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neweducationrevolution |
"The CLT1980The CLTcommunicative language teachingThe CEFRThe CEFRThe CEFR"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
teacherskillup |
"Navigator in SpeakingNavigator in SpeakingGrammar in ChunkingGrammar in ChunkingEnglish in Japanese (EIJ)CLILEIJ"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Come evangelizzare con potenza" |
"""Come evangelizzare con potenza"" un corso progettato con il proposito di addestrare i credenti a realizzare in maniera pratica il mandato che Ges ci ha lasciato: ""Andate in tutto il mondo e predicate il vangelo ad ogni creatura (Marco 16:15)Pi di una volta ci stato insegnato che queste parole di Ges non sono precisamente un invito, ma un ordine. In questo corso non imparerai soltanto a parlare alle persone di Ges e a farlo in maniera efficace ma imparerai anche a come farlo con Potenza. Il Vangelo infatti non si deve basare sulla Sapienza umana Ma sulla potenza di Dio:""La mia parola e la mia predicazione non consistettero in parole persuasive di umana sapienza, ma in dimostrazione di Spirito e di potenza"" (1 Corinzi 2:4)Gli argomenti che tratteremo:Che cos' l'evangelo del regno ?Qual' realmente il messaggio dell'evangelo ?Chi pu evangelizzare ?Di cosa abbiamo bisogno per evangelizzare ?Chi dobbiamo evangelizzare ?Come evangelizzare ?Come pregare per i malati Inizia anche tu questo meraviglioso percorso e apprendi ""Come evangelizzare con potenza"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Quick, Easy and Delicious Asian home-cooked by Estee Kitchen" |
"Cooking experience isn't very time consuming and challenging for working parents. Whilst it is simple and satisfying. I made this online course to very short and quick in order for you to grab quick ways how to prepare and cook , i) Fish and Chips with munch peas ii) Grilled sesame salmon iii) Fried seafood noodles iv) Chicken Potpie. A menu which very suitable when you feel like light meal in the afternoon. Feel free to send me questions if you have any doubts on the course. This is my very first course. I am looking forward for feedbacks for improvement. Thank you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Most Popular Thai Food (Thai cooking course) with Chef Jan" |
"Thai Food is one of the famous food in the world, because the taste of Thai foods is outstanding, and delicious. Thai foods are easy to make, easy to eat, and very healthy, because Thai foods contain a lot of herbs. Mostly, Thai foods will serve with rice, and the taste of Thai foods is savory. However, have you ever want to cook Thai food but dont know how to start? Or dont know how to make the taste authentic like you ate in Thailand?This course will help you be able to make Thai food at home with authentic taste. I will teach you step by step, easy to follow, all recipes will have a downloadable ingredients list, which you can print it, and bring it to Asian grocery stores to buy all ingredients.My course all menus are delicious, easy to follow, and no need to have experience in cooking. Once you finished all lessons, you will be able to make Thai food by yourself at home. This course contain 10 menus famous Thai food. You will have fun in learn how to cook, also be able to make delicious and healthy Thai food. With my experiences, Im sure that cooking Thai food wont difficult for you anymore."
Price: 3800.00 ![]() |
"Comunica in modo persuasivo per migliorare la tua vita" |
"Se credi che imparare a comunicare efficacemente sia acquisire competenze che ti insegnino ad essere qualcosa di diverso da ci che sei, ti sbagli, al contrario diventare abili comunicatori un percorso di consapevolezza che ha lobiettivo di rendere evidenti processi comunicativi che ognuno di noi gi possiede e usa quotidianamente ma quasi completamente in modo inconsapevole.Attraverso il riconoscimento dei tuoi processi comunicativi, cio dei processi neurologici e linguistici che utilizzi per comunicare, imparerai a riconoscere e a leggere quelli degli altri.Uno dei pi grandi errori che si compie, in una conversazione per esempio, quello di voler controllare le reazioni e le risposte dellaltro o ancor peggio il suo pensiero e le sue credenze e convincerlo invece di quello che stiamo dicendo noi, proprio qui che nascono le incomprensioni, i conflitti e le chiusure.Si pu dire che imparare a comunicare principalmente un esercizio di responsabilit delle proprie azioni, di guida dei propri atteggiamenti e processi al fine di lasciare che la propria comunicazione generi in modo spontaneo la reazione che desideriamo e se ci non accade sapere come agire."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"0'dan Uzmanla Python ile Programlama" |
"Python ile Programlamay Neden renmeliyiz ?Dnyann en popler yazlm dilirenmesi ve yazmas kolayVeri Bilimi Makine renmesi (Yapay Zeka)Gibi i sahas inanlmaz geni alanlarda alma imkan salarPython rendiinizde baka programlama dillerini de renmeniz kolaylar0'dan Uzmanla Python ile Programlama Kursu erii( Her gn yeni ierikler eklenecek)GiriKurs TantmPython Programlama Diline GiriPython Nasl Kurulur / Kurulmas Gereken OrtamlarTemel Veri TipleriVeri Tipleri Sz Dizileri (Strings)Veri Tipleri Saylar(Numbers)Veri Tipleri Listeler(Lists)Veri Tipleri Szlkler(Dictionaries)Veri Tipleri KmelerPython Programlama Dili Temel KavramlarYorum Satr(Comments)Matematik Operatrleri(Math Operators)Deikenler(Variables)Ka Dizileri(Escape Sequence)Gml Fonksiyonlar(!)Koullu DurumlarOperatrlerF / ELF / ELSE Bloklar3 Adet Koullu Durumlar rneiDnglerFor Dngleri(For Loops)While Dngleri(While Loops)Continue - Break Deyimleri ve Range() Gml FonksiyonuDng Pratikleri 1-) Asal Saylar ile lgili Farkl DnglerDng Pratikleri 2 -) Hesap MakinesiDng Pratikleri 3 -) Say Tahmini OyunuDng Pratikleri 4 -) Basit ifre Kontrol SistemiFonksiyonlarFonksiyonlara GiriFonksiyon Tanmlamak ve armakFonksiyonlarda Parametre ve Argman KavramReturn DeyimiFonksiyonlarn Kapsam ve Global DeyimiLambda FonksiyonlarFonksiyonlar Pratik 1-) 3 Adet Basit Fonksiyon rneiFonksiyonlar Pratik 2-) Geometrik Hesap MakinesiFonksiyonlar Pratik 3-) EBOB/EKOK Hesaplayan FonksiyonlarMetotlarMetotlara Giri ve ""dir()"" , ""enumerate()"",""help()"" Gml FonksiyonlarKarakter Dizileri MetotlarListe MetotlarSzlk MetotlarKme MetotlarSay MetotlarModllerModllere GiriModllerin eri AktarlmasKendi Tanmladmz ModllerTemel Dosya lemleriTemel Dosya lemleri Dosya Yazmak (Oluturmak)Temel Dosya lemleri Dosyaya Yazmak(Deiiklik Yapmak)Temel Dosya lemleri Dosya Okumak(Amak)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Lightroom Classic" |
"Welcome to Lightroom Classic CC Up To Speed:This course helps you to get up and running quickly with Adobes powerful photo editing and management system. This handy step-by-step class starts from scratch, starting with basic Lightroom topics and moving on to more advanced features of the Library module, designed to help you to become more productive more quickly.In no time at all youll be navigating Lightrooms interface, importing, rating, and filtering your photos, managing your photo library, creating and managing collections and publishing to online services. Youll also delve into adjusting image exposure, clarity, vibrance and saturation; removing haze from images; adjusting shadows and highlights; changing color and adjusting white balance; using handy tools such as the Adjustment Brush, Graduated Filter and Range Masking tools; cropping and straightening images; fixing perspective problems; creating panoramas and merging photos using HDR; and much more.Who is this course for?This course was created for people new to photography as well as well-seasoned photographers looking to learn a new photo organizing and editing application. This course will also be helpful for those coming from a previous version of Lightroom or those looking to delve more deeply into the Lightroom application.What does this course include? Step-by-step instructional videos that are easy to follow Downloadable lesson files allowing you to follow along with the instructor Support for any questions you may haveWhat Youll Learn: Getting your files into Lightroom. Well begin by creating a Lightroom catalog, and then youll learn how to import images from your computer, an external drive, an SD card or directly from your camera into Lightroom. Youll learn about moving photos, copying photos and adding photos to the catalog. Learning the Lightroom Environment: Next, well take a look at the various panels and panes in Lightroom. Well learn about Grid View and Loupe View, how to choose your best images by using Compare View and Survey View and how to switch modules using the Module Picker. Well also set some interface preferences so that the Lightroom Environment is the way you like it. Youll also learn how to use Lightroom with a dual monitor setup. Image Handling: Well go in-depth working with the Folders Panel, and youll learn how to create, rename and move both photos and folders. Well also discuss how to synchronize photos to ensure that Lightroom includes any images that youve recently added to folders outside of Lightroom. Adding Image Information: To help you organize your images and find the ones you want quickly, youll learn how to add star ratings to your images, how to flag them, reject them and even add color labels to them. You also add keywords to your images and learn how to add and view an images Metadata. Searching for Images: Youll learn how to quickly find your images using the Filter Bar with which you can filter them by flag, rating or label. Youll also learn how to use Lightrooms powerful search feature which allows you to filter images by text, attribute or metadata. Once weve filtered our images, well then sort them in a variety of different ways. Organizing Images: Youll organize your images by using Collections, Smart Collections, and Quick Collections. Youll also learn how to organize your Collections into Collection Sets, and well even create Collections from existing folders. Additionally, youll learn how to organize images using Face Detection, which groups photos by the people featured in them. Geotagging Images: Well work with the Map module and organize images by the location where they were taken. Youll also learn how to add geolocation information to images if it wasnt added when the picture was taken. Sharing Your Images: Youll learn how to export your images into a variety of formats so that you can easily share them with others or to Social Media. Youll create Export Presets, allowing you to save and reuse your export settings. Youll also learn how to publish to a variety of online services. Catalog Management: In the lesson videos, well learn how to use and manage multiple catalogs, how to merge several catalogs into one and how to back up your Lightroom catalog. We'll also examine a workflow that involves using Lightroom on multiple computers. Develop Module Basics. Well begin by looking at the difference between RAW vs JPEG processing. Well start out by choosing a camera profile as a starting point and make virtual copies of our images. Youll learn a bunch of Develop Module shortcuts as well as how to use third-party plug-ins. Image Adjustment Basics: Next, well drive into photo editing beginning with a Basic Panel. Youll learn how to adjust image exposure, contrast, and clarity as well as tweak the vibrance and saturation. Well discuss how to remove fog and haze from images, adjust the shadows and highlights and blacks and whites, and how to effectively use Lightrooms Clipping Indicators. Working with Color: Well go in-depth working with Color in Lightroom. Youll learn how to set the white balance in an image as well as how to change color in an image. Well convert an image to black and white, add some interesting effects using split toning, apply selective adjustments using the Adjustment Brush, add a gradient using the Graduated Filter tool and learn how to use Lightrooms new Range Masking Feature. Fixing Common Image Problems: To help you fix those pesky image problems, youll learn how to crop and straighten photos, remove spots and other image imperfections, and fix red-eye. Youll also make lens corrections, fix perspective problems and even rotate images. Beyond the Basics: In this section, well move into some of the more advanced Lightroom editing features. Youll learn how to adjust contrast using Lightrooms Tone Curve, adjust exposure using the Histogram and synchronize adjustments across multiple images. Youll also learn how to revert back to a previous state of an image using the History Panel and how to save image states using snapshots. Then, youll learn how to merge multiple images into a panorama or an HDR image. Additionally, youll learn how to use and create Develop Module presets as well as how to soft proof your images. Adding Effects and Finishing Touches: Youll end by learning how to add those special finishing touches to an image. Youll learn how to add a post-crop vignette, add grain, reduce color and luminance noise and sharpen your images. Well also add a spotlight to areas of our image using Lightrooms handy Radial Filter tool. Setting Up a Slideshow: From the Slideshow module, youll learn how to create and present a slideshow of your images. Youll set slideshow options, modify the layout and backdrop, adding and modifying titles, adding music, setting playback options and how to export your slideshow to a PDF file or to a video. Presenting Your Images on the Web: Using the Web module, youll create a Web Gallery so people can view your images online. Youll learn how to customize site appearance, customize output settings and how to upload your Web Gallery to your website. Creating a Photo Book: From the Book module, youll learn how to create a printed book of your images using the Blurb book service. Youll set layout options, modify individual pages, work with guides and cell padding, adding text to your book and finally sending your book to Blurb (or exporting it to a PDF file). Printing Your Photos: Lastly, youll learn how to print physical copies of your images from the Print module. Youll learn how to set the page size and layout, apply various image settings, aligning multiple photos on the page, setting page options and modifying your print job settings.By the end of this course, youll learn how to build and organize your Lightroom library, allowing you to effectively manage hundreds of thousands of images with ease, how to edit your images in Lightroom like a pro, allowing you to effectively and quickly move through your photography workflow.Im also here every step along the way for you so dont hesitate to ask me any questions related to Lightroom or to the course content that come up as you journey through the course. You can post your question in the course or fire me off a direct message. Also, let me know if theres any way I can improve this course.Are you ready to begin your Lightroom journey? Then, click the enroll icon and lets get started!- Roger"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Project 2019: Up to Speed" |
"Welcome to Microsoft Project 2019 - Up To Speed:This course helps you to get up and running quickly with Microsofts powerful project management system. This handy step-by-step class starts from scratch, starting with basic topics and moving on to more advanced features of the application, designed to help you to become more productive more quickly.In no time at all youll be navigating Microsoft Projects interface, create projects, entering tasks, creating project calendars, creating task dependencies, entering and managing resources and costs, splitting and postponing tasks, working with views, and working with Task Boards and Agile features. Youll also learn how to update and track the progress of your projects, how to generate relevant report, import data from other applications into Project, export data from Project to other applications, and much more.Who is this course for?This course was created for people new to project management as well as well-seasoned project managers looking to learn a new and powerful project management application. This course will also be helpful for those coming from a previous version of Microsoft Project or those looking to delve more deeply into the Project application.What does this course include? Step-by-step instructional videos that are easy to follow Downloadable lesson files allowing you to follow along with the instructor Support for any questions you may haveWhat Youll Learn: The Basics. Well begin by creating a new Microsoft Project file and then take a look at the project environment. Youll start by entering in information about your project and then set some project options. You learn how to create a project from a template as well as obtaining help from within the application. Working with Tasks. Next, we begin entering tasks into our project. Youll learn how to edit tasks, rearrange tasks, insert and delete tasks as well as add a summary task. Additionally, youll learn how to outline tasks, add recurring tasks and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) codes. Linking and Scheduling Tasks: In this section, well take a look and task relationships and task dependencies, and youll learn how to link dependent tasks to each other. You work with adding lead time and lag time to your projects as well as how to set and modify task dependency. Together, well split tasks that need to be postponed, set task constraints, set milestone tasks and set task deadlines. Youll also learn how to work in Network Diagram View to get a different perspective on your project. Resources and Costs: Well go in-depth working with the resource area of Microsoft Project. Well work with entering resources and creating a resource calendar. Youll learn how to assign resources to tasks, filter resources and enter in resource costs. Well also look at how to enter in fixed costs and how to use the cost table. Youll also learn about effort-driven scheduling. Working with Views: To help you manage your project effectively, youll learn how to work with a variety of different views. Youll work in calendar view, task usage, and resource usage views and split views. Youll also learn how to format a Gantt Chart, print a view, use Projects various Tables as well as how to apply an AutoFilter to a view. Well also work with Projects relatively new Agile features and its Team Planner view. Finalizing the Plan: In this section, youll learn how to identify slack in your project as well as viewing your projects critical path. Youll create and save both a baseline plan as well as an interim plan. Youll also learn how to determine which of your resources are overallocated and how to level those overallocations. Updating and Tracking Projects: At this stage, youll begin updating the progress of your tasks. Youll update work performed as well as manually updating the costs of your project. You learn how to reschedule uncompleted tasks, filter tasks, and display variances. Youll also learn how to view the Progress Lines of your project. Working with Data from Other Applications: Next, well learn how to copy and paste data to other applications. Youll learn how to import a task list, create an import map and export project data. Youll also learn how to use the Copy Picture command as well as sharing a Project file with others. Working with Reports: In this section, youll begin working with Projects various reports. Youll learn how to print a view as a report as well as view Projects standard reports. Youll customize reports, modify report formatting, modify report headers and footers and add graphics into your reports. Youll also learn how to adjust report margins and send your reports to the printer. Well also work a bit with visual reports and you learn how to work with and create visual report templates. Manage Multiple Projects: In this lessons videos, well learn how to create a resource pool which you use among multiple projects. Youll learn how to link projects to a resource pool and update resource pool information. Youll also learn how to consolidate projects using master projects and subprojects, how to link tasks between projects and how to share elements between your different projects. Well end by creating a project plan template. Formatting a Project File: Lastly, youll learn how to format the various elements of your project file. Youll format and change bar styles, format timescales, create custom fields, tables and views, create custom groups and use Microsoft Projects drawing tools. Youll also learn how to automate tasks with macros that youll create yourself.By the end of this course, youll learn how to create, organize and manage an in-depth project, allowing you to effectively stay on top of hundreds of tasks and resources with ease.Are you ready to begin your Microsoft Project journey? Then, click the enroll icon and lets get started!- Roger"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Be Comfortable with Using a Computer for Basic Needs" |
"This course will help you use your computer with confidence and if it gives you any trouble, you will understand what's going on without getting frustrated. It will cover topics like Mac OS vs Windows differences, the computer desktop, windows updates, searching the internet more efficiently, saving and locating files on your computer, and lots of tips and tricks that come in handy with using and enjoying your computer."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Use Microsoft Word with Great Skill" |
"In this course, you will learn:How to use Microsoft Word to the best of your abilityHow to operate the most frequently used features in the MS Word program for creating documents, scripts, letters, etc...How to format words, paragraphs, documents, without limitHow to find any word in your document, and replace it with once clickHow to edit spacing between paragraphs with easeQuick keyboard shortcuts to make editing efficient and fastOnce completed, you will be ready to accomplish, review, or edit any project using MS WordOnce completed you will no longer get stuck midway through a project, trying to figure out how to get it doneThe lessons are presented using screen capturing, demonstrating every action and tips described throughoutThe pace is perfect for any learner to engage, take notes, or work along with the instruction givenEnjoy the course!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Facilitate Like a Pro, in One Course" |
"In this course, you will learn the most important skills that you need to be able to facilitate a group session (for any topic whether it be a simple discussion, or a lesson). After completing this course, you will be able to begin facilitating immediately because I'll teach you how to prepare, plan, and lead the session."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Emotional Intelligence For Millennials" |
"At the end of the course, you will be able to:- Understand what emotional intelligence is and why it is important- Know who you are, what is important for you and who you want to become- Identify what you are feeling and naming your emotional state- Apply emotion management techniques on various emotions such as anger or fear- Understand the basics of active listening and social feedback and be able to apply these techniques in your relationships"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Introduction and Best Practices of AWS Security" |
"The AWS infrastructure has been architected to be one of the most flexible and secure cloud computing environments available today. It is designed to provide an extremely scalable, highly reliable platform that enables customers to deploy applications and data quickly and securely.This course covers best practices of AWS Security that every AWS Cloud administrator should know. These AWS Best Practices will enable you to help prevent exploits and also secure your AWS resources should minimize the impact of any potential breaches that do occur as well. Understanding the AWS shared service model is critical because it defines who is responsible for securing what in the world of AWS. To help conceptualize the model, AWS has come up with detailed documentation to describe what they are responsible for and what the customer is responsible for."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ISCAP - Information Systems Certification and Accreditation" |
"The learning series covers all you need to know about becoming a Certified and Accredited Professional Information Systems. Students will learn about the scope of risk management, life cycle of software development, categorization of information systems, selection of security controls,implementing security controls, assessing security controls, authorizing information systems, and monitoring security controls. These certifications confirm that you have the necessary skills to assess, audit and accredit information system safety. Individuals responsible for creating and implementing the procedures used to determine the baselines and criteria of risk and safety institutes are likely to gain the most from this credential.This will be key to ensuring that the safety of the information systems outweighs any threats to an organization's potential risks. This credential is intended to provide complete guidance on establishing in any organization a professional and certified information system.The average salary for a Security Consultants, Security Auditors, and System Administrators is $72,762 per year."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IS20 Security Controls Certification" |
"We know that what Security Controls is. Security controls are safeguards or countermeasures to avoid, detect, counteract, or minimize security risks to physical property, information, computer systems, or other assets. This intermediate level course covers proven general controls and methodologies that are used to execute and analyze the Top Twenty Most Critical Security Controls. This course allows the security professional to see how to implement controls in their Existing networks through highly effective and cost-effective automation. For management, this training is the best way to distinguish how to assess the effectiveness of these security controls. The most critical security reviews were embraced and enforced by almost all organizations with sensitive information as the highest priority list. These controls were chosen by leading government and private organizations who are experts on how compromised networks/systems evolve and how to mitigate and prevent them from happening. This course helps the students in the preparation for IS20 Certification Exam.The average salary for Information Assurance Manager is $83,443 per year."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)" |
"About this course:In the information security industry, the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) is the most widely recognized qualification. CISSP validates the in-depth technological and management knowledge and experience of an information security professional to effectively plan, develop and maintain an organization's overall security.Covers eight security areas that are essential to the protection of information systems, corporations and national infrastructure. Knowing that security is an enterprise-wide problem, these areas provide the applicant with a broad understanding of the technological, administrative and human factors that need to effectively collaborate to keep information and systems secure."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Certified Ethical Hacking (CEHv10) By Infosecacademy" |
"What happens if your data systems ' protection is weak and compromised? How to hack is the best way to deal with current security threats in IT! That's good! This Certified Ethical Hacking cyber security training program is designed to help candidates learn better ways to deal with breaches of security and secure the organization's environment.Hackers are skilled with weak security for targeting networks and services. To protect your systems from hackers, learning the trade trick is important. The Certified Ethical Hacker program that we offer is a one-of - a-kind digital course that allows professionals in the field to efficiently use their skills and knowledge.This hacking is ethical because you hack your own systems to find out about weakened security points in the system so you can fix it. From problem detecting to working on security loopholes, this training program gives you in-depth knowledge shared by certified professionals. This extensive security course is designed to secure systems from hackers who are often responsible for inconsolable loss for the organization.Instead of leaving your system and network open to such malicious threats, it is best to learn technical information through this course. Moreover, IT professionals must enroll in this course to gain access to the CHFI certification program which is based on different hacking strategies, investigative work, and much more. Some of the important areas covered in this course include virus creation and buffer overflows, DDOS Attacks, Social Engineering, and more. In short, this cyber security training program is ideal for those wanting to pass the Certified Ethical Hacking exam. Each component of the course is laid out in a manner that students can easily understand and practice the information provided. The course teaches individuals to adopt a defensive approach towards each attack or security breach.This course revolves around thoroughly teaching the five phases of ethical hacking including gaining access, maintaining access, reconnaissance, track covering, and enumeration. Learning how to improve security of your systems by hacking into them each time is what we teach extensively in this course. After completion of this digitally advanced course, you will be able to enter the industry as an Information Security Engineer, Security Analyst, Security Consultant, IT professional, network Engineer, Penetration Tester, and many more.If you are even slightly confused whether you should be taking this course or not, know that an Ethical Hacker earns an average of $100,000 annually."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"OWASP: Avoiding Hacker Tricks Training" |
"The OWASP: Avoiding Hacker Tricks course is part of a series of Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) training courses. This course covers the basic concepts and techniques to avoid hacking and to protect the environment from all kinds of internal and external threats. The course also discusses briefly the types of attacks that an application may face in its lifecycle."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Using PowerShell for Cybersecurity" |
"PowerShell is an integral part of most operating systems, is also a body that governs different areas of cybersecurity. Information security training and PowerShell certification are few of the prominent paths that allow individuals to gain more insights about cybersecurity in PowerShell.PowerShell is an automation platform for Microsoft Windows. It is a scripting language through which users can instruct the system. PowerShell is deeply integrated with Microsoft Net. Framework, which creates a massive platform for functionality and various use cases. Due to its seamless integration with Microsoft NET. Framework, it provides hackers with an ideal platform to breach through PowerShell into the windows environments. In fact, recent trends have shown that PowerShell has been used in various cyber-attacks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Implementing Network Device Security" |
"The security of your network devices is really important. Because it holds your valuable data which is at stake all the time from being hacked, altered or removed. Some devices also do not have built-in security systems. So, it is important that you must be familiar with the concept of network device security and knows how to implement various measures to secure your devices."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"An Introduction to Cryptographic Techniques" |
"Cryptography is an essential tool for securing data and information in computer systems. The course is all about learning the inner functioning of cryptographic systems and the correct use of it in real-world applications. The course includes a detailed discussion about two parties communicating securely who have a shared secret key. It helps to protect when a powerful competitor spy and intrude into your business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"""Bitcoin fr Best Ager""" |
"Du liest und hrst tglich in den Medien ber Bitcoin, Blockchain, Kryptowhrungen und so.Du sprst, dass da vielleicht etwas Wichtiges passiert, aber dass es leider (noch) ohne dich abgeht.Mach dir keine Sorgen, du bist nicht allein: erst die Wenigsten verstehen, worum es sich handelt und noch weniger sind schon dabei.Doch du hrst auch von Risiken und Gefahren und bist ( als Best Ager vielleicht besonders) unsicher, wie du dich der ganzen Sache nhern kannst.Die meisten Erklrungen bisher waren entweder zu technisch oder sie versuchten, dich irgendwie zu berzeugen oder gar dir etwas zu ""verkaufen"".Du hast noch keine einfache, elementare, aber umfassende und gleichzeitig objektive Einfhrung in dieses Thema gefunden. Und du suchst noch immer eine Erklrung, welche sowohl die theoretischen Grundlagen als auch eine praktische Anleitung fr den mglichen Einstieg in diese Welt bietet.Dieser Kurs behebt genau diesen Mangel. Er verspricht dir eine ganz und gar nicht technische, dafr einfache, anschauliche, leserfreundliche, aber dennoch genaue Erklrung mit vielen Beispielen und auch amsanten Stories.Danach wirst du wissen- wie Bitcoin und Blockchain kamen- weshalb sie kommen mussten- wie die Geschichte des Geldes unweigerlich und beinahe logisch zu ihnen fhrte- weshalb sie deshalb keine Blase oder Mode sind, die morgen wieder weg ist- weshalb sie vielmehr untrennbar mit unserem Jahrhundert verbunden sind und- weshalb sie deshalb unsere Zukunft, auch die deine, mitbestimmen werden.Dir wird klar sein- welche Chancen dir diese neue Welt erffnet, aber auch- welche Probleme, Risiken und Gefahren mit ihr verbunden sind - wie du diese Risiken vermeiden kannst und - wie du am Ende als Gewinner da stehen wirst.Du lernst praktisch - wie du, wenn du mchtest, selbst damit anfangen kannst- wie du sicher in die Bitcoin/Kryptowelt einsteigst und dort deine ersten Schritte gehst- wie das alles funktioniert - weshalb deine Coins in der Blockchain so sicher sind wie das Gold in Fort Knox- wie du durch Bitcoin und Co. zu deiner eigenen Bank wirst- weshalb Wallets gar keine Geldbrsen sind- weshalb die meisten Kryptowhrungen gar keine Whrungen sind- was Altcoins, Token, Blockchain, Mining und alle die anderen komischen Begriffe bedeuten- wie du in all dem Salat, die richtigen Salatbltter, sprich: lohnenden Coins und Token findest- wie du selbst Mining betreiben knntest, aber weshalb du es doch lieber lassen solltest- was ICOs sind, aber weshalb du die meisten von ihnen meiden solltest- wie du nicht auf alle die Schnellreichwerden Angebote hereinfllst- wie du Hacker und Betrger erkennst und ihnen keine Chance gibst- wie du dich nicht durch die tglichen Kursschwankungen (sprich: Volatilitt) beirren lsst und- dich stattdessen an einem lngerfristigen, dafr sicheren und soliden Vermgensaufbau erfreust."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Achieve Your Goals" |
"Goals are an important way of identifying what you want from life and determining what is most important to you. They can keep you focused and ensure that your time, energy and resources are directed at the most deserving tasks and situations. They can provide motivation to step-up, grow, challenge yourself and work towards achieving something that will add huge value to your life. However, effective goal setting and achieving those goals is no easy task, it is in fact, a craft and we can lose our momentum and motivation or become disheartened if we don't know how to best navigate our way through the process.This 'Achieve Your Goals' course will help to ensure that you utilise effective strategies when setting and pursuing your goals. It will guide you through 15 clearly defined steps that will teach you effective and powerful strategies to fast-track your progress and lead you to your success."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate/Digital Marketing & Clickbank for Beginners" |
"INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSEAffiliate Marketing/Digital Marketing and Clickbank for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced levels is the ultimate course for internet marketers that want to learn how to improve their lifestyle, whether it's in their business or overall life.We deliver the education you need to be more successful in business and in life.This is the only true step-by-step online marketing course that you will ever need to accomplish this task. Most courses only give you theory but we show you, step-by-step, what to do through our ""over the shoulder"" videos.You will never be left wondering what to do next.*Please note that we do not guarantee, and legally, we cannot guarantee any income. You are here to learn the skills that you can apply to create a full time income from home.WHAT EXACTLY IS THIS COURSE?We are an online education platform that delivers video courses, programs and resources for entrepreneurs and business owners.HOW CAN WE HELP YOU?BECOME A POWERFUL PROMOTERYou will learn the most cutting edge, most effective marketing and traffic generation strategies that work today and will help you get the results you really want.BECOME VERY INFLUENTIALImagine having an almost super-human-like ability to present and influence others. Most will never understand this but this can be your secret power.DOMINATE IN BUSINESS AND LIFEAmateurs compete, professionals dominate. Follow our teachings and you will never compete - youll dominate in business and life. Its a great thing!MASTER DIGITAL MARKETINGDont just be another marketer or affiliate. Learn how to master the game and create success on-demand in the digital marketing space.GET THE BEST TOOLS & RESOURCESNot only do you get a world-class education, you'll also get access to a rolodex of tools and resources you need to become better at what you do!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Word - Aprenda o Essencial em menos de 2 horas" |
"Um curso totalmente sem enrolao que aborda desde as ferramentas mais bsicas at recursos avanados de manipulao e automao de textos dentro do programa. Ao final do curso o aluno ser capaz de desenvolver seus prprios documentos, seja para carter pessoal ou profissional. Para conseguir acompanhar o curso basta ter o Word instalado em seu computador."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Digital Marketing Masterclass" |
"Have you ever thought about living that ""digital lifestyle""? Do you really want to launch that online ecommerce store? Looking to boost your companies reach through better online visibility? Then this course is perfectly setup for you!With over 15 years of experience in the world of digital marketing, Keith Schilling brings a wealth of knowledge to Udemy. Having launched the first ever digital marketing meetup group in North Carolina, founded a 3 day conference around all things digital marketing in Charlotte, and consulted for the top Fortune 500 companies in the world, he has brought his video series to Udemy for the first time ever.Packed full of information, this digital marketing course is the perfect step by step tutorial you'll need to to build your business or knowledge from the ground up. "
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"- Goethe Zertifikat A1" |
", 1 Goethe Zerifikat A1 / Start Deutsch 1 / Telc A1. :1) ( ) 1;2) (3 , 15 );3) (3 , 70 );4) (2 , 46 );5) (3 , 90 ). , , . . """" (, ), . , (, , ..) (, - , - ). , Goethe Zerifikat A1 / Start Deutsch 1 / Telc A1. , :) -: , 1, ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Start a Business & Do it Correctly the First Time" |
"This course is designed to teach anyone how to start a business the correct way the very first time. From forming an entity to enrolling in strategic tax programs such as the ""pass-through"" entity, and how to open a bank account, all of which are critical to the infant stage of all businesses."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
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Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Data structure crash course" |
"This course covers the design, analysis, and implementation of data structures and algorithms to solve computational problems using an objectoriented programming language. Topics include elementary data structures,(including arrays, stacks, queues, and lists), advanced data structures (including trees and graphs), thealgorithms used to manipulate these structures, and their application to solving practical engineeringproblems."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |