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"Workforce management Real Time Analyst" |
"Learn what are the duties of a Real Time Analyst with the Workforce Management department and learn how to control Queues, generate reports and interpret Intervals, also you will be able to know what are the most common reports that are generated.Key concepts:Master the key performance indicators to effectively managing staffingCreate professional excel service level reports for supervisors and operations managersControl the queue effectively to increase productivityCoding the exceptions correctly and in a timely mannerBypass all the theory and learn what a Real time analyst does on a daily basis!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Donation Chemistry: Why People Give to Charities" |
"Frustrated trying to build a solid donor base for your charity? Tired of trying the same old hit-and-miss techniques? It's not your fault. Most of what you've been taught about fundraising is wrong.Effective fundraising that produces solid streams of donations relies on one core concept: your brain doesn't want you to be eaten by dinosaurs. Yep, the drive to donate to a charity is deeply linked to our most fundamental survival instincts. Once you understand those survival drives -- and know how to kick them into high gear! -- fundraising gets a lot easier.Let me show you how."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Income Opportunity Teaching English Online" |
"In this course, you will learn why you should seriously consider teaching English online. You will be introduced to the most lucrative online market, and I will walk you through the step-by-step process of finding, applying, and landing a job at one of the major online companies. Once you started, I will provide you will some tips and tricks to keep your students engaged and ratings up!Now, if you're already an online teacher, I will show you how I created my own online business teaching Chinese students. You will see how I managed to recruit students, the software and lesson materials I use, how I set my prices and handling potential negotiations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Everyday English Idioms" |
"In this course, you will learn useful idioms that can be used in real-life situations. The use of idioms in English interactions and conversations shows the other person you have a good grasp of the English language. These idioms can also be useful in social situations to break the ice and help the conversation flow more freely. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of IoT" |
"This is an introductory course to internet of things where students will understand the fundamentals of the course as well as the protocols and devices in IoT. We will also understand the use of packet tracer and the devices and kind of cables used to set up IoT connections as well as protocols. At the end of the packet tracer course there is a practice lab to help you get the basic idea of setting up a work environment in IoT. So in a nutshell, IoT is a concept that connects all the devices to the internet and let them communicate with each other over the internet. IoT is a giant network of connected devices - all of which gather and share data about how they are used and the environments in which they are operated.Kevin Ashton is an innovator and consumer sensor expert who coined and phrase ""the internet of things"" to describe the network connecting objects in the physical world to the internet.The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.An unnecessarily technical explanation of IoTHow Does This Impact You?The new rule for the future is going to be, ""Anything that can be connected, will be connected."" But why on earth would you want so many connected devices talking to each other? There are many examples for what this might look like or what the potential value might be. Say for example you are on your way to a meeting; your car could have access to your calendar and already know the best route to take. If the traffic is heavy your car might send a text to the other party notifying them that you will be late. What if your alarm clock wakes up you at 6 a.m. and then notifies your coffee maker to start brewing coffee for you? What if your office equipment knew when it was running low on supplies and automatically re-ordered more? What if the wearable device you used in the workplace could tell you when and where you were most active and productive and shared that information with other devices that you used while working?The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objectsthingsthat are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet. These devices range from ordinary household objects to sophisticated industrial tools. With more than 7 billion connected IoT devices today, experts are expecting this number to grow to 10 billion by 2020 and 22 billion by 2025Enterprises and service providers have been looking at IoT as a key enabler to drive digital transformation and to unlock the operational efficiencies. Advances in Artificial Intelligence coupled with ubiquitous connectivity, and real-time communication are enabling exponential growth in efficiencies generated by IoT. As machines and products have started communicating with each other without any human intervention, the real value of data is getting generated through better and faster decision-making, predictive analytics and automation.India is already matching the pace in adapting new technologies like IoT, 5G, AI and cloud to drive new business models. The Government of India has introduced various policies and initiatives to leverage benefits of these disruptive technologies in various sectors. Many start-ups in India are also using these technologies to create new and innovative business models. Through this paper, we have attempted to outline the future of IoT, from business potential and technology point of view, and its impact along with other emerging technologies such as 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Twin, Edge Computing, Immersive User Experience, etc. on various sectors such as manufacturing, utilities, transport and logistics, agriculture, oil and gas and smart cities. We are glad to be the knowledge partners with FICCI for the first edition of IoT Summit on Transforming businesses through technology disruption in Rajasthan. This is an exclusive platform for stakeholders from the government and industries to collaborate on the adoption of these disruptive technologiesPhysical separation helps to divide physically the network in several sub-areas introducing a more realistic aspect of it such as a need of backbone connections,a physical wiring length limitation and WLAN coverage limitations and a need of custom environmental variables.Every physical sub-layer, except for the wiring cabinets, are coming with a large set of fully customized environmental variables,.Variables are t unable parameters for representing real life environments such as: amount of sunlight, air carbon dioxide-concentration, gravity, winds speed and many more. In Cisco Packet Tracer there are more than fifty different variables that students can adjust accordingly based on a 24 hours time range.In the Figure 10 below one can see the amount of sunlight and rain setup in the Smart-campus exercise. Variables are necessary in order to influence the sensor behavior in the IoT simulations. Variables are in fact detected by the sensor and, as a consequence,actions are then triggered. Adjusting variables was also helping students in order to validate immediately if the IoT logic setup was done correctly.Example of environmental variable set up In the provided four simulations the variables utilized were: sunlight and wind speed level,in order to boost electricity production done by solar panel and wind turbine. Also amount of raining manipulations were used during a random time of the day in order to activate the water sensors, sensors were then placed in the school sport field, to detect extra water level and stop the water irrigation sprinklers.In the Smart-Home cases also humidity and temperature levels variable were changed in order to fire up the home AC unit. Creation of a smaller sub-container helped also to boost the environmental changes in the variable parameter.As an example, if an old car was placed in the city level and it was turned on, the level of carbon dioxide build up in the city level would have raised at a slower pace compared if the car was turned on in a sub-container. In the second case, being in a smaller space, like a car garage, the carbon dioxide sensor picked up carbon dioxide variation faster than in the city level.Blockly custom software for IoT Simulations Smart-Home 1Smart-Home 2 (SaaS)Students feedback form Internet of things (IOT)1 In your opinion, how much IOT is going to revolutionize the IT industry and what are the key elements? 2 What is in your opinion the maturity of IOT technologies in the today private and industrial market?3 What are the IOT areas that most interest you and why?Tool (Cisco packet tracer)1 What is your opinion on Cisco packet tracer to be used as IOT simulator tool? but...4 Not the tool for the job2 Please list advantages and limitations of the tool (based on your user experience)Good (max 3 points)Bad (max 3 points) IOT simulation exercises 1 Please share some open feedback on the class exercises 2 Please list some highlights and low lights on the simulations exercise Highlights (max 3 points)Low lights(max 3 points)Please share some feedback (if any) of how the exercise cloud could be improved (e.g. contents, tool, method)Extra feedback"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"So You're Going To Beauty School?" |
"Who exactly is this course for?Aspiring hairstylists and barbers. Considering enrolling in beauty school? Already attending? Perfect! Gain clarity and knowledge around the workings of salon life so you dont waste precious time on trial and error as many do entering the industry.Parents. Is your child considering a career in beauty? Get all the facts so they can make an educated decision on their career path.What will I learn?How much/how hairstylists make $$$. Know your options. Avoid unstable income that many new stylists experience due to lack of knowledge on what is available to them.Resume and interview preparation. A new industry makes in even more intimidating to prepare yourself for securing a job. Being thoroughly prepared in these areas is a huge step to your success.Career opportunities available to you. There are more options than many people assume! Set your goals for your dream job early on. This will streamline your decisions when applying to salons and help you choose where to focus your energy.Looking the part. You certainly dont have to fit a specific mold. This is an amazing aspect of being a stylist. However, it is important to be intentional about how you present yourself. People will be coming to you for beauty advice after all!Dont waste your time!Reach your career goals faster. You can make smarter decisions when you have all the information. Dont waste time on trial and error like so many beauty professionals have. Know. Your. Options. Set yourself up for success.Decide if the industry is right for you. Investing 123 years of your life only to realize its not what you thoughtdoesnt sound appealing. Yet many people do it. Have an understanding of the industry before you commit.Ready to begin your hair journey?Lets get started! We are so excited to join you in this next chapter! Click Enroll in Course to take your next step into the beauty professional you are becoming."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vendre mieux pour vendre plus" |
"Vendre n'est pas facile. Bien vendre peut mme devenir un art. Comme dans tous les milieux, il y a des hommes et des femmes qui semblent tre ns avec cette habilet. Toutefois, il est possible d'apprendre les bases et avec de la pratique, devenir meilleur.Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez les 6 tapes de base de la vente. En les appliquant rgulirement, vous aurez un succs insouponn!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ark survival evolved ,seja um admin profissional." |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a gerenciar de forma simples e clara um servidor da nitrado de ark Survival Evolved .-Como dar imprint 100% .-Tirar o mesh (limbo) para raid em pvp .-Modificar os custos de itens para craft .-Mudar estatsticas de um dino, trocar ele de lugar com outro dino qualquer ou mesmo desabilitar ele do mapa.-Modificar e trabalhar com os arquivos gameUsersettings.ini e game.ini.-Entender como funciona e modificar a dificuldade do level dos dinos selvagens.-Mudar o nome do mapa como e quando quiser.-Modificar a propriedade das colheitas (rate) , global e individual.-Modificar o drop (beacon) , colocar o item e a quantidade dentro de um drop. Aprendiz,viajante,mestre ,ascendente e etc.-Modificar a escala de qualidade dos itens.-Modificar a experiencia requerida para passar de level tanto de player quanto de dino e sua ascenso.-Trabalhar de forma segura por desligamento de servidor e avaliar conflito de configurao.-Modificar stack (empilhamento) , como mudar a quantidade de item empilhado em seu inventario.-Segurana de conta nitrado por 2 fatores.-Segurana de servidor por CrossArk.-Fazer leitura de relatrio gerado pelo sistema e controlar Admins parceiros, gerando relatrio de tudo que ele faz dentro do jogo.-Corrigir e evitar lag criado por players.-Ativar pve e desativar pvp e vice versa.-Criar mensagens de boas vindas colorida e personalizada.-Aprender a utilizar principais codigos de ADM , teleport ,gerenciador na tela , summon de itens e dinos e etc.-Contedo extra - aprenda a colocar imagens personalizadas dentro do jogo , nas flags (bandeiras) e pintura de dinos personalizadas como ex. super quetzal ,golem goku ,golem homem de ferro entre outros."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Der ultimative Dropshipping Kurs der KnowledgePower Akademie" |
"Was ist Dropshipping?Dropshipping lsst sich als eine E-Commerce-Art beschreiben, bei welcher der Online-Hndler Produkte in seinem Shop anbietet ohne sie berhaupt selbst auf Lager zu haben.Falls ein Kunde so ein Produkt im Shop bestellt, versendet der Shopbetreiber das Produkt nicht selbst, sondern bestellt das Produkt direkt beim Hersteller oder Grohndler, welcher es dann direkt zum Kunden schickt.Der Shopbetreiber hat somit keinen physischen Kontakt zum Produkt. Daher steht diese E-Commerce-Strategie im direkten Gegensatz zum klassischen Einzelhandel, wo die Ware in einer groen Anzahl bestellt, gelagert und dann zum Kunden versendet wird.Dropshipping ist das einfachste Business der Welt!Meiner Meinung nach ist Dropshipping das einfachste und anfngerfreundlichste Business der Welt. Und ich spreche aus Erfahrung! Ich habe es selbst erlebt. Denn ich bin nicht nur Onlinecoach, ich betreibe selbst mehrere erfolgreiche Onlineshops im Bereich Dropshipping. Das bedeutet fr dich, dass ich ganz genau wei von was ich rede. ""Fr mich entstand die Idee und die Entscheidung ein Dropshipping Business aufzubauen unter der Dusche!"" Das ist kein Witz auch wenn es erstmal lustig klingt. Die Grnde dafr sind jedoch leider weniger Lustig. Ich hatte damals gerade frisch meine Ausbildung zum Medientechnologen beendet, jedoch hat mich mein Ausbildungsbetrieb nicht bernommen. Da stand ich nun, mit einem Abschluss aber keinem Job in der Tasche. Die Ausbildung habe ich auch mehr oder weniger nur beendet, weil ich mir sagte, du brauchst eine Ausbildung. Jeder braucht eine Ausbildung. Wenn ich gewusst htte dass ich eines Tages mein Geld mit Dropshipping verdiene, dann htte ich die Ausbildung wohl nie gemacht. Jedoch bereue ich es nicht, da mir diese Ausbildung in vielen Bereichen als Dropshipper doch etwas gentzt hat. Zurck zur Geschichte. Mein Geld wurde aufgrund der Arbeitslosigkeit natrlich auch knapp, und irgendwann war es schwer das Geld noch fr die Miete zusammen zu bekommen. Ich denke viele kennen dieses Gefhl. Und in diesen Momenten entstehen die besten Ideen und Entscheidungen. Wenn man kurz vorm Verzweifeln ist. Ich glaube man nennt es berlebensinstinkt. Ich stand da also so unter meiner Dusche und dachte nach. Ich hatte noch nie etwas von Dropshipping gehrt und pltzlich traf es mich wie einen Geistesblitz! ""Markus - Verkaufe doch Produkte die du nicht besitzt. Ich meine du kannst ja einfach einen Onlineshop aufmachen und Produkte von einem anderm Hndler einstellen und diese dann Verkaufen. Der Kunde bestellt bei dir, und du bestellst einfach die Ware und gibst die Adresse vom Kunden an, anstatt deine eigene! "" Das sind so komische Ideen die man in der Not hat um irgendwie an Geld zu kommen. Also gesagt getan, getan! Und voll auf die Schnauze geflogen. War ja auch klar wenn man gar nicht wei wie es geht. Mein erster Onlineshop war ein absoluter Reinfall. Denn was mir fehlte war das Wissen. Das war auch ein Moment in meinem Leben, in dem ich lernte, das Wissen, egal in welcher Lebenslage, eine sehr groe Rolle spielt. Und meine zweite wichtige Lektion war, das Wissen eine Whrung ist, und somit Geld kostet. Wissen ist eine Investition in mich selbst! Das musste ich lernen zu verstehen, und es stimmt. Ich hatte Gott sei Dank ein Sparbuch auf dem Geld fr den Fhrerschein war. Ich verrate dir etwas, den Fhrerschein habe ich mir davon nicht gekauft! Und ich bereue es kein Stck. Ich kaufte mir davon Wissen und Investierte es in mein Business. Und ja, auch ich habe mit dem einen oder anderen Kurs daneben gegriffen. Leider gibt es da drauen eine menge Blender die mit geflschten Screenshots irgendetwas beweisen wollen. Und pltzlich lief es!Denn nun hatte ich einen ungefhren Plan wie das ganze funktioniert. Und ich wusste nun auch dass mein Business einen Namen hatte. Ich muss zugeben, ich dachte erst es wre nicht ganz Legal. Ich war erleichtert das ich mich mit dem Streckengeschft oder so genanntem Dropshipping in sicherem Gewsser befand. Ich setzte meinen Shop neu auf, ich habe ihn komplett umgestaltet. Vieles macht auch die Erfahrung mit der Zeit aus. Ich nderte die Farben und meine Produktpalette. Ich sa oft Nchtelang an meinem Shop und ging erst irgendwann Mittags schlafen, denn ich wollte das es klappt. Ich recherchierte meine Produkte. Fing an mich mit Marketing zu beschftigen. Vieles lernte ich gar nicht in diesen Online Kursen. Die meisten Kurse waren am Ende Verkaufsvideos. Wenn ich damals meinen Kurs gehabt htte denn ich dir hier anbiete, htte ich mir jede Menge Zeit, Geld und Mhe gespart! Ich schaltete meine ersten Facebook Ads mit einer Grotten schlechten Performance. Ich wusste ja nichts von Zielgruppenbestimmung. Ich dachte ich gebe das Alter an und dann noch meine Lnder in denen ich Verkaufen will und fertig. Die Impressionen waren der Hammer glaub mir, aber die Interaktionen ein Witz und die CPC kosten lagen jenseits von gut und bse! Niemals aufgeben!Also habe ich weiter probiert, Tools entdeckt, Erfahrung und Wissen angeeignet. Und pltzlich kamen die ersten Verkufe. Das Rad fing an dich zu drehen. Das Funke fing an zu einer Flamme zu werden. Und noch heute bekomme ich Gnsehaut wenn ich an meine ersten Verkufe denke. Eine Sache die fr mich selbstverstndlich geworden ist. Doch habe ich niemals vergessen woher ich komme!UND DU KANNST DAS AUCH!Denn in meinem Kurs nehme ich dich von Anfang an, an die Hand und zeige dir wie du dir deinen Onlineshop aufbaust. Ich gebe dir eine Menge goldwerter Tipps ber die ich damals froh gewesen wre, wenn ich sie gehabt htte. Ich zeige dir, was die richtigen Produkte fr dein Business sind. Ich zeige dir, wie du ordentliches Marketing betreiben kannst, und das nicht nur mit Facebook Ads. Wir machen zusammen deinen Store rechtssicher. ""Du wirst nach diesem Kurs in der Lage sein, dir dein eigenes Dropshipping Business aufzubauen. Das verspreche ich dir!""Denn dies ist meine 100% Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung wie ich jeden meiner Stores aufbaue und vermarkte.""Vernderung kommt nicht von allein! Du musst den ersten Schritt machen!""Alles was ich erreicht habe mit meinem Business, kannst du auch. Jeder kann es. Man muss nur aufhren zu sagen, ""das klappt eh nicht..."" oder ""ich wei nicht ob ich das schaffe...""""Was wre wenn?....!""Wenn ich damals so gedacht htte, dann wre ich heute genauso wie du. Ohne eigenes Business. In irgend einem Job der mir keinen Spa macht. berlege nur einmal selbst, was wre wenn du ab jetzt anders denkst! Denke mal daran was wre wenn du jetzt startest dir dein Business aufzubauen! Wenn du endlich deinen Arsch in die Hhe bekommst und sagst OK ICH MACHS! Du kennst die Antwort bereits. Sie ist ja auch die einzig sinnvolle. Du bekommst dann die Chance genau dass zu erreichen, was ich und tausende andere Menschen auch schon erreicht haben. Von nichts kommt nichts! Und du verschenkst 100% aller Chancen auf Erfolg und dein eigenes Business wenn du erst gar nicht damit beginnst. Warten auf Erfolg bringt dir nichts, und keiner wird dir ein Business schenken. ""Und niemand, absolut niemand, wir dir kostenlos verraten wie du dir dein eigenes Business aufbaust. Man schafft sich doch nicht kostenlos seine eigene Konkurrenz.""Deswegen kostet wertvolles Wissen mit echtem Mehrwert auch etwas. Wissen aus der Schule ist gratis, das ntzt dir so gut wie nichts um dir dein Business aufzubauen. Das bereitet dich nur auf das Leben im Hamsterrad vor in dem du steckst.""Kaufe dir jetzt meinen Kurs, und baue dir mit mir zusammen, dein eigenes Dropshipping Business auf.""Das ist die einzig sinnvolle Antwort. Ich musste das auch lernen, und du wirst es auch! Ich bin berzeugt von dir dass du es mit meiner Hilfe schaffen wirst. Glaubst du auch an dich? Wenn nicht, dann lass mich dir zeigen dass du es drauf hast! In dir steckt dein eigenes Business! Alles was du tun musst ist nur eine Sache!STARTE JETZT!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Der ultimative Twitch Streamer Videokurs - KnowledgePower" |
"WILLKOMMEN ZUM ULTIMATIVEN TWITCH STREAMER VIDEOKURSHey, mein Name ist Markus und ich bin seit nun mehr als 5 Jahren auf Twitch unterwegs. In dieser Zeit habe ich es sogar zum Twitchpartner geschafft. Doch ich kann mich noch ganz genau daran erinnern, wie schwer dieser Kampf bis dorthin war.Angefangen habe ich aus Jux und Dollerei. Und es hat auch wirklich Spa gemacht. Ich hatte ja auch nicht wirklich Erwartungen. Alles was ich wollte war, das Ganze einmal auszuprobieren. Damals habe ich noch World of Warcraft gespielt. Es war Weihnachten und in diesem Jahr habe ich Weihnachten nicht gefeiert. Und aus Langeweile habe ich im Internet nach Live streamen gesucht. Der Teamspeak war leer, keiner zum Quatschen da und ich dachte mir, vielleicht kann ich mir ja so etwas die Langeweile vertreiben. So kam ich zu TwitchIch hab mir dann auf Twitch einen Account gemacht und einfach angefangen zu streamen. Natrlich hatte ich keine Zuschauer, aber ich war begeistert von der Mglichkeit dass sowas berhaupt geht. Ich hatte damals auch keine Cam oder ein ordentliches Mikrofon. Wenn ich heute meine alten Streams anschaue, dann kommt mir wahrlich alles hoch. Jedoch bemerkte ich, dass mir das streamen liegt. Irgendwann erfuhren davon auch meine Gildenmates die mich deswegen auslachten. Ich war zudem Zeitpunkt ebenso Gildenmeister. Ein paar Tage spter berredete mich ein Gildenmitglied, einmal das Spiel Trove auszuprobieren. Ich war davon erstmal nicht berzeugt weil es sehr kindlich wirkte. Ich entschied mich das Spiel zu streamenUnd das war wohl das beste was ich tun konnte! Pltzlich bekam ich Zuschauer. Ich habe dann herausgefunden, dass ich wohl der einzige deutsche Streamer in diesem Spiel bin und die Nachfrage sehr hoch war. Ich schaffte es an Top Tagen mit Giveaways auf 50 Zuschauer. Und das ohne Werbung. Ich streamte jeden Tag, ich hatte so viel Spa an der ganzen Sache dass ich regelrecht schtig danach wurde. Nur WoW blieb immer mehr auf der Strecke. Obwohl ich Gildenmeister war.Ich musste eine Entscheidung treffenTwitcherfolg oder World of Warcraft. Und ich entschied mich fr den Erfolg auf Twitch. Ich legte den Gildenmeister ab, verlie die Gilde und spielte ab da kaum mehr WoW. Meine Gildenmember haben mich beschimpft und ausgelacht. Dass ich sie alle im Stich lassen wrde. Ich auf Twitch keinen Erfolg haben werde. Sie kamen sogar in meinen Chat um mich auszulachen und zu beschimpfen. Die Zuschauer sanken irgendwann wieder, besonders dann als ich das Game wechselte und keine Giveaways mehr vergab.Mich nervte dass die Zuschauer immer weniger wurden. Ich war oft frustriert und hatte oft auch gar keine Lust mehr zu streamen weil es mich strte immer nur fr 5 oder 6 Leute zu streamen. Im Chat war nichts los und es machte einfach keinen Spa mehr! Es ging mit Twitch nicht voran. Doch dennoch schaffte ich es zum Partner!Und das ohne Viewerbots! Warum und Wie? Das zeige ich dir in meinem Kurs! In meinem Kurs lernst du alles was du brauchst um erfolgreich auf Twitch sein.Ich zeige dir meinen Weg und wie ich es mache. Was wichtig ist auf Twitch und vorauf es ankommt! Ich zeige dir meine Geheimnisse und gebe dir alle Tipps und Tricks mit, die du bentigst. Ich sage dir Dinge, die dir da drauen keiner erzhlt! Auch ich musste diese Dinge erfahren. Und ab da lief es!Ich hatte es satt frustriert zu sein und fr mich alleine zu streamen! Und sicherlich geht es dir gerade genauso!Ich zeige dir den Weg aus dieser Lage und helfe dir, mit deinem Channel zu wachsen! Verliere keine Zeit, sei nicht lnger frustriert! STARTE JETZT"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"[2020] How To Become a Corporate HR Recruiter" |
"Hi, I'd like to introduce myself as your soon-to-be instructor. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Mass Communications, and I've also been a recruiter for over five years. The person who trained and taught me everything she knew about recruiting has been in the field for 20 YEARS! When I graduated college, I started working as a marketing professional, however I was looking for a way to grow my earning potential and have more work/life balance. What I found was that recruiting was not only an in-demand career, but also that it PAID WELL, and many companies now allow you to do it from the comfort of your home! With training from my seasoned recruiting mentor, and by selling my transferable skills while job searching - I've been able to land well-paying recruiting jobs with Fortune 500 companies, work remotely, and earn almost double the income I earned as a marketer! YOU TOO can do this. And you can do so without spending thousands of dollars on a college degree (like I did) by taking this comprehensive course on how to be a recruiter, apply the principles taught here and understanding that everything offered in this course is practical information that you can use to transform the trajectory of your career as quickly as you CHOOSE to apply it!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Einkaufscontrolling |
"ALLGEMEINESIn diesem Online-Kurs lernen Sie Methoden und Techniken aus dem Controlling,die fr eine erfolgreiche Steuerung im Einkauf relevant sind.Fr die Einkaufsmitarbeiter reicht es heute nicht mehr, nur noch Trends zu erkennen.Betriebswirtschaftliche Analysen sind gefragt, die mehr enthalten als ""nur den Nettoumsatz und den Rohertrag.KURSZIELNach dem Online-Kurs kennen die Teilnehmer die wichtigsten Werkzeuge aus dem Controlling, um die Marken/Warengruppen und Artikel ihres Unternehmens nach strategischer Bedeutung und Wirtschaftlichkeit effektiv zu bewerten.INHALTABC- und XYZ-Auswertung, wie Sie sie noch nicht kennenLagerumschlag und LagerspanneBreak Even AnalyseStrategisches MarkencontrollingLimitplanung fr die Erhaltung der LiquidittTipps und Umsetzung mit Excel"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Controlling im eCommerce" |
"AllgemeinNahezu jeder Einzelhndler betreibt heute auch einen Online-Shop.Allerdings sind die Gesetze im E-Commerce fr das Controlling weitgehend anders.Kennzahlen wie Retouren-Quoten, Conversion-Rates, Bounce-Rate, etc. mssen richtig interpretiert werden, um aus den Analysen die richtigen Massnahmen ableiten zu knnen.In diesem Online-Kurs lernen Sie Schritt fr Schritt inkl. praktischer bungsaufgaben,wie erfolgreiches Controlling im E-Commerce funktioniert.Nehmen Sie sich fr die Bearbeitung des Online-Kurses soviel Zeit wie Sie mchten.Online-Kurs AufbauJeder Lern-Abschnitt enthlt:Video-EinheitAudio-Datei oder Fachartikel zur Vertiefungpraktische bungsaufgabesomit bleibt der Kurs abwechslungsreich und bietet einen hohen Lerneffekt.BearbeitungsdauerVideos: ca. 60 MinutenText/Audio: ca. 40 Minutenbungsaufgaben: ca. 3-4 StundenInhalt:IntroStrategie-FragenKennzahlen bei der Online-Shop BestellungWie Sie den Bestellumsatz um bis zu 20% steigern knnenVerbesserungen von KennzahlenUp Sells und Down SellsDie Deckungsbeitragsrechnung im E-CommerceKennzahlen priorisieren inkl. MusterlsungReporting fr einen Online-Shop"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MuleSoft- The Complete Mule 4 ESB From Scratch" |
"This course is a gentle but comprehensive introduction to Mule 4 Course, one of the most highly in-demand skills in the business sector today.Whether you are new to IT or you have other programming skills, want to work in fortune 500 companies, or you want to be Certified Mule Soft Developer (level 1), this is the course for YOU.The Complete Mule 4 Developer Course introduces you to a solid foundation in mule ESB 4 in a way thats both informative and engaging.In this course, you will:Use Mule Soft-hosted Any point Platform to take a basic API through all the steps of its life cycle Such asDesign API using RAML SpecificationBuild API based on RAML SpecificationDeploy API implementation in CloudHubManage and Secure API implementationCreate Proxy APILearn Common Message FormatUse Anypoint Studio to build, test, and debug basic integrations and API implementations.Connect to a range of resources including databases, files, web services, SaaS applications, and JMS queues.Perform basic data transformations using DataWeave 2.Control event flow and handle errorsProcess batch recordsAnd more!This course is also chock full of multiple-Choice Questions at the End of each section, projects, and opportunities for you to practice what youre learning.Why Learn Mule 4,Recently the most in-demand skill in 500 fortune Companies. Mule ESB is a fantastic way to increase your income and boost your professional development. So many companies today use Mule Soft, including Tesla, IBM, Bank of America, Toyota, Sales force and many others. Mule Soft ESB is growing day by day in the ESB realm. Mule Soft developers have great value in the industry. You step out looking for better opportunities and you see a ton of good ones.Why This Course Is DifferentThis isnt going to be a course where you watch me; its a course with ample opportunity for you to get your hands dirty configuring.Upon completing this course, you will be able Design, build, Test, Deploy and Secure APIS and Mule Application.So, lets do this! Enroll today and start learning Complete Mule Soft Developer Course(Mule 4)!Who this course is for:Anyone interested in learning Mule Soft to help with their current job or to find a new role. Mule Soft is one of today's most in-demand skillsAnyone looking to clear Mule Soft Developer CertificationBusiness owners, Managers who want to assess mule capability.Mule 3 Developers who are looking to know and understand mule 4"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estratgias para Operar no Mercado de Opes de Aes" |
"Aprenda o que so opes de aes e a oper-las na Bolsa de Valores!Embarque nessa jornada comigo e entenda o que uma PUT e uma CALL, os seus modelos e os efeitos da vigncia. Descubra como consultar opes vigentes.Apresentarei os conceitos de Opes junto com duas estratgias e exemplos prticos que tornaro o amigx pronto para operar nesse mercado com segurana."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"1400Python A-Z 106" |
"106SuperDataScience PythonPythonPython A-Z"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Mastering Conflict Management and Resolution at Work" |
"Does interpersonal conflict make you cringe? Don't worry; you're not alone. Many of us would rather get the black plague than have to confront someone about a conflict. But avoiding conflict never helped anyone. This course will make it easier for you to manage conflict and by the end of this course, you may even welcome the chance to work through a tough conflict.In this course, you will:Look at some of your past conflicts to understand how you typically handle conflict (and whether it's effective!)Gain valuable tools to handle any conflict immediatelyLearn how to recover from conflict, and what to do after the conflict is over to repair a relationshipThis course is designed to be actionable, fun, reflective, and thought-provoking. In my experience as a psychologist and executive coach, Ive helped many people navigate conflict. Throughout the course, Ive included exercises and tools that Ive found to be the most helpful when working through conflict so that youre prepared to resolve any conflicts that may arise in your life right away.It won't always be easy, but it will be worth it. Let's face it: conflict is inevitable, and people who have the tools to handle it effectively are more productive, fulfilled, and influential. So if you're ready, fasten your seat-belt and get ready to learn!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate marketing for beginnersClick bank, Amazon & more!" |
"With this course, you will learn everything you need and see the exact, proven model that my team and I use to make sales. no hidden secrets, perfect for beginners. Amazon affiliate, Clickbank affiliates, SEO, getting traffic, building your website the best way, the cheapest solutions, etc, are covered in this course. All the tools you need will be shown to you, and you can start today to make your own business and live your dream life and make money online!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
anicrpah |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Russir vos Photos au Smartphone" |
"DES PHOTOS DONT VOUS ALLEZ ETRE FIER(E),JUSTE AVEC VOTRE SMARTPHONE D'ICI 2 HEURES SANS AVOIR A RENTRER DANS LA TECHNIQUE, NI LIRE LE MOINDRE MANUELMARRE D'ETRE DECU(E) DE VOS PHOTOS ?Vous tes presque toujours du(e) du rendu de vos photos ?Vous tes parti(e) sur une le tropicale, mais vos photos ne donnaient presque rien par rapport ce que vous avez vu de vos propres yeux ?Vous tes systmatiquement frustr(e) quand vous regardez vos photos sur votre ordinateur ? (voire juste aprs les avoir prises, sur votre tlphone)Vous navez pas le temps dapprendre tous les rglages usine gaz des appareils reflex ? (Ou pas envie de vous trimballer du matriel hyper lourd toute la journe ?)Ca tombe bien: Parce quaujourd'hui, la qualit de loptique des Smartphones na (presque) plus rien envier aux appareils 2000 .Et que votre Smartphone, vous lavez TOUJOURS avec vous.Mieux encore: Il existe des applications qui font tout le travail pour vous, ou presque ( dgoter les photographes professionnels, a).Et, aujourdhui, plus besoin de sy connatre sur les ISO ou lexposition pour russir de superbes clichs, tant que vous comprenez quels sont les principes cls qui FONT des photos REUSSIES.Voyez ci-dessous le type de photos que vous pouvez faire ds les jours qui viennent, (voire mme ds aujourdhui, dans 2 heures), juste avec votre Smartphone.Sans rien ny connatre en technique photo, en rglages ou en cadrage.Vous partez en voyage, dcouvrez la mthode simple et rapide pour revenir avec de meilleures photos, des photos dont vous allez enfin tre fier(e), juste avec votre tlphone, mme si vous prenez lavion dans quelques heures.Vous voulez raliser de belles photos qui expriment ce que vous avez vu et ressenti, simplement avec votre smartphone, sans vous embter avec du matriel spcialis. Vous voulez partager sur les rseaux sociaux des photos dont vous serez fier(e), qui auront un rel impact sur vos spectateurs et pateront vos amis.Mais vous n'avez ni le temps ni l'envie de rentrer dans la technique pour faire des photos comme un pro.Attention: le but de cette mthode n'est pas que vous puissiez faire des photos de professionnel.Non, le but est simplement que vous puissiez rapidement, dans quelques heures tre capable de raliser des photos qui ressemblent celles ci-dessous.Russir vos photos au smartphone, c'est une mthode teste, accessible, performante et surtout extrmement simple qui couvre les aspects importants de la photographie et vous permet de russir vos photos au quotidien, juste avec votre tlphone et sans matriel, ni technique compliqus !La mthode simple pour russir toutes vos photos d'ici 2 heures :- Soyez fier(e) de vos photos, faites-vous plaisir en photographiant,- Exprimez ce que vous voulez dans vos photos !- Ralisez de magnifiques souvenirs avec vos proches- Ne vous prenez plus la tte avec la technique- Montrez vos photos et soyez reconnu(e) pour votre talent- Ressentez rapidement et intuitivement la bonne composition et les bons ajustements- Prenez des clichs que vous pourrez imprimer et partager sur les rseaux sociaux en toute fiert- Partagez les souvenirs de vos dernires vacances sans investir dans du matriel coteux et spcialis- Passez des photos plates et banales aux photos qui pateront vos amis- Quelle que soit votre situation actuelle !JE METS VOTRE SERVICE MES 6 ANNES D'EXPRIENCE EN TANT QUE PHOTOGRAPHEJe suis all Hawa pour voir les volcans, le Kilauea, le Mona Loa, quand jtais enfant. Jtais alors davantage passionn par les volcans que par la photo.Cependant, je possdais dj un appareil, ctait bien entendu un appareil correspondant mon ge: un petit compact que mon pre mavait offert.Bien sr, je prenais des photos avec, mais le rendu tait trs en dessous de la beaut des paysages que je pouvais voir, parce que je ny connaissais pas grand chose en photographie.Je ne savais pas comment retranscrire ce que voyais, et je navais aucune connaissance en photo. Comme vous pouvez vous en douter, le rsultat tait hyper dcevant et je suis rentr frustr de ne pas ramener des souvenirs de bonne qualit, dun endroit o je ne retournerai peut-tre jamais.En plus, mon retour je nai pas pu partager avec mes proches, les paysages extraordinaires dHawa, ni leur faire ressentir les motions qui mavaient submerg quand javais dcouvert les volcans Hawaen.Je me suis rendu compte alors que tout ce que je voulais, ctait savoir retranscrire dans mes photos la beaut de ce que je voyais et pouvoir la partager avec les autres.J'ai donc achet mon premier reflex en 2012.Mais dj depuis 2008, pour me former, j'ai dvor des tas de livres,regard des centaines d'heures de tutoriels et de formations.Puis, j'ai pass normment de temps sur le terrain faire des tests et des essais,et analys mes nombreuses photos ainsi que celles de grands photographes.Aujourd'hui, je vous fais profiter de toute l'exprienceet de toutes les connaissances que j'ai acquises en photographie.Sur mon blog et ma chane YouTube que j'anime depuis dj un certain temps, j'ai partag avec vous beaucoup d'information sur la technique, le matriel et le post-traitement en photo. Et conseill beaucoup d'entre de personnes sur des questions prcises, principalement sur la photo au Reflex.Mais vous n'avez peut-tre pas le budget, ni l'envie de faire des photos au reflex. C'est long, compliqu, il faut apprendre la technique, changer d'objectif, faire patienter les amis qui vous accompagnent et tout a ne vous intresse pas.Donc, aujourd'hui, je veux vous aider russir vos photos, en quelques jours, pour en tre fier(e), ramener des souvenirs vivants, pater vos spectateurs et vos amis et ne pas tre frustr(e) par vos photos comme je l'ai t en revenant d'Hawa. Tout a, simplement avec votre smartphone, sans apprendre les techniques et les rglages photographiques compliqus et barbants, ni lire le moindre mode d'emploi, ni y passer des heures.VALABLE POUR IOS ET ANDROIDCe que je vous montre marche quelle que soit la marque de votre Smartphone.DES CONSEILS UNIQUES POUR PASSER DES PHOTOS PLATES ET BANALES AUX PHOTOS RUSSIES ET IMPACTANTESVous allez matriser toutes les rgles de base pour composer vos photos, mettre en valeur votre sujet et retranscrire ce que vous voyez.Vous dcouvrirez des astuces simples et pratiques, spcifiques pour russir chaque type de photo(paysage, portrait, sport, macro, pose longue, ...), sans prise de tte avec la technique inutile.Vous apprenez retoucher simplement et efficacement vos photos pour en tirer tout leur potentiel, en quelques minutesSI VOUS VOULEZ CONTINUER A FAIRE DES PHOTOS PLATES ET BANALES, FERMEZ CETTE PAGE IMMEDIATEMENT,VOUS AVEZ SANS DOUTE MIEUX A FAIRE !!Parce qu'avec cette formation, vous serez capable de raliser des photos originales qui exprimeront ce que vous dsirez et pateront vos amis, simplement avec votre smartphone, en 2 heures et sans apprendre de techniques compliques.Bien sr, vous allez vous amliorer au fur et mesure des jours, en essayant et en vous entranant avec les astuces que vous allez dcouvrir.Mais vous aurez suivi toute la formation d'ici 2 heures et vous pourrez dj prendre de meilleures photos que jusqu' maintenant.Vous serez sr(e) de capturer les meilleurs moments de vos vacances avec vos proches, ou du mariage auquel vous tes invit demain, sans risquer de rater linstant magique, uniquement en appliquant les rgles et astuces simples et pratiques que vous allez dcouvrir.VOICI CE QUE VOUS ALLEZ APPRENDRE D'ICI 1 MINUTEModule 1: Les 7 Rgles toutes simples de Cadrage et de Composition (il ne faut que 7 minutes pour les connatre et dj savoir les appliquer) qui rendent instantanment vos photos plus impactantesDcouvrez ce que les photographes professionnels apprennent en tout premier pour ne plus vous prendre la tte avec le cadrage et trouver immdiatement la meilleure composition, pour mettre en valeur le sujet quelle que soit la situation.Ce que vous devez absolument inclure dans vos photos (a tombe bien, vous allez en trouver partout et quel que soit ce que vous voulez photographier) pour obtenir des photos tout de suite plus agrables l'oeil.Module 2: Les Astuces des Pros pour prendre des Portraits de votre petit(e) ami(e), de vos Enfants ou des Selfies originaux, et qui dvoilent la Beaut de votre SujetLes astuces caches, simples et faciles mettre en oeuvre pour raliser des portraits naturels, qui transmettent des motions et mettent votre sujet en valeur, sans technique inutile et complexe.Module 3: Comment Russir ds aujourd'hui vos plus belles Photos de Paysage (et qu'ils ressemblent vraiment ce que vous voyez, clat des couleurs inclus)Les 2 ou 3 trucs spcifiques chaque type de paysage pour russir vos couchers de soleil, vos cascades, vos photos de paysages urbains ,..... tous les coups (mme par mauvais temps) et tre certain(e) de toujours ramener de magnifiques souvenirs de vos vacances et de vos sorties.Et cela rapidement pour ne pas perdre le temps prcieux de vos vacances, ni faire attendre vos amis.Module 4: Retranscrivez l'Action, la Vitesse et les Emotions du Sport et des Sujets en MouvementLes astuces faciles des pros pour des photos d'action comme si on tait sur le terrain de foot, le circuit automobile ou le cours de tennis avec les joueurs.Mais galement pour faire revivre les jeux de vos enfants dans la piscine ou sur le trampoline.Module 5: Comment photographier les Monuments Historiques et les Btiments vus pendant vos Vacances sans faire la mme Photo que tout le monde (mme s'il y a plein de touristes partout)Mes trucs et astuces, simples et pratiques, pour jouer avec les lignes, tre plus cratif(ve), ramener les souvenirs de l'architecture de vos voyages, et faire disparatre les touristes de vos photos, comme par magie.Module 6: Magnifiez Insectes, Fleurs, Cristaux,..... et ralisez des Macrophotographies Accrocheuses.Les astuces simples et faciles pour rvler les yeux multiples des araignes, le pollen transport par les abeilles, le velours des ptales de roses, mais aussi l'lgance et le raffinement des flocons de neige, et la beaut des toiles d'araignes en les photographiant autrement. Effet sur vos spectateurs assur !!Module 7: Ralisez des Effets de Fil de Nuages et de Cascades, de Brume et d'Eau Miroir, des Tranes de Voitures, ..... avec la Pose LongueLes secrets des grands photographes dvoils pour russir coup sr vos photos en pose longue et tous les effets spciaux qu'elles offrent, avec votre smartphone.Module 8-9: Obtenez simplement avec votre Smartphone des Vidos Acclres (Time-Lapses) dynamiques, originales et impactantes, qui pateront vos amis.Capturez facilement les Grands Paysages de vos Voyages sous forme de PanoramasPour obtenir encore plus d'impact sur vos spectateurs, crez des time-lapses, plus originaux et plus drles que les simples vidos de vos vacances. Effet garanti!Retranscrivez facilement la grandeur et l'immensit des paysages que vous voyez (chanes de montagne, ocan, ....) avec les panoramas.Module 10: Sublimez vos meilleures Photos et Rcuprez les Clichs Rats grce la Retouche et au Post-traitementAvec quelques mthodes simples et faciles sur l'application Lightrrom mobile, optimisez le rendu de vos photos pour augmenter leur impact et corriger les imperfections si ncessaire."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Data analysis and visualization in python" |
", , ... ... ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comprendre et utiliser SAP" |
"L'objectif de ce cours est de comprendre ce qu'est SAP et de comprendre quoi sert SAP.Vous apprendrez alors vous connecter sur SAP en utilisant le SAP LOGON : un logiciel installer sur votre PC ( ce cours ne montre pas comment installer ce logiciel client car tout dpend du systme d'exploitation de votre PC )Vous apprendrez alors naviguer dans SAP pour une utilisation de base."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java - Virtual Classroom" |
"How this ""Java"" is different from other online courses?Welcome to Quaatso Learning. You have just opened the most comprehensive and exciting Java Programming online course. This is not just another ""online course,"" it is a fully animated, extensive ""Java Virtual classroom."" This course will take you to the ""Journey"" of learning a new skill set by following the new methodology of teaching. We used examples extracted from industry requirements, not from boring bookish patterns. Yeah, We hate them too!!!What is Virtual Classroom?We're setting a new trend that will help our learners in staying ahead of the curve. Our ""Virtual classroom"" model provides extensive ranged animation and video options. This will help you craft and learn from interactive content that enhances your ability to grasp and understand your topics of research.In the context of Java, we prepared content from the best teachers who got years of teaching experience in live classes. We converted their expertise in a model that will help you to learn and grasp complex concepts in seconds.In this model, you will be a part of a virtual classroom and learn complex skills by watching the interaction between different characters.How we framed our teaching model?We prepared our content by focusing on ""how the human mind learns new skills."" We consulted different psychologists and framed a new teaching model which can be applied at all levels and age group. This learning framework can be extended up to any level.How did we make learning easy?1. We created fully animated studio-recorded videos instead of boring un-professional videos.2. We run the entire course through a storyline, which is divided into multiple sessions. It simulates a movie like visualization.3. We explained a single scenario with numerous real-time examples. Thereby covering various applications of the same concept.4. Our ""NO-PPT"" rule helped us, illustrating each example more descriptively and interactively.Where we focus during teaching?The main focus of this teaching model is on: 1. Making illustrations more interesting 2. Repeating the same concept in a different way for better retention 3. More examples of a single conceptBeware, our videos are addictive!!!!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Master Linux and shell script from basic to Pro" |
"How this ""Linux"" is different from other online courses?Welcome to Quaatso Learning. You have just opened the most comprehensive and exciting Linux online course. This is not just another ""online course,"" it is a fully animated, extensive ""Linux Virtual classroom."" This course will take you to the ""Journey"" of learning a new skill set by following the new methodology of teaching. We used examples extracted from industry requirements, not from boring bookish patterns. Yeah, We hate them too!!!What is Virtual Classroom?We're setting a new trend that will help our learners in staying ahead of the curve. Our ""Virtual classroom"" model provides extensive ranged animation and video options. This will help you craft and learn from interactive content that enhances your ability to grasp and understand your topics of research.In the context of Linux, we prepared content from the best teachers who got years of teaching experience in live classes. We converted their expertise in a model that will help you to learn and grasp complex concepts in seconds.In this model, you will be a part of a virtual classroom and learn complex skills by watching the interaction between different characters.How we framed our teaching model?We prepared our content by focusing on ""how the human mind learns new skills."" We consulted different psychologists and framed a new teaching model which can be applied at all levels and age group. This learning framework can be extended up to any level.How did we make learning easy?1. We created fully animated studio-recorded videos instead of boring un-professional videos.2. We run the entire course through a storyline, which is divided into multiple sessions. It simulates a movie like visualisation.3. We explained a single scenario with numerous real-time examples. Thereby covering various applications of the same concept.4. Our ""NO-PPT"" rule helped us, illustrating each example more descriptively and interactively.Where we focus during teaching?The main focus of this teaching model is on: 1. Making illustrations more interesting 2. Repeating the same concept in a different way for better retention 3. More examples of a single conceptBeware, our videos are addictive!!!!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Git - Virtual Classroom" |
"How this ""GIT"" is different from other online courses?Welcome to Quaatso Learning. You have just opened the most comprehensive and exciting GIT online course. This is not just another ""online course,"" it is a fully animated, extensive ""GIT Virtual classroom."" This course will take you to the ""Journey"" of learning a new skill set by following the new methodology of teaching. We used examples extracted from industry requirements, not from boring bookish patterns. Yeah, We hate them too!!!What is Virtual Classroom?We're setting a new trend that will help our learners in staying ahead of the curve. Our ""Virtual classroom"" model provides extensive ranged animation and video options. This will help you craft and learn from interactive content that enhances your ability to grasp and understand your topics of research.In the context of GIT, we prepared content from the best teachers who got years of teaching experience in live classes. We converted their expertise in a model that will help you to learn and grasp complex concepts in seconds.In this model, you will be a part of a virtual classroom and learn complex skills by watching the interaction between different characters.How we framed our teaching model?We prepared our content by focusing on ""how the human mind learns new skills."" We consulted different psychologists and framed a new teaching model which can be applied at all levels and age group. This learning framework can be extended up to any level.How did we make learning easy?1. We created fully animated studio-recorded videos instead of boring un-professional videos.2. We run the entire course through a storyline, which is divided into multiple sessions. It simulates a movie like visualization.3. We explained a single scenario with numerous real-time examples. Thereby covering various applications of the same concept.4. Our ""NO-PPT"" rule helped us, illustrating each example more descriptively and interactively.Where we focus during teaching?The main focus of this teaching model is on: 1. Making illustrations more interesting 2. Repeating the same concept in a different way for better retention 3. More examples of a single conceptBeware, our videos are addictive!!!!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Maven - Virtual Classroom" |
"How this ""Maven"" is different from other online courses?Welcome to Quaatso Learning. You have just opened the most comprehensive and exciting Maven online course. This is not just another ""online course,"" it is a fully animated, extensive ""Maven Virtual classroom."" This course will take you to the ""Journey"" of learning a new skill set by following the new methodology of teaching. We used examples extracted from industry requirements, not from boring bookish patterns. Yeah, We hate them too!!!What is Virtual Classroom?We're setting a new trend that will help our learners in staying ahead of the curve. Our ""Virtual classroom"" model provides extensive ranged animation and video options. This will help you craft and learn from interactive content that enhances your ability to grasp and understand your topics of research.In the context of Maven, we prepared content from the best teachers who got years of teaching experience in live classes. We converted their expertise in a model that will help you to learn and grasp complex concepts in seconds.In this model, you will be a part of a virtual classroom and learn complex skills by watching the interaction between different characters.How we framed our teaching model?We prepared our content by focusing on ""how the human mind learns new skills."" We consulted different psychologists and framed a new teaching model which can be applied at all levels and age group. This learning framework can be extended up to any level.How did we make learning easy?1. We created fully animated studio-recorded videos instead of boring un-professional videos.2. We run the entire course through a storyline, which is divided into multiple sessions. It simulates a movie like visualization.3. We explained a single scenario with numerous real-time examples. Thereby covering various applications of the same concept.4. Our ""NO-PPT"" rule helped us, illustrating each example more descriptively and interactively.Where we focus during teaching?The main focus of this teaching model is on: 1. Making illustrations more interesting 2. Repeating the same concept in a different way for better retention 3. More examples of a single conceptBeware, our videos are addictive!!!!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Rest API Manual Testing - Virtual Classroom" |
"How this ""API Testing"" is different from other online courses?Welcome to Quaatso Learning. You have just opened the most comprehensive and exciting API Testing online course. This is not just another ""online course,"" it is a fully animated, extensive ""API Testing Virtual classroom."" This course will take you to the ""Journey"" of learning a new skill set by following the new methodology of teaching. We used examples extracted from industry requirements, not from boring bookish patterns. Yeah, We hate them too!!What is Virtual Classroom?We're setting a new trend that will help our learners in staying ahead of the curve. Our ""Virtual classroom"" model provides extensive ranged animation and video options. This will help you craft and learn from interactive content that enhances your ability to grasp and understand your topics of research.In the context of Java, we prepared content from the best teachers who got years of teaching experience in live classes. We converted their expertise in a model that will help you to learn and grasp complex concepts in seconds.In this model, you will be a part of a virtual classroom and learn complex skills by watching the interaction between different characters.How we framed our teaching model?We prepared our content by focusing on ""how the human mind learns new skills."" We consulted different psychologists and framed a new teaching model which can be applied at all levels and age group. This learning framework can be extended up to any level.How did we make learning easy?1. We created fully animated studio-recorded videos instead of boring un-professional videos.2. We run the entire course through a storyline, which is divided into multiple sessions. It simulates a movie like visualization.3. We explained a single scenario with numerous real-time examples. Thereby covering various applications of the same concept.4. Our ""NO-PPT"" rule helped us, illustrating each example more descriptively and interactively.Where we focus during teaching?The main focus of this teaching model is on: 1. Making illustrations more interesting 2. Repeating the same concept in a different way for better retention 3. More examples of a single conceptBeware, our videos are addictive!!!!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Selenium WebDriver - Virtual Classroom" |
"How is this ""Selenium-WebDriver"" different from other online courses?Welcome to Quaatso Learning. You have just opened the most comprehensive and exciting Selenium-WebDriver online course. This is not just another ""online course,"" it is a fully animated, extensive ""Selenium Virtual classroom."" This course will take you to the ""Journey"" of learning a new skill set by following the new methodology of teaching. We used examples extracted from industry requirements, not from boring bookish patterns. Yeah, We hate them too!!!What is Virtual Classroom?We're setting a new trend that will help our learners in staying ahead of the curve. Our ""Virtual classroom"" model provides extensive ranged animation and video options. This will help you craft and learn from interactive content that enhances your ability to grasp and understand your topics of research.In the context of Selenium, we prepared content from the best teachers who got years of teaching experience in live classes. We converted their expertise in a model that will help you to learn and grasp complex concepts in seconds.In this model, you will be a part of a virtual classroom and learn complex skills by watching the interaction between different characters.How we framed our teaching model?We prepared our content by focusing on ""how the human mind learns new skills."" We consulted different psychologists and framed a new teaching model which can be applied at all levels and age group. This learning framework can be extended up to any level.How did we make learning easy?1. We created fully animated studio-recorded videos instead of boring un-professional videos.2. We run the entire course through a storyline, which is divided into multiple sessions. It simulates a movie like visualization.3. We explained a single scenario with numerous real-time examples. Thereby covering various applications of the same concept.4. Our ""NO-PPT"" rule helped us, illustrating each example more descriptively and interactively.Where we focus during teaching?The main focus of this teaching model is on: 1. Making illustrations more interesting 2. Repeating the same concept in a different way for better retention 3. More examples of a single conceptBeware, our videos are addictive!!!!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"TestNG - Virtual Classroom" |
"How is this ""TestNG"" different from other online courses?Welcome to Quaatso Learning. You have just opened the most comprehensive and exciting TestNG online course. This is not just another ""online course,"" it is a fully animated, extensive ""TestNG Virtual classroom."" This course will take you to the ""Journey"" of learning a new skill set by following the new methodology of teaching. We used examples extracted from industry requirements, not from boring bookish patterns. Yeah, We hate them too!!!What is Virtual Classroom?We're setting a new trend that will help our learners in staying ahead of the curve. Our ""Virtual classroom"" model provides extensive ranged animation and video options. This will help you craft and learn from interactive content that enhances your ability to grasp and understand your topics of research.In the context of TestNG, we prepared content from the best teachers who got years of teaching experience in live classes. We converted their expertise in a model that will help you to learn and grasp complex concepts in seconds.In this model, you will be a part of a virtual classroom and learn complex skills by watching the interaction between different characters.How we framed our teaching model?We prepared our content by focusing on ""how the human mind learns new skills."" We consulted different psychologists and framed a new teaching model which can be applied at all levels and age group. This learning framework can be extended up to any level.How did we make learning easy?1. We created fully animated studio-recorded videos instead of boring un-professional videos.2. We run the entire course through a storyline, which is divided into multiple sessions. It simulates a movie like visualization.3. We explained a single scenario with numerous real-time examples. Thereby covering various applications of the same concept.4. Our ""NO-PPT"" rule helped us, illustrating each example more descriptively and interactively.Where we focus during teaching?The main focus of this teaching model is on: 1. Making illustrations more interesting 2. Repeating the same concept in a different way for better retention 3. More examples of a single conceptBeware, our videos are addictive!!!!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Apache POI - Virtual Classroom" |
"How is this ""Apache POI"" different from other online courses?Welcome to Quaatso Learning. You have just opened the most comprehensive and exciting Apache POI online course. This is not just another ""online course,"" it is a fully animated, extensive ""POI Virtual classroom."" This course will take you to the ""Journey"" of learning a new skill set by following the new methodology of teaching. We used examples extracted from industry requirements, not from boring bookish patterns. Yeah, We hate them too!!!What is Virtual Classroom?We're setting a new trend that will help our learners in staying ahead of the curve. Our ""Virtual classroom"" model provides extensive ranged animation and video options. This will help you craft and learn from interactive content that enhances your ability to grasp and understand your topics of research.In the context of Java, we prepared content from the best teachers who got years of teaching experience in live classes. We converted their expertise in a model that will help you to learn and grasp complex concepts in seconds.In this model, you will be a part of a virtual classroom and learn complex skills by watching the interaction between different characters.How we framed our teaching model?We prepared our content by focusing on ""how the human mind learns new skills."" We consulted different psychologists and framed a new teaching model which can be applied at all levels and age group. This learning framework can be extended up to any level.How did we make learning easy?1. We created fully animated studio-recorded videos instead of boring un-professional videos.2. We run the entire course through a storyline, which is divided into multiple sessions. It simulates a movie like visualization.3. We explained a single scenario with numerous real-time examples. Thereby covering various applications of the same concept.4. Our ""NO-PPT"" rule helped us, illustrating each example more descriptively and interactively.Where we focus during teaching?The main focus of this teaching model is on: 1. Making illustrations more interesting 2. Repeating the same concept in a different way for better retention 3. More examples of a single conceptBeware, our videos are addictive!!!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Exerccios de FAN" |
"Exerccios de Fator anti- nuclear e seus padres para prova terico prtica na disciplina de imunologia aplicada do curso de farmcia UFC e para estudantes de diferentes cursos da rea de sade. Assuntos administrados nos contedos tericos.Assuntos abordados:Relao dos padres com os anticorposRelao dos anticorpos e LESQuestes que ajudam na fixao do contedo"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |