skills for strong documentation, how to manage computers, what a network is and how it functions and a whole lot more!In addition, you'll learn How to properly interact with customers, and coworkers in an IT environment and be able to utilize powerful problem solving skills and how to implement effective solutions. These core concepts will be the foundation for everything and provide you with the understanding that youll need to learn more complicated aspects of IT Support."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tu solicitud de empleo profesional: CV, CdP, LinkedIn y ms" |
"Con esto curso aprenders a posicionarte de la manera ms profesional para conseguir ms entrevistas de empleo. Te enseo cmo elegir tus experiencias ms relevantes, evaluarlas de una forma adecuada y presentarlas en tu currculum vitae y carta de presentacin de la mejor forma posible. Adicionalmente, te muestro cmo elaborar un videocurrculum y cmo crear y optimizar tu perfil en LinkedIn para una presencia coherente y omnipresente en el mundo laboral. Finalmente, para subrayar tus habilidades, te enseo como pre-escribir cartas de recomendacin / evaluacin final de tus experiencias laborales para facilitrselo a tus ex-jefes o empleadores y garantizar una carta de alta calidad. Pongo a tu disposicin plantillas de mejores prcticas de un currculum vitae, carta de presentacin y carta de recomendacin que solamente tienes que llenar con tu informacin."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Consigue un mayor impacto en la entrevista de trabajo" |
"Con esto curso aprenders a posicionarte de la manera ms profesional para conseguir una mayor cantidad de ofertas de empleo. Te enseo una estrategia que te permitir desarrollar respuestas con un impacto considerablemente ms alto y al mismo tiempo sers ms flexible al contestar las preguntas del reclutador. Adicionalmente, te voy a ensear cmo mejorar tu comunicacin no verbal, misma que cuenta por el 93% de tu probabilidad de xito en la entrevista. Te voy a mostrar cmo puedes mejorar tu postura, tus gestos, tu mmica y tu tono de voz para que transmitas confianza y le muestres al reclutador que t eres un candidato apto para el trabajo. Para que puedas monitorear tu progreso, pongo a tu disposicin algunas tareas y hojas de documentacin, acompaadas de las mejores prcticas de cmo practicar entrevistas antes de que llegues a tu primera entrevista real."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Crack the recruiting process: Job application & Interviews" |
"In this course, you will learn how to present yourself in the most professional way in the job application (e.g., CV, cover letter, letter of recommendation) as well as in the interview process in order to become a top 1% candidate, who is much more likely to receive job interviews. In the job application part of the course: I will teach you how to choose your most relevant experiences, evaluate them in an adequate manner and present them in your curriculum vitae and cover letter in the best way possible. Additionally, I will show you how to elaborate a video curriculum and how to create and optimize your LinkedIn profile for an omnipresent and coherent presentation in the business world. Finally, in order to proof your abilities, I will teach you how to draft a letter of recommendation / final evaluation for your previous work experiences, so that you make it easier for former bosses and employers and at the same time guarantee high-quality recommendations and evaluations. I put at your disposal best practice templates of a curriculum vitae, cover letter, and letter of recommendation so that you can simply exchange the wording in the templates with your information.In the interview preparation part of the course:I will walk you through my interview preparation tool to support you in identifying the recruiter's requirements and building your stories with them in mind to truly show the impact of your experience. Furthermore, I will share with you several tips and methods on how to become more confident in the interviews in order to be able to focus on truly convincing the recruiter of your abilities.And finally, of course, I will share with you my interview preparation tool so that you can build your stories alongside my explanations."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Improve your job interview skills and obtain more offers" |
"In this course, you will learn how to position yourself in the most professional way in order to obtain more job offers. I will teach you a strategy that will allow you to develop answers with a considerably higher impact and which, at the same time, will ensure much more flexibility in your ability to respond to the recruiter's questions. Additionally, I will teach you how to improve your non-verbal communication, which accounts for about 93% of your success probability in the interview. I will show you how you can improve your posture, your gestures, your facial expression and pitch in order to convey confidence and convince the recruiter that you are a suitable candidate for the job. To make it easier for you to monitor your progress, I will put at your disposal some exercise and documentation sheets, accompanied by best practices to practice interviews before going into your first real-life interview."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Memory Development for Starters: The Roadmap" |
"Learn how to store information more appropriately in your brain for easy retrieval through the use of tested system of memory in this course.Develop memory pegs that will hold every information you put in your brain firmly and for a longer time through memory conditioning process. Discover how to always remember names and faces through the use of linking method and substitute words. Begin to use everywhere you have been to as a memory palace which will help you remember almost anything."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a programar desde cero con PSEINT - Primeros pasos!" |
"POR QUE TODOS PUEDEN APRENDER A PROGRAMAR SIN LIMITES. EL NICO LIMITE ES LA IMAGINACIN!!!Iniciaremos el curso desde cero, paso a pasito de tal manera que lo aprenders como si nada, y la mejor parte es que lo hars dividindote.El primer paso para entrar en el mundo de la PROGRAMACIN es obtener la lgica de ""un programador"". Te garantizo que de este curso saldrs contento, satisfecho y con muchas ganas de MAS!Saldrs de este curso como un programador con unas bases muy solidas, para as poder desenvolverte en cualquier lenguaje de programacin ya que tu mente estar preparada para construir algoritmos para resolver problemas rpidamente.BASTA DE APRENDER POR OBLIGACIN! ES HORA DE APRENDER POR PASIN!!!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"3DMax Eitim Seti le Ksa Srede Uzmanlan" |
"Bu kurs ile 3DMax programn rahatlkla kullanabilecek, birok projenin stesinden geleceksiniz. Mimari modelleme, serbest modelleme gibi birok modelleme yntemi de sette bulunmaktadr. Kiisel ve resmi almalarnz bu eitim setinin sonunda rahatlkla yapabileceksiniz. Her konuda en nemli bilgi ve pf noktalar belirttiim bu sette 3 yln vermi olduu deneyimi en sade ekilde aktarmaya altm."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"DevSecOps Exam (DevOps Security)" |
"The exam tests DevSecOps knowledge with the help of basic to intermediate level 50 questions. Please note this exam is aligned to ISC2 principles - however, takers of DSOE exam may also find it useful.The questions delve into DevOps, Agile, Waterfall methodology, KPIs, and business benefits realization.Questions also include the relation between Agile and DevOps - especially the areas that often seem overlapping.The exam contains a basic to intermediate level tests. An advanced level test will be included soon."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"ISACA CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor Prep Exam" |
"Mock Tests: Two (2) mock tests covering sample questions each to provide a feel to the professionals/students a quick feel of what to expect in the simulation tests thus helping them preparing further before spending time on simulation tests.Simulation Tests: Three (3) simulation test covering all CISA domains with 75 exam grade questions has recently been published with an allowed time of 2 hours. Attempting two such simulation tests will help you compare your preparedness to the actual exam which comprises 150 questions. The simulation test is aimed to help the professionals/students gauge their knowledge level, progress thus far, and identify the weak areas by CISA domains.UPCOMING! Three (3) more similar simulation tests with 75 questions each will be published soon. Latest Trends: Tests are designed with the latest real exam questions reflected in the tests to ensure relevance and capture the latest trends.Industry Experts: Tests are designed by certified industry experts with vast real experience to add value.Pass on First Attempt: Overall, the exam intends to help the professionals/students pass the CISA certification exam on the first attempt."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"cpa marketing for beginners work from home" |
"this course is all about cpa marketing for beginners i will show you how i was able to make $3000 with cpa how you can work from home you will learn things how to pick the right offer for cpawhat cpa ishow it can help you how to use platforms like facebook and youtube to work from home pick up this course now!!! to learn all of the above and more you can learn my CPA Strategyif you could work from home would you this is the best course for newbies to cpa marketing I want to help you with this This Business course cpa marketing is a great way to learn the online marketing worldif you want to learn a new skill this course is for youthere is lots of video content in this course we go over lots of different things to do with cpa marketingit is a great course for beginnerslearn things like using CPA marketing with youtube CPA marketing with a secret method found in the course the best CPA marketing networks with lots of offers to choose fromhow to CPA marketing the right way and my case study which shows how I use CPA in my business lots of students enjoy this course its your turn to jump in and learn and take actionsee you all inside!!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Communication professionnelle crite : rdigez avec style" |
"Le style professionnel est indispensable matriser. Comment construire des phrases efficaces ? Comment les organiser dans un paragraphe ? Quelle logique suivre pour que tout paraisse logique ? Quels mots ne jamais employer ? Comment mettre le lecteur en confiance ? Que faire entre la fin de la rdaction et le moment de rendre le document ?Confirm ou dbutant, vous dcouvrirez dans ce cours de rdaction professionnelle en ligne des techniques et des conseils pour rdiger des documents professionnels avec un style d'criture irrprochable.Accompagn par l'expert Philippe Massol, docteur en science et MBA, vous apprendrez dans ce cours sur la rdaction professionnelle en ligne des techniques pour parvenir un style d'criture professionnel et irrprochable."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Rdaction professionnelle ultra-rapide" |
"Vous mettez beaucoup de temps rdiger ? Vous ne savez pas vraiment comment trouver l'inspiration pour rdiger des documents professionnels et faites face au problme de la page blanche ? Vous vivez la rdaction comme une torture ? Que vous soyez dbutant ou que vous vouliez vous perfectionner, ce cours de rdaction professionnelle en ligne vous aidera trouver l'inspiration et vous apprendrez des techniques ultra-rapides pour la rdaction professionnelle."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Rdaction professionnelle : structurez pour tre percutant" |
"Vous savez ce que vous avez rdiger et vous maitrisez les ides que vous voulez transmettre par crit. Mais votre document sera-t-il assez percutant ? Comment l'organiser ? Comment mettre certaines ides en avant ? Comment favoriser la rtention des informations qui vous arrangent ? Peut-on manipuler avec un texte ? Dcouvrez dans ce cours de rdaction professionnelle en ligne toutes les techniques de communication crite pour rdiger des crits convaincants. Certaines vidos et dmonstrations risquent de vraiment vous bluffer !"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Stratgique : les outils de segmentation" |
"ATTENTION : ENVIRON 6 HEURES DE VIDEOS (et non 3,5h comme indiqu sur le site)Ce module, film en conditions relles pour plus de fluidit et plus de finesse dans les explications, sadresse toutes les personnes qui doivent prendre des postes responsabilit stratgique, marketing ou commerciale, dans une entreprise. En effet, les techniques de ce modules sont trs transversales et doivent tre matrises pour pouvoir correctement dvelopper des affaires. En particulier, sont abordes les techniques de segmentation marketing et segmentation stratgiques, trs importantes pour travailler finement en amont pour avoir la moindre chance de faire une analyse pertinente.Vous saurez analyser des environnements comptitifs en utilisant les techniques de pointe en segmentation stratgique parce que vous saurez tablir prcisment ce qu'est un DAS. Cela vous permettra de mieux dvelopper commercialement des business et cela vous apprendra tablir de meilleures cahier des charges dans votre entreprise..Sans les notions abordes dans ce cours, il est difficile d'imaginer faire du marketing stratgique.Un deuxime cours de marketing stratgique prsentera les outils d'analyse stratgique qu'il faut utiliser DAS par DAS."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Innovation frugale : le Jugaad. L'innovation peu chre" |
"L'innovation frugale est peu rpandue dans les entreprises et pourtant, elle peut permettre de gagner des marchs peu viss par la concurrence.Ce type d'innovation a t initie en Inde o les moyens financiers sont limits. Jugaad veut dire ""issu de l'ingniosit"" : et c'est cela l'innovation frugale : tre ingnieux.La faon d'aborder l'innovation frugale permet de plus d'utiliser les techniques procdurales de dveloppement de projet et d'entrepreneuriat: faible cout, sans risque et sans d'chec. C'est un mode de pens utilis dans les pays o les crateurs d'entreprise manquent de ressources financires et doivent trouver d'autres moyens de crer et dvelopper un business.Nous verrons dans cette formation le principe, l'application dans les pays occidentaux, et nous verrons que vous avez intrt vous y intresser mme si vous avez les moyens financiers de dvelopper de l'innovation classique."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Model Canvas et MVP (Minimal Viable Product)" |
"Quand vous dveloppez de nouveaux projets, vous avez besoin de dterminer un Business Model, c'est dire la faon dont le projet va gagner de l'argent, que ce soit une cration d'entreprise, de l'auto-entrepreneuriat ou encore un projet dans un PME.Beaucoup connaissent l'outil Business Model Canvas, mais peut-tre ignorez-vous que le point important n'est pas de dterminer un Business Model, mais de nombreux Business Model : il faudra alors les tester pour dterminer lequel est le meilleur.Pour cela, la notion de MVP (Minimal Viable Product) est trs importante ! Vous apprendrez imaginer des MVP, et vous apprendrez qu'il faut entrer dans l'action le plus vite possible."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Les 7 modes de cration de valeur pour vos clients" |
"Quand vous crez un nouveau ou un nouveau produit, vous devez toujours quelle valeur il va apporter vos clients.Cette formation a pour but d'expliquer et illustrer les diffrents modes de cration de valeur. Des cinq modes de cration de valeur les plus classique, des faons moins connues de crer de la valeur.Vous verrez ce qu'est la diffrenciation vers le haut, la diffrenciation vers le bas et les sous catgories de l'une et de l'autre.Vous verrez les outils analytiques qui vous permettront de rflchir des mode de cration de valeur de type Ocan Bleu.Par ailleurs, vous verrez qu'il est possible d'innover avec peu, en tant ingnieux, c'est ce qu'on appelle l'innovation Jugaad, ou innovation frugale.Ces modes de cration de valeur sont les grands standards dans le business et, toute cration de valeur entre dans l'une des catgories cites.J'espre que vous apprcierez que le cours a t tourn en conditions relles, ce qui permet d'apporter une plus grande exhaustivit et une plus grande fluidit dans l'apprentissage mme si l'image est partiellement sacrifie pour cela.A tout de suite dans cette formation !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Marketing stratgique : les outils de l'audit stratgique" |
"Lobjectif est danalyser un environnement comptitif dans un contexte dentreprise particulier pour prendre les meilleures dcisions. Ce module est focalis sur les aspects techniques des outils danalyse les plus classiques. Contrairement la faon dont ils sont abords d'habitude, les outils sont prsents sous un angle technique, oprationnel.J'espre que vous apprcierez de suivre une formation tourne en conditions relles devant du public. Cela permet plus de nuances et de fluidit mme s'il a fallu un peu sacrifier l'image."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Manipulation comportementale quotidienne" |
"Les techniques de manipulation comportementales sont trs largement utilises par une minorit qui arrive faire faire aux autres ce qu'elle veut. Ces techniques de manipulation comportementales sont utilises dans la publicit, le marketing, les jeux et applications mobiles. Elles visent tout le monde, et nous sommes tous soumis des mcanismes de manipulation tous les jours. Cependant, mme ceux qui ont compris que quelque chose les manipule ne peuvent pas ragir. En effet, les techniques de manipulation sont trs puissantes, et les personnes manipules ne savent jamais quand elles sont manipules. N'imaginez pas une seconde que vous pourrez rsister une manipulation si vous n'en connaissait pas la technique, c'est quasi-impossible. Pire, les techniques de manipulation sont tellement influentes qu'elles permettent de manipuler la mme personne plusieurs fois de suite sans qu'elle ne s'en rende compte.Le choix le plus simple est de faire comme si les manipulations n'existaient pas, et vous continuerez vous faire manipuler l'infini : on vous continuerez avoir certains comportements qui vous tonnent parfois vous-mme rtrospectivement (des achats inutiles, faire des choses que vous dtestez...). Le problme est que ces manipulations ne sont pas seulement l'oeuvre d'entreprises, elles sont aussi utilises au quotidien, peut-tre par votre conjoint, votre voisin, votre ami. Mais vous ne le saurez jamais si vous ne faites rien et si vous n'apprenez pas les reconnatre.Ce cours de 3 heures est destin ceux sentent qu'ils se font manipuler mais n'arrivent pas comprendre comment et quand. Il vous permettra d'identifier les manipulations au quotidien pour vous en prmunir. En effet, le seul moyen de ne plus subir les manipulations, c'est d'en comprendre le fonctionnement, et sur une base scientifique.ATTENTION: il ne s'agit pas d'un cours sur les pervers narcissiques, ni des injonctions paradoxales, ni les pervers. Nous parlerons de manipulation comportementale de la vie quotidienne, des manipulations plutt anodines car elles n'ont pas de consquences graves sur la vie prive (contrairement la manipulation gocentrique et perverse, faite par des pervers narcissiques et dans ce cas, seule la fuite est possible). Ce cours porte sur des manipulations quotidienne, et je pense qu'il pourra mme vous amuser !"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Les matrices McKinsey et BCG enfin comprhensibles" |
"Les matrices de McKinsey et BCG sont des grands classiques de l'analyse stratgique. Toutefois, personne n'y comprends rien techniquement.En effet, ces deux matrices sont techniquement trs complexes et il y a de nombreux piges pour les utiliser correctement. Il faut par exemple avoir des notions de DAS (domaine d'activit stratgique) et de maturit sectorielle (est-ce qu'on en en mergence, croissance, maturit ou dclin pour un secteur entier) pour y comprendre quelque chose.Pour la premire fois, une mini formation en une longue vido tourne en conditions relles devant public qui rend tout cela comprhensible."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |