Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Python Course to get your programming career gain wings." |
"You can start or boost your career as a programmer today by learning Python . For this you dont need highly qualified degrees , all you need is a computer, python notebook or compiler ,internet connection and some very basic concepts of Python to start with.Welcome to our specific course in Python get your programming career gain wings.This course does not require any pre knowledge in any field of Python. The courses presentation is highly concise but up to the mark in terms of learning and exposure.Our course will make you handy with the concepts of statements, operators, operand, expressions. Some operators discussed are modulus and string operations.This course will surely help you with every bit of programming things ranging from making projects in HTML in schools and universities to making high level interactive and attractive users technologies.This course has been structured in such a way that the methodology balances the beginners as well as the intermediate web developers. Being a newbie it helps you to know the Python thing.For intermediate web developers it helps you to create our own interactive features using python.Enroll Now for complete and thorough understanding of Python.."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Python: Deep Learning and Machine Learning -All at one place" |
"Dont worry! You are on the right track. Python is known for its user-friendliness and efficiency. It is a general purpose programming language ideal for data mining and big data facilitation. It is easy to use and read. This course will offer you and intense and vast knowledge in python programming. This course covers a huge number of topics in a short span of time with proper explanations and relevant examples to give an efficient understanding to the students. The main motive of this course is to give ample knowledge on python programming. This is a beginner-friendly course in which all concepts are taught in a way that even a child can understand.Programmers are made, they are not born! This course makes python programmers. At the end of the course the student can develop their own prototypes. Since the learning curve of python is far smoother than other programming languages, the efficiency of the learner is high. Once you finish learning python, youll be the most wanted person in all IT companies. The huge number of jobs in machine learning and data analytics space is drawing such huge demand for python programmers.Learn python and get higher pay scale when compared to other developers. Learn python like a professional and go in an incremental way to create your own applications and websites. All the best to all the to-be python programmers!Enroll now and start learning."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"ECMAScript 6: Update your knowledge of Javascript with ES6" |
"** MORE THAN 8 HOURS OF COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING ON ECMASCRIPT 6 **Want to update your knowledge of JavaScript to meet emerging web application development Trends?If you do, then this is the perfect course for you. In this tutorial you will learn to perfect ECMAscript6 syntax that will help you to create amazing web applications and meet the demand for modern web framework. The latest version of JavaScript comes with more beautiful syntax and more features. Some of the features of this course are as follows:let declarationsThe temporal dead zoneConstant declaration in loopsStrings and regular expressionsBetter unicode supportThe regular expression flagThe repeat() methodDuplicating regular expression and many other.This course teaches you to code faster, safer and more efficiently through ECMAscript6. It will also teach you how it differs from the older versions and how to use these new updates to accelerate web application development. These new features make it easy to code and powerful.The aim of this tutorial is to explain and convey to the user, the overall working of ES6 and its implementation.This course is open to beginners as well as learners of the intermediate level. This course isspecially for those who want to gain comprehensive knowledge of ECMAscript6 and its application on web development.This course will enable you to learn all the concepts required to learn ECMAscript6 ranging from basic coding to advanced level coding. Since JavaScript is widely used knowledge of ECMAscipt6 will look extremely attractive on your resume to hiring companies.Enroll now and enjoy its essence."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"ES6 : Zero to Hero in ECMAScript 6 Javascript" |
"JavaScript is undoubtedly one of the most popular programming languages in the world.It is used almost everywhere from large scale web application to mobile and IoT devices. ECMAScript 6, or ES6, has brought about a ton of changes to the JavaScript programming language. This course will help you dive into the latest changes made to the JavaScript programming language with ES6. Youll learn new syntax for declaring variables and constants, use template literals for easier string interpolation. Or if you are still not familiar with it or are still wondering what the difference is between ECMAScript and JavaScript, its the update that occurs in 2015 and subsequent years. This course is designed in such a way that you will be able to learn all the concepts in the shortest time possible evidently becoming the best one among your fellow friends.The web is constantly changing and with JavaScript as the most popular programming Language for both front-end and back-end web development, its important to keep up with the latest advances and improvements in the language.This course is best for all those who have basic knowledge of it and want to learn more. It is designed in such a way that all your doubts will be cleared and with the help of videos you can learn it anytime and anywhere without any time restrictions. This course will help you to learn all the concepts that you may be missing by chance. This language is no longer considered a script or some addition to other languages, but a full pledge programming language that is easy to code and powerful. At the end of this course students will be able to understand more functions and platforms which uses ES6.Enroll now and start learning"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Learn ES6 : The Modern Approach of Javascript" |
"JavaScript is undoubtedly one of the most popular programming languages in the world.It is used almost everywhere from large scale web application to mobile and IoT devices. ECMScript 6, or ES6, has brought about a ton of changes to the JavaScript programming language. This course will help you dive into the latest changes made to the JavaScript programming language with ES6. Youll learn new syntax for declaring variables and constants, use template literals for easier string interpolation.This course is designed in such a way that you will be able to learn all the concepts in the shortest time possible evidently becoming the best one among all. Some of the features of this course are as follows:Easy property access with super referencesOwn property enumeration orderWorking with accessor propertiesNew methodsCompleted property namesIdentifying arrow functionsSummaryThis course is best for all those who have basic knowledge of it and want to learn more. It is designed in such a way that all your doubts will be cleared and with the help of videos you can learn it anytime and anywhere without any time restrictions. This course will help you to learn all the concepts that you may be missing by chance. This language is no longer considered a script or some addition to other languages, but a full fledged programming language that is easy to code and powerful. At the end of this course students will be able to understand all the concepts inside out of ES6.Enroll now and see for yourself!"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"ECMAScript 6: Learn the most efficient way out in Javascript" |
"Want to learn an effective way to carry out simple ES6 procedures? Want to see your peers appreciate you for something you thought youd do someday?Youre at the right place this course provides you with tutorial on ES6 which will not only teach you about the topic, but will also clear all your doubts! Our academic team has developed the course in such a way that youll be able to learn everything in the shortest span of time thus saving time, the most important asset! This course describes all the concepts be it complex or simple in a very comfortable way. Though these videos consume less minutes, the teachers primary focus is to explain the concept in-depth to the viewer.This course will teach you a lot of things, some of which include:Simulating default parameter values in ECMAScript 5FunctionsDefault parameter values in ES 6Default parameter value temporal dead zoneWorking with unnamed parametersUnnamed parameters in ES 5Increased capabilities of the function constructor and many othersThough this course is well-suited for any enthusiast whether a newbie or an old learner, it is mainly directed towards people with a basic understanding of JavaScript syn-taxes. As the demand in todays world has increased rapidly, it is fit for someone who sees himself in this field in the near future to learn from this course. Therefore, you could not just get ahead, but also become one of the topmost personalities in this field!Enroll now and experience for yourself"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Heal Your Emotions to Heal Your Body" |
"This course teaches you how to heal your emotional stress to heal your chronic health issues! The techniques in this course are founded in Mindfulness and letting go. Muscle-testing and stress reduction studies both show that when you process repressed emotional trauma in the body, you release the stress that is contributing to an over-active and stressed out nervous system and in turn, bowel system. The creator and Teacher of this course has healed chronic bowel and immune system issues over time, through healing the emotional trauma associated with abuse, dissociative personality disorder and codependency. When we become more validating and non-resistant to our life experiences, we ""digest"" life better and it shows in the flow of our health. After trying various healing arts and therapies, this courses encompasses the very important technique you need to learn to begin processing your emotions and digesting life experiences within your body, to promote more flow for your health and life. This de-program works on ""de-programming"" the programming and conditioning in your life that has been stressful. When we deprogram, we return to a ""clean slate"" within our body and attract new and healthier experiences in life. The following course content will guide you how to heal, allow and let go of what no longer serves you!Unique Built-in Brain-Wave Emotional Processing Guided MeditationsGuided Instruction Videos on Mind-body Connection and Emotional ProcessingBooks Showing You Protocols and Processes On How to Heal From The Inside OutThroughout your life, you have not processed your emotional trauma and stress. This is dormant and lingering in your nervous and gastro system, making your body operate on constant stress!These specific meditations assist you in the process of resolving stuck emotional stress in the body, how to open it up, how to feel through it and release it.These meditations have brain-wave (delta and theta) technology to enter your subconscious brain waves and relaxing sounds to assist in the healing process.Made by Tracey herself, she used this exact healing process to go through and heal herself from the inside out.Learn:1) How to open resistance2) How to allow emotions3) How to open up the heart energy, express and release4) How to process what you are afraid of5) How to process resentment6) How to accept difficult emotion7) How to do a miracle prayerUnique and authentic, these meditations cannot be found anywhere else on the web or the world.Begin processing your emotional trauma and stress out of your body. Let go of what ails you.Guided Instruction VideosLearn:Mind-body Connection and Emotional Processing to release the resistance and stress that ails you!1) How to get into the body & breathe2) How to use the allowing approach +3) What is resistance in the body4) How to do body mindfulness5) How to let go of emotion6) How to heal anger7) How to validate and express emotion8) How to heal and process diarrhea9) How to heal and process constipation10) How to do the allowing demonstration11) How to emotionally heal eczema/candida12) How to emotionally heal eczema/candida"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Grow Your Instagram For Business Owners and Bloggers" |
"This is an A-Z course that covers everything you need to know to have a successful business Instagram account [even if you're a total newbie]. You'll learn how to curate an engaging, high quality Instagram feed, how to use Instagram stories for maximum audience engagement, different ways to monetize Instagram [by selling your own products or working with brands], the art of sponsored posts, basic lifestyle photography, photo editing to make even your phone photos look more professional, and secret Instagram strategies and engagement hacks to grow your business and create a devoted, loyal following. This course will teach you the skills you need to successfully grow your small business or blog with Instagram and finally see that growth you've been waiting for. What you'll learn:Instagram growthInstagram storiesInstagram engagement tricks and tipsGrow your followingIncrease sales for your businessIncrease eyes on your content"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The complete guide to design communication" |
"Look on any job posting for any User Experience (UX) position, and you'll see ""Communicate"", ""Collaborate"" or ""Present"" as part of the description.Communication is a vital part of UX, whether it's interviewing stakeholders, getting them to approve your designs, or even getting hired as a UX designer. But design communication is a skill that is different from every day conversations: you may be the newest member of a team, trying to convince people who have worked with a tool for 20 years that it needs to be changed. So how do you communicate as a designer?In this course, I'll teach you the best practices for design communication, in design, research, and even interviewing. I'll go over opportunities where you will be asked to communicate, including interviews, workshops, and meetings. I will then end with how you can leverage design communication to get a job as a UX professional. I hope you'll join me in learning how to communicate your designs."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress: Aprende Hoy a crear tu web sin saber programar" |
"Este es un curso bsico para utilizar Wordpress, de donde las herramientas que se explican pueden ser suficiente para no tener que aprender mas nada y poder construir una web desde cero con una calidad muy avanzada y profesional con las mejores practicas de hoy en da y utilizando las mejores herramientas.Adems mostramos varios consejos y atajos para realizar muchas cosas que lucen imposible de hacer, pero lo cual con este curso podrs hacerlas muy fcilmente. Al final podrs crear cualquier tipo de website o webapp con Wordpress: Un Blog, Una Tienda Online, Una web Corporativa etc.. Extendemos Wordpress al mximo con el uso de los plugins mas famosos y tiles, lo cual son el verdadero corazn de Wordpress, y hacen de esta plataforma la ms completa para la realizacin de aplicaciones y proyectos en la web. Por Otro lado, tambin mostramos las diferentes maneras sencillas de lograr lucir tu web muy moderna, hbil para celulares y profesional, de lo cual el estudiante al finalizar el curso, probablemente se sorprenda bastante de haber realizado muchas de estas cosas, lo cual puede aparentar que requieren la contratacin de un programador o un diseador en el caso de la parte visual.Por ltimo, enseamos las diferentes formas de como publicar tu web una vez este lista para ser vista por todo el mundo y mostramos adems como lograr protegerla de ataques de seguridad, como hacer que sea rpida, como migrar y hacer backups y como trabajar con los proveedores de alojamiento Web.Entendemos que es un curso muy completo para iniciar una carrera como desarrollador web, ya que a pesar de que no se ensea realmente a programar, pues es el mejor primer paso para comprender el funcionamiento y flujo de una pgina web y los ingredientes que la componen: Programas, lenguajes, proveedores de servicio, Dominios etc..Un identificador de la metodologa de enseanza que tratamos de adaptar en este curso es la siguiente:Mostrar como se pueden hacer las cosas automticamente en Wordpress para poder desarrollar todo mas rpidoRetroceder y revisar desde cero como se hara sin automatizacin para hacer ver como se llego al resultado Al final, lo primero que debe entender cualquier persona interesada en aprender Wordpress desde cero es que esta plataforma tiene casi 20 aos de existencia y que existen tantas funcionalidades adicionales y tantos desarrolladores (la comunidad es enorme) hoy en da que te ayudan a desarrollar mas fcil tu web, de donde nosotros exponemos el uso de muchas de estas herramientas, pero a la vez hacemos digamos un retroceso con una explicacin de como se hubiera hecho sin la ayuda que obtuvimos, debido a que esto hace que el estudiante realmente aprenda a trabajar con la plataforma de mltiples maneras, lo cual es tpico en Wordpress, dependiendo la necesidad que tengas.La idea tambin con este curso es ensear al estudiante a buscar la forma ms rpida, efectiva y profesional de cmo cubrir una necesidad.Cuando tienes algn reto construyendo tu web, el 99% de las veces hay una o varias soluciones para resolverlo. En este curso nosotros nos enfocamos en tratar de crearle la mentalidad al estudiante de ""No inventar la rueda"", sino de buscar las mejores soluciones que ya existen.Proceso de Aprendizaje El proceso de aprendizaje de este curso lo hemos dividido en estos pasos:Configurar el ambiente de trabajoMostrar como se publica el contenidoMostrar el uso de Temas (esto va relacionado al diseo de la web)Ensear a trabajar con plugins (funcionalidades adicionales) esenciales y avanzadas Listar y ensear los pasos y las diferentes maneras de publicar tu nueva web Con estos pasos tendrs ya todo lo necesario para convertirte en un desarrollador web!No pierdas ms tiempo! inscrbete hoy e inicia la aventura!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Excel do bsico ao avanado" |
"Este curso foi pensado e desenvolvido para leigos e tambm para quem j usa o software em seu cotidiano, mas compreende que saber ainda mais sobre ele extremamente importncia para se diferenciar no mercado.O objetivo desse curso fazer com que os alunos tenham uma base forte para, com o decorrer do curso dominar o Excel. Afinal de contas, at o mais sbio j passou pela etapa de conhecimentos bsicos. Ao adquirir esse curso, voc est dando o primeiro passo para se tornar um expert no assunto.Ns iremos trabalhar com exemplos totalmente reais, desde uma simples frmula de somar at a gravao de macros. Mas no se assuste! Se voc ainda est achando isso tudo muito estranho, calma, no nenhum bicho de sete cabeas."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Bible Magnificent: A Journey to Jesus" |
"This course is designed to help you visualize Bible stories and Jesus' parables from creation to Jesus. Jesus' parables are stories that apply to us over 2000 years later. Learning about Christ and His teachings throughout the New Testament can help guide us in our day to day lives and experiences. We will also be traveling through the end times according the Biblical scriptures."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Developing a China Business Strategy" |
"More and more businesses worldwide are looking to capitalise on the growth in Chinese tourism, international students and the 900 million online Chinese shoppers.Set your business apart by developing the cultural awareness, knowledge and skills that businesses need to implement a successful Chinese customer strategy and provide an exceptional service to Chinese customers.Completing the Chinese Customer Success program grants entry to the Chinese Customer Professional Organisation, which offers continued professional development and education to continually improve Chinese Customer Success.All learners receive an additional Resource: Chinese Customer Success Learners Guide (118-page download book)."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"D180 Formula - A Natural Approach to Diabetes Management" |
"This course is aimed at people with pre-diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, or their carers, who wish to take a natural holistic approach to the management of their diabetes. The focus of the course is to examine how elements of our lifestylesuch as nutrition; exercise; work/leisure ratio; and sleepimpacts on diabetes, and give methods on how to achieve balance within these lifestyle habits in order to better manage the disease. The importance of making changes safely is stressed; common myths are debunked; and the role of some popular diets and nutritional supplementation are discussed. The student is guided to set goals; develop strategies to achieve them; and how to stay motivated and overcome the barriers to success. As a bonus, students are also encouraged to connect with others through our Facebook community to share experiences; ask questions; and give each other support both throughout the course and beyond. A certificate of achievement is available upon successful completion of a short knowledge quiz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Just cook it online kochen lernen!" |
"Dieser Online-Kurs basiert auf einzelnen Modulen mit jeweils mehreren Lektionen pro Modul. Von Warenkunde und Kochtechniken bis hin zu tollen Grundrezepten zum Mitkochen wir fhren dich Schritt fr Schritt, und in deinem individuellen Tempo, zu deinem Ziel! Jede Lektion beinhaltet ein Lehrvideo (manchmal auch mal zwei oder drei) und eine Zusammenfassung des Videos als PDF zum Download. Mit ber 160 Seiten Tipps und Rezepten hast du am Ende des Kurses sogar dein eigenes Kochbuch!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"SASL 101: South African Sign Language for beginners" |
"SASL 101 is a level one South African Sign Language course that is designed for students who wish to learn the basics of communication in Sign Language. This course covers topics such as the alphabet/fingerspelling, food, colors, activities, places as well as talking about one's family, identity and much more. By the end of this course, students will be able to talk about themselves, their surroundings and construct clear and concise sentences in South African Sign Language."
Price: 350.00 ![]() |
"Esbelta figura con slo 10 minutos al da" |
"En este curso estn concentrados, ""sin agua"", muchos ejercicios efectivos y prcticos. En poco tiempo podrs adelgazar 1-3 kilos, conseguir el cuerpo ms firme, fuerte y tonificado. El secreto esta en la constancia. Hay que hacer las clases todos los das. Estos ejercicios, organizados en un sistema, que da buensimos resultados, no se puede encontrar en Youtube. Son recopilados de 20 aos de m experiencia como profesora de gimnasia, fitness y body ballet para nios y adultos. Este curso es ideal para todos: a quien le gustara mantenerse activo y en forma de una manera sencilla y divertida. Para las personas, quienes pasan mucho tiempo en la oficina delante de un ordenador, les ayudar mejora su postura corporal. Para las recientes mamas les ayudar recuperarse pronto del parto. Para las personas, quienes tienen poco tiempo libre. Despus de hacer un mes del curso completo notar los msculos ms fuertes, todo el cuerpo mucho ms tonificado, esbelto, la cintura ms plana y marcada. Con esos 10 minutos al da podr tambin quitar el cansancio y llenarse de energa. La msica clsica le ayudar a relajarse. El curso consiste de 6 clases. Primera clase es el calentamiento. Segunda, tercera, cuarta y quinta clases son 5-7 minutos de los estiramientos y ejercicios especiales. La sexta clase es sorpresa por cumplir todo el programa. El sistema de este curso es as:Primera semana ( 5-7 das) hacer el la clase 1+la clase 2Segunda semana: la clase 1+ la clase 3Tercera semana: la clase 1+ la clase 4Cuarta semana: la clase 1+ la clase 5Quinta semana: todas las clases seguidasSexta semana: bono-sorpresa de primeros pasos de ballet para todos. Este curso le permite con slo unos 10 o mximo 30 minutos al da estar en perfecta forma fsica! Estos ejercicios y estiramientos se puede hacer prcticamente en cualquier lugar : en casa, en la playa, en el jardn..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Body ballet : cuerpo como de una bailarina." |
" Este curso es una divertida iniciacin en el body ballet para todos. Durante el curso aprenders las posiciones de pies y brazos, los primeros pasos bsicos de ballet para buena figura, pequeos saltos, estiramientos. Todo eso te va ayudar a mejorar la flexibilidad, coordinacin, resistencia. Los msculos de todo el cuerpo sern ms fuerte, tonificados y esbeltos. Al final de este curso podrs bailar un baile famoso del repertorio de ballet clsico y disfrutars de los pasos y bonita msica. Para hacer los ejercicios de este curso necesitars solo un pequeo espacio, una silla para apoyar en algunas ocasiones y esterilla para hacer los ejercicios en el suelo. Estas clases puede hacer la persona de cualquier nivel y edad, sin problemas graves de salud, y tambin los nios a partir de los 5 aos. El curso consiste de 9 clases. Cada clase dura unos 3-5 minutos. Yo recomiendo empezar desde primera clase y segn las posibilidades y el tiempo disponible hacer una clase despus de la otra. Para las personas, quien nunca ha hecho el ballet, recomiendo empezar a hacer las tres primeras clases seguidas, y luego cada da aadir una clase ms. Para las personas con nivel intermedio o avanzado de ballet recomiendo hacer la clase entera, son unos 37 minutos. Es una clase muy completa de ballet. Y repetir esta misma clase durante 1- 4 semanas, dependiendo del nivel y de como os salen los pasos. Es muy probable, que tengas las agujetas durante el curso. No preocupes, es algo muy normal y bueno, significa que vuestros msculos se hacen ms fuertes. Intenten hacer todos los ejercicios de una manera suave, no brusca. Si hay alguna duda o dificultad se puede ponerse en contacto conmigo por el correo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guapa y esbelta en vacaciones" |
"Este curso es para todos a quien le encanta el ballet, la msica clsica, quien quiere hacer ejercicios bsicos en las fiestas de Navidad y as estar en perfecta forma fsica, lleno/a de energa, vitalidad y buen animo. Consiste de 10 clases con la duracin aproximada entre 2 y 4 minutos cada una. Se puede hacer una detrs de otra cada da durante 2 semanas o tanto tiempo que le apetezca. De esa manera con una media hora al da ( preferiblemente por las maanas) mantendrs los msculos tonificados y fuertes. Es una manera muy fcil y divertida para no perder los resultados del entrenamiento en poca de las vacaciones. Tambin es muy original y relajante. No necesitas ninguna preparacin previa. Slo poner la ropa deportiva, tener una silla para apoyar a lado y tener preparada una esterilla en el suelo para los estiramientos; encender el vdeo y seguir los pasos.Los ejercicios y estiramientos vendrn bien tanto a los principiantes cmo a los alumnos del nivel intermedio y avanzado. Es porque el mismo movimiento se puede hacer con distinta amplitud. Recomiendo hacer las clases seguidas, una detrs de otra. Tambin es buena opcin hacer una clase cada maana o tarde. Si tienes cualquier duda, puedes ponerte en contacto conmigo a travs de un mensaje en la plataforma Udemy. Yo personalmente te ayudar a sacar el mximo beneficio de estos ejercicios y estiramientos.Estoy segura que este curso os encantar, es un regalo perfecto para todos los amantes de ballet! Alegra y bienestar asegurados."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
arjavaintro |
". . : -"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"TensorFlow 2.0: TensorFlow" |
"TensorFlow 2.0TensorFlow 2.011TensorFlow 2.0223456(SOTA)23-Q4TensorFlow Extended (TFX)8TensorFlow Data Validation9TensorFlow Transform10Flask PythonFashion API11TensorFlow ServingAPIAndroidiOSTensorFlow Lite12513TensorFlow 2.0GPU"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"14 days of Mindfulness" |
"Mindfulness and meditation is great way to help you relax, reduce stress and anxiety. Learn how to practice mindfulness within your day to day life. This course is designed for anyone who wants to improve their mental well-being or just wants a more peaceful and a present life. It will allow you to learn strategies that engage mind, body, and breath activities to reduce stress and promote health and wellness, learn mindfulness in under 20 minutes a day for 14 days. Equipping your with lots of different mindful tools to enable you to continue practicing for the rest of your life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Time Management: Step-by-Step" |
"Time management mastery is THE critical missing skill you MUST master to succeed in today's fast paced office environment.When it comes to your work and career do you:Constantly feel overwhelmed by all the expectations?Regularly miss deadlines?Dread going to work in the morning because of your workload?""Stop Being a Time Victim""It is time for you to stop being a ""time victim"" and how to take control of your own time and life. This is possible for everyone, even if you think everything is out of control right now.Here are just a few of the things you will learn in this program:How to work less and accomplish moreHow to get priorities completed every dayWays to break bad time habitsHow to outsource your repetitive work to free up time for prioritiesTechniques for saving thousands of dollars in expenses with the right tools, approaches and peopleHow to create more time every week for your family and passionsThis program is great for:EmployeesManagersEntrepreneursExecutivesNonprofit managersStudents (we have a special section for students)Others needing more time in their lifeWhat Is The Value Of This Program?When this Time Management course saves you just 1 hour per work day, that works out to 240 hours a year. So here is how much the course will save you depending on your salary:$20 per hour = $4,800/year ($400/month)$35 per hour = $ 8,400/year ($700/month)$50 per hour = $12,000 per year ($1,000/month)$75 per hour = $18,000 per year ($1,500/month)Many of our clients report we have saved them even more - UP TO 3 HOURS A DAY.But in truth, even just an extra hour a day is PRICELESS if you get to spend it with people you love or on moments that take your breath away."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Archicad 22 para Iniciantes" |
"Vc conhecer as principais ferramentas do Archicad 22 e ser capaz de fazer projetos incrveis, mesmo sendo esse curso para Iniciantes, e vc nunca teve contato com ele, mais achou interessante o Archicad 22, devido sua facilidade e praticidade na hora da modelagem do projeto. Ento esse curso ideal para vc que busca agilidade nos seus projetos e deseja migrar para esse Software poderoso."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Make Money by Sharing Your Skills on Airbnb Experiences" |
"Everyone knows Airbnb, but did you know that you can now make a substantial income without owning a home or even having a spare room?Airbnb Experience is a great opportunity to start a side business teaching your passion. What do you enjoy doing once you're done working?You can now make that your job by sharing your hobby or skills with others! Are you a yoga teacher? Meditation trainer? You love to cook?Wether you are already self-employed or just sick of your boring job, you can reach thousands of potential customers without a budget or marketing knowledge.In this course I will teach you the exact methods I used to get my experience in the top 10 of all Berlin activities."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"How to Write a Cover Letter" |
"If you're not submitting a cover letter with every job application, you're missing out on a huge opportunity to market yourself to a potential employer. You should include a cover letter with every job application you submit. A cover letter, if well-written, will make you memorable in the mind of a hiring manager and will potentially increase your chances of landing an interview!But, what if you're already submitting a cover letter and all you hear are crickets? It happens. Chances are, your cover letter lacks the extra ""something"" it needs to distinguish you from the other candidates (and dazzle your hiring manager!).Wouldn't it be nice to get noticed? Wouldn't it be nice to hear a ""yes"" instead of a ""no""? Goodness, wouldn't it be nice to get that new job you're hoping for! Of course it would! So let's make it happen by creating a compelling cover letter that will have hiring managers begging you for an interview.Your time is now.Here's what this course is going to teach you:Cover Letter OverviewWhat is a cover letter and why do you need one?The true purpose of a cover letterWhat to Know Before Writing Your Cover LetterPlanning your cover letterHow to write your cover letter using your ""voice""Incorporating the 3Ps into your cover letterWriter's block strategiesStart Your Cover LetterHow to start your cover letter the ""right"" wayBest practices for addressing your cover letter Structuring Your Cover LetterCover letter formattingHow to organize your cover letter and what to include in each paragraphThe most effective way to close your cover letterDownloadable cover letter templatesThis course also includes a downloadable workbook, jam-packed with activities to help you strategize your cover letter."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks Simulation Para ve Montaj Statik Analiz Eitimi" |
"Onur ALPAY, 2005 ylndan beridir Gemi naa, Otomotiv ve Askeri Projelerde Analiz ve Simlasyon tecrbelerini yeni balayanlar iin bu kursta sizlerle paylayor. Sektrde en az bilinen Sonlu Eleman Yapsal analizlerini bugn renmeye balayarak kendinize bir iyilik yapn.Teorik mhendislik bilgileri ve uygulama rnekleri ile balayan kurs, para baznda analizlerin ardndan montaj baznda analizler ile tamamlanyor.Onur ALPAY'n stanbul, zmir ve Konya'da profesyonellere verdii eitimlerden derlenmi bu kurs ile meslektalarnz arasnda bir ka adm ne geeceksiniz.Anlatm pekitirmek iin mikro eitim tekniklerine uygun olarak 15dk zerinde videolarn bulunmad kursta yksek kalite ses kaydnn yan sra hoca grnts de tm videolarda bulunarak renmeyi kolaylatrmaktadr."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks Simulation ile mr,Titreim ve Dinamik Analizler" |
"Sonlu eleman analizlerinde kolayl sebebi ile genellikle yklemeler statik olarak ele alnmaktadr. Ancak gnlk uygulamalarda ve sahada durum byle deildir. Hemen hemen tm ykleme durumlar bir dinamik uygulama iermektedir. Bu kurs yklerin statik olduu kabuln ortadan kaldrarak dinamik, titreim, rezonans ve mr durumlarn incelemektedir. blmden oluan kursta birici blmde tekrarl yklemeler sonucunda ortaya kacak mr (yorulma) hesaplar incelenmitir. kinci blmde dinamik analizlerin temeli ve ilk adm olan doal frekanslar ele ve son blmde ise dinamik yklemeler altnda yaplarn davranlar SolidWorks analizleri ile incelenmitir."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Alimentao segura: por onde comear?" |
"Pensado para atender s normas da Vigilncia sanitria e as boas prticas em servios e manipulao de alimentos em especial a RDC n. 216 da Anvisa.Confere ao aluno concluinte o certificado que o habilita a exercer plenamente suas atribuies de acordo com o que preconiza a RDC n. 216 da Anvisa."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Welcome to the Java Training assistance course!Java Examples and Terms in videos under 2 Minutes!If you are already learning Java this course will help practice some Java basics.Audio Reading of Multiple Choice Questions!Here you will find Simple Java Examples that you can practice. Gives you illustrations with cartoons and simple definitions to some of the Java Terms And Helps you test your Java knowledge with an audio reading of multiple choice questionsIf you are learning Java and can use help with examples to practice and training to help yourself become more confident along the way course is for you! Every video is separate and you can study them as you would like.This course will help you with your current Java studying and help you refine and increase your Java knowledge. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn 100 British English Idioms for English Conversation" |
"Idioms are an exceptional way to improve your English and they can help you to both sound like a native speaker but also understand them better, natives use idioms all the time when they just talk normally and often dont even realise it, this is why without them you are likely to find understanding natives speech difficult, even when you can understand all the words!In this course I will tell you 100 common idioms that are used in everyday speech by native British English speakers, I will then explain what the idiom means and then also how you can use it, or give an example of how I can be used. The course has been designed to last 1 month, the 100 idioms had been broken down into 20 sets of 5, this way over the period of a month you can learn one of the sets of 5 each day and complete the accompanying activity and also read about the origin, once you have seen all the idioms in the course its then time to go back and look again at the idioms that you learned in the month to make sure you have remembered them all, and then you will be able to use the practice assessment to check that you know them all."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |