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"Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule Finanzen" |
"Dies ist 1 von 5 Kursen aus der Reihe Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben.In diesem Kurs Mach das Beste aus deinem Leben - Die Sule Finanzen lernst du:Wie du deine Finanzen besser im Griff und unter Kontrolle hast.Wie du deine finanziellen Transaktionen managst und kategorisierst.Wie du mehr Spa im Umgang mit Geld, Sparen und Vermgensaufbau hast.Wie du kostenbewusster und sparsamer durchs Leben gehst.Wie du eine positive Einstellung zu Geld bekommst."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ANS-C00 Certified Advanced Networking Speciality Exam - 2019" |
"Are you ready to pass the ANS-C00 Certified Advanced Networking Speciality certification exam? Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of the practice tests in this set provide an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your ANS-C00 Certified Advanced Networking Speciality Exam.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to help you continually improve. Youll also be able to see an explanation for each question at the end of the test to help you avoid making the same mistakes when taking the exam. Are you ready to prep for your future?175 UNIQUE practice questions for AWS ANS-C00 Certified Advanced Networking Speciality ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 85 - 90 % in the real exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : AWS ANS-C00 Certified Advanced Networking Speciality ExamTotal Questions : 175Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed : 125 minsPassing Score : 75 (131 of 175)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Certified Associate in Project Management Certificate 2019" |
"Are you ready to pass the CAPM certification exam? Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of the practice tests in this set provide an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your CAPM exam.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to help you continually improve. Youll also be able to see an explanation for each question at the end of the test to help you avoid making the same mistakes when taking the exam. Are you ready to prep for your future?What you get from this course100 UNIQUE practice questions PMI-100 Certified Associate in Project Management Certification Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answersOfficial Exam DetailsExam Name :PMI-100 Certified Associate in Project Management Certification Practice TestTotal Questions : 100Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed : 120minsPassing Score : 75 (90 of 120)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"CCA Exam'19:1Y0-201 Managing Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Solutions" |
"159 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-201 Managing Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Solutions ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Recommended Knowledge and Skills for CCA-V:Intermediate knowledge of Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2Intermediate knowledge of Active DirectoryKnowledge of database concepts Basic knowledge of SQL ServerSecuring network operating systems Knowledge of virtualization conceptsKnowledge of user profiles Knowledge of storage configuration and managementKnowledge of desktop operationsManaging alternate client devicesOfficial Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-201 Managing Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Solutions ExamTotal Questions : 159Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (119 of 159)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAP Certified Professional - HCM Talent Mngt Exam - 2019" |
"80 UNIQUE practice questions for SAP P_HCMTM_64 Certified Professional - HCM Talent Mngt ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP P_HCMTM_64 Certified Professional - HCM Talent Mngt ExamTotal Questions : 80Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :40 minsPassing Score : 75 (60 of 80)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Check Point Certified Security Administrator Real Exam 2019" |
"246 UNIQUE practice questions for 156-215.75 Check Point Certified Security Administrator Exam- CCSAPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 156-215.75 Check Point Certified Security Administrator ExamTotal Questions : 246Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (184 of 246)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"HP0-094 Networking Security Certified Practice Exam - 2019" |
"177 UNIQUE practice questions for HP0-094 HP-UX Networking Security Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP0-094 HP-UX Networking Security Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 177Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (132 of 177)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"PW0-104 Wireless LAN Administration Certified Exam - 2019" |
"148 UNIQUE practice questions for PW0-104 Wireless LAN Administration Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PW0-104 Wireless LAN Administration Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 148Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (111 of 148)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Articulate 360 Grundlagen - Stroyline und Rise" |
"In diesem Kurs lernen Sie die Grundlagen von Articulate 360 kennen. In nur wenigen Tagen knnen Sie damit professionelle E-Learning-Kurse erstellen. Erstellen Sie optisch ansprechende Inhalte fr alle Endgerte in Articulate Rise Bilden Sie komplexere Prsentationen oder Kurse mit Hilfe von Articulate Storyline ab Nutzen Sie die umfangreiche Content Library, um Ihre Inhalte mit professionellen Stock Bildern und Videos aufzubessern Laden Sie Freunde, Kunden oder Kollegen ein, Ihnen via Articulate Review ntzliches Feedback zu gebenber den Autor:Gerhard Veit blickt mittlerweile auf knapp 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Werbe- und Designbranche zurck.Als diplomierter Mulitmediaproducer kann er seine vielseitigen Kenntnisse nutzen, um Ihnen als kompetenter Ansprechpartner zur Verfgung zu stehen.Als Mitglied des INN-ovativ-Teams, welches mit ""Spedifort"" eine umfangreiche E-Learning-Plattform fr die Transport- und Logistikbranche bereitstellt, ist er unter anderem verantwortlich fr das Erstellen und Aufbereiten der E-Learning-Kurse."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pictorial Cantonese Vocabulary" |
"The course targets both non-Chinese and Chinese speakers who are new to Cantonese language. It is optional to know Chinese characters. Simply follow the video and pronounce the vocabulary in Cantonese. Topics include Flags of Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, China, USA, UK, Japan, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, North Korea, Sweden, Canada, Brazil, Russia, India, Switzerland, France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain, Belgium, Mexico, Turkey and South AfricaDim Sum including must-have items on the menuLocal food that is available in Hong Kong for lunch and dinnerTransport including bus, train, cable car, tram, ferry, mini bus, plane, helicopter, motorcycle, that are available in Hong KongFruit including apple, passion fruit, guava, grape, pear, apricot, pomelo, plum, durian, pineapple, mango, persimmon, mangosteen, lemon, banana, peach, cherry, watermelon, papaya, longan, coconut, orange, kiwi, melon, grapefruit, starfruit, dragon fruit, rambutan, custard apple, strawberry, avocado, blueberry, hami melon, fig, blackcurrant, jack-fruit, pomegranate and wax appleStreet snack that you cannot miss in Hong KongSeafood including squid, oyster, scallop, lobster, octopus, eel, calm, crab, abalone, sea cucumber, shark fin, fish maw, geoduck, shrimp, mussel, razor calm, urchin, jelly fish, seaweed and various kinds of fishDessert of local Hong Kong styles and western styles. The pictures help you remember the vocabulary easily.The vocabulary will allows you to order food, go shopping, travel around with the local people. If you use it with body language, then it will be more effective to communicate with the people around you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Formao Engenheiro de Blockchain: O Curso Completo!" |
"O mais completo e acessvel curso para voc entrar ou se especializar no mundo do Blockchain e das Moedas Criptogrficas!Aprenda os principais conceitos de Blockchain, teoria e treinamento prtico para se familiarizar com criptografia e temas relacionados a blockchain. A estrutura do curso:Modulo 1: Como construir um Blockchain - vamos iniciar do bsico!Modulo 2: Como criar uma moeda criptogrfica como o bitcoin - a prxima etapa na sua jornadaModelo 3: Contratos inteligentes - vamos cruzar a linha de chegadaO que voc vai aprender:Do zero a um Expert em Blockchain: O critrio nmero 1 para sucesso em algo estar fascinado. Se voc combinar o seu interesse em Blockchain com este treinamento, voc ter tudo que necessrio para se tornar um Expert na rea, mesmo que voc no tenha certeza por onde comear.Foco em fazer, no apenas escutar: A melhor forma de reforar um conhecimento praticando, e com Blockchain no diferente. Ns no vamos apenas explicar cada linha de cdigo, mas tambm vamos revisar as etapas anteriores.O guia para um entendimento fcil: Neste curso voc no vai apenas desenvolver as habilidades necessrias e adquirir um conhecimento profundo em Blockchain, voc tambm vai ter as dicar tcnicas importantes. Assim, voc ser capaz de entender como aplicar Blockchine no mundo real.Aplicaes do mundo real: Os projetos que voc vai desenvolver do o ponto de partida perfeito para voc aprender rapidamente. Tudo o que voc aprender ser uma fantstica jornada com impacto no mundo real. Quando terminar, voc estar 100% pronto para aplicar seus conhecimentos em qualquer coisa relacionada a Blockchain.Suporte: estamos comprometidos em fazer deste curso o mais acessvel e orientado a resultados. Isso requer que estejamos a disposio quando precisar de nossa ajuda. "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"La Gua Definitiva Para Vender Tus Servicios de Diseo Web" |
"En este curso he puesto los detalles ms importantes que me han permitido trabajar de forma independiente durante ms de 5 aos vendiendo mis servicios de diseo web generando ingresos recurrentes por mi cuenta!Saber desarrollar pginas web, pero no sabes cmo conseguir clientes?Has intentado trabajar con plataformas freelance pero no has tenido xito?Quieres dedicarte a tiempo completo al diseo web para tener total independencia econmica y generar ingresos recurrentes cada mes por tu cuenta?EL PRINCIPAL PROBLEMA AL QUE SE ENFRENTAN LOS DISEADORES WEB FREELANCE ES QUE NO SABEN COMO CONSEGUIR CLIENTES CADA MES PARA VIVIR AL 100% DE SU PROFESIN.Yo tambin estuve en esa situacin, inicie mi primera empresa de diseo web a los 23 aos pero simplemente no saba vender! dependa de un vendedor puerta a puerta en mi ciudad para conseguir uno que otro cliente espordicamente. Aquella empresa simplemente fracas porque no saba cmo conseguir clientes.Despus de tomar algunas asesoras sobre comercio electrnico, tomar cursos de ventas, tener paciencia y probar lo que mejor funcionaba para mi, he decidido condensar toda esa experiencia en este curso.ESPERO QUE TENGAS MUCHAS GANAS DE APRENDER Y QUE IMPLEMENTES TODO LO QUE APRENDAS!He creado este curso muy prctico y lo he explicado lo ms al grano posible. Espero que te guste!Haz clic en el botn de "" TOMAR ESTE CURSO "" , para que puedas empezar! te veo dentro :)Para quin es este curso?Diseadores web freelance que no saben cmo conseguir clientesDiseadores web que trabajen para una empresa y quieran independizarse"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Strength and hypertrophy training explained" |
"Strength training trains the ability to exert force to overcome resistance. Strength can be trained with various training modes, ranging from body weight to strength training machines and free weights. In this series of videos, Colin Herbert defines strength training, discusses the difference between size and strength gains, outlines the principles of specificity and how and when strength training becomes specific.Muscle hypertrophy is a term for the growth and increase of the size of muscle cells. The most common type of muscular hypertrophy occurs as a result of physical exercise such as weightlifting, and there are two essential components necessary for the growth of musclesstimulation and repair. In this series of videos, Colin Herbert explains what Hypertrophy is, how hypertrophy in muscles occurs, how muscle fibres grow, provides an insight into metabolic stress, and discusses muscle damage and repair through hypertrophy training."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Understanding motivation in sport." |
"The motivational levels of an athletes will impact on how they think, feel, interact with others and perform in competition. High levels of motivation are essential in sport for getting athletes to not only enjoy the process of training and competing, but to ultimately fulfill their potential. So, a motivational climate is the psychological environment that a coach creates when designing sessions which provide instructions and feedback that will ultimately help to motivate the athletes in both training and competition.In the video series we look into the motives behind motivation, and how best to develop a motivational climate. We'll discuss various types and theories of motivation, and how you can manipulate the environment in order to significantly increase levels of motivation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Desenho Chibi Kawaii para Iniciantes" |
"Ol, muito bom ter voc por aqui!! O Mtodo Mame Desenha Comigo visa ensinar a desenhar para que se ensine a criana a desenhar e dessa maneira passar momentos agradveis em famlia! quase um apelo para o resgate da convivncia familiar!Aprenda desenhar os personagens favoritos do seu filho.Personalize seus desenhosEnsine suas crianas e tenha momentos divertidos em famlia!Desenhe sem saber desenhar, utilizando apenas formas bsicas de maneira simples e divertida!!Embora o nome seja Mame Desenha Comigo, no significa que que seja esse Mtodo seja exclusivamente para mes. Papais, vovs , vovs, titios, titias, enfim para a famlia, professores, cuidadores e tutores, passarem momentos agradveis com suas crianas e adolescentes, fortalecendo os vnculos, educando, e tendo momentos prazerosos em famlia. Aprenda desenhar para ensinar a desenhar. O estilo escolhido para essas aulas o Chibi Kawaii, desenhos bem fofinhos que aprender a personalizar e a desenhar seus personagens favoritos!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Personagens Fofinhos FanArt Chibi Kawaii" |
"Neste novo Curso do Mtodo Mame Desenha Comigo, voc aprender tcnicas simples para aprender a desenhar FanArt de no estilo Chibi Kawaii de personagens queridos de crianas e adultos: Naruto, Super-Homem, LOL Surprise Unicrnio, Homem-Aranha e Goku! Depois de aprender esse mtodo voc ser capaz de desenhar qualquer personagem no estilo Chibi Kawaii!! Divirta-se em famlia!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Business of Style Masterclass" |
"If you're ready to take your Personal Styling career from side-hustle to 6-figures then our Business of Style Masterclass is for you! Whether you're new to styling or you've already started your business but need help finding a way to make it more profitable, our self-paced, online training offers you the opportunity to learn the specific tools and strategies needed to create a 6-figure styling business. The Business of Style Masterclass comprises of 9 video modules, with accompanying worksheets that walk you through each step you need to take to build a successful styling business. This unique training has been developed by a personal stylist with other personal stylists in mind so, you'll learn how to apply the skills and strategies directly to your styling business. This comprehensive training will teach you how to create your business plan, identify your target clients, create your niche, brand your business, create high-value signature programs, develop your marketing and social media strategies, generate PR, develop profitable connections and collaborations, and also how to develop a success mindset.So if you're ready to create a wildly successful personal styling business, then this masterclass is for you!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"learn Arabic phonics like a native" |
"this is the most important Arabic reading and pronouncing course because you will have it from a native qualified teacher who makes it so simple and easy, as I found too many people can't pronounce these letters even the teachers who are non-native speakers so I made that course which can make you pronounce like natives in simple training I am going to teach?my way in teaching depends to show you my mouth clearly to know the exact place of pronouncing, also I will show you each letter how is it written in Arabic and I will give you a training to pronounce it specially the difficult letters because they are new for you like ( - - ...). it takes little time. So easy"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
lfefpetn |
". . . . ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ASANA & FLOW - Yoga Flow fr Anfnger & Fortg.- 17 Stunden" |
"ASANA & FLOW Der Name ist Programm! In diesem Video-Kurs lernst du die Yogakrperbungen (Asanas) und bst in 10 praktischen Einheiten (Flow). Wir konzentrieren uns daher auf den Yoga-Stil Yoga Flow.In diesem Video-Kurs lernst du ber 60 Krperbungen des Yoga kennen. In 11 Modulen gehen wir diese bungen aufeinander aufbauend durch und schauen uns an, worauf du in den bungen achten solltest. Dazu gehren verschiedene Schwierigkeits- und Entwicklungsstufen, aber auch die richtige Ausrichtung in den Haltungen.Zu jedem der Module gehrt eine Praxis-Einheit, in der ich dich anleite und in der wir gemeinsam das Gelernte umsetzen. Auf diese Art und Weise entsteht ein Kurs, in dem du dich Stck fr Stck entwickeln kannst.Abgerundet wird das Programm mit Hintergrundinformationen zum Yoga, einer Einweisung in die richtige Atemtechnik, den Grundprinzipien der bungen und den Sonnengren.In folgender Situation passt der Kurs zu dir: Wenn du zuhause Yoga machst und dein Wissen vertiefen mchtest Wenn du mit Yoga beginnen und dabei sicher ben mchtest Wenn du einen Yoga-Kurs besuchst und deine Asana-Kenntnis eigenstndig erweitern mchtest Wenn du Yoga unterrichten mchtest und einen kompakten Kurs zu den Krperbungen suchstAuerdem passt der Kurs zu dir, wenn du: Wert auf praktisch anwendbares Wissen legst und dir eine Kombination aus Theorie und Praxis Spa macht Verletzungen vorbeugen mchtest deinen Krper besser kennenlernen mchtest die richtige Haltung und Ausrichtung in den bungen erlernen mchtest neue Inspiration suchstDer Kurs passt nicht zu dir, wenn: du kein Interesse an den einzelnen bungen hast, z. B. herabschauender Hund, Taube, Chaturanga, ... dir die Ausrichtung deines Krpers whrend eines Yoga Flows egal ist du dich hauptschlich schnell entwickeln willst, du dafr aber Verletzungen in Kauf nimmst.Was du bentigst: eine Yoga-Matte optional 1 - 2 Blcke. Konkrete Modulbersicht Modul 1: Theoretische GrundlagenWir sprechen ber die Regeln und Grundprinzipien des bens, die Hintergrnde des Yogas und schlieen mit einer kleinen Meditation ab. Modul 2: Praktische GrundlagenWir legen los mit ben, ber die Basis-Asanas nhern wir uns den Sonnengren. Auerdem zeige ich dir, wie du dich aufwrmen kannst und warum Pausen wichtig sind. Modul 3: Krieger-HaltungenWir ben den Aufbau der Krieger-Haltungen. Mit diesen steigerst du deine Kraft, Beweglichkeit und Balance. Modul 4: StandhaltungenEs kann wacklig werden. Standhaltungen verbessern die Balance, Stabilitt und Konzentrationsfhigkeit. Modul 5: Starke MitteAus der Mitte ziehen wir einen Groteil unserer Balance - das ist so im Yoga und im Leben. Modul 6: HftffnerIn der Hfte liegen die Emotionen, so heit es. Es geht um Loslassen von Spannungen und Blockaden, um wieder beweglich zu werden. Modul 7: Herzffner/RckbeugenHerzffner frdern dein Selbstbewusstsein. Sie lehren uns, unser Herz fhren zu lassen. Dazu bentigst du einen starken Rcken. Modul 8: DrehungenIn Drehungen ergeben sich ganz neue Perspektiven. Dabei machen wir hauptschlich die Wirbelsule flexible und beweglich und tun der Verdauung Gutes. Modul 9: VorbeugenNach vorne beugen verbinden wir mit verneigen. Es kann sich ein Gefhl von Hingabe und Loslassen einstellen. Modul 10: Weitere bungenIn diesem Modul wird es sehr fortgeschritten. Deshalb bringe ich dir bei wie du dich an die fortgeschrittenen Haltungen herantastest. Modul 11: AbschlussZum Schluss erwartet dich eine flieende bungsstunde, in der du noch einmal ganz neue Impulse bekommst, wie Flows sich weiterentwickeln knnen. BONUS-Modul: Let it FlowEin Flow muss flieen. Deshalb gibt es hier die Standardfolgen, genannt Vinyasas, mit denen du bungen harmonisch verbindest. BONUS-Stunde: Free FlowIn dieser einzigartigen Stunde gebe ich dir einen Rahmen und in diesem Rahmen lernst du dich frei zu bewegen. So wird deine Kreativitt und dein Vertrauen in dich angeregt, aber du fhlst dich nicht berfordert..Vertiefe deine Praxis. Verbinde dich mit dir..Ich bin fr dich daMein Name ist Rebekka. Ich bin Yoga-Lehrerin und Fitness Coach und vor allem bin ich fr dich da. Wenn Fragen aufkommen whrend des Kurses, stehe ich dir mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.In den letzten Jahren habe ich in meinen Kursen viel erlebt und gesehen und all mein Wissen kommt aus genau dieser Praxis. Tief verbunden fhle ich mich mit allen Menschen in meinen Kursen, die mich immer wieder Neues lernen lassen.Dieser Kurs sind meine gesammelten Werke fr alle, Yoga in ihr Leben integrieren mchten. Besonders wichtig ist mir zu betonen, dass dieser Kurs fr echte Menschen gemacht wurde, die einer Arbeit nachgehen oder Verpflichtungen haben und nicht jeden Tag mehrere Stunden Zeit zum ben haben. Dieser Kurs ist fr echte Menschen mit echten Leben gemacht."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"FIT IN 28 TAGEN [KURS & BUCH] - Fitnesstraining / Workouts" |
"Du mchtest flexibel Sport machen, dort wo du gerade bist?Du willst fit werden und endlich richtig durchstarten?Oder suchst du eine neue Herausforderung, eine Challenge, die du meistern kannst?FIT IN 28 TAGEN IST EIN BUCH FR MACHERINNEN UND MACHER!Es wird nicht lange gefackelt, sondern trainiert!FR WEN IST FIT IN 28 TAGEN? fr Fitness-Anfnger als auch fr Fortgeschrittene geeignet fr alle, die fit werden mchten oder ihre gewohnten Routinen durchbrechen wollen fr Menschen, die Wert auf Fitness fr den ganzen Krper legenFIT IN 28 TAGEN AUF EINEN BLICK Kombination aus praktisch orientiertem Fachwissen, Workout-Buch und Motivationsbuch 16 Workouts mit dem eigenen Krpergewicht jedes Workout dauert zwischen 20 und 45 Minuten 4 Bonus-Workouts fr Zwischendurch mit Warm-Up und Cool-Down-Routinen inkl. Videos zu jeder bung mit verschiedenen Levels zum Nachschlagen viele Motivationen und Coaching-Fragen fr langfristigen Erfolg mit einfachem Clean Eating-Ernhrungsbaukasten, der sich an den individuellen Bedarf anpassen lsst weitere Erfolgsimpulse von 5 Experten mit Zielplanung und WochenrckblickenEINZIGARTIG!Zu jedem Workout gibt es eine Einleitung, die dir entweder erklrt,warum das bevorstehende Training wichtig ist oder dich motiviert.Auerdem warten Coaching-Fragen auf dich.Wer sich die Zeit nimmt, die Fragen zu beantworten, hebt seine Motivation,sein Wissen und die Umsetzung aufs nchste Level!Mssen die Workouts in 28 Tagen gemacht werden?NEIN! Die Workouts lassen sich zwar als Challenge absolvieren,aber auch einzeln als Inspiration fr dein Training nutzen, dann, wann du willst.>>> Das hier ist die Kombination aus ONLINE-KURS & PDF-BUCH <<<"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"In der Reihe ""Entspannungsbungen fr jeden Tag"" findest du Entspannungsbungen, Atembungen, Meditationen und beruhigende Gedanken.Alle bungen dauern nicht lnger als 5 - 10 Minuten und sind (fast) berall machbar.Lerne kennen, welche bungen dir gut tun und mit welchen du dich besonders gut entspannen kannst.Dies ist kein theoretischer Kurs, der dir Entspannungsmethoden nur erklrt. Nein, dieser Kurs ist Praxis - ich leite dich direkt an, um die bungen wirklich durchzufhren und die positiven Effekte selbst zu spren."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"WERTEFINDER - Passe dein Leben an deine Persnlichkeit an!" |
"Deine Werte zu kennen, verndert dein Leben! Beschftige dich sowohl mit dem Videoals auch besonders mit den bungen besonders intensiv und ber mehrere Tage, umwirklich bei deinen Werten anzukommen.Deine Werte sind die Basis fr dein Handeln. Sie leiten dich in deinenEntscheidungen. Egal ob persnlich oder beruflich, deine Werte sind dasFundament fr deinen Erfolg, weil sie einen groen Anteil daran haben, ob dudie richtigen Entscheidungen fr deine Ziele triffst.Ganz generell sind Werte so etwas wie Frieden, Freiheit, Verbundenheit, Liebe,Natrlichkeit, Authentizitt, Wachstum, Sinnhaftigkeit, Neugier, Entwicklung,Harmonie, ...Im Kurs erfhrst du:was Werte sind und wie sie dein Leben gravierend beeinflussenwarum es Aversionswerte gibt und du manche Situationen vermeidestwarum Konflikte zwischen deinen Zielen und deinen Werten zu groer Unzufriedenheit fhrenwas passiert, wenn du entgegen deiner Werte lebstwarum Werte Sinn stiftenwie du deine Werte herausfindestund deine Ziele bzw. dein Leben damit in Einklang bringstFinde deine Werte, entdecke deine Persnlichkeit und den verbundenen Lebensweg. So kannst du wirklich authentisch leben!Deine RebekkaWeiteres:Wenn du Fragen hast, hinterlasse bitte einen Kommentar! Gerade nach den Coaching-bungen, melde dich, um deine Werte mit mir zu teilen!Zum Kurs gehrt neben den Videos ein ausfhrliches PDF mit allen Informationen und bungsaufgaben."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Como se tornar influente em um ambiente de negcios?" |
"Aps este curso voc est apto a se relacionar com qualquer pessoa em um ambiente de negcios. Aqui voc vai:Conseguir expressar suas ideias com muito mais segurana e domnio das suas emoesCriar diferentes estratgias de captar a ateno das pessoas com quem voc quer fazer negcioConseguir criar um estilo prprio que vender muito mais voc, a sua marca e o seu produtoGanhar simpatia e credibilidade das outras pessoas de uma forma muito naturalFalar de maneira descontrada e confianteAprender a forma certa de levantar as informaes dos seus clientes antes mesmo de se encontrar com elesCriar uma linha de raciocnio lgico que vai te ajudar a vender qualquer produto e qualquer idiaAprender exatamente como quebrar o gelo e derrubar a barreira do silncio com qualquer pessoaConhecer os principais perfis das pessoas e a maneira certa de se comunicar com cada uma delasSaber a diferena entre um relacionamento ganha-ganha e ganha-perde e quando usar cada uma dessas tcnicasDescobrir e dominar as 3 regras de ouro de um bom relacionamentoSaber como lidar com pessoas que tm opinies contrrias s suasIsso te ajudar a criar uma comunicao persuasiva, dominar os pilares que geram confiana e credibilidade, aprender como impactar e gerar emoo que fazem as pessoas se conectar com voc, dominar os segredos que existem por trs de qualquer relacionamento que visa a conexo com credibilidade e a saber exatamente o que tem na mente das pessoas com quem voc quer se conectar.E isso significa que...Mesmo que voc j tenha, domnio para se relacionar com outras pessoas, ou feito diversos treinamentos de relacionamento interpessoal, testado vrias dicas para aprender a se relacionar e expressar suas ideias em ambientes de negcio, comprado livros sobre comunicao e relacionamento, feito cursos de oratria, esse curso te ensina uma maneira revolucionria para se conectar com as pessoas, aumentar o seu ciclo de influncia, fazer negcios e dobrar seus lucros.Ele te d a possibilidade de ser uma pessoa mais persuasiva. um verdadeiro guia para quem quer se comunicar e se relacionar com segurana em ambientes de negcios.Aqui est tudo que voc precisa para conquistar credibilidade na hora de fazer negcios em feiras de eventos, ambientes de network, cafs, encontros comerciais, reunies executivas, visita a clientes...No verdade que tudo fica muito mais fcil quando voc aprende a criar conexo com a outra pessoa?E nesse curso voc vai descobrir quais os principais conceitos que so levados em conta na hora de conquistar influncia e persuaso em um ambiente de negcios, usado por executivos, influencers, comunicadores e pessoas de negcio que trabalham para aumentar seus ciclos de relacionamento.Nesse curso voc vai perceber que existe uma linha lgica na hora se se comunicar com algum e que isso pode te levar para o prximo nvel, se voc souber utilizar estas ferramentas da forma certa. Voc vai conhecer o caminho mais seguro para se ganhar credibilidade em qualquer evento, mesmo que voc j tenha habilidades um grande comunicador.Logo:- Se voc quer aumentar os resultados do seu negcio por meio do relacionamento, voc precisa aprender a usar as tcnicas certas.- Se voc quer demonstrar segurana para se comunicar ou criar conexes com outras pessoas, voc precisa usar um mtodo que te auxilie com isso.- Se voc quer vencer o bloqueio na hora de quebrar a barreira do silncio, voc precisa conhecer a fundo as estratgias de relacionamento e comunicao e esse curso vai fazer exatamente isso.Saiba que para elevar o nvel do seu relacionamento voc precisa ter uma comunicao eficaz, e o mtodo aplicado nesse curso faz exatamente isso sem segredo algum, basta seguir os passos.Ento clique agora no boto de comprar e veja com seus prprios olhos todo material prtico que preparamos aqui para voc."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"O que seu Cliente quer ouvir antes de comprar de voc?" |
"O mundo mudou, e junto a ele a forma como nos relacionamos tambm mudou. Hoje as interaes so mais rpidas e objetivas. O celular quase uma extenso do nosso corpo e isso faz com que tenhamos pessoas mais antenadas em tudo o que est ocorrendo a sua volta. A competitividade crescente no mercado faz com que precisemos nos reinventar nos produtos e servios prestados, na escuta emptica, no atendimento humanizado, para continuarmos com um fator crucial e perene no nosso negcio, o diferencial competitivo pautado no valor, naquilo que na essncia estamos l para resolver para o nosso Cliente, e no termos um diferencial pautado no preo que altamente replicvel, pouco rentvel e insustentvel ao longo do tempo. Fora que a quantidade ao acesso a informao fez com que nossa ateno plena diminua. Ou somos assertivos na comunicao e na necessidade e dor do Cliente, ou perdemos sua ateno e, por consequncia, a venda. E dentro disso o relacionamento fundamental. Desenvolver sua autoridade, se vendendo como especialista no que faz, estar presente constantemente para o que o Cliente precisar, se preocupar com ele muito aps a venda, e no s com o negcio em questo em si, mas principalmente com sua vida, com seus objetivos, crescendo e desenvolvendo juntos. assim que construmos embaixadores, promotores voluntrios do nosso negcio que nos recomendam e nos endossam, facilitando essa jornada de vendas.Nesse mundo totalmente conectado, como no perdermos a essncia humana da criao dos vnculos de conexo? importante lembrar sempre do aspecto crucial que separa os profissionais de talento daqueles que se perdem ao longo da jornada. A tecnologia e os seus efeitos servem para nos ajudar a nos relacionarmos com nosso Cliente, mas no final do dia, o Cliente permanece com suas dores e necessidades que, o ato de voc estar l, genuinamente interessado em ajud-lo, o que ir ser o diferencial.Justamente por isso o profissional de vendas moderno aquele que utiliza a tecnologia ao seu favor e, com suas tcnicas de venda j apuradas, desenvolve um profundo relacionamento humano com a pessoa.Logo, que gatilhos utilizar na primeira abordagem, em que momento, quais as melhores prticas, tcnicas e que passo a passo seguir para construir uma apresentao 1 a 1 humanizada e processual, fazendo com que fique muito mais fcil controlar seu processo de vendas e, por consequncia, fechar seu negcio. Esse um mtodo aprovado por empresas de renome e compartilho aqui com voc para que saiba o que fazer do momento em que voc se apresenta no Cliente at o momento de voc ir para a parte do fechamento.Vamos em frente!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Veilig omgaan met je technologie" |
"Deze cursus loopt al in verschillende bedrijven, waar ze aan personeelsleden gegeven wordt zodat zij veiliger omgaan met hun PC en telefoon op het werk en thuis. Nu vind je 'm eindelijk ook hier. Zowel kenners als leken zullen baat hebben bij de informatie die gedeeld wordt. De cursus kwam tot stand in nauwe samenwerking met een ethische hacker met wie de auteur ook seminars en infoavonden geeft. Er bestaat ook een boekje van. Dit is de Nederlandstalige reeks. De webinars zijn ook beschikbaar in het Frans en Engels"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Have you been hacked?" |
"Both professional and private computer, smartphone and tablet users run high risks every time they switch on their devices. Hackers know how to exploit the weak points in our systems and most of all in our minds. You can increase security by installing software and hardware protection. The weakest shackle, however, is the user. You can only protect yourself by knowing what to do and what better not to do. This course has been successfully delivered multiple times in class room format and is now also available in e-format. Enjoy!This course is also available in Dutch and French."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The 2-Step Leash Training System" |
"There I was, a frustrated dog owner trying to just keep my dog from dragging me down the street every time I took him out. Or restraining him every time he saw another dog.The thing is, at the time no training seemed to work.The big problem was that I had spent a lot of time and money on training, collars, harnesses, and I was bleeding cash. I realized I had to start teaching this dog how to walk or things were about to get even worse, if I didn't fix this I was going to have to stop walking him and leave him at home every time I went out. That broke my heart.Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...I realized the key to my success was that I had to find out how others like Hollywood Movie producers were able to teach their dogs so quickly, I was sure they didnt have all the time in the world to make a movie!Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to use the same specific training that had worked on movie dogs and 20,000 other dogs. I saw I could just use the same little-known and little-used techniques to immediately train my dog to heel, sit, and come when called.My plan was to start by teaching him to walk tightly by my side when I told him to heel.So I started there and in 2 days he stopped pulling on that leash. Took me less than 20 minutes both times. But I didnt stop there.I then taught him to immediately sit without hesitation in just one day.After that, I started teaching him to stay and come when called(recall). Took me just another few days.Building on that success, I decided to get really good at dog training... to become the ultimate student of what worked and what didn't. NOT just so I could be a good trainer for my dogs... but because I knew that my ultimate dream as a dog owner, to be able to spend more time with my dogs, taking them everywhere with me and making them happier, was based NOT on my ability to spend money on training, but my ability to TRAIN them QUICKLY.I call this The 2-Step Leash Training System.With The 2-Step Leash Training System I can now go anywhere with my dog without him reacting to other dogs and pulling violently on the leash. People look at us and tell me what a well trained dog you have. My dog also seems happier and more in love with me because he gets out more.And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python from Zero To Hero" |
"Learn and keep yourself updated with the all new programming language - the python.This course makes you aware about the new features and concepts about python. It further provides you wide insight about Python and deals with important concepts at the basic and intermediate level in the process of learning Python.The tutorial also contains an explanation of various logical operators. It also talks aboutThe python conceptual hierarchyPython's core data typeStringsOther ways to code stringsComprehensionBounds CheckingDictionariesSorting keys: For loop and many such things.It helps you get complete knowledge of all the aspects and concepts of python conditions. It offers you everything you need to know about basic python at one place that to combined in a proper and a well ordered form.Our python course is designed keeping in mind the beginners and the intermediate level learners. This course is a perfect blend of information and inter-activeness. This course is made to cover different concepts in a single frame for the ease of programmers. This course is also helpful for people willing to keep themselves updated with the fast changing technologies.Your doubts are most welcomed. Your genuine response is key to our better teaching.Enroll now and witness the programming world becoming simpler with Python."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python A-Z ; the Modern Approach" |
"Welcome to the basic course of python-the future of programming language.If you are willing to make a name in the programming world outside, or you want to progress further in machine learning and artificial intelligence or you want to code intelligently, moreover smartly then this is the just perfect course for you.The fact that Python is becoming the worlds most popular language- it has become an on-demand language in the IT sector. This is merely because of its built-in indentations and many such amazing features.This course of Python aims at making a firm base for your adventurous ride in this language. The basics covered in this course are as follows:Binary Bytes FilesOther core typesHow to break your code flexibilityNumeric LiteralsNumbers in ActionComparisons: Normal and ChainedInteger precisionOther built in numeric toolsAnd at last we have a summary section for helping the learner revise all the studied concepts without missing anything.This course helps the learner develop projects much faster from writing codes from scratch and extremely basic approach to build complex concepts. It further makes you realize about the enormous opportunities for python developers.being the heart of any project of machine learning and AI, this python course will help you understand and have a firm grip from starting towards the concepts used in these sectors of technology.This course has been structured in such a way that the methodology balances the beginners as well as the intermediate web developers. Being a newbie helps you to know the broad concepts in depth. For intermediate web developers it helps you by pinpointing extremely missed small but essential concepts.Enroll now and start learning with us"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Learn dynamic programming using Python." |
"Learn dynamic programming using Python-the world class in-demand language.This course provides you with a thorough knowledge of new aspects of smart programming using new and interactive features of Python and its libraries. This course provides you wide insight of the knowledge related to machine learning and AI.Here in this tutorial you will start from scratch and slowly and steadily learn to build the base for further concepts of Python. Some concepts covered are :String FundamentalsString basicsEscape sequences represent special charactersIndexing and slicingString methodsStrings: the advanced conceptsString formatting method callsAdding keys, attributes and offsetsAnd at last we have a summary section for helping the learner revise all the studied concepts without missing anything.It will help you make a strong base on the building projects. This course on Python will help you develop amazing, interactive and attractive technologies. This python course will help you understand and have a firm grip from starting towards the concepts used in these sectors of technology.Our course basically targets both the Beginners and Intermediates. It will be greatly helpful to aspiring coders to enroll in banks and companies which demand knowledge of latest technologies. Further this is highly informative as you will get the answers to your complex doubts through our easy explanation.Enroll Now .. And be the part of this trendy language."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |