Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Marketing digital et marketing web" |
"Aujourd'hui, tout le monde est cens savoir jongler avec les concepts du marketing digital : email marketing, affiliation, SEM, social marketing, real time bidding...Le problme est que ce n'est pas le cas de tout le monde, et ce n'est peut-tre pas votre cas. Et vous avez peut-tre un peu honte de poser des questions car vous tes censs savoir ! Vous devez alors faire semblant de comprendre tout ce qu'on vous dit, et vous hochez de la tte en souriant. Mais vous serez forcment dmasqu tt ou tard ! Et quand vos collaborateurs raliseront que vous ne connaissez pas les bases et que vous avez fait semblant tout ce temps l, vous allez vous sentir particulirement ridicule et humili.Pour que cela ne vous arrive pas, ce cours va vous permettre de faire le tour de toutes les notions importantes en marketing digital."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Marketing des services" |
"Les services sont des bien immatriels et la perception que peut avoir un client va avoir beaucoup plus d'importance que dans d'autres types de business. En particulier, la fidlisation des clients est un enjeu encore plus important qu'ailleurs car on ne dlivre par un produit concret.Or on constate de nombreuses erreurs dans la faon d'interagir avec les clients et les axes de communication ne sont pas toujours focaliss sur les lments qui ont le plus d'impact positif sur les clients.Ce cours est fait pour vous si vous voulez acqurir les bases du marketing des services."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Les tableaux de bord prospectifs : Balanced Scorecards" |
"SEUL CE QUI SE MESURE S'AMELIORE !! Ce cours est ddi la mise en uvre du balanced Scorecards pour le pilotage de votre stratgie de gestion et son intgration en tant qu'outil de mesure et de communication interne. Cet indicateur prospectif modlise les objectifs de 'entreprise selon 4 axes : financier, client, processus interne et apprentissage."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Prenatal Yoga ""Shanti Mama""" |
"Learn how to integrate body movements with breathing during the pregnancy.Safe way to do sport activities and improve your and your baby health.There are few Do's and Dont's for Prenatal yoga. Prepare your body and mind for soft and gentle birth and happy motherhood.Course have been created certified pre- and postnatal teacher, mother of 2 kids. Mission of the course is help you to find your own perfect movements."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"C Language tricky Questions (Company specific)" |
"This course covers Best 150 Multiple Choice Questions in C with clear explanation which is useful for the candidates who are preparing for placements and for the students who wants to get thorough knowledge in C. Check your knowledge in C by watching this videos clearly.My suggestion is, see the question and pause it and guess the answer then continue the video so that you asses your knowledge in C."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Design and Analysis of Algorithms" |
"The Highlights of the course are 1.How to write algorithms with clear explanation.2.Analysis of Algorithms which can be measured with Time and space complexities.3.Methods like Divide and Conquer , Greedy method, Dynamic Programming,Backtracking and Branch and Bound are clearly explained with Applications of each method with an example and algorithm.4. The tracing of algorithms are clearly explained line by line."
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
"How to Teach Guitar to Kids" |
"Are you a music teacher who wants to start teaching guitar to kids? Or a guitar teacher who struggles to teach guitar and music notes to kids?This course is designed for beginner, intermediate and advanced music teachers who want to start teaching guitar to kids in the age-group 5 to 8. If you're a parent who wants to teach guitar to a child, and you know the basics of music, you can follow along as well.You don't even need to know how to read music to get started!YOU WILL LEARN:How to teach correct playing techniques at a pace that kids can followHow to teach standard music notation to young kidsHow to teach chord charts, rhythm and strummingChild psychology and proven ways to motivate and coach both the child and the parent accompanying the childHow to get kids to practice, and to enjoy daily homeworkHow to get the parent on 'your side' and supporting the learning journeyHow to teach the first songAn effective teaching style and method that you can take away beyond the first 10 lessons, and apply to beginners of all agesABOUT THE COURSE:In this training the founder of the online Gentle Guitar school for kids, and author of the method, shows you how to teach standard notation to young kids on the guitar. Many guitar teachers struggle to teach music notes to kids. Many teachers question whether teaching standard notation to young kids even works! This course will prove that not only does it work, but that kids actually LOVE to learn to play notes on the guitar. It's much easier for a 5-year old to learn notes than to start out by strumming chords. Even simple chords can overwhelm a young child. Many teachers struggle to teach this young age-group. But with this method you'll find the secret to teaching guitar and music theory to very young kids, and you'll instantly improve your student retention!You will follow 10 lesson plans, and each lesson plan will be thoroughly explained. You'll see student examples and will learn about child psychology and what to do, and what not to do. You do not need to know how to read music in order to follow this method. The instructor will step you through it step by step. So if you've always wanted to teach guitar to kids, this is a super easy and fun method! Your young students, and their parents, will love the lesson plans!THE COURSE INCLUDES:Ready-to-teach PDF Lesson Plans. Includes lessons 1 - 10. Get started teaching young kids right away!Detailed video instruction on how to teach each lesson."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Artworks with collage and pen for beginners" |
"This course is for anybody from kids to beginners and art lovers who like to experiment with different mediums and techniques.In this course, you will learn to make mix media artworks. You can develop your own ideas and sketch them though you can even use the provided sketches. You will even prepare your own watercolor collage paper which will give a customized look to your art. Using all these sketches and collage paper, you will create your own projects.The materials used in this class are very simple and easily available. At the end, you will see more examples of artworks which were done using this technique. You can apply the gained knowledge and create more such creative paintings.Enroll now and learn these easy to follow techniques in the comfort of your own home."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basic Pencil Shading Techniques for hyper realistic drawing" |
"Hello, I am Sadashiv Sawant, I'm Passionate to bring life into Pencil drawings. From the past 30 years I am working on architectural visualization bringing real life to the architectural presentations. Because of that, my eyes got accustomed to analyze lights, shades, shadows and contrast.My interest in Art has been far more than pursuing a degree, but I have deep knowledge of the science in Art.It's not about Training only our Hands, but Our Eyes!I Enjoy Teaching. I'm passionate to share my knowledge & expertise to all upcoming artist who really Passionate about Photo realism. That's why I Started with our Academy, Pencil Perception Academy. I conduct workshops, Online Courses to share the joy of this really beautiful genre of Art.ONLINE COURSESLearn WHEREVER YOU ARE! GET STARTED!This course does not need prior knowledge, and it will take you step by step to learn pencil shading techniques without smudging.You will learn the fundamentals in detailed way and principles of Realism Drawing in Pencil Art; we will get to know the tools, materials and techniques of penci shading in a new and simple way. UNBELIEVABLY THE BEST!This course gives you access High Resolution tutorial videos in the simplest way possible for you to learn the fundamentals . IT'S TOTALLY FINE EVEN IF YOU HAVE NEVER DRAWN BEFORE, as long as you follow through this course, you will be Learning right from Zero. You will also learn from Basic to advanced, In drawing and shading techniques by using Only and Only Pencil!NO SMUDGING! In this course you wont be using tissue papers, cotton, earbud or excessive stumps for shading. We will discover the Real Magic of Pencil and Master the Art Logically. All Secrets are taught in detail by Us.JOIN OUR VIDEO COURSES NOW! Experience Video Lessons which are very detailed and precise ."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"FusionPBX: Introduo e Mo na Massa" |
"O curso de FusionPBX dividido em 3 sees, onde o aluno aprender uma introduo da soluo e ser orientado, atravs de um mo na massa, a registrar um ramal para fazer com que ele faa e receba uma chamada telefnica. Tambm ser apresentado dicas finais de segurana, troubleshooting e suporte. Esse curso conter futuras aulas bnus relacionadas com os temas abordados."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Test de Citoyennet du Canada : 210 questions" |
"Ce cours comporte tout ce qu'il faut pour russir l'examen de citoyennet canadienneChaque exercice simule l'examen de la citoyennet. Vous devrez rpondre des questions sur les droits et les responsabilits des Canadiens et sur les aspects suivants du Canada :son histoiresa gographieson conomieson gouvernementses loisses symbolesLes questions de ces tests sont fondes sur le guide dtude officiel pour lexamen de citoyennet : Dcouvrir le Canada Les droits et responsabilits lis la citoyennet.Vous pouvez interrompre le test tout moment et reprendre plus tard.Vous pouvez repasser le test autant de fois que vous le souhaitez.La barre de progression en haut de l'cran affiche votre progression ainsi que le temps restant pour terminer le test. Si vous manquez de temps, pas de panique : vous pourrez quand mme terminer le test.Vous pouvez passer une question et y revenir la fin de l'examen.Vous pouvez galement utiliser l'option Marquer pour vrification pour revenir aux questions dont vous n'tes pas certain de connatre la rponse avant d'envoyer votre test.Vous pouvez terminer le test et voir vos rsultats immdiatement l'aide du bouton Arrter."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Manifiesta Tu Abundancia" |
"A travs de este curso aprenders a manifestar abundancia en las distintas reas de tu vida: personal, relacional, de proposito de vida y dinero.El curso consta de 8 mdulos, con explicaciones y ejercicios prcticos para aprender a limpiar tu espacio personal, transformar tu vida y expandir tu potencial.Con cada mdulo aprenders a entrar en contacto con tu esencia, a limpiar y sanar races emocionales que bloquean tu abundancia y a reconocer el ser poderoso que eres."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Clases de pastelera desde cero" |
"En este curso te voy a dar todos los secretos y tips que aprend en 25 aos de profesin. As podrs lucirte frente a tu familia y amigos sin frustraciones por no poder hacer ese postre o preparacin ideal para agasajarlos. Son 5 clases de diferentes tipos de masas con tres preparaciones en cada una desde el pesado de los ingredientes hasta la decoracin final. Tambin podrs imprimir cada una de las 15 recetas y tips para que puedas hacer las preparaciones con otros rellenos y coberturas y puedas presentar tus postres no siempre de la misma manera. Cuando tomes todas las clases sers capaz de armar una magistral mesa dulce y porqu no, hacer de la pastelera un medio de vida."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"SPA RETAIL - how to create a sales culture in your Spa?" |
"In this course, you will learn:- why retail sales are fundamental in the spa environment and how it can increase profitability - how to identify the missed opportunities for sales in the spa - why you need to create the sales culture in your spa before even training the team and which parameters of the spa you can optimize to get started."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Easy watercolor painting: Protea flower" |
"I am so happy you are here. If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you. I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will built up. My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can! My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results. Art does not have to be complicated. Don't feel nervous. Just start painting. So lets start creating. Music is By: LAKEY INSPIRED - Better Days & Overjoyed"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy watercolor painting: Magnolia flower" |
"I am so happy you are here.If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you. I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Don't feel nervous. Just start painting.So lets start creating.Music Credits:LAKEY INSPIRED - Warm Nights and Overjoyed"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy watercolor painting: Cactus Flower" |
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy watercolor painting: Beach Theme" |
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy gouache painting: Abstract Lady" |
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy gouache painting: Pansies" |
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy Watercolor painting: Fall Landscape" |
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy watercolor painting: Face with doodles" |
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy watercolor painting: Menorah" |
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy watercolor painting: Rose" |
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ease watercolor painting: Thanksgiving" |
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy Watercolor Painting: Christmas Wreath" |
"I am so happy you are here!If you always wanted to paint especially in watercolor or gouache then my classes are for you.I often like to combine different mediums and techniques in one lesson. The more you paint and explore the more confidence you will build up.My classes are for any one, any age, any level.Sometimes we have these limiting beliefs, (the voices in your head) telling you that you cannot do things and that you have to stick to what you know. I am here to tell you that if you always wanted to paint, you can!My classes are easy and fun. Basic, with great results.Art does not have to be complicated. Dont feel nervous. Just start painting.So let's start creating!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"El contenido de este curso est pensado para que aprendas a programar al AVR. No importa si empiezas desde CERO o si ya tienes previo conocimiento, el contenido est basado en mi experiencia docente por ms de 15 aos, con tal didctica que te ASEGURO APRENDERS A PROGRAMAR AVR. El contenido de este curso est basado tambin en la experiencia de campo... en la INDUSTRIA. Hasta el da de hoy he diseado, vendido e instalado diferentes equipos usando el contenido de este curso."
Price: 1245.00 ![]() |
"Corso di PNL Sistemica per Coach e Professionisti." |
"Sei un coach, sei un counselor, sei un operatore olistico?Allora sei nel posto giusto.Io sto per presentarti qualcosa che veramente potrebbe darti una svolta alla tua professione.E un qualcosa che e frutto di ventanni di esperienza, che e servito soprattutto a me per riuscire a migliorare il mio lavoro perch anche io faccio lo stesso mestiere che fai tu e uscire da quegli impasse che ogni tanto capitano quando incontri quei clienti e non sai bene come inquadrare la loro problematica o il loro desiderio di realizzare i loro obiettivi.Ci sono volte in cui accade questo; sembra che non sia esattamente chiaro quello che potr avvenire, come dovr avvenire, e si e un p come alla ricerca delloro come facevano i vecchi cercatori nellovest degli Stati Uniti.Ebbene io desidero offrirti questa opportunit, svelarti questo mio segreto, che ha consentito a me di essere tranquillo, molto consapevole di quello che accade, e soprattutto di riuscire a realizzare in tempi brevi uno strumento per il cambiamento e levoluzione.Io non mi preoccupo mai di quanto tempo servir per aiutare un mio cliente a raggiungere il suo obiettivo, perch sono centrato nel riuscire a realizzarlo nel pi breve tempo possibile; questo e quello che garantisce il passaparola positivo, cio quando le persone dicono: caspita, avevo questo problema, volevo riuscire a raggiungere questo obiettivo, non ci riuscivo, ho incontrato il mio coach e in tempi congrui sono riuscito a realizzarlo.Questo e quello che ti voglio offrire e questo sono certo che aiuter te, come ha anche aiutato me, nel corso della mia attivit.Lascia che mi presenti, io mi chiamo Andrea Di Gregorio lavoro da venti anni in questo bellissimo ambiente che e la formazione, il coaching ed il counseling, e mi sono formato prima di fare questo come mia attivit principale, anzi ormai unica, negli Stati Uniti da Robert Dilts che e definito il Padre della PNL Sistemica.Ebbene l ho imparato cose che nella PNL Classica non ci sono, non se ne parla, non vengono molto utilizzate: si parla certo di PNL, lo sappiamo tutti, un materia piuttosto diffusa anche dalle nostre parti, ma quella di terza generazione non tanto, ci sono delle sfumature, ci sono delle tecniche molto potenti e in questo corso tu potrai vederle ed impararle da riuscire ad ottenere attraverso una loro combinazione una formula magica per poter riuscire a raggiungere il risultato che tanto si vuole, per noi ma soprattutto per i nostri clienti.Con questo voglio darti il benvenuto in questo stupendo, fantastico scenario che c alle mie spalle, perch ti sto parlando proprio dalla mia sede: io abito e lavoro qui, in Canton Ticino in Svizzera, nella splendida cornice del lago di Luganoanche questo lho visualizzato nella mia mente tanto tempo fa e poi si e realizzatoma queste cose forse gi le conosci.Bene a tra poco, buon divertimento!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Azure AZ-103" |
"AzureAz-103AzureAZ-103 Azure"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn PCB Design in Altium Designer from scratch" |
"In this course you will learn how to:- Draw schematic, update schematic and annotate schematic- Create components, draw schematic symbols and footprints- Place components into your PCB- Route simple PCB- Create 3D model of your board- Create board variants with different components fitted / not fitted- Create Bill of Material (BOM), FAB & Assembly Dwg- Create assembly drawings showing position of components on the board- Generate Gerbers, Pick and Place, Drill file and other files needed for manufacturing"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Power of owning your 'Digital Presence' as a Musician" |
"Facebook, Twitter, Youtube... They all have their own rules. They like to change them from time to time which impacts your reach to your fans. Learn how to build your own digital home on the internet so you make the rules. By the end of the course you'll have built your own site, started email marketing, built your own eCommerce store to sell your merch and much more."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |