Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Controle Financeiro - A Melhor forma de ver resultados" |
"Tenha em suas mos o controle de suas despesas e receitasVoc saber seus saldos futuros e poder controlar melhor suas finanasEsse curso ajudar voc a no se perder em suas despesas e receitasO objetivo evitar surpresas na hora de planejar seus investimentosAqui voc aprender do bsico e progressivamente vai aprendendo a construir uma planilha bem elaborad"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Figma Fundamentals: Use Figma Like a Pro" |
"Figma is a cloud-based UX design and collaboration tool that is similar to Sketch in functionality and features, but with big differences that make Figma better for team collaboration. Figma simplifies the design process and is more effective than other programs at helping designers and teams work together efficiently.In this course, learn how to use Figma and how to get a Figma project started. We will get into how to add content to your design project by working with frames, creating and editing shapes, drawing, adding and formatting text, and more. In addition, learn how to create a prototype, share designs using the collaboration features in Figma, and generate assets for development.By the end of this course you'll have a good understanding of using Figma and be able to use it for you next project."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Made Easy: For Absolute Beginners" |
"In this course, you are going to learn everything you need to get started in learning to program in Python. Python is useful for a lot of things some of which are automation, data science, machine learning, application building, web development and a lot more. It is easy to learn as a first language and a very valuable skill-set to have in the job market.We will be going through the basics, we will go step by step through the process of installing Python, we will also look at how to display text on the screen using the print function, we will look at python IDLE, running Python in script mode, variables, string, how to work with numbers, modulo operator, accepting input, list, relational operators, if statements, elif statements, else, dictionaries, tuples, while loop, for loop and function. The course is designed with beginners in mind so no experience is needed to take this course. The course will be presented using Python IDLE. IDLE works well on both Unix and Windows platforms and it is not complicated to use. The course is presented in a relaxed environment in a semi-formal way. If you have always wanted to learn a programming language but didn't know where to start, then you have come to the right place. I hope you enjoy the course as much as I enjoyed putting it together. If you have any question please feel free to reach out to me."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Start Learning Today Adobe Illustrator CC Techniques 2020" |
"Introduction to Advanced Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 Techniques of 2020How to use Basic shape and make designBest technique to use gradient in TextMake St-rock in text and ImageHow to make pattern designAdvance key board Shortcut toolsHow to make Banner for your travel companyCreate Social media postMake Creative Facebook coverThis Course is Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 But Tools and technique is 2020 Adobe Illustrator is the world's leading vector based software, it can be used to create stunning and amazing art. This course teaches you the basics and concepts that can be useful in any kind of project. With Instructor Ahmed you will learn about the necessary tools, pallets and shortcuts, how to deal with swatches and how to use some advanced tools like the arc tool, and the reflection too, and the line segment tool.What will you learn in this Adobe Illustrator CC course? Start by understanding the Adobe Illustrator work space and tools Dive into creating your own shapes & lines Use the pen & curvature tool to improve your designs Advance your graphics with strokes, pencils & brushes Speed up your workflow with the shape builder tool Align and distribute objects to create amazing shape and textures Add and stylize text to your projects Create beautiful graphics with masks and compound shapes Get creative with effects and advanced techniques Understand color and how to use it like a pro Save & export your projects for any kind of projectReal World Skills + Fun Illustrator ProjectsDesign your own amazing graphics while learning new skills. This Adobe Illustrator CC course is jam-packed with projects and project files for you to follow along with.Thank you"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Earn Money From Shutter Stock to Sell Photo's" |
"Ability to take photographs that sell well online.You will learn what the characteristics of a good stock photograph are.The ability to submit photographs to one of the world's biggest stock photography websites, namely: Shutterstock.Photographs in such a way that they stand a great chance of being accepted as stock.Add powerful captions and keywords to your images, increasing the chances of potential buyers finding and downloading them.The monitor the success of your photographs once they've been accepted on Shutterstock.Upload your photographs onto multiple stock photography websites, further increasing your earning potential.Digital photography can be profitable!! Earn additional, passive income with your photographs by selling them online to an international audience!Get to know the world of stock photography& Vector Illustration upload and start earning money with your photos online!Ever wonder whether its possible to sell your Vectors images online? The answer is: Yes, you can! And its easier than you think!Anyone who takes photographs with a DSLR camera can sign up as a stock photographer on one of many online stock photography websites. In this course, I will help you to sign up as a contributor on Shutterstock specifically, not only because its one of the worlds biggest stock photography websites, but also because its got a very user-friendly interface and because youll earn more here than through any other stock photography website.What Type Of vector do you sale What types of photographs sell online.What you can expect to earn as a stock photographer.What the characteristics of a good stock photo are.What the Shutterstock submission guidelines are.How to upload photos to Shutterstock and how to monitor their success.How to get paid through Shutterstock.The value of a good stock photo filing system on your computer.How to upload your photos onto multiple stock photography websites so that you can earn even more money!How to sign up and register as a Shutterstock contributor.This course is for Every one who can earn money from shutturstock through professional photographers with DSLR camers who wish to earn an additional passive income with their photographs. and vector artist also earn money form this site Start selling today"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to create a resume and a video CV that stands out !" |
"Dear students,Through this course you will be able to master CVs and video CVs in no time !How ?First, i will explain step by step every section that are a part of a CV and will give you examples from my own experience to illustrate my words.Secondly, i will show you examples of wrong CVs and will tell you how to improve them.Thirdly, I will explain how you can differenciate yourself from others using video CVs : the new weapon in the world of work when you apply for a job.The purpose of this course :I want, at the end of this course, that every one of you will be called by employers for a job interview : the next step and most crucial one.I also want you to understand the tips that i give to create a CV adapted to your needs and your profile : do not forget that you must be the one using personalization.Always ""stay hungry stay foolish"" : you must believe in yourself and give your best shot so you will be the final candidate and will catch the job of your dreams.Thank you for reading,Eva Lopez--Coquelle"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comment planifier son voyage" |
"Dans mes cours, vous allez apprendre les piliers pour programmer des voyages. Que vous soyez en couple, seul(e) ou en groupe, osez voyager. Le voyage permet de s'vader, s'enrichir et dcouvrir de nouvelles cultures, de nouveaux paysages et de nouvelles personnes, alors ne ratez pas l'occasion. Adapter son voyage son budget est totalement ralisable alors il n'y a plus qu' programmer et c'est donc pour cette partie-l que je vous viens en aide.Bonne lecture et surtout bon voyage."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Passive Income Strategy to Earn Six Figures" |
"Welcome to the Passive Income Strategy to live your dream life course where we aim to build an online business empire !!!One of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to online entrepreneurship is how to make 6 figures a year. Six figures are very attainable if you follow this method consistently. It wont happen overnight and it wont be free (it will take time and there are costs associated as you scale) but if you are willing to put the hours in, you will succeed.Often times the simplest ideas will produce the biggest returns, and this is a prime example of how you can take a simple idea and grow it into a profitable online business. No tricks, just hard work."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AWS Fundamentals : Getting Started with Amazon AWS" |
"Do you want to learn how to take your application on the cloud, Do you know there were around 18 million cloud computing jobs globally. Its one of the hottest skills of 2019 and of course, one of the highest-paying professions. Learn AWS and be a part of cloud computing ecosystem. Amazon web services is the market leaders in this field. popularly called AWS, is a comprehensive and secure cloud services platform provided by Amazon. The AWS Cloud or Amazon cloud offers a wide range of infrastructure services, such as storage options, computing power, networking and databases to businesses, helping them scale and grow. Amazon delivers its services on-demand with pay-as-you-go pricing policy. Try your hands on AWS and cloud computing with the help of this course. This course will help you build a strong foundation on AWS.Let's see the Pre - Requisite For courseIt can be learned by anyone from scratch. The cloud infrastructure is used almost by everyone in various ways. So, you need not be a technical pro to grasp It.Myth You should know coding to learn it.Fact To try your hands-on, you can take cloud computing courses and begin using a public or private cloud computing service. You need not be a coder.Myth CC is a niche domain only meant for techies and developers.Fact Anyone can learn it. It is transforming the way companies conduct business and this involves all the internal stakeholders of the enterprise. Therefore, It is equally important to be learned by managers, marketing experts, system administrators, and developers. Yes, approaches and specific aspects will vary with different roles and responsibilities.Myth You should have previous IT experience to learn cloud computing.Fact It can be learned by anyone from scratch. The cloud infrastructure is used almost by everyone in various ways. So, you need not be a technical pro to grasp It.With the growing buzz and exponential rise of cloud dependency, demand for cloud computing professionals is not going to decrease in the coming years. The best way to learn it is to enroll in cloud computing courses and practice through hands-on labs. The lab sessions acquaint you with the actual AWS environment.Kickstart your endeavor today. Lets meet in the cloud!So what are u waiting for Let's get started!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Logo Design mit Affinity Designer" |
"Lerne moderne, abstrakte & innovative Logos mit Affinity Designer zu designen. Logo Design ist einer der beliebtesten High Income Skills um im Internet als Freelancer Geld zu verdienen. Du wirst Trends kennenlernen und direkt nach dem Kurs bereit sein deine eigenen Logos zu designen.Des Weiteren erhltst du viele ntzliche Einblicke in Seiten, die ich selbst tglich bei meiner Arbeit nutze und die dir das Leben als Logo Designer viel einfacher machen werden. Egal ob du Logos fr dich, aus Spa oder fr Kunden erstellen willst, hier lernst du die Grundlagen um sofort damit loszulegen. Nach dem Kurs wirst du auerdem die Grundlagen von Affinity Designer beherrschen und alle Mglichkeiten offen haben mit diesem Programm zu designen was immer du mchtest.Du hast nichts zu verlieren und alles zu gewinnen!Worauf wartest du also noch? Schreib dich in den Kurs ein und wir sehen uns bald. Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Passives Einkommen aufbauen & Online Geld verdienen" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du zuerst wie du dir dein eigenes T-Shirt Unternehmen aufbaust, dass dir Tag fr Tag passives Einkommen generiert. Danach wirst du auerdem lernen dein eigenes Icon Unternehmen aufzubauen, welches dir auch Tag fr Tag passives Einkommen generiert und zum Schluss zeige ich dir, wie du ein Affiliate Marketing Imperium aufbaust.Auerdem erhltst du von mir zahlreiche Tipps, die dich im Handumdrehen erfolgreicher machen werden und dir viel Zeit & Geld sparen.Du hast nichts zu verlieren und alles zu gewinnen! Worauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich jetzt in den Kurs ein und entdecke mit mir drei unglaublich lukrative Einnahmequelle im Internet. Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dein T-Shirt Unternehmen - Online Geld verdienen" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du wie du dir dein eigenes T-Shirt Unternehmen aufbaust, dass dir Tag fr Tag passives Einkommen generiert. Du wirst lernen wie du Online Geld verdienst und wie du durch Motivation & Elan dein eigenes Business aufbauen kannst.Auerdem zeige ich dir alles was du brauchst um direkt loslegen zu knnen. Somit kannst du direkt im Anschluss an diesen Kurs damit beginnen deine eigenen T-Shirt Designs hochzuladen.Du hast nichts zu verlieren und alles zu gewinnen! Worauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich jetzt in den Kurs ein und entdecke mit mir eine lukrative Einnahmequelle im Internet. Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"T-Shirt Design mit Affinity Designer" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du zuerst die Grundlagen von Affinity Designer. Diese werden dir nicht nur beim Designen von T-Shirts sondern auch bei unzhligen weiteren Designs behilflich sein.Danach werde ich dir wichtige Seiten vorstellen, die ich selbst tglich bei meinem Design Prozess nutze und die dir helfen werden dein T-Shirt Unternehmen oder deine Marke auf das nchste Level zu bringen.Am Ende werden wir noch 3 verschiedene T-Shirt Design Typen kennenlernen und zu jedem ein Design gemeinsam entwerfen. Ich zeige dir worauf du achten musst und welche Dateitypen fr dich relevant sind.Nach diesem Kurs wirst du somit in der Lage sein deine eigenen T-Shirt Designs zu erstellen, die du dann als Marke, auf verschiedenen Plattformen im Internet oder als Freelancer verkaufen kannst.Du hast nichts zu verlieren und alles zu gewinnen! Worauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich jetzt in den Kurs ein und lerne wie du deine eigenen T-Shirts designen kannst. Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Landing Page Design mit Sketch - UI & UX Design Basics" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen des Landing Page Designs mit Sketch. Auerdem wirst du in den Bereich des User Interface kurz UI und User Experience kurz UX Designs eingefhrt.Zusammen werden wir eine eigene Landing Page fr ein ausgedachtes Unternehmen entwerfen. Du lernst ntzliche Seiten kennen und wie man ein Design Konzept vorbereitet, dass einem beim eigentlichen Design Prozess enorm hilft.Du hast nichts zu verlieren und alles zu gewinnen! Worauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich jetzt in den Kurs ein und lerne wie du deine eigene Landing Page designst. Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Affinity Designer Grundlagen in nur 35 Minuten" |
"Dieser Kurs ist fr alle gedacht, die zeiteffizient so viel wie mglich lernen mchten. In nur 35 Minuten zeige & erklre ich dir alle wesentlichen Grundlagen von Affinity Designer.Dir wird es an nichts fehlen und du hast auch noch enorm viel Zeit gesparrt. Direkt nach dem Kurs kannst du loslegen und deine ersten Designs erstellen.Du hast nichts zu verlieren und alles zu gewinnen! Worauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich jetzt in den Kurs ein und lerne Affinity Designer zu bedienen. Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Professionelle PowerPoint Prsentation - Power Point Design" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du moderne & ansprechende PowerPoint Prsentationen zu erstellen, die deine Zuhrer begeistern werden.Gemeinsam zeige ich dir wichtige Seiten, die dein Leben enorm erleichtern werden. Des Weiteren gebe ich dir grundlegende Tipps, mit denen jede deiner weiteren Prsentationen ein Hit wird.Am Ende erstellen wir sogar gemeinsam noch eine eigene Power Point Prsentation, die dir als Inspiration und praktisches Beispiel dienen soll.Du hast nichts zu verlieren und alles zu gewinnen! Worauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich jetzt in den Kurs ein und lerne auergewhnliche PowerPoint Prsentationen zu designen. Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Instagram & Social Media Content erstellen mit Canva" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du das kostenlose Grafik Design Tool Canva kennen, mit deren Hilfe du professionellen Social Media Content erstellen kannst.Ich zeige dir wichtige Seiten, die dir bei jedem Design Vorhaben enorm helfen werden. Des Weiteren lernst du die Grundlagen von Canva, damit du dieses Tool selbst nutzen kannst.Zum Schluss werden wir noch zusammen anhand von zwei praktischen Beispielen die Macht von Canva austesten und unser Gelerntes anwenden.Du hast nichts zu verlieren und alles zu gewinnen! Worauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich jetzt in den Kurs ein und lerne deinen Social Media Content mit Canva zu erstellen. Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Grafik Design fr Anfnger" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du alle wesentlichen Grafik Design Grundlagen, lernst wichtige Seiten fr jeden Designer kennen und bekommst einen berblick ber die gngigsten Design Programme von kostenlos bis professionell.Des Weiteren lernst du die Grundlagen anzuwenden durch zwei Praxisbeispiele.Am Ende bist du somit in der Lage deine eigenen Grafiken zu designen und kannst als Freelancer, Unternehmer, Selbststndiger oder Kreativer loslegen und deiner Kreativitt freien Lauf lassen.Du hast nichts zu verlieren und alles zu gewinnen! Worauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich jetzt in den Kurs ein und lerne den High Income Skill Grafik Design. Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Content Design & Marketing mit Affinity Designer" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen des Instagram Content Design & Marketing. ber wichtige Seiten, wesentliche Grundlagen bis hin zu Praxisbeispielen ist alles dabei.Nebenbei wirst du noch die Grundlagen von Affinity Designer lernen, die dir nicht nur beim Erstellen von Instagram Content behilflich sein werden.Du hast nichts zu verlieren und alles zu gewinnen! Worauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich jetzt in den Kurs ein und lerne Instagram Content Design & Marketing. Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"10 Webseiten um als Grafik Designer online Geld zu verdienen" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du 10 Webseiten kennen, die dein Leben als Grafik Designer verndern werden.Ich zeige dir die besten Seiten im Bereich Print on Demand, Freelancing, Grafik Ressourcen online verkaufen und dem Icon Business.Nach dem Kurs wirst du voller neuer Ideen sein und kannst loslegen deine Selbststndigkeit auf die nchste Ebene zu bringen.Du hast nichts zu verlieren und alles zu gewinnen! Worauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich jetzt in den Kurs ein und baue dir verschiedene Einkommensstrme als Grafik Designer auf. Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Landing Page Design mit Affinity Designer" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen des Landing Page Designs mit Affinity Designer. Ich zeige dir wichtige Seiten, die jeder Grafik Designer & User Interface sowie User Experience Designer kennen sollte.Des Weiteren lernst du die Grundlagen von Affinity Designer, welche dir nicht nur beim Designen von Landing Pages sondern auch bei zahlreichen anderen Design Aufgaben helfen werden.Gemeinsam erstellen wir uns Leervorlagen um die grundlegenden Design Konzepte des Landing Page Designs kennenzulernen und wenden diese anhand von 2 Praxisbeispielen an.Du hast nichts zu verlieren und alles zu gewinnen! Worauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich jetzt in den Kurs ein und lerne atemberaubendes Landing Page Design mit Affinity Designer. Ich freue mich auf dich!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Authentic Mexican Food in Japan" |
"Mexican food can be really troublesome to find here in Japan, but its very unique and delicious, so in this course, youll learn how to cook mexican cuisine using ingredients that are very easy to find and turn out like the real deal.Imprese your japanese friends that like te ""Tacorice"" with this meals and show them the real mexican flavor!"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Amazon Alexa per marketers" |
"Nel 2014 Amazon lancia Alexa, il suo assistente virtuale e con i dispositivi Echo inizia una nuova era legata all'interazione con le macchine.Con Alexa possibile giocare, acquistare, cercare e ottenere informazioni. E tutte queste cose possibile farle senza mani, semplicemente con la voce come se si interagisse con un essere umano.Pochi ancora per sanno che su Alexa possibile sviluppare applicazioni (chiamate skill, ovvero capacit che di fatto vengono insegnate ad Alexa) e che tali applicazioni possono avere un ritorno diretto per l'azienda.In questo corso quindi ti mostrer tutto ci che ho imparato su Alexa in questi ultimi anni, dopo aver fatto esperienza diretta anche nello sviluppo di skill di successo in Italia.Ti aspetto!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Le Guide complet du SEO Le rfrencement naturel de A Z" |
"Le but de cette formation sur le SEO pour optimiser votre rfrencement naturel ?Vous guider pas pas pour que vous soyez autonomes sur l'optimisation SEO (du rfrencement naturel) de votre site internet !Vous pourrez ainsi :Amliorer le positionnement de votre site internet sur GoogleAttirer plus de visiteurs sur votre internet et dvelopper votre trafic naturellementtre plus l'aise dans les changes pour travailler avec une agence ou freelance SEO / de dveloppement web / de webmarketingLe SEO (rfrencement naturel) est un levier utilis dans le marketing digital car il est fiable, durable, EXTRMEMENT puissant et gratuit ! Alors oui, gratuit certes. Mais cela prend du temps mettre en place !Lobjectif de cette formation est de vous guider pas pas avec ce guide complet pour qu la fin de la formation, votre site internet (WordPress ou autre) soit optimis pour le SEO pour Google et que vous sachiez quoi mettre en place pour continuer lamliorer.Cette formation est centre autour des 3 piliers fondamentaux du SEO (sur le site, sur la page et hors du site) et couvrira : La dfinition de votre stratgie de rfrencement naturel et optimisation de votre SEO sur votre site - Focus sur les outils Google et sur WordPress !Les principales tapes :Qu'est-ce que le SEO et comment marche les moteurs de recherche (focus sur Google)La recherche de vos mot-clefs pour votre stratgie SEO - Choisir les requtes SEO cibler !Optimisation de l'aspect technique de votre site (""sur le site"") - Les modifications la structure de son site pour votre rfrencement naturelOptimisation du contenu mme de vos pages de votre site (""sur la page"") - Comment amliorer chaque page de son site pour optimiser votre positionnement globalStratgie webmarketing et popularit de votre site (""hors du site"") - Pourquoi et comment gnrer des liens vers son site internet correctementLe suivi des analyses statistiques pour suivre l'impact de vos efforts SEO - Installation et utilisation des outils Google Analytics et Google Search Console (outils gratuits)Ce que vous allez trouver dans cette formation en ligne :8 chapitres - 54 leons sur le SEO (le rfrencement naturel) et des quizzs pour tester vos connaissances3h30 de vidos6 documents tlcharger : 4 checklists et 2 mmos garder prs de vous4 templates tlcharger pratiques et prts l'emploiDes ressources pour aller plus loin sur certains sujets SEO / sites internet WordPress / webmarketingUn support tout au long du cours pour rpondre vos interrogationsLe contenu de 2 journes de formation professionnelle... mettre en pratique chez vous, votre rythme !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Corso base di sviluppo di skill per Alexa" |
"Questo corso ti guider nel percorso che partir della registrazione sulla dashboard per sviluppatori Alexa fino alla pubblicazione della tua prima skill.Nel corso svilupperemo insieme passo dopo passo una skill relativamente semplice ma che permette di affrontare tutte le problematiche di base dello sviluppo di una skill.SI tratta di un corso base e quindi non richiesta nessuna conoscenza riguardo allo sviluppo delle skill. E' necessaria solo una conoscenza almeno basilare della programmazione e di javascript. E' molto utile ma non strettamente richiesto un dispositivo Amazon echo con esperienza del suo utilizzo."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"CSWIP 3.1 welding preparation" |
"This course will provide a series of test for practice (CSWIP 3.1). These test covers all the relevant topics for CSWIP 3.1 including Welding defects, Welding technology, Welding symbols, Non destructive test, Destructive test, Heat treatment, Residual stress relieving, duties of welding inspector, codes, standards and specifications, Material specifications, TIG welding, MIG/MAG welding, SMAW welding "
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CC: Beginner to Legendary" |
"This course is created for those students who are interested in Graphic Design. This Introductory Adobe Photoshop course teach students the editing capabilities of Adobe Photoshop software. Students learn how to use the Adobe Photoshop interface and access its marvelous set of features and it will teach you everything you need to know to make full use of the most popular graphics editing program.If you've used Photoshop before, then this course may amaze you with all the improvements that have been made to the program. If you're new to Photoshop, don't be nervous or worry that it will be overwhelming. We'll start at the beginning and teach you everything you need to know in simple, everyday language so you understand and learn.There's an unconditional, no-questions-asked full 30-day money-back guarantee! I'm known for always offering support in Udemy, so feel free to shout out if you're stuck or need assistance. ""I'm here to help""Scyllas goal is to teach you all Photoshop Tools & workspace areas, so don't worry about not having worked in Photoshop before. ""Scylla do the best to make it simple and powerful""No Prior Photoshop knowledge needed ""Guaranteed""No other software is needed.What will you learn ? You will be able to earn Money from your Photoshop SkillsYou will learn Photoshop EasilyYou will be able to teach PhotoshopYou will Create a New DocumentYou will be able to work with all Document Modes & SettingsYou will Use Selection ToolsYou will be able to Retouch faces or every distorted ImagesYou will learn cropping and resizingYou will learn working with Transformations ModesYou will be able to use Color boxes and ModesYou will be able to use every tool in the toolbox appropriatelyYou will be able to handle and finish a significant project in a perfect wayYou will create Banners and Multi-page BrochuresYou will create a Professional Visit CardYou will draw every shape and images which you decided!You will be able to Create Your Idea instantly in Photoshop and make your World!And much, much more!By the end of this course, no matter who you are or how much experience you've had with the program in the past, you will be an advanced user capable of using Adobe Photoshop (versions CC or lower) like a professional to create, edit, and manipulate images.Why is this course different? Simple and clear scriptIn comparison with others , we will teach you the full Photoshop course in less hoursProgressive difficulty: we start slow and we build our way up Impeccable sound and video quality Quality instructor support: respond quickly to all questions All lectures are straight to the point - minimal effort, maximum results.Learn practically, not theoretically! By the end of this course you will be able to use the program easily. Whether you are looking for freelancing opportunities, or developing a personal hobby, get started today on your Photoshop journey!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Non Destructive Testing Methods" |
"Nondestructive testing (NDT) is the process of inspecting, testing, or evaluating materials, components or assemblies for discontinuities, or differences in characteristics without destroying the serviceability of the part or system. In other words, when the inspection or test is completed the part can still be used.In contrast to NDT, other tests are destructive in nature and are therefore done on a limited number of samples (""lot sampling""), rather than on the materials, components or assemblies actually being put into service.These destructive tests are often used to determine the physical properties of materials such as impact resistance, ductility, yield and ultimate tensile strength, fracture toughness and fatigue strength, but discontinuities and differences in material characteristics are more effectively found by NDT.Today modern nondestructive tests are used in manufacturing, fabrication and in-service inspections to ensure product integrity and reliability, to control manufacturing processes, lower production costs and to maintain a uniform quality level. During construction, NDT is used to ensure the quality of materials and joining processes during the fabrication and erection phases, and in-service NDT inspections are used to ensure that the products in use continue to have the integrity necessary to ensure their usefulness and the safety of the public.It should be noted that while the medical field uses many of the same processes, the term ""nondestructive testing"" is generally not used to describe medical applications."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aumente sua PRODUTIVIDADE com o EVERNOTE + 5 cursos extras" |
"Esse um curso completo de PRODUTIVIDADE com o Evernote, nele eu ensino todas as ferramentas necessrias para voc se tornar uma pessoa produtiva.Esse um programa completo que possui funes capaz de fazer voc planejar completamente a sua vida pessoal, financeira, trabalho, criar projetos, organizar estudos e se livrar dos papeis desnecessrios do dia a dia."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Google Cloud - Associate Cloud Engineer 2020 Exam" |
"GET IT AT 9.99$ USING THIS CODE: 848C9D9A082BCDE36B96!GCP Associate Cloud Engineer - EnglishThis course provides: +180 unique questions in 6 Practice Tests covering certification topics including: - Setting up a cloud solution environment - Planning and configuring a cloud solution - Deploying and implementing a cloud solution - Ensuring successful operation of a cloud solution - Configuring access and securityAccess to telegram study group to be able to discuss with other students preparing the certificationDetailed explanations and reference Links.Exam tips to be ready to pass the exam.Access to slides containing certification topics summary and most relevant commands to learn for the exam. Unlike the vast majority of exam tests out there, this pack includes questions that have been created by Associate Google Certified professionals and not copied and pasted from other materials available online. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive Google Cloud Certification Practice Test suite that will help you to pass the exam but also have a deep understanding of Google Cloud Platform and its various services. Despite Google doesn't publish any information about the minimum score to pass the exam, we have set the threshold to 70%, but we strongly recommend to get a passing score of 80% to be sure you are ready for the exam.CONSIGUE POR SOLO 9.9$ UTILIZANDO ESTE CDIGO: 848C9D9A082BCDE36B96!GCP Associate Cloud Engineer - EspaolEste curso proporciona: +180 preguntas nicas distribuidas en 6 examenes de prueba que cubren todos los temas de la certificacin incluyendo:- Configuracin de un entorno de soluciones en la nube- Planificacin y configuracin de una solucin en la nube.- Implementacin de una solucin en la nube- Funcionamiento correcto de una solucin en la nube- Configuracin del acceso y la seguridadExplicaciones detalladas de las respuestas y enlaces a la documentacin oficial de Google.Consejos para poder pasar el examen ms fcilmente. Acceso a las slides que contienen el resumen de todo el temario asociado a la certificacin para facilitar el estudio y repaso de los conceptos ms importantes. A diferencia de la mayora de tests disponibles en internet, este curso proporciona un pack de examenes contiene preguntas nicas que han sido creadas por profesionales que atesoran la certificacin de Associate Cloud Engineer. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar un amplio conjunto de tests que ayudarn a los alumnos a aprobar el examen, pero a la vez llegar a comprender de manera profunda los conceptos clave de la nube de Google y sus servicios. Google no publica ninguna informacin sobre el porcentaje mnimo de aciertos requeridos para pasar el examen. Hemos fijado el porcentaje de aprobado para los exmenes en un 70%, pero recomendamos encarecidamente obtener un porcentaje del 80% para estar seguros de que podrn pasar el examen con facilidad."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a Desenhar - Primeiros Passos" |
"Desenhar no precisa ser mais problema para voc. Aqui voc vai aprender os primeiros passos para desenhar qualquer tipo de desenho. Transforme seus desenhos em Obras de Arte e impressione seus amigos e familiares. Aqui voc vai aprender Sobre:Aula 1: Materiais, Etapas do Desenho, Pegadas no Lpis, Estudo de Linhas e reas Negativas;Aula 2: Figuras Geomtricas Bidimensionais e Aplicao em Objetos Simples;Aula 3: Figuras Geomtricas Tridimensionais e Aplicao;Aula 4: Tcnicas de Medio e Gestual;"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |